
Thematic week in the younger group - folk toy. Project “Folk Toy” for the younger group. Topic: “Folk toy”

Sazonova Svetlana Alexandrovna,

teacher of 1st qualification category

MAUDO " Kindergarten Sun"

Turtas village, Uvat municipal district

Project passport

Project type: short-term.
Project implementation time: January 15 - January 19, 2018
Project participants: teachers, parents, children. Target group: pupils of the first junior group"Bees."
Reason for developing the project: to expand children’s understanding of folk toys.

Relevance of the problem

The most important integral part developmental environment are games and toys. Toys for a child are a “medium” that allows them to express feelings, explore the world, form and implement Creative skills; toys teach communication and self-knowledge. The toys themselves will mean nothing if the baby does not know how and what to play with them.

At 2-3 years of age, children use many toys for other purposes or do not play with them at all. Acquaintance with folk art using the example of folk toys. Introduction to oral folk art (songs, nursery rhymes, etc.)

Target: Acquaintance with folk art using the example of folk toys. Introduction to oral folk art (songs, nursery rhymes, etc.)


To form children's ideas about Russian folk toys: Tumbler, Parsley, Matryoshka, Dymkovo toy. To promote the development of voluntary memory and selectivity when choosing a folk toy for certain game situations. Cultivate interest and careful attitude to folk crafts.

Expected results:
They have ideas about Russian folk toys - Tumbler, Parsley, Matryoshka.
Treat surrounding objects and toys with care. They use nursery rhymes in certain life situations and in games.

Enriching the knowledge of younger children preschool age about folk toys and their purpose. Activation of the dictionary.

Just as there is no man without self-love, so

There is no man without love for the fatherland, and this love

gives education the sure key to a person’s heart..."


The centuries-old experience of mankind has shown the importance of introducing children to the culture of their people, since turning to the paternal heritage fosters respect and pride for the land on which we live. Our children need to know and study the culture and traditions of their ancestors.

Folk toy carries pedagogical value in the process of development of preschoolers to almost all types of children's activities. With the help of folk toys, the problems of spiritual education are solved, social adaptation among peers and adults, there is an inclusion in the traditional culture of the Russian people with their accepted values, ideas about law, beauty, benefit, moral ideals and ethical standards. Because a folk toy with its enchanting world of bright and lively images and deep spirituality can become a means of teaching and upbringing that finds an emotional response in the soul of a child, meeting his needs and interests, and contributing to the development of his personality.

The project was developed and implemented within the framework of the thematic week “Our Favorite Toys, Games and Activities.” It consisted of three stages:

Stage I - preparatory Study and selection of material. Development of the project structure. Organization of a subject-development environment: production of didactic games. Coloring pages on the theme “Folk toy”. Selection of methodological and fiction on the topic “Folk toy”

Study and selection of material. Organization of a subject-development environment: production of didactic games.

Drawing up thematic planning.
Stage II - main

Conversations: “Why do we need toys?”, “What are toys made of?”, “Toy store,” “People’s toy.” Exhibition of books “Folk Toys”. Conducting didactic games: “Find by description”, “One is many”, “What has changed?”, “Arrange by size”, “Wonderful bag”. Looking at illustrations in albums

Carrying out didactic games “One - many”, “Fold a matryoshka doll”, “Wonderful bag”, “Guess what it sounds like”.

Examination of illustrations depicting folk toys, examination of book illustrations.

SCD for modeling “Sarafan for Matryoshka”.

GCD for the Tumbler applique.

GCD for drawing “Let's decorate the Dymkovo horse.”

Integrated lesson “Parsley is a fun toy.”

Folder moving “Toys in a child’s life” (consultation for parents).


  • Mini-museum “My Favorite Toy”.
  • Entertainment "Folk toys - Matryoshkas, Tumblers, Parsleys."

The purpose of the project is to enrich the knowledge of preschool children about folk toys and their purpose.

The work on the project is reflected in the presentation:

literature, Internet resources:

Derkunskaya V.A. Project activities preschoolers. Educational and methodological manual. – 2nd ed., corrections and additions. – M.: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2016. – 208 p.

h​t​t​p​:​/​/​w​w​w​.​1​0​r​u​k​.​r​u​.​/​o​b​u​c​ h​.​h​t​m​&​n​b​s​p​;

- Russian folk toy Knyazeva O.L., Makhaneva M.D. Introducing to the origins of Russian folk culture: Program. Educational manual. – 2nd ed., revised. And additional – St. Petersburg: Childhood – Press, 2002. – 304 p.: ill.

