
Thematic planning in the middle group “March 8 – International Women’s Day”, taking into account the federal state standard. Comprehensive thematic planning in the middle group “Dear, beloved, my mommy Daily planning in the middle group for March

Left-handed children in kindergarten deserve special attention, because many may have a set of learning difficulties.

It’s not so easy for a left-handed child in our world, because... We have everything ready...

A lesson scenario with which you will tell preschoolers about sneaking. A speech therapist teacher conducts a lesson together with an educational psychologist. FOR WHOM, WHY AND HOW Participants: children of senior preschool age Goal: to form moral ideas about good and evil in the context of sneaking Tasks: to practice syllable analysis, synthesis and selection of synonyms; develop...

What aspects of readiness for school are especially important? This is the ability to accurately perceive and complete a task; remember the sequence of actions necessary to complete it; development of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination; ability to perform sound analysis...

Competition of readers on the topic: “The book is a source of wisdom” Objectives of the competition: creating conditions for the cognitive and speech development of children; nurturing a positive emotional attitude towards literary poetic works; development of artistic and speech performance skills when reading poems; identifying the best readers...

Tatiana Goryacheva Target:

developing a caring attitude towards mother and grandmother

Implementation deadlines:"

Final event – ​​matinee “Store “Everything for Moms”



(Integration of educational areas)

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social communication. development

Physical development

Hood-est development Conversation “Spring has come.” Goal: expand and generalize children’s knowledge about spring as a time of year. Finger gymnastics “Spring has just arrived.” Goal: develop fine motor skills

, speech. D\game "Wintering-migratory". Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about wintering and migratory birds. C\r game "Family". Goal: to develop the ability to take on a role, act in accordance with it, and select attributes. Canteen duty. Goal: to develop the ability to carefully and correctly set tables. repetition of poems for the holiday.

RPPS Layout “Seasons”, attributes for s/r games



1. Speech development. Compiling the story “March 8 - Women’s Day” (based on a plot picture) Goal: continue to teach how to compose short stories, develop monologue speech, expand lexicon.

2. Physical Culture according to the plan of the physical education instructor on a walk



Social communication.


Outdoor game "Day-Night". Goal: practice running, develop spatial orientation. Observing the sun. Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the influence of the sun on the lives of living beings. Work assignments: cleaning dry branches. Goal: to teach how to perform labor operations, to cultivate hard work. C\r game "Supermarket". Goal: to develop children’s social skills, the ability to create a play environment, and select the necessary attributes.

Ind. work: throwing a ball over a string.

Remote material

labor equipment



Social communication.


Hardening procedures after sleep, walking along corrective paths. KGN while dressing. Goal: to consolidate the ability to dress quickly, cultivate the habit of taking care of appearance, and eliminate shortcomings.

Reading “Grandma’s Hands” by L. Kvitko. Goal: to develop interest in art. literally, to cultivate respect for elders. P/game "Orange". Goal: to develop motor activity. C\r game “Hospital” Goal: to develop the ability to take on a role, select attributes, and cultivate friendly relationships.

Ind. Job: comparison of objects by size.

RPPS Printed board games, attributes for recreational games, sports equipment, plastic construction sets, exhibition design in the book corner.



Social communication.


Observation - drops. Goal: to pay attention to dripping water from the icicles, to develop cognitive interest and thinking. P/i "At the bear in the forest." Purpose: to teach to act in accordance with the rules, to practice running. C\P game "Builders". Goal: to develop the ability to use building material in the game, distribute roles and perform them until the end of the game.

Indus work: formation of grams. building speech.

Remote material for development motor activity, attributes for s/r games,

labor equipment




Social communication.


Conversation “How can we congratulate mother and grandmother.” Goal: to form the idea that you can give poetry, a song, a dance, or make a gift with your own hands as a gift. D/game "Furniture". Goal: learn to name a general concept, the name of pieces of furniture. Finger gymnastics “Streams run downhill.” Goal: to develop fine motor skills and speech. S/r game "Barbershop". Goal: develop social activity, continue to learn how to agree to play, prepare attributes. Assignments in the corner of nature - watering the plants. Goal: to cultivate conscientiousness and responsibility for the assigned work. Ind. Job: D\game "What color".

RPPS Printed board games, attributes for recreational games, sports equipment,

designer, pictures "Furniture"

1. FEMP No. 27 (Metlina p. 82) Purpose: to teach to reproduce many objects according to a model and to count objects.

2. Physical education according to the plan of the physical education instructor.



Social communication.


Observation “First thawed patches”. Goal: expand ideas about spring, enrich vocabulary. Outdoor game "Shaggy Dog". Goal: to develop motor activity. S/r game "Kindergarten". Goal: develop social skills, the ability to distribute roles. Work on site: clearing snow. Goal: to cultivate hard work. Ind work: repetition of the poem “Dear Mom!”

Remote material for the development of motor activity, attributes for s/r games,

labor equipment.



Social communication.


Hardening procedures after sleep, walking along corrective paths. Reading S. Vangeli “Snowdrops”. Goal: to develop interest in art. Literally, to bring up caring for your mother. Music/d game “Guess what it sounds like.” Goal: to develop an ear for timbre, to learn to determine which musical instrument sounds. Consideration of illustrations by Yu. Vasnetsov and E. Charushin in comparison. Goal: to teach to see the expressive means used by the artist, to develop the emotional sphere. P/game “Carousel” Goal: to develop motor activity.

