
Which brand of thermal underwear is best to buy? Men's thermal underwear for winter fishing: selection criteria and rating of the best brands. How to care for smart laundry

High-quality thermal underwear that will work 100 percent is not cheap, it’s not like buying your grandma’s woolen socks on the market. Therefore, a mistake will cost a tidy sum.

But the right thing chosen can keep you warm in the most severe frosts, will be beneficial and will pay off in spades. Therefore, before going to the store, you should familiarize yourself with the basic criteria and arm yourself with knowledge on how to choose thermal underwear.

Thermal underwear is a universal item, suitable for different cases life. There is a huge assortment of things designed not only to keep you warm in extreme cold, but also for sports and physical activity, in fairly warm climates and even in summer.

Therefore, say, to choose thermal underwear for fishing, you need to start from some indicators, and from completely different ones to choose a set for summer skiing. After all, such clothes have many functions, and, in addition to warming, there are a number of others, no less necessary and useful.

Therefore, when choosing a kit, it is necessary to take into account the future purpose of the purchase. And, starting from this, begin to choose the option that is most suitable for you.

Thermal underwear is, in any case, an element of underwear. It comes into direct contact with the skin and provides maximum comfort and protection, not only from cold, but also from overheating and sweat.

Because it exists three main tasks of such products.

  1. Warm the body, retain and retain heat. Kits where this function is a priority are necessary in winter. They warm perfectly in the most very coldy and do not allow its owner to freeze.
  1. Ensure air circulation so that the body does not sweat or steam. These suits are comfortable in spring, autumn and even summer. Such thermal underwear for men is indispensable for active leisure, hiking, and in conditions of temperature changes.
  1. Remove moisture from the skin. This function is the most important when playing sports and high physical activity, thermal underwear for sports copes with it perfectly, removing all the moisture out.

So, having realized where and how you will use thermal underwear, you can safely dive into the features, composition and style of each of them.

Material and composition of fabrics for thermal underwear

Regardless of the men's, women's or children's suit, the material from which thermal underwear is made comes in different qualities and can consist of one or more layers.

All this determines its purpose and affects the comfort and wear resistance of clothing. This means that when thinking about how to choose the right thermal underwear, all these criteria must be taken into account.

Material from which thermal underwear is sewn

  1. Natural materials. The most common and affordable are wool and cotton. But clothes made from them have their pros and cons. Although, we must pay tribute, this is actually the warmest option, suitable even for winter fishing - on ice, near an ice hole.

There is also bamboo fiber, which can be said to create the ideal thermal underwear. This fabric is durable and wear-resistant, holds heat well and warms, while almost does not absorb moisture. However, the cost of such products is extremely high.

Ordinary wool causes unpleasant sensations to the skin; it pricks and causes itching. However, we are talking about ordinary sheep wool. But merino wool does not deliver discomfort and it is believed that it is from this that the ideal thermal underwear for winter is made.

  1. Synthetic fabrics. Despite all the negative connotations of the word “synthetics,” you shouldn’t be afraid of it at all when thinking about which thermal underwear is best to choose. Modern materials such as polyester, elastane, polypropylene are quite pleasant to the touch. They fit perfectly to the body, stretch well and “sit” on the figure. Such clothes retain heat well and, most importantly, do not absorb moisture at all. This means that the owner of the suit will not experience the inconvenience of the clothes getting wet and sticking to the body. Although, it should be noted that the body almost does not breathe through such fabrics, and it is still not worth staying in such a suit for a long time. But the undoubted advantage of synthetics is that it does not lose its presentation for a long time, does not shrink when washed and does not stretch, and therefore lasts a long time.
  1. Mixed fabrics - a kind of hybrid of natural fibers with the addition of synthetics. Actually, they combine all the pros and cons of natural fabrics and 100% synthetics. They are quite wear-resistant, wash well and do not change shape or appearance. The chosen option warms well and allows the body to breathe. However, it has the same negative feature of natural fabrics getting wet and then sticking to the body.

Thermal underwear, be it long johns or a jacket, can be made from a single layer of fabric or be multi-layered.

So, when purchasing thermal underwear for everyday wear, leisurely walks, autumn-spring weather, it is better to give preference to natural fabrics or those mixed with synthetics. One layer is enough.

For sports, active rest Whether jogging in the park in the summer or cross-country skiing, a synthetic single-layer suit will do just fine. It will contain odors, perform an antibacterial function, and will serve for a long time and with high quality, and will not hinder movements.

For insulation, it is still better to give preference to natural fabrics, namely wool. The ideal option is two-layer underwear. In this you can achieve maximum warmth, comfort and healthy skin.

When choosing children's thermal underwear, you should completely exclude 100% synthetics. It is better to give preference to single-layer cotton items. Or buy a two-layer or even three-layer winter suit.

The word “thermo” is important in such products. Therefore, hoping that the highest quality two-layer suit will warm you on its own in twenty-degree frost is simply stupid. The suit is designed to preserve and retain heat.

Therefore, the more actively you move, the more actively your clothes will “work” and more accurately reveal all their functions. Therefore, fishing, which is not very active, will be as comfortable as possible even in the most severe frost, only if there is at least a small but regular movement of the fisherman.

Size matters

Regardless of whether we are talking about choosing a jacket or long johns, socks, thermal underwear simply must be selected exactly in size. A good suit It should not be tight and constricting, it is simply uncomfortable and restricts movement.

But the suit should not dangle, since the air layer is the main enemy in the “work” of thermal underwear. Clothing should fit well to the body. Only the right size will bring maximum benefit. Therefore, ideally, of course, you should try on your underwear before purchasing.

Seamless problems

Synthetic models can be completely seamless. Such options are as comfortable and aesthetically pleasing as possible, plus they are free of such unpleasant problems as the possibility of coming apart and tearing.

The rest of the things are done with seams. They can be internal or external.

  1. Seams out pleasant to the body, do not rub, do not stick. However, they appear more noticeably through outerwear and can be a big disadvantage from an aesthetic point of view. If you are choosing thermal underwear for children, then you should opt for this type of tailoring.
  2. Seams inside must be carefully checked and considered. Clothes with such seams are as invisible as possible under the main clothing. However, if sewn carelessly, it can cause inconvenience. To avoid this, it is better to give preference to flat, that is, non-bulging seams.

