
Where does feminine power begin - Women's Sanga. We enlighten you about what strong feminine energy means

Not everyone who marries a lieutenant makes him a general. What is the secret of strong, successful women in all respects, whose lives go smoothly as if by magic? And this is not necessarily related to external beauty, although many are accustomed to consider this factor as a criterion female success. There are women who are not very beautiful, but attractive in their own way, who managed not only to create a strong family, but also succeeded in their careers.

And what is very important: next to them is a man whose name you always want to pronounce as if it were written in capital letters. There is an opinion that everything can be explained extremely simply... The level of well-being of a woman and her partner is measured by the level of feminine energy that she possesses.

How a woman influences a man

And what is this feminine energy? According to the Vedas, harmonious woman- the most powerful creature that controls everything that happens in the material and immaterial world. Harmony requires 3 components: a healthy, well-groomed physical body; mental energy, thanks to which there is an internal attractiveness for people and the spiritual essence of a woman, her inner purity.

Modern lifestyle has forced women to adapt to new conditions, become as strong as a man, take on many of his responsibilities. Femininity has been seriously affected by this: it is not surprising that prolonged stress and constant tension leads many women to infertility. A woman should always remember her nature, love and take care of herself, and replenish lost energy. Only harmony will lead her to a successful life and make the man next to her strive for success.

In ancient times it was believed that each element gives a woman certain energy. Water is intuition, femininity and softness, earth is wisdom, fire is passion, and air is mental agility and insight. The secret is to keep the gifts of the elements in balance. Don't be too soft and pliable, too smart, too passionate. Do not be an angry, unpleasant and harsh person who endlessly reproaches your husband.

Rule golden mean works here in the best possible way: a woman-person who knows how to balance, not go too far and not cave in - this is the image of a successful woman. Such a person can do anything, and due to the fact that the energy of a beautiful woman is in harmony, she is truly happy. And it can help loved ones become happy!

Every woman has her own path to harmony, but many successful ladies notice that the best way to restore energy is to be alone with myself. Learn something new necessary for development in different areas. What both body and soul need. Only a wise woman can understand herself and accept herself; this is something we must strive for. Then inner fullness will attract people into a woman’s life who crave such positive energy and fullness, especially worthy men like this.

A woman glowing with inner harmony is incredibly attractive and knows how to share her magnetic gift with her partner. Instilling confidence in him own strength, she turns the lieutenant into a general without his noticing.

Internal state- what your outer world consists of. If you feel good inside, only good things will happen. It sounds simple. But, if you think about it, a person’s whole life consists of coming to a state of harmony and enjoying it. And this is great work!

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Each of us has a certain type of energy. And what’s interesting is that not all girls have a female energy type. Nowadays, everything happens the other way around - most women have masculine energy, while men have feminine energy.

This is what leads to so many divorces, a large number of separations, open relationships and other negative things. It is very important to clearly know what kind of energy you have, otherwise you will not understand exactly where the root of your problems is.

Low energy creates problems, but strong energy solves it. Failure to manage strong energy creates even greater problems! It is important to identify the problem and know what to do next.

So, read the article carefully and analyze your life.

There are 4 types of energy:

  • Weak
  • Strong
  • Men's
  • Female (divided into purely female and maternal)

How to understand what kind of energy you have?

  1. Weak energy.

If a girl has low energy, then she is often tired. There is a lot of stress in life, too much work (both at home and at work), a lot of problems. 5 days out of 7 lack of sleep. More than 3 chronic diseases. Frequent colds (from 3 times a year). Weak immunity. Such a girl cannot be called lucky, rather the opposite. Lots of action. but at the same time MINIMUM RESULTS! Not as many fans as I would like. Life is not bright and not interesting. Everything is not the way she wants. Circumstances in all areas of life are above her. A LOT GOES WRONG! She knows that she deserves more, but for some reason what she wants does not come, although she knows many of her peers who are more successful and at the same time many work and strain less than her. Everything is not the way she wants. Find out how to make your energy stronger here:

  1. Strong energy.

Girls with strong energy are very unusual! You can see them right away! They are bright! They rarely get sick. If you ask them: “How are you?”, they will tell you about how yesterday they had a great time with friends, and today they were completely absorbed in something new and interesting. In 8 cases out of 10, they have interesting hobbies and interests. They always have a lot of friends and acquaintances! Everyone is drawn to them. Other girls want to be like them. They evoke only 2 feelings: great admiration or envy! Outwardly, they may not look like models, but almost everyone considers them beautiful and wants to be like them. They are confident and love themselves. Men can't help but notice such a girl!

Girls with strong energy always have fans (even if they are married).

Their wishes come true quickly and in large quantities! Even their small actions bring big results!


  1. Male energy

Such girls usually earn good money and have achieved a lot, even if they are very young. These are the so-called “men in skirts”. Sometimes, even outwardly, they cannot be distinguished from men: they often wear trousers (jeans), the colors of the fabric are similar to men’s clothing, makeup is almost invisible or not at all, they are not dressed sexy, although very comfortable, their gait is fast, their steps are long. Actions are fast. Such girls do everything quickly: they speak quickly, walk quickly, and do everything very, very quickly. They are always in a hurry. As a rule, they have strong energy, but they do not always use it for their own benefit (!). Such girls have to support their families; their husbands are usually very gentle, do not work, or work but for pennies and do not strive to provide for the family.

