
Is mood related to food? How food affects your mood. Worsens: White bread

All nations have their own traditional food and special secrets of its preparation. Our ancestors greatly revered everything related to the preparation of dishes and their subsequent consumption. For a long time, food in the family was prepared by the eldest woman - the housewife, who approached the process creatively and with soul, thanks to which the food always turned out very tasty

The hostess began cooking after the procedure of “Cleansing” thoughts and body - hands had to be washed in running spring water, and thoughts had to be purified with the help of prayer and gratitude to higher powers. The ancestors believed and knew that the mood and thoughts of the cook are completely devoted to food - the thought is material and has the ability to “Charge” the food. They believed that a person’s physical and emotional state directly depends on the food he eats.

Nowadays, food is viewed as a consumerism - they threw something edible-looking into the “Firebox” and ran to earn money. Is this why, in “Advanced” countries, there are so many people with excess weight problems - after all, they have no time to cook; the easiest way is to go to some bistro and eat fast food. Such food is very harmful to the body, and not only because of low-quality products, but also due to the lack of positive “Charge”.

Agree, the most delicious food we have ever eaten is prepared by our mother, grandmother, and wife. It is very easy to explain - a woman, when cooking for her family and friends, “puts her Soul” and her love into the dish, thanks to which even the simplest food turns out to be especially tasty, and, I’m not afraid to say, is endowed with healing powers.

How our mood affects the quality of cooked food.

I think you have noticed more than once that when you prepare the same dish, according to the same recipe, it tastes different every time. This is connected with your “Mood” while cooking: if you are in a good, happy mood, and your attention is concentrated on cooking, it turns out delicious; if you do everything mechanically and solve your problems in your thoughts, the dish will come out bland and tasteless. In addition to taste, food prepared in a positive mood has a beneficial effect on our overall health. Firstly, it is easily digested, and useful substances are absorbed by the body - it’s not for nothing that there were so many heroes and beauties in Rus'. Secondly, immunity and performance increase - the feeling of hunger does not visit you for a long time. Thirdly, you are in a good mood and feel satisfied with life. Fourthly, “Positively Charged” food helps to increase brain activity - difficult tasks and puzzles are solved, and you are inspired to accomplish feats. Fifthly, by eating such food, the body is naturally cleansed on a psychological level from negativity, and on a physical level from toxins and wastes. In general, energy is in full swing, and you are ready to move mountains.

Food prepared in a bad mood or with bad thoughts will lead to the opposite effects: it is difficult to digest - pain in the gastrointestinal tract, bloating, a feeling of heaviness, constipation, diarrhea are possible; performance decreases - energy is spent on digesting food; brain activity drops - I want to sleep, I’m too lazy to do anything; Your thoughts become “heavier” - a long-known fact: “light food - light thoughts”, and vice versa; there is a risk of becoming overweight; problems with skin and hair. At the emotional level, it’s no better either: bad mood, no desire to do anything, don’t want to take care of your health and appearance, apathy.

As you can see, our ancestors were smarter than us and approached this issue with full responsibility. Someone will say that they didn’t have our problems, it was much easier for them to “Clear their Thoughts” and be in a good mood. Well, yes, they didn’t have cars, household appliances and other advantages of modern civilization, work that they had to go to every day - they just did laundry in the rivers, moved on foot, taught the children themselves, etc. and you and I, just and we spend all our strength and energy on solving problems with these very advantages. When can you live and have fun?

It is not for nothing that our ancestors treated the issue of cooking with special caution - they had good health, strength, endurance, and their life expectancy was much longer than ours.

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The human body is a kind of chemical plant that processes everything we eat, causing certain reactions in the internal organs. And not always those that are beneficial.

Modern physiology explains how nutrition affects our state of mind, emotions and even behavior. According to scientific research, brain cells “communicate with each other” through chemical reactions. The composition of the substances that participate in this metabolism is influenced by the foods we eat.

Thus, we are able to improve the balance of our mood and be more optimistic throughout the day if we eat the right foods for our emotional health. Accordingly, it is necessary to exclude or limit the consumption of foods that negatively affect our emotional state.

What should you consider when planning your weekly diet?

Bad Mood Products

Fatty Fast Food. Tempting food from McDonald's and other fast food restaurants overloads our body with excess fats and salt. Eating a hamburger would seem to quickly satisfy your hunger, and it is. But after a short period of time, your blood sugar level drops sharply again, you feel drowsiness and decreased tone. Moreover, this state sometimes lasts up to 2-3 hours.