Ind. Job: practice counting to 5.

RPPS Materials for artistic creativity, attributes for s/r games,

reproduction of a painting, a set of musical instruments.



Social communication.


Observation "Trees in spring". Goal: continue to teach how to distinguish trees and note the changes that have occurred to them. P\ game Bird and Cat" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to respond to a signal, to develop self-confidence. C\r game "Cafe". Goal: to develop the ability to create a game environment and distribute roles. Labor on site. Goal: to consolidate labor skills, cultivate a desire to work.

Ind. Job: jumping from heights.

Remote material for the development of motor activity, attributes for s/r games,

labor equipment




Social communication.


Situational conversation “How we help mom.” Goal: to cultivate a caring attitude towards mother, to create a desire to provide all possible assistance. C\r game "Family". Goal: to develop the ability to use knowledge gained in classes in the game, distribute roles, select attributes. Finger gymnastics “The woodpeckers are knocking louder and louder.” Goal: to develop fine motor skills and speech. Work assignments in a corner of nature. Goal: continue to teach how to water flowers correctly.

Ind. Job: d/game “The fourth odd one” Goal: to consolidate the ability to distinguish between dishes and furniture.

RPPS attributes for s/r games, printed board games, work equipment.


1. Application " Beautiful bouquet as a gift” (Komarova No. 62, p. 68) Goal: continue to teach how to use scissors, cut out the necessary details of the composition, practice neat gluing. Materials: colored paper, glue brushes

2. Music according to the music director's plan.



Social communication.


Target walk around kindergarten"Spring came". Goal: to learn to notice the changes that occur in nature with the arrival of spring. P/game “At the bear in the forest.” Goal: exercise running, develop agility. C\r game "Family" Goal: to consolidate the ability to distribute roles, select attributes, find a way out conflict situations. Labor on site. Goal: to cultivate diligence and the desire to work. Ind. Job:"Hit the hoop."

Remote material for the development of motor activity, attributes for s/r games, equipment for work.



Social communication.


Tempering procedures after sleep, rubbing with a dry mitten. KGN during meals. Goal: continue to strengthen the ability to eat silently, with your mouth closed, and use a napkin. Reading the poem by E. Blaginina “That’s what a mother is!” Goal: to develop interest in fiction, the ability to answer questions about the content. Children's game musical instruments. Goal: to develop musical ear and perception. Ind. work: d/game “Where is the nesting doll” (use of prepositions).

RPPS Attributes for s/r games, board-printed games, construction material.

sport equipment



Social communication.


Bird watching. Goal: expand your understanding of wintering birds, note the change in their behavior with the arrival of spring. P/i "The Kite and the Hen". Purpose: to teach to act in accordance with the rules, to practice running. C\P game "Builders". Goal: to develop the ability to use building material in the game, distribute roles and perform them until the end of the game. Ind. Job throwing at a distance.

Remote material for the development of motor activity, attributes for s/r games,

labor equipment




Social communication.


Conversation “Snowdrops - the first flowers” ​​Goal: expand ideas about nature, educate careful attitude. D/game “Who will say more” kind words about mom." Goal: expand and activate vocabulary. P/game “On a Level Path” Purpose: to learn to walk in a column one at a time, perform movements in accordance with the text. S/r game "Bus Ride". Goal: continue to teach children to establish relationships in the game, consolidate the ability to interact in stories with two characters (driver-passenger, encourage children’s attempts to independently select attributes for a particular role. Dining duty. Goal: consolidate the ability to carefully set tables. Ind. work: D\game “What is missing” (r. p. plural noun).

RPPS Board-printed games, gaming equipment: attributes for s/r games, building material


1. Physical culture according to the plan of the physical education instructor

2. Drawing“Beautiful flowers have bloomed” (Komarov No. 61, p. 68) Purpose: to practice drawing beautiful flowers, develop a sense of composition and color.



Social communication.


Weather observation. Goal: to continue to expand and deepen our understanding of weather conditions. P/game “Shaggy Dog” Purpose: to attract inactive people to the game, to practice running, to teach them to follow the rules of the game. D/game “What is missing” Goal: to develop attentiveness. S/r game "Bus". Goal: to develop social and communication skills. Labor: maintaining order in your closet, neatly folding things after a walk. Ind. job: long-distance throwing

Game equipment: attributes for s/r building material, shovels, buckets



Social communication.


Tempering procedures after sleep, gymnastics in bed. KGN during meals. Goal: to consolidate the ability to eat carefully and use cutlery correctly. Reading the story by V. Sukhomlinsky “My mother smells like bread.” Goal: to develop interest in fiction, to teach to understand the content of the story. P/game “Pass the ball”. Purpose: to develop motor activity. S/p game “Supermarket”. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to create a game environment, select the necessary attributes. Independent motor activity using the attributes of a sports corner. Ind. work: to practice orientation in space.

RPPS Attributes for s/r games, board and printed games, attributes for motor development. act.



Social communication.


