
Methods and techniques for home hair coloring. How to dye dark hair without dye. Necessary tools and preparations

The desire to change the image is inherent in all of us. But the cost of the procedure in beauty salons forces many ladies to abandon the idea. From now on you don't need an expensive stylist at all! Knowing how to dye your hair at home, you can do everything yourself!

4 steps for DIY coloring

If you decide to dye your hair at home, follow these steps.

Step 1: Choose the color you want

Any change in style begins with shade. It is very difficult to choose one, since very rarely a lady knows exactly what she wants. Conduct an experiment, especially if you want to change dramatically. You can try on wigs or simply upload a photo to the site and choose a color online. At the same time, you should also take into account your color type, as well as the need to change your entire wardrobe, because what suited a redhead may not suit a blonde.

Stage 2. Buying hair dye

  • When choosing a package with in the right color, be sure to read the instructions on the side of the package. It contains points regarding dosage for different lengths of strands. For medium and long hair, you may need two or even three packages;
  • All colors of modern paints are divided into three groups - blond, black and chestnut. And each of them can be separately divided into different tones (light and dark). If you need to paint in dark color, try a lighter shade from this one first color palette. And one more thing - when coloring your hair at home, give preference to cool shades. Warm colors often behave “inappropriately”, so it would be better to leave them to a specialist;
  • If you want to save, analyze additional qualities paints. Some add shine to strands, others cover gray hair. If you don't need it, take another paint - it will be cheaper. The price is also affected by the branded balm included. If you have your own product that suits you, buy paint without balm;
  • If you dye your hair regularly, use dyes from the same brand. Even completely not a big difference in the composition of paints can have a bad effect on the health of the hair.

Stage 3. Additional accessories

For painting you need:

  • Special brush;
  • Comb;
  • A protective cape over the shoulders (it can be replaced with an old robe or towel);
  • Fat cream. It needs to be lubricated on the skin along the hairline, as well as on the ears, temples, and neck. The cream prevents the paint from staining the skin as well.

Stage 4. Painting

Dyeing your own strands will not be so difficult if you strictly follow the instructions on the package:

  1. Mix the dye and oxidizing agent thoroughly.
  2. Comb your strands well. To improve the effect, they can be slightly moistened.
  3. Divide your hair into four parts - from the forehead to the back of the head, occipital, right temporal and left temporal.
  4. In each zone, lubricate only the root zone first. The layer should be uniform. Move the brush very quickly, otherwise your hair will take on a different shade.
  5. Distribute this mixture over the entire length of your hair.
  6. Leave for half an hour. If you are using dye for the first time, it is better to cut off a thin curl and try the dye you have chosen on it.
  7. Wash your hair with shampoo.
  8. At the end of the process, lubricate your hair with the balm that comes with the kit.

The whole painting process looks like this:

How to tint only the roots?

If you only need to touch up the roots of your hair, apply the dye to them for about 20 minutes. Even for a long length, one package is enough. Spread the remaining product over the rest of your hair and wait 10 minutes. Then wet the strands with a little water and lather well with your hands. Wash your hair with shampoo or just water. In the latter case, the color will be more intense.

How to dye a long braid?

The technique of coloring long hair is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Paint only the roots first. Then divide the braid into several thin strands, apply a small dose of dye to each and brush it with a comb. This will ensure uniform coloring. Gather all the dyed strands into one bun and hide your head in a bag. Wait the right time and rinse everything thoroughly. Finally, apply a moisturizing balm.

Attention! If you were unable to dye your strands in the chosen shade yourself, do not try to fix everything with another procedure. Wait two weeks - under no circumstances should you dye your hair again earlier, because the strands will be severely damaged.

  • Tip 1. Do not add any other components in the form of balms, shampoos and oils to chemical dyes. This revamped lineup may be unpredictable.
  • Tip 2. Don’t prepare the paint for future use, apply it right away.
  • Tip 3. Work only with gloves - chemical components are bad for the skin.
  • Tip 4. Modern cream paints do not spread over the skin, so there is no need for polyethylene or a warm towel.
  • Tip 5. Do not combine perm with coloring.
  • Tip 6. Remember, it is better not to leave the coloring composition on than to leave it on the strands.
  • Tip 7. Be sure to buy care cosmetics for colored hair (shampoo, conditioner and mask).
  • Tip 8. Hair after dyeing should be dried without a hairdryer.
  • Tip 9. Do not wash your hair with shampoo for two or three days before the procedure. This will allow the pigment to adhere much better. The main thing is that there are no residues of varnish or other styling products on the strands.
  • Tip 10. If there are rashes, wounds, scratches or itching on the scalp, postpone the procedure.