Caffeine. A couple of strong espressos loaded with caffeine or a mochaccino with extra heavy cream can lead to rapid mood swings throughout the day. Caffeine can cause addiction and changes in brain chemistry similar to amphetamines, contributing to irritability and aggressive behavior.

Alcohol. Alcohol is a known sedative. Even low-strength alcoholic drinks, if consumed frequently, can cause dehydration, drowsiness, muscle weakness and inability to concentrate.

Sugar. Eating sweets, especially on an empty stomach, causes the pancreas to pump a record amount of insulin into the blood, causing a sharp drop in blood sugar levels. The result is the same as after a hamburger: laziness, a feeling of fatigue and - what’s worst - an irresistible desire to eat more sweets. So we find ourselves in a vicious circle - the body demands sweets, but we are unable to resist the temptation.

Carbonated drinks. Carbonated drinks are often high in sodium, which can lead to dehydration. In addition, the low temperature successfully masks huge amounts of sugar. Be careful with so-called "energy drinks" - known side effects include memory loss, loss of ability to concentrate, and unexplained anxiety.

Good Mood Products

Foods Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Omega-3 fatty acids improve your mood and help cope with depression. Products rich in omega-3: fatty sea fish (salmon, salmon, herring, mackerel, etc.), flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive oil, seeds and nuts (not fried!), cod liver, fish oil.

Folic acid and B12. Deficiency of folic acid and vitamin B12 can lead to depression, constant feeling of fatigue and insomnia. The following foods are rich in folic acid: avocados, bananas, apricots, lentils, broccoli, green vegetables. Products with a lot of vitamin B12: seafood, shrimp, squid, sea fish, meat, eggs.

Vitamin D. Foods rich in vitamin D will help prevent the winter blues, when your mood is affected by short daylight hours: fish, egg yolks, cheese, liver, mushrooms, butter.

Vitamin B6. Why do we sometimes feel tired and irritable after illness? The fact is that taking certain medications causes a deficiency of vitamin B6. Urgently help the body and include meat and fish, avocados, legumes, and wholemeal bread with bran in your diet.

Vitamin B1. A lack of vitamin B1 also causes depression, loss of appetite, and irritability over trifles. The deficiency increases if you eat a lot of sweets and starchy foods. The following foods rich in vitamin B1 will help you cope: pork, sprouted wheat, wholemeal rye bread with bran, oatmeal.

Tryptophan. Tryptophan promotes the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness). Tryptophan-rich foods: all dairy products, buckwheat, rolled oatmeal, bran bread, eggs, meat, fish, turkey, tomatoes, eggplant, legumes, fruits - especially bananas, plums and avocados, and nuts.

Magnesium. Why do you crave chocolate when you're in a bad mood? Cocoa, which is usually found in chocolate, contains a lot of magnesium, and magnesium deficiency causes irritability. However, milk chocolate and chocolate candies are rather sweets, but dark chocolate and a cup of good cocoa without sugar can compensate for the lack of magnesium. There is also a lot of magnesium in almonds and walnuts.

Protein food. If there is a lack of protein in the diet, the body reduces the production of the hormone dopamine, and if there is a deficiency of dopamine, melancholy and indifference attack. I don’t want anything, nothing makes me happy. Everyone knows the sources of protein: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese.

Read more detailed information about healthy foods and drinks that can restore mental well-being and health on the pages of the online magazine

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The life experiences of many of us, as well as numerous scientific studies, confirm the influence of nutrition on good mood. With the help of food we can improve it or, conversely, because of it we can forget what it is. The absence of certain substances provokes disappointment, anger, consumption of others in excess will lead to the same effect. Proper nutrition helps maintain mental balance and, interestingly, increase intellectual potential.

Pride and anger

Our ancestors also came to the conclusion that a hungry person is an evil person. Perhaps everyone knows from personal experience that there is a large grain of truth in this. It turns out that low blood sugar actually makes us more scandalous. Why is this happening? When sugar levels drop, the hypothalamus begins to produce leptin and ghrelin, among others. This leads to the fact that the entire hormonal balance is generally disrupted. It also leads to blocking the production of serotonin, the so-called happiness hormone. A hormonal storm provokes mood disturbances, but this only happens when the sugar level drops below 55 mg/dl. However, this does not mean that any outbreak of aggression or bad mood can be explained solely by hunger.

