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School is voluntary. About alternative education in Russia. Home education is an alternative to public school. Is it worth buying masks in advance? And what

The school year has just begun, and your child is already tired of school? This does not mean at all that he does not want to learn. Perhaps he just needs to learn in a different way.

The vast majority of children can study in any system, but there are many complaints about general education schools, and not only in our country. It’s no wonder that a video in which Ken Robinson, a British education expert, charismatically talks about how schools kill creativity in children, has received millions of views on the Ted.com channel. You can try to organize a different life for your child. But every alternative educational system has both pros and cons that need to be taken into account. Teachers and graduates of “special schools” talk about this.

Boarding school for smart people

Yakov Litvin, graduate of the Intellectual school, graduate student at MIPT:

Differences from secondary school . The school’s emblem features a white crow: there are plenty of such students here, and there is no shame in being “different from everyone else.” Many live here throughout the working week, and the school has its own special atmosphere: hikes, excursions, theater performances... Basically, everyone studies a lot and with taste. Schoolchildren themselves choose which subjects to study at a basic level and which at an advanced level. There are many clubs and special courses (personally, I took Latin and geology). Each student in grades 8 and 10 must submit their own project, usually a short research paper, at the end of the year. It is not forbidden to defend your opinion and discuss with teachers. If in a regular school a very smart child often has no one to talk to, then here they will listen to you, answer your questions, and there are a lot of smart people with whom you can talk.

Who is this format suitable for? . For those who want and are ready to learn a lot and with taste. Anyone who doesn't want to learn will find it difficult and boring.

After graduation . It’s very unpleasant to graduate from “I”: it’s good inside, but in the big world it’s not so comfortable, not so meaningful. On average, intellectuals are probably less adjusted to society at the time of entering university.

Expert opinion . Such a program creates all the conditions for the development of children’s intellectual and research abilities. However, the development of emotional and communication skills may be delayed. In addition, excessive emphasis on intellectual achievements may create problems in the future related to the assessment of oneself and others.

Home schooling

Galina Misyutina, director of the Center for Intensive Educational Technologies:

Modern homeschooling does not mean that tutors come to your home all the time. There are a lot of distance courses (individual and group), electronic textbooks, workbooks and magazines. Most exams can also be taken from the comfort of your home: all you need is a computer and Internet access.

Differences from secondary school . Homeschooling is consistently associated with the image of a child whose parents have locked him in an apartment and teach him everything themselves. In fact, this is a creative, interesting project. We have no confrontation with regular schools. And parents don't become teachers. The main thing is that they participate in learning, pose problems and find solutions. The main advantage of homeschooling is flexibility and taking into account the characteristics of a particular child. Children live healthy, active lives and are freed from the negativity that exists in schools now.

Who is this format suitable for? . Children and parents who know what they want. It is not suitable for parents who need the school as a “storage room” for their child and who are not ready to invest time and effort into his education.

After graduation . Children at home are more active and sociable, since they do not have to sit in class for many hours and be silent. They know how to conduct a dialogue, defend their opinions, and are not easy to force them to do something without the necessary argumentation. In a certain sense, they are difficult to manipulate.

Expert opinion . Homeschooling provides maximum opportunities to “tailor” the educational process to the child’s abilities and interests. True, there is a big risk that instead of the interests of the child (not yet fully formed), everything will be determined by the interests and claims of the parents. In this way, one’s own activity may be stifled in the bud (overprotection), which will lead to a delay in personal development. With this type of education, there is also a high probability of upbringing according to the type of neglect (hypoguardianship). It is better to mediate direct parental influence on the child through another reliable person - a professional educator, tutor, etc.

Montessori schools

Igor Chukhontsev, teacher of the scientific and educational complex "Academy of Development", Lyubov Chukhontseva, director of the scientific and educational complex "Academy of Development":

The Montessori method is based on the teacher's individual approach to each child. The student himself chooses the didactic material and duration of classes and develops in his own rhythm and direction. The parent and teacher help him grow the way he wants and do not impose their point of view. The system was developed in the first half of the twentieth century by the physician and teacher Maria Montessori.