h​t​t​p​:​/​/​w​w​w​.​i​n​s​m​o​l​e​n​s​k​.​r​u​/​ &​n​b​s​p​;​- sketches of dolls

h​t​t​p​:​/​/​p​o​g​o​d​k​i​.​n​a​r​o​d​.​r​u​/​m​ a​s​t​e​r​i​g​r​.​h​t​m​&​n​b​s​p​;​R​u​s​s​k​a​i​ &​n​b​s​p​;​n​a​r​o​d​n​a​i​&​n​b​s​p​;​i​g​r​u​sh​ to

h​t​t​p​:​/​/​p​e​r​u​n​i​c​a​.​r​u​/​t​r​a​d​i​c​ i​i​/​1​5​2​7​-​r​u​s​s​k​i​e​-​o​.​.​.​&​n​b​s​p​ ;​R​u​s​s​i​e​&​n​b​s​p​;​about​b​r​y​d​s and traditions. Folk doll

h​t​t​p​:​/​/​l​e​t​o​p​i​s​i​.​r​u​/​i​n​d​e​x​.​ p​h​p​/​B​e​r​e​g​i​n​ya​&​n​b​s​p​;​n​a​r​o​d​n​a​ I​&​n​b​s​p​;​k​u​k​l​a​&​n​b​s​p​;​- Letopisi.ru

h​t​t​p​:​/​/​o​x​a​n​a​f​a​.​r​u​/​n​a​r​k​y​k​l​ a​/​&​n​b​s​p​;​N​a​r​o​d​n​a​i​&​n​b​s​p​;​k​u​k​ l​a​&​n​b​s​p​;​" Handicrafts and creativity.

Certificate of publication in the media" Series A No. 0004887

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra publish your methodological material:
- Teaching experience, author's programs, methodological manuals, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?


: Reception and examination of children in a group.

Cognitive development

Conversation “What are toys for?”

Target : clarify ideas about what toys are needed for.

Speech development.

"Matryoshka visiting the guys"

Target : to develop children’s ability for interactive speech, to teach them to answer questions about the toy in question.

Physical development

Morning exercises, hygiene procedures.

Game exercise with Egor O. “Go to the bunny.”

Target : develop movements.

P/n “My funny ringing ball”


H/i "Bubble"

Social and communicative development

S/r. game "Let's give tea to the nesting doll."

Target : develop in children the ability to unite for joint games.

Conversation with children on the topic: “The road is dangerous!

Target - continue to explain to children that they can only cross the road with adults, and that they can walk on the side of the road.

Games in the play corner with your favorite toys.

Walk 1.

Cognitive development

Observation “Footprints in the snow”

Target: learn to identify tracks: children's, adults, animal tracks.

Develop observation skills

Speech development.

Reading a poem-

Snow is embroidered with a beautiful stitch,

Like a white shirt.

I call dad into the yard:

Look at the pattern!

Dad looks down from above:

Here is a letter for you, Denis!

Birds and animals write:

“Make us, Denis, some feeders.”

Target - introduce the children to the poem, discuss the situation.

Game situation - “Choosing toys for a walk.”

Target : teach children to listen and observe carefully, participate in dialogue, and enrich their vocabulary on the topic.

Physical development

Outdoor games

"Do not be late".

Target : teach to crawl straight or sideways over a bench.

"Don't miss the ball."

Target :

Learn to pass the ball without dropping or stopping;

Cultivate friendliness.

Individual work: development of movements. Throwing.


Practice long-distance throwing with your right and left hands

Develop your eye

Cultivate a desire to exercise

Social and communicative development

Independent games with external material.

Labor activity

Show children how to build a house out of snow for dolls and animals.

Target :

Learn to compare the size of the house with the size of the toy;

Carefully and deep enough cut the hole.

Place food in bird feeders.

Target – cultivate a desire to take care of wintering birds.

Singing the song “We are nesting dolls.”

Target : create a joyful mood.

Social and communicative development

Before bedtime

When undressing for bed, encourage him to take off his dress or shirt, then his shoes, teach him to take off his tights, and hang his clothes neatly on the back of the high chair. Teach children to politely express requests for help.


Physical development

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep, air hardening, hygiene procedures.

Social and communicative development

Continue to work with each child on the skills of putting on tights, teach children how to put on shoes correctly

“Let’s introduce the nesting doll to the play corner,” Target : remind children the names of objects located in play corners.

Individual and collective instructions “How we maintain order”

Target - Teach to maintain order and cleanliness in the group. Foster a desire to take part in as much as possible (cleaning up toys). Continue to cultivate respect for people of familiar professions (teacher’s assistant).

Cognitive development

d/i “Find two identical cubes”

Out of 4-5 cubes, you need to find two identical ones and explain your choice.

Speech development.

Conversation with children on the topic “What kind of clothes are worn in winter”, to enrich children’s vocabulary on the topic “Clothing”.

Physical development

Train game

Target : Exercise children to move at different paces.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Ind. modeling work.

Target -continue to teach children to sculpt sticks, carefully rolling the plasticine between their palms with straight movements.


Cognitive development

Continue observing “Footprints in the Snow”

Target : explain to children that there are footprints in the snowyou can find out who walked, traveled,

Birds flew in or animals ran. Determine whose footprints the children see and invite them to leave their footprints in the snow. Compare the adult's tracks with the child's tracks.

