Fashion 2013

Greek party script. Greek party: luxury welcome! Birthday in the style of ancient Greece

Every person on Earth at least once dreamed of becoming a god, omnipotent and omnipotent. Unfortunately, in real life this is impossible. But you can transform into gods, for example, of Ancient Greece and plunge into the world of majesty and Olympic pathos. Thus, you can organize a great birthday surprise in Greek style. In addition, everyone has been familiar with ancient Greek mythology since childhood, and even general superficial knowledge is enough to feel the atmosphere of antiquity.

First of all, in organizing this event it is worth dividing the roles and not forgetting. Fortunately, the Greek pantheon of gods allows you to choose the most suitable image for yourself, matching the characteristics of the hero and personal qualities. We provide a small list of gods to choose from, so that each invitee can find his own prototype of a god and create his unique image.

For girls:

  • Hera is the supreme goddess, wife of Zeus. She is a queen among the Greek gods, so her image needs to show greatness. A crown will add completeness to the look.
  • Athena is a wise warrior woman. Fair and serious, her image will be perfectly complemented by a red toga and helmet.
  • Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty. Lightness and coquetry should be present in every movement.
  • Artemis is the goddess of the hunt and patroness of animals. A bow and arrow will be an integral attribute, and a toga with an animal print (leopard, tiger) and fur are allowed in the suit.
  • Persephone is the goddess of the underworld. Against the backdrop of beautiful goddesses, she stands out with a black toga and aggressive dark makeup.
  • Demeter is the goddess of fertility and patroness of agriculture. She is calm, her image is as close to nature as possible.

For men:

  • Zeus is the main Olympian god. The obligatory details of his image are a trident that shoots lightning, a crown and a gorgeous beard; Zeus walked in a red or gold robe.
  • Ares is the god of war, the most courageous and fearless. A blood-colored toga and helmet are a must-have wardrobe item.
  • Poseidon is the god of the water element. It has a changeable mood, just like the surface of the water. Toga of sea shades.
  • Eros is the god of love and desire. A strong and handsome seducer and conqueror of all women's hearts.
  • Apollo is the god of the arts, light and patron of the muses. A dreamer and a romantic, he is always in his own thoughts. A handsome long-haired young man with a wreath on his head.
  • Hades is the god of the kingdom of the dead. His image is not just gloomy, it is sinister and frightening.
  • Dionysus is the god of winemaking and the fruit-bearing forces of the earth. With a vine wreath on his head, he sings songs and enjoys life.

Next we decorate the room. The celebration hall should be in light colors (shades of white and gold), a lot of light is welcome. Gold and white candles, light flowing textiles with geometric patterns specific to Greece, laurel wreaths and an abundance of fresh flowers and green branches will also add Greek flavor. For a complete “relocation” to Olympus, print out posters of Greek landscapes and attach them to the walls.

Greeks prefer light but filling food. Therefore, the table should have an abundance of vegetables, seafood, olives and lean meat. And, of course, an abundance of wine in beautiful amphorae. Not only will it look beautiful, but drinks in clay vessels will retain their freshness and coolness longer.

The ancient Greek gods did not like to be bored; they had a lot of all kinds of entertainment: Olympic Games, theaters, gladiator fights, the battle of the gods for supremacy - from this list you can make interesting competitions, suitable specifically for your company. It is advisable that guests behave in accordance with their chosen roles during the entire event (when congratulating the birthday person, when participating in competitions, during personal conversations). At the end of the holiday, you can learn the national Greek dance - sirtaki.

Party in Greek style

The heavenly palaces are crowned with gold.
In them the gods find the life of Olympus.
Mighty Zeus reigns on a bright throne,
Possessing power, divine secret.
Plays with the destinies of people, their lives,
In a series of good and evil, the threat of a funeral feast.
Olympus is a gift for good luck or bad luck
With his hands he accomplishes it overnight.

The gods feast in golden palaces.
Under the blue dome of heaven.
Great Zeus on a gilded throne
With a beautiful, proud and calm face.

Hera sits next to the throne,
Her beautiful face shines in the rays.
She glows with reverence for Zeus,
I admire the greatness of his features.