Meat and aggression

The argument for giving up meat is that it makes people more prone to aggressive behavior. This argument of theirs is considered a rather strange and even far-fetched idea, perhaps a little metaphorical. But she actually has a point. Substances contained in meat (mainly red meat) help increase testosterone levels. This hormone is associated, in particular, with aggression and the tendency to violence.

Fast food and aggression

British scientist Robert McCarrison studied the effect of fast food, or, in other words, products containing artificial ingredients, large amounts of sugar and hydrogenated fats, on aggressive behavior. He concluded that the rats fed on canned food, jams, and white flour bread showed significant nervousness and a tendency to scratch and bite their human guardians. A similar study was conducted in Australia. However, this time the experiments looked at the influence of nutrition on people's behavior. A two-week study in which students at one school were given healthy meals showed that they became much calmer and less prone to violence.

Food and intelligence

The diet also affects the level of concentration, the ability to memorize and compare facts, the speed of learning, etc. A menu consisting of fast food, sweets, soda and other unhealthy meals and snacks significantly limits our mental abilities. What then increases them? First of all, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, eggs, fish, nuts. The last two groups are a rich source of unsaturated fatty acids, without which the brain is not able to function normally. Those contained in unrefined grains and eggs are responsible for the functioning of the nervous system.

Food and depression

Mood swings, a tendency towards sadness, anxiety and even depression can be caused by dietary mistakes. Magnesium, unsaturated fatty acids from the group, and B vitamins are responsible for a good mood - they all regulate the activity of the nervous system. Thus, a diet that lacks sources of the above components increases the risk of, for example, depressive conditions.

To supplement your daily menu with magnesium, you need to eat dark chocolate, wheat bran, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, almonds, and oysters. is also very important because its deficiency leads to increased stress and the inability to cope with it. It also affects sleep: a lack of the substance sometimes provokes insomnia. It, in turn, disrupts hormonal levels and increases cortisol levels, which further increases stress and nervousness.

To introduce sources of unsaturated acids from the omega-3 group into the diet, we must eat flaxseed, dishes with added flaxseed oil, and fatty sea fish. Good sources of B vitamins are eggs and whole grains. They are also worth eating because complex carbohydrates are digested faster than simple sugars, so they help maintain blood sugar levels at the desired level for longer. Thus, by not allowing it to fall, we do not expose ourselves to attacks of rage, scandal, or sadness.

A well-balanced diet helps maintain not only physical but also mental health. So let's be careful what we eat!

The brain and endocrine system are responsible for a person’s mood. It is the endocrine system, whose functions are regulated by the nervous system, that has a direct influence on mood.

For example, neurotransmitters produced by it such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine are responsible for improving emotional well-being. These neurotransmitters are also actively produced when a person falls in love or experiences happiness - they act as a catalyst.

Is it possible to somehow stimulate the production of these neurotransmitters through diet? In other words, can you improve your mood by including certain foods in your diet? According to research, it really is possible.

Scientists have even compiled a list of foods that help eliminate depression and increase mental performance and physical activity. We will share this list with you in this article.

Recall that we previously looked at .

Top 12 Antidepressant Products

It’s worth clarifying right away that the functionality of the brain and endocrine system depends not only on diet, but also on how a person consumes foods. What is meant? Essentially, you need to eat often, but in small portions.

Chocolate also contains theobormin and flavonoids, which have an antioxidant effect (preventing the oxidation of nerve cells and their destruction) and also eliminate the feeling of stress.

Dark chocolate is considered more useful and effective for improving mood - it contains higher cocoa powder content and averages from 50 to 75%. In dairy, for comparison, it is about 25 - 40%.

2. Bananas

Bananas contain harman - this component enhances the feeling of euphoria.

Also in this fruit high content of vitamin B 6, which is used by the pituitary gland in the production of hormones.

It is worth noting that B vitamins have a stronger effect on mood in women than in men.

6. Nuts

Walnuts and pistachios are considered the most. They contain Omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, B vitamins, tryptophan and selenium. True, their content is several times lower than in fatty fish.

To improve your mood, it is useful to regularly consume nuts in small quantities (optimally - from 50 grams per day). And the same tryptophan, for example, can accumulate in the body and be used only when necessary. So, including nuts in your diet is one of the easiest options for preventing depression.