Sky observation. Goal: to continue acquaintance with various natural phenomena; teach to distinguish the weather, associating it with the state of the sky (clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds). Outdoor games: “Catch a mosquito” Purpose: to develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal, to train children in jumping (bouncing in place). “Sparrows and the Cat” Goal: to develop in children the ability to locate themselves in space and move without touching each other, to act on a signal. S/r game “Hospital”. Goal: to develop children’s social and communication skills. Ind. work: jumping on 2 legs moving forward

Game equipment: attributes for s/r building material, shovels, buckets.




Social communication.


Conversation “Mothers' Day, how we will please them” Goal: to reinforce ideas about the rules of good behavior. Board games (mosaic). Goal: to develop a sense of color, teach how to combine colors beautifully, and build patterns in a certain rhythm. KGN continue to teach how to use a napkin in a timely manner. Repetition of poems for the holiday. S/r game of children's choice. Goal: to develop friendly relationships.

RPPS Attributes for s/r games, board and printed games, attributes for motor development. act.

MAINTENE "Store "Everything for Moms"



Social communication.


Target walk to the intersection. Remember how different cars on the city streets are called in one word. Goal: consolidate knowledge about the rules traffic. P/game “In an even circle” Goal: to develop motor skills. S/r game “Family” - help in developing the plot, strengthening the ability to take on a role. Ind. work: running between objects

Remote material for the development of motor activity, attributes for s/r games,

labor equipment.


Exercising after sleep, washing with cool water. KGN. Goal: to cultivate neatness in clothing and hairstyle.

S/r game “Concert for Moms”. Purpose: to teach to reflect impressions of the surrounding life in the game, to distribute roles. D/game “Master”. Purpose: to contribute to the expansion of the vocabulary of adjectives, to consolidate knowledge about the materials from which furniture is made. Finger gymnastics "Snowdrop" Goal: to develop fine motor skills and speech.

RPPS Construction set, printed board games, attributes for recreational games, sports equipment for yourself. engine activity


1. Visual information “Children are supposed to know the rules of the road!”

2. Consultation “Doll in raising a girl”


First week

Kind of activity




education, HRE, theater.

games, d/i)

Subject: “Tea, dining, kitchen utensils” Conversation “What is utensils for and their classification” Game “Let’s set the table for tea” Making utensils together with parents (Popie mache)

Experimental game “Glass - porcelain” Ball game “What kind of dishes?”

s/r game “At Katya’s doll’s party” Game “what’s missing?”

Child in the family and


Theme: Flowers

Teach children to prepare gifts for dear mothers and grandmothers; cultivate love for family

Labor education

Self service:

Dressing - undressing;


Canteen duty;

Group duty;

Household work:

Washing doll clothes;

Labor in nature:

Collective cleaning of the area from snow and debris;

Cleaning up trash on site.

Forming the Foundations


"Child at home"


“These are not toys, they are dangerous”

Tatiana Goryacheva

(Integration of educational areas)


Strengthen the ability to move in a given direction.

Explain that the counting result does not depend on the size of the objects (within 5).

Learn to compare objects by size (within 5), arrange them in descending and ascending order, denote the results of comparison with the words largest, smaller, even smaller, smallest.





Topic: “Substance. Air and its properties"

Activity: “Where is the air hidden?”

Target:Detect air in different objects; prove that air takes up space; reveal that air is lighter than water and has power.

Experiment: “What dissolves in water?”

Target:Show children the solubility and insolubility of various substances in water.

Material: flour, granulated sugar, river sand, food coloring, washing powder, glasses of water, spoons.

Familiarization with

subject and social


Getting to know the world


"In the world of plastic."

Speech development

Speech development

We are preparing to celebrate spring and International Women's Day.



A. Pleshcheev “Spring”, I. Kosyakov “She’s All”, “The Picky One”, arr. V. Dalia, S. Vangeli. "Snowdrops" (chapters from the book "Gugutse - captain of the ship"), trans. with mold. V. Berestova, reading of children's choice (Friday).



"Spring, spring, come here"traditions of the Russian people.

Iso - activity


"Beautiful flowers have bloomed." p.64


"Bowl." page 66







Physical development



ideas about healthy lifestyle

"If trouble happens"

Outdoor games

"Run Quietly", "Children and the Wolf", "Cat and Mice".

Physical Culture

At the choice of the physical education worker.

IPart. Game exercise "Traps".

IIPart. Game exercises: "Fast and nimble", "Knock down the pin."

Outdoor game "Little White Bunny".

IIIPart. Walking in a column one at a time. Low mobility game "Let's find a bunny."

Interaction with family

Leisure and entertainment


Second week

Topic "Getting to know folk culture and traditions"

Kind of activity


Social and communicative development



education, HRE, theater.

games, d/i)

Subject: “Cookware and food”


Child in the family and


Theme: Spring

Labor education

Self service:

Dressing - undressing;

Keeping clothes and shoes in order.


Canteen duty;

Group duty;

Duty in a corner of nature;

Responsibility for preparing materials for the lesson.

Household work:

Assisting the teacher in repairing books and teaching aids (gluing books, boxes);

Caring for toys, washing them;

Washing doll clothes;

Participation in planting flowers, sowing seeds in a corner of nature;

Assistance to kindergarten staff: wiping dust from chairs, tables, replacing bed linen and etc.

