
Does an ideal exist? The ideal figure for a girl through the eyes of a man What shoulders are considered beautiful in women

For a very long time, the inhabitants of the planet have been trying to find out what the ideal proportions of the female body are? And probably everyone knows that the famous 90-60-90 is not at all the ideal female figure. So what parameters should a female figure meet?

Ideal female body proportions

Have you ever wondered what the ideal proportions of a female body are? To be honest, I didn’t ask myself this question. It is obvious to me that at any age and height there are different indicators of weight, waist size, and so on. But recently, at a webinar, a woman shared a way to find out the ideal body parameters based on her height. I shared it at the end of the article.

And now... Let's run for the measuring tape and scales, because now you will find out the ideal proportions of the female body!

1. The formula for ideal weight has been found!

Ideal weight is a very relative concept, since there are no uniform canons of beauty. And weight is not the main indicator of an impeccable physique. But nevertheless, we do not stop stepping on the scales again and again.

There are various formulas for determining your ideal weight. For some time, they used the ratio of weight and height and Brock’s weight formula: “The ideal weight is equal to height in centimeters 100 minutes.” However, it is now believed that this formula is designed for women 40-50 years old. The optimal weight for women 20-30 years old should be reduced by 10-12%, after 50 years old - increased by 5-7%. And today, tables and formulas are more often used that also introduce corrections for body composition.
Using the following table, you can quickly and accurately determine your ideal weight, taking into account your height and age.

2. Wasp waist

3. Move your hips!

Again, depending on body type and age. After all, you can’t put all girls and women under the same brush!

4. This was all in particular. Now let's summarize. And we will find the formulas for the ideal proportions of the female body, trusting the scientists.

1. The waist size should be twice the neck size.
2. The volume of the neck, in turn, is two wrists.
3. The waist-to-hip ratio can be around 0.7 (0.60 to 0.72 to be exact).

Hips, waist and chest

Normal indicators for girls 18 – 28 years old are:

When the chest circumference is equal to half the height plus 2-5 cm;
- for the bust - chest circumference plus 8-10 cm;
- hips are 25-30 cm larger than waist circumference.

5. An alternative formula for calculating ideal proportions:

It was this formula that I learned about from a speech by one lady. I hope I wrote everything down correctly.

We measure our height. To find out your ideal parameters, multiply it by a coefficient.

Waist 0.35-0.4

Hips 0.52-0.6

Chest 0.5 - 0.55

Leg (calf) 0.21-0.23

The accepted ideal figure for women, 90-60-90, has long lost its relevance. The girl’s proportions (photos and tables for explanation are given below) depend on her build and height. It is advisable to adhere to these parameters, since excess weight carries with it serious diseases.

A woman’s body type will determine which part of the body is more susceptible to fat deposits. This is important to consider when a girl decides to engage in fitness or sports to eliminate excess weight. Since the main loads should fall on problem areas.

In total, there are 3 body types: ectomorphic (asthenic), mesomorphic (normosthenic) and endomorphic (hypersthenic). You can determine which body type a girl belongs to at home in two similar ways.

1st method. Measure your wrist circumference using a measuring tape. If the figure is up to 15 cm, then the physique will be asthenic. Indications within 15 – 17 cm correspond to girls with a normosthenic physique. And if the number is more than 17 cm, then this is already a hypersthenic physique.

2nd method. Wrap your fingers (thumb and index) around your wrist. If it worked out. Then the girl has the first body type. When the fingers barely reach each other, then this is the 2nd type. If the gap is decent, then this indicates the third body type.

Most often, body type is inherited. It can be corrected if you put a lot of effort into problem areas. It is not recommended for overweight girls to lose too much weight, as being too thin will not suit them. These body types have completely different proportions.


The ideal figure of a girl (photos of the ectomorph physique are given below in the article for clarity) stands out with particular sophistication. It is especially difficult for them to gain roundness in the right places. There are other negative aspects to an ectomorphic body type.

Features of a thin physique:

Outwardly, these are angular girls with long necks and limbs. Height is above average. Breasts and buttocks are practically absent. Girls are not inclined to be overweight, especially when they are young. They are also distinguished by pale and thin skin and fine hair. There are also health problems.

Features of the health of ectomorph girls:

  • get tired quickly, even with a small load;
  • low pressure;
  • low iron content;
  • frequent colds;
  • problems with the spine;
  • vein diseases;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The food they eat is quickly digested, so they are forced to eat more often. Due to the lack of fat, girls are cold even in warm weather. The most suitable sports activities for them are gymnastics and dancing. If a girl decides to gain weight in the buttocks and chest area, it will take a long time. You will also have to make efforts to maintain rounded shapes.


