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Summer health tips. About health in summer. Temper yourself if you want to be healthy

Sun improves mood and prevents depression. In turn, substances that are responsible for good mood, stimulate immune system. Ultraviolet rays activate most of the processes occurring in the body - breathing, metabolism, blood circulation and the activity of the endocrine system.
In addition, when exposed to sunlight, our body produces vitamin D.

Interesting: The amount of vitamin D synthesized under the influence of sunlight depends on factors such as the wavelength of light and the initial pigmentation of the skin. Sun exposure in the morning and at sunset is beneficial, and the darker the skin, the less vitamin D is produced when exposed to sunlight.

Vitamin D regulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus minerals. Together with vitamin A, calcium and phosphorus protects the body from colds, eye and skin diseases. Helps prevent dental caries and gum pathologies, is responsible for strong bones and spine, and protects against osteoporosis. However, this does not mean that in order to supply the body with this vitamin, you need to “roast” under the scorching sun. To maintain the required level vitamin D In the body, it is enough to expose your hands and face to the sun 2-3 times a week for 5-15 minutes during the summer months.

Important to remember: It is better to sunbathe before 11 or after 16 hours. In the intermediate interval you need to hide in the shade.

What does it take to make fresh air as healthy as possible?

Summer is the ideal time to take care of your health. Good weather and long daylight hours are not a reason to stay at home.

Walk. If possible, get off one or two stops earlier and walk as much as possible. Walk vigorously and breathe deeply. 10 minutes of such a walk leads to a burst of energy. It is useful to walk after a thunderstorm or when it is drizzling. On such days the air is cleanest.

Ride a bike. Exercising in fresh air promotes the flow of oxygen. Cycling strengthens your leg muscles.

Go for a run. Running improves the functioning of the respiratory system and blood circulation, strengthens the heart, and reduces the likelihood of stress.

Walk barefoot. Walking on grass, sand, stones is a good way of acupressure. Stimulation of points on the feet awakens vital energy.

Swim and walk on water. Water procedures in the fresh air harden the body and improve blood circulation. An alternative to monotonous swimming is walking in the water or water games. This is a good way to stay in the water for those who cannot swim. Even if the water is cold, just wet your feet. This way you will strengthen your immune system.

Go to a park, a forest, any place where there is greenery. In the forest, the air is saturated with substances that regulate breathing, increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, strengthen the immune system, and improve brain function.

More vitality, more vitamins

Summer pleases us with fresh and juicy vegetables, fruits and berries. By eating them, you can increase vitality, improve the condition of the body and replenish the lack of vitamins.

Carrot- this is the real secret of youth, beauty and longevity. It is valuable for its high content of carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. Season carrots and salads with vegetable oil, then the carotene contained in carrots will be better absorbed.

Radish is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, PP, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. This vegetable, useful in all respects, increases immunity and hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Cabbage rich in vitamin C. Eat it raw or steam it, then it will not lose its value.

Strawberry has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. It contains vitamin C, PP, B2, P from microelements - iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium.

Strawberries valuable as a source of ascorbic acid. Eating fresh berries increases performance, endurance, and improves heart function. It quenches thirst well.

Cranberry helps in the fight against infections and protects the bladder from their frequent occurrence.

Chokeberry normalizes blood pressure and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood.

How to protect yourself from sunburn?

Careless exposure to the scorching sun can lead to sunburn. Their manifestations depend on the severity: from mild redness, soreness, swelling of the skin to the appearance of blisters and increased body temperature.
To save yourself from such troubles when going out in the sun, you should consider:
- it is most dangerous to be in direct sunlight from 11.00 to 16.00, when the sun shines most brightly
- after leaving the water, you need to dry your skin with a towel
- you should always wear a hat, preferably with a wide brim or a visor
— our body, being in the sun, quickly loses moisture, the skin becomes dehydrated faster, so you should drink more water
- special solar cosmetics reduce the risk of sunburn

Interesting: pale-skinned people are more susceptible to the negative effects of sunlight and belong to the highest risk group, while for dark-skinned and dark-skinned people this risk is reduced to zero.

