
How long does 1 lunar day last? How long does a lunar day or cycle last? How long is a lunar month?

Let's look at what the lunar months represent. Since the Moon revolves around the Earth, the Sun illuminates its visible side unevenly. Therefore, the lunar disk appears to be illuminated to varying degrees for observers from Earth.

What are lunar months

Since ancient times, people have divided the visible changes in the moon's illumination into four phases: new moon, first quarter, full moon and last quarter. (The phase is the illuminated part of the lunar disk observed from Earth.)

  • The lunar year is shorter than the solar year, amounting to 354.36 Earth days.
  • Lunar days are longer than solar days: they last 24 hours and 48 minutes, from one moonrise to the next.
  • A lunar month is equal to 29.53 lunar days, i.e. sometimes in it 29 lunar days, and sometimes 30.
  • This is due to the fact that the 30th lunar day ends not with the next moonrise, but with the onset of the new moon, which can happen between two lunar rises.

The duration of the lunar month, that is, the period when the Moon orbits the Earth, lasts in different calculation systems different time. Generally accepted synodic moon month(the calculation is based on the revolution of the Moon around the Earth, based on the fact that it completes such a revolution in 27 days, 7 hours and 43 minutes - the so-called sidereal month) is calculated using a mathematical formula, including the Earth’s revolution around the Sun in the calculations.

In other words, while the Moon revolves around the Earth, the Earth has time to go some way around the Sun, so the length of the synodic month will not be equal to the time the Moon revolves around the Earth. The length of a synodic month for an observer from Earth is 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes. It is this number that is the basis of the lunar calendar.

But the synodic month is not suitable for calculating eclipses. And calculations are made on the basis of the draconic lunar month, that is, the period of revolution of the Moon relative to the nodes of its orbit. This period is equal to 27 days, 5 hours and 5 minutes. There is also an anomalistic lunar month - that is, the period of revolution of the Moon relative to the point of its orbit closest to the Earth. It is equal to 27 days 13 hours and 18 minutes.

Lunar months and lunar calendar

As you can see, there are different numerical values ​​for the lunar month. However, the synodic lunar month is most often used. Lunar calendars are based on it. As practice shows, such calendars are more reliable than solar ones.

No wonder they are still used today different peoples. The only not very convenient property of such calendars is the floating start of the new year. It is for this reason that they eventually switched to the solar calendar.

But the length of the lunar month is taken into account both in astrology (when drawing up horoscopes) and very often in medicine. Lunar horoscopes are divided into 28 or 30 parts (in the first case, sidereal division, in the second, lunar division). In medicine, it is also often more convenient to use the lunar calendar for calculations.

For example, it is known that pregnancy lasts approximately 280 days, or 10 lunar months. When translating this number into the solar calendar (which we use), it becomes confusing. Many physiological processes, as you will see later, are also associated with lunar numbers 28 and 30.

Lunar months and lunar phases

The Moon not only moves around the Earth. It, like any normal planetary body, rotates around its own axis. But this movement can only be noticed if you are outside the Earth. From below we always see the same side of the Moon.

The fact is that the period of revolution of the Moon around its axis is exactly equal to the sidereal month. The Moon's rotation was once faster, but due to the influence of the Earth's gravity, which causes phenomena on the Moon similar to the Earth's ebb and flow, the Moon's movement slowed down.

So many millions of years ago, our Moon showed the Earth its invisible side. But people have never seen the far side of the Moon from Earth - when the Moon rotated faster, people did not yet exist. We see only different degrees of illumination of the Moon by the Sun, that is, lunar phases.

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation for 11/1/2019 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or log in.

Lunar day today, November 25, 2019

On the date 25.11.2019 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waning moon". This 29 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Scorpio ♏. Illumination percentage Moon is 2%. Sunrise Moon at 06:11, and sunset at 15:59.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 28th lunar day from 04:43 11/24/2019 to 06:11 11/25/2019
  • 29th lunar day from 06:11 11/25/2019 until the next day

Moon influence November 25, 2019

Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio (+)

Moon in a sign Scorpion. The time has come to make the most important decisions. Improved mental performance, increased ability to concentrate on the essence of the problem and high level self-criticism is the best way to separate the truly important from the superficial and insignificant.

You can safely take on new endeavors, develop business plans for new projects, and assign yourself all sorts of obligations that will be within your power.

