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Discounts on Collins winter collection. Discounts Sela, Sasch, Colins, R2, Mango, Customs confiscation. Collins clothing discount code

Colin's is a popular Turkish brand created by the Ergolou brothers in 1983 and specializing in the manufacture of fashionable casual wear, shoes and accessories for women and men. Currently, Colins is not only the largest manufacturer of denim clothing in Russia, but also in Europe. The brand's main customers are young people aged 15-35 who prefer to wear high-quality fashionable clothes and at the same time spend a small amount of money on it. At discount collins you can purchase quality items from this brand at a very affordable price.

The Colin’s brand is represented not only by jeans, but also by trousers, T-shirts, belts, bags, jackets, shirts, shorts, flip-flops and much more. For production, the brand uses wear-resistant natural fabrics, including linen, cotton and wool. The brand is distinguished not only by fashionable and sophisticated solutions for clothing design, but also by low prices combined with highest quality products. The clothes are suitable for people with low and middle income levels who prefer comfort and functionality in clothing. Collins discount will allow you to save up to 70% on the purchase of items and replenish your clothing collection with models that were recently in the main stores of the brand.

By choosing Colins discount, you can save a huge amount of the entire purchase price, and during the sales season you can buy things for practically nothing. When visiting such departments, you are guaranteed to be given a choice among a huge assortment fashionable clothes And high level service. Collins discount contains items from last year's collections that can be purchased at discounted prices. Jeans costing 3,000 rubles per ton are sold for 1,500, and T-shirts costing 1,000 rubles can be purchased here for 600 rubles, a shirt costing 1,500 rubles in the main store is sold here for 900, and a windbreaker costing 2,500 rubles for 1,700. Discount Collins often holds promotions, for example, when you buy two things, you get the third thing as a gift, and when you buy one pair of jeans, you get a 50% discount on the second pair. We recommend that regular customers of the Colin's store receive a Colin's Global Card discount card (issued for purchases of 2,000 rubles or more). The discount on it depends only on the amount spent: for a total receipt of 2000-3000 rubles it is 5%, for an amount of 3001-4000 rubles - 7%, and for purchases from 4001 - 10%. Upon presentation of the Global card on the birthday and in the next 6 days, the card holder can receive an additional 5% discount on the entire amount.

It's very easy to buy Colins clothes at a good price. All you need to do is study the discount offers on the company’s official website. Significant discounts apply not only to models from old collections. Sometimes you can buy new items at very interesting prices

Official website of the Colins discount online store

The official website of the Colins discount online store is a very useful resource where you can profitably buy trousers, jeans, T-shirts and much more at an unprecedentedly low price. And the more often you look at the corresponding section of the Internet resource, the higher the chance of coming across something very interesting.

Clothing catalog Colins Discount Center

The clothing catalog of the famous brand is updated regularly. Therefore, lovers of high-quality clothing at a decent price are strongly recommended to contact them especially often. Discounts can reach 90%.

Colins discount: store addresses

The easiest way to know the addresses of all discount stores is on the official website. A separate section is devoted to this topic. There you can also see directions to the point of interest.

Many international brands began as humble family businesses, and Turkish manufacturer Colin’s is no exception. The brand received its modern name in 1992, and three years later the company became part of a large holding. The brand has gained popularity on several continents, opened many factories and an online store. The online ordering function is available to all Russians who love quality clothes and shoes. Favorite material of the Turkish brand - denim, commonly known as denim. Products from textiles, natural and artificial leather are also produced.

Additional discount when ordering online at Collins

There is no need to shell out a tidy sum for branded items, because the company’s pricing policy is quite affordable. For especially thrifty buyers, there are promotional coupons. The use of such promotional codes is main secret profitable shopping on the Internet. By entering the code into the order form, the client receives a discount or gift from the store. Since all actions take place online, the process takes up to 10 minutes, with most of the time spent studying the catalog. Each Collins promo code and coupon corresponds to a specific promotion or sale.

Promo codes at Colins for maximum savings

To trigger a Colins promotional code, simply enter the secret word in a special field on the checkout page. For this simple action, the buyer receives individual models 10-30% cheaper. During seasonal sales, maximum discounts reach 70%.

In other cases, to activate a promotional code in Collins, you need to fulfill a simple condition. For example, a discount of 300 rubles is given when collecting a basket for 3000, and to participate in the “Second item for free” promotion, you need to order the corresponding number of products. If a client purchases clothes for the first time, the cost of the selected goods is reduced by 10%.