Differences from secondary school . All Montessori schools are very different; there is no single methodology that determines how and what to teach children. But each contains the prerequisites for active personal development. Children, for example, study in groups of different ages, this helps them try themselves in different social roles. Each child accepts responsibility for his actions, which accelerates the development of will. Training material (necessarily visual!) is always freely available. The student can take the initiative, plan his own work and complete it at his own pace. But until the work is done in full, until all the mistakes are worked out, it will not be accepted. By the way, there is a special attitude towards errors here. They always take them as a good reason to learn more about something. Children grow up freer and are not too dependent on the opinions of others.

Who is this format suitable for? . Any child can study in almost any school. The question is what the parent is looking for for his child, and whether he is ready to accept that his child is a different person with the right to mistakes and his own opinion.

After graduation . Most Montessori schools in Russia have only primary classes. But if a child has learned to communicate, then he will be able to establish relationships elsewhere. If you study and make an effort, then no further problems arise: learning in Montessori schools proceeds with some advance.

Expert opinion : T It is impossible to immediately demand “will and responsibility” from a child. This initially comes from the teacher, and they are very different (and schools, accordingly, too). Thus, the teacher’s charisma plays a decisive role in the success of teaching. An excellent teacher molds students in his own image and likeness; if he is not like that, then

Waldorf school

Ksenia Tsvetkova, a graduate of one of the Waldorf schools, a graduate student at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology:

Differences from secondary school. Waldorf pedagogy is an individual approach to each child, learning at one’s own pace, rejection of studying for the sake of grades, teaching languages ​​from the first and second grades using the method of immersion in a language environment with practice in Germany in high school, comprehensive development: serious classes in painting and graphics, music , quality theatrical productions. Self-expression is encouraged, including through appearance. The Waldorf student is most often seen in the crowd. The design of Waldorf premises deserves special mention. School buildings are built according to the principles of organic architecture; the interior design includes a lot of natural materials and perfectly combined shades of pastel colors. I seriously missed all this at the district school, where I had to study for some time. In Waldorf schools, the homeroom teacher must teach most subjects for his class until at least the 6th, and preferably until the 8th, year of study. This gives him almost unlimited personal power over the children's group with all possible consequences.

Waldorf pedagogy is based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner - anthroposophy. In Waldorf schools, there is fundamentally no specialization, and learning occurs without grades or textbooks. The educational material is presented in large study periods, “epochs” lasting 3-4 weeks. The first school based on these principles opened in 1919.

Who is this format suitable for? . Children are brought to Waldorf schools by people who “care.” They are ready to go against traditions in education and misunderstandings of society. Every year the gap between Waldorf and the outside world increases a little, but this is perceived in a positive way, as a sign of distinction, evidence of a conscious approach to life.

After graduation. My life experience is generally richer than that of the average district school student. I went to language practices and experienced European life as a child. I know how to felt wool, play the flute, paint with watercolors on wet and using the glaze technique, milk a cow, forge copper, I feel comfortable as a hiker. All this is thanks to the school.

Waldorf pedagogy is a set of ideas that are not always consistent with the current state of science, especially when we are talking about biology and chemistry. Therefore, the majority of graduates enter universities in the humanities and creative fields.

Expert opinion. The gap between Waldorf and the outside world is not inspiring. And, of course, you need to understand that when choosing such a school, you are initially choosing a very unique version of the religious and mystical worldview for your child.

What to do if you are not satisfied with your school education? You are not satisfied with the quality of teaching, the environment, you are against the school “equalization”, you strive to reveal the individual qualities of your child. There could be a lot of reasons. There are only a few alternatives to school:

  1. Find a school with an alternative teaching method (original schools, Montessori schools, park schools and others).
  2. Switch to a part-time (or part-time) form of education in a traditional secondary school.
  3. Go to family education.