This body type is popular among men. The girl has curves in all the right places. Average weight and normal body proportions, not in poor health.

Medium build features:

  1. There is fat mass, but it is within normal limits and only adorns the figure.
  2. They can quickly both lose weight and gain it. Although with age, fat mass increases and it becomes difficult to lose it.
  3. They have a clearly defined waist. With physical activity it can be adjusted even more.
  4. The buttocks may be slightly larger than desired (from an aesthetic point of view), but they can be easily reduced through exercise.
  5. They can easily endure physical activity, so this type is more common in all sports.
  6. Slim stomach.
  7. Normal metabolism.

When compared with the ideal in terms of physique and health, mesomorphs take 1st place. With physical activity, they can reduce the size of the waist, easily pump up the buttocks, and tighten the stomach, if required.


This type of woman was popular in the old days, although even now there are lovers of curvaceous figures. The girls are short, with much shorter limbs than girls of average build. They are distinguished by physical endurance (if the weight is not very large).

Full Body Features:

It is not recommended for women with the same physique to try to become thin. It is possible to do this, but it can cause irreparable harm to health. Ideally, the weight should be slightly higher than that of women of average build. Then the figure will look attractive and proportional.

Table of parameters of the ideal female figure for each body type

The ideal figure of a girl (the photo will not give a complete picture of the proportions, since each type of figure has its own parameters) is determined by basic indicators (waist, hips and chest). It is not necessary to look in the mirror; it is enough to know your measurements, which are shown in the table below.

Table of maximum standards for thin, average and overweight girls:

Body types Chest (cm) Bust (cm) Waist (cm) Hips (cm)
Ectomorph 81 — 85 88 — 90 59 — 63 85 — 90
Mesomorph 85 — 90 92 — 96 61 – 64 87 — 92
Endomorph 90 — 93 95 — 100 68 — 80 99 — 105

These are the parameters that a girl based on her body type should adhere to. An average-type girl should not compare herself to a skinny girl, since everyone has a different bone structure. Even if you manage to remove excess fat, your bones will not be reduced.

Optimal ratio of height and leg length

In addition to the basic parameters, girls also monitor the proportionality of their legs and body. This ratio also depends on the type. Unfortunately, deviations from the norms here can only be corrected with the help of shoes. But you shouldn’t overdo it, since too high a heel means an increased risk of injury to your feet.

When measuring your leg to body ratio, it is important to get the measurement correct. You need to measure from the hip bone to the heels (sometimes they measure to the toes). On average, legs should not be shorter than ½ height.

Leg length indicators:

  1. Ectomorphs: 87 – 92 cm.
  2. Mesomorphs: 85 – 89 cm.
  3. Endomorphs: 83 – 87 cm.

These are averages. They can change depending on growth up and down.

In a woman’s everyday life, the length of a woman’s legs does not play a big role. Photo models and fashion models need to know this more. But ideal leg proportions attract men.

Ideal weight proportion for heights 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180 cm

The ideal figure of a girl is not only compliance with all parameters, but also the number of fat cells per share of weight.

A photo can give average information about a figure; many are accustomed to trusting the ratio of weight and height.

Table of weight norms depending on the height and type of girl:

Age/height (cm) 155 160 165 170 175 180
15 — 18 48 – 50 — 55 50 – 52 — 57 52 – 54 — 59 54 – 55 — 60 55 – 57 — 62 57 – 59 — 64
19 – 25 50 – 53 — 57 52 – 55 — 59 54 – 57 — 61 55 – 59 — 63 57 – 60 — 65 59 – 62 — 67
26 — 39 52 – 56 — 59 54 – 58 — 61 55 – 59 — 63 57 – 61 — 65 59 – 63 — 67 60 – 65 — 68
40 – 49 53 – 57 — 60 55 – 59 — 62 57 – 61 — 64 59 – 63 — 66 60 – 65 — 68 62 – 67 — 70
50 — 60 55 – 59 — 62 57 – 61 — 64 59 – 63 — 66 60 – 65 — 68 62 – 67 — 70 64 – 68 — 72

The permissible average weight for ectomorphs is indicated through a hyphen; for mesomorphs; for endomorphs. With age, weight increases regardless of body type. Because metabolism and the general condition of the body changes. Although, if you follow proper nutrition and lifestyle, you can maintain your figure longer, and at 50 you can look no worse than 30-year-old women.

Ideal parameters of a female figure: chest volume, abdomen, hips

Not all girls rely on their body type. There are generally accepted standards for ideal parameters. Here you need the correct relationship between the waist, hips and buttocks. Where the hips should be proportional to the height. The waist and chest are proportional to the buttocks. That is, everything is interproportional.