How to apply makeup with henna and basma correctly?

Hair dyeing with henna and basma can also be done without the help of others. It’s enough to remember a couple of simple but very important rules:

  1. Dilute henna hot water– it should look like homemade sour cream.
  2. Mix everything well so that there are no lumps.
  3. You can add any essential oil(literally a few drops).
  4. To avoid staining your skin, lubricate it with a rich cream (along the hairline, near the ears and on the neck).
  5. Apply henna to the strands, starting from the back of the head.
  6. Gently work your way through the rest of your hair.
  7. Comb your hair with a thick comb so that the mixture is evenly distributed throughout your hair.
  8. Wrap your head in plastic and a warm scarf or towel.
  9. Wait 2-3 hours.
  10. Before washing your hair, do a light massage.
  11. Rinse off the henna with warm water without using shampoo to allow the pigment to set.
  12. Now mix basma with water.
  13. Apply in the same manner.
  14. Wait the required time - from 15 minutes to 2.5 hours. The longer you keep the basma, the darker the shade will be.
  15. Wash your hair with water and lubricate your hair with balm.

Hair dyeing with tonic

When you decide to dye your hair with tonic or shampoo, remember important point– its color can be darker only by one tone. Hair tinting occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. Prepare the painting mixture using the instructions.
  2. Moisten the strands a little to help the toner adhere better.
  3. Divide your hair into several equal strands.
  4. Moisten each with the product using a special brush.
  5. Wrap yourself in a warm cap.
  6. When the time is up, wash your hair with water. There is no need to use shampoo.

How to make your own ombre?

Ombre is one of the most popular hair coloring techniques. To dye your hair at home fashion technology ombre, you only need to strictly follow the tips:

  1. Mix the coloring composition. It can be either permanent or ammonia-free paint. If desired, use a tinted balm.
  2. Divide your hair into two equal parts.
  3. Tie two ponytails, placing both elastic bands at the same level and at the desired height.
  4. Using a special brush, coat each ponytail with the product. Hold the brush vertically. The border can be sharp, or it can be barely noticeable.
  5. Leave the dye on the strands for about half an hour.
  6. Wash your hair with shampoo and use conditioner.

Hair coloring with chalks

To do it right, buy a coloring agent at an art salon.

The variety of colors gives you a huge choice, but remember that using these crayons too often can be harmful to your hair. Then follow the instructions:

  1. Divide your hair into several thin sections.
  2. Twist each into a rope and secure with an elastic band.
  3. Paint the strands with chalk without touching the roots. You can apply one or several shades - it’s up to your taste. Blondes can apply the product to dry strands; brunettes are advised to wet their hair with water.
  4. At the end of the process, shake your hair to remove any remaining chalk.
  5. To secure the effect, spray your hair with hairspray.

If you decide to dye your hair yourself for the first time, first of all remember four absolute no-nos.

  1. You cannot dye your hair after perm. There should be at least two weeks between these procedures.
  2. Do not dye your hair if there are abrasions or other damage to the scalp.
  3. You cannot add oils, balms and other products to your taste to chemical paints.
  4. You cannot use diluted paint several times. Even if it's the next day, even if it's stored in the refrigerator.

How to choose paint

Hair dyes are natural, physical and chemical. Natural paints are henna and basma. They do not harm the hair, but on the contrary, nourish it. But they have a modest range of shades. Read more about henna staining at the end of the article.

Physical are paints with a chemical pigment, but without ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. The coloring pigment envelops but does not penetrate the hair. Because of this they are unstable.

Most often, chemical paints are used for home painting. In the package you will find a tube of coloring paste and an oxidizing agent. Chemical paints are divided into:

  1. Unstable: tinted shampoos and balms to refresh color.
  2. Medium-lasting: They add oils and other nutrients to care for your hair.
  3. Long-lasting: they contain a lot of chemicals, but the color does not wash off for a long time.