Labor in nature:

Collective cleaning of the area from snow and debris;

Collective cleaning of the area from snow and debris;

Collection of dry leaves from the area;

Feeding the birds at the feeder;

Cleaning up trash on site.

Digging up sand in a sandbox;

Collection of dry branches at the site;

Helping adults plant trees;

Helping adults dig up the garden;

Feeding the birds at the feeder.

Forming the Foundations


"Child at home"

Tasks: Forming the Foundations safe behavior preschoolers at home.

“These are not toys, they are dangerous”

Tatiana Goryacheva consolidate knowledge about basic fire safety requirements; to form discipline and a sense of responsibility for one’s actions.

(Integration of educational areas)


Reinforce the idea that the counting result does not depend on the size of the objects.

Learn to compare three objects by height, arrange them in descending and ascending order, and denote the comparison results with the words highest, lowest, lowest.

Develop thinking, attention, memory.





Topic: “Movement. Inertia"

Lesson: “Stubborn Objects”

Target:introduce children to the physical property of objects - inertia.

Material: toy cars, small rubber and plastic toys, postcards or cardboard, coins.

Familiarization with

subject and social


Getting to know the world


"The world of indoor plants."

Speech development

Speech development

Sound culture of speech: sounds shch - ch.



I. Selvinsky “What is right?”, “A fox is walking across the bridge...”, br. Grimm. "Musicians of Bremen", German, trans. V. Vvedensky, ed. S. Marshak, N. Nosov. "Entertainers", reading of children's choice (Friday).

Artistically – aesthetic development



Viewing with children folk toys (Dymkovo toy, matryoshka, etc.). Stories about folk crafts. Involving children in creating patterns of Dymkovo and Filimonov painting.

Iso - activity


Decorative drawing "Let's decorate the doll's dress." page 68


"Cut out and paste what is round and oval" page 66






Musical repertoire at the teacher's choice.

Listening: "New Ball", music. M. Jordansky.

Physical development



ideas about healthy lifestyle

"If trouble happens"

Outdoor games

Organization of folk games.

Physical Culture

IPart. Walking in a column one at a time, at a signal jumping over 5 - 6 cords (the distance between the cords is 40 cm); on command, change the direction of movement. Run at a moderate pace for up to 1 minute, alternating with walking.

IIPart. Game exercises. "Throw it - catch it." "Ride, don't hurt."

Outdoor game "Horse".

IIIPart. "Guess who's screaming?"

Interaction with family

Informing parents about progress educational process.

Introducing parents to the possibilities of the kindergarten, as well as nearby institutions additional education and culture in the artistic education of children.

Leisure and entertainment

Folklore holiday.


Third week

Topic “Acquaintance with folk culture and traditions” (continued)

Kind of activity


Social and communicative development



education, HRE, theater.

games, d/i)

Subject: “Cookware and food”

Target: introduce tea, table and kitchen utensils, clarify their name and purpose, learn to distinguish and name parts of utensils, as well as objects similar in purpose, develop visual attention, activate vocabulary, learn to group objects according to common characteristics.

Child in the family and


Theme: Spring

Help children notice seasonal changes in nature

Labor education

Self service:

Dressing - undressing;

Keeping clothes and shoes in order.


Canteen duty;

Group duty;

Duty in a corner of nature;

Responsibility for preparing materials for the lesson.

Household work:

Assisting the teacher in repairing books and teaching aids (gluing books, boxes);

Caring for toys, washing them;

Washing doll clothes;

Participation in planting flowers, sowing seeds in a corner of nature;

Assistance to kindergarten staff: wiping dust from chairs, tables, changing bed linen, etc.

Labor in nature:

Collective cleaning of the area from snow and debris;

Collective cleaning of the area from snow and debris;

Collection of dry leaves from the area;

Feeding the birds at the feeder;

Cleaning up trash on site.

Digging up sand in a sandbox;

Collection of dry branches at the site;

Helping adults plant trees;

Helping adults dig up the garden;

Feeding the birds at the feeder.

Forming the Foundations


"Child on the Street"


Tatiana Goryacheva

(Integration of educational areas)


Show the independence of the counting result from the distance between objects (within 5).

Practice the ability to compare 4 - 5 objects in height, arrange them in descending and ascending order, designate the comparison results with the words highest, lowest, lowest.

Practice the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes: cube, ball.





Turtle watching

Target: enrich children's understanding of the life of a turtle, about characteristic features her appearance and behavioral characteristics; consistently solve a cognitive problem using investigative actions.

Material: live turtle

Familiarization with

subject and social


Conversations about Maslenitsa.

Getting to know the world


"Visiting the music director."

Speech development

Speech development

Russian fairy tales (mini-quiz). Reading the fairy tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed."



"The Cockerel and the Bean Seed", arr. O. Kapitsa, “Little Lambs...”, D. Bisset. "About the boy who growled at tigers", trans. from English N. Shereshevskaya; E. Baratynsky. "Spring, Spring" (abbr.), reading of children's choice (Friday).

Artistic and aesthetic development



Stories about folk crafts. Involving children in creating patterns of Dymkovo and Filimonov painting. Examination of ceramic products with embroidery.

Iso - activity


"The little goats ran out for a walk on the green meadow." page 69


"Little Goat" page 69







Musical repertoire at the teacher's choice.

