
A sunny place for dark personalities? Traditions and privileges of the Monegasques

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Main language

Monegasque is a dialect of the Ligurian language, close to the Genoese dialect. Heavily influenced by the Nice dialect (Niçard) of the Occitan language, which is, among other things, the original mother tongue in some areas of the principality.

Ethnic history

The first settlers on the territory of the future Principality of Monaco mentioned in history were the Phoenicians, who built fortifications here in the 10th century BC. e. Five centuries later, they were replaced by the Greeks, who founded the colony of Port Hercules and erected a temple on a secluded rock. The cult of the Greek demigod Hercules mixed with the cult of the local one-eyed god of fertility and male strength - Mono okos (hence the name of the tribe). As a result, the cult of Hercules the One-Eyed arose [ ] (Herculis Monoeci).

A little further from the coast lived the Turbiascan tribe, hostile to the Monegasques, who chose a woman as their leader and worshiped the great mother goddess. During the clashes, the Turbiasques captured only Monegasque youths and young men, took them to the temple of the great mother goddess and subjected them to torture. The enmity between representatives of these tribes continued until the end of the 13th century AD. e.

And by the end of the 13th century, representatives of the Genoese feudal family Grimaldi settled on this strip of the Ligurian coast, bringing the Italians with them. This is how the Monegasques with their own language and traditions were finally formed.

National colors

The national colors of the Monegasques are white, red, black.

White color - the most sacred - symbolizes the funeral shroud of the Holy Virgin - the patroness of the Principality; expresses nobility, honor, purity; is “masculine”: it is worn by men as a symbol of masculinity and dignity.

Red is a symbol of the blood of the holy martyr, as well as the color of courage, unity, and blood brotherhood of the Monegasques.

Black color is “special” for Monegasques - a symbol of wisdom, intuition, magical power; considered "feminine".


As the original subjects of the principality, Monegasques have many privileges: they are the only ones who have the right to elect parliament - the National Council; completely exempt from taxes, etc.


Monegasque holidays

January 26 - 27 is the Day of Saint Devotte (Jour de Sainte-Devotte), the heavenly patroness of the Principality and the Grimaldi family. Celebrated since 304 AD. e.

June 23 - 25 - Saint Jean's Day (Jour de Saint-Jean), celebrated by Monegasques since pagan times (from the 5th century BC) as a holiday of fertility, love and sex, universal brotherhood [specify] . It begins with an evening carnival procession through the old town “Sciaratu”: everyone dresses up in carnival costumes and to the music they walk from Palace Square to Casino Square. They light torches in the square, drink wine and dance all evening.

November 19 - Prince's Day (Jour du Prince), National Day of Monaco. On this day, a military parade is held, as well as a solemn mass in Monegasque in the Cathedral of Monaco, which is attended by the entire Princely Family and other officials. After the mass, the Princely family attends the Monte Carlo Opera.

Monegasques in world culture

  • Louis Brea (1443−1520) - artist, author of two panels currently located in the Cathedral of Monaco.
  • Horazio Ferrari (XVI century) - Renaissance artist, author of paintings and frescoes in the Prince's Palace and one panel in the Cathedral.
  • Domenique-Joseph Bressan (XVIII century) - landscape painter of the Classical era. His works are exhibited in the Prince's Palace.
  • Francois-Joseph Bosio (late 18th - early 19th centuries) - court sculptor of Napoleon I. Bosio's works are exhibited in the Louvre.
  • Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687) - composer, one of the founders of the French opera school. Creator of classical types of lyrical tragedy (“Alceste” (1674), “Theseus” (1675)) and the French opera overture. Author of music for comedies and ballets by J.-B.Moliere.
  • Lucchini - composer, author of the music for the national anthem of Monaco (1867).
  • Theophile Bellando - author of the words of the first anthem of Monaco (1848).
  • Louis Notary (1879-1961) - writer and the only Monegasque poet, member of the Committee of Traditions, author of the words of the second anthem of Monaco (1931).
  • Luis Cannis is a historical writer, author of a book of historical and cultural sketches about Monaco “Notre passe” (1963).