Despite the fact that thermal underwear is still underwear, do not forget about beauty. A win-win– immediately buy a man a suit that will exactly match in color and texture.

But if you are not yet sure that you need both long johns and a jacket, then you can opt for one item of the simplest and most laconic color, for example, buy a pure white or black accessory.

This will be the easiest thing to do later, over time, to find a harmonious pair. Black color is always slimming and less dirty. But in white, the relief of the muscles is emphasized.

If you want something “more fun”, then you need to make a little effort and review modern thermal underwear and get acquainted with the assortment.

Modern thermal suits are made in all sorts of colors and shades, with prints, patterns and inscriptions, in general, to suit every taste.

Caring for thermal underwear

Alas, real thermal underwear is not just a knitted T-shirt that can be thrown into a full drying and spinning cycle and forgotten. In order for such clothing to serve for a long time and reliably and not lose its functions, you need to know several techniques on how to handle it.

  1. No dry cleaning– the basic rule and condition.
  2. It is better to wash by hand. If you’re really lazy, then , but you definitely need to choose . In both options, wash in water no more than 30-40 degrees Celsius.
  3. It is better to dry on fresh air , no machine spin, do not use heaters.
  4. You should absolutely not iron synthetics and mixed fabrics. You can walk exclusively on cotton products, and then at the minimum setting.
  5. Three-layer models deserve the most scrupulous treatment. That same hypoallergenic layer is a special impregnation of the fabric. You need to be extremely delicate with her. Therefore, when washing, it is better to use soft, gentle cleaning agents, ideally regular or even baby soap.

Thermal underwear is “smart” clothing, and therefore you need to choose it wisely. It is important to consider where, how and how much you are going to wear it. It is important whether it is in summer or winter, during a relaxing pastime or a big one. physical activity.

You can choose men's, women's, and children's underwear by general rules and characteristics, since the style, color and size do not affect the functions of things.

Careful and proper care care for such clothes will ensure they are in perfect condition for many years.

Mother of two children. I have been housekeeping for over 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try different means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, more fulfilling. I love my family.

If you like to be outdoors even in the cold season, engage in winter sports, extreme fishing, or just go on vacation to a ski resort, you can’t do without thermal underwear. If you have not yet encountered such a miracle of modern industry, then after reading this article you will learn how to choose the right thermal underwear and what it even is. As you probably already understood, this is an unusual underwear, and its properties are also unique.

Thermal underwear - what is it?

Before answering the question of which thermal underwear is best to choose, let's figure out why it is worth buying for everyone who leads an active lifestyle and who at least sometimes sees readings below zero on the thermometer outside the window.

There is an opinion that the best and highest quality underwear should certainly be made from natural fabrics. However, this is not quite true. Natural underwear, of course, is good - it is hypoallergenic, pleasant to the body, does not cause irritation or other unpleasant consequences, absorbs moisture well, but is not suitable for active outdoor activities. Especially in cold weather. Therefore, it is very important to understand how to choose the right clothes for women or children, how to wear them correctly and why they are needed.

Think about your child's wet T-shirt after playing in the snow in the yard. The fact is that during any physical activity our body sweats, and all the moisture is absorbed into the underwear, but is not removed from the skin. As a result, you end up with a wet T-shirt and a damp back - and pneumonia is not far away. The main feature of thermal underwear is that it can not only absorb moisture, but also remove it from the body. In addition, it dries very quickly.

Different thermal underwear for different purposes

It’s decided - choose thermal underwear! How to choose the right set, how not to get confused by the variety offered? The fact is that thermal underwear varies not only in composition, but also in purpose:

  • for long and active walks;
  • for practicing different sports;
  • for hot weather;
  • for cold weather;
  • for daily wear.

Therefore, before going to the store, you need to decide for what purpose you need it.

Composition and materials: natural or synthetic

So, choose thermal underwear. How to choose one or another option correctly can be understood by finding out what it consists of and how the “thermo” effect is obtained. Remember, thermal underwear does not heat - it simply prevents you from freezing thanks to its specific properties.

Thermal underwear usually consists of two different layers: the first wicks moisture away from the surface of the skin, and the second retains body heat. Sometimes you can find three-layer underwear. It is designed specifically for people prone to various allergies. The third, inner layer is made of special hypoallergenic materials, and the first two are the same as regular thermal underwear.

The inner layer must be made from artificial materials. It can be polypropylene or polyester, and their quantity can reach 100%. Oddly enough, the better the thermal underwear, the more synthetics it contains. But the outer layer can be made of cotton, wool or combinations thereof. Or it may also be synthetic. The warmest linen is considered to be the top layer of which is made from New Zealand Merino sheep wool. In addition, such wool does not absorb odors at all, and you can wear thermal underwear without taking them off for longer. This is very important if, for example, you go on a hike and do not have the opportunity to take a shower for a long time.

For the strong and brave

Now let's talk about how to choose the right thermal underwear. Men's clothing usually consists of long johns and the weave of such underwear is quite dense, and in some places even reinforced. Men often lead more energetic lifestyles and exercise more often. extreme species sports, so thermal underwear is more relevant for them.

A huge number of companies launch various models of “smart” underwear on the market. But they can be divided into two main groups. This is a daily thermal underwear for sports. For sports, the zonal option is more suitable. This is a type of thermal underwear that has different weaving on different parts of the body. Agree, the forearms and chest sweat differently than the armpits and back, which means the ability to remove moisture in these places should be different. All this is taken into account by zonal thermal underwear. It should only be synthetic.

For daily use, a simpler option is suitable, consisting of 1/3 natural fibers.

For lovely ladies

Let's also consider how to choose the right women's thermal underwear. Because differences do exist. “Smart” underwear for ladies should not only be practical, but also beautiful. Therefore, the line of women's thermal underwear is much more diverse. Here you can find bodysuits, shorts, T-shirts, tank tops and overalls. All this variety is decorated with ribbons, lace, satin and velvet, so that often such masterpieces can be worn almost under Evening Dress. At the same time, fashionable women's “smart” underwear remains no less functional and perfectly retains its thermoregulatory qualities.