Physical development

Ind. work-development movements (Kirill, Vova, Alena, Varya K.)

Target - practice jumping on two legs.

P/n “Catch up with the matryoshka.”

Target: learn to navigate in space.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

A conversation about the beauty of winter nature.

Target : develop children's interest in the beauty of the surrounding nature.

Social and communicative development

Playing with external material.

Target develop the ability to play next to other children, the ability to share toys.

Work assignments - cleaning toys.

Goal: to educate children to respect toys and develop work skills.

Project topic:

Date of: from 10.04. to 14.04.

Objective of the project: nurturing interest in the Russian folk toy - matryoshka.

  • form ideas about Russian folk toys;
  • induce in children an emotionally positive attitude towards the toy; cultivate a caring attitude towards the toy;
  • introduce the content of games with matryoshka dolls, the possibility of using them in different types children's activities;
  • develop creative and cognitive abilities; speech skills and fine motor skills hands;
  • enrich lexicon children.

Final event: exhibition of children's works on the topic.



Project topic: "Folk toy - Matryoshka"

Date: from 10.04. to 14.04.

Objective of the project: nurturing interest in the Russian folk toy - matryoshka.


  • form ideas about Russian folk toys;
  • induce in children an emotionally positive attitude towards the toy; cultivate a caring attitude towards the toy;
  • introduce the content of games with matryoshka dolls, the possibility of using them in different types of children's activities;
  • develop creative and cognitive abilities; speech skills and fine motor skills;
  • enrich children's vocabulary.

Final event:exhibition of children's works on the topic.

FULL NAME. teacher responsible for the final event: Smirnova I.V.

Date/day of the week Topic of the week




Creating conditions

for independent


Group, subgroup

Individual work


Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Didactic game: “Collect a matryoshka doll.”

Goal: to teach children how to operate with collapsible toys of three sizes - large, smaller, small; learn to compose objects from two parts, focusing on their size and position in space.

Continue to teach children to say hello when entering a group.

Form the habit of chewing food carefully, slowly, with your mouth closed.

Individual work with Sasha R, Vanya K, Nastya L. – strengthening self-care skills.

Looking at pictures and illustrations of nesting dolls.

The selection is clear – didactic material on this topic"Folk toy - Matryoshka"

In the book corner, display books on the topic of the week for children to familiarize themselves with.


1. Physical education. According to the physical instructor's plan.

2. Speech development. Topic: “Getting to know the nesting dolls”

Goal: to introduce children to Russian folk toys, to teach them to look at a matryoshka doll. Highlight features appearance(matryoshka has a head round shape, the body is oblong, arms, she is dressed in a sundress, a blouse and an apron, she has a scarf on her head, all her clothes are decorated with flowers, teach to notice the brightness color images in folk toys, continue to develop children’s aesthetic senses, artistic perception, evoking an emotional response to a work of art, and cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.


Cognitive development

Physical development

Social and communicative development

Spring changes in nature.

Goal: To systematize children’s ideas about spring according to the main, essential features. Expand children's understanding of natural phenomena in spring and their significance in the life of our planet.

Main types of movements: running with high knees; running in a certain direction.

Goal: Develop the ability to run in a certain direction, raise your legs when running.

P/n: Who will run to the flag faster?”


Goal: To develop the ability to overcome obstacles when running.

Develop accuracy and eye.


Collecting fallen branches broken by the wind on the site.

Goal: To cultivate hard work and a desire to help adults.


Artistic and aesthetic development

Speech development

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Physical development

Reading fiction to childrenReading fiction

On a walk

Observation for the clothes of passers-by. Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about seasonal changes in nature and their impact on people’s lives.

Individual work with Milena M., Yana T. - d/i “Collect beads”. Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Plot- role-playing game"House". Continue the formation of role interaction: orient the child’s role behavior towards a peer partner, highlight the need to designate game roles in joint play.

Attributes for sr games"House",

d/i “Collect beads”;

I. Lykova “Ruddy nesting dolls”.

Date/day of the week Topic of the week

Time period

ok daily routine




Joint activities between adults and children

Creating conditions

for independent


Group, subgroup

Individual work

Educational activities in special moments


Physical development

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Morning exercises.

Game "Tricky nesting dolls"

Goal: to introduce children to the fact that nesting dolls have inserts.

Music-did. game "Lullaby for a matryoshka doll."

Goal: learn to sing melodiously, develop the vocal apparatus.

Didactic game “Name the figure.” Goal: learn to compare the shapes of objects with geometric patterns. (Sasha M., Ira K.)

In the creativity corner - drawing “Color the nesting doll”.

Goal: continue to learn how to hold a pencil correctly, shade the image, trying not to go beyond the outline, and develop fine motor skills.

Attributes for the d/i ​​“Name the figure”, coloring pages.



2. FEMP. Lesson 2.p.38.

Program content.