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An excerpt characterizing the Monegasques

When she said goodbye to him and was left alone, Princess Marya suddenly felt tears in her eyes, and here, not for the first time, she was presented with a strange question: does she love him?
On the way further to Moscow, despite the fact that the princess’s situation was not happy, Dunyasha, who was riding with her in the carriage, more than once noticed that the princess, leaning out of the carriage window, was smiling joyfully and sadly at something.
“Well, what if I loved him? - thought Princess Marya.
Ashamed as she was to admit to herself that she was the first to love a man who, perhaps, would never love her, she consoled herself with the thought that no one would ever know this and that it would not be her fault if she remained without anyone for the rest of her life. speaking of loving the one she loved for the first and last time.
Sometimes she remembered his views, his participation, his words, and it seemed to her that happiness was not impossible. And then Dunyasha noticed that she was smiling and looking out the carriage window.
“And he had to come to Bogucharovo, and at that very moment! - thought Princess Marya. “And his sister should have refused Prince Andrei!” “And in all this, Princess Marya saw the will of Providence.
The impression made on Rostov by Princess Marya was very pleasant. When he remembered about her, he became cheerful, and when his comrades, having learned about his adventure in Bogucharovo, joked to him that, having gone for hay, he picked up one of the richest brides in Russia, Rostov became angry. He was angry precisely because the thought of marrying the meek Princess Marya, who was pleasant to him and with a huge fortune, came into his head more than once against his will. For himself personally, Nikolai could not wish for a better wife than Princess Marya: marrying her would make the countess - his mother - happy, and would improve his father’s affairs; and even - Nikolai felt it - would have made Princess Marya happy. But Sonya? And this word? And this is why Rostov got angry when they joked about Princess Bolkonskaya.

Having taken command of the armies, Kutuzov remembered Prince Andrei and sent him an order to come to the main apartment.
Prince Andrei arrived in Tsarevo Zaimishche on the very day and at the very time of the day when Kutuzov made the first review of the troops. Prince Andrei stopped in the village at the priest’s house, where the commander-in-chief’s carriage stood, and sat on a bench at the gate, waiting for His Serene Highness, as everyone now called Kutuzov. In the field outside the village one could hear either the sounds of regimental music or the roar huge amount voices shouting “hurray!” to the new commander in chief. Right there at the gate, ten steps from Prince Andrei, taking advantage of the prince’s absence and the beautiful weather, stood two orderlies, a courier and a butler. Blackish, overgrown with mustaches and sideburns, the little hussar lieutenant colonel rode up to the gate and, looking at Prince Andrei, asked: is His Serene Highness standing here and will he be there soon?
Prince Andrei said that he did not belong to the headquarters of His Serene Highness and was also a visitor. The hussar lieutenant colonel turned to the smart orderly, and the orderly of the commander-in-chief said to him with that special contempt with which the orderlies of the commander-in-chief speak to officers:
- What, my lord? It must be now. You that?
The hussar lieutenant colonel grinned into his mustache in the tone of the orderly, got off his horse, gave it to the messenger and approached Bolkonsky, bowing slightly to him. Bolkonsky stood aside on the bench. The hussar lieutenant colonel sat down next to him.
– Are you also waiting for the commander-in-chief? - the hussar lieutenant colonel spoke. “Govog”yat, it’s accessible to everyone, thank God. Otherwise, there’s trouble with the sausage makers! It’s not until recently that Yeg “molov” settled in the Germans. Now, maybe it will be possible to speak in Russian. Otherwise, who knows what they were doing. Everyone retreated, everyone retreated. Have you done the hike? - he asked.
“I had the pleasure,” answered Prince Andrei, “not only to participate in the retreat, but also to lose in this retreat everything that was dear to me, not to mention the estates and home... of my father, who died of grief.” I am from Smolensk.
- Eh?.. Are you Prince Bolkonsky? It’s great to meet: Lieutenant Colonel Denisov, better known as Vaska,” said Denisov, shaking Prince Andrei’s hand and peering into Bolkonsky’s face with especially kind attention. “Yes, I heard,” he said with sympathy and, after a short silence, continued : – That’s the Scythian war. It’s all good, but not for those who take the rap with their own sides. And you are Prince Andgey Bolkonsky? - He shook his head. “It’s very hell, prince, it’s very hell to meet you,” he added again with a sad smile, shaking his hand.
Prince Andrei knew Denisov from Natasha's stories about her first groom. This memory both sweetly and painfully transported him now to those painful sensations about which he Lately I haven’t thought about it for a long time, but they were still in his soul. Recently, so many other and such serious impressions as leaving Smolensk, his arrival in Bald Mountains, the recent death of his father - so many sensations were experienced by him that these memories had not come to him for a long time and, when they came, had no effect on him. him with the same strength. And for Denisov, the series of memories that Bolkonsky’s name evoked was a distant, poetic past, when, after dinner and Natasha’s singing, he, without knowing how, proposed to a fifteen-year-old girl. He smiled at the memories of that time and his love for Natasha and immediately moved on to what was passionately and exclusively occupying him now. This was the campaign plan he came up with while serving in the outposts during the retreat. He presented this plan to Barclay de Tolly and now intended to present it to Kutuzov. The plan was based on the fact that the French line of operations was too extended and that instead of, or at the same time, acting from the front, blocking the way for the French, it was necessary to act on their messages. He began to explain his plan to Prince Andrei.

