
Is it worth covering for a lazy person at work? Tips for an effective lazy person: how to work without working at all. How does the “Self-Indicator” employee respond?

Probably, every manager sooner or later encounters employees who try to shirk their job functions by any means possible, while the entire workforce is working diligently. So years pass, and parasites continue to dissemble and receive salaries. This is not to say that they do nothing at all, but their productivity indicators, compared to other employees, are frankly lame. We will not say that there are parasites in every office or company, but this phenomenon occurs quite often.

“Vebran” is an employee hired under the patronage of a good, and most importantly, useful and authoritative person for management. Even at the hiring stage, no one was interested in his competencies at all, although the personnel officer screamed with all his might that even his specialty in his diploma was not suitable. Later it became obvious that he professional quality

if they are present, they will definitely not allow him to become a traveling employee. And it’s okay if he tried – he doesn’t even create the appearance of work, taking advantage of his position.

But you shouldn’t fire him, and for some time it’s not even possible at all - a “useful” person may not understand the reason for the dismissal, and you should not spoil your relationship with him under any circumstances. It turns out that there is some kind of “strategic parasite” sitting in the office, important for the business.

2 sons

3. Grandfather Grandfather, he is also a grandfather in the army. This is a real office legend, whose authority is unshakable in almost any situation. He has been working in the company longer than anyone, and perhaps even began his career path side by side with general director

That’s why he enters his office and is dear to him as a memory. Parables are made about him, shown as an example to interns and revered as a kind of office mascot. The example of his long career is indicative for everyone, and his close relationship with the boss does not allow anyone to reprimand him. No one doubts that he will work here until his retirement, to which he will be seen off with tears and relief. So he sits, tells tall tales about the company’s past and waits in the wings.

The “translator” is a formerly highly respected employee who occupies one of the leading positions of at least middle management. Once upon a time he solved serious issues and was even in the authority of many. But times change - a change in management, a ridiculous act, a bad contract or something stupid said at a planning meeting led to the fact that he became disliked by management.

But they are in no hurry to fire him - he knows too much and can do a lot, so the ideal solution is considered to be a disciplinary demotion or transfer to another, less responsible department. But there everyone forgets about him for a long time, which the “translator” skillfully uses and even finds many advantages in this development of events. Nobody pulls - well, okay.

5. Dreamer

The “Dreamer” is far from the worst employee of the company, even despite the fact that he is an outright parasite. Everyone considers him talented in his profession, and he could probably even rise up the career ladder, but... as he himself claims, motivation not enough... All the work he has done is done, as they say, “under pressure” - everyone understands that the “dreamer” is a capable employee, but in work time All he does is talk about his business ideas, “leftist” projects and unrealized potential that cannot be revealed in the ordinary position he holds. As a rule, this is a designer, so the tasks set by management are still partially completed. True, only to a critical extent - he has not received bonuses for a long time.

6. Bureaucrat

The “bureaucrat” is a cunning creature, and not everyone will agree with his label as a parasite. He always comes to work promptly at 9.00, never stays late, and completes his tasks exclusively within the job description, and is indignant at the entire office when someone tries to burden him with additional work. Actually, that’s why no one has been trying to do this for a long time. The worst thing for a “bureaucrat” is to go beyond the rules described in the regulations, and this also applies to abnormal, non-standard and even force majeure situations - in any case, he will point to the norms Labor Code, collective agreement or company charter, accompanying your monologue with phrases like “I shouldn’t” and “you don’t have the right.” And it would be nice if the question was fundamental - the “bureaucrat” is driven only by the desire not to overwork, because no one else will pay anyway. A mercantile, cunning creature.

7. Favorite

Almost every employee of the company most likely loves the “favorite” in their hearts, but the main thing for him is the feelings of his boss, who also breathes unevenly towards his person. The “favorite” often gets into trouble, constantly screws up, has a lot of shortcomings and never does anything on time, but the love of management is stronger - he gets away with almost any offense, even with instructive lectures, screams and threats of dismissal. Of course, he doesn’t get it. As a rule, the “favorite” works in a position close to the manager, such as a driver or personal courier, which is why he manages to establish a psycho-emotional connection.

