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Panic button on a cell phone - the Contact Center system. Mobile and stationary panic button - installation rules, maintenance and cost What is a panic button

Portable service " Mobile panic button» (alarm system) is an extraordinary solution for ensuring personal safety. Service management is as convenient and simple as possible for the average user; it is implemented with using a regular mobile phone with an SOS button, make just one click on the button and in just 3-7 minutes Delta's rapid response service (RRT) will be on site!

How does a GSM panic button work??

When connecting to the service, there is no need to install any special equipment; for it to work, it is enough to have a smartphone with a proprietary application installed on it. Depending on the necessary needs of the client, the service " Mobile panic button» can work in 2 versions: individual access and collective access.

Using individual access Just enter your username and password in the application, click the “Next” button, after which the alarm button will be available to you. In case of an emergency, you press the panic button, and at the same moment, the alarm signal is sent to the Delta alarm panel. A rapid response team will arrive at your location within 5–7 minutes.

Shared access characterized by the fact that you give access to the panic button to any third-party trusted persons (relatives, employees, friends). To do this, in the application, on the “SOS” page, click the “Add” button and enter the data of your authorized representatives. This action enables access to the service for the specified users. At any time, you can block access to the service by removing the user from the list.

What is the price?

To buy a GSM panic button, contact Delta. For those who are already our clients, the cost of the service will be only from 50-100 rub. per month. In this case, the panic button will be connected to the serviced client object.

New clients have the opportunity to activate the service for a subscription fee of 500-1000 rubles. per month. The service will be connected to as soon as possible without installation.

A special feature of the service is free connection and an unlimited number of additional users for all our clients.

About Delta

Federal company Delta provides a full range of security services in 30 cities of Russia. Its scope of activity includes the security of real estate (apartments, private houses, company offices), as well as the installation of security alarms and related equipment. Every day, the company's employees service more than 140 thousand real estate properties. Technical service support works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, operators resolve issues of any complexity in the shortest possible time. The company bears full financial responsibility for any damage caused by the fault of its employees. With the Delta company, any of your real estate will be in maximum safety under the close supervision of professionals!


Any type of security alarm in most cases is turned on when the personnel of the institution leave their workplaces, i.e. before it closes. Although, it is not uncommon for attackers to break into the premises of banks or commercial enterprises in work time. In order to stop their actions in time, the security system must be equipped with an alarm button. Thanks to it, an office employee can quickly react and send an alarm to the operator in a matter of seconds.

What is a panic button

An alarm system is one of the key elements of a security system, widely used to protect not only banks or offices, but also cottages, private houses, apartments and other objects. It is used to timely transmit a signal to the receiving console, emitting alarm sounds or in any other way to notify about an emergency situation at the facility. The device is placed in inconspicuous places that are immediately accessible. Thanks to this, an employee or client can quickly transmit a signal to the operator’s console.

The alarm button is a regular contact pair that operates to open/close in accordance with the loop operation algorithm. The receiving and control device, which belongs to the security alarm kit, consists of a number of loops. The latter are connected to sensors that are triggered by a specific event: opening a window or door, breaking glass, entry of a stranger into an area controlled by infrared motion detectors.

When an alarm is triggered, a special control panel performs a programmed action. This happens not just by turning on the siren, i.e. sound notification, but also sending a message directly to the central monitoring console. Some buttons are equipped with a locking function. It shows that the button is fully pressed - it is locked in the down position and can only be returned to its place using the key.

The operating principle of many systems of this type is relatively simple. After the emergency alarm button (ALB) is pressed, a signal about an emergency situation is sent to the dispatch console. The operator processes the call in a matter of time and sends a rapid response team to the protected object. After 5-15 minutes (depending on the efficiency of the group and the distance of the object from its deployment), a squad arrives at the site, which remains to take control of the situation.


