
Seasonal vegetables and fruits: May, June, July, August, September, October, November. As well as a calendar of vegetables and fruits. What are seasonal fruits and vegetables? Seasonal fruits October


Are fruit and vegetable mono-diets healthy? Is the “more is better” principle appropriate when eating seasonal foods? When and how is the best time to eat them? Svetlana Fus, a nutritionist at the Scientific and Technical Center, answers these and other questions, and also offers simple rules eating seasonal fruits and vegetables.


In order to saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and microelements, such as ascorbic and other organic acids, during the summer and autumn seasons, it is enough to eat an average of 400-500 g of vegetables and 350-400 g of fruits per day. At the same time, it is better to try all seasonal vegetables and fruits in turn, because each of them contains a different “set” of vitamins and microelements.


It is important to supplement the summer fruit and vegetable menu with products containing protein. For vegetarians - dairy, eggs and definitely cereal dishes. Lovers of meat and fish should not exclude them from their menu, but the share of vegetables and fruits should still be significantly larger.


Don't forget that fruits contain a large number of sugars (glucose) and organic acids, and if a person has problems with digestive system(colitis, pancreatic diseases), then the consumption of sweet fruits must be strictly controlled. The sugar content of fruits can be determined by taste: for example, grapefruit is a less sweet product than an orange, and pomegranate contains significantly less glucose than bananas and grapes. Moreover, in the latter case, the difference in sugar content
ra is quite significant - about 10 g. Melon is also a very sweet product. But this does not mean that it should be excluded from the diet: just eat melon in the same way as other sweet fruits - in moderation.


To get all the beneficial substances from vegetables or fruits, it is better to eat them in their natural form. Fruit juices, Certainly, useful product, but it is essentially glucose in concentrated form. The juice does not contain fiber, which is very important for cleansing our body.
Raw fruits and vegetables are best consumed in the first half of the day - either on their own or as part of dishes, such as porridge.
It is better to eat cooked vegetables in the afternoon - the fiber they contain is better absorbed by our body after heat treatment. This means that you won’t face bloating and other digestive problems at night.


It’s not always worth following principles separate power supply. For example, sweet fruits can be added to porridges, less sweet ones - to dairy and sour-milk products. Conduct this experiment: if you ate a certain fruit and after a few minutes your appetite awakens (acidity increases), then from now on it is better to combine it with other foods.



CUCUMBERS C, B1, B2, B3, provitamin A, minerals - phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron. Of the mineral salts, they contain the most potassium, which improves the functioning of the heart and kidneys. Research has found that people who regularly consume fresh cucumbers are less susceptible to diseases of the thyroid gland and vascular system. + + + + + +
TOMATOES C, group B, organic acids, fiber, minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon, iodine), as well as carotene and lycoline, nicotinic and folic acids. Fresh tomatoes and tomato juice are useful for cardiovascular diseases, gastritis with low acidity, general loss of strength, weakened memory, and anemia. + + + + +
EGGPLANT Contains B vitamins, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and carotene salts. Eggplants are recommended for those who want to get rid of nicotine addiction, because thanks to vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) in these vegetables, the body can more easily tolerate tobacco starvation.
+ + + +
ZUCCHUGS Rich in potassium, iron, contain organic acids, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, carotene. Due to its low calorie content and good digestibility, zucchini is one of the most popular vegetables in weight loss diets, and is also recommended for children's menus. + + + + +
APRICOTS Rich in iron, therefore indispensable for diseases accompanied by the development of potassium deficiency. Apricots are recommended for stomach diseases and metabolic disorders. Thanks to the high content of phosphorus and magnesium, they improve memory. A source of provitamin and beta-carotene, an antioxidant that, according to modern research, can prevent the development of cancer and heart disease. + + + +
PEERS Rich in organic acids, enzymes, fiber, tannins, nitrogen and pectin substances, vitamins C, B1, P, PP, carotene. Pears generally seem sweeter than apples, although they contain less sugar. Many pear varieties are rich in microelements, including iodine. But in terms of folic acid content, pear is superior to black currant. This fruit must be consumed correctly: on an empty stomach and washed down with water. + + +
FIG Contains vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, C, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and copper. Useful for arrhythmia, bronchial asthma, anemia, cough. Due to potassium and iron, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and also strengthens muscle tissue. + + + + + +
PEACHES A source of vitamins A, B, C, E, K, PP, as well as mineral salts of potassium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, copper, zinc, selenium and magnesium.
Peaches should be consumed by those who suffer from cardiovascular and kidney diseases, and have problems with the liver and gall bladder. + + + + + +