Height Neck Shoulders Rib cage Breast Waist Buttocks Hip Caviar
150 – 152 28,5 28,5 80 87 57 88 52 33,5
153 – 155 29,5 29,5 80,5 89 57,5 89 52 33,5
156 – 158 29,5 29,5 82,5 91 59 91 53,5 34,5
159 – 160 30,5 30,5 83,5 92 60 92,5 54 35
161 – 163 30,5 30,5 85 93 61 93,5 55 35,5
164 -167 31,5 31,5 87 95 62 95,5 56 36,5
168 – 170 32 32 89 96 63,5 98 57,5 37
171 – 173 32,5 32,5 90,5 97 64,5 100 58,5 38
174 — 175 33 33 91,5 99 65,5 101 59,5 38,5
176 – 178 33,5 33,5 93 101 66,5 103 59,5 39
179 — 181 34 34 94 103 67,5 104 60,5 39,5
Permissible deviation standard 1-2 1-2 4-5 1 5-6 6-7 3-4 1-2

The table shows the average sizes and permissible deviation in cm (+/-) for ages 25-40 years. It is imperative that the stomach is flat, without unnecessary folds and there are no manifestations of cellulite on the thighs.

Standards of the female body, according to men

The ideal figure of a girl (photos of thin women do not always attract the attention of the opposite sex, since each man has his own ideal) is a purely individual concept. But there are also common features that attract everyone's attention.

Initially, the man pays attention to the girl’s face. It is desirable that there is no strong highlighting of the cheekbones, full lips and attractive eyes. Usually they like oval faces. Body build is average or slightly overweight.

It is imperative that there are circles in the right places (buttocks and chest).

Be sure to have beautiful posture and gait. Well-groomed long hair and beautiful skin. If a girl knows how to present herself well, then a man will not notice any flaws in her figure.


Breasts are the second thing a man pays attention to when looking at a woman. Lush and firm breasts are more popular. This is explained by the fact that a man is, first of all, a male. And large breasts indicate that the woman is mature and ready to reproduce. That is, the choice of large breasts occurs on a subconscious level.

And for the same reason, men can be put off by a small bust size. They are more typical for teenagers and do not arouse sexual interest in men. It is important that the breasts are symmetrical and not droopy.

If a girl cannot change her size without surgery, then her shape can be maintained for quite a long time.

Photo of a girl's ideal figure according to many men

Men also note that you can attract attention with medium and even small breasts. A lot depends on the girl here. If she loves her body and proportions, she knows how to present everything correctly. That breast, even small, will be her advantage. The main thing is that she fits into the girl’s build.


Typically, men are attracted to straight legs, the length of which is slightly more than half the girl’s height. They should not be thin or too fat. It is not advisable for the calf to stand out too much, otherwise the leg may resemble the shape of a bottle, this is not very attractive to men.

Girls’ legs should not be completely straight; there must be 4 gaps:

  • foot-ankle;
  • under the knees;
  • knees-hips;
  • groin-hips.

The hips should be wide near the buttocks and taper smoothly towards the knees. There shouldn't be any orange peel. The calves are not too toned, but not completely absent either. The ankles flow nicely into the feet. No hair.

The tendons do not stand out too much and all the transitions are smooth, no protruding or sharp kneecaps. The knee itself should be located approximately in the middle of the length of the leg. The heel is smooth and rounded, there should be no flat feet.


The ideal figure of a girl (photos can sometimes refute the result obtained by measurements, where all indicators are normal) is also beautiful protruding buttocks. Even if the hip girth corresponds to the data in the table, but they themselves are not elastic and flat, then they will not attract the attention of men.

The stronger sex loves protruding and firm buttocks. To have something to pinch.

A good size indicates the maturity of the body and therefore men are drawn to such women for procreation, on an instinctive level. It is also believed that a lady with beautiful buttocks is passionate in bed.


Men show more attention to girls with a straight posture and a back curve of 45-46 degrees (counted from the buttocks). It is this curve that gives the bulge to the buttocks.

It also tells men that there is no spinal disease. Dresses and T-shirts with an open back attract attention no less than beautiful breasts.


The male gender also pays attention to the open shoulders of women. But at the same time they should not be sharp or too voluminous. The amount of fat layer should be small. Puffy shoulders are also not welcome.


Men love to kiss women on the neck, so it plays an important role for them.
Most often, girls with medium or slightly elongated neck length are chosen. So that the muscles and blood vessels do not bulge too much (this occurs among female bodybuilders). Must have elastic and velvety skin.

Techniques and secrets for achieving ideal figure parameters

If you follow the rules of nutrition and physical activity, then any girl can improve her appearance. The most important thing is that the desire grows into a goal. And patience, which will come in handy at first, has become a habit.

