
Technology for creating a wedding hairstyle. Description of the stages of creating a collection of hairstyles under the motto “prom” Creating a collection of wedding hairstyles



1.1 Modern fashion direction in wedding hairstyles

2 Selection of hairstyles, taking into account individual characteristics

3 Tools and devices used when doing hairstyles

4 Jewelry used when doing hairstyles

5 Safety precautions when doing hairstyles

6 Products for styling and fixing hairstyles

7 Elements and principles of hairstyle design

8 Stages of modeling a wedding hairstyle

9 Types of wedding hairstyles


1 Wedding hairstyle option






A wedding is the most important event in a girl's life. The success of a wedding is determined by many details. The preparation for the wedding itself, the mood of the newlyweds and relatives are connected with little things.

A wedding hairstyle should be in harmony with your face shape and makeup. Based on this, the purpose of my course work is to study modern fashion trends in wedding hairstyles; creating your own hairstyle using boutonnieres, analyzing the individual characteristics of the model.

To achieve the goal of the course work, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

consider modern fashion trends in wedding hairstyles;

explore the varieties of individual characteristics of consumers;

become familiar with the elements and principles of hairstyle design;

study the stages of hairstyle modeling;

consider the types of wedding hairstyles.



Wedding fashion exists and it is probably the most conservative of all existing fashions. But changes are taking place there too, giving brides more and more room for imagination. Of course, first of all, fashion trends are reflected in wedding dresses, as well as hairstyles.

Modern wedding hairstyles are quite simple and comfortable. Complex designs, abundantly complemented by intricate shapes and lush bouffants and held in place by a generous layer of hairspray, are no longer relevant for a long time. Today's bride can afford not to worry about her wedding hairstyle getting ruined at the most crucial moment. The latest trends in wedding hairstyles dictate an easy, natural style. The ease of modern wedding hairstyles is given by flirty strands and elements of creative disorder, which, however, must be carefully thought out so as not to border on banal sloppiness. Wedding hairstyles in a relaxed style are especially relevant for young brides, who with such a hairstyle will look especially fresh and gentle.

Hairstyles for short hair - wedding fashion trend 2013-2014

The darker the hair color and the lighter the skin, the more colorful the wedding hairstyle created based on the haircut will look. All kinds of wedding hair accessories will serve as worthy decorations for her.<#"700980.files/image001.gif">


Fig.1 Fig.2


At the conclusion of the work carried out, the following main conclusions on the topic can be drawn.

Your mood at the wedding depends on the quality of your hair styling, and don’t forget that with this hairstyle you will capture the happy wedding moment in photos and videos that you will review more than once throughout your life.

The wedding hairstyle for the bride is very important. After all, it complements her dress and makes the whole look complete. If the hairstyle is chosen correctly, it will emphasize the attractiveness of the face or make minor imperfections invisible. This year, brides are offered a variety of beautiful variations for wedding hairstyles: braids, updos and curls, and ponytails. When choosing a hairstyle for a wedding, follow one important recommendation- the more complex the bride’s dress, the simpler the hairstyle should be.

Wedding hairstyles for short hair do not lose popularity, despite the existing misconception that only long hair is suitable for such an occasion. By the way, any style of wedding dress goes well with a short haircut. And against the background of a deep neckline and open shoulders short hair looks amazing. Hairstyles with braiding (when flowers and ribbons are woven into the hair, decorated with pearls and rhinestones), with a bow made of hair (will add charm and youth to your image, but only if the wedding dress is not overloaded with details), high ( elegance and grace). Hairstyles can be lush and smooth, simple or complex, but always harmonious and complete.


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Bayton D. Elegant hairstyles for long hair for all occasions. "Eskmo", 2009

Breeze L. Master class. AST 2010

Bumakova I. “The Big Book of the Home Hairdresser.” - Rostov-on-Don, 2010

Vasilyeva Olga, Strelyatskaya Mila Makeup lessons. From "Phoenix", 2009

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Vorge Dominique de Makeup for all occasions LLC TD "Publishing World of Books", 2009

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E. Karpova “Secrets of Beauty”. Astrel Publishing House LLC, 2010

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The first proms appeared in Russia under Peter the Great. In 1718, in Moscow, young men had their first noisy walk in honor of graduating from a mathematical and navigation school. A year later, the first graduation of the Maritime Academy made a splash in St. Petersburg. At the same time, the first traditions of proper graduation were laid: more drinks, loud songs (of course in chorus!) and light scuffles.

At first, girls were not allowed to attend proms. Because they were very modest and received their education under the supervision of a strict parental eye. At home. Only 30 years later, the nobles began to take their grown-up daughters to balls and assemblies. But again, not on the occasion of a matriculation certificate, but in order to get married profitably.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the first attempts appeared to combine the graduation of lyceum students and cadets with the first appearance of young reclusive noblewomen. And they were crowned with some success. In any case, the number of poems in albums for girls and the number of duels increased sharply. At the same time, new traditions appeared - pouring paint on monuments and bathing in fountains.

Since then, every year in the capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg - June ended with enchanting balls. In those days, it cost a lot to gather a daughter for such a ball: dresses, carriages, servants in livery... Up to 3 thousand rubles were spent on one trip. And in very high society, up to 20 thousand rubles. The fathers complained: getting their daughter to the ball meant equipping a ship, but there was no benefit. Here you will find corsets, and skirts with hoops, and lace, and gold-plated shoes...

But it was necessary to keep the style!

At the same time, a special language for flirting appeared - by sticking flies on the right cheek, the girls made it clear whether they wanted to continue communicating with the young count. If they didn’t want to, they glued the front sight onto the left cheek. And if they decided to “turn off” the boyfriend forever, they simply handed him the fan with the handle first - and it was a scandal!