Swift-winged Iris is next to her,
Follows Hera's every gesture, glance,
Ready to fly to the ground with a message,
With another divine task.

In Olympus there is an eternally joyful summer,
Does not know cold, rain and snow.
The blue sky stretches above him
For the well-being of the gods, peace.

One day Zeus saw a beauty among the sea nymphs,
He kidnapped her while she was sleeping and warmed her with tender words.

And in the morning the radiant Iris put on her magnificent clothes,
The Harites sat at her feet and sang, glorifying existence.

And Hera sits next to Zeus on the throne in bright times,
merging in a passionate kiss, she becomes his wife.

And Mother Earth from her depths gave an apple tree with golden fruits.
Having united them forever, she glorified the union of heavenly power.

Hera - the supreme Olympian goddess, sister and third wife of Zeus. Hera was considered the patroness of marriage.


Women compete in this doubles competition. It is carried out in the form of a verbal duel. You need to convince your opponent of your superiority. One of the participants begins with the words: “I am the most beautiful!” The other one answers her: “But I’m the smartest!” The first objected: “But I’m the kindest.” And so on, avoiding repetition. The one who provides the most arguments wins the competition. Get ready for the competition to last quite a long time. To complicate the task, you can suggest naming arguments that begin only with a specific letter of the alphabet.

She is a hunter... She
She is glorious and strong in deeds.
A temple was built for her in Ephesus,
He is known throughout Hellas.

Goddess glorious first
Was known as the head -
Protector of living beings -
For them, she is the kindest of deities.

Artemis – Goddess of the moon and hunting, forests, animals, fertility and childbirth.


  1. Chickens
  2. Turkey
  3. Fox
  4. Monkey
  5. Kangaroo
  6. Bat
  7. Marmot
  8. Jerboa

To you, bright-eyed goddess,
I give away my unsteady verse.
To you, bright-eyed goddess,
I entrust the fragile boat.

You, born without blood,
I pray for clear silence!
To the tune of timid praises
Listen, bowing your forehead to me.

Athena - daughter of Zeus, born from his head in full military armor. One of the most revered greek goddesses, goddess of just war and wisdom, patroness of knowledge.


Who will knock down the pins with the ball more?

From the foam of the sea Aphrodite stepped onto the earth,
Leaving traces of violets on the wet grass...
The gods saw that no one could compare with her!
No one even envied her beauty.

Dissolved long curls her gold...
She is wrapped in them as if in silk.
Eyelashes fluttered! The eyes underneath are blue.
In which, as if, a wave froze.
Goddess of love who has magical spells.
It’s not like he makes people and gods love him.
She creates and herself destroys those pairs,
Who haven't learned to love.

Aphrodite - goddess of love and beauty.

The most beautiful women twentieth century...which were admired by millions. In the same ranking - the most beautiful women of the 20th century - I would like to take into account all those generations who admired their beauty. Of course, now these beauties have either long since left for another world, or are not in their prime. And perhaps today their names are not so often remembered.

However, at one time, crowds of fans followed them, and posters with their images were sold out fleetingly. Nowadays, there are other faces, other stars, but the women of the 20th century left the most indelible mark on the history of beauty and femininity, and it is simply impossible to imagine the past century without them.

Sophia Loren

Marilyn Monroe

Brigitte Bardot

Elizabeth Taylor

Vivien Leigh

Anna Samokhina

Elina Bystritskaya

Irina Alferova

Natalya Varley

Tatyana Vedeneeva

Fateeva Natalya

Lyubov Orlova

Scene “Apple of Discord”

Goddess of darkness, omnipresent Hecate,
We are glad to be under your auspices.
Goddess of three roads, three-faced Enodia,*
For the glory of the Mother we roam the world.
Goddess of sorcery and dark magic,
Selena, Artemis, Luna and Urania,*
And of the kingdom of shadow you are Queen Chthonia,*
Inexorable as an abyss and bottomless.

Hecate- goddess of witchcraft, patroness of sorcerers.