Literally from the cradle

When thinking about which thermal underwear is best to choose for a child, you must take into account his age and level of physical activity. If your child is still small and spends almost all his time in a stroller, then it is better for him to purchase heat-saving underwear made from the most natural fabrics. For an older child, a combined model with an insulated top layer will be suitable; it will not only remove moisture from the body, but will also warm your baby well. Well, if your child doesn’t sit still for a second, loves outdoor games and spends everything outside free time, then thermal underwear with a synthetic inner layer is suitable for it. The outer layer should also not be too warm; cotton will do just fine.

How to choose thermal underwear that is best for your child is, of course, not easy to decide, but do not try to make a decision based on the thickness of the fabric. In this case, this rule does not work. The opposite is true: the thinner the thermal underwear and the better it fits the body, the warmer your child will be.

How to care for smart laundry

It is very important to know which thermal underwear is best to choose. But it is equally important to understand how to properly care for it. First of all, you need to remember that thermal underwear can be washed at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C and preferably by hand. You can add an antistatic agent to the water. If you use machine wash, choose the delicate cycle. Under no circumstances should such linen be wrung out, twisted or ironed. After washing, you need to hang it up and let the water drain on its own. Thermal underwear should not be dried in the sun, radiator or near sources of open fire. Automatic tumble drying is also prohibited.

Choose thermal underwear strictly according to your size. It should fit you like a second skin. If this is not the case, the entire thermal effect is lost.

Pay attention to the seams - the fewer, the better. In any case, try on the set, bend over, squat, raise and lower your arms. Nothing should interfere with you, the seams should not be felt in any way. By the way, they should be located outside.

If you want to buy thermal socks, choose only seamless models, otherwise you risk regularly chafing your feet.

High-quality thermal underwear has a place increased sweating have a lower density and a special thinned weave, and the elbows and knees are additionally reinforced to prevent rapid wear.

Good thermal underwear has antibacterial impregnation, since its threads are treated with copper or silver ions. This allows you to wash clothes less often, because the smell of sweat is not felt at all. However, you should not rely heavily on this function; with each wash, less and less impregnation remains.

Which thermal underwear is best to choose is, of course, up to you, but even the best and most expensive will not protect you from the cold if you do not adhere to the principle of layering in your clothing.

This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Initially, only athletes used thermal underwear. It made it possible to remove moisture well from the skin during physical activity, thereby preventing the skin from freezing. Today there are a great many companies producing such “smart clothes”. And it is in demand not only among people leading an active lifestyle, but also among those who like leisurely walks around the city.

How to choose thermal underwear

  1. Type of thermal underwear directly depends on the buyer’s lifestyle and the purposes for using the clothing. To simply stay warm on the way to work, this is one type, but for active sports – another. Before purchasing, it is important to know the following selection criteria:
  2. Material. During active physical activity, experts recommend choosing synthetic models. The age when all clothing should be made only from natural layers is a thing of the past. What happens to a cotton T-shirt after an active winter run? She will get wet, and the person will sweat. In this case, synthetics will not allow heat to escape and will not get wet. The person will remain dry and warm. There are combined thermal underwear: synthetics plus natural fabrics. This type will perfectly retain heat, but will remove all excess moisture outside. This option is suitable for snowboarders. Fishermen should pay attention to products made from natural wool. This will keep you from freezing for a long time motionless.
  3. Size. Before purchasing, you must try on the product. It must not cause the slightest discomfort. Clothing should fit snugly to the body, but not press anywhere.
  4. Season. There are special thermal underwear even for summer. Its main task is to remove moisture. How denser fabric, especially for the colder seasons it is intended.
  5. Manufacturers produce men's, women's and children's underwear. The difference is not only in properties, but also in design. After all, representatives of the fair sex always want to look attractive. Taking this into account, brands have developed modern models of women's cut. Children's thermal underwear uses a mixture of natural and synthetic materials. In addition, it is better that the first underbody layer is made of hypoallergenic fabric. To avoid making a mistake with your purchase, our experts have compiled a rating of the best thermal underwear for all occasions, based on the advice of professionals.

Rating of the best thermal underwear manufacturers

Nomination place Name of product Peculiarity
The best manufacturers of thermal underwear for men and women 1 excellent quality
2 best protection by cold
3 suitable for all types of winter sports
4 wide functionality
5 original design
6 optimal for active sports
The best manufacturers of thermal underwear for children 1 for active children
2 convenience and comfort
3 The best ratio of price and quality
The best manufacturers of thermal underwear for fishing 1 suitable for varying degrees of activity
2 best price
3 high wear resistance

The best manufacturers of thermal underwear for men and women

The basic principle of any thermal underwear is layering of clothing. The first layer is the underwear itself, the second is an insulated fleece or wool vest, the third is a membrane jacket that perfectly removes excess moisture. But not every man will follow these principles. Ease of use is important to them. For women, on the contrary, appearance comes first. We have compiled a rating of companies that satisfy both needs at once.

The German company Norveg has a wide range of models, offering the most non-standard solutions for men and women. All products of the manufacturer are made from merino sheep wool. This material not only perfectly warms you in severe frosts, but also knows how to remove moisture from the surface of the skin without retaining it. In addition, Norveg takes care of its customers by using only first-cut wool. Therefore, it is simply impossible to freeze in such models.

The company is meticulous about the quality of its products at all stages of thermal underwear production. Even the dyeing of fabrics is done only with natural substances. And the processing occurs without the use of chlorine-containing substances.



    unnoticeable when worn, all models fit the body neatly.


  • high price.


Janus thermal underwear is produced in Norway, a country where climatic conditions are similar to Russian ones. Therefore, the linen perfectly suits the needs of our customers. All products are made from merino wool, namely from the shirt front of the animal. Here it is longer, so the clothes are very warm and can withstand the most severe frosts. The important thing is that the products, by removing moisture from the body, keep the skin dry.

In addition, Janus produces excellent quality lingerie. Even after repeated washing, the clothes will not lose their properties, having lasted for more than one year. Only natural dyes of various shades and colors are used in production.


    wide range of models for men, women and children;

    easy to care for;

    variety of colors;


  • Some buyers note a boring design.