29 lunar day (−)

November 25, 2019 at 12:00 - 29 lunar day. Quite an unfavorable day. Associated with a decrease in the overall vitality of the body, the manifestation chronic diseases. High likelihood of depression, trauma and deception. It is better to spend the day solving only the most necessary everyday issues, driving away bad thoughts.

Waning Moon (+)

The moon is in phase Waning moon. The fourth lunar phase is the last phase of the lunar month. The period of the fourth quarter, which ends with the new moon. This period is characterized by slowness, softness, and a certain lethargy. This time is quite passive.

Strength and energy are rapidly declining at this time. As a result, in the fourth lunar phase it is recommended to finish things and manage current ones. Fresh thoughts and ideas should be postponed to the beginning of the next lunar month. The optimal time for summing up.

In the fourth lunar phase, overall activity decreases. During this period, it is advisable to reduce physical and mental stress. It is recommended to avoid conflicts, both in business matters and in personal relationships. Typically, there is an increase in the likelihood of quarrels and separations.

People during this period are extremely sensitive, impressionable, and highly prone to offense. This condition is reflected in the business sphere. Therefore in business sphere It is advisable to suspend significant meetings until the next phase of the lunar month.

Day of week influence (±)

Day of the week - Monday, this day is ruled by the “night Sun” - the Moon. It is called a hard day not at all because it immediately follows a relaxing weekend. On this day we are overwhelmed with emotions. Therefore, successes alternate with failures, successes with defeats. Everything becomes unreliable, relative. To the point that true friends can let you down, and enemies... help.

On Monday, astrologers advise relying only on your intuition in everything, since the arguments of reason do not work on this day. Business agreements concluded on this day, as well as heartfelt victories, may turn into shaky uncertainty tomorrow.

However, all the pitfalls and obstacles of Monday can be avoided by those who “feel in their hearts” what needs to be done. Those who trust their intuition, as a rule, achieve success on this day.

And those who put off some important things until Monday are forced to redo everything later, since the mind has no power over Monday.

As you know, the earthly year lasts 365 days, and once every four years 366 days, this is the duration of the solar year, but the lunar day, month and year differ in their duration. If we lived not according to the solar calendar, but according to the lunar calendar, then the year would last - 354.36 days, that’s how long the Lunar Year lasts .

Moon month also shorter than our solar month, it contains only 29.53 Earth days.

Moon calendar with lunar days, months - takes into account the cyclic change of the four phases of our earthly satellite. As we already know - moon month comprises 29 or 30 days (earthly) , based on the duration of the 1st lunar day, and everything else, determined by the proximity of the night luminary to the horizon during the new moon.

Lunar days (days) are not always equal in size, and this is due, first of all, to the fact that the entire lunar cycle is approximately twenty-nine and a half solar days. The lunar month begins at the time of the new moon. The very first day continues until the first moonrise according to astronomical data, taking into account the given area.

Influencing all living things and you and me, the Moon can most directly influence water balance our body, and therefore on the coordinated work of almost all organs of our body. Moreover, it is well known that the Moon influences the physical and psychological state of each of us.

That is why, knowing about all the benefits of the Lunar calendar, about every lunar day of the year, we cannot forget the ancient and useful traditions resort to right moment to his help.

It is typical that if the first lunar calendars were at a rather primitive level, often inaccurate, today, for example, a gardener cannot do without a lunar calendar, because it is compiled taking into account the change of lunar phases and helps by knowing exactly what days and what crop plant, which means increasing your chances of growing a good harvest.

Usually, the calendar of lunar days (days) indicates changes in lunar phases with an accuracy of minutes, and recommends days for sowing, planting, pruning, watering, fertilizing the soil and other agricultural tips for gardeners so that they can get a decent harvest for their labors.

Although, it is important to understand in what area the land is located, where vegetables and fruits are grown using the knowledge and recommendations of the lunar calendar, what climatic conditions are, what is the quality of the soil and seeds, etc. site/node/3640

Separately speaking about the importance of a calendar with lunar days (days), it is worth noting an important issue - its influence extends not only to garden lovers, but also to the plants we grow at home. In addition, the change in the phases of the Moon seriously affects not only plants, but also the person himself, who, as is well known, consists of almost 80% water.

Today it is well known that the Moon and the change of lunar phases most directly influence all living things, seas and oceans, causing ebbs and flows, provoke earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as well as many other

We see the moon almost every day and at any time of the year, which means we can draw our own conclusions, but you will agree that using a ready-made lunar calendar is convenient and more practical.

We successfully use lunar calendars in our daily lives and we know that scientists and astrologers have proven its influence on us and all living things, unlike those who lived in ancient times, they trusted it only thanks to their own experience and knowledge.