It is better to use chemical paints no more than once a month. It is permissible to tint the roots every two weeks.

Decide on the type of paint, and then choose a shade. It’s better to do this before going to the store so that you don’t get confused by the variety at the display window.

There are services for selecting hair color on the websites of dye manufacturers. Answer a couple of questions, upload a photo and see what suits you: caramel, chestnut or dark chocolate.

If you want to change the look, the shade should be one or two shades lighter or darker than the current color.

You should not experiment at home with transformation from a brunette to a blonde. Without a salon wash, the color will turn out yellow, and the hair will suffer greatly.

It is also better to trust professionals complex staining like ombre and highlights.

How to prepare everything you need

To dye your hair at home you will need:

  1. Dye. For short hair One pack is enough. For medium and long hair you will have to buy two or three bottles.
  2. Hairdresser's cape. If you don't have it, just put it on old T-shirt, which you don’t mind getting dirty with paint.
  3. Hair coloring brush and fine-tooth comb. Theoretically, you can get by with just one comb. But in practice, it is more convenient to distribute the paint with a brush, and to separate the strands with its sharp end.
  4. Glass or plastic bowl for mixing paint and developer. AliExpress sells special ones.
  5. Non-metallic hair clips. “Crabs” and other hairpins will do.
  6. Gloves. It is better to buy medical ones at the pharmacy. The ones that come with paint are usually inconvenient and flimsy.
  7. Fat cream. Apply it along the hairline to avoid staining your forehead and ears when dyeing. You can also use paper tape.

It is not necessary to wash your hair before dyeing. Only if you use varnish or mousse.

How to apply paint

If this is your first time using paint, especially chemical paint, do a sensitivity test. Take a drop of paint and oxidizer, mix and apply to your wrist or inner part elbow. If the skin does not turn red or itch or burn within 10–15 minutes, you can apply makeup.

Read the instructions carefully: how to mix, how long to keep the paint on. The coloring result depends on these nuances.

Make two partings: from the forehead to the back of the head and from ear to ear.

As a result, the hair will be divided into four approximately equal parts. Secure each of them with a clamp.

Put on a hairdressing cape and gloves. Dilute the paint according to the instructions and start painting.

First, apply paint along the main partings: from the forehead to the back of the head, from temple to temple. Then start painting the roots at the back of the head (in the picture - zones 1 and 2).

Separate a thin strand, apply a little dye to the roots and fold it over the top of your head so it doesn’t get in the way. Move on to the next one. And so on until all the roots in the occipital area are painted.

Also paint the roots on the crown and temples. After this, distribute the remaining dye over the entire length of the hair. Comb them and put them in a bun.

Hair on the crown and back of the head is dyed more slowly, so stylists recommend starting with these areas. At the temples and at the bottom of the back of the head the hair is thin. The pigment will act faster, and therefore they need to be painted last. If you neglect this feature, the color may turn out uneven.

The described method allows you to apply paint first to the crown and back of the head, and lastly to the temples, since they still need to be reached.

How to hold and wash off paint

Many people remember how mothers and grandmothers, after applying paint, put a bag on their heads and wrapped themselves in a towel. Hence the common misconception: for the color to be brighter, you need heat.

But don’t forget that our mothers and grandmothers wore makeup primarily natural paints. In the case of henna or basma, you really need to put on a plastic cap and tie a towel on your head. Chemical paints need oxygen to react, so it’s better to do without bags. Otherwise, your hair will be dry after dyeing.

Keep the paint on for exactly as long as indicated in the instructions.

Another myth: if you leave the dye on longer, the color will not wash off longer, and if you leave it on less, the hair will be damaged less. This is wrong.

When in contact with chemical dye, the hair scales open up. The coloring pigment is absorbed into the rod. This takes from 20 to 40 minutes. Afterwards the scales close again. If you wash off the dye ahead of time, the scales will remain open, which means your hair will be brittle. If you overexpose the dye, your hair will dry out and become thin.