If your skin is still burned, you must:
- get out of the sun immediately
- pour cold water over the skin or apply a cool compress
- drink water
- you can apply a bandage with Panthenol
- You can take a pain reliever (such as aspirin)

Important to remember: If blisters form, consult a doctor immediately. Under no circumstances should you lubricate a burn with alcohol or oil!

What is heatstroke?

On hot summer days, the reason to consult a doctor may be overheating of the body and its consequence - heatstroke.

Interesting: Heat strokes occur not only in hot weather, but also occur indoors as a result of prolonged exposure to high temperatures.

Signs of heat stroke:
- feeling of stuffiness
- redness of the skin
- thirst
- headache, dizziness
- increased body temperature
- nausea, vomiting
- severe cases of breathing problems, loss of consciousness

To protect yourself from overheating, when staying outside for a long time in hot weather, you need to periodically rest in the shade, stay hydrated, swim or douse yourself with water, wear loose, light clothing made from natural fabrics, wear a hat, and do not overeat.

First aid:
- hide in the shade or cool room
- remove or loosen tight clothing
- place a cold compress on your head
- it is useful to wipe the body with cold water or wrap it in a damp sheet
- drink cold water
- you can take antipyretics (Aspirin)

Important to remember: high temperature and humidity, physical work in thick synthetic clothing, overwork, dehydration, heavy food, long hikes in hot weather, alcohol consumption - all this increases the likelihood of heat stroke.

Why do digestive problems often occur in summer?

There are several reasons that lead to frequent disruptions to the gastrointestinal tract in the summer:
— in the warm season, food products create favorable conditions for the proliferation of microorganisms that cause acute intestinal disorders
— in the summer, many new products appear on store shelves that you want to try, which can lead to errors in nutrition, dietary overload, and food incompatibility
- introducing new foods into the diet can cause allergic reactions, manifested by digestive problems

Important to remember: a change in water and usual diet, new foods in the diet, violation of hygiene rules - all these reasons can lead to disorders of the stomach and intestines.
The appearance of a single loose stool in the absence of other painful symptoms is not a cause for serious concern.

The appearance of nausea, vomiting, very frequent loose stools, fever, skin rash may be signs of a serious illness and require consultation with a doctor.

Doctor intervention is vital if:
- change in stool color (red or black may be a sign of bleeding, white or discolored indicates liver disease)
– high temperature – may be a sign of severe infection
- pain, vomiting, bloating - may indicate an acute intestinal infection, intestinal obstruction or appendicitis.

Not only parents, but also pediatricians believe that summer is a magical time. And not only because they hope for a positive effect on children's immunity. Children, indeed, get sick much less and delight with fresh faces and a gentle tan. They are active and cheerful... What could be nicer?

Benefits of the sun

We are so used to the fact that everyone scolds the sun that we constantly forget about its benefits. After all, with a reasonable approach and moderation, the sun's rays are extremely beneficial. Under its influence, the skin produces such important vitamin D, which helps to grow and develop properly. They are excellent disinfectants and cope well with many viruses, bacteria, fungi that live on the surface of the skin. This is one of the reasons for the decrease in incidence.

In the heat, metabolism improves and we lose weight. Of course, the abundance of fruit desserts contributes to this to a greater extent, but the sun itself relieves us of the desire to eat, a lot and satisfyingly. Sun deficiency is known to cause low blood sugar levels. Hence the constant hunger in winter. But in the summer, we literally feed on the sun. Therefore, some are losing weight, some are growing, and few are getting fat.

Well, don’t forget that the hot season is the best prevention of rickets.

And one more thing: the sun stimulates the production of the happiness hormone. This in itself is wonderful, but thanks to this mood, we are less nervous and cry, sleep better and communicate well with each other.

Benefits of air

Treatises can be written about oxygen, a medicine for most modern children. After all, many children suffered from intrauterine hypoxia or even asphyxia during childbirth. For them, fresh air and oxygen are one of the most important needs.

And in the summer you can walk a lot and often. After all, it’s warm, comfortable (you don’t even need to put on a hundred clothes) and fun: playgrounds, sandboxes, parks are at our disposal.

The sea or mountain air is especially good. And when, if not in the summer, do we most often go on vacation?

Benefits of water

Water is always available in summer. Mom won’t scream: be careful, don’t get your feet wet, a summer shower at the dacha is a common thing, sea or river water is a place where you can spend a lot of time. Well, you need to drink enough. In hot weather, this recommendation does not raise any questions. But proper drinking regime is the basis of health.