Has it ever happened to you that you buy some fruit or vegetable, and it is completely tasteless or, on the contrary, spoiled? The mood is bad, the body also did not receive vitamins, the money was spent. The thing is that out-of-season products very often appear on the shelves of our stores and markets.

Even when buying strawberries in the summer, the month plays a big role, because those grown in greenhouses have a completely different taste and are more processed with chemicals. To please yourself and your loved ones with tasty, ripe and healthy fruits, you need to know what time to buy certain fruits and vegetables. The editors of “Super Chef!” will tell you about this today.

When is the best time to buy fruit?

Nowadays there is a great opportunity to enjoy fresh vegetables and fruits all year round. Plant products are brought to us from almost all over the world. However, you should know where vegetables and fruits come from in order to decide whether they are worth buying.

If you buy this juicy berry from gardeners at the market, then it is in the last days of May and throughout June that you should do this. In July, it is usually either overripe and rotten, or in a greenhouse. Yes, and she is rather dry at this time.
Imported strawberries can be found in supermarkets throughout the year. In March-April you can buy berries brought from Spain or Portugal; from February to April strawberries from the USA are sold, but you understand that they are shipped while still green, because transportation takes long time. Almost all year round there are strawberries from Egypt and Ethiopia on the shelves, but their taste is very different from European ones.

It seems they don't even disappear from the shelves. The most delicious oranges are those brought from Mediterranean countries, especially from Spain. Early varieties begin to ripen in November. The season lasts until mid-April. From February to July, fruits from Turkey and Egypt go on sale, but again, we note that their taste is no longer the same - they are not sweet and have a thick skin.
From July to the end of February, South African and Peruvian oranges are traded. They ripen on the road; in addition, the fruits are processed by special means so that they retain their elasticity and do not deteriorate for a long time while waiting for transportation. There are quite a few useful substances left in them.

The season of the most delicious and healthy domestic apples begins in August and lasts until October. However, these fruits can be stored for a long time, so you can safely buy them until February. During the rest of the year, fruits are supplied from New Zealand and Argentina. Apples taste good and have beneficial properties. These fruits can be safely called multi-seasonal.

The benefits of persimmon for the body are undeniable. Besides, it is very tasty. The persimmon season begins in October and ends in early November. It is brought mainly from Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan. Separately, it is worth noting the Spanish persimmon. It is usually picked ripe and quickly brought to market. However, it can be stored on the shelves for no more than a week - then it begins to deteriorate.

If you see the Haas variety on the shelf, you can buy it without hesitation. Its season lasts all year round, only the supplying countries change. But we usually sell fruits of the “ardit” and “fuerte” varieties, which are sent while still green. That’s why it’s advised that after buying an avocado, keep it on the windowsill for a couple of days to ensure it’s fully ripe.

And on a salad, and on pizza, and on a sandwich... Tomatoes can complement any dish. Domestic tomatoes are sold from late May to early October. At any time of the year you can find Azerbaijani tomatoes on the shelves - they are of very good quality. In March-April, delicious fruits arrive from Italy, but they are quite expensive. More a budget option- tomatoes from Turkey. They can be found from December to March. Now they need to be washed thoroughly.