ODLO Warm Trend thermal underwear is made of polyester. The material is synthetic, but it is suitable for all types of winter sports. You will always be warm in such clothes if you observe the temperature regime:

  1. from +13 to -10 °C you don’t have to worry about standing at a bus stop for a long time or walking in slushy weather in ODLO Warm Trend;
  2. From 0 to -15 °C you won’t be able to freeze if you run or walk quickly;
  3. from -10 to -25 °C is acceptable for use when engaging in active sports.

In such clothes you don’t have to worry about freezing outside and overheating indoors. The fabric perfectly wicks moisture away from the body, leaving the skin dry and warm. And the ODLO effect will protect against the appearance unpleasant odor sweat. The whole secret is in the composition of the fiber; it is saturated with silver ions, which kill all bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor.


    protection against unpleasant sweat odor;

    suitable for different temperature conditions;

    does not cause irritation;


  • Most buyers think the price is a little high.

The Ultramax brand is Russian-made, but is under the control of the Italian company Dimanche S.r.l. All manufactured products delight not only with an affordable price, but also with amazing quality. Thermal underwear is made from patented materials: insulated fleece, merino wool, functional polyester and the lightest material - prolene.

A wide range of sizes and models will allow you to choose a model to suit every taste. In addition, the production uses a unique technology that allows you to make a flat seam in clothes. This creates maximum wearing comfort, eliminating the possibility of skin chafing. Therefore, Ultramax is suitable for everyone without exception.


    wearing comfort;



  • narrow color range

The Finnish company Guahoo attracts buyers with a wide range of models and functionality. It produces clothes for the whole family and for all occasions: from everyday wear to active sports, hunting and fishing.

In the models you can find gradations according to temperature: Light – cool, Middle – cold, Heavy – very cold. And the fibers of the material from which clothing is made are intertwined in a special way. This allows you to not freeze even in severe frost and not sweat indoors.


    wide range of models;

    acceptable price.


  • Several buyers note in their reviews poor-quality seam processing.

The rating would be incomplete without the manufacturer of the best thermal underwear for people involved in very active sports. A distinctive feature of Craft Active clothing is the rapid removal of moisture, while maintaining body temperature at the same level. This underwear works together with a person under active loads.

Clothes do not restrict movement, which allows you not to be distracted from your main activity. The material is pleasant to the skin and does not cause irritation. The quality of the finish is excellent, the seams are made perfectly, so they do not rub the skin.


    removes moisture well;

    does not irritate the body;

    retains heat for a long time;


  • It may stretch out a bit over time.

The best manufacturers of thermal underwear for children

The most famous athlete can envy the child’s activity. After all, children love to run and jump regardless of the weather. Of course, with such energy expenditure, it is important that the baby’s body remains dry and warm. An excellent solution for active children is to purchase a set of thermal underwear. But even here it is important not to make a mistake, but to take into account all the characteristics of the baby: his level of activity, how much time he spends outside. Based on reviews from parents, we have compiled a rating of the best children's thermal underwear.


The Finnish brand Reima has been delighting consumers since 1944 and creates clothes specifically for active and energetic children. Thermal underwear contains synthetic and natural fibers. Suitable for use in any season, even in severe frosts. For such a case, the manufacturer has models made from merino sheep wool. Parents can rest assured about their child; this composition allows them to remain dry even after very active and long games in the cold. The baby will not sweat, which means he will not freeze.

All this is complemented by the high-quality cut of the linen. The seams are made in such a way that there is no possibility of chafing the delicate baby skin. The clothing does not restrict movement and is suitable for use from 0 to 12 years.


    perfectly removes moisture from the surface of the skin;

    quality cut.


  • high price.

Brubeck underwear is produced using seamless technology, which allows for maximum wearing comfort for little fidgets. Clothes from the Polish company do not rub or prick, keeping you warm even in the most extreme cold. For the production of thermal underwear, fabric made from merino wool, polyamide and cotton is used. The range of temperature limits for use is from +30 to -30 °C depending on the model.

In manufacturing, the principle of zoning is used, i.e. In areas of increased sweating there are additional inserts for better moisture removal. All models give comfort and joy of movement to the most active kids.



  • Some models may pill after several washes.


The Russian company Oldos has been producing children's thermal underwear since 2003. This is an excellent option for the price-quality ratio of products. All models are certified according to GOST. Choosing a brand Russian manufacturer, parents can be calm about their baby. After all, the temperature range that the laundry can withstand ranges from +5 to -45 degrees.

Clothing can be one, two or three layers. The more layers, the lower temperatures the model is adapted to. At the same time, the linen is of impeccable quality and can be used for more than one season. When wearing, movement is not constrained thanks to flat seams that do not feel or rub.

Norfin is famous for producing clothing mainly for men. Here, models are made for different weather conditions for different degrees of activity. It is important to study the parameters on the package before purchasing to make sure that the underwear is selected correctly. A well-chosen set sits on the body, giving a pleasant feeling of lightness. It will practically not be felt, as it creates a “second skin” effect.

For fishermen, Norfin offers the Comfortline line. You can sit in the cold for a long time in such underwear without fear of freezing and catching a cold. In areas most susceptible to freezing, there are special microfleece inserts for additional protection from the cold.


  • withstands extreme cold.


  • Pilling may appear after several washes.

The Russian brand Nova Tour was created specifically for tourism and outdoor recreation. This company is mainly popular among hunters and fishermen. And the thermal underwear produced is suitable for any weather conditions, because it perfectly retains heat and removes moisture. During production, the manufacturer takes into account not only the degree of activity, but also the conditions where the manufactured clothing will be used.

Thermal underwear for fishing has several temperature conditions from +20 to -30 degrees and can be used in different time of the year. It retains heat perfectly and does not require special care.


    holds heat well;

    affordable price;

    does not restrict movement;


  • few color options.

Our rating includes another Russian brand that produces thermal underwear exclusively for the specific climate of our country. The Dry Web Ultra line, made of three-layer fabric, has been developed especially for fishermen. The first underwear absorbs moisture, the middle layer actively moves it, and the third layer evaporates this moisture.