When the time indicated on the package has expired, wash off the paint with warm water. You need to rinse until the water becomes clear. To get rid of residual dye on the scalp, you can wash your hair with shampoo. Afterwards, be sure to apply a conditioner for colored hair or make an appropriate mask and rinse your hair again.

After dyeing, it is better to dry your hair naturally rather than with a hairdryer.

How to care for colored hair

No matter how gentle the dye, dyed hair needs special care. Here are a few basic rules.

  1. Use shampoo and conditioner for colored hair.
  2. Do it once every 10–14 days.
  3. When curling with a curling iron, use heat protection.
  4. If you go to the pool, wear a cap.

How to dye your hair with henna or basma

Henna is a dye made from the dried leaves of Lawsonia nonprickly. It is used for body painting and hair coloring. Henna gives the latter a rich copper color and a healthy shine.

Basma is made from indigo leaves. With its help, hair is dyed in dark tones: from light chestnut to black.

The procedure for dyeing with henna and basma is generally the same as with chemical dyes, but there are several important nuances.

  1. The amount of powder depends on the length and thickness of the hair: usually one pack for hair up to the shoulders and two packs for hair up to the shoulder blades.
  2. Natural paint is poured with hot, but not boiling water. The powder must be thoroughly mixed so that there are no lumps. It is better to do this with a wooden or silicone spatula and always in a non-metallic container.
  3. The consistency of diluted henna should be like thick sour cream. Basma is even thicker. When diluting it, it is important not to overdo it with water, and to prevent basma from flowing, you can add glycerin or some kind of hair oil to it.
  4. In order for the paint to give off color better, a thermal effect is needed. After application, put on a plastic cap and cover your head with a towel.
  5. Henna and basma can be left on the hair for several hours. The longer, the richer the shade.
  6. Natural paint is harder to apply and wash off than chemical paint. Be patient. You should wash off henna and basma without shampoo and conditioner. It is also recommended not to wash your hair for a couple of days after dyeing.

Henna and basma can be combined with others natural ingredients: for example, with cocoa, chamomile infusion, beet juice. This allows you to play with shades. You can also mix henna and basma with each other. The color will depend on the ratio of dyes. But this is a topic for a separate article.

Women tend to strive for novelty. They are searching new image, experiment with their appearance. Hair coloring in various shades can significantly change the usual appearance, so ladies of all ages resort to it. Performing this procedure is quite possible at home, if you adhere to certain rules and take into account some nuances.

By the way! I recommend it on my friend’s blog as much as possible get rid of hair on the body FOREVER?! Her daughter brought her some kind of cunning depilator from abroad, which works on the principle of tweezers, she literally used it once, and her hair NO LONGER GROWING!!!

Having decided on the choice of the desired hair color, it is worth purchasing high-quality dye from well-known and reliable manufacturers, so as not to be disappointed with the result. Of course, you need to study the instructions on the package, which provide information about the initial hair color and the resulting one. It also indicates: the required amount of paint for different lengths, correct preparation of the composition, dye holding time.

Hair coloring at home requires certain skills that can be easily acquired over time. The main condition can be considered accuracy, attentiveness and speed.

It is worth considering that if the previous coloring was natural (for example, henna and basma), then chemical dyes must be used after a certain time. Especially with bleaching, a completely unpredictable outcome is possible.

You should not dye your hair if there are wounds or inflammations on the scalp. Chemicals can not only cause burns, but also significantly worsen the condition of the skin.

So that you don’t have to be distracted or experience any inconvenience while working, you need to prepare everything you need in advance.

How to choose the right equipment for painting?

You need to take care of purchasing the following tools:

  • plastic or glass bowl for mixing ingredients;
  • a brush with a long handle for applying paint;
  • gloves to protect hands;
  • clips or crabs for fixing individual strands;
  • wide-tooth comb;
  • a cape on the shoulders made of waterproof material;
  • towel,
  • clock to control time.

Also useful fat cream or Vaseline for applying to the skin of the face to protect it from staining. Having prepared the equipment and the place to work, you can proceed directly to painting.

What to do if your hair falls out? To get started, we recommend visiting the website of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation. This article reveals a method by which you can fight hair loss. FOR FREE, without harm to the body.