Encourage children to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to a pattern within three (without counting or naming the number). Exercise the ability to compare two objects by size, indicate the results of comparison in wordsbig small.


Cognitive development

Physical development

Social and communicative development

Sky observation.

Continue to introduce children to various weather phenomena. Develop observation skills.

The main types of movements: running in a certain direction, running like a snake one after another. Goal: To develop the ability to run in a certain direction, to develop spatial orientation.

P\I “Run to me”

“Airplanes” Goal: To develop the ability to run quickly at the teacher’s signal.

Labor assignments: Clearing the area of ​​branches.

Improve work skills.


Artistic and aesthetic development

Speech development

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Physical development

Gymnastics after sleep.

Reading fiction to children -V. Prikhodko “Matryoshka”.

Goal: To teach children to listen to the work, to involve children in looking at pictures in books, to encourage them to name familiar objects.

On a walk

Game exercise “What’s missing?” Goal: develop observation, attention

Individual work with Masha N, Stasya P, Sasha R. Game with one or two nesting dolls “Matryoshka, where are you?”

Goal: to develop the ability to slow down your action or, conversely, to begin an action based on a speech signal.

Role-playing game "Family". Continue the formation of role interaction: orient the child’s role behavior towards a peer partner, highlight the need to designate game roles in joint play.

Attributes for the s-r game “Family”, d/i “Matryoshka, where are you?”, V. Prikhodko “Matryoshka”.

Offer children mosaics for independent play.

Date/day of the week of the week

Time period in daily routine




Joint activities between adults and children

Creating conditions

for independent


Group, subgroup

Individual work

Educational activities in special moments


Physical development

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Morning exercises.

Reading fiction:

fairy tales “How the nesting dolls saved the princess”, “Once upon a time there were nesting dolls”, N. Stetsyuk “The Tale of the nesting dolls”.

Goal: To teach children to listen to the work, to involve children in looking at pictures in books, to encourage them to name familiar objects.

Involve children in setting tables for breakfast. Develop dining room duty skills: arranging napkin holders, laying out spoons.

Children's games with nesting dolls.

Goal: to maintain children's interest in the matryoshka doll, teach them to play with it, dress up in the dressing up corner and play up the image of the matryoshka doll in front of the mirror.

Independent play activities in group activity zones.


1. Physical education.

According to the plan of the physical education instructor.

2. Application Topic: “Apron for matryoshka”

Program content. Teach children to look at a matryoshka doll and write a descriptive story. To consolidate children's knowledge about the shape, color, and what material the toy is made of. Arouse interest in the image of the toy, the desire to decorate the apron by making appliqué.


Cognitive development

Physical development

Social and communicative development

Bird watching.

Goal: Continue to develop bird watching skills. Develop attention and observation. Cultivate a love for birds in children.

Main types of movements: running in a certain direction, running with high knees. Develop the ability to throw energetically, using a swing when throwing snowballs into the distance.

P/I “The birds have flown”


Develop the ability to run in all directions without bumping into each other.

Teach children to move in a chain, avoiding obstacles, and raise their arms to the sides.


Artistic and aesthetic development

Speech development

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Physical development

Role-playing game "Doctor". Continue the formation of role interaction: orient the child’s role behavior towards a peer partner, highlight the need to designate game roles in joint play.

On a walk

Cloud watching. Goal: consolidate the adjectives “gray, gloomy, rainy” in the active dictionary.

Independent motor activity of children fresh air with play materials and sports equipment.

Individual work with Vanya K, Sasha R, Egor K. Goal: to improve the ability to hold a pencil correctly.

Board game “Fold the matryoshka doll”.

Goal: To train children in composing a whole object from two or four parts.

Attributes for the game “Doctor”, Board game “Fold the matryoshka”.

Offer children a set of children's musical instruments for independent music playing.

Date/day of the week Topic of the week

Time period in daily routine




Joint activities between adults and children

Creating conditions

for independent


Group, subgroup

Individual work

Educational activities in special moments


Physical development

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Morning exercises.

Didactic game “Big Matryoshka and Small Matryoshka” Purpose: To teach how to compose objects from two parts, focusing on their size.

D/i “Fold the ornament.” Goal: To be able to create an ornament from elements. Develop logic and imagination. (Vanya K, Nastya L.)

Situational conversation: “Politeness” (conversation about the importance of “ good words”, about the need to say hello and goodbye, as well as thank you for your help).

Looking at an album with various types nesting dolls.

Replenishment of the subject-spatial environment in the group.


1. FCCM. Construction

Topic: “House for a nesting doll” (2 bricks, 2 prisms)

Goal: to practice the ability to place bricks on the narrow long side at a distance from each other, to make a ceiling from a prism.

2. Physical Culture on a walk.


Cognitive development

Physical development

Social and communicative development

Observation of birch and spruce trees.

Goal: to continue to form children’s ideas about trees;

develop observation skills;cultivate a desire to protect and preserve nature.