If such a girl is not married, then she attracts rather soft men. While strong men with achievements do not want to start a relationship with them, but at the same time they are friends and communicate with them. Strong men usually disappear after 1-2 dates with such a girl.


  1. Feminine energy

There are 2 types of this energy:

Maternal energy.

Despite their outward femininity, these women do not trust men very much. They live by the principle: “A man is the first child in the family!” or “He’s nothing without me. It needs to be monitored and checked all the time. How independent he is. He can’t do anything on his own!” They treat a man like mothers: they look after him as if they were their own child, clean up after him, teach and give advice (when not asked) like mothers, check on him like mothers (how he did it, where he was). Such girls do not trust men at all: they are afraid that such a man cannot cope on his own, they do not let him decide for himself, they are afraid of betrayal and therefore read SMS and so on. Such women also have rather infantile men nearby. Moreover, often, before meeting them, their man was completely independent and did everything himself, but then “for some reason” he changed.

Feminine energy.

For these girls, everything is simple. It is clear from them that they are happy. Coupled with strong energy, such girls are an incredible gift and the main prize for any man! She knows how to inspire and motivate! This is a real Muse! With her feminine energy, she enhances the masculine energy of any representative of the stronger sex! She knows the main rule of female success: the stronger her feminine energy, the more real men there are around. And even those men whom some call “unpromising”, “weak” and so on, next to her change beyond recognition! Men begin to make plans, set goals, earn more, get a job, become gallant and kind! They are afraid to disappoint her!

She is very well-groomed, bright, feminine. She always wears beautiful dresses and makeup. She has many desires, but at the same time she is always happy, smiles and thanks the Father for his care. Literally the whole world cares about her well-being. She has good relationships with her parents and relatives. Usually, such girls sooner or later come to the point that they begin to pursue their highest destiny. They don't work - they make money with joy. They bring good to the world and at the same time get paid for it. Many, from the outside, think that such girls are lazy, but in reality they are not: it’s just that their work brings them joy, and not a burden; Most of their work takes place inside - at the level of the heart, soul, and that is why they are so happy and lucky!

Ideally, the energy should be in the ratio of 30% male and 70% female. At the same time, the energy must be clean and strong. We will discuss in great detail how to do this.

Please write in the comments about your energy type. What did you understand for yourself?

And don’t forget to share this useful information with your friends on social media. networks :)

Have you ever wondered what exactly attracts a man to a woman? Appearance, stylish outfits, seductive figure, pleasant voice? All this allows you to create an attractive image, but even a bright, beautiful woman without strong energy finds it difficult to attract attention, much less keep a person close to her.

A woman’s energy is a powerful force that is characteristic of the fair sex. It needs to be developed, paying no less attention to this issue than choosing a fashionable outfit. Strong energy is immediately felt in a girl, even if she does not have a bright, remarkable appearance. Such a woman can influence the world around her, modeling it in accordance with her desires.

Distinctive features of energetically strong ladies: self-confidence, self-sufficiency, attractiveness, and the presence of various talents. At the same time, female energy is something soft and enveloping, the right strength does not create excessive pressure on the world and others, all actions are carried out easily and naturally.

It is worth noting that the presence of personal power imposes certain obligations, because such a person largely shapes his own life, which means he must set the right goals for himself.

The power of a pregnant woman

Conceiving a baby leads not only to physiological, but also to energetic changes, which is associated with the need to care for a new person. A woman’s energy becomes stronger and purer, while softer and more gentle notes appear in her. It is easier for pregnant women to get rid of negativity, as they have additional protection.

It is believed that conceiving a child has a positive effect on a woman's attractiveness. In fact, a pregnant woman is filled with a lot of energy, which is reflected in a change in how other people perceive her.

How to increase feminine energy

There are many ways to increase feminine energy; you need to choose the one that evokes the most pleasant emotions.

Unity with nature

Modern man is cut off from the natural source of energy for humans - nature. To feel your strength, you need to leave the city and go for a walk in the forest or to the lake. You need to do this alone in order to relax as much as possible, not be distracted by conversations and feel truly fulfilled.

Do women's things

To feel like a woman, you don’t need to take on men’s worries. A girl in the modern world is placed in conditions where it is quite difficult to do this. However, if you stop solving problems that are not typical for ladies, the level of feminine energy will increase significantly.

Choose the right jewelry

Stones that resonate with feminine energy and have the ability to increase its potential will help you feel more attractive. These include carnelian, opalite and rose quartz, from which you can create unique jewelry.

Pamper yourself

Allow yourself to do what you love, buy beautiful underwear, allow yourself to eat chocolate without feeling remorse. Being too strict with yourself leads to energy depletion, don’t forget about it.

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Every woman wants to have powerful feminine energy, to be strong in a feminine way, attractive, and to feel her feminine resources. We do many practices in order to get closer to this goal, to become harmonious, feminine, holistic, and internally calm.

