
Haircut in September are favorable days. Waning Moon in the sign of Cancer

No one knows what laws lie at the roots of fashion for a particular hairstyle, length or hair color. Sometimes fashion changes at lightning speed, and similarly quickly disappears; sometimes changes are in no hurry to affect one or another type of hairstyle for months, years and even decades. But at all times and with any morals, for those who care about the beauty of their hair, the Lunar Hairstyle Calendar will be useful, since it is not only hair growth, but also the energy that connects us with the cosmos and the inanimate, but intelligent, world presented to us by nature itself .

To confirm these facts, during the Inquisition, before burning a suspicious woman at the stake, her hair was cut off. Although the Middle Ages have passed, today the magic of hair has a close connection with the Lunar calendar of hair cutting and coloring. Hair growth on a waxing Moon is more intense compared to hair growth on a debilitating Moon, when hair growth becomes slower. Each month has 2 main points - the full moon and the new moon. No less important is the influence of the zodiac constellation.

The new moon in September 2014 is expected on the 24th, and the full moon falls on the 9th of the month. The first half of the month is subject to the growth of the Moon, so hair growth will be active. But the constellations Libra and Scorpio, with which September begins, are not very suitable for creating hairstyles. Major changes should be planned after September 5th. Also, according to the Lunar calendar for haircuts and coloring for September 2014, a good period will be at the end of the month after the new moon.

Lunar calendar of hair coloring for September 2014

For hair coloring in September 2014 perfect days there will be Taurus days (14, 15, 16th of the month), and Virgo days (25, 26, 27th of the month). To this list, according to the Lunar hair coloring calendar for September 2014, Capricorn day, which falls on the 6th day of the month, can be added. It often happens that, even relying on the Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring, a girl remains dissatisfied with her hairstyle. If you do not want to expose your hair to chemical substances, we should consider alternatives prepared for us by nature, which have been used by people for 4 millennia.

Accelerating hair growth and strengthening its structure is possible with the help of special hair dyes (basma and henna). Thanks to this, you will get a natural color, achieve durability, gentle care, the hair will become more elastic and beautiful. Walnut shells can also do a good job. You need to boil the green nut shell in water for 3-4 hours, then evaporate it. Pure extract will give a brown dye, into which you need to pour a little vegetable oil and apply to hair. Its temperature should be 40-50 degrees. Chestnut color can be obtained from nettle dye. For one dose of dye, 400 grams of dried nettle are boiled for 4 hours. Add vinegar (4:1) to 2 liters of cooled solution and apply to hair. The result is a brownish tint, and the hair can be refreshed every day. A golden color can be obtained using birch bark, and for a dark brown color you need to use buckthorn bark.

If your hair is highly sensitive to hydrogen peroxide, then you should use ammonia-free dyes consisting of 92% natural ingredients, containing suitable essential oils. After using them, your hair is amazingly shiny.

Lunar haircut calendar for September 2014 – favorable days

In September 2014, creating a hairstyle will not be difficult, since this month has significantly more favorable days than other months. The growth of the Moon is observed in the middle of the month, closer to the end of September there are even more favorable days due to the fact that favorable signs will prevail. Thus, according to the Lunar haircut calendar for September 2014, favorable days this month will fall on the 2nd, 4th, 7th-10th, 11th, 16th-19th, 22nd, 24th, 26th, 28th, 29th, 30th.

Lunar haircut calendar for September 2014 - unfavorable days

There are many favorable days in September, but some dates are not entirely suitable for visiting hairdressers. This concerns new moon and full moon falling on the 9th and 24th of the month. Also, unfavorable days, according to the Lunar haircut calendar for September 2014, are hidden in the signs of Aries and Scorpio. These days, according to the advice of astrologers, it is better to restore hair using masks or balms. The oil can simply be rubbed into the hair roots. Burdock oil is well suited for these purposes.

If you have begun to experience active hair loss, then you need to take care of studying a set of measures associated not only with hair care, but also with balanced diet, physical exercise and daily routine. It is necessary to take vitamins D, B and C, preparations containing sulfur, iron, zinc.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio (until 21:37)

Today you can safely cut your hair, which will allow you to attract good luck, correct your health and fill your life with bright colors and emotions.