Lunar month or more correctly synodic month. The difference between the full annual paths of the Moon and the Sun, reduced to one time, gives the duration of the average synodic revolution of the Moon, or lunar month, 29.531 days, or 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 2.8 seconds, during which the Moon returns to its previous position relative to the Sun . LUCIFER "Bearer of Light." Venus as the "morning star" rising before the Sun. Poetically, “son of the morning.” MAGIC In occult terminology, mastery over occult forces and the hidden secrets of nature. Corneille associates magical powers with Uranus, Scorpio, the VIII and XII houses.

Astrological encyclopedia.

Nicholas Devore.

    moon month 1947. See what "LUNAR MONTH" is in other dictionaries:

    Moon month- A month is a unit of time used in calendars, which is approximately equal to the period of revolution of the Moon around the Earth. The traditional concept is related to the cycle of the moon's phases; such months are called synodic months and are approximately equal to 29.53 days. In... ... Wikipedia

    moon month- The length of time from new moon to new moon, which is a little more than 29.5 days... Dictionary of many expressions

    Synodic lunar month- ... Wikipedia

    lunar- oh, oh. a) moon eclipse. Lu/ny relief. Luthic soil. b) ott. Illuminated by the moon. Lunar landscape. lunar year... Dictionary of many expressions

    moon calendar- is based on the frequency of changes in the phases of the Moon. The lunar calendar is based on the synodic (lunar) month (the period of changing lunar phases), which is approximately 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 3 seconds. Calendar months contain alternately 30 and 29 days.… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    MOON CALENDAR- is based on the frequency of changes in the phases of the moon. The basis of L. k. is synodical. (lunar) month (period of changing lunar phases), amounting to approx. 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 3 seconds. Calendar months contain alternately 30 and 29 days. The first day of every month in L. to ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    month- Moon. ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. month month, month, month, lunar (sickle, disk) Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    Lunar car- Lunar car, Apollo 15 expedition, 1971 Lunar car (lunar all-terrain vehicle, English lunar rover, from English ... Wikipedia

    MONTH- husband. The Moon is the Earth's satellite; night luminary, Cossack sun, mesik, smol. | View of the moon, counted by quarters: new month, old month. | Time of revolution of the moon around the earth: in relation to the sun: 29 days, synodic month, solar; V… … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Lunar calendar, Natalya Stepanova. "Lunar Calendar" is a book that will be useful to anyone interested in the conspiracy tradition. The influence of lunar phases on a person’s internal state is enormous. In this book Natalya...

YoIP Lunar Calendar is pleased to tell you about today's lunar phase.

In total, there are eight periods of the moon’s movement, which it passes through during the period from 29.25 to 29.83 Earth days. The generally accepted duration of a complete change of phases of the moon, the synodic month, is considered to be 29 days, 12 hours and 44 minutes.

The phases change in the following sequence: new moon (the moon is not visible), new moon, first quarter, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon, last quarter and old moon.
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Today the Moon is in phase: “New Moon”

The 30th lunar day begins, the moon is visible at 0%
Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio ♏ and the constellation Libra ♎

Detailed information about the moon phase today

Household moon phase:
Astronomical moon phase:
Today the moon in the zodiac sign: ♏ Scorpio
Today the moon is in the constellation: ♎ Libra
Today's lunar day: 30
Exact age of the moon: 29 days, 4 hours and 15 minutes
Moon visibility: 0%
Beginning of the current lunar cycle (new moon): October 28, 2019 at 06:40
The next new moon will be: November 26, 2019 at 18:07
Duration of this lunar cycle: 29 days, 11 hours and 27 minutes
The exact time of the full moon of this cycle: November 12, 2019 at 16:37
Exact time of next full moon: December 12, 2019 at 08:14
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Moon phases in November 2019 by day.