But the main quality of clothing is that it retains heat perfectly. The thermal underwear fabric consists of merino wool and high-volume acrylic. In addition, the composition of the material perfectly absorbs the smell of sweat, preventing harmful bacteria from multiplying.


    keeps warm;

    wear resistance.


  • discrepancy with the size range.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

In today's rapidly developing world, you no longer need to be afraid of the cold, insulate yourself with massive uncomfortable things and sacrifice beauty for warmth. Almost every person can afford special underwear that will keep you warm at low temperatures.

Previously, such a privilege was available only to athletes, but now these useful things are included in the everyday wardrobe of those who have nothing to do with sports. We have compiled a top rating of the best thermal underwear for the whole family, so that when choosing a suitable new item, it will be easier for you to decide and purchase a truly high-quality model.

Thermal underwear is a type of clothing that is made from various synthetic or natural materials, depending on operating conditions, with the main function of retaining body heat in cold weather. Despite its name, thermal underwear is not at all an additional warming element of the wardrobe.

The structure of the fabric is built on the principle of two-level cells. Thanks to the lower level, excess moisture is removed from the body, which can cause discomfort and freezing when high activity and physical activity. The upper level distributes moisture over the surface and due to the capillary effect, excess moisture simply evaporates.

In this way, heat exchange is regulated, overheating does not occur, and the natural microclimate is not disturbed. Thermal underwear can be sold in sets and units for different parts of the body.

  • pants;
  • turtleneck;
  • socks;
  • T-shirt;
  • thermal pants;
  • tops.

Different brands also offer other wardrobe items labeled “thermal”, these could be jackets, hats or leggings.

How to choose?

The criteria for choosing thermal underwear are divided into several categories.

By purpose

  • For those who are involved in active sports and are forced to undergo physical activity outdoors Sports or moisture-wicking thermal underwear is suitable.
  • If underwear is purchased for everyday wear, walking or light physical activity, then thermal underwear that will retain body heat is well suited. Therefore, you need to pay attention to models designed for everyday wear with a heat-saving function.
  • There are also models that combine heat-saving and moisture-removing functions. They are suitable for both sports and everyday use. This type of thermal underwear is called hybrid.

By design

This type of underwear can have different not only functionality, but also cut:

  • feminine;
  • masculine;
  • unisex;
  • children's

Thermal clothing for children, as a rule, is very comfortable to wear, functional and is produced both for very small passive children and for those who lead an active and semi-active lifestyle.

By composition

Everyone decides what thermal underwear should be made of individually, depending on the conditions for which it is purchased.

Sports underwear, most often, is completely synthetic in composition. This is because clothing for running or any outdoor training must wick away moisture well and be durable. Synthetic fabrics fit these characteristics better than all others.

Synthetic materials include:

  • Polypropylene. It is considered the best material that wicks away moisture without getting wet. The downside is that the material dries out the skin, so wearing products made from it on an ongoing basis is not recommended.
  • Polyester. A very popular material in the production of thermal underwear. Clothing can be made either entirely from it or with the addition of fibers from other materials. This is due to the fact that the structure of polyester is similar to cotton, so items can last for quite a long period and, at the same time, remain soft and functional. Also, such thermal underwear can be dried on a radiator and ironed without fear of deformation of the fabric.
  • Polyamide. Very light and smooth material. Mainly used in the production of seamless underwear.
  • Elastane. Gives things elasticity and wear resistance. Underwear containing elastane fibers has excellent stretch and, at the same time, does not leave any traces of stretch marks.

Natural materials:

  1. Cotton and wool fibers retain heat well, but at the same time, they are not as durable and remove moisture more slowly, holding it firmly until it evaporates completely. Therefore, more thermal underwear for every day is produced from natural materials.
  2. The warmest thermal underwear is made from Merino sheep wool. It is known that this particular type of wool fiber has the best thermostatic qualities, does not cause allergies and does not irritate even the most delicate baby skin. Therefore, as a rule, thermal clothing for the little ones is made from such wool. Another useful property of products made from merino wool is that the fibers provide micro-massage to the body, as a result, blood circulation in the skin capillaries becomes more intense.
  3. Often, in order to make thermal underwear more comfortable to wear, bamboo or silk fibers are added to its composition. A mixed composition of natural and synthetic components is often found in hybrid thermal underwear models.

The functionality of such things in itself is not aimed at keeping warm in cold weather, but at preserving heat and removing moisture. Therefore, in addition to them, it is better to purchase appropriate outerwear. For example: Polartek or membrane suit.

The best manufacturers of thermal underwear. TOP 10

When choosing the best thermal underwear, you need to realize that it will not be possible to recognize the presence of innovative technologies in a product “by eye”. In this regard, experts recommend that instead of cheap goods from fly-by-night companies, choose popular brands that have been on the market for a long time and value their own reputation.

10th place. SARMA (Russia)

The Nazia company, in partnership with the Bely Medved-97 company, has released a collection of thermal underwear made from durable fabrics for fans of extreme recreation. This is how it appeared trademark SARMA. The strength and water protection of this brand's clothing is achieved through the use of modern materials and scrupulous seam taping.

Thermal underwear of the SARMA brand has been successfully tested in harsh weather conditions in the North-West and Russian North, which has proven its suitability in extreme conditions.

In addition to thermal underwear, the company produces water-resistant winter clothing for hunters and fishermen, as well as equipment and accessories:

  • trunks;
  • bandanas;
  • socks;
  • gloves.

Among other things, the brand’s catalog also includes safety shoes:

  • boots for fishermen;
  • overalls;
  • “shoe covers” for fishermen;
  • "husky".

9th place. Reima (Finland)

For 70 years now, REIMA has been working to keep children warm and having fun in winter. The brand is trying to maintain the standard of being a global expert in children's manufacturing. outerwear and thermal underwear.

The REIMA trademark was formed during the Second World War. The Pallo-Paita factory, which produced equipment for the military, was moved from Helsinki to the city of Kankanpää to protect it from air raids in 1939.

When the danger of an air raid was eliminated, the factory was again moved to Helsinki, but the owners began to take advantage of the opportunities that remained in Kankanpää, and also hired qualified employees.