Domestic cucumbers are sold during the same period as tomatoes. The rest of the year they are imported. They do not pose any particular health hazard. But pay attention to the long cucumbers from China. They have a grassy flavor rather than a cucumber flavor. These cucumbers contain a lot of nitrates, so it is advisable to peel them, especially if a child will eat the dish with them.

We have given examples of the most common fruits and vegetables on our shelves. But always keep in mind information about the time of year and country of delivery. It is clear that root vegetables such as carrots or potatoes grow here and can be bought all year round; they also tend to be stored for a long time. But watermelons and melons can be ripe and healthy only in the second half of July and August.

  • When choosing fruits and vegetables, give preference to seasonal products.
  • Vegetables grown in open ground are both healthier and safer than greenhouse vegetables.
  • They are less likely to have increased concentrations of pesticides or nitrates.
  • However, a conscientious producer will carefully monitor the concentration of hazardous substances, and in recent years more and more high-quality Russian greenhouse products have appeared (for example, Mirinda cucumbers or Uzbek tomatoes)
  • Fruits and vegetables that are brought from other countries may be picked unripe and ripen during the journey, which reduces their nutritional value.
  • Some products are brought to the Russian Federation year-round thanks to technologies that allow them to preserve taste and nutritional values ​​during transportation (for example, from South America, southern countries).
  • In the summer, products are brought mainly from Russia (Rostov, Krasnodar) (vegetables, berries, some fruits) and CIS countries (Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan - fruits, berries, some vegetables)
  • May is the conditional beginning of the summer season: the first fruits and berries from southern countries appear: Uzbek cherries, apricots, Azerbaijani cherry plums, etc.
  • The summer season lasts approximately until October (dates vary each year depending on the weather).
  • At the beginning of the “season”, products are expensive, but later, when the season becomes widespread, prices go down.
  • From November the “winter” season begins: products are brought from far abroad (Peru, Chile, Morocco), a lot of greenhouse vegetables and last year’s autumn vegetables.
  • Long-term storage of vegetables leads to loss of vitamins and minerals. At the end of winter, give preference to frozen and imported products rather than long-stored autumn vegetables - they contain more nutrients.
  • Fresh vegetables appear from the first days of April.

What products are in season now?


  • Cherry: this year appeared on the 1st of May, the 1st batch was from Tajikistan, now from Uzbekistan. Taste is better Every day it gets sweeter. The season is until August, but the most delicious ones are until the end of July
  • Apricots: now from Uzbekistan, appeared in mid-May, taste better every day. Season~until the end of July. The most aromatic, delicate variety of apricots is the Armenian “Shalakh”. During the season, producers change: first Uzbek, then Armenian and Azerbaijani
  • Strawberries: strawberries appear in December, first in greenhouses, from the end of April in soil. The most delicious now are from Greece: large, sweet. In May you can find Crimean strawberries, but they are inferior in taste to Greek ones, not so sweet. The Russian strawberry season begins ~in June (Rostov, Krasnodar), but the season lasts a short time, 3 weeks
  • Strawberries: Russian - from mid-June. The season is very short, 2-3 weeks
  • Peaches, nectarines, flat peaches: appeared in early May, now from Chile. In July they will be from the CIS countries. Particularly tasty and juicy peaches are from Armenia, their season is September-early October
  • Gooseberries, cherries: Russian ~ from mid-June. Season ~ to August
  • Watermelon can be found almost all year round: May - from Iran, end of July - Uzbek, Dagestan. The best and most delicious - Astrakhan ~ in August-September, but not every year is successful
  • Uzbek melon “Torpedo” is the most delicious, season June - October


  • Cucumbers, carrots, beets: from the 1st of May - Lukhovitsk cucumbers (Russia). Season until September (the most delicious). First days of April - young vegetables: carrots and beets with tops
  • Cabbage: from mid-April (first from Macedonia, then from Uzbekistan, then Russian), season - all summer
  • Tomatoes: in the first days of May, delicious pink tomatoes from Azerbaijan will be available all summer. Delicious “Paradise” and “Bull’s Heart” appear from Rostov in mid-May, they will be available all summer.

