
The theme of the week is fauna in the fall preparatory group. Planning a thematic week “Wild Animals of Our Forests” in the senior group. Morning. Surprise moment



Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic: Comparison of domestic and wild animals. Goal: to consolidate the ability to compare and establish cause-and-effect relationships, and make generalizations.

D/i “Whose, whose, whose.” Goal: improve the ability to coordinate words in sentences.

P/i "The Fox in the Chicken Coop." Goal: to develop dexterity, coordination of movements, the ability to land softly after a jump (Kobzeva, 111).

Exercise for developing fine motor skills “Let's treat the animals.” Goal: improve the skill of holding a pencil correctly and drawing straight lines.


Weather observation. Goal: to clarify and concretize the idea of ​​winter; continue to practice the ability to establish the dependence of animal life on changes in inanimate nature.

D/i “Who needs what?”

P/i "At the bear in the forest." Goal: to develop the ability to run in all directions, to develop the ability to play collective games.

Ind. classes with Olya and Sasha. Exercise children in sliding on an ice path.

Experimental activity: “Make a Snowball” experiment. Goal: to lead to an understanding of the relationship between the state of snow and air temperature.

Labor: invite children to make animal figures from snow.

Games with snow.


Dynamic exercise “Wolf”.

Introduce children to Y. Kupala’s poem “Hedgehog”.

Pantomime "My Favorite Animal". Goal: to develop plasticity, imagination, creative abilities.

Studio "Synthesis".



Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic: “Why does a squirrel need a fluffy tail?” Goal: to expand children's knowledge about the life of squirrels in winter.

D/i “What first, what then?” Goal: develop logical thinking, coherent speech.

Low mobility game “The gray bunny is sitting.” Goal: to develop coordination of movements, orientation in space.

Exercise “Who hid in a ball?”


Observing bird tracks in the snow. Goal: expand knowledge about wintering birds; develop a desire to help birds in winter.

Labor: feed the birds.

P/i “Russian folk game “Wolf”. Goal: to develop motor activity.

Experimental activity: “Street Shadows” experiment. Purpose: to find out the dependence of the length of the shadow on the height of the sun.

Ind physical education classes with Grisha and Lera. Strengthen walking with high knees.

Children's games at will: sledding, skiing, playing with snow.


Self-massage “Prickly hedgehog” (with massage balls).

Reading the story by K. Ushinsky “The Bunny’s Complaints.”

S/r game “Journey to the Winter Forest”. Goal: to develop children’s ability to create a game plot based on knowledge gained from perceiving the environment.

Rhythmic gymnastics



Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic: “Why do people freeze in winter, but animals don’t?” Goal: to develop thinking, memory, ability to analyze, draw conclusions.

D/i “Correct the mistake.” Goal: to develop attention and the ability to explain your answer.

P/n " Sly Fox" Goal: develop the ability to quickly respond to a signal.

Introduce the proverb “January is on the doorstep - a day has arrived at a chicken’s pace.”


Watching a blizzard. Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about winter phenomena in nature.

D/i “Don’t yawn.” Goal: to develop auditory attention and speed of reaction to a signal.

P/i “The Wolf and the Lambs” (Kobzeva, 146). Goal: to develop interest in group games and the desire to participate in them.

Labor: continue to sculpt snow sculptures of animals.

Ind. physical education classes with Yaroslav and Milana.

Strengthen jumps moving forward.

Free activities for children.


Walking on corrective mats to prevent flat feet.

Game "What would happen if..."

Goal: to contribute to the deepening of knowledge about the dependence of the vital activity of living beings on the conditions of their habitat.

Preparation for the dramatization of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut.” Distribution of roles, preparation of attributes.

Rhythmic gymnastics.



Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic: “How to help forest inhabitants in winter.”

Goal: develop interest in the life of wild animals.

D/i "One - many." Goal: to practice the ability to form plurals of nouns. number.