7. Cheese

Cheese, and many other lactic acid products with a high content of lactobacilli, contain tyramine, trictanin and phenylethylamine. Doctors often call them “anti-stress” amino acids., as they improve the absorption of nutritional components by brain cells.

And to get the maximum effect, it is recommended to combine cheese with chocolate in the diet - the sensitivity of nerve cells to endorphins increases exponentially, which will help overcome even the most persistent depression.

8. Greens

In almost every greenery contains folate, which acts on the body in a similar way to omega-3 fatty acids.

But folate is only found in plant foods. Its highest content is in dill and parsley. To varying degrees, folates are found in all greens.

9. Coffee

Caffeine, a substance that affects the brain, helps improve mood. acts as a neurostimulant. This effect lasts about 3 – 5 hours.

Caffeine not only increases the sensitivity of nerve cells to the same endorphins, but also accelerates the absorption of carbohydrates - this helps the brain quickly get energy. It is not for nothing that coffee is considered the best and tones the body.

11. Buckwheat and oatmeal porridge

They contain a lot of complex carbohydrates, which are not absorbed by the human body immediately, throughout the daylight hours, thereby providing the body and brain with energy. The nervous system, according to doctors, uses about 30% of all the energy that the body receives from carbohydrates.

These cereals also contain a large amount of non-digestible fiber - it comprehensively improves the functionality of the digestive system and allows you to obtain more nutrients from food.

12. Eggs

They contain vitamin A, magnesium, tryptophan and carotenes, which, although indirectly, affect a person’s mood.

It’s just worth clarifying that only fresh eggs “work”, since after heat treatment the lion’s share of carotenes and tryptophan break down into derivative elements.

Quail eggs are more beneficial for a person’s mood. In addition, it is impossible to get salmonellosis by eating them fresh - this infection is simply unable to penetrate the pores of a quail egg shell. But these bacteria easily penetrate through a chicken shell.

What foods should you avoid?

It is worth considering that there are some that can worsen your mood. They just interfere with the production of endorphins, and also take a high proportion of energy for their digestion and subsequent absorption.

Doctors identify the following foods that should be avoided if possible to avoid depression:

  1. Sweet soda. Cola, lemonade and other similar drinks contain large amounts of phenylalanine - the manufacturer even warns against this on the label. And this substance is known to suppress the production of serotonin. Soda will not worsen your mood, but it will interfere with the feeling of euphoria.
  2. Fast food. Theoretically, this could include all foods that are high in calories and high in fat. All of them create a huge burden on the gastrointestinal tract. Enormous amounts of energy are used to assimilate them. This is why after a heavy snack a person feels tired and finds it difficult to concentrate - this is a lack of energy for the brain.
  3. Margarine. This includes all foods high in trans fats, which simply destroy the structure of serotonin when they enter the blood. Another fun fact is that trans fats are not absorbed by the body in any way and come out almost unchanged. But at the same time, they still go through the digestive process, that is, taking away energy.
  4. Flavor enhancers. This includes various kinds of chips, salty straws, crackers and other snacks. Flavor enhancers suppress the production of serotonin and also slow down the course of metabolic intercellular processes in the brain. That is, they inhibit the process of division and restoration of nerve cells.
  5. Sweet breakfasts. These are a kind of cereals, muesli and other dishes based on corn grits and a whole list of sweeteners. They suppress the production of endorphins.

Another nuance that doctors often pay attention to. You should avoid eating a lot of sweets. A sharp jump in blood sugar levels is a kind of “stress” for the brain, which at this moment tries to normalize the concentration of carbohydrates by producing insulin.

But after this, the sugar level quickly drops (since desserts contain mainly simple carbohydrates - they are absorbed instantly), reaching a level of 3 mmol/l - this is below nominal, which is also perceived by the body as stress. How to eat sweets correctly? In small portions, no more than 10 - 15 grams. But you can eat often - even 5 times a day.

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In summary, diet directly affects a person’s mood. This is due to the fact that some foods affect the functioning of the hormonal system - it is the system that is responsible for the production of endorphins (a group of hormones that affect mood and emotional well-being).

But there is food that does the opposite - it worsens your mood, as it suppresses the production of serotonin, and at the same time takes away the lion's share of energy. The presence of the latter in the diet should be limited and preference should be given to a healthy diet, which will provide you with a great mood!