Under the leadership of a new investor, Riverside, the REIMA brand quickly entered the global market. The volume of direct sales to customers has also increased: the company annually opens points of sale and chain stores around the world. By the way, the company’s priority is to highlight 2 countries:

  1. Russia.
  2. China.

By the middle of the decade, the company was already supplying products to three dozen countries, including Canada, Italy, South Korea and France. Among other things, the REIMA trademark has reached Germany, which it has long been striving for.

In 2013, REIMA launched an independent sales company in Germany.

8th place. Comfort (Russia)

The company comes from the heart of the Russian North - Vologda, so it knows the specifics of the weather and Russian winter beyond words.

Mixed thermal underwear of the COMFORT brand, made from innovative materials, harmoniously combining synthetics and natural materials, will warm the residents of Russia in winter, tourists on expeditions, and will also keep fishermen and hunters from freezing.

Thermal underwear of the COMFORT brand quickly won fans throughout Russia.

7th place. VICTORY CODE (Russia)

Code of Victory is functional clothing for athletes. It is important for the company that their products are comfortable, practical and stylish. VICTORY CODE is clothing in which it is pleasant to win competitions and exercise.

The company's designers are constantly working to create exclusive images for athletes so that they win in every sense. Attractiveness and functionality are the key goals pursued by this brand.

6th place. Lassie (Finland)

Like other popular brands, the history of LASSIE originates in the family. In 1949, children's outerwear began to be produced in Kokkola (a city in Western Finland).

After some time, the family's modest business grew into a large company. Already in the 70s. of the last century, Finnish children and their parents trusted the products of this brand. The kids liked the fact that they could have fun outside for a long time in the winter in comfortable clothes that did not interfere with their freedom to move. Despite the bitter winter cold, the parents of those same kids were not worried about their children getting wet or freezing.

Today, LASSIE products conquer the market of modern children's clothing. The company produces 2 lines in 12 months:

  1. For autumn and winter season.
  2. For spring and summer season.

The design and engineering of clothing is carried out in Finland, and manufactured in the Far East.

By the way, the company strictly controls the quality of manufactured clothing, since it is responsible for each unit of its own products.

5th place. Oxouno (Russia)

The limited liability company SARTORIA UNO was founded in December 2016. This is a “green”, rapidly growing company with incredible development potential. The company develops, creates and produces knitwear under the OXOUNO brand.

The company includes a department of designers and constructors, a sewing factory, a decoration workshop, as well as supply and sales departments.

The company employs 100 people. This includes both experienced professionals in their field and young people who trained in their company. In general, there are no “outsiders” in the company.

The enterprise is equipped with innovative new generation equipment from Japan. In-line, step-by-step production, as well as the use of special-purpose equipment and semi-automatic machines, enable the brand to produce about two thousand units of products per shift.

OXOUNO strives for productivity and efficiency of the work process, and also, using its own resources, increases the number of garments produced every month.

4th place. Keotica (Russia)

KEOTICA supports the production cycle at all stages: from clothing development and technology design to monitoring the compliance of the latter in production. The company has a warehouse in the Russian capital.

Every year, the company’s management collects statistical data from partners and analyzes it. Among other things, customer reviews are also taken into account and work is being done to improve the products.

3rd place. Janus (Norway)

The brand's products originate in distant and harsh Norway. The manufacturer really knows how important it is to feel warm and comfortable in winter. It is for this reason that merino wool is used as a material for the production of thermal clothing sets.

All products are made from selected high quality merino wool. Due to natural materials, it has amazing softness, has a good fit, does not cause discomfort, and is also 100% anti-allergenic.

2nd place. Craft (Sweden)

The CRAFT company began to exist in 1997, creating and manufacturing warm summer clothing for the Swedish Air Force. Following this, the company began to conquer the buyer market with the first samples of thermal kits for sports.

The company's employees are actively developing modern and comfortable clothing for sports, involving famous athletes and prize-winners in their activities. Olympic Games to figure out what else needs to be improved.

The quality, innovative technologies and fashionable design of the brand’s products make its advantages over its competitors clear.

In the Russian Federation, the brand cooperates with the company “TS-Sport” - the official distributor best brands Europe in sports.

1 place. Voentorg (Russia)

The VOENTORG enterprise is a leading Russian supplier of products, as well as food products, for the military. In the past, as today, the company supplies Russian soldiers the necessary food and provides the necessary services both in the rear and during exercises, military clashes and emergencies.

The Russian Army's commercial and household supply system has a rich history. The company dates back to 1918, but firmly strengthened its own position only in the 30s, providing food products to the USSR army. During the period of its existence, the company changed the structure of its activities many times, but always supplied the army, and then civilians, with the necessary products.

Military products produced by the company can also be purchased at retail outlets. It should be noted that such products, including thermal underwear, are also in demand among civilians, as they differ in the ratio of cost to quality, comfort and style.

The company's assortment includes clothes for everyday wear, as well as models for sports.

The best sets for men

The key function of any thermal underwear is a large number of layers of clothing. The first layer is the underwear itself, the second is a warm vest: fleece or wool, the third is a diaphragm jacket that perfectly removes excess moisture. However, not every representative of the stronger half of humanity follows the above rules, since ease of use is important to men. Let's look at the best thermal underwear sets for men.

4th place. C 048 (Sarma)

The soft material makes you feel comfortable, regardless of the weather. C 0480 is a warm and at the same time lightweight thermal set.

The model does not restrict freedom of movement due to the elastic fabric and cut. Flatlock seams are skin-neutral, do not chafe, and increase the durability of the garment.

The shirt has a low collar with a central zip fastener. The central zipper is necessary in order to regulate the temperature of the underwear space. Among other things, it is necessary so that the kit can be easily put on.

The average price is 1,600 rubles.

Thermal underwear Sarma C 048


  • Made from ultra-thin 100% polyester;
  • treated with DuPont special impregnation;
  • lightness;
  • soft to the touch;
  • excellent thermal insulation qualities.


  • not detected.