P/i "Chanterelles and chickens". Goal: exercise in running; develop dexterity and communication skills.

Pure saying “Zhu-zhu-zhu,

“I’ve been friends with the hedgehog for a long time.”

Game - walk “At the North Pole”.

Goal: to systematize children’s ideas about the diversity of the animal world and their connection with the environment.

P/i "Penguins and the Bear". Purpose: to exercise the ability to imitate the movements of animals; develop plasticity and coordination of movements. (Lapteva, 49).

Ind. physical education classes with Anya and David. Throwing snowballs at a target.

Experimental activity: experiment with traces. Compare traces of people, animals, birds. Goal: to develop observation, attention, ability to compare and draw conclusions.

Games with snow.


Exercise is a wake-up call.

Exercise “To the watering hole.”

Communication situation: “How my mother and I cross the road home.”

Game – quiz “Tales of Animals”. Goal: consolidate fairy tales whose heroes are wild animals; develop attention, memory, coherent speech.

Studio "Rainbow".



Morning exercises.

Conversation based on illustrations “Animals in the winter forest.” Goal: to train children in the ability to compose a coherent story based on a picture.

D/i "Fourth wheel". Goal: consolidate knowledge of wild animals; develop attention and memory.

P/i "Hares and carrots". Goal: to develop volitional qualities, attention, motor activity.

Self-massage “Mittens for a fox” (Kartushina, 36).


Observing ice on puddles. Goal: to identify the properties of ice, develop curiosity and thinking.

P/i "Hares and the Wolf". Goal: to develop the ability to run in all directions, to practice quick reaction to a signal.

Work on the site: collect snow in tree holes, find out the purpose of this activity.

Winter fun “Snipers” (throwing snowballs at a target). Develop accuracy and eye.

Pantomime games “Pretend to be an animal”. Goal: to develop imagination, plasticity, memory.

Games with snow.


Exercise is a wake-up call.

Reading the Russian folk tale “Frost and the Hare.”

Musical and rhythmic exercise “Fox and Hares”

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut.” Goal: to cultivate artistic qualities, to reveal the creative potential of children.

Studio "Rainbow".

Goal: to enrich and consolidate children’s knowledge and ideas about animals

Final event: Quiz "Wild Animals" Date of the final event: Friday – 28.10.

Day of the week

Integration educational areas

Cooperative activity adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments


physical culture




labor, knowledge


reading x/l

artist creative

Conversation with children “What animals are in the forest?

Learn to name the animals of our forests, appearance features, life manifestations

Consider e paintings from the series: “Wild Animals”

Unlearning finger gymnastics “Everyone has their own home.” (Card index)

Morning complex gymnastics№5

With Ilya and Vika Compose a descriptive story about an animal using a diagram.

Essay with kazki by children

Goal: to develop creative and logical thinking, imagination, speech.

Selection illustrative material on the topic “Animals of our forests.”

Work in music corner. Game on musical instruments.

Involve parents in the design of the album “These Interesting Animals.”

Ask parents to bring encyclopedias about wild animals for their children to study.

Cognition, Communication

Social world“How wild animals prepare for winter” Consolidate knowledge about the ways animals adapt to weather conditions and about the habitat of these animals.

Artist creative, cognition

Musical development Learning autumn-themed songs, the “Colorful World” dance and the “ Autumn leaves»








Reading x/l,

Artist creation,

Observations it's in the forties. Discuss with children why birds fly away, but magpies and sparrows remain.

Conversation“How can you help the birds?”

D/i"Good bad"(TRIZ) teach to see contradictions in nature, the ambiguity of phenomena, the relationship between living and nonliving things; develop speech and thinking

Learning poems about wild animals.

Learn with kids finger gymnastics"Finger boy." Develop memory, speech, consolidate the names of animals.

Fun game"Chorus of Animals"

Goals: to develop pitch and timbre hearing, creative activity, to consolidate knowledge of animal voices.

work before and after sleep

KGN. Fostering a culture of eating. Reading Russians folk tales“Sister Fox and Gray Wolf” Health-improving gymnastics after sleep.