How to achieve the desired parameters:

1. Nutrition:

2. Spend as much time outdoors as possible. You can arrange evening walks or jogging. Fresh air will help food digest faster, which means that extra calories will not be deposited.

3. If possible, walk to visit and work. Move as much as possible.

4. Additionally, introduce morning exercises, but not to exhaust the body, but to charge it with energy and start the digestive tract. Sleepy people store fat faster.

5. If possible, sign up for a gym. But not just anywhere and close to home, but to a proven trainer, where the result is guaranteed. And follow the instructions strictly.

6. When finances are limited, you can play sports at home; many books are sold for this and there are videos on the Internet. Self-control plays a major role here.

7. Do not start immediately with heavy loads, otherwise you can damage your muscles, and while they are recovering, you will gain extra pounds.

8. You can do yoga, it will restore psychological balance and improve your figure.

9. Believe in yourself and don't give up if the results are slow.

10. Take baths with herbs and do massages that disperse fat deposits and tone muscles. Otherwise, after losing excess weight, the skin will become flabby and hang.

11. Get enough hours of sleep. Since it has been proven that a person who sleeps little is more susceptible to obesity.

12. Avoid stressful situations. And monitor your immune system.

14. Maintain proper posture. The back is also part of a beautiful figure.

A beautiful figure is not only ideal parameters, but also well-groomed skin. Don’t forget to do scrubs and use creams. To speed up and improve the result, you can go for body wraps (especially on problem areas). This will further improve the condition of the skin.

Classic beauty standards are no secret to many, but few people know about the types of types that girls have. And it often happens that an endomorph girl starves herself with diets and exercise in order to achieve an ideal figure that simply does not suit her physique.

Thus, the girl only harms her health. And often an emaciated lady sees the result of her unnecessary labor only in a photo that does not suit her.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about a girl's ideal figure

The ideal figure of a woman according to scientists:

By choosing a diet, any woman hopes to become more attractive, to be liked by others, and to get a chance to climb the career ladder.

Once you set a goal, you can accept some dietary restrictions without them seeming debilitating. But first, you should still find out what result you need to strive for.

1. Thin-boned (asthenic) body type. Women with this body type have long limbs, thin bones, a long and thin neck, and relatively poorly developed muscles. As a rule, representatives of the thin-boned type are light in weight; they are active, active, and even with increased nutrition, they do not gain weight immediately, since they spend energy faster than they accumulate.

2. Normal (normosthenic) body type. Women of this physique are lucky. As a rule, they have a beautiful, proportionally built figure. The main body dimensions are distinguished by the correct ratio.

3. Large-boned (hypersthenic)body type. Representatives of this body type have larger transverse body dimensions than normosthenics and asthenics. They are distinguished by wide, thick and heavy bones; their shoulders, chest and hips are wide; legs are short. Women with this body type are most likely to be overweight. They have to be especially strict about their diet.

To determine your body type, it is enough to measure the circumference of the wrist of your working hand: for asthenics it is less than 16 cm, for normosthenics it is from 16 to 18.5 cm, for hypersthenics it is more than 18.5 cm.

Growth rate
A woman's height plays an important role in determining her ideal weight.

For a long time, the following gradations of female growth were considered classic:
— low — 150 cm and below;
- below average - 151-156 cm;
- average - 157-167 cm;
— tall - 168-175 cm;
- very tall - 176 cm and above.

In the last quarter of the 20th century. In connection with acceleration, changes were made to this scale: for women with large bones and a normal body type, average (normal) height can be considered from 166 to 170 cm, and for thin-boned women - from 168 to 172 cm.

Leg length

Obviously, height largely depends on the length of the legs. After the profession of a fashion model became one of the most prestigious and highly paid, long legs became fashionable. But in practice, of course, one has to be content with what nature has given. The length of the legs should be measured from the trochanteric point (this is the tuberosity of the femur located opposite the hip joint) to the floor.

As a rule, long legs are characteristic of tall women of normosthenic and especially asthenic body types. Small women usually have short legs, but if they are proportional to their height, then the figure does not suffer. If the length of the legs is more than half the height, the physique can be considered correct (the proportions are met). Legs are considered short only if their length is less than half the height. Most often, such disproportion occurs in short women with a hypersthenic body type. But even in this case, you can visually hide the existing imbalance with the help of high-heeled shoes.

A figure can also be considered beautiful if the length of the legs is more than half the height by the following amount:
- for large-boned animals - by 2-4 cm or more;
- for those with a normal body type - by 4-6 cm;
- in thin-boned ones - by 6-9 cm.

For example, if with a height of 168 cm and a normal body type, the length of a woman’s legs is 90 cm, then the proportions of her figure can be considered ideal: 90 - (168: 2) = 6.

