Make up

Compiled by: Doctor of Psychology, Professor R. S. Nemov. Department of General Psychology. Dynamics of development of preschool children Individual route of accompanying a child with mental retardation of senior preschool age Children's sa

Analysis intellectual development kindergarten students allows us to conclude:

Diagnostics of the presence of complete and accurate ideas about the world around us demonstrates that the results remain at the level of the school year.

In the classes of the “I get to know the world” section comprehensive program upbringing, development and education of children up to school age in kindergarten "Rainbow" / Edited by T.N. Doronova and others there is no continuity with artistic activity, speech development; the alternation and frequency of repetition of the studied material is disrupted; not secured mental load in the classroom due to an insufficient number of tasks to be solved. Nevertheless, familiarization with the environment under the Rainbow program requires a fairly large set of individual notebooks for children, which must be updated annually - this causes difficulties in ensuring the conditions for implementing the program materials in full. The program defines long-term planning and a breakdown of topics by month, but there is no connection between familiarization with the environment, speech development and other sections; the alternation is disrupted throughout the month.

There is a positive dynamics in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts by 2.7%. 12% of preschool pupils have a low level of elementary mathematical concepts.

Classes are conducted according to long-term plans, determined by a comprehensive program for the upbringing, development and education of children preschool age in kindergarten "Rainbow" / Edited by T.N. Doronova and others. Contents of the work, diagnostic techniques, forms and methods of the educational process in primary and secondary schools groups of preschool educational institutions- meet age requirements. But in the senior, preparatory groups, a significant complication of the content of mathematical material can be seen, at the same time, insufficient time is devoted to the quantitative characteristics of numbers, ideas about the composition of numbers, and there is also an inconsistency in the content of the topics considered in the visual, constructive, mathematical activity, its isolation.

In the long-term plans provided for by the program, most classes do not provide mental stress due to an insufficient number of tasks. There is a positive dynamics in the formation of musical skills in art activities. But nevertheless, 16% of pupils have low indicators of technical skills and skills in art activities in preschool educational institutions.

The content of the work in this section and the technology are satisfactory, but are not implemented correctly by teachers. In long-term planning recommended by the program for the upbringing, development and education of preschool children in the Rainbow kindergarten / Edited by T.N. Doronova and others, much attention is paid to collective forms of work, where the result of an individual child is qualitatively less traceable.

The level of personal development of preschool children is reflected by the results of diagnosing the level of emotional attitude towards themselves (self-esteem, “I am the concept”), other people, the type of activity (formation of prerequisites for educational activities and motivation for studying at school in children of senior preschool age), communication skills and skills and interpersonal relationships.

Results of diagnostics of the level of formed self-esteem of pupils of preschool educational institutions in 2013-2014. are presented below Figure 4.

Figure 4. Level of self-esteem 2013-2014

a study of verbal self-presentation of the basic components of self-awareness “I am a concept” shows:

The volume of statements exceeds 15 phrases - 2014. (12 phrases - 2012-2013) containing a description of 8-9 features - 2014. (6-7 signs - 2012-2013).

Ш Children most fully characterized the components

b I-physical - 3-4 signs (4-5 signs - 2012-2013),

b Mental self - 4 - signs (2-3 signs - 2012-2013),

b I-social - 3 signs (1-2 signs - 2012-2013).

Most of the features of phrases are of an evaluative nature (in 2012-2013, phrases were non-evaluative or generally evaluative in nature).

The dynamics of development of communication skills and interpersonal relationships is demonstrated by the indicator of group cohesion and the reciprocity index of the 2013-2014 elections. Figure 5.

Figure 5. Group cohesion and reciprocity index 2013-2014.

The data presented demonstrate a decrease in the number of children with low (20-12%) and high (15-10%) self-esteem, an increase in the number of children whose self-esteem is adequate (65-78%) and the level of group cohesion (0.30 - 0.43) and reciprocity index (0.23 - 0.35).

