
Wedding bouquet: history, traditions and signs. What if... you don’t throw the wedding bouquet at all? What should be the bride's wedding bouquet?

Planning a wedding is a complex process, consisting of an innumerable number of details. This element of the ceremony is the bride's bouquet. There are many customs associated with it. Who traditionally buys a bridal bouquet? The groom must purchase and solemnly present such a gift to the bride after the ransom. This detail should be in perfect harmony with the bride, decorate her, and complement the image as a whole. In modern times, a bouquet is a real work of floristry art.

Wedding bouquet - signs and superstitions

Bridal bouquet - main attribute image of the bride. The flowers in it must be fresh and ideally complement the outfit. According to traditions, this element should not be bright; it is preferable to choose pink, which personifies youth, or white, symbolizing innocence and purity. But today, bright flowers are popular, which look impressive in photographs against the background of the bride’s light-colored attire.

According to traditions, the bride should not let go of the bouquet during the entire wedding. Only a young spouse or mother, not a guest or a friend, is allowed to entrust flowers. During the banquet, the color composition is placed on the table in front of the newlyweds, and then transferred to the bedroom. According to legend, if you release flowers, then happiness will fly away like a bird. However, the tradition of throwing them to girlfriends, like a garter to men who are still single, directly contradicts the above. What should I do? It is necessary to order a similar bouquet, which one of the girlfriends should catch.

Who should buy a bridal bouquet for a wedding?

In the old days, when brides got married, they wove wedding bouquets themselves from specially selected flowers and herbs. Each plant had its own meaning, and the bouquet played the role of a talisman for the young couple, which protected them from damage and misfortune. In this regard, the flowers are carefully stored throughout the ceremony, and then dried and placed at home. So who should buy a bridal bouquet for a wedding? According to customs, the groom does this and gives it before the wedding ceremony. The bride must accept what it means to agree to this marriage.

We have sorted out the question of who buys a bridal bouquet for a wedding. Let's touch on the nuances of choosing this holiday detail. First of all, decide on a company that provides floristry services. Order the bride's bouquet in advance, three weeks before the celebration. Florists in some cases accept orders the day before the wedding, but such a composition is assembled from what is available at the moment. In addition, the freshness of the flowers will not be up to par.

It would be wiser to order from a florist rather than an intermediary. The latter provide a very wide range wedding services. When working with them, you may come across inaccuracies in the order details. In addition, it will be unclear who should be held responsible for a poor-quality product. The price from intermediaries will also be higher. In addition, choose a company that offers a service such as morning flower delivery. In this case, they will be the freshest and your storage problem will disappear.

Let's move on to the questions that you should discuss directly with the florist:

  • When creating a color composition, listen to the recommendations of a professional or use your imagination by defining your own design. In the latter case, you need to explain to the florist how you see the composition, what shape, size. It is not forbidden to order a repetition from a photograph.
  • Such a wedding detail should emphasize and complement the dress, but not merge with it. Therefore, it is important to describe the model and color of the dress to the florist. The bouquet itself may contain fabric elements in the decor, which must match the fabric of the bride's outfit. In addition, it is worth considering the bride's hair color and other external data. If the girl is fragile and graceful, a spherical bouquet will not be suitable for a newlywed with curvaceous It is better to choose a composition with flowing buds.
  • Discuss with the florist such moments as who, when, and how will pick up the flowers. If you plan to pick up in the evening, ask for recommendations regarding storage conditions.
  • Do not choose flowers with a strong smell, otherwise the bride may have a headache.
  • The boutonniere and bouquet should be in the same style.

Don't forget about color scheme. If the wedding dress is bright and unusual, then the flowers should be in rich colors. But remember that bright colors look harmonious with a young bride, but in the hands of a mature lady they look ridiculous. In the latter case, choose calm and gentle tones. Flowers can be decorated with eucalyptus leaves, ivy, fern, threads of beads, beads, pearls, ribbons and other accessories.

What flowers to choose for the composition?