  • It is important for us to be strong as a woman so that there will be a courageous man nearby, strong as a man, responsible, protective and faithful. After all, it is our feminine energy and its quantity that allows a man to remain faithful and not gain energy from other women.
  • We also want to be strong as women, so that when we encounter obstacles in life, we can look at them wisely and calmly, learn a lesson from them and see the care and love of God in this situation, instead of being nervous, complaining and asking: “ For what?“- or bring yourself to nervous breakdowns and ultimatums to God!
  • We want to become strong as women, so that we have enough patience, love and endurance to raise our children in an atmosphere of tenderness and acceptance, so that for them their mother will always be an unshakable support and haven of love at any age, and not a nervous, overwhelmed woman who herself lacks strength to live.
  • We need feminine strength for friendship: sometimes our beloved friends feel bad and difficult, and with our energy and love we can once again inspire them to develop and move forward, we can give them faith in themselves and the strength to create their reality.
  • We really need feminine strength to live harmoniously, internally easily, calmly and happily as a woman.

Feminine power, or shakti, is the basis of the creation of the world, everything began with her, and she is the source of everything in this world. Our feminine energy creates reality, it is she who creates the material world, she gives birth and nurtures, she beckons and attracts, it is an eternal value, more significant than gold and diamonds, because feminine power is the essence of creating reality, the key to life.

And that’s why men really need female muses to create great things, children need affectionate mothers, grandmothers need caring granddaughters with love in their eyes!

Everyone needs a strong woman, because wherever she goes, she awakens life and energy in that place, she creates the energy of space and fills it with vibrations of love.

Lately I have been paying a lot of attention to my feminine strength - not my mind, not my knowledge, but my internal energy. And I noticed: people’s attitudes towards me are changing very much. Men take care of me, even people I barely know, help, protect and offer support. My daughter began to treat me with great kindness and tenderness :) Acquaintances and friends help in the common cause, support and always come to the rescue if I suddenly feel sad. If I'm in a good mood, everyone becomes joyful; if I am sad, then those around me (especially men) begin to make efforts to make me cheer up - they depend on my energy.

Benefits of an energetically strong woman

Being an energetically strong woman is very beneficial :)

Firstly , you create the mood and energy around you, and don’t fall under someone else’s influence. If you want it, everyone laughs; if you want it, everyone is nostalgic. Or suddenly everything romantic came - and everyone around was drowned in thoughts of love :)

Or, for example, I came home, and my husband was angry after work. She put herself in a calm, gentle mood, walked up to him, silently hugged him, kissed him, wrapped him in her energy like a soft blanket, and went about her feminine business in the kitchen. After 5-10 minutes, your husband comes in and inquisitively asks how you are doing. He has already calmed down and everything is fine again. Convenient, right? 🙂

Or a child cries and is capricious, and you take him in your arms and say: “ Yes, you are my good one! I understand how sad you are...- and bathe him in your love. And two minutes later the cub is already smiling and running to play.

There is no need to swear, explain, prove, be nervous, overthink and worry.

I personally always use my feminine power even at work. The workers in the brigade had a fight (they are doing repairs in my studio), everyone is on edge, something is going wrong - I go up to the foreman, put my hand on his wrist or on the edge of his shoulder and calmly, softly say: “ You have already done such a great job, everything is already so beautiful...“- or you can say nothing at all, just immerse the person in your state through touch, and that’s it, he will calm down. A few minutes pass and they are already working smoothly. Everything is fine again.

Secondly , you create your own reality. When a woman has strong energy, then all she needs to do is wish for something in a good mood and let it go, continuing to live. It won't be long before her wishes come true!

Third , you feel like you are part of God’s great creation, part of the great cosmic feminine power, and you are always protected. You always feel and realize that the great Ma are guiding and protecting you. And these are not just some words - they really protect, through people. You just need to trust!

Recently, in my studio, movers left the faucet open overnight and flooded the floor with water. The beautiful chocolate-colored parquet was swollen and deteriorated. Not only did I lose a lot of money, but I also lost precious days, and I already wanted to quickly move into the studio and start doing great women’s things there.

I sat down and became sad. I didn’t think about anything at all, I just sat and was sad quietly :) They immediately started calling me, and when they heard my voice, help and support quickly began to arrive. The next day the guys arrived and not only laid new floors in one day, but also stood up for me and made those careless movers take responsibility for their actions.

Fourth , you feel everything great! 😉 When you are in contact with yourself, you perfectly feel people’s states and their needs. Women are very empathetic by nature, and for them clairvoyance, clairvoyance, and clairaudience are not a special gift, but a common thing. All women who have come into contact with their nature have these opportunities. And therefore, a strong woman feels everything in advance; without any logic, she already knows on a subtle level how what she started will end. And therefore, having learned to listen to our intuition and our heart, we women receive the key to world knowledge, to foreseeing and controlling our destiny.

Each of you has at least once received answers from the universe in the form of dreams, premonitions, inner voices or sudden awareness. But by merging with our feminine nature, we can be connected to this state constantly. For example, in my circle, where women live in accordance with their nature, feeling each other is a completely normal phenomenon.

The other day my cosmoenergetics mentor called me and said: “ Julia, yesterday I was minding my own business in the evening and suddenly I felt that you were feeling unwell, I received information that I needed to keep you under certain energies. What has happened with you?“And in fact, at that time I was in a very serious condition and everything that she described to me coincided exactly with reality.