The most popular dances at graduation parties were the mazurka and cotillion. Waltzes and polkas appeared much later, during the time of Alexander II.

The twentieth century sharply reduced the prices of graduations. The institutes of noble maidens took on most of the costs of holding banquets with music. They also didn’t spend much on outfits: the cadets were in uniform, the noble maidens and high school students were in cute, uniform dresses, in which the Art Nouveau style was faintly discernible.

And after the revolution of 1917, graduations were completely canceled as a relic of the past. Once and for all.

Fortunately, this “once and for all” thing did not last long. Already in the mid-30s, proms in schools were revived. Long parting speeches became a mandatory element of the evening. After all, Komsomol members and Komsomol members did not come to have fun, but to get a start in life.

But there was still dancing. Even all sorts of foxtrots and Charlestons, although older comrades condemned them as bourgeois. There wasn't much variety in dresses - it was a time when there was no time for luxury. Often girls sewed them themselves from polka dot fabric. The main event of the evening was the first kiss.

After the war, graduations began to be held in a format close to the current one. A tradition arose of walking all night until dawn with the whole class. At the same time, the first parent committees appeared to keep order during the holidays. Waltzes came back into fashion. They danced to trophy records and brass bands.

In the 50s, girls began to come en masse to proms in skirts and blouses. Previously, this was not very welcome.

In the 60s, schoolgirls learned that “chemistry” is not only science; for graduation they were allowed to have a perm. And in the 70s, they stopped charging for cosmetics at school balls. At the same time, girls, as part of the global sexual revolution, began to wear miniskirts to prom. Previously forbidden rock and roll and other boogie-woogie made their way into the USSR. And everyone became happy. In those years, it was considered especially chic to have your first sexual experience with your favorite classmate at graduation.

Then the holiday again began to cost parents a pretty penny, since the girls really wanted to outshine all their friends. The money spent on graduation was unrealistic at that time - up to 45 rubles!

In the 80s, a new tradition emerged - graduates began to rent cafes and restaurants for the whole night, and in the 90s, it was especially chic to celebrate the transition to adulthood on the deck of a pleasure boat (rented by parents). Money for the holiday began to be spent immeasurably. But due to all sorts of reforms and denominations, the data turns out to be very contradictory. Music has changed dramatically - dance to whatever you want. Teachers and parents didn’t even object too much to rap. And the fact that many graduates began to have their first sexual experience somewhat earlier than graduation did not, in principle, bother anyone.

These days, graduates rent entire nightclubs inviting live musicians, fashionable DJs and all sorts of exotic shows. And certainly with limousines. In Moscow, such a night will cost 30-40 thousand per person. This is the minimum. In the regions everything is twice cheaper.

Plus dresses, shoes and diamonds, but here it’s possible. Many businessmen in the capital order dresses for their daughters from abroad for $180,000. And to your health! We won't be jealous. Still, they understand that this is not the main thing.

The main thing is to make your graduation memorable for life!

In my opinion, for for a long time the existence of a tradition of solemn High school prom not as much has changed as it seems. For many people, this is the most important and brightest moment in life. I would like to create the image of a real graduate. To do this, I set myself the following goals and objectives.

Purpose: to describe the creation of a collection of hairstyles under the motto “Prom”

· Study fashion trends in clothing, hairstyle, makeup

· Analyze the source of creativity

· Develop stylistic and technological features of hairstyles related to your topic

· Creating a single image

1. Creative part

School exams are coming to an end, and graduates and their parents have “pleasant” chores ahead of them in preparing for the festive evening. All girls dream of becoming princesses on prom night. Many of them will then keep this outfit for many years. However, pick up Prom Dress It’s not easy, because this is not just an evening dress, but something much more. The “ideal” prom outfit should be modern for the current moment in time. This is a dress, the creation of which takes into account current fashion trends. The most fashionable prom dresses today are narrow, tight-fitting dresses using “godet”. But fluffy, crinoline dresses are no longer fashionable. Modern prom fashion is marked by a kaleidoscope of bright colors. Shades of red, rich turquoise, azure are relevant. Delicate “wedding” colors should be chosen very carefully.

How to choose a dress? The main rule: what is beautiful is not what is fashionable, but what suits you. Have you already found your color scheme? Current fashion recommends that a typical “winter” choose a black and white abstract pattern, and “spring” - choose a golden-beige or apricot fabric with a soft gloss. For "summer" lace or satin in a cool pink color is suitable, and for "autumn" - fabrics with bright printed flowers. It should be remembered that an oblique hem visually increases height. In such a dress it is easy to look elegant and smart. The most fashionable accessories: metallic shoes, belts and handbags, large artificial flowers and butterflies (on belts, at the collar, in hairstyles, on shoes and bags), sandals with long ties on the shins.

Pay special attention to the details - an unusual neckline, a pretty fabric - and you will find yourself the queen of the ball. Here are the ten most relevant ball gowns:

Miss Hollywood - show everyone your impeccable taste with an elegant designer dress: Many brands create their own designs for chic celebrity outfits. This year's current trend: a one-shoulder tunic dress in the Greek style and high-waisted dresses in the Empire style.

Cocktail Party Dress - If a traditional prom dress isn't your thing, consider a stylish cocktail dress. It doesn't matter whether you love chic sun-kissed skirts or prefer a tight-fitting skirt, this dress will also come in handy for other special occasions (friend gatherings and college parties).

A real lady - elegant trains add sophistication and sophistication to the outfit. A small train or a long luxurious “tail” - in any case, your exit will make an indelible impression that will last long after you leave.

Retro glamor - an ultra-feminine, tight-fitting outfit will help you find the Marilyn Monroe within you and show her off to others. Choose dresses made from delicate, flowing fabrics, such as satin or silk, that create exciting curves. To fully match the chosen retro style, do not forget about a handbag (for example, a handbag) and open-toed shoes.