3rd place. Windstopper (Victory Code)

The material of the kit is dense and has a slight compression effect, which allows the product to conserve heat and remove excess moisture. Considering the cost, this kit has no rivals. Other advantages include a rich assortment and the ability to choose sizes for both adults and children.

The set looks and has the same material density as the model without wind protection. The only differences between them are that the kit in question has a windproof diaphragm (in the front) and a throat with a zipper. It is for this reason that those who are already familiar with Victory Code products and liked them should take a closer look at this model with wind protection.

Thermal kit with wind protection is made from a synthetic mixture. The thread is woven into terry loops, which form an exclusive knitwear structure, due to which body temperature is maintained, and excess moisture is easily removed from the skin into the next layer of the product.

The Windstopper thermal set maintains the necessary balance of human body temperature, and good elasticity guarantees maximum freedom of movement. Among other things, due to the light and thin diaphragm, the owner is properly protected from the cold wind.

The product is suitable for professional athletes, tourists and fans of outdoor activities. Thermal underwear was developed specifically for active aerobic exercise and is perfect for sports fans and people who know what comfort and functionality are.

The average price is 4,400 rubles.

Thermal underwear Victory Code Windstopper


  • excellent elastic qualities of 2X2 fabric, which provide complete freedom of action;
  • good heat transfer;
  • wind protection;
  • there is a zipper on the chest;
  • removes excess moisture.


  • not detected.

2nd place. "Barrier-2" (Keotica)

The fleece thermal set is made by experts from the production department of the KEOTICA brand. The model is intended primarily for the military, representatives of law enforcement agencies, travelers, fans of eco-recreation, fans of military entertainment and experts of emergency units.

The thermal set is made of fleece, which is processed on both sides. The reverse side, in contact with the skin and the first layer of linen, is made with fleece - a soft texture of the fibers. The fleece pile does not fall off and does not lead to the appearance of pellets and lumps even after prolonged use of the laundry.

Fleece does not stick to skin and clothes, does not stretch or form wrinkles. At the same time, it has a pleasant elasticity. The thermal set does not restrict its owner’s movements and does not cause discomfort.

The thermal underwear material “breathes”, in other words, it is air and vapor permeable. The model is perfect for wearing during low, medium and high activity. Fleece quickly absorbs excess moisture. Even when damp, it allows air and steam to pass through and continues to maintain temperature.

The thermal set includes pants and a sweatshirt. The last one is elongated. During high activity, it does not lift up or pull out. The high throat protects the base of the neck. For ease of putting on, there is a cutout in the front, from the throat to the center of the chest, fastened with a zipper. There are thumb holes on the sleeves near the wrists.

The average price is 2,300 rubles.

Thermal underwear Keotica Barrier-2


  • at the bottom of the legs there are straps for attaching to the foot;
  • at the bottom of the sleeves there are slits for thumbs;
  • there are “brakes” at the bottom of the trousers;
  • cold lightning protection;
  • long sweatshirt.


  • not detected.

1 place. ARMYFANS (Voentorg)

Warm, comfortable and functional thermal set that preserves temperature and removes excess moisture from the body. This model is widely in demand among people who spend most of their time outside in winter, which relieves them of the need to wear several layers of heavy clothing that hinder movement.

ARMYFANS is a high-quality multifunctional thermal set, which includes long johns and a jacket. The model fits its owner tightly, does not accumulate moisture and does not stretch. The “seamless” structure makes the thermal set very convenient to use.

The addition of Spandex fibers gives the thermal underwear better elasticity. Instead of form-building components (seams and hoods), weaving of various densities is used in production, due to which the model fits the body well and does not squeeze or rub the skin.

The average price is 2,500 rubles.

Thermal underwear Voentorg ARMYFANS


  • “no seam” technology;
  • weaving of different densities guarantees an anatomical fit;
  • suitable for all types of physiological activity;
  • attractive appearance;
  • comfortable fit.


  • hard to find in stores.

The best sets for women

If simplicity is important to men in their clothes, then to women, on the contrary, design is important. Below we consider thermal kits that satisfy both.


Thermal set of 2 layers for women is distinguished by its thinness and elasticity, as well as increased softness, versatility and high-quality cut. Perfectly removes excess moisture and preserves natural body temperature in winter.

The thermal set is absolutely invisible under outer clothing.

In this model, a woman will look stylish, regardless of the weather.

The average price is 2,800 rubles.



  • flat seams;
  • anti-allergenic;
  • antibacterial;
  • distinguished by thinness and elasticity;
  • perfectly removes excess moisture.


  • not detected.

2nd place. Thermal kit (Oxouno)

A model for women made of viscose, which is elastic and hygroscopic. The set includes a long-sleeved jacket and leggings that fit tightly to the body. Appearance The sweater is complemented by eye-catching inserts, which are located on the sides and on the back. The model perfectly retains heat and removes moisture that appears during activity from the body, which makes it possible to feel comfortable, regardless of the weather.

The average price is 2,500 rubles.

Thermal underwear Oxouno Thermal set


  • made of hygroscopic and elastic viscose;
  • appearance;
  • perfectly retains heat;
  • removes excess moisture that forms during activity;
  • suitable for Russian winter.


  • not detected.

1 place. Baselayer (Craft)

A universal set suitable for all women who lead an active lifestyle and spend a lot of time outdoors. You can wear this underwear in winter, autumn and spring. hiking trips, run in the morning, ski down from mountain peaks and in general - engage in any kind of sport.

The thermal set is made of air-permeable fibers, which provides excellent “breathing” properties. The soft structure of the material is pleasant on the skin.

The average price is 2,350 rubles.

Thermal underwear Craft Baselayer


  • suitable for three seasons;
  • Made from soft polyester for comfortable wear;
  • good fit;
  • flat seams;
  • perfectly removes excess moisture.


  • not detected.

The best kits for children

Even the most famous athletes envy the activity of children, since kids simply love to run and jump, despite the weather conditions. Of course, with such energy expenditure, it is important that the child’s body is dry and warm. Great option for active kids– buy a thermal kit.

However, in this case, it is important not to make a mistake, but to take into account all the characteristics of the child: his level of activity, as well as how much time he plays outside. Based on reviews from parents and advice from pediatricians, the best thermal underwear sets for children are discussed below.