Physical development. The objectives are to develop the ability to perform turns on the spot with a jump. Practice walking on a cord while maintaining correct posture


Work in a children's laboratory. " Experiments with a magnet» consolidate children’s knowledge about the properties of a magnet to attract metal objects.

Repetition of poems for the matinee for the scene “Mushrooms”

Continue work on self-care for children, teach how to keep their clothes in order

Printed board game “Zoological Lotto”


D/i“Confusion” Learn to reason and draw the right conclusions.

Reading A. Maikov “Autumn” teach to listen to a literary work and see the beauty of nature.

Observation behind the work of a janitor. Providing all possible assistance to the janitor in cleaning the territory of the village.

P\i"Owl - owl" development motor activity.

Svintsova Elena Alexandrovna


  • to form in children an idea of ​​the life of animals in the forest, of the adaptability of predators to obtaining food: sensitive ears, keen eyesight, good sense of smell, endurance;
  • clarify with children the signs of wild animals, show that they differ from domestic ones;
  • exercise mental capacity children, exercise their ability to compare and describe animals.

Developmental environment:Pictures with images of wild animals, encyclopedias and books about animals, sheets of paper with a drawn hedgehog for each child, game character Mishutka, fairy tale characters for the puppet theater - Fox and Goat.

Morning. Surprise moment

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the group has become somehow unusual: on the walls and tables there are pictures and games depicting wild animals. Asks the children what they think about this. Makes the assumption that they ended up in the land of wild animals. Offers to guess a riddle about the owner of this country:

For raspberries and honey -
He loves sweets very much.
And when autumn comes,
Climbs into a hole until spring,
Where he sleeps and dreams.

The teacher offers to find a bear. The children find a bear cub in the group, who meets them and says that his name is Mishutka. Mishutka invites children to the land of animals.

Nadezhda Nikolaevna's hobbies: outdoor recreation, writing birthday scenarios for her daughter, surprise moments for children in kindergarten, creating themed days in kindergarten, searching the Internet interesting crafts and applications for children. Photo by the author (

Marina Isaeva
Planning a theme week on wild animals

Plan for a thematic week on the theme “Bear”


Morning: The conversation “The Forest and Its Inhabitants” continues to introduce animals, consolidate knowledge, and develop monologue speech.

D/i “Whose cub?” teach correctly, form words

Lesson 1. Comparison of polar and brown bears

Walk P/i “Bear and Bees” develop attention and the ability to quickly respond to the driver’s signal.

II half of the day: Reading T. Skrebitsky “Everything in a new way” to teach

Listen carefully to the work and answer questions about the content.


Morning: Learning a riddle

The owner of the forest

Wakes up in the spring

And in winter, under the blizzards howl

Sleeping in a snowy hut

Walk: P/i “At the bear in the forest” to develop attention, reaction, running in a forward direction

II half of the day: Reading Sokolov-Mikitov “The Bear Family”

expand your knowledge about bears and answer questions about the content.

Evening: S/r game “Zoo” to consolidate and enrich knowledge about animals.


Morning: Lotto “Forest Dwellers” to develop thinking,

Class Modeling: “Bear with cubs”

Teaches children how to correctly depict proportions; develop fine motor skills

II half day Reading works about bears to develop interest and attention

Evening: Work in the Art Corner to offer coloring books with the image of a bear - teach how to color carefully.


Morning: Looking at illustrations in books, continue to learn to recognize animals, develop interest in animals.

II half day Reading G. Snegirev “Little Bear” To develop children’s attention and expand their knowledge.

Evening Making a toy - origami “Bear” to develop fine motor skills and consolidate the ability to work with paper.


Morning: D/i “Who lives where” Continue teaching to recognize the animal Consolidate knowledge about the habitat, name the dwelling, develop visual memory.