Step by step hair coloring procedure

If possible, you should hire an assistant, but also do it yourself hair coloring at home quite accessible to every woman. It is important to adhere to a certain sequence of actions and follow all the rules.

  1. First of all, it’s worth considering that you need to paint dry hair. Wet strands do not absorb dyes well. It is advisable not to wash your hair before the procedure for at least 1-2 days, which will allow you to maintain natural protection.
  2. In the prepared bowl, mix the paint thoroughly. To do this, paint is squeezed out of a tube into the emulsion and quickly mixed until smooth. Active reaction time chemical substances limited, so it is advisable to do everything quite quickly.
  3. Skin along the hairline, forehead and temples Lubricated with any greasy cream. This is necessary so as not to paint them over. During work, you should carefully monitor the cleanliness of these places and, if necessary, immediately wipe with a napkin or special means to remove dye from skin.
  4. Pre-well combed hair is necessary divide into separate strands. You must wear gloves on your hands. You should start from the back of the head, applying paint with a brush from roots to ends. The work ends on the temporal part, since the thinnest hair is there, and it is dyed much faster.
  5. After applying all the dye, preferably with a wide-tooth comb distribute carefully it evenly along the entire length of the hair.
  6. Modern paints practically do not flow, but some ladies still prefer to wear a hat. This is quite relevant for long hair.
  7. The dye is kept for the time specified in the instructions, after which it must be washed off. You can use shampoo and conditioner. Often the paint comes with a balm, which adds softness and shine. It is possible to use any other balm intended for colored hair.

As we see, hair coloring rules are quite simple, and their implementation will certainly provide an excellent result. Separately, it is worth emphasizing the most common errors that affect the outcome of the procedure.

Common mistakes when coloring hair at home

Often some advice is not given due attention, which leads to various troubles.

  • The use of formulations prepared in advance is not advisable, since the active effect of the coloring matter appears in approximately 40 minutes. Over time, the paint has a worse effect, losing its strength.
  • Using paints that have expired.
  • Leave the applied composition on the hair for more than the recommended time. Some ladies believe that they will get a brighter and more lasting color. But in the end you can only burn the strands.
  • Drying with a hot hairdryer immediately after the procedure, which only causes additional harm, increasing fragility.
  • No preliminary sensitivity test to dye reagents is performed. This is especially true in relation to an unknown manufacturer, since an allergic reaction of the body is possible.

It is necessary to remember hair coloring mistakes They can not only ruin your hair, but also cause harm to your health. The tips are simple, they are not difficult to follow, and the result will be excellent, delighting and uplifting the owners of luxurious shiny curls.

By the way! I advise you to read 5 tips on how to smooth out wrinkles and rejuvenate skin for 147 rubles. from Cosmopolitan magazine based on an interview with Moscow cosmetologist Anna Dovgan.

To change the color of their hair, women turn to specialists at a hairdressing salon. Knowing the basic rules of how to use hair dye, it’s easy to do it at home. You can dye long strands, gray roots, or get an original two-tone color.


Before you dye your hair, you need to choose the right shade based on your type of appearance. You should purchase paint, tools, and accessories. When purchasing medications, it is important to take into account the features of preserving the coloring effect of various products:

  • mascara, gel - quickly washed off with water;
  • tinted shampoos do not last long;
  • ammonia-free paints have a medium-resistant effect, permanent dyes have a persistent effect.

Proper hair coloring involves performing the following actions:

  • Pre-cut the split ends.
  • On the eve of the process, apply a moisturizing mask to the strands.
  • Perform allergy testing - apply the composition to the bend of the elbow. You can paint if there is no reaction within an hour.
  • Follow the technology specified in the instructions for mixing and applying paint.
  • Use quality ingredients famous brands, for example, Estelle, Matrix, L'Oreal.

What is needed for coloring

If you like to change your hair color often or need to dye your growing gray roots, you should have a kit of tools and materials at home. To complete the process you will need:

  • paint of a suitable shade;
  • a fatty cream that is applied to the growth line so as not to stain the skin of the temples, forehead, and neck;
  • oxidizing agent (developer) to fix the result, if it is not included in the dye kit;
  • foil or thermal paper to insulate individual strands.