The rose is considered the most verbose. The traditional color is dark burgundy, symbolizing eternal beauty, red is the color of passion, cream is a sign happy love, white - deification. The combination of red and white roses speaks of unanimity, agreement, yellow ones - of congratulations. If the thorns on a rose are cut off, this indicates that the future spouse will protect his chosen one.

Lilies are often used to symbolize happiness and hope. Myrtle is considered the flower of royal young girls. Orchids communicate admiration for beauty, tulips protect against unrequited feelings, phlox indicate passion, and asters indicate overwhelming joy. Gladioli, daffodils, and camellias are used least often in bridal bouquets, since they symbolize both triumph and sadness.

Flower size and bouquet shape

When choosing a bouquet, remember that the lady will have to wear it all day: at the registry office, on a walk, at a photo shoot, so leave the heavy armful of flowers for a more suitable occasion. When choosing a size, take into account the bride’s build and height. The bouquet should be discreet, but expressive. Also keep in mind that the bouquet can have different shapes:

  • Cascade - the shape of an inverted drop, waterfall, arc. Created by arranging flowers with a long stem.

  • Biedermeier - a small dense bouquet. Flowers are arranged in rings located inside each other.

  • Glamelia - flowers are separated into petals and collected into one large bud with glue. It looks very original.

  • A ball bouquet is the shape of an ideal ball, the flowers are fixed in a spherical base.

  • Round – looks like a hemisphere.

Even though it’s the 21st century, we still continue to believe in various signs. Some consider them funny, others believe in them with complete seriousness. The bride's bouquet has interesting and unusual signs. If you want to organize traditional wedding, then it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the customs associated with the main symbol of the celebration. What signs relate to a wedding bouquet?

How did the tradition of “Catching the Bride’s Bouquet” come about?

According to legend, before, when flowers were not given much importance, the bride’s friends tried to touch her dress or veil - this was considered a good omen. Sometimes the dress of the hero of the occasion was even in danger, because some ladies tried to tear a piece of material from the dress “for good luck.” To divert attention from her person, the girl threw flowers at them. The one who caught them was considered lucky, who would soon meet her future groom and get married.

In Rus', the girl did not quit bridal bouquet, and gave it to an unmarried woman. It was done like this: unmarried friends stood in a circle and danced in a circle; the hero of the wedding, standing in the center of the circle, handed flowers at random with her eyes closed. It was considered a good omen for a girl to receive this accessory. In the modern interpretation, flowers are allowed to be both thrown (Western custom) and given (Old Russian tradition).

Signs associated with flowers in a wedding bouquet

An ancient custom says that before the wedding ceremony, the groom himself must buy flowers for his beloved. Each flower in the composition symbolizes the relationship of a guy to a girl. If the young lady accepted the flowers, it meant that she agreed to the marriage. The bride’s bouquet has signs that we invite you to familiarize yourself with.

  • Roses mean the tender affection of a man for a woman. However, the color of the roses also determines their meaning. Thus, white roses symbolize tender affection, a man’s complete readiness to marry the woman to whom he gives a composition of flowers. Red – love and passion. Yellow symbolizes friendship rather than love. Tea roses mean an imminent separation, since the man is not yet ready for family life.

  • Orchids mean extreme affection and loyalty to a woman. Signs say that orchids symbolize passion and tenderness towards a woman.
  • Gerberas - symbolize easy relationships, flirting, great friendship.
  • Lilies - characterize a young man as a reliable, stable man. He expects from his chosen one a thorough approach to family life.

Chrysanthemums and gerberas are elegant plants that the hero of the occasion will appreciate. To create such a flower arrangement yourself, watch this video and you will surprise the girl with your ingenuity!

  • Chrysanthemums - the lover is sincere towards his lady. He trusts her with both love and financial matters.

What to do with the bride's bouquet after the wedding?

After throwing away the wedding accessory, it will remain with one of the unmarried friends. But an ancient sign says that by giving away the main symbol of the celebration, the bride deprives herself of love. What to do then? Order two wedding compositions! One of them will remain with you, protecting your family union, and with the help of the second you should determine which of your friends will soon get married. In the West, a newly-made wife keeps flowers for one year, after which she burns them. A bright flame emanating from dry petals is a good omen for a couple.