The port of Monaco was our first destination. In the morning, going up to the upper deck, we were unable to contain our emotions: a principality of luxury lay at our feet. Near our liner there were yachts worth millions of dollars, one of them with gold letters in the name: as you know, the rich have their own quirks.

The excursion began from the Cousteau Museum, founded by the prince, and part-time scientist and traveler, Albert I, namely from the famous Kusteau yellow submarine, glorified by the Beatles. In August, there was an exhibition dedicated to the wedding of Prince Albert II of Monaco and Charlene Wittstock, whom the inhabitants of the principality had already dubbed the “sad princess” in connection with her repeated attempts to escape from her husband (the last time the princely guards overtook her at the Nice airport and took her away passport). In general, Monegasques love to gossip. So, they say that the curse of the Grimaldi family is to blame for everything. A distant ancestor of Grimaldi rejected the advances of a certain lady who turned out to be a witch. In revenge, she cursed the entire family, prophesying that there would be no happy marriages in this family. And indeed, the only one happy marriage In the princely family, only the marriage of Rainier III and Princess Grace (Kelly) can be considered, however, it also faced a tragic end after the death of the people's favorite.

Next, our path lay along luxurious villas, including the villa that belongs to Princess Stephanie. However, the poor thing is forced to hand it over along with luxury yacht, and she herself has to live in a city apartment, since her insidious brother gives the orphan only 30 thousand euros a month for maintenance. Is it conceivable for a princess young lady to live on that kind of money??? Especially if you compare her with the average daughter of any Russian oligarch. :)

And here in front of us is the Monaco Cathedral, where all the princes of Monaco were married, except Albert II: in order to preserve the memory of his parents and their wedding ceremony, he decided to hold the ceremony in the Church of Sainte Devote. The cathedral is beautiful and majestic, and its harmonious juxtaposition of ancient and modern art is striking. And at the graves of Rainier III and Grace Kelly there are always live white orchids.

Throughout the tour, we were enthusiastically told about how the Monaco government cares about its residents. And, indeed, Monegasques are not subject to taxes and buy housing for next to nothing (though without the right to resell to third parties), they are the only ones who have the right to choose parliament and have many other privileges. You can only become a true Monegasque in the sixth generation. However, it’s nice to know that if you behave well your whole life, then in the next you can be born into a family of true Monegasques on the territory of 2 square kilometers of real paradise. :)

Another legend of Monaco is Formula 1. And we, of course, following millions of tourists, rode our bus along one of the city sections of the highway. And we were heading to a place that for centuries has been attracting human moths with its light - the Monte Carlo casino.