Class Application (collective) “Bear family”

Learn to cut objects round and oval shape, create an image from them, add details, strengthen the ability to use scissors, and cultivate accuracy.

II half day Tabletop theater "Masha and the Bear" attract children to preparation and display, evoke a joyful mood

Evening D/i “Find out what kind of animal you are” to develop in children logical thinking and the ability to ask questions correctly.

Thematic week plan on the theme “Wolf”


Morning: Looking at illustrations in an encyclopedia about animals to develop an interest in animals

Class(complex). Examination of the painting “Wolves” Continue to expand and clarify children’s understanding of the animal, its way of life, appearance, and method of obtaining food;

Walk: P/i "Wolf in the Moat"

Evening Reading poems about the wolf. develop perseverance and a desire to listen to works about animals


Morning: Learning a riddle

Gray brother

Grab from behind a bush

Prowls across the field

Looking for lambs and calves. Develop thinking and attention.

Walk P/i “Hares and the Wolf” clarify the habits of the animal develop agility in running

II half of the day: Reading “Letter from Wolves” from N. Ryzhova’s book “Write a Letter to the Monkey” to continue to expand children’s knowledge. Learn to ask and answer questions,

Evening: S/r game “Zoo” To develop the ability to creatively develop the plot.


Morning: Lotto “Forest Dwellers” to develop thinking, continue to teach how to recognize a wolf among other animals, and follow the rules of the game

Class Modeling: “Teen Wolf”

Teaches children to convey the image of an animal and correctly depict the structure of the body. proportions; consolidate the ability to divide a piece into parts, smooth out joints

II half of the day: Reading “Little Wolf” Develop interest in the animal, broaden your horizons

Evening: Work in the Fine Art corner to offer coloring pages with a picture of a wolf to develop perseverance and accuracy


Morning: Conversation “The Forest and Its Inhabitants”, continue to introduce animals, consolidate knowledge, develop monologue speech and memory. D/and “Whose cub” correctly coordinate the endings.

Walk: P/i “Wolf and Goat” to consolidate the ability to move in a circle,

II half of the day: Reading poems about the wolf. Develop children's attention and expand knowledge.

Evening Making toys for a tabletop theater from matchboxes “Wolf”, teaching children to carefully use scissors, introducing them to the technique of gluing a box.


Morning: D/i “Who is like whom”, “Zoological domino” to develop thinking, dialogical speech. expand children's horizons; develop visual memory.

Class Construction (origami) “Wolf-top”

Teach children to fold a sheet of paper in different directions,

press the fold line firmly

II half day D/i “Who Lives Where” Continue to introduce the lifestyle. Clarify children's ideas

Evening The tabletop theater “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” continues to foster interest in theatrical and play activities.

Thematic week plan on the theme “Squirrel”


Morning Examination of illustrations in the encyclopedia about animals - teach to recognize and name correctly, develop interest in animals.

Class: Examination of the painting “Squirrels in Autumn.”

P/s Expand and clarify children’s knowledge about protein, lifestyle, appearance; develop an interest in the animal world

Class Drawing "Squirrels"

P/s: Learn to draw a squirrel, convey proportions correctly,


II half day Reading "Mysterious Beast"

Learn to listen carefully to the work and answer questions.


Morning: Learning a riddle.

Fast little animal

Jump-jump through the trees

The fur coat is very small

Develop memory and logical thinking.

II half day

Reading "Belkin fly agaric"

Expand knowledge about squirrels and their habits.


Morning: Lotto “Zoological” to develop attention and visual memory. Conversation “How to behave in the forest” to clarify knowledge about the rules

behavior in the forest.

Class Modeling “Squirrel gnaws nuts” collectively

Learn to convey the figure of a squirrel in sculpting, maintain proportions

II half day

Reading poems about “Squirrel”, “Duplo”, “Squirrel”.

Learn carefully, listen, answer questions, develop memory.