Do you think it's magic? Nothing like this. We can feel this way for everyone if we enter our energetic feminine pole, instead of our mind we begin to listen to our heart and trust our feelings.

In a word, there are a lot of benefits and benefits from strong feminine energy :) I can describe them for a long, long time.

Where does feminine power come from?

Lately, during consultations, I have been increasingly asked: “ How to become strong as a woman? What does this force consist of? How to get it? How to multiply it in yourself?»

I think this question is relevant for many women.

Where does female power begin? - From realizing oneself as a woman. Not just the understanding that I have this gender identity, but precisely the feeling and acceptance of myself as a woman, my body, my characteristics. It is very important for a woman to accept several facts about herself and treat them with calm.

The first and most important fact

A woman is a creative force. When a woman feels bad, everyone feels bad. When a woman feels good, everyone prospers.

This awareness is very important so that a woman does not exhaust herself, does not suffer from a deficit and always takes care first of all about her emotional state, knowing that all the people around her depend on it.

A woman who has realized herself always understands that you need to give and create only out of abundance, and first you need to fill yourself with grace, your body with pleasure, and your heart with love!

When you realize that you are psychic energy, then many things in life fall into place: you stop adapting to men and their gloomy mood, you stop depending on the opinions of your friends, you are calm about the whims of a child and are able to cope with it. And knowing this, you will always care not about doing as many things as possible, but about your mood and state, because they are the key to your joy and the joy of others.

Second important fact

...which we all know about, but are trying to fight.

A woman is unstable.

Feminine energy in itself is unstructured and chaotic; it is a clot of power that can turn into good and evil. We are not constant and stable, our mood often changes, because we strongly feel the vibrations of the planets, the general energy of the city, country, planet, energy flows pass through us, and we periodically broadcast the pain or suffering of various egregors.

We are mediators, guides. Therefore, even if everything is good in a woman’s life, she may periodically cry from internal pain of unknown origin.

This is how women's karma is worked out - through states.

It is not possible to explain your condition to a man :)

One day I was driving a car with my husband, everything was fine, and suddenly I saw a couple of old men crossing the road: a lame, blind grandfather, led by the arm of his exhausted and tired wife. They were approaching the store. Looking at them, I felt this state of alienation, uselessness, loneliness, despair, powerlessness in front of the world, pain from my helplessness and weakness so much that I burst into tears. I cried and couldn't stop! The husband, as always, did not understand what was happening 🙂 Just now my wife was normally and cheerfully telling her review of the film, and now she’s sitting there crying!

I think the story is familiar to you. And many women try to fight their instability, discipline themselves, suppress emotions, and as a result, their masculine strength increases.

Instead, you need to accept your impermanence and emotional changeability and incorporate it into your life. You can sometimes laugh at him, because sometimes it’s very funny :) And you need to make allowances for this in everyday life, don’t blame yourself for coming to the store for boots and leaving with new underwear.

Or if you are overcome with sadness, do not look for reasonable reasons to be sad in order to explain your condition to people. You can say: " I'm just sad... There's no reason! It's nobody's fault. I'll cry now and calm down. Stay with me, hug me..." - this means being in touch with your emotions.

A woman is Chaos, a man is Cosmos (translated as “order”). And if you feel that you have become the Cosmos, then you have moved away from your power.

For a woman, chaos is a completely normal phenomenon; she knows where she is in her chaos :) A good example is a woman’s bag. This bag only has a couple of compartments, but they hold a million things. How to find what you need? You put your hand in, close your eyes, turn on your intuition - and voila: you have the thing in your hand the first time. I observe this phenomenon in myself and other women. For order and structure, a woman needs a man, and then there will be a place for him in the relationship, and he will grow and develop in it.

I am often asked: “ Julia, tell us about your time management, how do you manage everything?»

I don't know. My time management is pure intuition: I intuitively feel which road to take, which business to start, which to postpone, where to go, what to do first. All my attempts to bring myself to classical discipline resulted in loss of strength and irritation, as well as an increase in masculine energy. Sometimes it even happens to me that I leave home and don’t yet know where I’m going, I just trust my hands, the feeling of the road, and then suddenly I find myself in a very necessary place or meet with a particularly important person. Pure chaos, no man will understand me.

Don’t try to force yourself into strict boundaries, discipline, organize - this requires a man! Remain chaos, and space will come to you...

What else makes a woman strong and powerful?

Women's skills and abilities. They are the ones who increase our female self-confidence, prepare us for relationships, and create the foundation of female strength.

Consider the example of two women.

Skills and abilities of the first: a woman - doctor of legal sciences, two higher educations, owns a computer, speaks languages, studied at the best business schools and knows how to negotiate clearly, drives a car, understands politics.

Skills and abilities of the second: she is an excellent cook (she has taken several culinary courses), knows sexual practices (tantra, wumbling, Taoist practices and, of course, read the book “Peach Branches” - translation of the Kama Shastra), she knows how to do massage, knows the psychology of women and men, deals with energy and knows how to control their conditions and treat them.