Individual work in jumping. Goal: to develop the ability to distribute attention in motor activity. (Varya G., Milena M., Ira K..)

P/I “Jump, little bunnies”

"Hit the target." Goal: To develop in children the ability to jump forward on both legs.

Develop the ability to swing and throw.

Attributes for the game, Takeaway material.


Artistic and aesthetic development

Speech development

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Physical development

Reading fiction to children:S. Vokhrintseva “Matryoshka dolls”.

Goal: To teach children to listen to the work, to involve children in looking at pictures in books, to encourage them to name familiar objects.

On a walk

Watching sparrows. Goal: to consolidate ideas about birds and their behavior.

Outdoor game "From bump to bump."

Independent physical activity of children in the fresh air with play materials and sports equipment.

Individual work with Masha N., Sasha R, Stasya P, Egor K. d/i “Arrange by size”. Goal: to consolidate the skills of classifying objects.

Role-playing game "Kindergarten". Continue the formation of role interaction: orient the child’s role behavior towards a peer partner, highlight the need to designate game roles in joint play.

Attributes for the game “Kindergarten”,d/i “Arrange by size”, S. Vokhrintseva “Matryoshka dolls”.

Offer children large building materials for their own construction.

Date/day of the week Topic of the week

Time period in daily routine




Joint activities between adults and children

Creating conditions

for independent


Group, subgroup

Individual work

Educational activities in special moments


Physical development

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Morning exercises

Didactic game “Assemble a nesting doll.”

Goal: Learn to compose objects from two parts, focusing on their size.

Continue to learn to understand the words “big - small”.

Strengthen colors and develop sensory abilities.

Develop children's play activities.

Ind. work: creativity center: working with Matryoshka coloring books Goal: continue to teach children to paint over objects without going beyond the outline, fixing additional colors: blue, pink, orange. With Kirill B, Vanya K, Varya G, Yana T.

Finger games


Goal: To teach children to coordinate children with words.

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Independent games for children in play corners. Encourage children's independence and provide assistance in choosing substitute items.


1. Music.

according to the music director's plan.

2. Drawing. Page 97 Komarova

Topic: “The train is carrying nesting dolls”

Program content. Continue to develop the ability to draw rectangular objects and round parts (wheels). Exercise children in drawing with paints and carefully painting without going beyond the contour. Develop imagination and creativity; the ability to create a collective composition.


Cognitive development

Physical development

Social and communicative development

Watching streams.

Purpose: To generalize and systematize the idea of ​​​​the properties of water. Learn to use the acquired knowledge in games and drawing. Maintain interest in inanimate phenomena.

Individual work in jumping. Goal: to develop the ability to distribute attention in motor activity. (Kirill B, Vanya K., Sasha R.)

P/i "Airplanes".

“Find where it’s hidden.”

Purpose: to practice running, acting at the teacher’s signal; cultivate dexterity; learn to navigate in space;
cultivate attention.

Labor assignments: Collecting broken branches on the site.

cultivate hard work and a desire to help adults; develop teamwork skills; accustom to independently carry out assignments.


Artistic and aesthetic development

Speech development

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Physical development

Round dance game “We are nesting dolls.”

Goal: to introduce children to the expressive performance of simple round dances.

On a walk

Precipitation monitoring. Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the signs of spring.

P\i at the request of the children.

D/i “Name the actions.”

Goal: be able to complete the teacher’s sentences by choosing the appropriate verb according to its meaning.

Board game “Paired nesting dolls”

Exercise children in composing a whole object from two or four parts.

Riddles about matryoshka.

Role-playing game: “Guests have come to us.”

Goal: To cultivate goodwill, politeness, and friendly relationships in the game. Continue to teach children how to build dialogue in games.

Explanatory note. The cycle is weekly (games are held: in the 1st half of the day, during a walk, in the 2nd half of the day), designed for children 2-3 summer age. Consists of five main types play activity children: outdoor game, didactic game, plot-role-playing game, fun game, theatrical game. Target:

  1. Form and nurture the need for independent motor activity.
  2. Laying the foundations friendly attitude children to each other.
Plan for the week “Games and toys” in the first junior group. Monday – “Day of outdoor play.” Tuesday – “Didactic Game Day”. Wednesday – “Plot-role-playing game day.” Thursday - "Game Day - Fun." Friday is “Day of Theatrical Play.” Progress of the event: “We’ll have fun playing, singing and dancing” Target: Bring joy from playing together. To instill in children the need for independent physical activity. Promote the development and enrichment of children's gaming experience. Teach basic actions with toys. Benefits: Toys and aids according to the content of the game. Monday: "Day of outdoor play." 1st half of the day: Outdoor game "Carousel". Tasks: Strengthen the ability to coordinate movements with the text. Game content: Children with a teacher walk in a circle following the text and perform the actions of the game. We walk around each other,
And then, then, then everyone runs, runs. Hush, hush, don't make noise,
Stop the carousel.
One-two, one-two,
So the game is over.
Walk: Outdoor game: "Wolf and Hares." (a wolf is a toy or a child.) Tasks: Exercise children in the ability to jump on two legs, and when given a signal, quickly run away from the driver. Game content: The teacher says: The hares are jumping, hopping, hopping, hopping. On a green meadow. They pinch the grass and eat it, Listen carefully: Is there a wolf coming? (Children depict actions according to the text of the game, after the word “wolf” they run away from the driver). 2nd half of the day: Outdoor game: “Bubble” Tasks: Develop the breathing apparatus. Learn to act together. Game content: Mandatory compliance with the rules of the game. Start movements exactly according to the text of the game. Outdoor game: “One, two, three, run to the tree.” Tasks: Strengthen the ability to distinguish a bush from a tree. Game content: The correct reaction of children is important in determining where to run: to a tree, a bush. Independent games with sand. Tasks: Encourage creativity. Game content: Offer sand sets for children to play with. Tuesday: “Didactic Game Day.” 1st half of the day: Didactic game: “Guess where it rings?”; "Guess what's ringing." Tasks: Develop auditory attention. Strengthen the ability to navigate in space. Game content: Children determine by ear, with their eyes closed, what sounds and where. (Left, right, behind), called musical instrument(bell, tambourine, pipe) Walk: Didactic game: “Who will see more?” Tasks: Develop attention, observation, speech. Game content: Children name everything they see around them. 2nd half of the day: Didactic game: “Find a pair.” Tasks: Form visual attention, develop speech. Game content: At the signal, find a friend with the same picture or toy. Invite your child to try to explain his choice. Didactic game: “We walk around each other.” Tasks: Exercise children in performing actions exactly as the game progresses. Game content: Children walk in a circle, performing actions. “Hey guys, don’t yawn, what do we need Sashenka shows, then we will repeat it.” Didactic game: “Wonderful bag.” Tasks: Strengthen the ability to identify an object (shape) by touch. Game content: Determine by hand, by touch, in the bag object, name, get, show. Wednesday: “Plot-role-playing game day.” 1st half of the day: Story/role-playing game: “Family”. Tasks: Help children unite to play, clarify the role of each. Game content: Identify and clarify the role of family members. Clarify: “Whose daughter is this?”; "What's dad's name?" “Who else lives in the family?” Walk: Story/role-playing game: “Journey on a ship.” Tasks: Specify the professions of people on the ship: captain, sailor, cook. Find out what a steering wheel and anchor are. Game content: Creatively play with the equipment on the site. 2nd half of the day: Story/role-playing game: “Shop”. Tasks: Strengthen knowledge about vegetables and fruits. Find out the responsibilities of the seller, cashier, buyer. Game content: The teacher helps to distribute roles. Together they come up with a plot. The teacher can play a role in the game's plot. Give a sample role if children find it difficult. Independent games at the request of children. Tasks: Give the opportunity to realize your idea. Create an atmosphere of peace and comfort. Game content ry: Games designed by children. You can bring your favorite toy. Game moment: “Guests have come to us.” Introduce your toy Thursday: “Game day is fun.” 1st half of the day: The game is fun: “Soap Bubbles”. Tasks: Give children pleasure from the game. Game content: Blowing soap bubbles. Walk: The game is fun: “Who is taller.” (Launch helicopter pilots or paper airplanes.) Tasks: Develop hand coordination. Game content: Children launching toys. 2nd half of the day: Games – fun with wind-up toys Tasks: Call from kids positive emotions. Learn to share toys. Game content: Independent games for children with their favorite toys. Riding a tricycle. Tasks: Bring the joy of riding. Strengthen your knowledge of traffic rules. Game content: Children are riding a bicycle. The teacher raises a red or green circle (traffic light), children ride or stand on bicycles in accordance with the rules road traffic. Friday: “Theatrical Play Day.” 1st half of the day: Puppet show based on the Russian folk tale “The Three Bears”. Tasks: Create a positive, emotional mood, evoke interest in theatrical play, consolidate and expand children's knowledge about toys. Develop children's speech and memory, listening skills. Content: Puppet show “Three Bears”, based on a Russian folk tale with elements of the basics of children’s life safety. (Processed by teacher L.V. Kutnyakhova) Walk: Outdoor game: “The Bear and the Bees” “Vaska the gray one walks” Tasks: Bring joy from playing together. The role of the leading character is played by a child. 2nd half of the day: Fairy tale "Kolobok" Tasks: Create a joyful mood.