Participants in the competition are given a piece of chalk in each hand and the task is announced: they need to draw a vase with their left hand, and a flower with their right hand. You need to draw at the same time and do it very quickly. The one who does it faster and more beautifully wins.

The goddess came in the evening,
Lit a million candles
And the world became brighter,
From her kind rays.

Goddess of family love,
Bringing warmth to the house,
The only one in the universe.
I distinguished good from evil.

Hestia- goddess of the hearth and fire.

Competition "Drying clothes"

This fun competition will reveal all the complexities of the well-known process of hanging out washed clothes. To conduct the competition you will need: various rags, clothesline, blindfold (2 pieces), clothespins.

The essence of the competition is this: divide all the participants into two equal teams, blindfold the first participants, give them a clothespin in one hand, a rag in the other, and send them to look for a rope. Teams can loudly suggest the direction of movement of the participant. When a participant reaches the rope, he needs to hang a cloth on the rope and secure it with a clothespin, then remove his bandage and return to the team. For each rag that is hung, the team earns a point.

The team that scores the most points wins.

Soon Demeter descended onto the earth's plains
And I was horrified when I saw traces of fires,
Rocks stuck out everywhere in the river up to the rapids
An eternal reminder of enormous misfortune.
This is the legacy of the battle of gods and titans:
Gaia suffered from severe burns and wounds,
Many hurricanes swept over her from the fire,
Hot fog lurked in the dark gorges...

Soon the girl saw deer in the valley:
A beautiful couple rushed to the spring to drink.
Looking at them, Demeter leaned against the rowan tree:
“A wonderful place will dispel any melancholy!
I will not return to Olympus! - the goddess suddenly decided. –
But I will return the beauty to the scorched earth!
I will begin to monitor the earth's fertility now,
So that the plants of Gaia do not die in the darkness...

Demeter is the goddess of fertility and agriculture.

This competition is on March 8 specifically to test how good the participating housewives are in the kitchen. It will probably not be difficult for them to roll up a couple of cans of cucumbers and tomatoes. But it's not that simple. The presenter selects several participants and places several cans of different sizes on the table at a distance of a couple of meters. Participants are given scissors and cardboard. Now their task is to cut out the lids for each jar so that they fit exactly with the openings of the jars. The participant who has the most lids matching the openings of the cans wins.

Muse of the heroic community,

Mother of Orpheus, her name is the tramp of horses,

In her appearance there is courage and courage.

That accompany the procession of heroes,

In her lips there is the courage of chapped lips,

Her tunic flutters like a warrior's flag.

Calliope - muse of epic poetry.


Each team will have to compose a spring storm. Burime are short poems that follow a given rhyme. The rhymes will be as follows.

Spring is red


Love is blood

Dream roses.

Metis - goddess of wisdom, the first of the three wives of Zeus, who conceived Athena from him.

Contest. Explain the meaning of phraseological units that came to us from Ancient Greece.

1. Sisyphean labor - useless efforts repeated over and over again.

2. Pandora's box is a source of misfortune and disaster.

3. Sink into oblivion - disappear without a trace, be forgotten forever.
4. Sing praises - excessively praise, extol.
5. The navel of the earth is a person who considers himself the center of the universe.
6. Temple of Melpomene - theater
7. The cornucopia is an inexhaustible source of various benefits.

8. The bond of Hymen is marriage.

9. Nectar and ambrosia are delicious food and drink.

10. Achilles heel - weak spot (

12. Tantalus torment - incessant suffering due to the inability to achieve the desired, despite its proximity

Mnemosyne- mother of nine muses, goddess of memory.


A mother and daughter are invited from each team. They will be asked questions. Let's see how well you remember and know each other's habits and interests.

Questions for mothers.

How many lessons does your daughter have on Tuesdays? (6)

What does your daughter dream of becoming?

Name your daughter's favorite school subject.

Does your daughter like to dance?

Your daughter's favorite dish.

The most favorite toy.

Questions for daughters.

Mom's favorite flower.

Your mom's favorite phrase.

Can your mother skate?

What is your mother's dream?

Your first word.

What song does your mother like?