  • Which of these women do you think will feel most confident and calm in a relationship?
  • Which of them will find it easier to attract a man into their life?
  • Who will find it easier to create a strong family?
  • Which of these women will a man develop a harmonious relationship with?

The more purely feminine skills a woman has, the more chances she has to build harmonious relationships, the more in demand and unique she is.

This summer I often had to communicate with men of a fairly high level. In a dialogue with one of them, it accidentally turned out that I can give a massage, cook deliciously, heat a bathhouse, soar with a broom, dance and do a bunch of other feminine wisdom. He looked at me as if I had descended from heaven to earth, and timidly asked if I could teach his wife this, because, in his opinion, these skills make a woman simply a treasure in the family.

Think about which feminine areas will give you greater self-confidence as a woman.

  • Maybe you'll feel more confident inviting guests to the table and preparing them a signature dish that makes them moan with pleasure?
  • Maybe you want to discover the priestess of love within you and learn sexual practices and techniques that will not only make you a desirable woman, but also deepen your relationship on an energetic level?
  • Maybe you want to improve your qualities as a hostess and learn how to create comfort and welcome guests with warmth and love?

Personally, I know exactly what trump card I can pull from my deck when I want to charm a man :)

And every woman has her own signature trump card. Which one do you have now? And are you planning to expand the deck with trump cards?

Open heart

And the most important condition that gives a woman strength, making her invincible, is the ability to love! Sincerely, truly, with the heart, not the mind...

Love and its living is one of the most important. We women are ready to do a lot for the sake of love... We are ready to suffer, overcome the impossible, wait and sometimes even die for it. But are we ready to just let her in and let her be in our lives? Are you ready to love yourself? Love those around you? Or is it safer to live without feelings?

In the modern world, there are a lot of dogmas about love, stereotypes that come to us through the painful experiences of other people, through fairy tales and stories, through films and beliefs.

Almost every woman has a set of these stereotypes in her mind that separate her from great power.

  • You will have to suffer/sacrifice because of love.
  • If people love each other, they should be together. If they are not together, it is not love.
  • You can only love once.
  • It is impossible to love everyone at once.

Undoubtedly, you can add a dozen more conditions and restrictions for love to this list.

But no matter what we think, no matter how we interpret the rules of love, it still remains a state that is available to everyone who is ready to open their heart.

And it is very important for us women to get rid of the dogmas that keep our hearts closed. The heart center fills a woman, gives her meaning and strength to live, it brings sensations, feelings, depth into her life. It gives peace and magical power... if it is open.

We are very much limited by the conventions of our society, which says: if you break up, you must hate each other and be offended, you can no longer love each other.

Sometimes fate turns out in such a way that we lose the people we love, but this does not mean that we should stop loving them, and it also does not mean that everything is over with this love and your heart will never feel that way for anyone else.

Love is all-encompassing and great. When relatives die, we continue to love them. We can also continue to love people with whom fate separated us...

It is absolutely necessary for a woman to fill her most important love with trust - love for God and love for herself. And when this love lives in her heart, then she clearly feels that her task as a woman is to bring love and tenderness, to bring lightness to the world, and God will arrange everything else in the best way!

Karma is now unfolding very quickly: in one life we ​​meet several very important karmic people with whom we must share true love, without an admixture of guilt, shame and pain.

A loving woman is beautiful! Remember your state when you love... Everything around you acquires meaning, content, colors, clarity... You get the feeling that “this is what I want to live for.” The main thing is not to confuse the state with the object to which it is translated. And then we can preserve this state and live with it forever. And it won’t be so painful for us to let go, because the most important thing will remain with us.

  • Place your hand on your heart and feel if you have the strength to live with love in your heart?
  • Are you ready to discover this power within yourself?
  • And partly in dissonance with society to continue to live with an open heart?

At some point in my life, I made this choice, and it brought me incredible feelings about life. I chose love so decisively that the people around me involuntarily begin to open their fourth chakra. And many are afraid of me, because they are not ready to live like this... And others begin to open their hearts, release from it everything that was hidden there, all the power of their love and its thirst. This affects men especially strongly. One of the most common phrases I hear from them is: “ Julia, what I told you now, no one knows about me / a couple of people know / I have never told anyone about this».

Because a woman connected to her heart full of love quenches the thirst for trust! And trust is the foundation of healthy and strong relationships.

A loving woman has powerful strength. She can forgive, she can be merciful!

You know, when I became acquainted with Vedic knowledge and heard that a woman should communicate with a man in this way, should cook for him, should massage his feet, I thought: “ It's so difficult! What patience and endurance you need to have!»

But everything turned out to be much simpler: it’s enough to just love a lot so that you have the strength to create women’s miracles every day!

Forgive all the offenses in your heart, restore the thread of love in your relationships with people. You need this. This is for your happiness!

There are many more questions related to this.

  • How to love and maintain your boundaries?
  • How to love and let go?
  • How to love yourself?

We will discuss them in the following articles. Now put your hand to your heart and ask: “ What separates me at this very moment from the state of love?»

And if you don’t have any compelling arguments, then live this day with love in your heart!

Ecology of life. Psychology: Every woman wants to have powerful feminine energy, to be strong in a feminine way, attractive, to feel her feminine resources...