Today we will talk about the last option. Family education is often confused with home schooling and external studies. Home education is organized by the school for children who are unable to attend an educational institution for any medical reasons. Teachers come to students’ homes; accordingly, academic performance is the responsibility of the educational institution.

In family education, the child’s academic performance and passing the necessary intermediate and final certifications are the responsibility of the parents.

External education is an independent, often accelerated form of education, in which the child is not a student of a particular school. In the family form of education, the child is enrolled in a particular school, using all the privileges - free textbooks, the opportunity to use the school library.

Homeschooling in Russia is a young phenomenon. During the Soviet era, it was believed that any learning outside the walls of a school was not education. Since the 1990s, the situation has changed, but family education has not become widespread. Today, interest in homeschooling is growing.


The main advantage is an individual approach. Family education is like a coat tailored to a child's figure.

Parents can set their own schedule and select teaching methods. All the individual characteristics of the child and his biological clock are taken into account.

There is an opportunity to focus on studying those subjects that are ignored or not given as much attention at school: languages, architecture, art, etc. Such training is aimed at the child’s natural cognitive interest, and not at obtaining high grades.

Another significant plus is a comfortable society. Pressure from teachers or classmates is eliminated, the child is not in a routine, which makes life freer and more natural. By the way, practice shows that the crisis of adolescence is much easier for children studying at home.


Parents who choose a family education format for their children should be prepared for the fact that this will require quite a lot of their own effort and time.

And the organization of such training will require from them a high degree of organization, a solid understanding of goals and objectives, pedagogical skills, and education.

The child may (or may not, it all depends on how the family education system is structured) have the following “side effects”: decreased communication skills, the image of a “black sheep,” absence or partial violation of discipline, selfishness, a sense of being chosen, infantilism .

What parents need to be prepared for

Almost all parents, one way or another, face similar difficulties in this area. Here are some of them:

  • finding a suitable school for certification;
  • the problem of choosing an educational program and methods;
  • difficulties in dialogue with the school administration, who want to avoid unnecessary problems associated with transferring a child to another form of education;
  • parents must be prepared to work with regulatory documents (for example, educational standards), subject programs, and teaching aids in order to most effectively implement learning;
  • Homeschooling consumes all (or almost all) of a parent's time.

How to transfer to a family form of education

To homeschool your child, you only need to do 2 things:

1. Write an application for the transition to a family form of education (in 2 copies).

If you wish, you may hear such phrases as: “There is no such form of education at all,” “You don’t have a pedagogical education, you can’t,” “We don’t have it in the charter, go to another school,” etc. But as soon as you get a written statement and ask to accept it, the situation will most likely change.

To maintain a warm relationship with the school management, say that you completely trust the director, but you need a written refusal for reasoned communication with the Regional Educational Institution and the Education Committee, so that they do not send you back to the school where it is impossible to study on a family basis.

2. Inform the local government body of the municipal district or city district at the place of residence about the child’s transition to a family form of education.

Popular questions from parents

Is family education only available at certain schools?

Almost all educational institutions provide for family education. If the school charter is not indicated, this is a reason for parents to demand changes to include this form of education in the school charter, in accordance with the law.

Will it be possible to return to normal training?

A child can switch from a family form of education to study at an educational organization at any stage of education, by the decision of the parents/legal representatives.

Who, if choosing family education, should provide the child with textbooks?

A student in the framework of family education during his studies has the right to free use of textbooks and teaching aids within the limits of the state educational standard.

How is certification carried out in family education?

Parents have the right to independently choose the educational organization in which the child will undergo intermediate (optional) and final certification (mandatory).

As for intermediate certifications, they are optional until grade 9. However, it is still recommended not to ignore them in order to be sure that in free swimming you have not swam too far from the Federal State Educational Standard.