The phases of the moon are shown for noon of each day of November (12:00 Moscow time, UTC+3)

Date Moon Phase Day Zodiac
Nov. 1 5 ♑ Capricorn
November 2 6 ♑ Capricorn
the 3rd of November 7 ♑ Capricorn
November 4 8 ♒ Aquarius
November 5 9 ♒ Aquarius
November 6 10 ♓ Pisces
November 7 11 ♓ Pisces
November 8 11 ♓ Pisces
November 9 12 ♈ Aries
10th of November 13 ♈ Aries
11th of November 14 ♉ Taurus
November 12 15 ♉ Taurus
the 13th of November 16 ♊ Gemini
November 14 17 ♊ Gemini
15th of November 18 ♊ Gemini
November 16 19 ♋ Cancer
November 17 20 ♋ Cancer
November 18th 21 ♌ Leo
November 19 22 ♌ Leo
20 November 23 ♍ Virgo
November 21 24 ♍ Virgo
November 22 25 ♎ Libra
November 23 26 ♎ Libra
November 24 28 ♏ Scorpio
November 25 29 ♏ Scorpio
November 26 30 ♐ Sagittarius
November 27 1 ♐ Sagittarius
November 28 2 ♐ Sagittarius
29th of November 3 ♑ Capricorn
November 30th 4 ♑ Capricorn

What zodiac sign is the moon in today?

Now the moon is in the sign ♏ Scorpio and the constellation ♎ Libra.

Moon in zodiac sign or constellation?

Expression "Moon in the zodiac sign", for example, in the sign "Pisces", implies its astrological position within the boundaries of the zodiac sign. The zodiac sign is one twelfth of the ecliptic, which is 30°. Belongs to the tropical zodiac.

Expression "Moon in the constellation", for example, in the constellation "Aquarius", implies its astronomical position within the boundaries of the constellation. The boundaries of the constellations have different shapes, and the moon is there for different times. Constellations belong to the astronomical zodiac.

This difference arose due to the precession of the earth's axis and the associated shift of the vernal equinox point back by about one sign over 2000 years.

Therefore, you can often hear the following clarification: “The Moon is in the sign of Pisces and the constellation Aquarius.”

In addition, in the astronomical interpretation, the thirteenth constellation “Ophiuchus” is added to the twelve constellations consonant with the signs of the zodiac.

You can read more about the dates of intersection of astronomical and astrological signs of the zodiac on the page.

What phase is the moon in today?

The moon is currently in the waning fourth quarter phase.

What are the phases of the moon?

There are everyday and astronomical phases of the moon. Their names are the same, and the only difference is the duration of the new moon and full moon phases. In everyday life, they each last 2-3 Earth days, until the moon is practically invisible (new moon) or visible almost as a full disk (full moon). But in an astronomical sense, the duration of these phases is less than a second.

The reason for this is that the moon moves around the earth at a speed of about 1023 m/sec, and the full moon and new moon are the moments when the earth, moon and sun line up on the same plane, perpendicular to the direction of the earth's movement around the sun.

These moments are very fleeting and if you try to calculate their duration with the accuracy of the coincidence of the positions of the moon, earth and sun to at least one meter, then the duration will be less than 1/1023 of a second.

In our calendar, the duration of the astronomical phases is calculated to within one diameter of the moon (about 3476 km), which gives approximately 56.5 minutes. The duration of the household phases is calculated based on the visibility of the moon's disk being less than 3.12% for the new moon and more than 96.88% for the full moon. Is the moon waxing or waning now? The duration of the household phases is calculated based on the visibility of the moon's disk being less than 3.12% for the new moon and more than 96.88% for the full moon. How do you know if the moon is waxing or waning today? You can understand what kind of moon is in the sky now using the mnemonic rule for the northern hemisphere: if the moon looks like the letter “ WITH You can understand what kind of moon is in the sky now using the mnemonic rule for the northern hemisphere: if the moon looks like the letter “", that is

For the southern hemisphere the opposite is true. There they see the moon upside down, so they use musical terms to remember C rescendo (or sign "<„) для растущей луны и D iminuendo (“>” sign) for decreasing.

Near the equator, the moon lies on its side, so both of these options will not be applicable. Instead, they are guided by the time when the “boat” of the moon is visible.

If in the evening and in the west, then this is the growing moon following the sun, and if in the morning and in the east, then this is the aging moon.

The lunar arch at the equator cannot be seen with the ordinary eye, because... it will always fall during the daytime and the bright light of the sun will make it difficult to see it.

What lunar day is it today?

Now the 30th lunar day begins. 4 hours and 15 minutes have passed since the beginning. Lunar days and lunar days. What is the difference?

Lunar day

- this is the period of time that passes from the moment of the new moon until the moon re-crosses the line of the meridian over which the moon was at the moment of the new moon. The first lunar day begins its countdown at the moment when the center of the moon crosses the line connecting the earth and the sun (the moment of the new moon). The second and subsequent days begin when the center of the moon crosses the meridian above which the moment of the new moon occurred in this lunar cycle. The average length of a lunar day is about 24 Earth hours, 50 minutes and 28 seconds.