Bodycon Dress - A celebrity favorite, the bodycon dress is equal parts comfort and glamour. However, do not forget that such a simple dress requires appropriate accessories! From pearls and diamonds to bohemian chic jewelry, your choices are endless.

Reckless young lady - the summer multi-tiered skirt marked the triumphant return of multi-layered outfits. A unique embodiment of this trend can be sophisticated ballroom skirts or airy peasant-style dresses with full petticoats.

Unusual skirt - the asymmetrical hem that was popular last year was replaced by a dress with a “short and long” skirt. The hemline, short in the front and long in the back, is so unique and delightful that you won't be able to take your eyes off it! This outfit is a great option for a prom, as you can not only look great in it, but also dance with ease.

Small black dress- if you are going to wear your prom dress in the future, best choice will be a classic little black dress. Choose a straight, narrow dress, a frivolous style.

Strapless - Strapless dresses have become one of the hits of prom fashion for a reason. They are equal parts daringly sexy and classically elegant. They flatter any silhouette. This dress does not require jewelry, and necklaces are simply contraindicated. Pay attention to dresses with beadwork and delicate embroidery on the bodice - this is one of the hottest trends of the year.

The prom queen is the perfect outfit a la Cinderella at the Ball. Combination full skirt with a simple top is what distinguishes this style. This dress requires virtually no accessories, since it is already luxurious and attracts everyone's attention.

hairstyle makeup perfume cosmetic

From the proposed hairdressing hits, it is worth choosing those that, on the one hand, are not too difficult to perform, and on the other, are able to remain in their original form for as long as possible.

The simplest option is slightly wavy curls loose over the shoulders with an accentuated parting (in the center of the head or slightly shifted to the right/left). A straight parting with an open forehead without bangs will emphasize the freshness of a young face. At the same time, your hair looks as if it has been slightly tousled by the evening breeze. They cannot be called completely straight - they are rather a light wave. However, you should not think that such an effect can be achieved without any effort.

Wild, unkempt hair is a little different. They look sloppy, not aesthetically pleasing and even vulgar. To achieve the effect of negligence, you must definitely use styling products that add additional volume. And this option is especially good for bleached or highlighted strands. One gets the impression that they were not only scattered by the wind, but they were also slightly bleached by the sun.

If you like curls, you can use an accented version for your prom party. These should be tightly curled curls, perhaps even with a wet hair effect. You need to keep in mind that a variety of romantic ruffles and lace are unlikely to suit such a hairstyle.

The ideal option for this season's prom is a high, sleek ponytail. It is romantic, elegant, stylish and feminine. In addition, it is convenient and the hairstyle will remain until the end of the party. You just need to pull your tail higher and comb it. And flowing long hair (which, by the way, can be extended) looks very beautiful regardless of its color - light, dark, or even red.

A variation of this hairstyle, perhaps, can be considered a ponytail gathered into low bun, but for a prom it may seem rustic. True, it is comfortable and will last throughout the evening, and with a creative approach it can turn out to be a fun and bright addition to the look. To do this, you just need to decorate the bun with thin braids, a bow, artificial flowers, a satin ribbon, or simply dye a few strands in an unusual shade.

For short hair and hair middle length A good option would be a bob silhouette with a slight retro touch. Perhaps this is one of the few options this season that includes bangs. This haircut and styling looks best on straight, lush and shiny hair.

The most important thing you need for flawless makeup:

mascara - only on the upper eyelashes

translucent powder for flawless skin

natural-colored blush to add expressiveness to the face

lip gloss - to make lips look juicy and shiny

In the life of every person there are a number of days that he remembers throughout his life. This includes the date of the prom. On this day, every little detail is remembered. That’s why it’s so important to prepare well, think through your outfit, hairstyle, and of course makeup. On this day you want to look especially elegant, fashionable and attractive.

Makeup should be natural and light. Bright colors and shades should be avoided; harmony must be maintained, trying to highlight the eyes, giving them special expressiveness.

Eyebrows should be natural and well-groomed, in no case shaggy or disheveled. Barely visible plucked “threads” are taboo.

Eyelashes should look luxurious, be very thick and as long as possible.

Eyes are highlighted with arrows. You can use a pencil or shadows, but always with shading

Shadows - one important point: the color of the shadows should not match, but contrast with the color of the eyes in order to emphasize their shape and expressiveness. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid to use, say, transparent green or blue shadows for brown eyes and, conversely, sand or golden ones for blue eyes. Also popular are violet eyeshadows and light pearlescent ones (they perfectly refresh the face).

Blush is a little secret when applying blush, the so-called French method, which gives the effect of a “happy face” - you need to apply blush... while smiling. A smile best defines the line of your cheekbones, and if you highlight it with blush, it will look especially fresh and natural.

Lips - it is better to use long-lasting lipstick complete with balm and lip gloss, or you can limit yourself to gloss or transparent light lipstick. They are applied like this: you need to outline the outline with a pencil, then apply the first layer of lipstick. After 2-3 minutes, gently blot your lips with a napkin and apply a second one. In this case, both lipstick and gloss will last longer and lie more evenly.

Nowadays, colored prom dresses have come into fashion, and therefore you need to be especially careful to ensure that your face is in harmony with both the color and style of the dress. One of the most common mistakes is using pink blush or lipstick on a pink dress. So as not to turn into a painted doll from a shop window" Children's world", you should replace the pink color with beige or peach.

A few words about the placement of accents. Until recently, the trend of “one accent” was popular in makeup - either on the lips or on the eyes. However, in prom makeup There can be two accents. “Eyes - cheekbones”, “eyes - eyebrows” or “lips - eyebrows”. But which one is best suited for you depends on both the shape of your face and the style in which your dress is made.