Competition "Magic Hat"

We went around Niki's clothes
Strawberry aromas.
Breathes of sea and ozone
Her wet raincoat is green...
Blizzard curls to toe
Friendly winds swirl.
They picked it up and swooped in,
Blizzards swirled them around,
Scattered them in the snow,
Shredded to dust and ashes...
Like black banners
Foaming and soaring towards the sky
Tangled curl
Her tousled hair...
Lush strands of black wrath -
Like a fierce mountain stream...
Like a raging waterfall...
Like a playful leopard...

Nika is the personification of victory. She was often depicted wearing a wreath, a common symbol of triumph in Greece.


Make as many words as possible from the word WINNER

Easily by air
flower of dawn
so pretty
come to you now
will come down here.
muse of dance,
in a gentle bow
because dance is
facial expressions art,
and you
do you know this feeling?
entwined with ivy
slim figure
always with a smile
on the lips,
then with sonorous singing
will bestow
playing the lyre
bringing everyone
in silent delight
(with wonderful
bargaining is not appropriate)
and for the soul,
health in the body
try it in action!

Terpsichore - muse of dance art. Terpsichore was considered the muse of choral singing and dance, and was depicted as a young woman in the pose of a dancer, with a smile on her face. She had a wreath on her head, in one hand she held a lyre, and in the other a plectrum. She is “enjoying round dances.”


Quietly, the goddess of chance, happy chance.


The word SPRING is written on the board. The box contains items whose names begin with the letter of the given word. Whoever guesses the item wins a prize.

(Fork, spruce, sugar, socks, orange)

Capricious... - all persuasion is in vain...
Euterpe if you really ask,
And your eyes will open to inspiration,
And the ligature of the lines is a poetic thread.

Euterpe the poetic slumbers
And, wrapped in a warm fleecy blanket,
The insidious one does not heed my pleas.
Pale moonlight flickers in the bedroom.

There is a mysterious darkness around. And I'm up to date
I won’t call the muse, even if I’m on first name terms with her.
Will wake up... and divine lines
Sheds poetry on blank sheets.

Euterpe- muse of lyrical chant. Depicted with a double flute in her hand.

Participants are divided into teams. The task of each team is to remember as many songs as possible, the lyrics of which contain female names. The teams take turns singing lines from songs they remember. The winner is the team whose “musical lexicon" more.

Standing there is the goddess of justice, Themis.
In a judge's robe, a well-known portrait.
Blindfold. The law is in hand. Like an idol.
Also Libra. “Guilty” - cup, cup - “No”.

The law in the hand, as a symbol, is judged by the law.
Eyes closed. Regardless of persons to judge.
There are no pockets on the mantle, that's the style.
In the process, honest judges have nothing to hide.

Themis - goddess of justice and law, second wife of Zeus, mother of mountains and moira.

Participants are divided into teams. Each of them receives a symbolic “jug” - a box of matches. Participants take turns running to the finish line with a “jug” on their heads and return to their team, passing the “jug” to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins

Spin your spindle
Goddess of Eternity Ananke.
The canvas of life will be stretched,
Three Moiras have prepared the frame.
Lachesis will choose the lot,
Clotho will spin the beginning of the thread.
Anthropos will find the future,
Fate, made up of events.
Holding all the threads in my hands
Giving the work to sensitive fingers
With a smile on silent lips
They are preparing for the fate of wanderers.
Can't predict
The water is dark, there is no bottom in the well.
And only they can decide
When the sun goes out for the eyes.
Winding up another ball
The spindle turns are counted.
A new knot is tied,
What's next? The Moirai know...

The word “moira” translated from Greek means “share”, “part”, with the meaning “fate” that every person receives at birth. In ancient Greek mythology, the Moiras are the goddesses of fate. According to Homer, the Moirai, spinning the thread of human destiny, were three sisters - Lachesis (“giving lots” even before the birth of a person), Clotho (“spinning” the thread of human life) and Atropos (“inevitable”, steadily bringing the future closer). They were represented in the form of stern old women: Lachesis with a measure or scales, Clotho with a spindle in his hand, Atropos with the book of life and scissors - breaking the thread meant death.