Have time to enjoy delicious products!

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Seasonality of vegetables and fruits - an aspect that we do not always take into account when choosing products. After all, in supermarkets all year round, vegetables and fruits are laid out in neat piles on refrigerated shelves, even and smooth, as if by choice. Large retail chains make us think less about the quality of products and more about a wide selection and maximum convenience of purchasing: at any time of the year, any day of the week and any time of the day. We regularly eat beautiful vegetables and fruits from the supermarket, succumbing to the illusion healthy image life.

Are vegetables and fruits always healthy?

While we are happy to fill our carts with fruits and vegetables, we forget that they will only be useful during the season, which is different for each product. Moreover, out-of-season fruits can harm the body. But how can this be? Haven't we been taught since childhood that fruits and vegetables, especially raw ones, are a source of many vitamins?

Yes and no. Seasonal fruits, ripened according to the natural cycle and collected at its peak, are maximally rich in vitamins and microelements. Such vegetables and fruits can and should be eaten unprocessed, preserving them useful composition.

Modern agricultural technologies, catering to endless consumer demand, supply us with a wide selection of out-of-season products that are not only not healthy (grown in artificial conditions, vegetables and fruits do not accumulate the required amount of vitamins), but are also harmful. Additives that stimulate growth and early ripening, nitrate fertilizers, pesticides that do not have time to decompose due to too short a cycle - all this is harmful to our health. Children under three years of age and the elderly are especially susceptible to this.

Such vegetables and fruits must be carefully processed before consumption to reduce harmful effects. It is recommended to soak them in cold water(or in a weak solution of vinegar), cut off the stalks and peel the peel. But even in this case, their benefits to the body will be minimal.

Stocking up on vitamins for future use

Realizing that winter comes after an abundant summer, we consciously or unconsciously adjust our diet, trying to get enough of juicy fresh tastes and accumulate more vitamins in reserve. This desire is reinforced by national food traditions: seasonal vegetables in the summer they do not leave the table, alternating in “green” salads and various types okroshka. The craving for fresh vegetables and fruits is not accidental: our body instinctively chooses what will be useful for it. Thus, carrots contain beta-carotene, which is converted by body enzymes into vitamin A (retinol), which strengthens the retina. Cucumber consists of 95% water, saturated with potassium and serving as an excellent means for removing toxins and toxic substances. And the red color of the tomato is due to the lycopene it contains, which prevents the division of some cancer cells.

The World Health Organization recommends eating at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables, fresh or cooked (excluding potatoes and similar starchy root vegetables), per day to prevent disease heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity. For convenience, you can remember the universal “five servings rule”: you should eat 5 or more different fruit and vegetable “servings” per day. One serving is approximately 80-100 grams, or an amount that can easily fit in a folded palm: a carrot, a tomato, a couple of tangerines or a small bowl of vegetable salad.

Canning, drying or freezing?

To support the right balance in the diet even in winter, you can make preparations from seasonal vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs and mushrooms. The most popular, but least valuable option in terms of preserving usefulness is canning. This way you can prepare a lot of vegetable dishes, completely ready to serve. However, canning requires heat treatment, therefore the content of vitamins and minerals in the final product is minimal. There is also little benefit in jams and preserves, because prolonged boiling and combining with sugar does not have the best effect on the composition of berries and fruits.

A more gentle treatment is drying at room temperature, in the sun or in the oven. This option is well suited for fruits, berries, mushrooms and herbs.

Finally, almost perfect way preparation is the freezing of food. It allows you to preserve as much as possible not only the beneficial composition, but also appearance, taste and aroma of vegetables and fruits. It should be remembered that re-freezing is undesirable, so it is better to distribute the products into small portion bags.