Every woman wants to have powerful feminine energy, to be strong in a feminine way, attractive, to feel her feminine resources, right?

We do many practices in order to get closer to this goal, to become harmonious, feminine, holistic, and internally calm.

It is important for us to be strong as a woman so that there will be a courageous man nearby, strong as a man, responsible, protective and faithful. After all, it is our feminine energy and its quantity that allows a man to remain faithful and not gain energy from other women.

We also want to be strong as women, so that when we encounter obstacles in life, we can look at them wisely and calmly, learn a lesson from them and see the care and love of God in this situation, instead of being nervous, complaining and asking “for what?”, bring yourself to nervous breakdowns and ultimatums to God!

We want to become strong as women, so that we have enough patience, love and endurance to raise our children in an atmosphere of tenderness and acceptance, so that for them their mother will always be an unshakable support and haven of love at any age, and not a nervous, overwhelmed woman who is not herself. enough strength to live.

We need feminine strength for friendship, because sometimes our beloved friends feel bad and difficult, and with our energy and love we can once again inspire them to develop and move forward, we can give them faith in themselves and the strength to create their reality.

We really need feminine strength to live harmoniously, internally easily, calmly and happily as a woman.

Feminine power or shakti is the basis of the creation of the world, it all began with her and she is the source of everything in this world. Our feminine energy creates reality, it is she who creates the material world, she gives birth and nurtures, she beckons and attracts, this is an eternal value more significant than gold and diamonds, because feminine power is the essence of creating reality, the key to life!

And that’s why men really need female muses to create great things, children need affectionate mothers, grandmothers need caring granddaughters with love in their eyes!

Everyone needs a strong woman, because wherever she goes, she awakens life and energy in that place, she creates the energy of space and fills it with vibrations of love.

Lately I have been paying a lot of attention to my feminine strength, not my mind, not my knowledge, but my internal energy! And I noticed this thing: people’s attitudes towards me are changing very much, men take care of me, even people I barely know - they help, protect and offer support. My daughter began to treat me with great affection and tenderness. Acquaintances and friends help in the common cause, support and always come to the rescue if I suddenly feel sad. If I’m in a good mood, everyone becomes joyful; if I’m sad, then those around me (especially men) begin to make efforts to make me cheer up, because they depend on my energy.

Being an energetically strong woman is very beneficial.

Firstly, you create the mood and energy around you, and don’t fall under someone else’s influence. I wanted it - everyone laughs, I wanted it - everyone is nostalgic, or suddenly everything became romantic - and everyone around was drowned in thoughts of love.

Or, for example, I came home and my husband was angry after work. She put herself in a calm, gentle mood, walked up to him, silently hugged him, kissed him, wrapped him in her energy like a soft blanket, and went about her feminine business in the kitchen. 5-10 minutes pass, the husband comes into the room, already calm, and inquisitively asks how you are doing. He has already calmed down and everything is fine again. Convenient, right?

Or the child cries and is capricious, and you take him in your arms and say: “You are my good one! I understand how sad you are…” and you bathe him in your love. And after 2 minutes the cub is already smiling and running to play.

There is no need to swear, explain, prove, be nervous, overthink and worry. I personally always use my feminine power, even at work: the workers had a fight in the team (they are doing repairs in my studio), everyone is on edge, something is going wrong, you go up to the foreman, put your hand on his wrist or on the edge of his shoulder and calmly, softly say, “You have already done such a great job, everything is already so beautiful...” or you can say nothing at all, just immerse the person in your state through touch, and that’s it, he will calm down. A few minutes pass, they are already working smoothly and everything is fine again.

Secondly, you create your own reality. When a woman has strong energy, all she needs to do is wish for something in a good mood and let it go, just continue living. It won't be long before her wishes come true!

Third, you feel like you are part of God’s great creation, part of the great cosmic feminine power, and you are always protected. You always feel and realize that the Great Ma are guiding and protecting you.

And it’s not just some words that really protect, through people. You just need to trust!

Recently, in my studio, movers left the faucet open overnight and flooded the floor with water, causing the beautiful chocolate-colored parquet to swell and deteriorate. Not only did I lose a lot of money, but I also lost precious days, because I already wanted to quickly move into the studio and start doing great women’s things there. I sat down and became sad. I didn’t think about anything at all, I just sat and was quietly sad. They immediately started calling me, and when they heard my voice, help and support immediately began to flow. The next day the guys arrived and not only laid new floors in 1 day, but also stood up for me and made those careless movers take responsibility for their actions.

Fourthly, you feel everything great!

When you are in touch with yourself, you perfectly feel the states of people and their needs. Women are very empathetic by nature, and for them clairvoyance, clairvoyance, and clairaudience are not a special gift, but a common thing. All women who have come into contact with their nature have these opportunities. And therefore, a strong woman feels everything in advance, without any logic, she already knows on a subtle level how what she started will end. And therefore, having learned to listen to our intuition and our heart, we, women, receive the key to world knowledge, to foreseeing and controlling our destiny.

Each of you has at least once received answers from the universe in the form of dreams, premonitions, inner voices or sudden awareness. But when we are in touch with our feminine nature, we can be connected to this state constantly.

For example, in my circle, where women live in accordance with their nature, feeling each other is a completely normal phenomenon.