Upon successful completion of the final certification, the student receives a certificate from the school where he took the certification. A special commission will evaluate the students’ knowledge; it usually includes teachers from different schools in the district, city or even region. That is why there will be no prejudice towards your child. All work will be assessed objectively.

  • "Family education as a system" Alexey Karpov
  • "Without school. A legal guide to family education and external studies" Pavel Parfenyev

On one of the school buildings there is a sign that says “real life begins at school.” Sounds affirming. However, I beg to differ, citing home education as an alternative to public school. So which is actually better: private tuition or regular school?

Home education in Russia as an alternative to school

In our country there is a cult of school education. Teachers say: “School is your home!” They say that in order to achieve a lot in life, you need to study well. And be sure to attend a regular school.

It is no secret that the quality of school education today leaves much to be desired. The main reason is the change of teaching staff and the low level of qualifications of young teachers. And the attitude of many teachers towards their job responsibilities leaves much to be desired.

In a modern school, they only give a template, only theoretical knowledge, but the child does not receive enough practical skills to survive in the modern world. The only practical experience is the ability to communicate in a team and the habit of being in constant nervous tension.

Many parents understand this too. They want to give their children maximum experience and important knowledge. And, if family wealth allows, they think about home education.

European countries have a completely different approach to learning. For example, in Germany, development of the child’s abilities, testing of professions and proper career guidance are considered a priority, although the training itself cannot be called in-depth. Students are taught to think, reason, express your opinion, draw conclusions. Much attention is paid to the health of children, their physical development and interests.

Private education in Russia, consisting mainly

from a large number of clubs and sections, can become an analogue of European education and give priority to the development of the child. A private school in Russia has a different mission, different from a regular school, which forms a full-fledged, self-confident personality.

Features of private preschool education in Russia

But there is less optimism about the family and the family. They are opened with the aim of making a profit, so all costs are optimized to the minimum, and the staff are paid a penny salary. You should not expect special treatment for your child in a private kindergarten. If it is not a very expensive private kindergarten. But today state kindergartens receive good funding and are equipped with everything they need. In addition, parents regularly donate money for toys and stationery.

Policy regarding the processing of personal data

1. General Provisions

This personal data processing policy has been drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006. No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” and determines the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the security of personal data of the private educational institution “First People's School” (hereinafter referred to as the Operator).

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2. This document will reflect any changes to the Operator’s personal data processing policy. The policy is valid indefinitely until it is replaced by a new version.

The lineup of speakers at the event should inspire those interested in how children can be taught “differently.” Doctor of Psychology, creator of the probabilistic teaching methodology Alexander Lobok, teacher Dima Zitser, founder of Epischool Mikhail Epshtein, director of the IT school Alexander Ezdov will speak here. Participants will be told about the Montessori school, multicellular mathematics, blended learning, and the InterUrok.ru project, which allows you to study the entire school curriculum via the Internet.

One of the organizers of the conference, Alexey Semyonichev, is a consultant on family education issues. In general, the initiative to hold such a meeting arose from the desire of parents who decided to teach their children outside of school, to exchange experiences with each other and somehow structure for themselves the ideas of modern alternative education.

Alexey believes that the search for alternative paths will never be widespread, but modern education, if it is aimed at the future, should be different: family, traditional, school, mixed - whatever.

Alexey Semyonichev

When we began to engage in alternative education, we discovered that in our country there are a lot of good pedagogical systems, experiments, methods, and so on. Suffice it to remember that Shalva Amonashvili’s pedagogy of cooperation dates back to the 1960s. But the problem is that there is almost no dialogue between the mass school and these findings. The education system is one of the most conservative.

There is a dramatic conflict in the very idea of ​​organizing mass general education: on the one hand, it is intended to become the basic education for as many children as possible. On the other hand, all children are so different that it is simply impossible to teach them the same way. At least it's ineffective.