Of course, we went inside this most beautiful gambling hall in the world (entrance costs 10 euros, dress code is not required until 19.00). Even during the day, players sit there, as if they had stepped out of the pages of Dostoevsky, and do not see anything around them except the gaming table. They don’t see the magnificent stucco, gilding and sculptures, they don’t notice how the ladies languidly drink small sips of champagne from steamed glasses in a restaurant stylized as an “Orient Express”, and, sorry, they don’t even go to the luxurious, Baroque-style toilets... Well, I lost my 5 euros here, betting on zero on one of the roulette tables. Who knows how many destinies were ruined by this faded green cloth, this atmosphere of magic and subtle aroma: either luxurious perfume, or easy money...

All that remains for me to tell you about the royal palace. Much has already been said about him and I’m unlikely to surprise the casual reader who visits my page. Just as on the day of my trip to Monaco, on the palace square, my camera ran out of charge, so my narrative has dried up to paint pictures of luxurious Monaco. I just dare to tell you one last time funny story, like the current pastel-colored magnificent palace, the minx Grace Kelly painted it pig pink in retaliation for the fact that Rainier extorted a dowry of 2 million dollars from her, citing the need to make repairs in the palace. “Well,” she answered him, “I’ll give you the money, but I’ll do the repairs according to my own understanding.” This is such a glamor-tujour-I-am-your-princess :)

Monegasques in general are a good-natured and cheerful little proud people. The journey through their little principality was unforgettably interesting. And the symbol I identified for myself was not the royal palace, or the Formula 1 track, or even the ancient casino. For me, on my personal journey through the Principality of Monaco, the fat Adam and Eve holding hands in the park of modern sculptures in the Monte Carlo area will forever remain its symbols. This is how they are, cheerful optimists, good-natured people swimming in luxury, bankers and rowdies, gossips and righteous people... Monegasques.

Subjects of the Principality of Monaco. According to the 2008 census, they make up 21.6% of the total population of the principality (7634 people).

Main language

Monegasque is a dialect of the Ligurian language, close to the Genoese dialect. Heavily influenced by the Nice dialect (Niçard) of the Occitan language, which is, among other things, the original mother tongue in some areas of the principality.

Ethnic history

The first settlers on the territory of the future Principality of Monaco mentioned in history were the Phoenicians, who built fortifications here in the 10th century BC. e. Five centuries later, they were replaced by the Greeks, who founded the colony of Port Hercules and erected a temple on a secluded rock. The cult of Hercules was superimposed on the Greek name of the local locus - "μόνοικος", ("farm", "separately located building" etc.) from "μόνος" ( monos) "separate, lonely, only" + "οἶκος" ( oikos) "house, building, structure, location." As a result, a local cult of Hercules (Hercules Monoikos) arose, to which a separate temple was dedicated in a castle located on a coastal cliff La Roche.

A little further from the coast lived the Turbiascan tribe, hostile to the Monegasques, who chose a woman as their leader and worshiped the great mother goddess. During the clashes, the Turbiasques captured only Monegasque youths and young men, took them to the temple of the great mother goddess and subjected them to torture. The enmity between representatives of these tribes continued until the end of the 13th century AD. e.

By the end of the 13th century, representatives of the Genoese feudal family Grimaldi settled on this strip of the Ligurian coast, bringing the Italians with them. This is how the Monegasques with their own language and traditions were finally formed.

National colors

The national colors of the Monegasques are white, red, black.

White color - the most sacred - symbolizes the funeral shroud of the Holy Virgin - the patroness of the Principality; expresses nobility, honor, purity; is “masculine”: it is worn by men as a symbol of masculinity and dignity.

Red is a symbol of the blood of the holy martyr, as well as the color of courage, unity, and blood brotherhood of the Monegasques.

Black color is “special” for Monegasques - a symbol of wisdom, intuition, magical power; considered "feminine".


As the original subjects of the principality, Monegasques have many privileges: they are the only ones who have the right to elect parliament - the National Council; completely exempt from taxes, etc.