Harmony of horizontal lines

Having found out the norms of vertical proportions, you can begin to determine the horizontal proportions. First you need to measure the circumference of your chest, waist and hips. Traditional standards for fashion models (90-60-90) are good for tall beauties performing on the catwalk. A short, plump woman who wants to look stately and attractive should strive for different standards.

For women with a normal body type, the ideal ratio is where the chest circumference is equal to half the height plus 2-5 cm. To determine the bust size, you need to measure the chest circumference and add 8-10 cm to the resulting result. To calculate the ideal waist size from the height indicator should be subtracted 100-105 cm. The size of the hips should exceed the waist circumference by about 30 cm.

For thin-boned girls, a ratio in which the chest circumference is 84-86 cm, and the bust circumference is 4-6 cm larger than these values, can be considered normal. The waist of such girls is usually thin - 60-64 cm, and the hip circumference is about 30 cm larger. In women with a large-boned body type, these figures are significantly higher. So, the chest circumference should exceed half the height by 8-10 cm; to determine the bust circumference, another 8-10 cm should be added to the chest circumference. With a height of 166-168 cm, a waist with a circumference of 70-76 cm would be ideal; The hip circumference should be 25-28 cm larger.

Height to weight ratio. Methods for determining weight

So, body weight depends on the body type, height and age of a person. The easiest way for a modern woman to determine her normal weight is to trust the calculations of science.

Calculation of ideal weight using Broca's formula

The easiest way is to use the formula proposed back in the 19th century. by the famous French anthropologist Paul Broca: weight in kilograms is equal to height in centimeters minus 100. With height up to 165 cm, the coefficient is 100, up to 175 cm - 105, above 175 cm - 110.
According to the latest ideas, the formula can take into account age: for 20-40 year olds, weight should be reduced by about 11%, for people over 50 - increased by about 6%.
The formula can take into account a person’s body type - asthenic (thin-boned), normosthenic (normal-boned) and hypersthenic (broad-boned). Body type is determined by the girth of the wrist of the working hand.
For women, the asthenic type is the wrist girth less than 16 cm, the normosthenic type is 16-18 cm, and more is hypersthenic. For men, the asthenic type is a girth of less than 17 cm, the normosthenic type is 17-20 cm, and more is hypersthenic. Accordingly, for the asthenic type the weight should be reduced by about 10%, for the hypersthenic type it should be increased.

Thus, the ideal female parameters are:
For hypersthenics with a height of 170 centimeters, weight should be 70 kilograms. Such women have a dense physique, and they have more fat than muscle. The formula for the ideal weight for this type of figure is simple: height minus 100. A hypersthenic’s wrist is never narrow - from 18 centimeters.

Normosthenics have average height. The figure is not as dense as that of a hypersthenic. But there is more muscle than fat. To calculate the ideal weight for a normosthenic person, you need to remember the formula - height minus 103. So, with a height of 170 centimeters, the ideal weight is 67 kilograms. Wrist circumference - 17 centimeters.

The most graceful type is asthenic. With an elongated figure, asthenics cannot boast of shape, even if they eat for two. The formula for the ideal weight of an asthenic is height minus 110. So, with a height of 170 centimeters, the norm for an asthenic is 60 kilograms, and the circumference of the wrist is no more than 15 centimeters.

Doctors warn: a person’s physique is a given given at birth, changing which by following a diet is dangerous to health

Calculation of ideal weight according to Quetelet index
You can calculate normal weight quite accurately using the so-called Quetelet index: weight in grams must be divided by height in centimeters. For women aged 16 to 40 years, height in centimeters should be multiplied by the weight-height coefficient corresponding to age and body type. On average, it may look like this: with a thin-boned body type, for every centimeter of height it is enough to have 325 g of weight; for women with a normal body type - 350 g, and for those with a large-boned body type - 375 g.

It must be emphasized that the ideal weight of women (especially those whose height is below 160 cm) should be 10-15% less than normal. For short women up to at least 20 years of age, it is advisable to weigh 3-5 kg ​​less than normal.