When an adult doesn’t like his job, he can find another one, taking into account all his wishes from schedule to salary. He may change jobs simply because the team is not suitable for him. Or the motivation for development has disappeared. Or because they suggested a more suitable place.

What if school is not suitable for a child?

Naturally, some adults, accustomed to choosing, sooner or later ask the question: why is my child deprived of choice and has to go to a school that does not motivate him to study? Or to school, which is bad for his health? If adults realize that it is they, the parents, and not the Minister of Education, who are personally interested in a good education for their children, they will find that there actually is a choice.

Alternative education is a search for an alternative, first of all, to the average format of the system of mass general education.

Five myths about alternative education

If a child does not go to school, he will have problems with socialization.

Indeed, when studying at home, organizing communication with peers and other people is a separate task. It is solved with the help of various sections, circles, and interest clubs. For this purpose, parents can unite in so-called “family schools” (although it would be more correct to consider them clubs, since they do not have an educational license): on the one hand, by uniting, it is easier to resolve issues with tutors, on the other On the other hand, it is possible to conduct joint extracurricular activities.

Alexey Semyonichev

family education consultant

Awareness of oneself as an individual, awareness of oneself in society in the context of family education occurs even earlier than at school. If we compare it with our adult life, it’s like a full-time job and freelancing. So you go to work, the salary is stable, and then you decide to become a freelancer. On the one hand, freedom comes - I do what I want, I don’t go to school. On the other hand, you understand that now everything depends only on you. Our children come to the idea earlier that you are responsible for your own destiny.

Supporters of alternative education pamper their children by turning learning into pure entertainment.

Agree, there are thousands of ways to pamper children in a traditional school. What is the price of good studies for gifts or homework for a child? So this is not a problem of the education system, but solely of the parents’ approach. However, many admit that maintaining a balance between “learning should bring joy” and “the child must learn to overcome difficulties” is very difficult when you combine the role of parent and teacher. In fact, such a balance is not easy for professional teachers, no matter what system they work with.

Alternative education is always a traditional school “inside out”.

It seems that if we are looking for an alternative to the class-lesson system, the main thing is to cancel 40-minute lessons, abandon the subject schedule, and grades - and the new system is ready. This is wrong. Still, the main goal of alternative education is to find an individual approach to a particular child, taking into account the characteristics of his development, and not to abolish familiar things out of principle.

Anna Nine

Both 40-minute classes and a subject schedule are just a way to structure educational activities and stick to a schedule. Even if the child receives alternative education, this method may be suitable for him. Subject instruction allows him to focus on the main disciplines at his age, for example, Russian and mathematics, and remain in line with his classmates in terms of knowledge. This is especially important if, due to health reasons, it is difficult for the child to master all subject areas. As for grades, what is important for a child is the assessment of an adult, healthy narcissistic feeding of his skills and abilities, it is important to show his knowledge in front of his peers - all this is called healthy competition. Problems begin when, along with the grades in the magazine, the child receives a social assessment, which becomes a stigma and begins to determine his position in the class.

Parents cannot know better than teachers how and what to teach their children, so alternative education outside of school always loses in quality.

Of course, when choosing education outside of school, parents must spend a lot of time and attention to ensure that the result is of high quality. But they should not take on all the functions of teachers. Their task is to organize the educational process and find resources from which the child will gain knowledge. These could be tutors, textbooks, websites. If the elementary school curriculum can be mastered with the help of mom and dad, then in middle and high school this will not be enough. Professional tutors can help in developing an educational strategy.

If my child goes to school safely, I don’t need to know about alternative education.

You need to know about alternative education, if only because it allows you to take a fresh look at the usual school - as one of the ways to teach, with its pros and cons, but not the only correct one. And if a child suddenly has difficulties at school, perhaps even a temporary turn to alternative education will correct the situation.