Listening: "Snowdrop", music. P. Tchaikovsky.

Physical development



ideas about healthy lifestyle

"If trouble happens"

Outdoor games

Organization of folk games.

Physical Culture

According to the plan of the physical education worker.

IPart. Walking in a column one at a time and running at a moderate pace (up to 1 minute).

Walking between objects (distance between objects 30 cm).

IIPart. Game exercises: “On one leg along the path”, “Throw over a string”.

Outdoor game "Planes".

IIIPart. Low mobility game.

Interaction with family

Design of a parent's corner on the topic "Acquaintance with folk culture and traditions."

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Informing parents about the importance of family visits to museums, exhibition halls, children's art gallery, workshops of artists and sculptors.

Joint celebration of Maslenitsa.

Leisure and entertainment

Folklore holiday.


Fourth week

Theme "Spring"

Kind of activity


Social and communicative development



education, HRE, theater.

games, d/i)

Subject: “Vitamins in the garden and in the tree”

Target: enrich and improve children’s understanding of fruits and vegetables. Learn to recognize fruits and vegetables by touch, taste, and smell. Conversation about vitamins. Game “Describe the Taste” Visit the vegetable department of the store with your parents and look at the goods on the counter.

Game "Vegetables and Fruits"

S/R game “Gegetable shop” Game “What’s missing?”

Child in the family and


Topic: Introduction to folk and applied arts (Dymkovo and Filimonov toys)

Learn to notice and highlight the main means of expressiveness of products of various folk crafts; improve technical and drawing skills

Labor education

Self service:

Dressing - undressing;

Keeping clothes and shoes in order.


Canteen duty;

Group duty;

Duty in a corner of nature;

Responsibility for preparing materials for the lesson.

Household work:

Assisting the teacher in repairing books and teaching aids (gluing books, boxes);

Caring for toys, washing them;

Washing doll clothes;

Participation in planting flowers, sowing seeds in a corner of nature;

Assistance to kindergarten staff: wiping dust from chairs, tables, changing bed linen, etc.

Labor in nature:

Collective cleaning of the area from snow and debris;

Collective cleaning of the area from snow and debris;

Collection of dry leaves from the area;

Feeding the birds at the feeder;

Cleaning up trash on site.

Digging up sand in a sandbox;

Collection of dry branches at the site;

Helping adults plant trees;

Helping adults dig up the garden;

Feeding the birds at the feeder.

Forming the Foundations


"Child on the Street"

Tasks: Formation of the foundations of safe behavior of preschool children on the street.

"Contacts with strangers on the street" Target: Discuss dangerous situations, which can occur on the street when in contact with strangers.

(Integration of educational areas)


Reinforce the idea that the counting result does not depend on the distance between objects (within 5).

Introduce a cylinder by comparing it with a ball.

Train children in the ability to move in a given direction.





Observation: “Where does the snow not melt?”, “Where will the first thawed patches be?”

Target: identify the dependence of changes in nature on the season, how the sun and heat affect the melting of snow.

Material: containers with water and snow

Familiarization with

subject and social


Getting to know the world


"On a visit to the mistress of the meadow."

Speech development

Speech development

Making up stories based on the picture.



"The sun is a bucket...", Y. Moritz. "Song about a fairy tale"; V. Bianchi. "Foundling"; D. Samoilov. “It’s a baby elephant’s birthday,” reading of the children’s choice (Friday).

Artistic and aesthetic development



"Spring, spring, come here"Introduce folk rituals and customs associated with the welcoming of spring. Develop speech by memorizing nicknames and sayings. Cultivate interest and respect fortraditions of the Russian people.

Iso - activity


“How we played the outdoor game “Homeless Hare”.” page 71


“Cut out and stick on whatever toy you want.” p.66




According to the children's plans. Non-directive assistance from the teacher in organizing and conducting the game (if necessary).



Musical repertoire at the teacher's choice.

Listening: "Italian Polka", music. S. Rachmaninov.

Physical development



ideas about healthy lifestyle

"If trouble happens"

Outdoor games

“Run to me!”, “Birds and chicks”, “Mice and a cat”.

Physical Culture

According to the plan of the physical education worker.

IPart. Walking in a column one at a time, at a signal, walking in wide strides at a slow pace; regular walking and walking with small, mincing steps in alternation.

IIPart. Game exercises. "Jump over the stream." "Running on the track" (width 15 cm). “Nimble guys” (throwing the ball on the ground, up and catching it with both hands.

Interaction with family

Decorating a parent's corner based on the theme "Spring".

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

Involving parents in joint observations of seasonal changes in nature with their children.

Recommendations for parents of benefits for homework with children.

Leisure and entertainment

Holiday "Spring".

According to the education and training program “From Birth to School”, a week is planned dedicated to the celebration of March 8th. This week, children will learn about the history of the holiday, decorate the group, and make gifts for their beloved mothers and grandmothers. Children talk about the profession of their mothers, look at family albums and organize story games on this topic. The result of the week is a musical holiday for mothers and grandmothers. A description of the methods for organizing observations, speech and musical games, and poems for the holiday can be found in the appendix to the plan “ Theme week"Mom's holiday."