3rd place. Taival 536181 (Reima)

A standard children's style made from amazingly soft jacquard wool. The thermoset perfectly regulates the temperature, so it is suitable for any season. This material is very pleasant to the touch, and the soft flat seams do not rub the skin at all.

The average price is 2,600 rubles.

Thermal underwear Reima Taival 536181


  • polyamide increases the strength of fine merino wool;
  • wool retains temperature well;
  • soft flat seams for increased comfort: do not irritate the skin;
  • elastic waist;
  • Longer hem on the back for added protection.


  • not detected.

2nd place. 726700 (Lassie)

Very comfortable and smooth fleece thermal underwear for winter. Used as outerwear in spring and autumn or serves as an intermediate layer in winter. High quality polar fleece is durable, repels water, protects from wind, and allows air and steam to pass through.

The average price is 1,800 rubles.

Thermal underwear Lassie 726700


  • made from 100 percent polyester;
  • comfortable to wear;
  • suitable for wearing in winter;
  • repels water;
  • protects from the wind.


  • not detected.

(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Thermal underwear is underwear used mainly by people who play sports. Clothing perfectly retains temperature while completely absorbing moisture. But not all thermal underwear will last a long time, maintaining its original characteristics, so you need to choose products that will not change quality under different weather conditions.

The popular brand of underwear Norveg, produced in Germany, has been used in Russia since 2002. Premium thermal underwear perfectly absorbs moisture, even with high physical activity. In addition, Norveg thermal underwear has good heat-saving properties.

Variety of women's thermal underwear sets Norway

Norway products have been tested by athletes, children and outdoor enthusiasts:

  • Products manufactured from merino wool, can be used at any time of the year. Thermal underwear regulates heat exchange and provides protection from cold and heat.
  • Series Soft Kids, created for children, has the same properties. In addition, children's thermal underwear does not cause allergic reactions and is completely invisible under clothing.
  • Norway thermal underwear lasts for a long period of time and has an ideal anatomical design.

Functional, stylish underwear made in Switzerland. New developments, innovative technologies, and environmentally friendly raw materials are used in the production of products.

X-Bionic thermal underwear is produced with design features that take into account the anatomical structure of the human body. Products are created comfortable conditions at different times of the year, creating an optimal temperature and perfectly removing moisture from the body.

X-Bionic thermal underwear features interesting designs

In addition to the listed advantages, thermal underwear redistributes heat, stimulating blood circulation and reducing muscle vibration during sports. The products also protect the body from hypothermia, wind, rain, snow, support muscles, and prevent the occurrence of sweat odor.

The following series of products of this brand are produced:

  • Energizer. Designed for high physical activity and has many functions.
  • Energy Accumulator. Great for sports or winter recreation, also for cyclists.
  • Extra Warm. Zoned underwear that protects against winter cold.

Guahoo - thermal underwear for athletes

High-quality, high-quality products from Finland are equally used by athletes, outdoor enthusiasts, and daily wear. Pleasant, soft thermal underwear retains heat well and wicks moisture away from the body.

Finnish thermal underwear Guaho for men, women and children is produced using new developments, the creation original weaving fibers and unique components in the composition of raw materials. Silver ions are specially added to some thermal underwear models to make it antibacterial.

Guahoo thermal underwear prevents the body from getting too cold or overheated, absorbs moisture, reliably protects against the smell of sweat, and prevents the influence of negative external factors.

Guahoo underwear is produced in the following series:

  • Comfort. Contains many natural fibers. Designed for moderate sports activities, everyday wear, and successfully withstands various weather conditions.
  • Outdoor. Great for use in hunting, fishing, and for winter outdoor recreation. It withstands even very severe frosts well.
  • Competiton and Sport. The models are created for professional athletes with high loads. This type of underwear perfectly maintains an optimal microclimate due to good moisture removal.

Thermal underwear from Norway is made from warm merino wool that has undergone special processing. The resulting even and smooth threads touch the skin pleasantly without causing irritation. Safe dyes are used to dye wool.

Janus brand thermal underwear is great for young children with delicate sensitive skin. The hypoallergenic nature of the materials does not cause discomfort. It is produced taking into account thermoregulation and the anatomical structure of the human body. The advantage of the products is that when touching the skin, a massage occurs and blood circulation increases.

The material for the production of thermal underwear allows air to pass through well and allows the skin to “breathe”. In this underwear, a person does not sweat, even with active movement, since the wool of Australian sheep absorbs approximately 30 percent of moisture and remains dry. It is impossible to freeze in thermal underwear in the most severe frosts, since the cold does not penetrate inside and the underwear warms itself.

Joha thermal underwear, produced specifically for children, is perfect for both cool weather and extreme cold, as the products perfectly insulate from moisture, while keeping the child’s body dry. Children's underwear fits the body well and does not restrict movement.

The thermal underwear has flat seams that make it more comfortable. The material contains 85 percent Australian sheep wool and 15 percent silk, which makes it hypoallergenic and does not irritate the skin when worn on the baby's naked body.

Affordable sports brand Brubeck

Brubeck thermal underwear from Poland is produced using Italian equipment using technology from Swiss specialists. The products are a leader among thermal underwear brands. Thermal underwear of this brand is produced in several series for the most different conditions. For heavy loads, high-density synthetic underwear is produced.

For moderate activity, products containing 32 percent wool are used. For light physical activity, thermal underwear using 56 percent wool is suitable. The products are suitable for skiing, cycling and motorcycle sports, for fishermen and hunters.

The following series are produced:

  • Wool Merino. The material contains 61 percent wool, 2 percent elastane and 37 polyamide. Designed for low activity.
  • Soft Merino. The material includes 32 percent wool, 30 percent polypropylene, 36 percent viscose, 2 percent elastane. Suitable for those who engage in moderate physical activity.
  • Brubeck Thermo. The material contains 56 percent polyamide, 40 percent polypropylene, 4 percent elastane. Used for heavy physical activity.

Brubeck thermal underwear is a guarantee of ideal comfort and warmth in the cold. In areas where the body sweats more, a mesh is placed that increases moisture removal. There are special elements on the elbows and knees of the thermal underwear that warm and soften impacts.