Before ordering and installing a panic button, you will need to decide on its type. It can be stationary and mobile or wired and wireless. There are security systems that use both types. More details about the capabilities of each variety:

  • Mobile button. Its operation uses radio communication, but often such a button is tied directly to a transmitting device, which is built into the room and has a certain range. Some options are equipped with a built-in SIM card, and its field of action is limited by the mobile coverage of a particular operator. Installation of a mobile alarm button often involves hidden installation, so the device may look similar in appearance to one or another object. GSM devices and radio channel buttons use different data transmission channels: in the first case it is mobile communication (the SOS signal is transmitted as a message (SMS) to a mobile phone), in the second case it is a radio channel. In this case, the signal, depending on the specific model, can be transmitted via the Internet.
  • Stationary button. Such a device is installed in an area where employees of the organization are constantly located. Thanks to this, in case of danger, personnel can call for help in a few seconds. Often such a place is used at the reception desk, cash desk or permanent workstations. When installing a stationary device, you need to make sure that all lines are carefully hidden, and the location of the button ensures that it can be pressed unnoticed. Compared to its mobile counterpart, it will not be possible to call a rapid response team using such a button from anywhere in the facility.

Installing a panic button

An alarm button must be present in the security system of a number of objects - without it, according to the current rules, they cannot be put into operation. First of all, this applies to those organizations where personnel have to work with material assets or cash. Alarm complex in standard set consists of the following components:

  • Button. When you click on it, an alarm signal is generated, which is sent to the control panel.
  • Control device. It is a panel designed to process the signal from a manual call point. Subsequently, it redirects the signal to the security company’s remote control.
  • Backup power supply. Thanks to its presence, the alarm system will work even in the event of a sudden power outage.

The connection is made through a terminal resistor, which is similar to a magnetic contact sensor that works to break (open) the circuit. Some systems have a self-diagnosis function - if a malfunction occurs, they signal this to the central console. Briefly, the installation and input process consists of the following steps:

  1. First, specialists inspect the room in order to identify all its nuances and features when installing the system.
  2. Next, the alarm button is installed.
  3. At the end, communication with the central point is established and the processes of the entire system are then monitored.

The alarm system is a self-contained circuit that is independent of other systems. One of the promising areas in the field of its organization is the use of mobile devices - they look like a small keychain, which has a built-in power source and transmitter. Due to the fact that the current consumed in standby mode is very small, one battery can last for 1-2 years of operation of the device. In addition to the key fob, the radio channel button is made in the form of a wrist bracelet.

The separately installed control panel is stationary. It is equipped with a receiver capable of receiving alarm signals at a distance of up to 100 meters (depending on the model). The signal is supplied via a GSM module or via a radio channel. A security alarm system that uses mobile devices has a great advantage over its stationary counterpart. Due to the relatively low cost, all employees can be equipped with such devices.


This type of button is placed both at the workplace of one of the organization’s employees and on the floor (foot-operated devices similar to a pedal) in such a way that it can be pressed quickly and discreetly, without causing aggressive actions from an attacker. In this case, it is necessary to exclude accidental pressing, because this will trigger the arrival of armed guards from the Rapid Response Team. Communications are carefully hidden during installation.

The device of such an alarm system is installed in one of the office premises in close proximity to the electrical network. To ensure round-the-clock operation of the alarm system, it is necessary to connect it to an uninterruptible power supply. The built-in battery will ensure the alarm operates during a power outage for several hours. The alarm signal is transmitted to the security company's console via a telephone line. To ensure safety, it is advisable to install the button itself in the following places:

  • hotel reception desk;
  • places for receiving correspondence and issuing it;
  • security guard post at an institute, school or other educational institution;
  • registration of a hospital, clinic;
  • places for cashiers of commercial enterprises;
  • any jobs in pawn shops, jewelry stores, bank offices.


Before ordering the installation of such a device from the first security organization you come across, do some kind of price monitoring in your city - be it Moscow, St. Petersburg or another locality. This way you will determine where you can order this service cheaper, and where it will be expensive. The average cost of installing a stationary device can vary from 3-5 thousand rubles and more. Table with prices for different security companies.

What is a panic button?

The alarm button calls for help in emergency situations: attack, robbery, inappropriate behavior of visitors.

Alarm button "Astra 321"

8–10 minutes after pressing An armed rapid response team (RRT) arrives on the scene.

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How does the panic button work?

When you press the panic button, the “Alarm” signal is sent to the security company’s console. The dispatcher immediately processes the call and sends a rapid response team to the site.

How does the panic button work?

Average squad arrival time - 8-10 minutes after pressing the button.

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What does an alarm consist of?

Alarm button: basic kit

Panic button or manual call point. When pressed, it generates an “Alarm” signal and sends it to the control panel.