Just a couple of days ago, my cosmoenergetics mentor called me and said: “Yulia, yesterday I was minding my own business in the evening, and suddenly I felt that you were unwell, I received information that I need to keep you under certain energies. What has happened with you?". And in fact, at that time I had a very serious condition and everything that she described to me fit perfectly into reality.

Do you think it's magic? Nothing like this. We can feel this way for everyone if we enter our energetic feminine pole, instead of our mind we begin to listen to our heart and trust our feelings.

In a word, there are a lot of benefits and benefits from strong feminine energy. I can describe them for a long, long time.

Lately, in my consultations, I have been increasingly asked the question: “How can I become strong as a woman?” What does this force consist of? How to get it? How can I multiply it in myself?

I think this question is relevant for many women!

Let's find out!

Where does feminine power begin...

From realizing oneself as a woman. Not just the understanding that I have this gender identity, but precisely the feeling and acceptance of myself as a woman, my body, my characteristics.

It is very important for a woman to accept several facts about herself and treat them with acceptance and calm.

The first most important fact: “A woman is a creative force. When a woman feels bad, everyone feels bad. When a woman feels good, everyone prospers!”

This awareness is very important so that a woman does not exhaust herself, does not suffer from a deficit and always takes care first of all about her emotional state, knowing that all the people around her depend on it. A woman who has realized herself always understands that you need to give and create only out of abundance, and first you need to fill yourself with grace, your body with pleasure, and your heart with love! When you realize that you are psychic energy, then many things in life fall into place: you stop adapting to men and their gloomy mood, you stop depending on the opinions of your friends, you are calm about the whims of a child and are able to cope with it. And knowing this, you will always care not about doing as many things as possible, but about your mood and state, because they are the key to your joy and the joy of others.

Second important fact which we all know about, but are trying to fight: “A woman is not stable”

Feminine energy in itself is unstructured and chaotic; it is a clot of power that can turn into good and evil. We are not constant and stable, our mood often changes, because we strongly feel the vibrations of the planets, the general energy of the city, country, planet, energy flows pass through us and we periodically broadcast the pain or suffering of various egregors.

We are mediators, guides. Therefore, even if everything is good in a woman’s life, she may periodically cry from internal pain of unknown origin. This is how women's karma is worked out - through states.

It is not possible to explain your condition to a man.

One day I was driving a car with my husband, everything was fine, and suddenly I saw a couple of old men crossing the road: a lame, blind old man, led by the arm of his exhausted and tired of life wife. They were approaching the store. And looking at them, I felt their state so much: alienation, uselessness, loneliness, despair, powerlessness in front of the world, pain from their helplessness and weakness. I burst into tears. I cried and couldn't stop! The husband, as always, did not understand what was happening. Just now my wife was telling her review of the film normally and cheerfully, and now she’s sitting there crying!

I think the story is familiar to you.

And many women try to fight their instability, discipline themselves, suppress emotions, and as a result, their masculine strength increases.

Instead, you need to accept your impermanence and emotional changeability, and take it into account in your life. You can laugh at him sometimes, because sometimes it is very funny. And you need to make allowances for this in everyday life, and not reproach yourself for coming to the store to buy boots and leaving with new underwear. Or if you are overcome with sadness, do not look for reasonable reasons to be sad in order to explain your condition to people. Just say, “I'm just sad... for no reason! It’s no one’s fault. I’ll cry now and calm down. Stay with me, hug me…” - this means being in touch with your emotions.

A woman is Chaos, a man is Cosmos (translated as “order”), and if you feel that you have become Cosmos, it means you have moved away from your power. For a woman, chaos is a completely normal phenomenon, she knows what is where in her chaos :). A good example is a women's bag. This bag only has a couple of compartments, but they hold a million things. How to find what you need? You put your hand in, close your eyes, turn on your intuition and voila - you have the thing in your hand the first time. I observe this phenomenon in myself and other women. For order and structure, a woman needs a man, and then there will be a place for him in the relationship, and he will grow and develop in it.

People often ask me: “Julia, tell us about your time management, how do you manage to do everything?”

I honestly don't know. My time management is pure intuition, I intuitively feel which road to take, which business to start, which to postpone, where to go, what to do first. All my attempts to bring myself to classical discipline were crowned with a loss of strength and irritation, as well as an increase in male energy. Sometimes it even happens to me that I leave home and don’t yet know where I’m going, I just trust my hands, the feeling of the road, and then suddenly I find myself in a very necessary place or meet a particularly important person. Pure chaos, no man will understand me.

Don’t try to force yourself into strict boundaries, discipline, organize - this requires a man! Remain chaos, and Cosmos will come to you...

What else makes a woman strong, powerful?

Women's skills and abilities. Yes, they are the ones who increase our female self-confidence, prepare us for relationships, and create the foundation of female strength.

Let's look at an example of two women:

Skills and abilities of the first: she is a doctor of legal sciences, two higher educations, speaks a computer, speaks languages, studied at the best business schools and knows how to negotiate clearly, drives a car, understands politics.