The level of formation of prerequisites for educational activities and the development of school motivation among kindergarten graduates:

b 45% (28% - 2012-2013) - pupils preparatory group have a high level of development of prerequisites for educational activities: voluntary regulation of their own activities; fine motor skills of the hands; voluntary attention, high performance, independence, pace and focus of activity in group work conditions are high, accept the educational task correctly and accurately, identify the main method of implementation and can explain it, are attentive, follow instructions, are active, show initiative, curiosity.

b 43% (70% - 2012-2013) - children have average indicators, i.e. Conditionally ready for school; difficulties may occur during the adaptation period.

b Low indicators, i.e. poorly developed fine motor skills of the hands, voluntary attention, attention is unstable, do not know how to work independently, make significant mistakes in completing tasks; the following behavioral characteristics are expressed - slow pace of work, need additional help, can only work under personal supervision; disinhibition is noted in 12% (2% - 2012-2013) of children.

b 67% of preparatory group pupils have correct and complete ideas about school; the desire to learn is based on complete and correct ideas; motivated by awareness of the significance of the teaching; interest in learning; to school activities (high level of school motivation).

methodologist preschool

b In 33% of children, the desire to study at school is based on superficial ideas; motivated by unimportant facts (average level of school motivation).

b 23% of pupils in the senior group have high levels of readiness for learning at school and 8% of children have average levels, 46% have low levels, 9% have a high level of motivation for learning at school and 9% have average levels.

The data presented allows us to conclude:

b self-esteem of the maximum number of children is adequate;

b the level of well-being of relationships in groups of children is growing;

ь high and average level of prerequisites for educational activities have been formed among 88% of preschool educational institution graduates;

ь pupils of senior preschool age - 67% - have developed a high level of school motivation; educational and positional motives are noted.

Psychological pedagogical support in a preschool educational institution includes the following components: Systematic monitoring of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the development of pupils. Creation of socio-psychological conditions for the development of the personality of each child.

The analysis of the activities of MDOU No. 17 "Petushok" for 2012-2014 demonstrates the main reasons for unsatisfactory results:

There is a need for a system for the prevention of neuropsychiatric disorders in preschool children, which will influence biological factors, individual personality characteristics and micro-social conditions (family and within the kindergarten) or continue work on the formation of a positive “I-concept” of all subjects of the educational process.

There is no system of physical education and health work with the family and monitoring of individual work on physical development.

l program for the upbringing, development and education of preschool children in the Rainbow kindergarten / Edited by T.N. Doronova et al. does not fully solve the problems of intellectual development of preschool students.

Reasons influencing the low level of development of speech abilities in preschool children:

b lack of sufficient speech load in planning classes on speech development, the program of upbringing, development and education of preschool children in the Rainbow kindergarten / Edited by T.N. Doronova and others;

l teachers of preschool educational institutions, working according to long-term plans of the Rainbow Ave., do not pay due attention to the “Temporary requirements” for all preschool programs.

Consequently, the program for the upbringing, development and education of preschool children in the Rainbow kindergarten / Edited by T.N. Doronova et al. does not fully solve the problems of intellectual development of preschool students. Creation of a system for stimulating the labor of staff of municipal educational institutions of secondary schools,

Ш Production meetings,

Ш Development of regulations (competitions, creative groups and etc.),

Ш Diagnostics at the request of the administration,

Criterion II. The effectiveness of using modern educational technologies and methods

K2.P1. Positive dynamics of pupils’ achievements

Availability of dynamics of individual development of children

Help confirmation

Educational work of the teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 14 of the city of Krasnoarmeysk, Saratov region" Urzhumtseva V.V. is built on the basis of a competent combination of a basic comprehensive program “Program of education and training in kindergarten” edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova and a number of partial programs ( Nikolaeva S.N. “Young ecologist” - M., 1993; “Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle”, ed. N.P. Smirnova - Saratov, 2000; I.A. Lykova “Colored palms”, - “Sphere”, M., 2007) and educational technologies.

Monitoring of children's development is carried out twice a year (in October and May). The main task of monitoring is to determine the degree to which a child has mastered the educational program and the impact of the educational process organized in a preschool institution on the child’s development. Assessment of the developmental results of preschool children is based on development indicators given in the program in the main areas:



Diagnostic techniques




Tarasova T.A. Monitoring the physical condition of preschool children




“Program of education and training in kindergarten”, ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova

the school preparatory group will compose. N.B.Vershinina


Social and personal


“Program of education and training in kindergarten”, ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova

Comprehensive diagnostics of the levels of development of the “Program of education and training in kindergarten”, ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova

  • the second junior group will be aut-comprised. S.S.Dreher, A.N.Potykan

  • middle group auto-compose. S.S. Dreher, A.N. Poked

  • the senior group will compose. N.B.Vershinina

  • getting ready for school the auto-compose group. N.B.Vershinina


Artistic and aesthetic development

“Program of education and training in kindergarten”, ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova

Comprehensive diagnostics of the levels of development of the “Program of education and training in kindergarten”, ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova

Program for visual activities I.A. Lykova “Colored palms”

The main diagnostic methods are observation, experiment, conversation and analysis of activity products. Diagnostic work makes it possible to see subjective and objective pictures of the level of children’s mastery of basic knowledge in various fields of activity.