Evening: work in an iso corner. Offer children coloring books

With the image of a squirrel, develop thinking, learn to recognize the figure of a squirrel, and choose the right color for painting.


Morning: Conversation “How squirrels prepare for winter” to develop speech.

D/i “Whose cub?” - teach children to correctly name the animal and its cubs. Develop memory.

II half day

Reading "The Squirrel's Letter."

Develop an interest in animal life. Cultivate perseverance.

Evening: D/i “Whose house is this?” Learn to name the animal’s home (see Miryasova p. 60)


Morning: Lotto “Forest dwellers” to clarify children’s knowledge about animals, teach them to recognize squirrels among other animals

Class Application “Squirrels on a tree”

Teach children to do work collectively

II half day

Reading "Squirrel Memory"

Introduce children to a new work

Evening Making a squirrel toy from matchboxes

Thematic week plan on the topic “Hedgehog”


Morning: Examination of the illustration “Animal of the Forest.” Continue to introduce children to the animal world, teach them to recognize a hedgehog by appearance, develop an interest in animals.

Class Getting to know your surroundings

Looking at the painting “Hedgehogs”

Class Drawing “Hedgehogs in the forest”

Teach children to draw a hedgehog, correctly convey the structure, proportions, characteristic features (elongated muzzle, small round nose, body covered with needles, neatness


Morning: D/i “Who eats what” To consolidate children’s knowledge. Expand children's knowledge about hedgehogs,

II half day

Reading G. Skrebitsky “Hedgehog” - continue to expand knowledge about life

hedgehogs Cultivate perseverance.

Evening table theater "Hare and Hedgehog"


Morning: D/i “Who eats what” To consolidate children’s knowledge. Expand children's knowledge about hedgehogs.

II half day

Reading G. Skrebitsky “Hedgehog” - continue to expand knowledge about the life of hedgehogs. Cultivate perseverance. Evening table theater "The Hare and the Hedgehog"


Morning Reading “About Hedgehogs” by V.I. Mirasov (entertaining games and activities in kindergarten) Teach children to answer questions based on the content. Concretize children's knowledge about the animal world.

II half day

Riddles evening to teach children to come up with riddles on their own.

Evening Work in the Art Corner: drawing a hedgehog using a stencil.

Develop perseverance and accuracy; learn to choose the right color scheme.


Morning D/i “Settle an Animal” to consolidate knowledge about forest inhabitants, develop memory, and enrich knowledge about wild nature. Lesson No. 1. Manual labor"Hedgehog"

Goal: teach children to make crafts using natural material(dry leaves); develop imagination, compositional flair, accuracy in work.

P half day

Learning the proverb “You can’t take a hedgehog with your bare hands.” Goal: develop speech, thinking, memory

Plan of educational activities from January 25 to January 29, 2016.

Topic of the week: “Animals” different countries »

Goal: continue to introduce children to winter as a season. To develop research and educational interest through experimentation. Expand and enrich children’s knowledge about the characteristics of winter nature (cold, frost, snowfalls, strong winds), the characteristics of people’s activities in villages, towns, safe behavior in winter.


Work. K G N

Morning exercises (Monday, Wednesday - rhythmic with music director).

Formation of the KGN - teach children to properly use cutlery, napkins, and thank adults and those on duty after eating. Work in a corner of nature: watering plants - continue to teach children to choose plants that need watering; to form a conscious attitude towards assignments, responsibility for plants.

Dining duty Eva. M, Serezha.M.

Reception and examination of children.

Morning conversation

Children's stories about their weekend.

Reception and examination of children.

Didactic game

“Whoever is named, catch it!”


Equipment: big ball.

Speech game "Relay race"

Reception and examination of children.

Morning conversation

“What do quarrels lead to in the game?”

Ethical Conversations, page 27

Problem situation

“You are left at home alone, what will you do?”

Individual work with Vika. B, Andrey. L, Misha. Z.

Situational conversation about where at home you can fall and get injured

Reception and examination of children.