Skills and abilities of the second: she is an excellent cook (she has completed several culinary courses), knows sexual practices (tantra, vumbilding, Danish practices and of course, she has read “Peach Branches” translation into Russian of the Kama Shastra), she knows how to do massage, knows the psychology of women and men , deals with energy and knows how to control his conditions and treat.

  • Which of these women do you think will feel most confident and calm in a relationship?
  • Which of them will find it easier to attract a man into their life?
  • Who will find it easier to create a strong family?
  • With which of these women will a man develop a harmonious relationship?

The more purely feminine skills a woman has, the more chances she has to build harmonious relationships, the more in demand and unique she is.

This summer I often had to communicate with men of a fairly high level. In a dialogue with one of them, it accidentally turned out that I can give a massage, cook deliciously, heat a bathhouse, soar with a broom, dance and do a bunch of other feminine wisdom. He looked at me as if I had descended from heaven to earth and timidly asked if I could teach his wife, because, in his opinion, these skills make a woman simply a treasure in the family!

Think about what feminine areas will education bring you greater self-confidence as a woman?

Maybe you will feel more confident inviting guests to the table and preparing for them a signature dish that makes them moan with pleasure?

Maybe you want to discover the priestess of love within you and learn sexual practices and techniques that will not only make you a desirable woman, but also deepen relationships on an energetic level?

Maybe you want to improve your qualities as a hostess and learn how to create comfort and welcome guests with warmth and love?

Personally, I know exactly what trump card I can pull from my deck of trump cards when I want to charm a man. And every woman has her own signature trump card. Which one do you have now? And are you planning to expand the deck with trump cards?

And of course, the most important condition that gives a woman strength, making her invincible is the ability to love! Sincerely, truly, with the heart, not the mind...

Love and its experience is one of the most important goals in a woman's life. We women are ready to do a lot for the sake of love... we are ready to suffer, ready to overcome the impossible, ready to wait, and sometimes even die for it!

But are we ready to just let her in and let her be in our lives? Are you ready to love yourself? Love those around you? Or is it safer to live without feelings?

In the modern world, there are a lot of dogmas about love, stereotypes that come to us through the painful experiences of other people, through fairy tales and stories, through films and beliefs.

Almost every woman has in her mind a set of these stereotypes that separate her from great power:

1) Because of love you will have to suffer/give a sacrifice...

2) If people love each other, they should be together. If they are not together, it is not love...

3) You can only love once...

4) It is impossible to love everyone at once...etc.

I think you can add many more conditions and restrictions for love to this list.

But no matter what we think, no matter how we interpret the rules of love, it still remains a state that is available to everyone who is ready to open their heart...

And it is very important for us women to get rid of the dogmas that keep our hearts closed. The heart center fills a woman, gives her meaning and strength to live, it brings sensations, feelings, depth into her life. It gives peace and magical power... if it is open.

We are very much limited by the conventions of our society, which says that if you break up, you must hate each other and be offended, you can no longer love each other.

But that's not true. Sometimes fate turns out in such a way that we lose the people we love, but this does not mean that we should stop loving them, and it also does not mean that everything is over with this love and your heart will never feel that way for anyone else.

Love is all-encompassing and great. After all, when relatives die, we continue to love them, and we can also continue to love people with whom fate separated us...

It is absolutely necessary for a woman to fill her most important love with trust - love for God and love for herself. And when this love lives in her heart, she very clearly feels that “my task, as a woman, is to bring love and tenderness, to bring lightness to the world, and God will arrange everything else in the best way!”

Karma is now unfolding very quickly, in one life we ​​meet several very important karmic people with whom we must share true love, without an admixture of guilt, shame and pain.

A loving woman is beautiful! Remember your state when you love, everything around takes on meaning, content, colors, clarity... and the feeling comes that “this is what I want to live for.” The main thing is not to confuse the state with the object to which it is routed. And then we can preserve this state and live with it forever. And it won’t be so painful for us to let go, because the most important thing remains with us!

Put your hand to your heart and feel if you have the strength to live with love in your heart? Are you ready to discover this power within yourself? And partly, in dissonance with society, continue to live with an open heart?

At some point in my life, I made this choice, and it brought me incredible feelings about life. I chose love so decisively that the people next to me involuntarily begin to open their 4th chakra. And many are afraid of me, because they are not ready to live like this... and others begin to open their hearts, release from it everything that was hidden there, all the power of their love and its thirst. This affects men especially strongly. One of the most frequent phrases I hear from them is: “Julia, what I told you now no one knows about me / a couple of people know / I never told anyone about this!”

Because a woman connected with her heart full of love quenches the thirst for trust! And trust is the foundation of healthy and strong relationships!

A loving woman has powerful strength, she can forgive, she can be merciful!

You know, when I became acquainted with Vedic knowledge and heard that a woman should communicate with a man in this way, should cook for him, should massage her feet, I thought, “This is so difficult!” What kind of patience and endurance you need to have!”

But everything turned out to be much simpler, it’s enough to just love a lot so that you have the strength to create women’s miracles every day!

Therefore, please forgive all the grievances in your heart, restore the thread of love in your relationships with people! You need this. This is for your happiness!

Now just put your hand to your heart and ask:

“What separates me from being in love right now?”

And if you don’t have any compelling arguments, then live this day with love in your heart! published