Table of height and weight ratio for women

Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg
148 46,4 149 46,8 150 47,4 51 47,8
152 48,3 153 48,9 154 49,4 155 49,9
156 50,5 157 51,0 158 51,6 159 52,1
160 52,6 161 53,2 162 53,9 163 54,5
164 55,1 165 55,8 166 56,6 167 57,4
168 58,1 169 58,8 170 59.5 171 60,2
172 60,9 173 61,7 174 62,4 175 63,1
176 63,8 177 64,5 178 65,2 179 65,9
180 66,7 181 67,4 182 68,1 183 68,8
184 69,5 185 70,2

Table of height and weight ratio depending on body type

Height Asthenics Normo-
148 42,0 - 44,8 43,8 - 48,9 47,4 - 54,3 150 42,7 - 45,9 44,5 - 50,0 48,2 - 55,4 152 43,4 - 47,0 45,6 - 51,0 49,2 - 56,5 154 44,4 - 48,0 46,7 - 52,1 50,3 - 57,6 156 45,4 - 49,1 47,7 - 53,2 51,3 - 58,6 158 46,5 - 50,2 48,8 - 54,3 52,4 - 59,7 160 47,6 - 51,3 49,9 - 55,3 53,5 - 60,8 162 48,7 - 52,3 51,0 - 56,8 54,6 - 62,2 164 49,8 - 53,4 52,0 - 58,2 55,9 - 63,7 166 50,8 - 54,6 53,3 - 59,8 57,3 - 65,1 168 52,0 - 56,0 54,7 - 61,5 58,8 - 66,5 170 53,4 - 57,9 56,1 - 62,9 60,2 - 67,9 172 54,8 - 58,9 57,5 - 64,3 61,6 - 69,3 174 56,3 - 60,3 59,0 - 65,8 61,3 - 70,8 176 57,7 - 61,9 60,4 - 67,2 64,5 - 72,3 178 59,1 - 63,6 61,8 - 68,6 65,9 - 74,1 180 60,5 - 65,1 63,3 - 70,1 67,3 - 75,9 182 62,0 - 66,5 64,7 - 71,5 68,8 - 77,7 184 63,4 - 67,9 66,1 - 72,7 70,2 - 79,5


Beauty is a relative concept. What seemed attractive in the last century can often become inappropriate or even cause a smile today.

How beauty standards have changed in different eras

Women's body standards change with the passage of time. And today this is happening much faster than in ancient times. In different eras, different countries had their own ideal parameters of female beauty. Since ancient times, women have sought to please men and have made various sacrifices in pursuit of this ideal. Let's see how ideas about female beauty have changed over time.

It is surprising that already in the Stone Age one can find evidence of the ideals of that time. Judging by the found figurines of ancient women, called “Venuses”, in those days a large female body was considered beautiful, capable of bearing, giving birth to and feeding many children: large saggy breasts and belly, large arms and shoulders, huge hips. Venus of the Paleolithic era is a large woman, a mother of many children.

In Ancient Egypt, women achieved equality and could inherit the title of pharaoh on an equal basis with men. The characteristics of a beautiful woman in those days describe a long-haired, slender, tall woman with tiny breasts, long legs, and broad shoulders. Despite this, thinness was not as revered as developed physical strength.

In Ancient Greece, appetizing round shapes were valued, but the body was not flabby, but young and fit, of short stature. Venus de Milo (Aphrodite) had the following parameters: height 1.64 m, chest 86 cm, hips 93 cm.

In the Middle Ages, religion dictated its standards: pale thinness, short stature, small breasts. And already in the Renaissance, curvaceous beauties, glorified by Rubens, came into fashion.

The Victorian era was marked for women by cinched corsets that emphasized the waist, a tendency towards fullness and rounded shapes. The figure resembled an hourglass.

With the advent of the 20th century came a period of emancipation. In the 1920s, androgyny in appearance came into fashion, women hid their waists and hid their breasts, and a boyish figure was valued. Women began to play sports, there is a trend towards slimness, women wear short skirts and show off their slender legs.

From the 30s to the 50s of the twentieth century there was a period of Hollywood fashion, in which a beautiful woman should have appetizing shapes, a thin waist, and ample breasts. Marilyn Monroe was considered a symbol of beauty among women of that time.

The ideal of the 60s of the last century was the model Twiggy, who brought miniskirts and short dresses into fashion. Thinness, long legs, a slender body and small breasts were valued. “Teenage girl” is the main style of fashionable girls of this time.

Thanks to the efforts of Jane Fonda, Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer and other famous girls of the 80s, women began to take care of themselves much more, go to the gym, achieving the appearance of supermodels. A tall, fit girl with curvy figures was considered the standard of beauty.

A decade later, in the 90s, girls in the style of Kate Moss entered the fashion arena, symbolizing fragility, unhealthy thinness with protruding cheekbones. At this time, cases of anorexia and drug addiction increased noticeably.

And finally, the era of our time, starting from the 2000s, places many demands on the ideal woman:

  • she should be thin, without a hint of fullness;
  • her thinness should be healthy and athletic;
  • slender legs;
  • lush breasts;
  • flat tummy;
  • round butt.

With the development of plastic surgery, an increasing number of women are resorting to its help to achieve their ideal.

