
Growth between a guy and a girl. Ideal couple: what should be the difference in height. Alexander Tsekalo and Victoria Galushka

Most often, men prefer shorter women, and women prefer tall partners. Why this happened remains a mystery for many, which scientists from the Netherlands are closely working on solving.

To find out this interesting relationship between height and relationships between people, researchers from the University of Groningen decided to conduct a survey in which about 50 thousand men and women took part.

As it turned out, according to women, men should be about 20 centimeters taller than them. And for representatives of the stronger sex it will be enough if the lady is only 8 centimeters lower. Based on the survey data, scientists came to the conclusion that optimal growth women are 174 cm, and men are 188 centimeters.

But this is only ideal. Another study showed that in 4% of couples the woman is still taller, and in 3.5% - that the partners are the same height.

Scientists explain height preferences, first of all, by the laws of biology: the greater a man’s height, the more offspring he can leave behind.

And not so long ago, employees of the Gallup Institute (American Institute of Public Opinion) found out that a person’s height directly determines his fate. Men and women taller than average (for men - above 177.8 cm, for women - above 162.6 cm) felt happier, cheerful, and successful than their short friends.

Moreover, according to Polish scientists, in married couples money and mutual respect play less of a role than the growth ratio. To thrive in a marriage, a man must be 1.09 times taller than a woman.

The most striking example of character incompatibility is the actors Nicole Kidman (180 cm) and Tom Cruise (170 cm), whose index is 0.94. Other couples do not satisfy this condition, for example, Prince Charles (168 cm) and his current wife Camilla Parker-Bowles (170 cm) - 1.01. The marriage of football player David Beckham (183 cm) and his wife Victoria (168 cm) is considered successful - 1.09.

There is even an opinion that a person’s height affects his success at work. English psychologists say that tall people achieve great success in their careers. A study in one of the English firms confirmed that every 25 mm of height adds almost £400 to a manager, and it does not matter at all whether he is a man or a woman. And American studies also confirm the relationship between growth and financial success. On Wall Street, every extra inch of height increases your salary by an average of £340.

Having measured the height of several thousand spouses, scientists have not yet been able to come to a consensus on what kind of height can be considered ideal. Polish anthropologist Boguslav Pavlovsky, for example, believes that a man should be 1.09 times taller than his chosen one. Professors at the University of Groningen (Netherlands) are confident that the partner’s height should exceed the partner’s height by 20 cm. American scientists are more democratic, since they agree that even an 8-centimeter difference in height can be the key to a happy marriage. As a result of a number of surveys, it turned out that the ideal male height should be 188-190 cm, and the height of a suitable partner for him should be 172-174 cm.

Some researchers decided to study the problem from a different angle. A group of English scientists led by Dr. Daniel Nettle from the National Center for the Study of Child Development spent many years monitoring the health and social status of several hundred married couples.

As a result of a long-term study, the most interesting conclusions were made: tall men consistently chose short partners as wives and were much more likely than short men to become happy fathers families. In turn, women of short and medium height paid attention mainly to tall men and got married much faster than their tall peers.

What explains the identified pattern?

Scientists comment on research results based on evolutionary theory. From this point of view, a larger and taller man should turn out to be a stronger warrior and a more successful hunter, so his offspring will certainly be reliably protected from any troubles and always provided with good food.

At the same time, short women reach puberty earlier than taller women, since the latter spend more of their body energy on growing and maintaining optimal body weight. That is why men instinctively see short women as more promising mothers for their offspring. In addition, a small lady is more likely to make a large man want to protect her.

Despite the results of these pseudo-scientific studies, most ordinary married couples are not inclined to think that the key to their marital happiness was precisely the correct difference in height. They say the secret of a successful marriage is similarity of interests, mutual respect between partners, tenderness and love for each other.

What is the average height of a man and a woman in Russia? In this article I will not talk about the fact that the generation in modern Russia grew by 10 centimeters. Oh, I still said it!!! The fact that in the USSR men and women were shorter is written in almost every article on the topic of the average height of men and women in Russia. In twenty years, the average height of men and women will change again. The generation is growing upward.

What is the average height of a man in Russia?