Seasonal calendar of vegetables and fruits

To easily navigate the seasons and create a delicious and healthy menu all year round, use our seasonal calendar.

Cabbage: white, red, Brussels sprouts. Shallots and leeks, artichokes, turnips, parsnips

Citrus fruits (grapefruits, lemons, oranges, tangerines), quince, persimmons

Cabbage: white, red, Brussels sprouts. Shallots, parsnips


Watercress and radicchio salad. Asparagus, spinach, radish, rhubarb

Asparagus, spinach, radish, White cabbage. Salads: cabbage, lettuce, radicchio, arugula. Young peas

Asparagus, spinach, radishes and radishes, rutabaga. Beans, peas. Carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, bell peppers. Cauliflower, broccoli. Salads: lettuce, cabbage, radicchio

Strawberries and wild strawberries, cherries and cherries. Red currants, gooseberries, blueberries

New potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes. Cauliflower, broccoli. Carrots, zucchini, eggplant, bell pepper. Green peas and beans. Celery, leeks and onions. Watercress, lettuce, lettuce

Strawberries, raspberries, cherries and cherries. Black and red currants, blueberries, blueberries, gooseberries. Peaches, apricots, nectarines

Potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers, carrots, eggplants, zucchini and zucchini. Cauliflower, red cabbage, broccoli, green peas. Bell pepper, corn, onion. Radish, radish, rutabaga, chard.

Watermelons and melons, plums, peaches, nectarines and apricots. Gooseberries, blueberries, currants, sea buckthorn


Cucumbers and tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant and zucchini. Cauliflower and broccoli. Onions and leeks, cabbage, horseradish, radishes and rutabaga

Apples, plums, figs, pears. Melons and watermelons. Sea ​​buckthorn

Tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower. Leek, rutabaga, turnip, horseradish

Apples, pears, figs

Carrots, pumpkin, turnips. Colored and Brussels sprouts. Leek, horseradish

Persimmon, pear, quince, cranberry

Brussels sprouts, pumpkin, turnip, leek

Quince, persimmon, pomegranate. Cranberry. Citrus

Many people try to buy seasonal fruits, because such fruits contain maximum benefit and have a very affordable price. What fruits should you buy in a particular month? The seasonal calendar will help answer this question. Thanks to him, you will learn about which fruits ripen in season in Russia, and which are brought from overseas countries.


On the one hand, it seems that winter time years it is impossible to find high-quality and ripe fruits. But on the other hand, you just need to know which fruits you can buy on the market during the cold season, and which ones you should avoid. Of course, it is better to avoid buying strawberries or peaches in winter. You should choose quality fruits according to the season. Considering the seasonality of fruits, you can choose those fruits that will be most beneficial for your health.

At the very beginning of winter, you can still enjoy sweet and very useful persimmon. This bright fruit contains many useful substances, thanks to which you can normalize digestion and more. These fruits are mainly brought from Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan. The season there ends at the end of autumn, so at the beginning of winter you can still find fresh and healthy fruits on the shelves.

By the way, if the fruit turns out to be astringent, then it can be placed in the freezer for a couple of hours, and it will become soft and sweet.

During the winter months, it is quite possible to consume oranges brought from Spain. In this sunny country they begin to ripen only in November. The season of these citrus fruits lasts until mid-spring. Therefore, all winter you can safely eat citrus fruits from Spain, recharge with vitamins and strengthen your immune system.

In early February, oranges from Egypt or Turkey may appear on the shelves. The citrus season begins there in the middle of winter and lasts until summer. It is worth noting that fruits from these countries have thicker skins and may be less sweet. But this does not mean at all that they do not have essential vitamins and useful substances.

Starting from December and until spring, you can buy apples that were grown in Russian open spaces. Despite the fact that the apple season ends in October, domestic fruits are perfectly stored until spring without losing their useful qualities. At the end of February you can even find on the shelves juicy strawberries. At this time of year it is brought from the USA, mainly from California. This berry has a special and very aromatic taste.