Body types

Body type is a set of characteristics that describe a person’s constitution. The main characteristics are:

  • structure of muscle tissue;
  • structure of bone tissue;
  • a number of biological features.

Physiologists divide people into three main types of constitution:

By determining your size and body type, you can find out your ideal weight and determine the most appropriate exercise and nutrition program.

Let's look at each type separately.


Women of this type are usually thin, have thin bones, long necks and limbs, flat chests and narrow shoulders. It is very difficult for them to gain weight and build muscle. Ectomorphs are often quite tall and have a thin, long face, which is why they are called lanky. Such women are energetic and graceful, they almost never have problems with being overweight.


A woman with a classic proportional figure. She has well-developed muscles and minimal body fat. Such women often have a harmonious figure.


These women have heavy and large bones, large shoulders, rounded shapes and broad chests, arms and legs are slightly shorter than other types, and height is shorter. These ladies are very hardy and strong, but not flexible, they have a large amount of subcutaneous fat, weak limbs with large fat deposits. No matter how much people of this type starve, they are more likely to become simply hungry endomorphs, but will not become like the other two types.

Determining the ideal figure parameters for each body type (table)

There are few women who are exactly one pure body type. Basically, they contain signs of each type, but the quantity of some prevails, so it is possible to describe the ideal proportions for women in whom one or another body type prevails by taking measurements.

Table of the ideal figure for each type of woman

Thus, before adjusting your figure to the “ideal” parameters, you must first determine the type of your constitution. Each type has its own physiological characteristics, without taking into account which can greatly harm your health, and the desired parameters cannot be achieved.

The ratio of height and leg length

We have already found out how to determine your constitution type based on the visual features of your appearance. But this is often difficult to do, as women’s appearance sometimes contains characteristic features of several types, or a woman simply cannot objectively assess her external data. How can you find out your type of constitution objectively?

This can be done by taking simple measurements of your height and leg length. There are some objective relationships between these parameters in women. Legs can be called short if they are less than ½ of her height in length. To measure the length of the legs, the count must be taken from the tuberosity of the hip bone to the floor.

For women of mesomorphic and endomorphic constitution types, normal height is considered to be in the range from 166 to 170 cm.

It is believed that the ideal leg length for each type of constitution is as follows:

  • Ectomorphic type: legs are 2-4 cm more than ½ the woman’s height;
  • Mesomorphic type: legs 4-6 cm more than ½ height;
  • Endomorphic type: legs 6-9 cm longer than ½ height

If your performance does not match the ideal, do not be upset. There is a well-known way to make your legs visually longer - these are heels.

Ideal proportion of weight and height

Many women strive to lose weight, but not everyone can objectively assess their body and, in pursuit of ideal parameters, they harm their health and look disproportionate.

On the other hand, obesity and excess weight also greatly harm a woman’s health, lead to premature aging and interfere with a full life. Overweight people find it more difficult to adapt to social life; they often experience psychological problems.

Therefore, it is extremely important to have knowledge about your own normal weight range. These limits depend on many factors, not only the number of years and height, as many believe.

Previously, we identified the main features for women of three body types. To accurately determine a woman's normal weight range, it is necessary to use this knowledge, because excess weight is not in all cases determined by the amount of excess fatty tissue in the body. And if you consider that without the required amount of fat, the body is deprived of the functions it needs, then attempts to lose weight without knowing your constitution can end in failure.

The normal amount of fat in a man's body is 1/20, and in a woman's body 1/16 of body weight. Approximately 75% of fat is subcutaneous. It protects against bruises and protects against cold. Fat inside the body helps keep organs in the right place and prevents them from moving and shaking too much. Oddly enough, fat is a source of energy that our body needs as a reserve reserve.

Let's consider a very good way to determine your proper weight, using knowledge about the type of your constitution, by studying the table below.

First, let's calculate your actual weight per 1 centimeter of height using the formula:

weight per 1 centimeter of height = total body weight (in grams) / height (in centimeters). Having received a certain number, compare it with the recommended one in the table:

Age Exomorph Mesomorph Endomorph
15-19 315 325 355
20-26 325 345 370
27-40 335 360 380
41-50 345 370 390
51-61 355 380 400

It is normal that weight tends to increase over time, given the same height, a woman in her years should weigh more than in her youth.

Even professionals use such tables. But it must be taken into account that the data may have slightly different meanings for people with different biological characteristics.

Ideal parameters of a female figure: is it worth striving for them?

For a very long time, since antiquity, women have always had a certain standard of beauty that everyone aspired to and it was happiness to be born in accordance with them.

As we were able to show, there are a large number of ways to find out the ideal relationship between the parameters of the female body, which is what many girls are currently doing in pursuit of the ideal body.

And now we will tell you the truth...