Why do you dream about a wedding bouquet?

See in a dream Wedding accessories or bridal bouquet good omens, because this foreshadows imminent joy, fun, perhaps unexpected gifts of fate. And catching him means that very soon you will meet your true love. Dreams where this wedding symbol appears foreshadow only good events.

The bouquet has always been an integral attribute wedding celebration. There are many signs associated with him. Therefore, if you want to diversify your wedding, do not neglect ancient tradition– throwing flowers into a crowd of unmarried ladies. Follow the signs and traditions, then your marriage will definitely be happy!

Marriage is not only a holiday and the most joyful event in a person’s life. This day is associated with a huge amount of troubles and preparations: choosing a dress and a restaurant, writing invitations, visiting a beauty salon.

You need to take care of even such an insignificant detail as. The signs and traditions associated with it are very important to observe at the ceremony.

The importance of traditions for newlyweds

Customs and traditions to celebrate the creation of a new family. All rituals performed on this day are aimed at blessing the newlyweds happy life. Any deviation from tradition is considered a good or bad omen. With its help you can find out how the newlyweds will live.

What do flowers symbolize?

The tradition of using a bouquet at a celebration was preceded by another custom. The guy collected flowers and gave them to his chosen one. Each flower told about the feelings of the lover. If a girl accepted a sign of attention, the guy could woo her.

Nowadays, the bouquet is selected taking into account the preferences of the bride. Today only professional florists know the language of flowers. However, those who wish to observe ancient traditions must remember that:

  • has long been considered the main symbol of love. White Rose represents sublime feelings, red – passion and carnal desires. It is not advisable to use yellow and tea roses for a wedding celebration;
  • talk about friendly sympathy. Husband and wife should not only be passionate lovers, but also friends with each other;
  • indicate the serious intentions of the future spouse. He expects the same intentions from the chosen one as his wife;
  • - a symbol of fidelity and affection for your beloved.


The newlywed's bouquet is handled with care. There are various signs about a wedding bouquet and they great amount. For example, there are signs on what to do with a wedding bouquet during and after the wedding.

The petals are used as a talisman for marriage. To do this, they need to be sewn into the pillows on which the newlyweds sleep. You can also shower your children with petals on their wedding day. It is believed that such a ritual will bring them happiness and parental protection.

How to throw flowers

One of the main signs about the bride’s wedding bouquet says: unmarried, she will soon meet her betrothed. This tradition is associated with the desire of single women to receive something from a friend who has already managed to get married. Together with the item received from the young wife, it was supposed to receive part of her luck, which would help her meet her beloved man.

Lonely friends often tried to tear off a piece of a veil or dress. To avoid damage to the wedding dress, a more “legal” way of getting good luck was invented. In the middle or at the end of the holiday, the bride turned her back to the unmarried girls and threw her bouquet. Fate itself had to determine who would receive the energy of success contained in the wedding flowers. In order for a thrown accessory to bring happiness to the girl who caught it and not deprive the newlywed of good luck, you need to take into account the nuances.

  1. Before throwing, the bride must turn around her axis three times.
  2. You should mentally say the words of wishes for happiness to your friend.

The tradition of throwing flowers appeared in Western culture. In Rus' it looked different. Lonely friends danced around the hero of the occasion. The bride had to stand in the center with her eyes closed. At a certain moment, the round dance stopped, and the newlywed held out flowers to the person opposite her.

Expert advice! After one of those present catches the bouquet, the bride must take it back. If this is not done, according to the sign, new family will not be happy and will soon fall apart. You can give only one flower to a friend for good luck in her personal life.

How to buy correctly

There are also a lot of superstitions associated with buying flowers. In order for a wedding accessory to bring good luck, you must follow the following signs with your wedding bouquet.

An indispensable attribute of the bride for a long time is a miniature bouquet that the newlywed does not part with throughout the day.

These seemingly ordinary flowers have a special value: they are not only a beautiful element of a wedding dress, but also a tribute to the tradition of the newlyweds.

There are not many options for answering this question:

  1. groom;
  2. the bride herself;
  3. girlfriends of the newlywed;
  4. parents.