In his parasitism, the “favorite” often takes risks and goes beyond all possible limits, for which he can even be expelled from the pool of “close associates” for a while, but this is only for a while. Love is an inexplicable feeling...

8. Slander

“Slander” is an aggravated form of the parasite “bureaucrat”. Many are not satisfied with his work, but no one wants to fire him, since the consequences could be more expensive. In addition to the fact that the “slander” constantly refers to legislation and regulations, he obviously has some valuable information, perhaps even “black” accounting, information about hidden taxes or dirt on his boss. “Slander” is a time bomb that is not touched, as long as it “doesn’t smell.” In addition to possessing valuable information, such an employee knows where to go in case of illegal dismissal; he has already written complaints against his past employers more than once and is ready, if anything happens, to cause problems with clients and the current one. It may be a unique form of influence, but that is precisely what the parasite uses.

9. Strategist

“Strategist” is actually also not the worst option for an office parasite, which is found quite often in a corporate environment. He had been with the company for a long time and had certain achievements in the past, such as the highest sales figure or several patented utility models, which guaranteed him authority among his superiors. He was even promised a guaranteed salary, which is significantly higher than the average earnings of his colleagues, so that valuable personnel would not go to competitors. This was his strategy, because after the approval of the staffing table with his increased salary The “strategist” works exactly as much as necessary so as not to get fired. He knows that no matter what results he shows, his salary will remain at the same high level, and this is his main trump card.

10. Hare

“The Hare” was lucky - he didn’t even understand how he ended up in the company and in this position. But according to the internal attitude he formed, The “hare” knows for sure that this job is a temporary refuge for him on the way to his dream job. It doesn’t matter that this “temporary” thing has been going on for three years now and during this time not a single job offer has been received. But this does not prevent him from sitting out the period of, so to speak, stagnation, without particularly straining. Why doesn't anyone else bother him? Good question, probably, the boss himself does not know the answer to this - either there is no one else to work, or he is not up to the “hare” yet.

Why do parasites appear and how to get rid of them?

According to career consultant Elena Golubeva, the presence of parasites in the office is an indicator of the management and work systemHR- departments of the organization. Even in cases where the management is not inclined to formalism, the company is successfully thriving in the market, and the staff has formed a driving locomotive backbone, the parasites “on the sidelines of success” can spoil the whole picture, no matter how cloudless the situation may be today. Order must be everywhere - both in heads and in business processes, so the first thing management must do is not only create uniform rules for everyone, but also create conditions where these rules will be followed. There can certainly be exceptions, but they must be minimized, otherwise there will be no order.

Among the priority tasks that will allow us to eradicate parasites are:

  • Development of long-term development strategies, formation of corporate culture, emergence of real office values;
  • Setting key performance indicators, regardless of department, positions and other aspects;
  • Financial motivation of employees tied to performance indicators;
  • Development of a system for assessing labor success, as well as regulating the behavior of superiors towards employees with negative results;
  • Regular review of official salaries taking into account the workload, market situation and professionalism of a particular employee.

If you are a business leader, then sooner or later you will have to hire employees. Ideally, these people will take some of the pressure off of you, allowing you to focus on growing the company. Unfortunately, things don't always work out the way you want. The most promising candidate who performed well in an interview may suddenly become a problem.

Here are a few types of lazy people who can harm your business.

5 types of lazy workers: how to deal with them

Artem Franich

1. Lost

This one loves to disappear without explanation at the most inopportune moment. He will either have lunch for two hours, or his five minutes will last for half an hour. He might call in sick on the day a major project is due or be late for an important morning meeting. In any case, the missing person lets his colleagues down, forcing them to clean up his affairs.

How to fight: This type of employee is the most difficult to deal with, since he “breaks” subordination where the rules are, as a rule, unwritten. Create a clear break schedule and force the person to follow it.

2. Victim

Equivalent to a student claiming that “the dog ate his homework.” This guy has hundreds of reasons to be late, and the victim knows them all by heart. He or she can think of anything to avoid work responsibilities, whether it's a flat tire on the way to work or sick children and pets. The victim can hold a position for months, without giving the opportunity to hire a normal specialist and coming often enough not to give the manager a reason to fire him.