As a practicing teacher, Urzhumtseva V.V. I consciously set the goal for the development of each of my pedagogical actions, and I remember that different children have different initial levels of development, different abilities and inclinations, that is, they develop somewhat differently and in different directions. Working in modern conditions focused on child development, teacher

  • sets development goals,

  • provides feedback when interacting with the child.
Diagnostics helps with this. According to the diagnostic results, Valentina Vladimirovna:

  • identifies a range of problems,

  • draws up practical guidelines and recommendations,

  • corrects the child’s further development in the right direction.

Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 14"

Krasnoarmeysk" ____________ (Dorofeeva N.A.)

Full name, date of birth of the child,

Address and telephone number for contacting the child’s parents (legal representatives).

^ Child development map

It is a file folder (when registering information about a child on paper) or a file (when registering information on a computer), which includes the following documents:

a) a plan for examining the child for PMPK;

b) anamnestic information about the child;

c) submitted documents or copies of documents;

d) protocols and conclusions based on the results of the examination of the child by specialists (in accordance with the examination plan);

e) a sheet for monitoring the dynamics of the child’s development.

^ Presentation of examination results to the child’s parents (legal representatives)

Parents (legal representatives) are informed by the head of the PMPK about those aspects of their rights and responsibilities in relation to the child that are relevant to the purpose and objectives of the PMPK (in accordance with the law Russian Federation).

At the end of the collegial meeting, the PMPC representative introduces the parents (legal representatives) with the collegial conclusion and recommendations in a form that is reasonable and understandable to them. If necessary, in order to clarify, explain, and convince parents of the adequacy of the conclusions made and the recommendations proposed, expert opinions are also presented (in a form that parents can understand).

It is mandatory to inform parents (legal representatives) about the prognosis of the child’s development, depending on the implementation or refusal to implement the recommendations developed by the PMPC.

If parents (legal representatives) agree with the conclusions (of specialists and collegial) and recommendations of the PMPK, they can be given two documents: 1) a collegial conclusion of the PMPK with recommendations; 2) a certificate of examination of the child for PMPK.

The collegial opinion and PMPK certificate are provided by parents (legal representatives) to the education department employee (at the child’s place of residence) who oversees the field of special education.

An employee of the education department gets acquainted with the collegial conclusion of the PMPC and the certificate, decides on the issue of sending the child to the educational conditions recommended by the PMPC.

The certificate remains in the education department to record the staffing level of special (correctional) educational institutions (classes, groups).

The collegial conclusion of the PMPK is endorsed by an employee of the education department indicating the name (if any, number) educational institution, to which the child is sent and handed over to the parents (legal representatives).

Parents (legal representatives), when registering a child at the specified educational institution, submit the collegial conclusion of the PMPK with the visa of the corresponding employee of the education department to the head of this educational institution.

The collective conclusion of the PMPK with a visa from the education department is a legal document for the enrollment of a child in the appropriate educational institution and is stored for the entire duration of the child’s stay in this educational institution.

The addressee of the PMPK collegial conclusion is the head of the educational institution to which the child is sent.

The head of the educational institution informs the members of the PMP consultation and other specialists of the educational institution who will directly work with the child about the collegial conclusion, and monitors the implementation of the PMPK recommendations.

^ Accompanying a child who has been examined for PMPK

The PMPK provides support for children and adolescents through communication with the PMP councils of educational institutions or directly with parents (legal representatives) (if the child is not studying (not being raised) in an educational institution).

students (pupils) of an educational institution
(specify which one) sent by PMPC (specify which one) in __________ year

Date the information was sent _______________________________________


FULL NAME. child

^ Date of examination at the PMPK (in accordance with the collegial conclusion of the PMPK for the child admitted to the educational institution)

Dynamics of development (positive, negative, undulating, insufficient, etc.)