To form a desire to show the fairy tale to other children, to play the role. Content: Children show a fairy tale using flannelgraph and silhouettes of heroes. Independent games with table and finger theater. Tasks: Give children the opportunity to express themselves creatively. Content: Children's games according to their own plans. Script for a puppet show in Russian folk tale "Three Bears". Target: Create a positive, emotional mood, arouse interest in theatrical play, consolidate and expand children's knowledge about toys. Develop children's speech, memory, listening skills.
Benefits: Dolls based on a fairy tale (three bears, a girl). Wooden spoon, pillow, high chair, basket, bowls in 3 sizes. Treats for children. A screen on it to strengthen two trees and a house. The group (hall, area) is decorated with flags and balls. Children sit on chairs in front of a screen. Progress of the puppet show:
Educator: She gathered us today
Colorful game. We are residents of a wonderful country, We love to play very much. You know, friends! How can a child live without games? No way, no way. Guys, now I will show you the toys and tell you how you can play with them. (Picks up a doll from puppet theater and speaks on her behalf) "Hello guys! Why are there so many children? Why are you gathered here? Educator: We will play a fairy tale with these toys. And to play, you need to know many different fairy tales. (Picks up a book and shows it to the children.) What is this? (children's answers) There are different fairy tales in the book. (Opens illustrations based on the fairy tale “The Three Bears” and shows them to the children) Are you familiar with this fairy tale? What is it called? Right! Well done! (A girl runs out from behind the screen, a boy is chasing her. The teacher catches them by the hands.) Wait, wait, who are you? Girl: I am Mashenka. Boy: I am a bear. Presenter: I think I guessed what you are doing. Children: (in unison) We are playing a fairy tale! Presenter: Amazing! Now go and sit on the chairs with the guys. And we'll see how else you can play a fairy tale. (Approaches the screen.) We will see the fairy tale “The Three Bears”: The children all sat down in silence. We sat down amicably, okay. The screen opens The performance begins. (The Mashenka doll appears on the screen.) Mashenka: Grandfather and grandmother let me go into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. Oh, how many of them are there! (Collects, chorusing.) I take one berry, notice another. I take one mushroom, another I notice... (Sings several times, moving along the screen). I collected so many mushrooms and berries! You can go home too. (Looks in one direction, then another, and suddenly notices that she is lost). Oh! But where is home? Got lost! (Cries and leaves.) (Three bears appear one after another.) Bear 1st: And we go, and we go for a walk. And we go, and we go for a walk. Hey, back there - keep up! Bear 2nd: Mikhailo Ivanovich! Mikhailo Ivanovich! Isn't it time to go home? We've been walking since the morning. Bear 1st: Walking is an important thing, it increases your appetite. (Mishutka appears.) Mishutka: I want to eat, I want to sleep, I want to go home! Ah-ah-ah! I'm tired of your flowers and mushrooms! I want porridge from the little one blue bowl. Ah-ah-ah! Bear 1st: Nastasya Petrovna! Calm the child down. (The bear strokes the bear cub’s head.) Bear 2nd: Calm down, my little one. Don't cry, my loud-mouthed one! Come on, let's go home and eat some porridge. (They leave one after another.) (Mashenka appears.) Mashenka: Oh, I’m tired, I have no strength. I walked and walked, no, I can’t find my way back. The forest became dense, dark, you couldn’t even see a bunny. What to do? And there's the house! I'll run and find out who lives there. Maybe the kind owners will show me the way home. (He approaches the house and knocks on the window.) Knock, knock, hey, who lives here? No one! I’ll go into the house, rest, and wait for the owners. (Leaves) (Three bears appear.) Bear 1st: We had a good walk, now we can eat. Bear 2nd: Yes, yes! Wash your paws and go to the table. Mishutka: They are already clean for me. Bear 1st: No talking, wash quickly. (Leave) (Then the bears appear one by one). Bear 1st: Someone sat on my chair and moved it! (runs away) Bear 2nd: Someone sat on my chair and moved it out of place! (runs away) Mishutka: (with a high chair) Someone sat on my chair and broke it. Ah-ah-ah! Bear 1st: (runs out with a spoon Bear 2nd: (runs out with a spoon) Who drank from my bowl, who took my spoon? Mishutka: (runs out with a bowl) Who slurped from my bowl and drank it all up. Ah-ah-ah! Bear 1st: Who lay on my bed and crushed it? ( leaves) Bear 2nd: Who lay on my bed and crushed it? ( leaves) (A pillow appears on the screen, the girl Mashenka is sleeping on it) (Mishutka comes out) Mishutka: And who lay on my... Ah-ah-ah! Here she is! Hold it, hold it. (Mashenka wakes up and gets up from the pillow) Mashenka: Mommy, these are bears! Oh! Help! (They run after each other, the bears shout in turn “hold her” and run away) (Mashenka appears) Mashenka: Oh, it seems she ran away. It's good that the bears didn't catch up with me. Where is the basket with mushrooms and berries? The bears still have it. Oh guys, hello. Did you see what happened to me? Never go far. Presenter: Mashenka, our children know that they cannot leave home or kindergarten. Really, guys! And don't go far from home anymore. Now run home quickly. Grandfather and grandmother have been waiting for you for a long time. Did you like the fairy tale? Don’t wake me up, what should Mashenka do? Well done! And here's a treat for you for watching our performance well.