Independent games at the table; lotto, funny plates, match the drop to the cloud, etc.

Game of attention

"Guess who's hiding"

Reception and examination of children.

View the presentation.

"Animals of Africa"

Manual labor in the art corner

“Make an animal from parts of paper and make an applique”, at the request of the children.

(children do the work independently, with the help of the teacher they make a collage “African Animals”)

Organized educational activities

According to plan music director.

Cognitive development(FCCM)

"Ecological trail in the kindergarten building"

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the objects of the ecological trail in the kindergarten building. Learn to recognize and name familiar plants and animals. Expand your understanding of how to care for plants and animals.

(presentation show)

O.V. Dybina

Cognitive development (FEMP)

Lesson No. 4

Goal: to introduce children to the quantitative composition of the number 3 from units.

Introduce the number 8.

Improve the ability to see familiar shapes in surrounding objects geometric shapes: rectangle, square, circle, triangle.

I. A. Pomoraeva

Physical development No. 22

Goal: repeat walking and running in a circle; balance and jumping exercises; practice climbing the gymnastic wall without missing the slats.

L.I. Penzulaeva. Page 65 - 66

Artistically – aesthetic development

(music) according to the music director's plan.

Cognitive research activities.

"Salt Evaporation"

Purpose: to form ideas about the evaporation of water. Developing transformational capabilities.

NOT. Veraxa, pp. 37 - 39

Physical development No. 23

Goal: continue to practice climbing the gymnastic wall, walking on the gymnastic bench, and jumping over the cords.

L.I. Penzulaeva. p.66.

Speech development

Reading poems about winter. Memorizing I. Surikov’s poem “Childhood”

Goal: to introduce children to the perception of poetic works.

V. V. Gerbova, pp. 77-79

Speech development.

Teaching storytelling.

Didactic exercise “What is this?”

Goal: To train children in creative storytelling; ability to use generalizing words.

V.V. Gerbova, p. 79.

Physical development on the street.

Maze running, game for boys "Hockey", for girls "Snow Cake"

Individual work

Individual work.

Conversation on the topic: “Which animal likes to sleep in winter?”

Goal: to clarify children’s ideas about the animals of the Kuban forests and their living conditions; the role of humans in the lives of animals.

Individual work.

Working with scissors Vitya. X, Andrey. L.

Individual work.

Standing long jump.

practice jumping, pushing off with both legs;

improve coordination of movements.

Individual work on speech development - to train children in distinguishing the sounds “r” and “l” in words and phrases, in clear and intelligible pronunciation of words with these sounds.

Individual work.

"Collect a picture"

Milana. K, Alyosha. N, Alena. G, Seryozha. M.



N. Teleshov. "Krupenichka"; A. Pushkin “There is a green oak near the Lukomorye .....” (from the poem, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”); D. Ciardi. “About the One Who Has Three Eyes”, And Gaidar “Chuk and Gek” (chapters), reading at the children’s choice.


Walking barefoot along the health path.

"Outdoor games in the gym"

Children remember outdoor games, counting rhymes, and rules of the game.

S/r game "Mail".

Teach children to use substitute objects in play, to understand imaginary

situation and act according to it. Continue to familiarize yourself with the work of workers

communications, formation of respectful attitude towards postal workers.

Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing)

"Draw your favorite animals"

Goal: to continue to develop children's visual creativity.

T. S. Komarova, pp. 72 – 73.

Reading fiction according to children's choice.

Independent games for children in corners and centers

Structurally – modeling activity in Group.

According to the children's plans.

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep

Experimental activities

Properties of air. Transparency.

Let's take it plastic bag, fill the bag with air and twist it. The bag is full of air, it looks like a pillow. The air took up all the space in the bag. Now let's untie the bag and let the air out of it. The package has become thin again because there is no air in it. Conclusion: the air is transparent, to see it, you need to catch it.

Playing with building materials in the construction corner.