Aleshin Alexey Petrovich

Ivanov Petr Ivanovich

Sidorov Ivan Petrovich






Total: 3 people.

With favorable dynamics: 1 person.

With unfavorable dynamics: 2 people.

Seal of the educational institution Signature of the head of the educational institution

The PMP-consilium of the educational institution develops a plan for the work of PMP specialists with the child and promptly informs the director of the educational institution about the unfavorable or insufficient dynamics of the child’s development in the given educational conditions. The plan of work with the child is adjusted, a conditional diagnostic period is established, during which the specialists of the PHC consultation try to achieve positive dynamics in the child’s development.

If there is evidence (if there is a suspicion that the structure of the child’s psychophysical development does not correspond to the conditions that a given educational institution can provide), the PMP consultation draws up a collegial opinion on the child and recommends that parents (legal representatives) re-apply to the PMPK.

In any case, information about the dynamics of the child’s development is sent by the PMP-consilium to the PMPK in accordance with the period specified in the PMPK recommendations for monitoring the dynamics of the child’s development, in the absence of specific instructions - at least once a year (see p. 45).

A repeated appeal to the PMPK regarding children with unfavorable developmental dynamics is usually initiated by the PMP-consilium of the educational institution, other institutions and departments directly working with the child, and the parents themselves (legal representatives).

Documentation log










FULL NAME. child

Year of admission of the child to PMPK

Date of transmission/receipt of the document

Addressee or source of information (to whom, from whom)

Name of the document (request, direction, requested document - which one, etc.).

Signature of the document issuer (or information about mailing)

Signature of the person who accepted the document or other information about the receipt of the document at the place of request

PMPK, when working methodically with lower-level PMP councils of educational institutions, informs them about the technology for forming an adequate attitude among parents (legal representatives) towards re-referral to PMPK.

The following scheme of conversation with parents (legal representatives) is proposed when re-referring to PMPK:

An appeal to one of the parents (legal representatives) of the child who can really represent and protect his interests;

Reasoned informing of parents (legal representatives) about the unfavorable dynamics of the child’s development in these conditions;

Rationale possible reasons unfavorable dynamics of development: inconsistency of these conditions with the characteristics of the child’s development; the need to clarify the diagnosis and recommendations; the expected need for supportive or inpatient treatment, possibly accompanied by specialists from social protection institutions or law enforcement(in the correct form), etc.;

The importance of timely, rapid clarification of the reasons for the unfavorable dynamics of the child’s development and the development of effective recommendations;

Presentation of the hypothesis about possible consequences the child's stay in conditions that are inadequate for him. The importance of finding conditions that are adequate to the child’s developmental characteristics.

Repeated appeal is initiated and controlled by the PMPC itself.

When information about unfavorable dynamics of a child’s development is received from PMP consultations, PMPK monitors the timing of re-admission of this child. The registrar or teacher (at the discretion of the head of the PMPK, depending on the workload of each of these employees) informs the head of the PMPK about the received lists and fills out a sheet for monitoring the dynamics of development for each child with unfavorable dynamics of development: information about the child and the first three headings of the sheet.

Sheets for monitoring dynamics in case of unfavorable dynamics of development of children and adolescents are filed (or placed in file folders) by the registrar according to the month and year of admission and stored in the general folder “Accompaniment of children and adolescents who have been examined for PMPK.” They are removed from the folders when parents (legal representatives) re-apply and the date of the child’s re-examination is entered in them. The dynamics control sheet is transferred to the child’s development chart stored in the PMPK.

If, within three months from the date of receipt of information about the unfavorable dynamics of the child’s development and filling out the dynamics control sheet, the parents (legal representatives) have not signed up for a second appointment, the registrar transfers the corresponding dynamics control sheets to the manager. The manager distributes them evenly among specialists, and they communicate (by telephone or in writing) with parents (legal representatives). The reasons why the parents did not contact the PMPK again are clarified, and a reasoned conversation is held about the need for a re-examination. In any case, re-examination of a child for PMPK is possible only with the consent of the parents (legal representatives).