Social and communicative development

The teacher continues to introduce children to the history of housing and introduces the “Cube of Emotions” manual into the group for social and communicative development. Junior teacher and the teacher involve children in feasible labor, clearing feeders. Children fold the Russian flag from different parts.

Cognitive development

During the walk, children watch birds, remember their names and solve riddles. In the group, the teacher offers games with Dienesh blocks “Second row”, “What is missing”, etc. Didactic game“We lay out from sticks”, “Remember 5 words” contribute cognitive development preschoolers.

Cognitive development

Speech development occurs in exercises for the formation of the ZKR, breathing exercises“Whose bird will fly farther”, “The wind blows”. Children learn to make sentences using cards by adding the missing word.

Artistic and aesthetic development

In the area of ​​artistic and aesthetic development, the board game “Color Dominoes”, drawing “Magic Pictures”, and construction to strengthen the ability to fold a rectangle in half are planned.

Social communication. development

In the outdoor games “Trap”, “Mice and Bears” there is physical development. The teacher introduces the children to the folk game “Stream”, talks about the benefits of fruits, and reminds them of the need to maintain cleanliness.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OO(Integration of educational areas)Speech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Morning greeting. Goal: create a positive attitude.A teacher's story about the celebration of March 8th. Goal: to form a festive culture for preschoolers.The fairy tale “We hurried and made us laugh.” Goal: to promote the development of correct sound pronunciation.Help the teacher make decorations for the group. Goal: to involve children in making jewelry and create a festive mood.Physical exercise “Let’s help mom together.” Goal: learn words and movements.
Collecting dry leaves and branches from the area and loading them onto a stretcher. Goal: to teach people to cleanliness and order, to arouse the desire to work in a team, to bring the work started to the end.Monitoring of harvesting machines. Objectives: expand knowledge about the role of machines in performing labor-intensive work, the features of their structure; consolidate the ability to find images of cars based on descriptions.Game "Don't Wake Katya." Goal: to promote the development of voice power.Coloring pages by different topics. Goal: continue to teach compliance correct position bodies when drawing.P.i. “To the grocery store.” Goal: to develop the ability to run around objects. P.i. "Find your color." Goal: to strengthen the ability to walk without bumping into each other.
2 p.d.Children's stories “What does my mother do?” Goal: to develop respect for the work of adults.Planting onions. Goal: to form ecological culture and work skills.Repetition of poems about grandmother and mother for the holiday. Goal: learn to read poetry expressively.Structurally modeling activity"Turtle". Goal: to attract children to design from natural materials.Excursion to the health corner in a group. Goal: remember what contributes to maintaining health.


OOSocial and communicative development(Integration of educational areas)Speech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Watch the video of the film “Life of Ancient People”. Goal: continue to get acquainted with different homes.Exercise “Pots and Flowers”. Goal: to consolidate the ability to equate two unequal groups of objects.Di. “Just name it...” Goal: to consolidate the ability to classify objects and use generalizing concepts.Making gifts for mom and grandma. Goal: to continue to develop aesthetic perception and creative imagination.Guessing riddles about sports equipment and sports. Goal: expand ideas about sports.
Digging up sand in a sandbox. Goal: to cultivate a positive attitude towards work, responsibility when carrying out assignments.Di. "Second row". Goal: to develop the ability to analyze, highlight the properties of figures, and find a figure that is different in one way.Exercise “Whose bird will fly farther?” Goal: to develop speech breathing.Paper design with the subgroup “Postcard for Mom.” Goal: continue to learn how to fold a rectangle in half and decorate a postcard.P.i. "Birds and Chicks." Purpose: to introduce the game. P.i. “A cone is a pebble.” Goal: develop auditory attention.

Comprehensive notes in preschool educational institutions

Complex thematic planning in the middle group “Dear, beloved, my mommy”

Aitova M.M., teacher of MBDOU D/S No. 21 “Fairy Tale”, Stary Oskol

March 1 week (27.02 - 04.03) .

Subject: Dear, beloved, my mother.


  • Create conditions for expanding children's horizons. To form a conscious understanding of the importance of mothers in the lives of children, families, and society.
  • To form ideas about the domestic and professional work of mothers, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of mothers, to form a desire to help them.

Day of the week


group, subgroup


educational activities

in critical moments

I half of the day

Morning exercises.

Conversation:“My mom is the best.”

C: teach children to talk about their mother as the most dear person.

Repetition of poems for the matinee with Nastya E, Polina M, Artyom K.

Dining duty: “Table setting.”

C: teach children how to properly set the table.

Pictures of mothers,

Books with illustrations about mothers,

D/i: “Animals and their young”,

“Fascinating geometry”, “Puzzles”.

Cognitive development. Topic: “Spring is coming. The drops are ringing!” Objectives: introduce preschoolers to the signs of spring, teach them to establish the simplest relationships in nature (the sun is shining, thawed patches appear, etc.).

Material: dolls - silhouettes and clothes for them; Dunno and his friends, color clock “Seasons”.


Cat observation. C: continue to introduce the characteristics of cats.

P/i "Cat and Mice" (Ulanova, p., 31). T: learn to run easily by imitating sounds.

Finger game "Pie" (Ulanova, p., 74).

Exercise Timur, Camilla, Nastya E, Artyom K. in passing under low collars.