Monegasque holidays

January 26 - 27 is the Day of Saint Devotte (Jour de Sainte-Devotte), the heavenly patroness of the Principality and the Grimaldi family. Celebrated since 304 AD. e.

June 23 - 25 - Saint Jean's Day (Jour de Saint-Jean). Celebrated since the 5th century. n. e. It begins with an evening carnival procession through the old town “Sciaratu”: everyone dresses up in carnival costumes and walks to the music from Palace Square to Casino Square. They light torches in the square, drink wine and dance all evening.

November 19 - Prince's Day (Jour du Prince), National Day of Monaco. On this day, a military parade is held, as well as a solemn mass in Monegasque in the Cathedral of Monaco, which is attended by the entire Princely Family and other officials. After the mass, the Princely family attends the Monte Carlo Opera.

Monegasques in world culture

  • Louis Brea (1443 −1520) - artist, author of two panels currently in the Cathedral
Munegàscu, Munegàschi, Munegàsca, Munegàsche) - people, autochthonous subjects of the Principality of Monaco. According to the 2008 census, they make up 21.6% of the total population of the principality (7634 people).

Main language

Monegasque is a dialect of the Ligurian language, close to the Genoese dialect. Heavily influenced by the Nice dialect (Niçard) of the Occitan language, which is, among other things, the original mother tongue in some areas of the principality.

Ethnic history

The first settlers on the territory of the future Principality of Monaco mentioned in history were the Phoenicians, who built fortifications here in the 10th century BC. e. Five centuries later, they were replaced by the Greeks, who founded the colony of Port Hercules and erected a temple on a secluded rock. The cult of Hercules was superimposed on the Greek name of the local locus - "μόνοικος", ("farm", "separately located building" etc.) from "μόνος" ( monos) "separate, lonely, only" + "οἶκος" ( oikos) "house, building, structure, location." As a result, a local cult of Hercules (Hercules Monoikos) arose, to which a separate temple was dedicated in a castle located on a coastal cliff La Roche.

A little further from the coast lived the Turbiascan tribe, hostile to the Monegasques, who chose a woman as their leader and worshiped the great mother goddess. During the clashes, the Turbiasques captured only Monegasque youths and young men, took them to the temple of the great mother goddess and subjected them to torture. The enmity between representatives of these tribes continued until the end of the 13th century AD. e.

By the end of the 13th century, representatives of the Genoese feudal family Grimaldi settled on this strip of the Ligurian coast, bringing the Italians with them. This is how the Monegasques with their own language and traditions were finally formed.

National colors

The national colors of the Monegasques are white, red, black.

White color - the most sacred - symbolizes the funeral shroud of the Holy Virgin - the patroness of the Principality; expresses nobility, honor, purity; is “masculine”: it is worn by men as a symbol of masculinity and dignity.

Red is a symbol of the blood of the holy martyr, as well as the color of courage, unity, and blood brotherhood of the Monegasques.

Black color is “special” for Monegasques - a symbol of wisdom, intuition, magical power; considered "feminine".


As the original subjects of the principality, Monegasques have many privileges: they are the only ones who have the right to elect parliament - the National Council; completely exempt from taxes, etc.


Monegasque holidays

January 26 - 27 is the Day of Saint Devotte (Jour de Sainte-Devotte), the heavenly patroness of the Principality and the Grimaldi family. Celebrated since 304 AD. e.

June 23 - 25 - Saint Jean's Day (Jour de Saint-Jean). Celebrated since the 5th century. n. e. It begins with an evening carnival procession through the old town “Sciaratu”: everyone dresses up in carnival costumes and walks to the music from Palace Square to Casino Square. They light torches in the square, drink wine and dance all evening.

November 19 - Prince's Day (Jour du Prince), National Day of Monaco. On this day, a military parade is held, as well as a solemn mass in Monegasque in the Cathedral of Monaco, which is attended by the entire Princely Family and other officials. After the mass, the Princely family attends the Monte Carlo Opera.

Monegasques in world culture

  • Louis Brea (1443−1520) - artist, author of two panels currently located in the Cathedral of Monaco.
  • Horazio Ferrari (XVI century) - artist