Hair coloring during this period will no longer be possible. the best solution and can ruin your reputation.

For today, a great idea would be to create hairstyles with straight hair, which will fuel you with energy and replenish the energy balance of your body.

First quarter begins (at 15:10)

This day can be noted as unfavorable for cutting hair. A haircut on this day can attract new diseases to you.

To get away from unfortunate circumstances and events, it is best to dye your hair in light colors on this day.

On this day you should pin your hair higher.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Sagittarius

You shouldn't cut your hair. Because it will scare away luck from you

To strengthen the immune system, the best solution would be to dye on this day with natural paints and ingredients.

On this day, it is best to use a wooden comb as often as possible when combing your hair.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Capricorn (from 03:01)

If you are missing bright and interesting events, then be sure to get a haircut today.

This day will be favorable for coloring procedures. Dyeing your hair in shades of gold and red tones promises you profit in the near future.

Hair styling on this day should be especially careful and thought out to the smallest detail.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Capricorn

Do not take risks and do not cut your hair on this day, as this will lead to drastic changes in your fate for the worse.

Coloring only different natural ingredients allowed.

An original hairstyle today will allow you to stay at the peak point of a surge in energy potential all day long.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Aquarius (from 05:07)

Not the best period for any haircuts, reschedule this event for tomorrow.

Natural colors, if you choose them today, will attract success to you.

Today is a great day for experimenting with hair and hairstyles, so feel free to experiment with your hairstyles!

Waxing Moon in the sign of Aquarius

This day is a great time for a haircut. It will give your hair energy and make it healthier, and make you even more attractive.

Do not change your hair color or dye it.

To create a wonderful hairstyle today, you can use home remedies and do not resort to the services of beauty salons.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Pisces (from 05:03)

It's a good time to cut your hair. This procedure will bring good luck to you.

It’s better to use gentle paints today.

A parting in the middle or on the side is a must-have element of a hairstyle today.

Moon in Pisces

Cutting your hair today is likely to give you headaches.

Hair coloring is advisable only in dark shades and only with the help of natural paints.

Positive energy will fill you if YOU decide to get a straight hairstyle.

The Full Moon is coming (at 05:37)

Waning Moon in the sign of Aries (from 04:34)

Bad day for cutting hair.

A way out of a long-standing difficult situation will come to you today if you choose dark color when dyeing your hair on this day.

An interesting bun on your head on this day will allow you to avoid unpleasant situations.

Waning Moon in Aries

The best thing to do on this day is to avoid haircuts so that minor injuries do not bother you and cause painful health conditions.

Not dark shades and shades of red will help you save a good relationship with people.

The most favorable hairstyle for this day is a braid.

Waning Moon in the sign of Taurus (from 06:11)

This day is not suitable for experimenting with hair length. Leave everything as it is, otherwise you risk not avoiding monetary losses or some valuable things.

Hair coloring can only be done in colors that have a positive effect on you and bring positive changes to you.

Bangs will give you success and victory in an enterprise that is extremely important to you.

Waning Moon in the sign of Taurus

The day is favorable for getting a haircut, this will increase your life expectancy.

Pull the right people you can if you stay true to your natural color hair when dyeing.

An additional portion of positive energy will please you if you comb your hair as often as possible on this day.

Waning Moon in the sign Gemini (from 11:40)

This day according to the lunar calendar is contraindicated for haircuts.

Hair coloring is contraindicated today.

There are no restrictions on your hairstyle today, just do it yourself and don’t let anyone touch your hair.

Waning Moon in Gemini

You can safely cut your hair, it will attract success and well-being to you.

Light-colored people will be attracted to you if you choose light and red shades of hair dyes for coloring on this day.

To increase willpower and strength of character, it is necessary to do your hair on this day using hairpins and hair clips.

Waning Moon in Gemini (until 19:28)

The final quarter begins (at 06:04)

The negative energy of people around you will be attracted to you if you decide to cut your hair on this lunar day.

The balance of positive energy will remain in your body today if you use the comb more often.

Waning Moon in the sign of Cancer

A new haircut will not only change your image, but will also even out your complexion. Today you can choose absolutely any color for painting. Hair curled in large curls can conserve positive energy.

Waning Moon in the sign of Cancer

A very bad day to experiment with a haircut.