D/i “Name the cat.” C: coming up with a nickname.

Work: collecting toys after a walk. C: execution of the order.

Picture with a cat.

Arcs, cat and mouse masks.

Hoops, jump ropes.

II half. day

Reading the poem by E. Blaginina “Let’s sit in silence.” C: introduce the poem, teach children to be caring towards their mothers.

Pin titles geometric shapes with Diana, Lisa B, Arseny.

S/r game: “Mothers and Daughters”. C:

teach family relationships.

Furniture, dishes, dolls.

A book with illustrations for the poem.

Geometric figures.


Weather observation. Goal: to teach to see and establish connections between some phenomena and others.

P/i "Through the stream." Goal: to develop the ability to depict certain actions.

Practice jumping over a rope for Lev, Adelina, Polina R.

D/i “Wonderful bag”. C: learn to name objects by guessing them by touch.

Bag with items.

Pencils for drawing.

Interaction with parents: Folder - moving "Be careful with fire."

Day of the week


Joint activities between adults and children, taking into account

integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

group, subgroup


educational activities

in critical moments

I half of the day

Morning exercises.

Conversation with children on the topic: “How I help my mother.” C: development of coherent speech in children.

Finger game “Bake pancakes”.

Repetition of song lyrics with Vera, Leva, Varya.

D/i "Find the differences." Goal: learn to find differences in two pictures, develop attention and speech.

Photo “My beloved mother.”

Pictures with differences.


Speech development. Topic: Compiling the story “Tanya’s Birthday.” Objectives: learn to write a description of utensils and a story on a given topic. Form the names of utensils, be able to describe them, naming their qualities and actions.

Material: shelf with doll dishes; painting "Lost".


Observation of tree bark. T: invite children to examine the bark of trees, find out that for many insects the bark serves as a home where they can spend the winter. P/n “Run to the place that I name.” Goals: remember the names of objects, teach how to run in a flock, be able to listen to a task.

Practice running a snake between objects for Lisa P, Diana, Leva.

Research activities. Examining the bark of old and young trees. C: teach children to find differences, draw conclusions with the teacher.

Work: sweeping leaves into a pile. C: teach to work together.

Brooms, rakes.

Hoops, steering wheels. Crayons for drawing.

II half. day

Invigorating gymnastics after sleep.

Memorizing the poem by E. Blaginina “Let’s sit in silence.” C: develop memory, speech, ability to read poetry.

Practice drawing a vase with flowers for Lisa B, Seryozha G, Varya, Seryozha Ya.

Game situation “Visiting Matryoshka.” Goal: to teach how to behave beautifully when visiting, to be well-mannered and cultured.

Furniture, dishes, confectionery.

Leaves, pencils.


Weather observation. C: develop the ability to independently identify signs of spring. P/n “Throw and catch.” C: improve coordination of movements.

Exercise Sonya, Arsenia, Mark, Katya in throwing and catching the ball.

D/i "Fourth wheel". Goal: continue to teach how to find the name of an extra object, explaining why.

Offer coloring pages with nesting dolls.

Offer Board games: “Pick a color”, “Puzzles”.

Interaction with parents: Memo “Why you need a reflective headband.”

Day of the week


Joint activities between adults and children, taking into account

integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

group, subgroup


educational activities

in critical moments

I half of the day

Morning exercises.

Conversation:"My mother's profession." C: clarify and expand knowledge about the mother’s profession.

Poem by M. Rodina “Mom’s Hands”.

Practice naming parts of the day for Arseny, Vera, Lisa B.

D/i: “Animals and their young.” C: Expanding children’s horizons, the ability to draw their own conclusions.

Pictures with professions.

Pictures of parts of the day.


Cognitive development. REMP. Topic: “Height comparison.” Objectives: to clarify the understanding of the words “high” and “low”, to consolidate the ability to compare objects by height.

Material: pictures depicting summer and winter (landscapes), story pictures. 7 columns of different heights, cardboard strip.


Sky observation. Goal: to teach to see characteristic features in the observed phenomenon.

P/i "Giants - dwarfs". Goal: improve walking technique, achieve a clear step.

P/i "Bird in the Nest". Goal: practice running in all directions.

Exercise in different types walks of Timur, Seryozha, Lisa P, Diana.

Game situation “Who quickly gets dressed for a walk.” Goal: to teach children to dress themselves for a walk.

Work: bringing order to the site. Goal: to teach children to work together.

Skittles, steering wheels, cars.

Brooms, rakes.

II half. day

Invigorating gymnastics after sleep.

A game:"Mom's Profession" Goal: to teach children to correlate the actions of people of different professions. Reading the poem by S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”

Fix the names of professions with Violetta, Camilla, Adeline, Seryozha G.

D/i “Let’s dress the doll for a walk.” C: fix the name of clothing by season.

S/r game: “The doll is sick.” Goal: enrichment and development of gaming skills based on the plot.

Clothes for a doll.

Clothing for a doctor, medical instruments, ambulance.


Watching the snow. C: show the children what happens to snow at the end of winter.

P/n “Find your match.” Goal: continue to teach children to navigate in space and find their mate.

Practice naming furniture for Nastya E, Mark, Nastya M, Ilyusha.