Control device- reception and control panel. Processes the signal from a manual call point and sends it to the security company’s control panel.

Backup power supply. It turns on when there is a power outage - the panic button will work in any case.

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Why do we need latching panic buttons?

The fixation shows that the button is fully pressed, the signal is sent to the security company’s remote control. Pressing locks the button in the down position; you can return it back only with the help of a key.

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What to do if the panic button works accidentally?

Call the security company that services the alarm as soon as possible. Tell the dispatcher:

  • Object number;
  • Your last name;
  • Secret code or password - if available.

We create reminders for staff- indicate the telephone number of the security company, the object number and the procedure to be followed if the button is accidentally pressed.

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Which security company to choose?

We recommend that you set the alarm to the control panel of a private security company. Compared to private security, servicing a panic button is cheaper, and the RRT (rapid response team) responds to calls faster.

We will select a private security company in your area. We cooperate with the largest and most trusted organizations in St. Petersburg.

Some facilities can only be served by private security. These include court buildings, prosecutor's offices, embassies, consulates, airports and particularly dangerous facilities.

WITH full list objects for private security can be found in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 14, 1992 N 587 (“Issues of private detective (detective) and private security activities”).

2. Types of panic buttons

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What are wired and wearable panic buttons?

Wired button installed in an area where employees are always present - in case of danger, the personnel must have time to call for help. Most often this is a cash register, an administrator's desk, or permanent workstations.

Wearable button The alarm looks like a key fob. You can call a rapid response team from anywhere on the site - the signal is sent to the control panel wirelessly.

Strengthening protection: we install a stationary panic button, we make portable key fobs for duty personnel.

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What is GSM and radio channel alarm signaling?

GSM panic buttons and radio buttons use different data channels. In the first case, the signal arrives via mobile communications, in the second - via a radio channel. The signal is also transmitted via an Internet connection.

Advantages and disadvantages of each system
GSMRadio channelInternet connection
Wide coverage areaDoes not depend on cellular network coverageHigh speed
Easy installation and startupDifficult to jam or interrupt the signalEasy installation and startup
You can boost the signal if necessary You can choose a suitable provider
Depends on the cellular network. If the GSM network is unavailable or overloaded, the signal will not pass throughThe equipment must be registered with the radio frequency center of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian FederationAn attacker can cut the cable and suppress the signal
GSM signal is easier to jam than radio frequenciesWhen building a residential area, the quality of signal transmission decreases. In this case it is impossible to amplify the signalIf you do not pay for the Internet on time, the signal will not be sent to the security panel

Duplicate data channel. If one path is unavailable or blocked, the signal is sent to the security company's console via a backup channel.

3. Where should you install a panic button?

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Panic button for preschool educational institutions

An alarm button in schools and other preschool educational institutions is a measure of anti-terrorism protection. It is installed at the security post; if necessary, wireless wearable buttons are made for duty personnel.

note. State educational institutions in St. Petersburg they are required to display an “Alarm” signal on the remote control of the city monitoring center.

Private schools, kindergartens, and leisure centers have the right to work with private security companies - private security companies.

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Panic button for office

In offices and business centers, alarm buttons or pedals are installed:

  • At the security post;
  • At the administrator/secretary's workplace;
  • At the workplaces of employees who work with clients.

Choose your installation location carefully. The employee must quickly and discreetly press the button in case of danger.

It so happened that at our house on for a long time There is only one grandmother left, more than 90 years old - my wife and I work, our adult children live separately and, of course, also work. It happens that grandma feels so unwell that it is very difficult for her to get up, go to the phone and call. A cell phone may also turn out to be useless, as it requires some attention and relatively precise manual actions. If you feel unwell, neither one nor the other may be enough. You should also take into account that you may not get through the first time, that your cell phone may not be at hand, that its battery may be dead, etc.

In this regard, I became concerned with finding a solution for immediately sending an alarm signal in the most accessible way for an elderly person with the maximum possible coverage of the alert.

The script is like this: the grandmother presses buttons that are noticeable to her, located in the most likely places of her presence, and a call and SMS from the “Panic Button” subscriber arrives on the cell phones of all relatives involved in the scenario. Everything should be as simple and reliable as possible and require a minimum of maintenance. On the Internet you can find devices and even tariff boards for such solutions, but, frankly, the prices are such that they discourage anyone from using them. So it would be nice to optimize costs. And then, what can compare with the joy of independent creativity in the field of electronics!