To dye your hair at home, you will need to purchase:

  • a container made of glass, porcelain or plastic for mixing the composition;
  • combs with frequent and rare teeth;
  • brush 5 centimeters wide;
  • spatula (if necessary, paint individual strands along the length);
  • gloves to protect hands;
  • crab clips for zoning areas of dyeing;
  • an apron to cover clothes from getting the composition.

How to dye your hair correctly

  • You shouldn’t radically change the color at one time; a smooth correction of shades over several steps is necessary;
  • long and short strands have their own dyeing technologies;
  • You should rinse your hair well after the procedure, be sure to apply balm;
  • it is important to ensure that chemical composition didn't get into my eyes.

To myself

To dye your hair at home yourself, you need to prepare materials, tools, then dilute the dye according to the attached instructions. To ensure uniform coloring, the entire procedure is performed quickly in the following sequence:

  1. Brush hair.
  2. Apply paint starting from the back of the head.
  3. Treat the crown of the head, separating the strands with partings.
  4. Paint your temples and bangs.

In order for the composition to be evenly distributed over the surface of the head, the strands need to be combed using a comb with large teeth. You will need to wait the time specified in the instructions, and then:

  1. Rinse your hair with warm water and shampoo, if prescribed.
  2. Apply the balm to the strands with massage movements.
  3. Wash off after five minutes.


If there is a need to dye regrown roots, you should first comb your hair and divide it into 4 parts - temples, back of the head and crown. Secure each one with a crab. Next you will need:

  1. Prepare paint.
  2. Apply it near the ears and along the partings.
  3. Dissolve one part, divide into strands.
  4. Apply the composition to the roots of each.
  5. Repeat the process with the remaining parts.
  6. Allow time according to instructions.
  7. Wash off the paint.
  8. Apply balm.

Long hair

At the beginning of the process of dyeing long strands, it is necessary to divide them into 4 zones, securing each with a clip. The following sequence of actions is required:

  1. Paint the root area of ​​one of the parts.
  2. Distribute the composition with a brush or sponge over the entire length.
  3. Repeat the procedure for the remaining zones.
  4. Comb your hair with a wide-tooth comb.
  5. Fasten with crabs, leaving a gap between them and the scalp.

It is important to perform all actions quickly - this will help to obtain uniform staining. Five minutes before the end of the time specified in the instructions, you should:

  1. Wet the strands with a small amount of water.
  2. Massage, evenly distributing the composition along the entire length.
  3. After five minutes, wash off the paint with warm water.
  4. Apply balm.

Gray haired

To get rid of gray hair, you need to purchase coloring compounds with a special mark. Such products contain large quantity pigment. The dyeing technology remains the same as for any hair, but it is important to take into account the subtleties:

  • If the gray roots are up to 5 mm, paint is first applied to them, and then to the remaining strands.
  • When the regrown part exceeds this length, apply the composition to the roots, leave for 20 minutes, then distribute the product over all hair.

To dye a completely gray head, it is important to choose a color that is close to the natural tone. In this case you will need:

  1. The day before, treat dry, unwashed hair with a special oxidizer with a concentration of 6%, including hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Leave for 10 minutes, rinse.
  3. The next day, apply the coloring composition first to the roots.
  4. Leave for 15 minutes.
  5. Distribute the paint along the entire length.
  6. Rinse off after the time specified in the instructions.

Available in several colors

If you need to dye your hair at home in several colors, it is important to purchase products from the same manufacturer. It is advisable that there is no sharp contrast between shades. One of the techniques, balayage, involves dyeing the ends of the strands a different color. To do this, you should use the following technology:

  1. Long hair divide into strands.

Dyeing your hair at home may seem complicated and even intimidating, but it's actually quite simple if you know what to do and how to do it. It also saves a lot of time and money. This wikiHow teaches you how to properly color your hair yourself.



    Wash your hair 24-48 hours before coloring. Thanks to this, natural oils will accumulate on the hair, which will help the dye to adhere better, and the dye will last longer on the hair.