1.4 Analysis of the source of creativity

Graduation is a very solemn event. And on this day you want to look stunning. Mostly, romantic style hairstyles predominate: evening, formal, which are characterized by ringlets, curls, braids, and various decorative ornaments. At this type of event, hairstyles can be very diverse, it all depends on the imagination of the graduate herself. From simple curls and waves to complex layered hairstyles. Graduation is the most memorable event in every person's life. Girls look especially elegant on this day. Toilets and decorations in a restrained classical style, delicate bedding tones emphasize the dignity of the graduate. But, still, the colors of the outfits can be very diverse: from soft pink to flashy red. But in most cases, graduates choose soft, pleasing tones - pink and blue. Mostly girls resort to the help of wedding salons and hairdressers so that everything is at the highest level. But, in my opinion, a wedding dress is by no means for a prom. Although, makeup can be more wedding-style, because brides want to emphasize their natural beauty, which will not hurt the graduates either. Makeup should be as natural as possible to highlight the beauty of a young face. But brave girls can do provocative and eye-catching makeup, for example, apply “Face Art”. After all, this is most likely their last day at school and you want them to be remembered in all their glory. And frankly, there is no need to be afraid of non-standard solutions. In my opinion, this is a big and bold plus in the image of a graduate. The more unusual a girl looks, the more delighted and amazed looks she will catch when passing by her next secret admirers. But of course you shouldn’t come to prom in a goldfish costume; I doubt anyone will appreciate it. But gold jewelry should not be neglected, but also abused. Jewelry and costume jewelry should not be vulgar. Girls often pin fresh flowers on their clothes and hairstyles at graduation.

1.5 Image development

First model

First model: girl 20 years old, height 160cm, with blue eyes, almond-shaped, light-colored Brown hair 25 cm long, light skin, face shape is close to round, belongs to the “woman - summer” color type

Second model

The second model: girl, 20 years old, height 168 cm, with brown eyes, almond-shaped, dark brown hair 30 cm long, dark skin, face shape close to oval, belongs to the “winter woman” color type.

Third model

The third model: girl, 21 years old, height 167 cm, with blue eyes, almond-shaped, brown hair 40 cm long, dark skin, face shape close to oval, belongs to the “woman - autumn” color type.

I chose these models because they best suit the image of graduates. They are young and beautiful!

2. Technological part

1 Algorithm for executing the first model

2.1.1 Painting technology of the first model

First, I apply the main color, for my model it is platinum blonde. I start coloring from the occipital area. Strand by strand I dye the hair roots, then I move to the parietal zone and dye the hair roots in the same way. I carefully comb my dyed hair, apply dye to the ends, and comb it thoroughly. Then I collect the dyed hair at the back of my head. Then, after waiting time, for my model it’s 30 minutes, I wash off the dye and dry my hair with a hairdryer. After the hair has dried, you can begin to separate the strands. For my model I chose two colors: black and copper natural blond. I part my hair with a side parting on the right side. I select a strand 1 cm wide on the left side with a vertical parting, paint it black on foil, and wrap it in it. On the right side, I separate strands 1 cm wide along the hairline, starting from the temple to the middle of the back of the head, and also paint it black on the foil. Then I separate a parallel strand 1 cm wide of the main color, and dye the next strand 1 cm wide with copper natural blonde. I separate 3 strands from the side parting using the darning method and paint them black on foil. I dye my bangs with 2 colors. I separate a 1 cm wide strand of bangs with a horizontal parting, dye half of the strands from the root with natural copper blonde, and the ends with black. I wrap it in foil. I stand for 20 minutes.

I invite the client to the sink and wash his head with his head tilted back. I wet my hair generously with warm water, pour a little shampoo into my palm, rub it between my palms and apply evenly to my hair. I whip it into a thick foam and rinse it off with plenty of water. After rinsing off the shampoo, apply the balm in the same way as shampoo, rinse generously with water a minute after application. I squeeze my hair out of the water and dry it with a towel. I invite the client back to the chair. I'm starting to cut my hair.

2.1.2 Haircut technology of the first model

This haircut is good for medium length hair. The silhouette is somewhat asymmetrical, which gives the hairstyle an elegant and feminine look. However, it requires daily styling, especially if the hair is straight, coarse or dry.

Step 1. I start my haircut by creating a side parting from the forehead to the crown. Then I extend it in the opposite direction, to the tip of the ear. I pin up the parted hair in ducks.

Step 2. I separate the first strand at the temple using a vertical parting. It must be pulled perpendicular to the head and trimmed from the outside of the palm. The strands at the temples should not be longer than 5-6 cm. Moving towards the ear, I gradually reduce the length.

Step 3. Next, the haircut is carried out using the “strand by strand” method. I place the selected strands one by one on the control one and cut them off at the same level as it. While working, you need to slowly move from the face towards the back of the head.

Step 4. I highlight the strands behind the ear with parallel vertical partings. I pull the hair at a right angle to the head, and cut it so that the cut line continues the temporal one. At the same time, I am reducing the length of the hair from the ear to the neck. With this technique I treat the entire occipital region, both upper and lower. As a result, one ear will be open and the other will be closed.

Step 5. I start cutting the parietal area. Here I separate the strands with partings parallel to the oblique. Their width should not exceed 1-1.5 cm. I comb the first strand to the already trimmed hair of the temporal zone and the upper part of the back of the head. We align the length according to their level. Hair should be cut at a slight angle to the face.

In this haircut, the ends of the hair should bend slightly upward, so I process the strands with a pull of 10-15 degrees. The result will be a slice in which Bottom part each strand will be a little longer than the top one.