Accompaniment of children and adolescents who are not covered by educational institutions, but who have been examined for PMPK on the initiative or with the consent of their parents (legal representatives), is carried out directly through their parents (legal representatives). After examination at the PMPK, resolution of diagnostic issues and development of recommendations, parents (legal representatives) are informed of the advisability of re-applying to the PMPK in order to monitor the dynamics of the child’s development and possible adjustment of recommendations. The period for re-application to the PMPK is always individual and corresponds to psychological, pedagogical and medical and social indications.

The timing of monitoring the dynamics of development of children and adolescents who have been examined for PMPK and are not covered by institutions of the educational system are duplicated in the sheet for monitoring the dynamics of development in accordance with the paragraph of the recommendations included in the collegial conclusion. Sheets for monitoring the dynamics... of these children, as well as children enrolled in educational institutions, are stored in the folder “Accompaniment of children and adolescents who have been examined for PMPK.”

^ Forms of internal accounting and control of PMPC activities

Primary register of children who applied to the PMPK.

Alphabet book.

Register of children who have been examined for PMPK.

Child development cards (with corresponding inserts, see above).

Work plans and schedules (PMPC and individual).

Log of movement of documentation.

Folder “Accompaniment of children and adolescents who have been examined for PMPK” with “Dynamics control sheets”.

^ Analytical journal

The analytical journal is filled out by the head of the PMPC at the end calendar year. You can take the diagram below as a basis.

^ Types, types of institutions


Educational institutions


institutions, departments

^ Special (correctional) educational institutions

PPMS centers

Comprehensive schools

1 type

2nd view

3rd view

4 view

5 view

6 view

7 view

8 view

KRO classes, other specials. classes

General education classes

^ Number of children for whom these educational or other conditions are recommended (persons)

The dynamics of pre-registration of children for PMPK and children who have been examined for PMPK are compiled. The display form is two graphs in uniform coordinates: on the horizontal axis - months of the year, on the vertical axis - a) the number of children who signed up for an appointment, b) the number of children who underwent examination. Under the graph, indicate how many children have been registered for an appointment and how many children have been examined for PMPK (according to the total numbers of the corresponding journals). Executor - registrar.

The head of the PMPC makes a brief analysis with an emphasis on the dynamics of registration and admission of children and conclusions on planning appointments for the next year.

The head of the PMPK distributes children who have been examined for PMPK during the year into age categories (according to the register of children who have been examined for PMPK). The performer is the teacher. Display form - table.

The head of the PMPK makes a brief analysis with an emphasis on the prevailing age categories and conclusions about methodological and other support for the admission of these children.


Request for information

Then he distributes children according to the types of special (correctional) educational institutions: based on the analysis of the first recommendation (same for all collegial opinions) in the register of children who have been examined for PMPK - 7th heading - “Collegial conclusion of PMPK with recommendations.” Performers are PMPC specialists appointed by the head. Display form - table.

The head of the PMPK draws conclusions about the prevailing needs in certain educational (other) conditions.

Number of repeated admissions of children and adolescents to primary medical care. It is counted by the registrar or teacher (by order of the head of the PMPK) according to the alphabetical book (the initial admission does not count).

The manager takes this information into account when planning the time spent on examining one child for the next year.

The ratio of children with positive and negative dynamics of development in the conditions recommended by the PMPC is recorded: based on materials from the folder “Accompaniment of children who have been examined for the PMPC”. According to the information received, the total number of children with favorable (positive) and unfavorable development dynamics is calculated. Performer - registrar or teacher.

The head of the PMPC draws conclusions about the effectiveness of the PMPC recommendations and analyzes the reasons for repeated applications to the PMPC.

Each PMPC specialist submits a report at the end of the calendar year. We recommend the following report layout:

a) the number of additional visits to children conducted individually by a specialist;

b) organizational and methodological work: internal (in the conditions of PMPC) and external (forms, institutions, contingent, etc.);

c) education (where, when, with whom, in what forms the work was carried out);

d) accompanying children who have been examined and need observation this specialist(how many children, forms of support, dynamics).

Based on all the materials described above, a reporting meeting (based on the results of the calendar year) can be held with a brief report from each specialist and a summary speech by the head of the PMPK. The work prospects, planning of PMPC activities, proposals for the education department for the development of PMPC and the support system for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities are discussed.