In order to saturate your body with various vitamins and other beneficial substances, you should pay attention to such an exotic fruit as avocado. The season of this fruit never ends. We can say that the season lasts all year round. Therefore, you can safely purchase an “alligator pear” at any time of the year, including in the winter months.

If the fruit turns out to be a little unripe, you can put it in a paper bag along with bananas and after two or three days it will be of the required ripeness.


If you want to choose only juicy, high-quality and tasty fruits by month, then study our seasonal calendar further. At the beginning of March, fragrant strawberries already appear on the shelves. If these are fruits brought from Spain or Greece, then it is quite possible to buy them in the spring. And also in the spring, this berry is brought from Portugal, Egypt and Poland.

In spring you can continue to enjoy citrus fruits from Spain or Turkey. In the spring, the citrus fruit season continues in these countries, so the fruits have time to get enough sun and absorb all the vitamins and elements necessary for health.

Until other seasonal fruits appear, it is quite possible to buy exotic fruits. For example, bananas. The season of this fruit lasts all year round, so there is no need to worry about the safety and quality of the fruit. Bananas are useful at any age, as they perfectly saturate and enrich the body with potassium. Among the exotic fruits at this time, it is worth paying attention to kiwi, pineapples, mangoes and various citrus fruits.


The summer months are perhaps the richest and most varied in terms of berries and fruits. Their diversity in the hot season is pleasantly surprising. At this time of year, you can find absolutely everything on the shelves, from wild berries to melons and watermelons from the melon fields of the North Caucasus, Central Asia and the Azov region.

At the beginning and middle of summer, it is quite possible to enjoy juicy and healthy strawberries. Not only imported, but also domestic berries appear on the shelves. In summer, you should try ripe peaches, which are most often brought from Armenia and Central Asia.

In June and July, juicy apricots, nectarines, peaches, cherries, plums and a variety of berries appear on the shelves. During this period, you can safely buy fruits from a wide variety of countries, because summer season considered the richest in many countries of the world. Fruits from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Greece and Turkey are very popular.

The season of juicy and tasty domestic apples begins in August. At this time of year you can find a wide variety of apple varieties to suit every taste. Early Russian varieties are very popular, they have a special taste, aroma and contain many useful vitamins and elements.

In addition, in August you can start enjoying juicy and ripe watermelons. The benefits of this huge berry are very great and both adults and children love it. Fruits from Astrakhan are very popular. Astrakhan watermelons are larger and very sweet. At the beginning of August, you can safely buy melons. In Uzbekistan, just at the end of summer, various varieties ripen, with thicker skins, but very aromatic and sweet. More than one hundred and fifty varieties of melons are grown in this sunny country, so it is quite possible to buy them in late summer and early autumn.

At the end of summer, various grape varieties ripen. Of course, the most popular are the seedless varieties, which are sweeter and bring greater benefits to the body. Grapes can be found both domestic and imported. Mostly juicy grapes are brought from Uzbekistan, Moldova, Turkey, Greece and Spain.

By the end of summer, tasty and very healthy figs are brought from Azerbaijan. This fruit is very sweet and high in calories, so It is worth remembering this for those who strictly monitor their slimness.


At the end of September, another healthy fruit will appear on the shelves of shops and markets - pomegranate. In the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus at this time they just begin to sing these healthy fruits. From Central Asia, pomegranates appear towards the end of autumn. If there are pomegranates on the shelves at the end of summer and beginning of autumn, then most likely the fruits are from Africa or South America.

At the beginning of September, there are still peaches on the shelves, which are mainly brought from China. Various varieties of autumn grapes from Uzbekistan, Moldova and Italy can also be found on sale. There are also domestic grapes, which are also extremely beneficial for health. In addition, at the beginning of autumn there are still many ripe and healthy melons, watermelons, plums and pears.