Step 6. I will cut the bangs in the form of an arc, then its contour will be somewhat asymmetrical.

Step 7. I will edge the temples in a straight line, and the neck in a semicircle.

I finish the work by thinning the ends. I'm starting to do my hair.

1.3 Hairstyle for the first model

I apply a little mousse to damp hair. I part my hair with a side parting on the right. I start blow-drying my hair. On the right side I dry my hair back. At the back of the head, the hair should curl upward, I try to get as close to the desired result as possible. On the left side I curl my hair back and leave the strand straight near my face. Having finished styling my hair with a hairdryer, I start modeling with hairspray. Using a fixing agent I achieve the desired result. I spray it with glitter polish to give it a shimmery effect. I'm starting to do my makeup.

1.4 Makeup for the first model

I cleanse my skin with cosmetic milk and remove any remaining cosmetic milk with a tonic. I apply powder. We perform movements with the pad from the top, from the forehead to the chin along the massage lines. I tint the eyelids with dry shadows and apply them to the upper eyelid. Since my model is a graduate, I try to make my makeup look light and not flashy. The color of the shadows is lilac. The inner corner of the eye has a lighter tone, the outer corner has a darker tone. I outline the outline of the eyes with a black pencil. I paint my eyelashes with black mascara. I only apply gloss to my lips, as my lips should look natural. That's all, my model is ready, all I have to do is wait for my prince and go to the ball.

2 Algorithm for executing the second model

2.1 Painting technology of the second model

First, set the main color. We dye the hair in the same way as the first model. Then we wash off the paint and dry it. To highlight the strands, I decided to choose red. On the bangs, select a strand 1 cm wide and apply paint not to the entire length, but only to the middle, wrap it in foil. At the back of the head, separate a strand with a horizontal parting 1 cm wide along the hairline and color only the ends, then parallel to the separated strand with a horizontal parting, select a strand of hair of the main color. And on the strand separated parallel to the previous two, we also dye only the ends. Leave for 30 minutes, wash off. I'm starting to cut my hair.

2.2 Haircut technology of the second model

A romantic and feminine haircut that looks great even without styling. She's especially good for a little bit curly hair. Using a round comb and a hair dryer, you can create many different hairstyles using it. This hairstyle softens harsh facial features and masks some imperfections in appearance. It does not require special care.

Step 1. Hair must be washed and combed before cutting.

Step 2. Using horizontal and vertical partings, I divide the hair into zones: temples, parietal and occipital.

Step 3. I start work from the top of the head. The first strand should be 1.5 cm thick, no more. I lift it with a comb perpendicular to the head. It will be a control, so I measure its length from special attention. Add the next strand to the first strand and cut off the excess length. This method treats the entire occipital region and temples.

Step 4. The control strand is already determined at the beginning of the haircut. I pull it at a right angle to the head, separate another strand with horizontal partings and connect it with the pulled one. Carry out cutting at the level of the control strand. Separating the strands, I move from the crown towards the forehead. I clearly align the overall contour.

Step 5. I cut my temples. I determine the length of the temples by the front strands.

Step 6. I comb the hair of the parietal and two lateral areas onto the face, making a neat edging. My model has slightly curly hair, that's where the work ends. I'm starting to do my hair.

2.3 Hairstyle for the second model

The hairstyle for my model is quite simple to do but looks simply chic and is quite suitable for a prom. The first thing you need to do is curl your hair with curlers. After the hair is curled, we style the bangs, they should be straight and shiny. Then we spray our hair with strong hold hairspray and sort out the curls with our fingers. After this, we pin the hair up with hairpins. We arrange the ends and pull out strands here and there and model them with varnish. We fix and add a shimmering effect with glitter varnish. You can start putting on makeup.

2.4 Makeup for the second model

I cleanse my skin with cosmetic milk and remove any remaining cosmetic milk with a toner. I apply powder. We perform movements with the pad from the top, from the forehead to the chin along the massage lines. I tint the eyelids with dry shadows and apply them to the upper eyelid. Since my model is a graduate, I try to make the makeup look light and not flashy, the shadows are almost colorless, but shiny. I paint my eyelashes with black mascara. I only apply gloss to my lips, as my lips should look natural. My prom queen is ready.

2.3 Algorithm for executing the third model

3.1 Coloring technology of the third model

First, set the main color. We dye the hair in the same way as the first model. Then we wash off the paint and dry it. To highlight the strands, I decided to choose red and white colors. We select the strands using the darning method on the parietal zone, alternating red and white. I only need colored strands on top, but not all over my head. I dye my bangs both colors at once. I separate the strand with a horizontal parting 1 cm wide. I step back 1cm from the roots and paint it white less than halfway, the middle red, and the ends white again. I leave it on for 30 minutes, wash it off and dry it. I'm starting to cut my hair.

2.3.2 Third model haircut technology

Step 1. I divide my hair into two parts with a vertical parting - from the middle of the forehead to the back of the head.

Step 2. Separate the first strand with a parting parallel to the growth line on the sides of the face. I pull it horizontally so that it is parallel to the floor. The length of the control strand depends on the length of the shortest hair in the hairstyle.

I carry out further haircuts in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head. I pull my hair forward and horizontally. I work using the strand-by-strand method, the cut line should be neat and even.

Step 4. Comb my hair thoroughly. I find hairs that stick out beyond the cut line. I trim them.

Step 5. I do the edging so that the cut contour becomes perfectly even.

Step 6. I finish the haircut with thinning. I use slicing. I'm starting to do my hair.