Use exclusively natural dyes when coloring your hair.

Wavy curls are the most best hairstyle for this lunar day.

Waning Moon in the sign Leo (from 06:05)

Avoid haircuts today. Otherwise, you risk attracting ailments related to vision and eye health.

Today is not a favorable day for showing off your hair to others, so it is best to tie a light scarf on your head.

Waning Moon in the sign of Leo

A positive day to experiment with hair length. A haircut today will give you only joyful emotions.

You will be able to better find common ground when communicating with people if you choose natural natural shades for coloring this laziness.

A positive time for any backcombing.

Waning Moon in the sign Leo (until 20:06)

It's the best time to change your image and style. You can choose any haircut.

Dramatic changes allowed color range– experiment!

Femininity and beauty in hairstyles on this day are a must.

Waning Moon in Virgo

You can enjoy increased attention from the opposite sex if you choose this day to cut your hair.

Coloring on this day is extremely unfavorable.

A simple but tasteful hairstyle will be appropriate on this day.

Waning Moon in Virgo

Bad day for a haircut.

Avoid any coloring, it will bring financial problems and instability.

Feminine and pretty haircut- this is exactly how she should be on this day. Try not to experiment with your hair today.

Moon in the sign of Libra (from 06:29)

New Moon arrives (at 10:12)

Negative day for haircuts. The New Moon may shorten your life expectancy.

Any coloring using natural dyes is permitted.

Braid your hair today, this will allow you to protect yourself from negative manifestations from others.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

Experimenting with haircuts will ruin relationships.

Synthetic dyes are contraindicated for hair coloring today; it is better to use natural dyes or tint products (foam or mousse).

Any experiments with your hairstyle on this day will have a very positive effect on you.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra (until 18:43)

This lunar day is contraindicated for cutting hair; it can be hazardous to health.

Hair bleaching is strictly contraindicated, but on this day the use of natural hair dyes is allowed.

Combing your hair today can be beneficial, so our advice: do it as often as possible.

Unjustified fears will haunt you all day long if you decide to change your hair length.

Do not change the color radically, but in general, hair coloring today is a neutral procedure.

You will become even stronger if you personally can do something simple and uncomplicated.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Today is a favorable time to get a haircut. In addition, getting a haircut on this day will allow you to significantly attract finance.

If you decide to dye your hair a light shade, then most likely you will receive a tempting contract, because your appearance will become even more attractive.

Today is a great time for bouffant hairstyles, because it will have a positive effect on your health.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Sagittarius (from 03:02)

It's not a good day for a haircut because health problems may arise.

Coloring will also not bring anything good.

The hairstyle on this day should be as neat and beautiful as possible. A sloppy and disheveled style is not recommended.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Sagittarius

A haircut on this day can cause quarrels with like-minded people.

A radical change in the color scheme of your hair will give you incredible sexuality if you can make such drastic changes in your image.

Energy will come to you if you curl your hair today with soft curlers.

The lunar haircut calendar for September or 2014 will help you choose the most favorable days to visit the hairdresser. The lunar calendar for hair cutting for September 2014 will tell you on what day the haircut is favorable and cosmetic procedures, and in which it is better to refrain from all manipulations with hair. The lunar day calendar indicates favorable and unfavorable days for hair cutting in July according to the characteristics of the lunar day, and the position of the Moon in the zodiac signs carries its own direction and predicts the consequences of hair cutting.

September 1
8th lunar day. The best day to visit the hairdresser. A haircut will bring good health and a smooth, calm life for many years.

September 2
9th lunar day. Unfavorable time for cutting hair. If you cut your hair on this day, you will attract problems, obstacles and illnesses.

Moon in Sagittarius. Very good time for cutting hair - it will bring good luck in professional affairs, career growth, improved relationships with superiors or colleagues, and the opportunity to get a salary increase.

September 3
10th lunar day. On this day, it is better to reschedule your visit to the hairdresser. Otherwise, exacerbation of diseases and the emergence of new ones are possible.

Moon in Sagittarius. A very good time for cutting your hair - it will bring good luck in professional affairs, career growth, improved relationships with your bosses or colleagues, and the opportunity to get a salary increase.

4 September
11th lunar day. A good day to cut your hair. As a result of a haircut, the mind will work more clearly, intuition and foresight will increase.