Each participant in the competition receives a ball of thread, inside of which a note with a task is attached at the end of the thread. The participant who is the first to rewind the ball, read the note and complete the task becomes the winner.

Neptune comes out with a trident.


Each team receives a hoop. The first participant climbs into it waist-deep and runs on command, touches the trident and runs back, passing the hoop to another.

I fell silent - in reality I saw a wonderful dream.
In the moonlight a head rose from the water
And the second, and the third, and after her,
On the surface of smoothly running swells,
Both far and near, a whole swarm
They arose from the depths of the sea.
They were all Naiads. In the silver haze
Their sketches were drawn; it's quiet
They swayed and floated like foam towards the ground.

Naiads are nymphs who guard the waters.


Near each team there is an empty 1 liter jar. There are buckets of water at a distance of five meters from each team. Each team has one sponge. At the leader’s command, the first team members run to the bucket, dip a sponge into it and run to their jar. They squeeze water from a sponge into a jar. Then they give the sponge to the second participant, and he does the same. And so on until one team succeeds first, that is, fills the jar completely.

Forest nymph, spirit of nature,

Look between the branches secretly!

I hear you wandering in the forest,

Your laughter flows like a stream.

Birds fly from the branches into the palm of your hand

Swim in your tenderness,

And a ray of sunshine strives

To fall into the flow of your curls.

Over your head there's a flock

A wreath of butterflies is spinning.

The spring, whispering a forest tale,

Playfully splashing at his feet.

You will walk through the forest in your vision,

Tugging at the birch tree's braids,

You will disappear in the glare of chiaroscuro

You were and now you are no longer there

Flower glade

Nymphs - lower deities in the hierarchy of Greek gods. They personified the forces of nature.


Make a bouquet from blank paper flowers.

A wonderful day on the calendar -
March 8 is a women's holiday.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Beautiful ladies, we wish you happiness!

Warm weather to your family,
Love, kindness and understanding,
Comfort, tenderness in the soul
And everyday attention!

May the spring be joyful
And the sun shines endlessly.
Let your eyes glow with happiness,
May everything be great!

Pompous party in Greek style - exciting and nice idea for the celebration. Guests will certainly be delighted by the opportunity to spend time on the legendary Olympus, in the company of seductive goddesses, formidable titans and elusive nymphs! Getting ready to climb?

It is easy to imitate the abode of the Greek gods both indoors and outdoors. If you are planning to rent a cafe, look for a room with columns and decorate them with ivy. “Monolithic” columns can be easily made from paper, polystyrene foam and other available materials. Ivy, vines, grapes, olive branches and delicate flowers should be everywhere - on the walls, in vases and on dishes, images - on furniture, napkins and dishes. Cut out clouds from whatman paper, make them look realistic with paint, and hang them under the ceiling and along the top edge of the walls.

In order for you to have a Greek party, it is important to keep the design in a certain color scheme. The main shade is white and ivory. Lots of muted greenery (olive shade), bright spots of fruit and delicate buds in pinkish, violet or yellowish shades. A little gold to outline the connection between the decor and the costumes of the guests. And of course, Brown color- wood, earth, clay. These are vases and dishes, picture frames with images of warriors and gods of Greece, national ornaments on textiles. By the way, there should be a lot of fabric - drape windows, chairs, sofas, tables.

For a stylized Greek party invitation, use distressed paper and fonts that imitate Hellenic letters. Carefully singe the edges of the sheet and roll it into a tube, tie it with a ribbon - the “ancient” scroll is ready! Look for and print Greek ornaments and patterns - using a stencil it’s easy to decorate glass, paper, and fabrics with them. “Greek” figurines, figurines, vases and dishes can be rented or borrowed from friends (these are popular motifs; in almost every home there is at least one item suitable for the occasion).

The Greeks didn't invent the concept of a party, but they perfected it. Definitely!

So to celebrate his 44th birthday, New York-based event designer Bronson van Wyck decided to head to Mykonos. His mythological evening, dubbed the "Homeric Ball", took place on July 7 in the custom-built ruins of a Doric-style temple in an abandoned factory overlooking the Aegean Sea. The birthday boy appeared at the celebration in the image of Dionysus, the god of wine and ecstasy.