Looking at the painting

Winter in the city

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep

Artistic and aesthetic development (application)

« Beautiful fish in aquarium"

Goal: Develop color perception. Exercise children in selecting different shades.

T. S. Komarova. Page 71

Word game

"Not really".

Purpose of the game. Teach children to think, pose questions logically, and make correct conclusions. The driver goes out the door. Children choose an object. They can only answer the driver’s questions: “Yes” or “No.” The driver asks: “Is this object on the floor?” - "No". "On the wall?" - "No. "On the shelf?" - "Yes". “Is it glass?” - "Yes". “Is this a vase?” - "Yes".

Walking barefoot along the health path

Household work “Let’s put things in order in the toy corner.”

Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing)

"Drawing by Design"

Goal: to teach children to independently outline the content of the drawing

T. S. Komarova. pp.66 - 67

« Outdoor game “Pass - stand up”

Goal: To foster a sense of camaraderie in children, develop dexterity and attention. Strengthen the muscles of the shoulders and back.


No. 2 “Watching the snowfall”

Goal: to teach children to identify the main signs of winter

No. 2 “Looking at snowflakes”

Goal: develop observation skills

Organizing children's activities during a walk. Senior group.

No. 3 “Observing snowdrifts on the site”

Goal: to clarify knowledge about winter phenomena in nature

Organizing children's activities during a walk. Senior group.

Page 129 - 130

No. 4 “Observation of bird behavior”

Goal: to clarify and expand knowledge about wintering birds

Organizing children's activities during a walk. Senior group.

No. 5 “Looking at frost”

Goal: to teach to notice changes occurring in nature

Organizing children's activities during a walk. Senior group.

Equipping the development environment

Searching for information, reading literary works on the topic of the week.

Selection of didactic, active and plot-based role-playing games.

Replenishment of centers on the topic of the week.

Place pictures, photographs, toys of animals from different countries in the centers.

Working with parents

Inform parents about progress educational process.

Involving parents in joint observations of winter nature with their children.

Place an arrival announcement in the parents' corner puppet theater. (date, time, price)

Description: The players line up in two columns, two steps apart from each other. In each they stand at arm's length from each other. A line is drawn in front of the columns. Two balls are placed on it. At the “sit down” signal, everyone sits down with their legs crossed. At the signal “pass,” the first in the columns take the balls and pass them over their heads to those sitting behind them, then they stand up and turn to face the column. The person who receives the ball passes it back over his head, then stands up and also turns to face the column, etc. The column that passed the ball correctly and did not drop the ball wins.

Rules: Pass the ball only over your head and while sitting. Stand up only after passing the ball to the person sitting behind you. The one who fails to receive the ball runs after it, sits down and continues the game.

Options: Pass the ball to the right or left, turning the body.

"Relay race"

Goal: activation of the verb dictionary.

Progress of the game. The players stand in a circle. The leader has a baton-relay. He says a word and passes the baton nearby standing child. He must choose the appropriate action word and quickly pass the wand on. When the baton returns to the leader, he asks a new word, but passes the baton in a different direction. If someone finds it difficult to name a word or chooses the wrong word, they are given a penalty point. After a player has scored three penalty points, he is out of the game. The one with the fewest penalty points at the end of the game wins.

Progress of the game: the dog barks, bites, runs, guards, whines, howls; cat – purrs, hunts, plays, dozes, meows, scratches.

“Whoever is named, catch it!”

Target: formation of attention, development of reaction speed.

Equipment: big ball.

Description: Each child, moving freely around the playground and hearing his name, must run up, catch the ball, throw it up, while calling the name of one of the players.

Instructions:“Now we will play the game “Whoever is named, catch it!” I have a big beautiful ball in my hands. As long as I hold it in my hands, I can run, jump, and walk around the playground. As soon as I throw the ball up and call the name of one of you, the one whose name I call must run up to the ball as quickly as possible, catch it and throw it up again, while calling the name of the other player. So the game goes on for a long time. Let's start playing."