Meme “This homework looks difficult. Do you want me to eat it?

How to fight: Note any example of such behavior and do it constantly. If this happens once or twice—the person gets sick or the car breaks down—no big deal. But still make notes just in case. If a person makes excuses for the fifth, sixth, or seventh time, “document it.” The main thing is not to let the victim do this for too long.

3. Procrastinator

Everyone suffers from procrastination at times, but this one turns it into an art. If you have a project running out, this guy will tackle it at the very last moment, which will greatly annoy the entire team. He will leave work for later, wasting time on unimportant matters. A procrastinator creates additional stress in the team and spoils any project, especially if it is approaching a deadline.

How to fight: assign him a strict work schedule. Set deadlines or quick meetings to discuss the project so that our hero knows that he is being watched. Even daily check-ins can be helpful in keeping a project on track.

4. Delegating

This is a very interesting type of sloth. Mainly because he spends a lot of energy not working. He likes to shift his responsibilities to everyone else, even without being a leader. Many career-obsessed people do this. The delegator can demoralize the team and even harm the company's reputation. The worst thing is if he starts shifting the work to clients.

Still from the film "The Wolf of Wall Street"

How to fight: check its operation regularly and monitor the load level. Assign a delegator to do the work with the words: “I give this work to you and only you.” Call him from time to time and collect from him in full if he violates the agreement.

5. Troublemaker

This is the most dangerous of lazy workers. They don't just avoid work - they create confusion among their colleagues. A troublemaker walks around offices, spreads rumors about colleagues, and starts empty conversations. If he can't start a conversation with someone, he'll find out through email or the Internet. A troublemaker can harm the productivity of his employees and even put the company at risk by posting confidential information online.

Still from the film "A Clockwork Orange"

How to fight: troublemakers are the hardest to deal with. They don’t seem to break any rules, but they still manage to harm the work process. Get to know the troublemaker and be friendly to him. This is a time-tested strategy: “Keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer.” Chat with him to understand what his problem is. Perhaps you can make him happier. If nothing works and you've just wasted your time, find a way to fire him.

Entrepreneurs usually have no time to fool around. If an employee behaves inappropriately or avoids doing work, the manager should take action and solve the problem. Sometimes talking to a subordinate helps, but most often the only solution is to replace the lazy employee with someone more responsible.

In the fall, the children of our class went out to work in the school site. It was a warm autumn. There are golden leaves in the garden and flower beds! We had to dig up the flowerbed, collect and remove the leaves. The mood was cheerful, and everyone began to work. But our Vanya... No, he also worked: he ran, threw leaves, teased the girls, and barely moved the shovel. I collected leaves somehow.

The guys asked him: “Vanya, a little faster, otherwise you’ll freeze!”

“Don’t worry, somehow I’ll manage before you, I’m strong!”

And Alenka could barely contain her indignation.

Soon the guys saw the result of their work: the leaves were collected and taken out, the flowerbed was dug up.

And Vanya remained on the island among the fallen leaves. The teacher praised us all, and Vanya said: “That’s how a lazy person works!” He was very ashamed. And we were ashamed of him.


- essay on the topic of lazy

- essay on the topic of how a lazy person works

- this is how a lazy person works

– essay that’s how a lazy person works

- how a lazy person works

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How a lazy person works.

"A lazy person does not like to get up early (at seven o'clock in the morning, for example), and if he gets up, he barely gets up. He is reluctant to go to school. During lessons he “crows” (catches a raven) and almost falls asleep. And when the test starts, he somehow manages to cheat from his neighbor at his desk. After school he goes for a walk, instead of first doing his homework and then going outside. And if his mother calls him to help around the house, he will somehow do the work and tell his mother: “I did everything!” - and ran out into the street again.

This is how lazy people do everything!”

Kotenko Alla7 "A"

Mirsalieva Natalya 7 "A"

"Once upon a time there was a man who graduated from school, got a profession... and now he needed to work. But he is reluctant to work and is bored. You have to get up early for work, but meanwhile you want to lie in bed. He comes to work and waits: if only the working day would end quickly! He looks out the window and counts flies, and even then he’s tired. The miserable one sits down and complains about everyone that it’s boring, as if it were others’ fault. And he’s in the front row for the award. There is a difference between living and serving, and work and work are different. As will be the work, so will be the reward."