Of course, the first one who comes to mind will be the groom. According to tradition, it is he must take care of buying flowers, and on your wedding day bring them to your beloved. In the old days, accepting a bouquet by the bride also had a secret meaning: it meant the girl’s consent to marriage.

- not an easy task for a man. In this situation, knowledge about what flowers your chosen one prefers is clearly not enough.

What else need to be taken into account, deciding on the filling of a flower arrangement?

  • Bride's image. It is clear that Wedding Dress No one will show the groom in advance, but at least finding out his color is not forbidden. The girl’s external characteristics (features of her figure, shade of hair and eyes) will help the florist understand the shape and color saturation of the bouquet.
  • If the wedding is planned in some specific colors, for example, red or blue, then the color scheme of the bouquet should match them. A “blue” bouquet will look ridiculous at a holiday decorated in red tones.
  • The groom's bouquet and boutonniere must match by style and color, so it is better to order them at the same time. These wedding accessories look harmonious if they are made up of identical flowers.
  • Smell. Try to choose flowers without a strong smell. They can give the bride a headache.
  • Quality. Flowers must be fresh, because they will spend the whole day with you.

Attention! If you want to follow traditions and, at the same time, completely please your beloved, then before buying a bridal bouquet, you can ask the girl to select photographs of the options that she likes best. An experienced florist will recreate the desired wedding composition from a photo.

When to buy flowers for a wedding?

You should consider options and order flowers in advance. It's better to do it approximately a month before the celebration. When can I pick up the finished bouquet? Don't rush and make a purchase on the eve of the wedding.

Important! Under improper storage conditions, buds and decorative greenery may lose their appearance even overnight. Order delivery in the morning on the day of the holiday.

When to give?

Usually, the groom presents flowers to his beloved the moment they first met on their wedding day. This can happen when he takes his future wife from his father’s house and leads him down the aisle. If young man It is necessary to buy the bride, then the bouquet is given when all the tests have been passed and the groom has reached the chosen one.

If the groom sees the bride only at the altar or, then according to European tradition, in the morning the newlyweds stand with their backs to each other, exchange words of love, the man gives flowers and then they meet only at the ceremony.


Oddly enough, this option is the most optimal solution. According to customs, the groom should not see his betrothed before the wedding, which means he has no idea what her dress, hairstyle, or overall image will look like. But ideally it should be in harmony with the girl’s outfit.

This is why some brides prefer to choose their own floral arrangement. In this case, there will be no surprise, but you can be sure that the flowers, their design and color scheme will match the image of the bride and the style of the wedding. Such harmony is especially valuable for a photo shoot of newlyweds.

Reference! The bride has the right to choose the bouquet herself, but it is still the groom who gives it, so the issues of payment and receipt one way or another will still fall on the man’s shoulders.


This option is also quite acceptable. Most often, a girl chooses a wedding dress and accessories together with her friends. She also consults with them about hairstyles, makeup and other paraphernalia. Having information about the bride’s appearance, a friend can order flowers for her.

Of course, it is better to discuss the image and shape of the bouquet with the newlywed beforehand, and not choose according to your own taste. The decision to entrust the purchase of a bouquet to a friend is convenient in two respects: the bride will get what she wants and will not burden the groom searching for the ideal option.


If there is absolutely no one to buy flowers for the bride– ask your parents for help. They will not refuse your request. However, it should be taken into account that the general bustle and worries of preparing for the celebration will overshadow the issue of purchasing flowers. For them, they will seem like an insignificant detail in comparison with the celebration as a whole.

Be prepared to gratefully accept the option your parents choose. Nitpicking and whims will be inappropriate.

And in this video, a florist from the DARI Flower Workshop (Kazan) talks about the basics of choosing and arranging flower arrangements:

Before you trust anyone to buy your wedding bouquet, think about what is important to you. Do you want romance and surprises? Then entrust the care of the bouquet to the groom.

Do you want everything at the wedding to be perfect, every detail complementing each other? Choose the composition yourself. Still, it is much more pleasant to receive flowers from a loved one. This can be easily accomplished by describing your wishes to him.