3.3 Hairstyle for the third model

I like this hairstyle for its romance. First, I use a curling iron to create curls. During execution I fix it with varnish. While the curls develop a little, I style my bangs. The bangs are oblique, I pull them out with an iron and lay them on the left side. I decorate it with rhinestones in a checkerboard pattern and fix it with varnish. I part my hair with a side parting on the right. I collect all the dyed strands at the back of my head and pin them with bobby pins. Using varnish I model the ends and hide the invisible ones. The collected hair at the back of the head should resemble a flower, but it is not necessary to strive for this. I fix my hair with hairspray and give it a shimmering effect. You can start doing your makeup.

2.3.4 Makeup for the third model

I cleanse my skin with cosmetic milk and remove any remaining cosmetic milk with a toner. I apply powder. We perform movements with the pad from above, from the forehead to the chin along the massage lines. I tint the eyelids with dry shadows and apply them to the upper eyelid. Since my model is a graduate, I try to make my makeup look light and not flashy. The eyeshadow color is pink. The inner corner of the eye has a light tone, the outer corner is darker and more saturated. I paint my eyelashes with black mascara. I only apply gloss to my lips, as my lips should look alive. That's all, my model is ready.

2.4 Annotated list of materials (perfume and cosmetics necessary to perform selected hairstyles)

Name of material Purpose of material Material consumption rate, ml “Kapous” dye (Platinum blonde) To create the main color 50 “Kapous” dye (Platinum blonde) To highlight the strands 30 “Kapous” dye 9.70 (copper natural blonde) To highlight the strands 10 “Kapous” dye 1 (black) To highlight the strands 20 Dye “Kapous” (red) For highlighting strands 40 Oxidizing agent “Kapous” 6% For combining with dye 10 Oxidizing agent “Kapous” 9% For combining with dye 100 Shampoo “Kapous” For washing hair after coloring 45 Balm “Kapous” For rinsing hair 45 Hair mousse “Tseko” For hair styling 20 Hairspray hair “Tseko” with strong hold For modeling and giving shape to the hairstyle 60 Hairspray “Tseko” with glitter For a shimmering effect 30

5 Annotated list of tools and hairdressing equipment for performing selected hairstyles

Name of tools, devices Purpose of tools, devices Methods of disinfection of tools, devices TB when performing work Scissors For hair cutting Ultraviolet sterilizer Thinning scissors For thinning strands Ultraviolet sterilizer Straight comb For combing hair Ultraviolet sterilizer Comb with a metal tail For isolating strands during coloring Ultraviolet sterilizer Double-sided hair brushFor combing hair while dryingUltraviolet sterilizerBrushingFor curling hair ends during stylingUltraviolet sterilizerHair dryerFor drying, styling hairUltraviolet sterilizerPliersFor twisting the ends of hairUltraviolet sterilizerBrushFor hair coloringUltraviolet sterilizerBowlFor paintUltraviolet sterilizerFoilFor coloring the separated strandsRecyclingDucksFor pinning hair during workUltraviolet sterilizer

Tags: Description of the stages of creating a collection of hairstyles under the motto "Prom" Diploma in Cultural Studies

Hairstyle modeling consists of two stages - the base, or the modeling itself, and the completion, that is, fixing. Basic products are usually used to model hairstyles - to give the hair the desired shape, volume, texture and make it more manageable. Finishing products are necessary to fix the resulting hairstyle and keep it intact throughout the day.

All hair styling products are classified according to the degree of fixation. Hair length also affects right choice styling products: hairstyles with long hair are best done using mousses, while gels are better suited for short haircuts and especially for men's hairstyles.

And don't forget that most people need to use at least two products at the same time: one to give their hair the desired shape, and another to secure the hairstyle.

If the master knows and follows all of the above, then he will be able to create a hairstyle in any style without any problems and at the same time fulfill all the client’s wishes.


A wedding is such a long-awaited and desired event in a woman’s life. And when this day is finally close, you need to do everything to make it perfect and memorable. One of the important elements in the image of the bride is the hairstyle.

How to choose the right wedding hairstyle

When choosing a hairstyle, it is important to focus not only and not so much on beautiful pictures in the magazine, but also take into account a number of factors, such as face shape, hair type, style and neckline of the dress, wedding style and location. So, for a garden protected from the winds, luxurious flowing curls are perfect, for a wedding in a church it is better to choose a classic updo, and for a wedding in the Art Nouveau style on a windswept beach it is better to give preference to something ultra-modern and reliable. Don't put off choosing a hairstyle until the last minute.

Sweet romantic princess

A wedding is undoubtedly a romantic event, which is why hairstyles in a lace-doll romantic style are the most popular and beloved among brides all over the world. We are still soaring in the skies, dreaming of big and bright things, closing our eyes to barely noticeable clouds on the pink horizon, and we ourselves are still white and fluffy. Snow white lace feminine dress perfectly emphasizing all the charms of the female figure, smooth, light, soft lines of the silhouette, open neckline, fitted bodice or corset, fluffy long skirt a la princess, lace and frills. The perfect complement to this sweet look: luxurious curls, chic bouncy curls and cascading flowing waves. Hair decorations in the shape of flowers or a tiara will add an additional dose of fairy-tale romance.

Royal classic

Their characteristic features: clarity, symmetry, smoothed or semi-smoothed silhouettes, economical use of decorative elements, royal sophistication. As a rule, classic hairstyles are represented by all possible knots and raised raised structures with reliable, strong fixation. The main thing is harmonious unity with the entire image, so the classics should be clearly visible in the wedding dress, in makeup, and in jewelry, where a lack of flashiness is desired.

Colorful folk and ethno

A very interesting solution for a summer wedding in nature is a folk style a la the holiday of Ivan Kupala with a white sleeveless dress of a simple cut, a wreath and slightly curly or straight flowing hair: simple, quick and impressive. Characteristic details of the ethno style are all kinds of braids and weaving.