September 5
12th lunar day. A haircut on this day brings with it Negative influence to your health.

Moon in Capricorn. A favorable day for cutting and all hair manipulations. Hair will become more manageable, healthy, and thick.

6 September
13th lunar day. Favorable time to visit the hairdresser. Beauty and luck will come to your home as a result of a haircut.

September 7
14th lunar day. Unfavorable time for cutting hair. Negative events may come in all areas of life. Diseases, including mental disorders, are also possible.

Moon in Aquarius. On this day it is better to avoid hair cutting and all manipulations with hair. Otherwise, hair may fall out as a result.

8 September
15th lunar day. Unfavorable time for cutting hair. Negative events may come in all areas of life. Diseases, including mental disorders, are also possible.

9th of September
16th lunar day. Full moon. Unfavorable time for visiting the hairdresser. As a result of getting a haircut on such a day, you can unknowingly make mistakes in relationships, leave your emotions uncontrolled, and succumb to bad habits.

Moon in Pisces. Unfavorable time to visit the hairdresser. A haircut will cause hair diseases, hair loss, and dandruff. Washing your hair is also not recommended.

10 September
17th lunar day. Unfavorable time to visit the hairdresser. Obstacles arise in business, and health may deteriorate. Cut hair attracts spirits who use human energy.

11 September
18th lunar day. Unfavorable time for cutting hair. A haircut on this day attracts misfortunes and losses, including health.

Moon in Aries. An unfavorable time for cutting hair brings with it deterioration in health.

12-th of September
19th lunar day. Favorable time for cutting your hair - you can get extra time to live.

September 13
20th lunar day. Refrain from cutting your hair on this day, because the result may be a pessimistic attitude towards life and depression.

Moon in Taurus. A very favorable time to visit the hairdresser. Hair grows quickly, becomes healthy, does not fall out, and splits less.

September 14
21st lunar day. A good day to cut your hair. As a result of a haircut, you will receive beauty and inner harmony.

September 15th
22nd lunar day. Double day based on hair cutting results. A haircut will bring with it profit and increase - both property and wealth, and excess weight.

Moon in Gemini. For these days it is better to plan voluminous, light, airy hairstyles. Hair will grow quickly.

16 of September

September 17
23rd lunar day. A haircut on this day brings with it good luck in travel and brings beauty to the face.

Moon in Cancer. This time is not suitable for cutting and creating a hairstyle, because the hair on Cancer days is unruly and the shape is not visible. It is also best not to even wash your hair on such a day.

September 18
24th lunar day. Quite an unfavorable time for a haircut. May appear chronic diseases, including very serious ones.

Moon in Cancer. This time is not suitable for cutting and creating a hairstyle, because the hair on Cancer days is unruly and the shape is not visible. It is also best not to even wash your hair on such a day.

September 19
25th lunar day. Haircut on this day adversely affects the health of the head and eyes.

September 20
26th lunar day. A good lunar day for cutting hair. Such a haircut will not bring anything new to life, but the haircut itself will turn out beautiful and successful, which will have a positive effect on your mood.

Moon in Leo. The most favorable time for haircuts and hairstyles. Your hair will become like a lion's mane - silky, healthy, beautiful, thick. Cutting your hair during the Moon in Leo helps to invigorate your life.

September 21
27th lunar day. A good lunar day for cutting hair. Such a haircut will not bring anything new to life, but the haircut itself will turn out beautiful and successful, which will have a positive effect on your mood.

September 22nd
28th lunar day. A haircut or styling done on such a day will attract favorable acquaintances to you, who will be able to provide you with good help in the future or bring important information or new projects.

Moon in Virgo. The most favorable time for haircuts and hairstyles. After cutting your hair, even split ends or bangs, your hair will grow quickly, hair loss will decrease, and your hair will become stronger. If you plan to dye your hair, perm or apply other types cosmetic preparations salon quality, then the Moon in Virgo is the most favorable time for this.

23 September
29th lunar day. A tough day for everyone. Reschedule your haircut for another time.

Moon in Virgo. The most favorable time for haircuts and hairstyles. After cutting your hair, even split ends or bangs, your hair will grow quickly, hair loss will decrease, and your hair will become stronger. If you plan to dye your hair, get a perm, or apply other types of salon-quality cosmetics, then the Moon in Virgo is the most favorable time for this.