  • “bestsellers” of purchases, the product block is located on the main page of the Colins website
  • in any section, use the filter “Price - ascending”, products with maximum discounts will be shown first, the additional opportunity to use a promotional code for Collins will only increase savings
  • OUTLET section – big discounts on hundreds of clothing and accessories

Modern design and other advantages of Colin’s

The Colin's team closely follows European fashion trends, embodying the latest trends in the design of branded clothing. Rhinestones, cotton and polyester, leather, suede and high-quality substitutes are used. The models produced are divided into clothes for women and men, including shorts, trousers, T-shirts and many other wardrobe items.

The company's pillars are innovation, style and quality. Adhering to high standards, the brand creates clothes that are, without exaggeration, ideal in any life situation.

I really like Collins jeans. They are really good quality and they have interesting models for every taste. Knowing my love, my friend somehow dragged me to their discount store. I was honestly in shock. There are things here that, as they say, even my grandmother wouldn’t wear. And sometimes the prices for them, I would not say that they are discounted, but like in a regular store. I would rather call it not a discount, but a store of unsuccessful Collins models. And the most amazing thing is that there were a lot of people here, they grabbed everything almost from each other’s hands, there were long queues for the locker room, and you couldn’t see people in the queues, since there were a lot of people here. I just looked at all this horror and left, still, no matter how much I love Collins, but their discount is not for me, I’d rather wait for sales in regular stores

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I really like this discount center "Colin". I sometimes stop by on my way home from work. There are often pleasant promotions. The goods, despite the large flow of customers, are always neatly hung. With prices so low, they sometimes offer promotions such as: when you buy two things, the third is free. The only thing is that there is a small selection of sizes, which are presented in small sizes. Therefore, people with volumes can find little there. There are a lot of buyers there and sales consultants don’t have much time to deal with everyone on duty. I recently bought some excellent quality jeans and a sweatshirt. I'm incredibly happy. I thought for a long time and when leaving I also grabbed my bag. Even though I don’t need her, she’s really cool. I also signed up for a discount card and they send information about all discounts via SMS to my phone - very useful.

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I really like COLINS stores. I especially love their jeans, they last a long time, the quality is excellent and the prices are affordable. And when I found out that COLINS has a discount store, I took my husband and went to see what kind of store it was. I'm very pleased to find this here. right size. And prices are two or even three times lower than in regular COLINS. The only thing is that the collections are old. But for jeans this doesn't matter. The store is located very conveniently, occupies two floors, on which it is divided women's clothing and men's. You can also buy good T-shirts, sweaters and outerwear. The staff is quite polite and, if possible, helps you choose and select, and when there are a lot of people, unfortunately, they only have time to bring the right size.

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In general, like all people, I love high-quality and inexpensive clothes. And with the COLINS Discount Center on Butyrskaya, finding clothes has become easier. Firstly, COLINS is very famous for its highest quality. Secondly, the clothes of this company always have some zest and are always in fashion. Only now, not everyone can afford to buy clothes from the COLINS brand. And at a discount, the clothes are all the same, only the price is lower. It's good that my good friend works there. Without Natasha, I wouldn't have time to buy anything. Because when things are brought in, people just swarm in. Therefore, if you want to buy yourself something at the COLINS store, hurry up. Although, there is such a notification function, you receive an SMS message when new collections are delivered. Very comfortably. Recently, I bought jeans and a T-shirt there and it cost me only 2,500 thousand rubles. Come in, you won't regret it.

Do you want to order clothes from the Collins online store?! Don't miss your chance to get a discount code. To find out how to do this correctly, read this short instruction.

Shopping online becomes more profitable if you get discounts. Discounts can be obtained using a special promotional code, which can be obtained directly on our website, in the “Promotional Codes” section. After you click on the word “Promotional Codes” at the top of the site, you will go to this section and you can find the Colin’s online store there. When you go to its page, there you will see all the promotional codes and promotions for this store. Select one the description will help you. To display the promotional code on the screen, click on the red “Open code” button. Now you can copy this discount code and click on the “Go to Colin’s website” button. Next you will be able to select products and add them to your cart. Remember that the promotional code may not apply to all products, so pay attention to the category of its validity. After adding items to your cart, click on the word “Cart” in the upper right corner.

Your copied code must be pasted into the “Discount Code” field located on the right under the products and click on the “Apply” button.