^ Analytical report - PMPK report form (before the education department)

An analytical report is compiled by the head of the PMPC based on the materials of the analytical journal, reports from PMPC specialists and the results of the reporting meeting of the PMPC. The analysis is supported by relevant applications (graphs, tables, etc.). Proposals are made for the development of a special education system in this territory and other forms of support for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities, as well as for the development of the PMPK itself.

^ PMPC external relations system

External relations and relations of the PMPC with other institutions, departments, substructures within the framework of the PMPC system are carried out through the exchange of documentation in accordance with the order on the support of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities and the forms of documents recommended in this manual. Other contractual relationships are possible.

A single request form can be used to exchange information about the child with interested institutions and departments. The request is made with the consent of the parents (legal representatives), except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation (for example, a request by court decision).

It was stated above that PMPCs can guide children and adolescents to other institutions and departments within the framework of the above system of external relations, using the referral form and relying on the relevant agreements and orders on interaction, which can be signed at the regional and municipal level.

^ Functional responsibilities of PMPK specialists

Reception of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities, their parents (legal representatives), and other persons representing the interests of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities.

Organizational and methodological work.

Educational activities.

Support for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities (monitoring the effectiveness of the PMPC recommendations in terms of the dynamics of the child’s development).

Regular professional development. Professional growth.

Establishing connections with specialists of a similar profile at all levels of the PMPK system (regional PMPK, municipal PMPK, PMP-consiliums of educational institutions within the framework of a methodological (professional) association).

Establishing connections with specialists of a similar profile in institutions of other departments: doctors - in institutions of the health care system, teachers (oligophrenopedagogue, speech therapist, deaf and speech therapist) and psychologists - in institutions of the educational system; social educators - in institutions of social protection and law enforcement.

Fulfillment of the requirements of the charter of the institution, which includes the PMPC, the goals and functions of the PMPC (internal regulations, documentation, timely planning and reporting on the results of professional activities).

1 Below we will use two abbreviations - IPC and PMPC, since they interact historically and continue to coexist in fact, and more recently legally. At the same time, it is obvious that in the future all such structures should be called PMPK, bearing in mind the necessary and mandatory inclusion of psychologists in their composition, as well as the corresponding direction of development legal framework activities of PMPC.

2 See the book by T.A. Vlasova and M.S. Pevzner “About children with developmental disabilities.” 2nd ed., rev. and additional M.: Education, 1973.

3 The President of the Russian Federation vetoed this law.

4 This paragraph may be deleted and this question decided at the level of the regional education department (by corresponding order).

5 V.V. Lebedinsky. Violations mental development in children. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1985.

6 L.S. Vygotsky. Collected works: In 6 vols. T. 4, p. 6.

7 Ibid., p. 7.

8 By main appointment we mean the initial and repeated appointments of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities, which are carried out by all members of the PMPC. These appointments should be distinguished from additional appointments by individual specialists, necessary to clarify the diagnosis and recommendations, which are carried out by each specialist in accordance with an individual work schedule within 12 hours.

9 Examination of the child by the PMPK/consilium/educational institution is carried out in accordance with the instruction letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 27/901-6 dated March 27, 2000.

10 Selection of children for auxiliary school / Comp. T.A. Vlasova, K.S. Lebedinskaya, V.F. Machikhina.- M.: Education, 1983.- P. 56–62.

11 The structure of the collegial opinion was drawn up based on the analysis of types of mental dysontogenesis proposed by V.V. Lebedinsky in the textbook “Disorders of Mental Development”, M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1985.

12 By “harmfulness” we mean any pathogenic factor (biological, psychological, social, environmental, etc. nature), that is, any impact, influence, etc., leading to the occurrence of disorders, developmental deviations.

If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects,

then she must first of all get to know him in all respects...

- Konstantin Ushinsky

Monitoring- constant monitoring of any processes to assess their condition and development forecasts.

Purpose of monitoring: collection of data on the personal development of a preschooler at different age stages, followed by an objective determination of the individual path of the most favorable development of the child. (Asmolov “... to record the level of development of the child, so that teachers of preschool institutions and parents understand how to work with them further.”)

Forms of monitoring (methods):

child monitoring,

expert assessments,

criterion-oriented methods of non-test type,

criterion-based testing (in controversial situations, with the permission of parents and legal representatives).

Periodicity: 2 times per year.

Duration: 1 Week.