September 24
30th and 1st lunar day. New moon. Do not schedule a haircut at this time. A very negative time for cutting hair, which can provoke conflicts, including with law enforcement agencies or the judicial system.

September 25
2nd lunar day. A very negative time for cutting hair, which can provoke conflicts, including with law enforcement agencies or the judicial system.

Moon in Libra. The hairstyle done on this day will be light and airy. Hair will grow quickly.

September 26
3rd lunar day. Postpone the hair cut you were planning on that day. If you visit the hairdresser on this particular day, it will provoke financial losses and loss of health.

September 27
4th lunar day. Unfavorable day for cutting hair. Psychological fears may appear, including loneliness or loss of close relationships, and feelings of sadness. Also, a haircut can bring with it diseases of the throat chakra - throat, teeth, larynx, trachea, etc.

Moon in Scorpio. Dual position of the Moon in the zodiac sign. An unforeseen result - old grievances and discontent in your personal life, if any, may come to light. If internal problems If you are not in a relationship, then getting a haircut at this time will bring good emotions.

September 28
5th lunar day. It's a good time to cut your hair - it can attract additional money into your life and positively affect the state of your current affairs.

Moon in Scorpio. Dual position of the Moon in the zodiac sign. An unforeseen result - old grievances and discontent in your personal life, if any, may come to light. If there are no internal problems in the relationship, then getting a haircut at this time will bring good emotions.

September 29
6th lunar day. Haircut on this day is fraught with colds. 8th lunar day. The best day to visit the hairdresser. A haircut will bring good health and a smooth, calm life for many years.

Moon in Sagittarius. A very good time for cutting your hair - it will bring good luck in professional affairs, career growth, improved relationships with your bosses or colleagues, and the opportunity to get a salary increase.

September 30th
7th lunar day. On this day it is unfavorable to visit a hairdresser: a haircut can provoke bad relationships with those who are important to you or close to you. Also, diseases, both acute and chronic, are possible as consequences of a haircut on this day.

Moon in Sagittarius. A very good time for cutting your hair - it will bring good luck in professional affairs, career growth, improved relationships with your bosses or colleagues, and the opportunity to get a salary increase.

Haircut horoscope for September 2014 - favorable days for haircuts
The lunar haircut calendar for September contains many favorable days for hair cutting. The lunar haircut calendar for September 2014, with careful study and all manipulations with hair on these days, will bring successful events in life, prosperity, well-being, beauty, health and love.

Lunar haircut calendar for September 2014 - unfavorable days for haircuts
The phases of the moon for September 2014, particularly for hair cutting, can help determine favorable times for planning important matters. The haircut horoscope for September 2014 contains information useful to everyone who wants to take advantage of the help of lunar energy in distributing and settling their personal and professional affairs.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for September 2014 and hair coloring
Hair cutting and coloring are important procedures for women, the result of which, if possible, should be predictable and 100% guaranteed. Characteristics of the lunar day and the influence of the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac will help with this. On the waxing Moon, hair coloring will be more uniform and the result will be closer to the desired one, and the hair will be shiny and beautiful. On the waning Moon, after the Full Moon, the paint will not apply as evenly and will wash off faster, so the result of hair coloring will not be as long as with the waxing Moon. During the Full Moon and New Moon, it is favorable to plan treatments for hair treatment and restoration.

Among many other products, meat stands out as a source of protein and the basis for many delicious dishes. Speaking about him, you can mean different types of this product:
1) Beef.
2) Pork.
3) Chicken.
4) Rabbit meat.
5) Duck.
And many other types of meat that people eat.
When planning to buy meat, you should know about it beneficial properties. It is important to understand that depending on the animal, the properties of the product will change, as well as the cooking recommendations. For example, pork is best suited for barbecue, and quail meat is perfect for people who are on a diet.

How to choose meat?