D/i “When does this happen?” C: consolidate children’s knowledge about the parts of the day.

Center "Books" - invite children to repair books in the corner. Goal: to teach children to be careful with books.

Pictures of furniture.

Glue, brushes, colored paper.

Pictures of parts of the day.

Interaction with parents: Talk with parents about individual issues.

Day of the week


Joint activities between adults and children, taking into account

integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

group, subgroup


educational activities

in critical moments

I half of the day

Morning exercises.

Conversation “How can you congratulate your mother and grandmother?” Ts: Form a respectful, caring attitude towards your loved ones - mother, grandmother.

Practice finding objects similar to an oval for Varya, Lisa B, Ilyusha, Vova.

Nature Center - offer to wipe off dust from the leaves. Goal: continue to teach children how to care for indoor plants.

Pictures with objects.

Rags, brushes, water.

D/i: “Fascinating geometry, “Dienesh blocks.

Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing. Topic: “Flowers in a vase”, Objectives: Learn to draw a vase with flowers from life, conveying the shape and proportions as accurately as possible. Develop an eye, a sense of color, rhythm.

Material: sheets of paper white, colour pencils.


Watching the road. C: help children understand road symbols (road signs).

P/i “Red, yellow, green.” C: distinguish between traffic lights.

Work: collect toys after a walk. C: accustom to joint work.

Reinforce the rules of the road with Vova, Diana, Arseny, Nastya M, Katya.

Situational conversation “How to behave correctly on the street.” C: continue to introduce the rules of behavior on the street.

Game situation “Let's teach the doll Katya to fold things.”

C: continue to teach children how to properly put clothes in a locker.

Circles red, yellow, green.

Steering wheels, strollers, dolls.

Road signs.

II half. day

Invigorating gymnastics after sleep.

Reading a poem by E. Blaginina “That’s what a mother is like.” C: instill love for mom through a work of art.

Strengthen the pronunciation of sounds: d, t with Nastya M, Violetta, Lisa P.

S/r game "Shop". C: continue to teach children to dialogue with each other during play, to use substitute objects.

Attributes for the game “Shop” - cash register, groceries, bags, money.

Photos of mothers.


Observing the weather in the evening, comparing morning and evening weather. C: learn to detect changes in the weather.

P/i "Sunshine and Rain". C: change movements according to a signal.

Practice jumping on two legs for Camilla, Sonya, Ilyusha, Katya.

Work: suggest sorting out the construction set by type after washing.

Pictures: sun, cloud.

5 pieces of cords for jumping.


Interaction with parents: Memo for parents “How to dress children appropriately for the weather.”

Day of the week


Joint activities between adults and children, taking into account

integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

group, subgroup


educational activities

in critical moments

I half of the day

Morning exercises.

Reading p. n. fairy tales "Grandmother, granddaughter and chicken." C: introduce to a new fairy tale, learn to answer questions.

Practice composing new geometric figures from existing ones based on the example of Diana, Camilla, Vova, Ilyusha.

KGN “Let’s show Katya’s doll how to hold a spoon correctly.” Goal: to strengthen the skill of using a spoon.

Geometric figures.

A book for viewing illustrations based on a fairy tale.

Offer plasticine for modeling according to plan

Artistic and aesthetic development. Application: Theme: “Icicles on the roof.” Objectives: Continue to teach cutting with scissors, arouse interest in cutting out icicles from paper folded like an accordion.

Material: sheets of yellow paper, orange color for the walls of the house, red rectangles, of blue color for roofs, white rectangles for icicles.


Monitoring the work of the janitor. C: to cultivate a caring attitude towards people’s work.

P/i "At the bear in the forest." C: learn to pronounce the text and make movements along it.

P/i "Homeless Hare". C: develop dexterity and attention.

Exercise Artyom K, Katya, Diana, Adelina in jumping up on two legs,

D/i “Who owns this?” C: from the picture, guess who owns the instrument, the person of what profession.

Work: collect twigs and pieces of paper from the area. C: instill a desire to help adults.

Pictures with tools.

Ball with elastic band.

Hoops, bear mask.

Steering wheels, dolls.

II half. day

Invigorating gymnastics after sleep.

Listening to music "Mama" (music by P. Tchaikovsky), "Mom's caresses" (music by A. Grechaninov).

Fix the name of the clothing with Arseny, Nastya E, Leva.

Game situation “Visiting grandma.” C: continue to teach children to play out the plot, take on roles, and conduct dialogue.

Pictures with clothes.

Bus, steering wheel, tickets, treats for grandma.


Bush observation. Goal: to develop observation of what happens to the bush in the spring.

P/i “Steam Locomotive” Purpose: to teach how to move in different directions and at a pace.

Exercise Violetta, Seryozha I, Diana, Vera in different types of walking.

Finger gymnastics:"It's me". These are the eyes. Exactly. These are ears. Exactly. This is the nose, this is the mouth. There's a back there. There's a belly here. These are pens. Clap clap. These are the legs. Toptop. Oh, we're tired, let's wipe our brow!

“Construction” Center - offer to build the buildings “Oven”, “Hut”, “Well” from cubes. Goal: to teach how to place bricks and plates vertically, placing them close to each other.

Interaction with parents: Consultation “The role of mother and father in the upbringing and development of a child.”