Individual card

monitoring the dynamics of personal development of a preschooler

An individual map of the dynamics of a preschooler’s personal development represents information about various areas of development of a preschool child and creates a holistic picture of his individuality. Analysis of information will make it possible to more accurately determine the further trajectory of a child’s education, develop natural inclinations and abilities, and promptly warn possible problems.

The individual card contains several sections, each of which is filled out by specialists from the preschool institution. The results of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and medical examination are entered into the card.

Structure of monitoring the dynamics of child development

Section No. 1: Individual chart for monitoring the dynamics of a preschooler’s personal development based on a study of medical indications. To be completed by a medical professional.

Section No. 2: Individual map of monitoring the dynamics of a preschooler’s personal development based on the study of cognitive processes, volitional qualities... To be filled out by a psychologist.

Section No. 3: Individual map for monitoring the dynamics of a preschooler’s personal development based on the study of speech development. To be completed by speech therapists.

Section No. 4: Individual map for monitoring the dynamics of a preschooler’s personal development based on the study of integrative qualities and the study of the effectiveness of development educational areas. To be completed by the teacher, instructor physical education And musical director.

Conclusion: generalization of monitoring data, directions for individual work


“+” corresponds to the age norm

“-” discrepancy with the age norm

“+/-” additional work required

“-/+” requires enhanced correction

Expected conclusions:

1. The dynamics of the child’s development correspond to the development indicators of the given age period

2. The dynamics of the child’s development do not correspond to development indicators for a given age period according to the following indicators ______________


3. The specialized work of the following specialists is required: _______________________________________________________________________________________________



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Slide captions:

Monitoring the dynamics of personal development of a preschooler Individual development map of the MKDOU BGO Central District of Children's Education - kindergarten No. 19 Educators: Yuryeva E.A. Denisyuk G.S.

Monitoring is the constant observation of any processes to assess their condition and development forecasts. The purpose of monitoring: collecting data on the personal development of a preschooler at different age stages, followed by an objective determination of the individual path of the most favorable development of the child. (Asmolov “... to record the level of development of the child, so that teachers of preschool institutions and parents understand how to work with them further.”) Forms of monitoring (methods): observations of the child, conversations, expert assessments, criterion-oriented methods of non-test type, criterion-based -oriented testing (in controversial situations, with the permission of parents and legal representatives). Frequency: 2 times a year. Duration: 1 week. If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then it must first of all get to know him in all respects... - Konstantin Ushinsky

Individual map of monitoring the dynamics of a preschooler's personal development An individual map of the dynamics of a preschooler's personal development represents information about various areas of development of a preschooler and creates a holistic picture of his individuality. Analysis of information will make it possible to more accurately determine the future trajectory of the child’s education, develop natural inclinations and abilities, and promptly prevent possible problems. The individual card contains several sections, each of which is filled out by specialists from the preschool institution. The results of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and medical examination are entered into the card.

Structure of monitoring the dynamics of child development Section No. 1: Individual map of monitoring the dynamics of the personal development of a preschooler based on the study of medical indications. To be completed by a medical professional. Section No. 2: Individual map of monitoring the dynamics of a preschooler’s personal development based on the study of cognitive processes, volitional qualities... To be completed by a psychologist. Section No. 3: Individual map for monitoring the dynamics of a preschooler’s personal development based on the study of speech development. To be completed by speech therapists. Section No. 4: Individual map for monitoring the dynamics of a preschooler’s personal development based on the study of integrative qualities and the study of the effectiveness of mastering educational areas. To be completed by the teacher, physical education instructor and music director. Conclusion: generalization of monitoring data, directions for individual work

Section No. 4 Individual card for monitoring the dynamics of personal development of a preschooler (teacher)

General information about the child Child’s name ____________________________________________________________ Age at the time of filling (years, months) ______________________________ Group ___________________________________________________________ Health group ____________________________________________________________ Type of GNI ____________________________________________________________ Social status of the family _____________________________________________ Additional information (presence of disability, diagnosis) ___________ ____________________________________________________________

In the process of pedagogical monitoring, the educator determines the Development of integrative qualities according to the age norm. Development of integrative qualities according to the age norm. Assessment of the effectiveness of mastering educational areas.