I.P. Dailidene “Let’s play, baby” Moscow: “Enlightenment”, 1992.
T.N. Doronova, E.V. Solovyov “Upbringing, education and development of children 2–3 years old in kindergarten.” Moscow: “Enlightenment”, 2005.
E.N. Lunkina “Raising a 2-3 year old baby” Moscow: Sfera shopping center, 2008.
ON THE. Kozyreva. “Let’s get smarter - while playing!” Moscow: Sfera shopping center, 2007.
E. Ya. Stepanenkova - Collection of outdoor games. For working with children 2-7 years old. Moscow: Mozaika-Sintez, 2013.
K.Yu. White. "First steps. Model of raising children early age" Moscow: Linka-Press, 2002

According to the “From Birth to School” program, children continue to get acquainted with folk culture and creativity: songs, fairy tales and toys. The teacher pays attention to children’s expansion of ideas about folk toys, expands and enriches children’s vocabulary on this topic. According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, the theme of folk toys can be seen in all educational fields. The result of the week is the re-enactment of the fairy tale “Pykh” and the decoration of a rocking horse with Dymkovo patterns. Detailed description conversations, educational games, speech and breathing exercises, a selection of games for artistic and aesthetic development can be found in the appendix to the plan “ Thematic week"Folk toys".

Social and communicative development

The teacher tells the children about the nursing profession, organizes role-playing games, decides with children problematic situation“What will happen if...”, which contributes to the social and communicative development of children.

Cognitive development

The teacher offers children a variety of tasks with buttons to develop perception and the ability to lay out patterns, and organizes independent activities with magnets. This allows you to solve problems cognitive development as well as the games “When It Happens” and “Geometric Mosaic”.

Speech development

For speech development the adult prepares the children for a dramatization of the fairy tale “Puff”, talks about folk toys, encourages them to correctly express their thoughts, and correctly combine different parts of speech.

Artistic and aesthetic development

In the area of ​​artistic and aesthetic development, it is planned to watch the presentation “The Rocking Horse”, paint a toy, listen to folk songs and learn the game “At Uncle Jacob’s”.

Physical development

Ongoing physical development. Children reinforce the rules of familiar games and repeat words. The teacher talks with children about the benefits of milk and dairy products, develops the respiratory system.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.S.r. game of the teacher's choice. Goal: to promote consolidation of gaming skills in secondary education. games “Doctor”, “Family”, “Kindergarten”, “Hairdresser”.The teacher's story about folk holidays. Goal: expand ideas about holiday culture.Exercise “Magic bag” (folk toys). Goal: to enrich children's vocabulary with the names of folk toys.View the presentation “Folk toy - horse”. Goal: to expand children’s understanding of ancient toys, to activate the vocabulary - wheelchair, rocking chair.Conversation “What a cow gives us.” Goal: expand children's understanding of the benefits of dairy products.
WalkPhysical exercise “Wooden horse” by E. Kovina. Goal: to continue introducing children to Russian folk culture through literature.Bird watching. Goal: to develop knowledge about the habits of birds.The teacher's story about what folk toys were made from. Goal: enrich children's vocabulary.Bringing the folk toy “Parsley” into the theater corner on the veranda. Goal: consider a new toy.P.i. "Stream". Purpose: to introduce the folk game. P.i. "The Winding Path" Goal: to develop the ability to move in a column, repeating the movements of the leader.
2 p.d.Exercise “Guests have come to us.” Goal: to introduce children to ways of expressing greetings (hello, good afternoon, come in, I missed you so much, it was boring without you, etc.).Games with buttons “Lay out a pattern”, “Lay out a picture”, “Continue the row”, etc. Goal: development of sensory and fine motor skills.Reading A. Alferov “March”. Purpose: discuss the poem.Structural-model activity “Gate”. Goal: continue to teach children how to make ceilings in a building according to a demonstration or model.Physical exercise for the eyes “Sun and Clouds”. Goal: strengthen the eye muscles.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation about the work of a nurse. Goal: to continue acquaintance with professions, to develop respect for the work of adults.Game with Dienesh blocks “Lay out a path”. Goal: develop logical thinking.Exercise "Shop". Purpose: to practice using nouns in the accusative case.Examination of the painting “Boy on a Horse” by A. Buck. Goal: to continue acquaintance with the rocking horse toy.Exercise "Bugs". Goal: develop the ability to move on all fours.
WalkAlbum design "People's Toy". Goal: to introduce children to folk culture.Monitoring the roadway. Goal: expand ideas about transport.Pronouncing phrases. Goal: development of phonemic hearing and onomatopoeia ability.Di. “Put out the ornament.” Goal: to develop a sense of form, the ability to navigate on a sheet.P.i. “Who will throw further?” Purpose: to train children in throwing. P.i. "The Winding Path" Goal: to please children, to develop the ability to move in a column, repeating the movements of the leader.