Van Wyck, who has planned parties for celebrities like Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow, talks about his inspirations and current event design trends.

What inspired you when creating the concept?

I've wanted to do a Greek Myths party since I was 10 years old! Gods and goddesses, heroes, monsters - these are the superheroes of my childhood. I've been trying to convince some client to give me this theme for a decade. But finally I decided to do it myself. I'm currently writing a book about hospitality, and it begins with a chapter about the ancient Greeks. So I was really happy to see this as inspiration for my birthday.

Were there any unexpected surprises (good or bad) along the way?

Greek hospitality is literally legendary. I have always been inspired by the Greek concept of hospitality. I was overwhelmed by the generosity of my friends in Mykonos. Looks like the whole island has been helpful to us! On the night of the party, the mayor and governor of the island were in dance costumes next to me.

What design trends are you seeing in the market today?

Maximalism. We live in the age of Instagram, so everything is bigger, brighter, better. More than ever, everyone is thinking about what exactly appears in pictures online. Bold colors, variety of textures and prints.

What are your tips for anyone planning a big birthday party?

Be ready! For outdoor events, preparation is never too early. Book everything early.

Bronson's best party moments for you.


The host of the party in the form of the god of wine.

Dress code

The guest list included a mix of friends and family. They were all dressed in Greek costumes.

Ball in ruins

The Homeric Ball took place on July 7 in the custom-built Doric-style temple ruins. The setting was an abandoned factory overlooking the Aegean Sea.

LED screens for rent from RUR 2,500/m2! Available in warehouse in Moscow

Dream come true

“Gods and goddesses, heroes, monsters—the superheroes of my childhood,” says Bronson van Wyck.

Ancient Greek decor

Party decor included Greek mythology, frescoes and tridents.

If you want to extend the charm of Greek evenings after returning from vacation, invite your friends to a Greek party!

Dress code

Organize a “home Olympus”: let each guest choose the role of some god. White sheets thrown over the shoulder are suitable for outfits/suits. To identify individual Greek mythology heroes, provide them with distinctive accessories and extras (for example, paper wings for Hermes, a glittery cardboard lightning bolt for Zeus, or a red rose for Aphrodite).

The big advantage of such a costume party is that it is budget-friendly, because all the outfits can be made by yourself.

Serving and menu

A mandatory element of a Greek party is a huge table with big amount various snacks. A wide range of starters will please both vegetarians and meat lovers. You can decorate the feast in blue and white colors, to match the Greek national flag.

Of course, you can surprise guests with stuffed vegetables or more complex seafood dishes, but most of the appetizers are very simple to prepare (but no less tasty). For example, it could be feta cheese with fresh herbs, fried slices of eggplant, zucchini and peppers, tomato and cucumber salad, black and green olives, pickled vegetables and tzatziki sauce.

In addition, you can prepare meatballs and kebabs, fried squid and seafood salad. Ambitious cooks can delight those present with thick eggplant paste or tiny cabbage rolls wrapped in grape leaves. All this should be served with bread and olive oil.

As a main course, it is best to prepare moussaka. You can prepare all the ingredients for the casserole in advance and put it in the oven when your guests arrive. Potatoes, eggplants and meat will perfectly satisfy all the hungry, and tomatoes and herbs will fill the room with real Greek aromas.

The original Retsina resin wine will also help create a Greek atmosphere at the table.


Start the party off with the traditional Greek Sirtaki dance, famous from the movie Zorba the Greek. By the way, you can also arrange a joint viewing of this film masterpiece.

After dancing to your heart's content, add some hits from the repertoire of the popular Greek singer Demis Roussos to the cheerful music.

You can arrange a quiz and compete to see who is better versed in the mythology, culture and cuisine of Greece.

A characteristic feature of the inhabitants of this amazingly beautiful country is that they are never in a hurry. Therefore, at a party no one should even look at the clock. Try to create a relaxing atmosphere so that guests can fully enjoy delicious food and interesting company.