Before you make a purchase, you need to know the rules for choosing this product. They will not be the same for all types of meat, so you should rely primarily on the animal whose part you are going to purchase:
1) When purchasing meat in Kyiv such as beef, pay attention to the following
factors: color - it should be rich and red. Dark meat is an indicator
because the product is old, so the dish made from it will be tough. The color of the fat should
be white. It is also important that the meat is dry, smells good, and is elastic.
2) It is best to purchase the chicken whole. It will cost less, but
need to purchase individual parts animal for some dish,
look carefully at: the color, which should be light pink on the skin and
meat - tender red; pleasant, fresh smell; size – don’t take it unnaturally
large parts of the carcass, this may be an indication that the product is inflated with water,
or during growing the chicken was overfed with vitamins. It is also important that
The date and time of packaging were indicated on the product packaging.
3) If you are interested in meat in Ukraine such as pork, look at the color of the meat and fat,
elasticity, smell of the product. Pay special attention to the color of the fat, since
To hide the smell of expired goods, they are often treated with potassium permanganate.
It is the reddish fat that will become a marker of the trader’s dishonesty.
Using a similar principle, it is necessary to choose other types of meat. Remember that it is better to purchase a refrigerated product than a frozen one. You should avoid shopping in the heat, and it is better to abandon the idea if the product causes you doubts, even if the prices for fresh meat attract your attention at a low level. It’s better to spend more but protect your health than to save money and end up in the hospital with food poisoning.

Meat in Kyiv

The place of purchase determines how high-quality the product will reach your table, so do not neglect your choice of store. In Ukraine, many sellers are ready to offer you the product you are looking for, but only by contacting the Myastoria online meat store can you be sure that you will like the beef or pork dish in terms of taste and quality. In addition, here you can order various dishes already ready for delivery in Kyiv. Cooks of Myastoria – the best masters of their business, who will fulfill all the wishes of their clients.

September is the first month of autumn, the transition to a new season. After the summer sun and vitamin food, our body remains strong and nourished, and in order to preserve the beauty of the skin and hair for a long time, proper and attentive care is required.

Selection cosmetics- This is a must, but not the only means for proper hair care. It is also recommended to carry out hair treatments in accordance with the lunar calendar.

To plan your trips to the hairdresser in advance, look at our lunar calendar of haircuts for September 2014:

  • September 1 is not a good day for cutting hair, nor is it favorable for curling and coloring.
  • September 2-5 is a good day to visit a stylist. You can cut and dye your hair.
  • September 6 is not a good time for a haircut, but coloring is acceptable.
  • 7th – Today you can cut, curl and extend your hair.
  • September 8 - if you plan to change your hair color, then it is better to abandon this idea in favor of light coloring or use. Also on this day you can change your hairstyle and make homemade masks.
  • During the period from the 9th to the 11th of the month, it is not recommended to cut, dye or style hair using hot tools.
  • September 12 and 13 are quite favorable times for cutting, curling and permanent hair straightening, which you can learn more about. It is possible to carry out painting; it will be useful to do caring procedures, both in a salon and at home.
  • On the 14th, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​changing your hairstyle. In these lunar day It is better to protect your hair from any impact.
  • On September 15, you can cut your hair without unpleasant consequences.
  • From September 16 to 18, it is an unfavorable time for dyeing, styling and cutting curls. We recommend making homemade masks from natural ingredients.
  • On the 19th you can get a new haircut.
  • In the period from September 20 to 22, there are favorable days for creating new hairstyles and hair coloring. It is especially effective to carry out salon and home care procedures. Strand extensions and straightening of curls are allowed.
  • On the 23rd and 24th it is better to leave your “head” alone. Dedicate these days to relaxation and rest, for example, aromatherapy and aromatherapy using any other essential oils will have a positive effect on your well-being.
  • September 25 and 26 are the right time to cut and curl your hair. Coloring is possible in the form of coloring and tinting, but more strong changes in color it is better to avoid.
  • The 27th and 28th days of the month will be unfavorable for haircuts, any styling and coloring. But care procedures will have a very positive effect on hair health.
  • September 29 is a good time to visit the hairdresser. This day is more than ideal for cutting and coloring.
  • On the last day of the month, the 30th, you can safely cut and curl your locks. It is better to postpone other hair manipulations to a more favorable lunar day.

Our ancient ancestors noticed that changes in lunar phases affect many factors in human life.

Depending on the location of the Moon in the sky, its location in a particular sign of the Zodiac, favorable and unfavorable days for affecting hair are determined. Astrologers make special lunar calendars haircuts for every month of the year.