Rzaev Samir 7 "A"

"How does a lazy person work???

Many people laugh at how a lazy person works. So what's funny about his work?

As soon as a lazy person starts a task, he already thinks about how to finish it as quickly as possible. The lazy person does everything carelessly, somehow.

“I’ll do it somehow and go home!!!” (Or walk, or play). This is the motto of a lazy person. He finishes his work barely, like a dying swan.

It would never occur to him to help someone or stay late at work. He often lags behind others in the program.

The work of a lazy person really makes you laugh.

Tambovtsev Yuri.

"How does a lazy person work?

A lazy person works carelessly. Everything works out somehow for him. If you need to lift weights, then the lazy person can barely do it, and the other work is done by a clumsy person. Perhaps some try a little, but rarely.

Have you ever wondered if you are a lazy person? If you have handwriting like a chicken paw and so on, then you are lazy! This is a bad quality, and we need to get rid of it. Because of laziness, there will be no success in life and in your career too."

Kotenko Alla

"How does a lazy person work? Good question.

Many people think that a lazy person is someone who doesn’t know how to do anything, but I have a different opinion. It seems to me that a lazy person is a person who knows how to do a lot, but he is lazy.

The daily routine of a lazy person is as follows. In the morning, the lazy guy barely gets out of bed, without washing his face or making the bed, and sits down at the computer, but then his mother comes into the room:

-Peter!!! Turn off your computer!!! Better go wash yourself!!! Aren't you ashamed to show yourself to people like that?

-Mom, I’ll be there in a minute!!!

-Not now, but this very second!!!


Before his mother had time to leave the room, Petya turned off the computer and went to have breakfast.

-Have you brushed your teeth?

-Yes mom!!!

-Well, great, bon appetit!

After Petya ate, he put the plate in the sink and, seeing that there was a mountain of dishes in it, walked past. Then my mother’s voice comes from the room:

- Petenka, please wash the dishes!!!

Petyatak washed the dishes: he took the plate, wet it and put it down... So, every single plate!

-Mom, I went to school!!!


He goes to school reluctantly. Entering the classroom, he did not apologize for being late and did not even say hello.

-Shishkin! Why was I late?


-What are you kidding here? Give me a diary!!!

-Well, Maria Ivanovna!

-Okay, show me your homework!!!

Lazy people hardly do their homework. Six lessons passed in this way. When Petya came home, they immediately told him:

-Wash your hands and eat!!!

Petya didn’t wash his hands and immediately sat down to eat. Maybe laziness is a disease of dirty hands, like an upset stomach?

Shmyglya Alena.

"How does a lazy student work?

The bell rings for class. A boy with untied shoelaces and a half-opened backpack slowly enters the classroom. Reluctantly prepares for classes, takes out a textbook, notebook, pencil case.... and greets the teacher.

The lesson has started, but the student has not yet started working. "Petrov!" - the teacher interrupts. “Are you ready for kuroku?” Confused, Petrov looks around the whole class and fixes his gaze on the teacher. “Yes, Marya Ivanovna,” and the boy went out to the blackboard, scribbled something in uneven handwriting and sat down at his desk again. The teacher looked at the work disapprovingly, and...the bell rang from class. “Well, Petrov, you’re not ready, I have to give you a negative rating.” Having received the usual assessment, the student trudged into the corridor.

The bell for the next lesson had already rung, but Petrov only slightly quickened his pace. The second lesson started unsuccessfully: being late, being reprimanded, in general, as always. If the boy had not been lazy, there would have been no problems at all!

Lebedev Alexander

"There are a lot of lazy people on earth. All lazy people are lazy, don’t want to study, don’t help their parents and don’t clean their room. Lazy people get up late, later than others, and are often late for classes. During class they are even too lazy to go to the blackboard and can barely hold the chalk in their hand. After the bell rings, they are the last to enter class, and are stuck in the locker rooms for several minutes because they cannot remember where they put their things. After school they go home to eat, play, sleep and... don’t do their homework, and the same thing happens every time! Everyone always does it last, because they hope that someone will do it for them. "

Safarli Vusal 7a