Materials used

For the material part, Master Kit modules were taken.

For buttons we will choose MP910 key fobs operating at a frequency of 433 MHz - I took 3 of them.

These transmitters require a corresponding receiver. Since only one channel is needed to respond to a button press, we use the MP911, a 433 MHz remote control receiver operating in “button” mode.

And to send messages and calls we use the MA3401 module - an autonomous GSM-SMS alarm system. This module is also good because it has a memory for 6 numbers, can report a power failure in the house and the temperature in it, and also has some other useful functions that we will not use for now, but will remember for the future!

Having purchased all these devices, I rummaged through my supplies and found a suitable case.

Making a panic button

Since the GSM module is powered by a lithium-ion battery, which is charged from 5V supplied to it via a mini-USB connector, I decided to modify the MP911 receiver module (it is designed to be powered from 12V) a little to power it from 5V. To do this, it is enough to replace the 12-volt relay installed on it with a 5-volt one and supply 5V from the MA3401 directly to the receiver decoder chip.

And we connect the normally closed (so that there is no interference) contacts of the receiver relay to the input of the Button MA3401. Then, when the relay contacts open, an event will occur to which the GSM module will react.

The following photo shows how to supply 5V power to the receiver with decoder.

To place the modules in the case, as well as to replace the standard buttons in the key fobs with more noticeable red and rough ones, I used best friend do-it-yourselfer - a 3D printer. I have a printer designer from Master Kit MC2 with my own modifications. I wrote about them in materials and. I drew and printed stands for the case and buttons. I received both pleasure and practical benefits!

This is the device I got when I assembled everything:

The remote control in the next photo in the center was deliberately left unmodified, as it was, so that the difference could be seen.

Grandma was strictly ordered to hang one remote control button around her neck and not remove it, the other two were glued to double-sided tape in the apartment.

System testing

Checking the functionality of the system:

p.s.: 1. The unit is powered from the USB connector of the computer (thin client with low power consumption), which is always turned on and itself, in turn, is connected to the UPS. The unit contains a lithium-ion battery, which is charged when external power is connected. This process is indicated by a flashing LED. In the device itself, you can enable SMS notification mode about loss of external power.

2. No problems were noticed with noise immunity. Between the key fob and the receiver there is a “friend or foe” poll. The receiver should not respond to third-party signals. But, if it suddenly works by accident, an extra call won’t hurt. The panic button system itself is not the only way monitoring - there is video surveillance with a motion sensor, for which the Hikvision DS-2CD2412F-IW camera is used.

“Contact Center” is a project aimed at ensuring the personal safety of the population with accessible and effective means thanks to a combination of advanced technical solutions and rapid response. The Contact Center system allows you to send alarms via cell phones. Contact Center" includes a GSM station that receives phone calls from subscribers, and special software (software) “Atlas-20”, thanks to which calls and customer information are processed.

When connecting a security service through the Contact Center system, certain so-called “hot keys” on the subscriber’s phone are programmed to the emergency call number of the duty service. In this case, it is not necessary to conclude an additional agreement with cellular operators operating in the Yaroslavl region.

Thus, the mobile phone becomes an analogue of a wearable “panic button”.

The proposed system functions as follows:

One of the addresses is entered into the Contact Center database: the address of residence, study or work of the subscriber (address of the so-called “Object”); passport details; personal signs; car make and number; telephone numbers of trusted persons (including relatives or work colleagues), as well as medical information.

To send an alarm signal to the client, it is enough to press one of the “hot keys” of the mobile phone, without entering into a conversation with the duty service dispatcher. After the signal is received, the call is automatically “dropped”, processed by the “Contact Center” system and a detention group is sent to the subscriber at the “Object” address.

Data on alarm calls is recorded and processed, even if the connection with the subscriber is interrupted. If necessary, the duty officer coordinates the actions of employees with the client’s authorized representatives and informs them about the incident.

The main advantages of this system are:

  • ease of use (connection to the Contact Center service is possible on any cell phone model);
  • mobility - 13 detention groups (GZ) in the city of Yaroslavl respond to the signal;
  • no installation costs for an alarm system.