Section No. 4 Table No. 1 Individual map of monitoring the dynamics of a preschooler’s personal development based on the study of integrative qualities Integrative qualities Frequency Beginning of the year End of the year Physically developed, mastered basic cultural and hygienic skills, basic physical qualities and needs have been formed motor activity. independently performs age-appropriate hygiene procedures and follows basic rules of a healthy lifestyle. Inquisitive, active Interested in new, unknown things in the surrounding world (the world of objects and things, the world of relationships and one’s own inner world). Asks questions to an adult, likes to experiment Able to act independently (in Everyday life, various types of children's activities). In cases of difficulty, seek help from an adult. Takes a lively, interested part in the educational process. Emotionally responsive Responds to the emotions of loved ones and friends. Empathizes with the characters of fairy tales, stories, stories. Reacts emotionally to works of fine art, music and art, and the natural world

Integrative qualities Frequency Beginning of the year End of the year Capable of managing one’s behavior and planning one’s actions on the basis of primary value ideas, observing elementary generally accepted norms and rules of behavior Behavior is primarily determined by momentary desires and needs, and by demands from adults and primary value ideas about “ What is good and what is bad". Able to plan his actions aimed at achieving a specific goal. Follows the rules of behavior on the street ( road rules), in public places (transport, shops, clinics, theaters, etc.). Capable of solving intellectual and personal tasks (problems) that are age-appropriate Can apply independently acquired knowledge and methods of activity to solve new problems posed by both adults and themselves; Depending on the situation, it can transform ways of solving problems. He is able to propose his own idea and translate it into a drawing, construction, or story. Having primary ideas about himself, family, society, state, world and nature. Has ideas: about himself, his own belonging and the belonging of other people to a certain gender; about family composition, family relationships and relationships, distribution of family responsibilities, family traditions; about society, its cultural values; about the state and belonging to it; about the world. Having mastered the universal prerequisites of educational activity, he is able to work according to the rule and according to the model, listen to an adult and follow his instructions. Has mastered the necessary skills and abilities

Table No. 2 Individual map of monitoring the dynamics of personal development of a preschooler based on studying the effectiveness of mastering educational areas Educational areas Frequency Beginning of the year End of the year Physical development experience in motor activity development of physical qualities correct formation of the musculoskeletal system, development of balance, coordination of movements, large and fine motor skills correct execution of basic movements; formation of initial ideas about some sports; mastery of outdoor games with rules; mastery of ideas about healthy life, its elementary norms and rules Social and communicative development socialization, development of communication, assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society child in the family and community self-service, independence, labor education formation of the foundations of safety

Educational areas Frequency Beginning of the year End of the year Cognitive development formation of elementary mathematical concepts development of cognitive-research activities familiarization with the subject environment familiarization with the social world familiarization with the natural world Speech development developing speech environment formation of a dictionary ZKR Grammatical structure of speech Connected speech Preparation for learning to read and write Introducing to the arts literature Artistic and aesthetic development Formation of interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality Introducing to art Constructive and modeling activity Visual activities Musical activities

Legend: “+” corresponds to the age norm “-” does not correspond to the age norm “+/-” additional work is required “-/+” increased correction is required

Conclusion. Summarizing monitoring data Goal: summarizing data on individual dynamics personal development of a preschooler, a reflection of objectivity and clarity of monitoring. Medical indications Psychological parameters of development Speech parameters of development Physical development Formation of integrative qualities Mastery of educational areas Expected conclusions: 1. The dynamics of the child’s development corresponds to the development indicators of the given age period 2. The dynamics of the child’s development does not correspond to the development indicators for the given age period according to the following indicators ______________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. Specialized training is required work of the following specialists: ______ ________________________________________________________________

Directions of individual work Specialized correction of development Psychological parameters of development Speech development Physical development Integrative qualities Mastering educational areas Direction of work Frequency Direction of work Periodicity Direction of work Periodicity Direction of work Frequency Direction of work Frequency Direction of work Frequency Lesson with a speech therapist 1 day per week Voluntary memory Formation of a dictionary Development of basic movements Capable plan your actions aimed at achieving a specific goal Cognitive development Examination by a psychiatrist 2 times/year Abstract thinking ZKR Development of fine motor skills Able to plan your actions aimed at achieving a specific goal. Artistic and aesthetic development Consultation with an ophthalmologist 1p/3 months Volitional qualities Preparation for learning to read and write Correction of flat feet Classes with a child psychologist 2p/week Working with a ball Physical therapy 1p/2wk Water hardening