Anna Nine

family psychologist, gestalt therapist

If a child finds himself in a low position in the class and is not doing well academically, alternative education can come to the rescue. A change of environment and an individual approach to building motivation protect you from negative feedback in the form of grades and peer opinions. Thanks to alternative education, it becomes possible to improve the level of knowledge, increase self-esteem and self-esteem.

According to Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, basic general education is compulsory, and its receipt by children must be ensured by parents or persons replacing them. That is, every child, a citizen of Russia, must receive a certificate after 9th grade. The Russian Federation supports various forms of education and self-education, but at the same time sets federal state educational standards.

The law makes his parents (legal representatives) responsible for the child’s education, gives them the right to choose how to provide this education, and determines the standards that the result must meet.

What can parents do if they don’t want to send their child to public school?

There are several options: find a school with an alternative teaching method (original schools, Montessori schools, Waldorf schools, park schools and others), switch to a part-time (or part-time) form of education in a traditional secondary school, or switch to family education.

Schools with alternative teaching methods

In these schools, the class-lesson system has its own approach: instead of dividing into classes by age, there can be classes in groups of different ages, instead of academic subjects - interdisciplinary projects and individual educational routes, instead of lessons from bell to bell - free management of your time.

Among the schools that operate according to methods that have long been recognized in many countries (such as Waldorf schools), there are public ones. As for proprietary schools that work using independently developed methods, almost all of them are private and require financial investments from parents.

Author's schools appeared in Russia in the early 1990s. Among the brightest are Mikhail Epstein’s “Epischool” in St. Petersburg and the author’s school of Alexander Lobok with the embodied idea of ​​probabilistic education in Yekaterinburg.

From the perspective of parents, studying in such schools is not very different from traditional ones: the child studies at school under the supervision of teachers, and the organization still bears responsibility for the quality of education. It’s a completely different matter if parents choose correspondence or family education for their child.

Distance learning according to an individual curriculum

This option is chosen by those who are satisfied with the school program, but are not satisfied with the need to attend school. The child is enrolled in a general education institution for distance learning. The school itself draws up an individual curriculum and provides educational materials. Some subjects can be mastered at school full-time (then it will be part-time).

The child will undergo certification in the same way as other students at the school. The main task of parents with this form of education is to ensure that the child masters the school curriculum. How this will happen - with the help of tutors, video lessons and online resources, independent studies using a textbook - is decided by parents.

Family education

This is where parents set off on a completely free journey through alternative educational trends. With only one condition: the child must pass state certification after grade 9 to receive a certificate of basic general education and pass the Unified State Exam after grade 11 to receive a certificate of secondary general education. As for intermediate certifications, they are optional until grade 9. But parents who have chosen family education are still advised to take them every year to be sure that different currents have not carried the ship far away from the Federal State Educational Standard.

Everyone comes to this form of education differently: some due to convictions, others due to circumstances. But all parents who have taken on the responsibility of teaching children outside of school face similar difficulties: how to find a school for certification, how to solve discipline problems, what program to choose, what methods to use. Adults unite in online and offline communities and discuss effective ways to teach children.

In Russia, the issue of family education methodology is acute. On the one hand, this is a good free market for alternative learning systems. If you come up with a way that makes it easy to teach children mathematics, parents will be happy to try it, while in a secondary school it is extremely difficult to prove the need for a new tool. On the other hand, developers of educational products lack channels through which they could make themselves known to parents. And parents, in turn, do not have enough pedagogical knowledge to independently choose methods. It is not surprising that it is those who are faced with issues of family education that initiate a broad conversation about alternative education at the all-Russian level.

An interesting picture emerges: if earlier innovative teachers set the tone for alternative education, attracting both enthusiastic and skeptical views, now it seems that the initiative has passed to parents. From passive consumers of educational services, they have turned into active participants in the process who influence the market.

Conferences like the one that will take place at the ZIL cultural center should become a platform where parents, developers of educational tools (from methods to specific products - textbooks, web services, etc.) and professional teachers who teach “differently” meet. at school” and are ready to share their experience and understanding of what education can be.