    • If possible, avoid using air conditioning. Air conditioning eliminates natural oils, which are necessary for an easier dyeing process.
    • If you have very dry hair, apply conditioner to your hair for at least 5 minutes every night when you take a hot shower before planning to color it. Just one day before dyeing, do not apply conditioner to your hair. Thanks to this, you will not dry out your hair when dyeing.
  1. Choose a hair dye that you like. It’s easy to get lost among the variety of colors and shades of modern paints. If you are dyeing your hair for the first time, then choose a dye two shades lighter or two shades darker than yours. natural color hair.

    Protect yourself and your home from paint stains. You're only planning to dye your hair—you don't want paint stains on the floor, clothes, or upholstery. Cover surfaces that may get paint. Cover the floor with newspapers if necessary. Keep it on hand paper napkins just in case to wipe up paint splashes or stains. Wear an old T-shirt that you don't like and are ready to throw away. It is very easy to stain clothes while dyeing.

    Place a towel or cape over your shoulders. If the dye runs or drips when dyeing your hair, it will get on your cape. You can purchase a special cape that hairdressers use. They are sold in cosmetics stores and professional means for hairdressing or beauty salons. If you decide to use a towel, it is better that it is dark in color - so the drops of paint will not be very noticeable. Secure the towel with a pin or clothespin at the front of your neck.

    Comb your hair thoroughly. Make sure your hair is smooth and free of tangles. This will make the painting process easier and the paint will be distributed more evenly.

    Before applying the dye, protect your forehead, ears and neck. Take Vaseline, lip balm, the conditioner included in the paint kit (if you have one) or just a very rich cream and apply it to the skin of your forehead, ears and neck. It is not necessary to apply cream, but it will make it easier for you to wash off the paint if it gets on your skin.

    Wear gloves. Gloves are usually included with the paint, but if not, you can use rubber, vinyl or latex gloves. Wearing gloves while coloring your hair is necessary to protect your hands from the dye. If you don't wear gloves, you'll probably end up with stains on your hands.

    Prepare a bowl for mixing paint. Follow the directions on the paint package. If the manufacturer suggests using the bottle of developer included in the product to mix the paint, use it. Simply add the paint to the oxidizing agent and shake thoroughly to mix both compositions. If your kit comes with a special bowl, use it, but if not, use a plastic or glass bowl and mix the paint in it.

    • If the set does not include a special brush, then purchase one. These brushes can be bought at any cosmetics store or even in a supermarket. However, you can apply the paint with your hands, just remember to wear gloves.
  2. Mix paint with oxidizing agent. This applies to some paints. Carefully read the manufacturer's directions on the paint packaging. Usually, an oxidizing agent is included in most household hair dyes, but if it is not, you can always buy it at a cosmetics store.

    • If you need to buy an oxidizing agent for paint, check with the seller what kind of oxidizing agent you need; most likely, you will need a 20% composition.

    Hair coloring

    Use a comb to separate your hair into four sections. Take bobby pins or large clips and secure each section of hair. This will make coloring your hair easier and you'll be less likely to miss any parts.

  3. Apply dye to your hair. Dividing each part into small strands of 0.8-1.2 cm, apply the dye (this way you will dye your hair more evenly). You can apply the paint with a special applicator on the bottle or with a brush. If you find this uncomfortable, you can apply it with your hands, but be sure to wear gloves for this. The method of applying hair dye depends on whether you have dyed your hair before:

    • If you have not dyed your hair before, then apply the dye along the entire length, departing from the roots by about 2.5 cm from the roots.
    • If your hair has already been dyed, then step back only 1 cm from the roots, and try to dye only the part that has not been dyed before (if you are dyeing your hair the same color).
    • Carefully distribute the dye throughout your hair so that the coloring pigment gets inside each hair.
  4. Time yourself or set a timer. Follow the instructions on the paint package. Do not wash off the paint before the specified time and do not leave it on longer than recommended. Try to strictly follow all paint manufacturer's instructions. If you have a lot gray hair, then keep the dye on your hair for the maximum possible time.

    • Never leave dye on your hair overnight. If you leave the dye on your hair overnight, your hair will become dry and you risk skin irritation.
  5. Washing off paint

    Wipe the dye off your neck and forehead with a paper towel or damp rag. Don't touch the dye on your hair. If you wish, you can wear a shower cap to avoid getting paint on anything.

  • Wear a shower cap and wrap your hair in a towel to keep it warm. This will speed up the dyeing process.