Of course, for many it is no secret what we want to tell you about, but nevertheless, if everyone followed this simple fact, then there would be much more girls satisfied with their appearance and receiving many compliments.

The fact is that the essence of an ideal body lies in a combination of factors that can be combined under one broad concept “lifestyle”. This includes not only nutrition and physical training, but also many other things that affect your well-being and, as a result, your figure.

  • regular exercise (gym, outdoor running, swimming, cycling, winter sports and many others);
  • proper nutrition (a balanced diet that includes all the microelements the body needs);
  • absence of bad habits (stop smoking, eliminate alcohol - all this can have a very negative effect on your figure too);
  • healthy sleep (sleep directly affects many aspects of metabolism);
  • work and rest schedule (do not overwork, staying in one position for a long time is detrimental to the body, rest more often, give preference to active recreation).

In the following video you can familiarize yourself with special tests that will help determine whether you have an ideal figure:

Every woman is good in her own way; moreover, some women simply cannot achieve full compliance with these parameters, since each of them is individual. But with the desire and due diligence and perseverance, absolutely everyone, no matter what constitution she has, can emphasize all her merits in the best possible way.

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website I found 5 ways to calculate the optimal weight that fitness professionals use.

Method 1. Quetelet index

If you know your body mass index, you can judge whether you are obese or underweight. The index is calculated for adult men and women from 20 to 65 years old. Results may be false for pregnant and breastfeeding women, athletes, the elderly and adolescents (under 18 years of age).

The resulting number will be your index. The norm for men is 19-25. For women - 19-24.

Method 2. Volumes

The Quetelet index shows the amount of fat in the body quite well, but does not indicate how the fat is distributed, in other words, it does not give a visual picture. But you can check your body for ideality using another formula.

The distribution of body fat is determined by the ratio: waist circumference (at the level of the navel) divided by the volume of the buttocks. The norm for men is 0.85; for women - 0.65 - 0.85.

Method 3. Taking into account age

It has been proven that the weight of men and women should gradually increase with age - this is a normal physiological process. The kilograms that some people consider “extra” may not actually be so. You can use a formula based on age to determine your optimal weight.

P is height in this case, and B is age in years. Body weight = 50 + 0.75 (P - 150) + (B - 20) : 4

Method 4. Broca's formula

One of the most popular methods for calculating ideal weight is Brock's formula. It takes into account the ratio of height, weight, body type and age of a person.

Broca's formula for people under 40 years of age: height (in cm) minus 110, after 40 years - height (in cm) minus 100.

In this case, people who have an asthenic (thin-boned) body type must subtract 10% from the result, and people who have a hypersthenic (broad-boned) body type must add 10% to the result.

How to determine your body type? It is enough to measure the circumference of the thinnest place on the wrist with a centimeter.

Method 5. Nagler's formula

There is a Nagler formula that allows you to calculate the ideal ratio of weight and height. For 152.4 cm of height there should be 45 kg of weight. For every inch (that is, 2.54 cm) over 152.4 cm there should be another 900 g. Plus another 10% of the resulting weight.

Method 6. John McCallum formula

One of the best formulas was created by expert methodologist John McCallum. Its formula is based on measuring the circumference of the wrist.

  1. Wrist circumference multiplied by 6.5 is equal to chest circumference.
  2. 85% of the chest circumference is equal to the hip circumference.
  3. To get your waist circumference, you need to take 70% of your chest circumference.
  4. 53% of the chest circumference is equal to the hip circumference.
  5. For neck circumference you need to take 37% of chest circumference.
  6. The biceps circumference is about 36% of the chest circumference.
  7. The girth for the lower leg is slightly less than 34%.
  8. The forearm circumference should be equal to 29% of the chest circumference.

But not everyone’s physical data will exactly correspond to these ratios; the numbers have an average, statistical average value.

A few more options for height and weight ratios:

  1. The physique is considered ideal if the waist circumference is 25 cm less than the hip circumference, and the hip circumference is approximately equal to the chest circumference.
  2. The waist circumference should be equal to: height in centimeters - 100. That is, a woman 172 cm tall will be built proportionally if the waist circumference is 72 cm, the hip and chest circumference is about 97 cm, that is, if she wears clothing size 48.
  3. If the hip circumference is less than the chest circumference, and the waist circumference is 20 cm less than the hip circumference, then this figure is called an “apple”. If the chest circumference is less than the hip circumference, and the waist circumference is 30 cm or more less than the hip circumference, this is a pear-shaped figure.
  4. For women and girls of average height - from 165 to 175 cm - this observation turned out to be fair. Their waist circumference in centimeters is approximately equal to their weight in kilograms. One kilogram of weight loss results in a decrease in waist size of one centimeter.