    We walk until 10 (at most - 11 o'clock in the afternoon) and in the evening after 16-17 o'clock.

    Revelers in the shade

    We wear clothes made from natural fabrics, spacious and light.

    We take a shower or any water procedures more often.

    We walk barefoot on the grass and water.

    We eat plenty of seasonal berries and fruits.

  • And don't forget about the hats and

The benefits of summer have been proven! Now, to the doctor’s advice - to make the most of the summer to improve the health of your little one, will you take it much more responsibly? This is a miracle cure! You need to use it.

A sunny summer is just around the corner, and I really want to finally walk barefoot on soft grass or sand, plunge into a warm river or sea, taste berries and fruits, stocking up on vitamins! As a rule, most do all this for their own pleasure. But in fact, summer is the best time to improve your health for the whole next year and help your body adequately cope with colds in the fall and winter. To do this, you just need to follow simple recommendations.

1. Shoes - off!

Whenever possible, it is advisable to go barefoot as much as possible. Grass, sand, small pebbles - all this, one way or another, provides acupressure of the foot, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs and the immune system.

2. Have fun with the sun

Prolonged exposure to the sun not only gives a beautiful tan, but also promotes the synthesis of vitamin D in the body, which is necessary for growth and absorption of calcium. The main thing is to take sunbathing at a time that is safe for health - before 11 a.m. and after 5 p.m. and to avoid overheating.

3. Temper yourself if you want to be healthy!

Summer is the most suitable time for hardening. To begin with, you can simply walk in the dew in the morning or wipe yourself with a damp towel. Then connect the contrast shower and douches. The only thing is that the transition to a larger temperature difference must first be smooth, gradually increasing the difference.

4. Let's start! Attention! March!

Active physical activity is very useful for strengthening the cardiovascular system and health in general. In summer, cycling or long walks, roller skating, swimming or jogging are perfect for this. You can go on a hike or an excursion to a protected area. Physical activity helps relieve stress, strengthen muscles and saturate the body with oxygen.

5. “You are what you eat”

In summer you really want lightness and freshness, and therefore this period is a good time to get rid of bad eating habits, as well as accumulate useful vitamins and minerals for next winter. If possible, it is advisable to avoid “heavy” foods, such as fatty meats, various sweets, flour products, mayonnaise, and alcoholic beverages. All this must be replaced with fermented milk products, fresh fruits, berries and herbs, rich in fiber and healthy elements. It is also useful to drink freshly squeezed juices. But high-calorie foods are best eaten before lunch.

6. “Share your smile”

Scientists have long established that when a person smiles, the supply of blood and oxygen to brain cells improves, and this, in turn, affects the stable functioning of all internal organs and systems of the body. In addition, positive thinking relieves stress and improves your mood. But negative emotions, such as anger, envy, irritation, can cause a variety of ailments.

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About health in summer

Added: 2012-04-25

About health in summer

Summer is considered a time of calm for almost all chronic diseases. But exactly - it counts! You can literally “stumble” out of the blue. And the most ordinary things can undermine your health by provoking an exacerbation of “frozen” diseases. Which organs are threatened?

What is dangerous for the heart?

Energetic drinks. Energy drinks with high concentrations of caffeine increase heart rate and blood pressure. American doctors have discovered that high levels of caffeine and taurine (the main components of such drinks) have a negative effect on the heart and interfere with the action of medications. And Australian experts have come to the conclusion that sugar-free versions of one of the most popular energy drinks increase the risk of blood clots, heart attack and stroke.

What to do: quench your thirst with water, fruit drinks, compotes, green tea.

Don't give up your pills

In cool weather, while feeling well, people voluntarily refuse medications or reduce their doses.

For chronic diseases, the season is not a reason to reduce or increase doses. This especially applies to hypertensive patients, of whom there are 40 million. Changing the dosage of medications for them is a dangerous mistake, because in addition to good or bad weather, there are a lot of factors that can lead to an exacerbation of the disease - from air humidity to magnetic storms and phases of the moon.

What to do: if the doctor prescribed treatment, you need to follow it exactly, treat yourself not only to relieve unpleasant symptoms - dizziness, headache, palpitations, etc., but also to prevent more serious consequences.