Star glamor

When relying on wedding hairstyles in a star-glamorous style, do not forget to liberate yourself, otherwise you will not only feel out of place, but also risk turning into a ridiculous, dressed-up doll. If you have already decided on glamor, then be kind enough to live up to it. Welcome: shockingness, internal and external openness, an abundance of jewelry, fur, feathers, sparkles. Excessiveness is also undesirable, so be sure to consult a stylist.

Avangard - stylish editorial

Unusual and unpredictable details, mixing several styles at once, exaggeration, extravagance and exoticism, surprise and catchiness - character traits avant-garde. Unusual jewelry and hats instead of veils will perfectly complement avant-garde hairstyles.

There are 6 main styles of wedding hairstyles:

  1. Romantic style wedding hairstyle.
  2. Classic style wedding hairstyle.
  3. Hairstyles in folk style.
  4. Retro wedding hairstyles
  5. Wedding hairstyles in avant-garde style
  6. Greek style.

Let's take a closer look:
Romantic wedding hairstyle is one of the most feminine and popular of all styles. This hairstyle contains light waves and various curls. Hair can be either partially collected or loose. A wedding hairstyle in a romantic style always looks relaxed and easy. You can decorate this hairstyle with one flower, rhinestones or a hat.

Photo No. 1 Romantic wedding hairstyle

Classic wedding hairstyle will always be relevant, as it is sophisticated and moderate. The classic hairstyle is simple in design, symmetrical, decorated with a tiara, veil, rhinestones and hairpins. The styling can vary from beautifully arranged hair in a bun on the top of the head to a wide variety of knots or curls and strands framing the face.

Photo No. 2 Classic wedding hairstyle

Hairstyles for weddings in folk style are currently gaining popularity. Since the comparison goes to the national, folk, as well as ethnic dress of the bride. There are many types of hairstyles in folk style. The hairstyle mainly contains different hair weaves or braids. Accessories can range from flowers to colorful ribbons and embroidery.

Photo No. 3 wedding hairstyles in folk style

Retro wedding hairstyles Very extravagant brides choose such hairstyles for weddings. In this style there is very little, one might say a minimum of hair decorations and accessories.

Photo No. 4 Wedding hairstyles in retro style

Wedding hairstyles in avant-garde style They offer us the absence of any restrictions and give us complete freedom to create an extremely unusual hairstyle. Such hairstyles are asymmetrical, they may have torn edges and multi-colored strands. Accessories include plants, wire, feathers and other exotic elements.

Photo No. 5 Wedding hairstyle in avant-garde style

Greek style elegant, sexy and simple. The essence of a wedding hairstyle in this style is to make the bride a goddess. Hair styling can be different: with a bun or with curls or braids. There are almost no accessories.

Photo No. 6 Wedding hairstyle in Greek style

Hairstyle appeared in primitive society much earlier than clothing, and changed along with the evolution of human society. Creative process creating a hairstyle is closely related to creativity in any other form of human activity. A hairstyle, just like a sculpture, participates in the design of an image; it contributes to the creation of an artistic image. Expressing a specific artistic image, a hairstyle can either have a dominant meaning when a person must transform, or emphasize the individuality of a particular person. The development of hairstyles and their changes are determined, on the one hand, by the general style of the era, and on the other, by fashion.

Style in art is a stable unity of the figurative system, means and techniques of artistic expression, conditioned by the unity of the ideological content of art. In other words, style is the person himself, his worldview, his ability to express his individuality. In this direction of developing women's fantasy hairstyles on the “Faberge” theme, you can take a certain style as a basis and come up with a lot of your own special, unique hairstyle, this hairstyle is most suitable for a special occasion. Within one style, various modifications appear in hairstyles, called fashion, which means the short-term dominance of a certain taste in any area of ​​life or culture. Each new fashion brings the necessary novelty, sometimes full of contradictions in relation to the previous fashion. The inconsistency of fashion is a prerequisite for its further development. When individually modeling hairstyles, the so-called interpretation of fashion occurs. The model may undergo various changes. It should be said that a great many different, often unpredictable factors influence changes in hairstyle patterns, as a result of which new models arise. The presence of stylistic features and a variety of forms make it possible to prolong and expand the influence of fashion and thus satisfy a large number of of people.

Creating hairstyles is an intuitive process, but at the same time technical, requiring certain knowledge and relying on strict technologies. It is necessary to combine a flight of fancy with clear laws, while doing your hair efficiently and quickly.

Depending on the purpose, hairstyles are divided into two categories: everyday and spectacular. Household hairstyles, in turn, are divided into casual and elegant. They are divided into subgroups depending on their use at different times of the day and the environment - during the day, in the evening, indoors, outdoors, at work. The shapes of everyday hairstyles are influenced by seasonal weather changes (time of year) and climatic factors (heat, wind, snow). Elegant everyday hairstyles include evening hairstyles, hairstyles for visiting exhibitions, the theater, as well as for special occasions. special occasions(wedding, prom, business meetings).

Spectacular hairstyles include competitive, historical, and fantasy hairstyles. Spectacular hairstyles, depending on the type and genre, can be intended for performances, and can also be part of carnival costume. In all cases, they have a clearly defined target orientation; they should give the most complete picture of the artistic image. According to Figure 19.

Figure 19 - Hairstyle a la Faberge

Fantasy hairstyles find their expression in new lines and shapes. Hairstyles can be extravagant - elegant, lyrical, spectacular. Extraordinary additions and lots of decorations are allowed. Fantasy hairstyles can be made based on: architecture, music, nature, art. The shapes of hairstyles depend on the master's intentions and fashion trends. This contributes to the creation of new hairstyles, the development of hairdressing and the development of fashion. Fantasy hairstyles are very diverse and extraordinary in their execution. When performing them, various forms of frames, all kinds of decorations and post-dressing products can be used, but not more than 50%.