Beware, evil air conditioner

Cold drinks, ice cream, and especially air conditioners and drafts are the main culprits of summer colds, sore throats and pneumonia. Acute rheumatoid fever, which develops after a sore throat, is dangerous because it leads to disability of the young and able-bodied. Pneumonia weakens the entire body.

What to do: do not sit under the air conditioner. Remember that cool water (10-13 degrees) quenches thirst no worse than ice water. Drink water from the refrigerator in very small sips and no more than 0.5 glasses at a time.

Take care of your stomach

From a large amount of liquid. Due to the fact that liquid consumption sharply increases in summer, gastric juice is diluted, and there is less hydrochloric acid in it, which has an antimicrobial and disinfecting effect. As a result, the likelihood of food poisoning increases, and any poisoning can provoke an exacerbation or cause the appearance of gastritis, pancreatitis, and colitis.

What to do: the minimum required to maintain normal water balance is 1.5 liters at an average air temperature of 21'C, 1.9 liters at a temperature of 26'C and 3 liters at a temperature of 32'C. This includes water, juices, soups, “ hidden" liquid of fruits and vegetables.

While following these recommendations, do not force yourself to drink, since excess water increases the load on the kidneys and heart. Be especially careful when choosing products, look at expiration dates and storage conditions, wash your hands, vegetables, fruits, and berries. Remember that dairy products, meat, and sausage spoil the fastest. Most microorganisms that cause food spoilage develop at a temperature of 18-20’ C.

Protect your body from stress

Pouring cold water or taking a cold shower every day in the heat causes stress in the body, which leads to the release of many biologically active substances, including glucocorticoids, which prevent sugar from entering the cells from the blood. As a result, blood sugar levels rise.

What to do: master any type of hardening gradually.

Kidneys suffer

Swimming in cold water, sitting on cold ground lead to hypothermia, which provokes a weakening of local immunity and the penetration of infection into the body. As a result, prostatitis and pyelonephritis worsen, and cystitis appears.

What to do: avoid long swims, take off wet swimming trunks after swimming, do not sit on damp ground.

Maintain personal hygiene and sanitary standards

Without thoroughly washing food, you can easily develop an intestinal disease. Many germs await you in crowded places.

What to do: Don't forget to wash your hands. In summer, it is especially important to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. Wash your hands more often, not only after using the toilet, but also after traveling on public transport, visiting a market, a clinic, or other crowded places.

Unfortunately, according to medical research, only one out of seven people washes their hands before eating food. There is no need to neglect sanitary and hygienic rules for preparing food and eating it in the summer. You need to thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits with running water, or you can also pour boiling water over them.

Warm bodies of water, which for many are an escape from the heat, also seriously threaten health in the summer. They develop a fairly large number of intestinal infections. Infections such as dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever and salmonellosis spread very well in water. So, when you see a body of water, think about whether it is suitable for swimming.

Therefore, health in summer requires increased attention, so that on long winter evenings you do not feel excruciatingly painful for a aimlessly lived and ruined summer.

Be healthy!

How does your diet change in the summer? More greens, vegetables, fruits - this is understandable, but what other products do you prefer in the warm season, and which ones do you refuse? The ancient Indian teaching - Ayurveda - has its own view on the summer menu. Here is a list of products that will help with overheating and diarrhea.

In summer, all healthy people can eat foods from this list. It is also useful to follow this diet when your body needs cooling, drying, grounding and additional internal space. Foods from this list have a therapeutic effect on inflammation, increased stomach acidity, anger, excessive emotionality, overheating, diarrhea, acne, rashes and other ailments associated with pitta imbalance.

The basic principle: enhance sweet, bitter and astringent tastes.

Avoid: spicy (hot), sour, salty.


These grains are best eaten cooked.

Most suitable: barley, white basmati rice, millet, oats, white rice, whole unprocessed wheat.

In small quantities: brown rice


Most suitable: unsalted butter, cottage cheese, fresh (curd) cheese, ghee (ghee), milk.

In small quantities: hard unsalted cheeses.


Most suitable: maple syrup, rice syrup.

In small quantities: honey.


Most suitable: ghee, olive.

In small quantities: Avocado, canola, corn, coconut, soybean, sunflower oil.

Fruits and berries

Most suitable: apples, avocados, blackberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, coconut, cranberries, dates, dried fruits, figs, grapes, lemons, limes, nectarines, pineapple, prunes, raisins, raspberries, strawberries.

In small quantities: apricots, bananas (only very ripe ones), cherries, grapefruits, oranges, pineapples.


In winter, vegetables must be cooked. But in summer, pitta people can eat raw vegetables. It is also beneficial to consume freshly squeezed juices from green vegetables.

Most suitable: artichokes, asparagus, bean sprouts, bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cilantro, watercress, cucumber, green pepper, kale, leafy vegetables, lettuce, mushrooms, onions (carefully cooked), peas, pumpkin, seaweed, zucchini, zucchini.

In small quantities: beets, carrots, corn, eggplant, garlic (thoroughly cooked), parsley, potatoes, spinach, sweet potatoes, ripe tomatoes.

Nuts and seeds

Most suitable: coconut, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds.

In small quantities: pine nuts, sesame seeds.

Meat, fish and eggs

If you can't give up meat, reduce your consumption to 2-3 times a week.

Most suitable: chicken, egg whites, river fish (trout), turkey.

In small quantities: beef, duck, egg yolk, lamb, pork, sea fish, venison and other types of red meat.


Most suitable: urd (black mung bean), chickpeas, mung bean, split peas, soybeans and soy products, tofu.

In small quantities: adzuki (angular beans), kidney beans, navy white beans, pinto beans.


Most suitable: cardamom, chamomile, coconut, coriander, dill, fennel, lemon verbena, peppermint, saffron, spearmint, turmeric.

In small quantities: basil, bay leaf, black pepper, cumin, cinnamon, cumin (jeera), ginger (fresh), oregano, rosemary, thyme.

Seasonings, sauces, chocolate

Most suitable: carob with sweeteners from the list above.

In small quantities: mayonnaise, sweet mustard.


Most suitable: water, milk, coconut milk, bitter and astringent herbal teas and infusions - from chicory, dandelion, hibiscus, strawberry leaf, wheatgrass (wheat grass juice) and other freshly squeezed juices from green vegetables.

In small quantities: spiced tea or black, fruit juice, half diluted with water.

Comment on the article "List of products for the summer: proper nutrition for good health"

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I read your list of products, we have much less allowed. What about millet cereals, broccoli, cauliflower? 04/14/2016 15:30:18, Nata343.

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Even if you don't need to lose weight, it's still worth watching your diet. Proper balanced nutrition every day helps maintain health and high energy levels, in addition, significantly improves the quality of life. Usually people buy certain products, prepare food for the week and eat the same thing. We advise you to prepare various dishes from a basic set of cereals, meat, vegetables and add vegetables and fruits to your daily menu. Don't forget to drink...

Monthly grocery list. Girls, the situation is such that my husband is going to advanced training courses, and during this time his salary is being cut significantly, I haven’t prepared any greens since the summer. We don’t eat yoghurt, I still can’t get around to buying a yoghurt maker, and I don’t want anything that’s on sale.

Of course, in the freezer there is always a supply of frozen vegetables and fruits (I make it myself in the summer) and you make a list of the products that you throw away - in a couple of months, look at this piece of paper and evaluate what and how much less you need to buy :-) 04/25/2011 16 :50:39, Fire.

I went and donated blood for a hemo test - determining a list of foods by blood type. We advise you to read: overalls for summer 2011. endometriosis 2 degrees. family clinic kashirka.

And accordingly, products made from them - bread, pasta, flour, cookies, pies. How much is that? to balance this disadvantage. In the summer we have similar flowers growing in the meadow near our dacha, I just don’t remember whether the leaves are the same or not.

Reception of photographs. Photo competition “MEGA SUCCESSFUL SUMMER”. The results are being processed. Day 11 of the Japanese diet is already over, it’s almost over, and it’s time to think about what I’ll do next. I think I should make myself a list of allowed products.

I eat ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, the first two months were in the summer-autumn, and I ate grapes, melons, watermelons, apricots, strawberries, raspberries - the list goes on endlessly hmm... do you read the composition of the foods you eat? Personally, I can’t understand why a newborn needs mayonnaise.