Hairstyle is the main part of appearance. Together with elements of clothing, shoes, and jewelry, the hairstyle serves to create a complete, complete image that can reflect the era and individuality of a person. Changing over time, experiencing the influence of various artistic styles, costume and hairstyle are in constant search for mutual balance and harmony.

Historical - hairstyles reflect the characteristic features of a historical era. For example, when hairdressers talk about Japanese hairstyles, they first of all imagine a bun, a roller and wooden knitting needles inserted into it. When a foreign hairdresser talks about a hairstyle in the Russian style, everyone understands that he means a hairstyle, characteristic feature which is the large Russian braid.

When creating hairstyles based on this topic: “Faberge”, where it was necessary to reflect in the hairstyle any element of a given theme, the hairstyles must be created interesting in their design and, of course, they must be harmonious with each other. The design of hairstyles was influenced by many things: fashion magazines, the Internet, television, books, fashion competitions, art. When modeling hairstyles, first of all, its functionality and aesthetic purpose were revealed, i.e. its use.

Technique work on creating characteristic forms of hairstyles, designed to express figurative content, is the specific artistic language that the fashion designer uses. The quality of an artistic language is determined by its expressive capabilities. The main language of the hairdresser's art consists of the primary elements of form: the geometric appearance of the form, size, mass, texture, color, surface character, finishing.

Using the primary elements of form in their various states with the help of a number of compositional connections, relationships (proportions, scale, rhythm) and using various kinds of associations, the hairdresser can build one or another hairstyle image. Therefore, we can say that the idea on the topic is a probable idea of ​​the content and form of the future hairstyle. When creating a hairstyle, drawing plays a huge role. The image that arises in the mind is better recorded on paper - this allows you to supplement, clarify and check the thought process.

When modeling a hairstyle, it is necessary to take into account the composition. The composition is the hairstyle itself as a whole. The basis of the composition of a hairstyle is the totality of the parts that form its shape, the relationship of these parts, general proportions, and silhouette. How correctly we compose the composition as a whole will depend on the expressiveness and beauty of the hairstyle. When modeling a hairstyle, we also take into account the shape of the face; of course, oval or round form face, and also take into account the proportions of the figure, pay attention to the type of hairstyle, for what occasion it is intended. And then we proceed to its design and implementation. Consequently, the figurative expressiveness of a hairstyle is achieved through its specific construction, i.e. compositions.

There are objective laws of composition: components of composition and compositional means. The components of a hairstyle composition are shape and silhouette, lines, color, individual hairstyle details and decor (decorating elements). Compositional means or techniques of composition are proportions (scale, compositional unity of all elements), symmetry and asymmetry, rhythm, contrast, nuance. There are two more mandatory components of composition: unity of style and imagery of form. When creating a hairstyle, all this must be taken into account in order to create an interesting, harmonious hairstyle that is correctly folded into shape. Each constructed detail plays a huge role in the composition of the hairstyle. Proportion, scale, rhythm, emphasis, harmony, all this creates a hairstyle, while making it balanced and proportional.

Techniques for performing hairstyles affect the final result, therefore, after the idea has been conceived, it is necessary to think through the entire technological process of performing a particular hairstyle.

Currently, there are a huge variety of different hairstyles, modern fashion gives everyone the opportunity to express themselves through their hairstyle. At the first stage of working on the image, the master turns to various creative sources, to works of art of cinema, theater, and fashion proposals of other authors. The creative process of creating a hairstyle can be represented in the following sequence:

· all third-party perceptions and awareness of the era, style, fashion, hairstyle ideas, the most general idea of ​​the shape of the future hairstyle, the full scope of imagination on the topic, finding a motive;

· means of embodiment, that is, finding a compositional device;

· technological program;

· implementation of the plan.

First initial idea the forms must be displayed in a working sketch, that is, a project.

The silhouette is selected taking into account the fashion trend, the individual characteristics of the face, the unity of all elements, the complexity of the shape and silhouette. When determining the shape of the hairstyle, proportion, scale, it is necessary to take into account the location of the compositional center. Another important property of the hairstyle composition is the balance of the elements, that is, the state in which all the hairstyle elements are balanced with each other. We need to build the composition of the hairstyle so that there is a complete combination of shape, elements, proportions, scale, lines.

Another very important element must be taken into account when creating a hairstyle; you need to rely not only on the front of the hairstyle, but also on the profile. It is necessary that the hairstyle looks technical and proportional from any side. The larger, more voluminous and decorative our hairstyle is, the easier it is to match it to any face. Small hairstyles with extremely laconic shapes do not suit every face. The ease of perception of a hairstyle largely depends on how naturally its composition develops.

In order for the hairstyle to look interesting, it is necessary to complement it with a suit and makeup. This will give the image completeness. When creating a complete look, we need to consider what the hairstyle is intended for. This will allow you to choose the appropriate costume and makeup. Hairstyle, costume and makeup should be in harmony with each other and complement each other. Hair color, characteristic makeup, color features of clothing - all this ideally serves to create a single artistic image.

The imagination of the master plays a huge role in the variety of hairstyles; this is also the main element in the development of hairdressing.

Fantasy hairstyles have become very popular in competitions in modern world, they are very interesting and extraordinary in their execution. The images expressed by fantasy hairstyles force a person to reincarnate; in some cases, a person’s reincarnation is emphasized by characteristic makeup, costume, jewelry, and hairstyle, which allows you to create a complete harmonious image.

While developing my collection of fantasy hairstyles, in search of inspiration, I looked for ideas and forms of hairstyles in magazines and on the Internet, this helped not only to create interesting models, but also to find new shapes and silhouettes.