There are three assumptions about the average height of a man in Russia. These are 174 centimeters, 176 centimeters and the tallest man is 178 centimeters. And this is exactly in Russia. For the most part, the average height of a man in Russia is 176 centimeters. Whether it is true or not, no one knows.

What is the average height of a woman in Russia?

The average height of a woman in Russia is also divided into three assumptions: 162 centimeters, 165 centimeters and, of course, 166 centimeters. Again, it is simply impossible to know the exact average height of a woman in Russia. There are various assumptions that are based more on theory than on facts.

There is a table of the average height of men and women in general, where the average height of a man is 174 centimeters, and the average height of a woman is 163 centimeters. This table also shows the average height of men and women in the world. Men - 176 centimeters, women - 164 centimeters.

It should be remembered that a person’s height changes throughout the day from larger to smaller. After you wake up, your height is 1.5-2 centimeters higher. By evening it decreases. It is connected to the spine. After you've had a good night's sleep, your spine is slightly longer due to the greater distance between the spinal discs. Many people are not aware of this fact.

My height in the morning is 176.3 centimeters. By evening - 174.1 centimeters. That is, according to some sources, I am either of average height or below average. And if we take the average height of a man as 178 centimeters, then I will always be below average.

To be honest, my height really doesn’t suit me. At the age of 17 I was 173 cm, then I became 174.5 and then my height growth stopped. At the age of 17, I began to have complexes about this. I even did growth exercises, but they had no effect. By the way, I wrote an article: where I wrote that NO WAY.

Well, now let's look at the average height in other countries. The Dutch (Netherlands) are the tallest in the world, while the Pygmies (Congo) are the shortest.

Now you know the average height of men and women in Russia and other countries. Some people have complexes because short, like me, and for others because of their height. It is impossible to reduce growth, but you can increase it if you do it in time. Growth areas should be open. At the age of 17, I took an x-ray of my left hand, and from the picture I realized that the growth zones were closed, and this was already at the age of 17.

Several of my comrades grew up at 18 years old. For example, one of my friends was 163 cm at the age of 17. He had a wild complex about this. His sisters reassured him, since they themselves are tall. One is 176 cm, the other is 178 cm. Which means it should be even higher. In addition to being short, he was also a skinny guy. Because of this, he was not accepted into the army, since he did not meet the weight requirements. Between 18 and 19 years old, he stretched up to 188 cm. Moreover, this was dramatic.

Three classmates also outgrew me. More precisely two of them. One moved to our 10th grade from another school. He was about 178 cm tall. After the summer, when we all entered the 11th grade, I was surprised when I saw him. His height was 185 cm.

Another classmate was always the shortest. I was head and shoulders above him. At 17, we were almost the same height. 5 years later I came across him in a shopping center where he worked as a salesman. So, his height was no lower than 178 cm. Now he looked down at me.

Well, another classmate went to cadet school after 9th grade. Sometimes he came to our school, where I periodically noticed that he was catching up with me in height. Now he not only became taller, but also became as fat as a pig.

At the age of 17 I wanted to use growth hormone, but unfortunately I didn’t get it. Now I’m 26 years old, and my growth zones are definitely closed, but at the end of 25 I started using growth hormone for bodybuilding. Oh yeah, athletes use it for recruiting. muscle mass. In September-October 2015, I injected growth hormone - Ansomon, 4 units per day. Later I learned that 42% of Ansomon develop antibodies to the hormone. That is, in the third week it does not work.

Now I inject Jintropin - the original and considered the best growth hormone. I inject 10 units a day. If you are 16 years old, then you can grow with the help of growth hormone.

average height of a man in Russia, average height of a woman in Russia


According to the British publication "Daily Mail", the American Institute of Public Opinion "Gelappa" at the end of February of this year conducted a sociological survey among the population on the issue of the ideal difference in height between a man and a woman.

On this topic More than fifty thousand men and women were interviewed. In general, preference was given to couples when selecting respondents.

The survey results showed that in most cases - 92 percent - in couples the man is taller than the woman. In 4% of couples, men are slightly shorter than women. And in 3.5 percent of cases, both partners are the same height.

It should be noted that the fair half of humanity believes that men should be about twenty centimeters taller than women. Scientists explain this desire by the natural genetic “settings” of nature, when a woman feels protected and more comfortable with a “great protector and breadwinner.”

However, representatives of the stronger sex do not agree with such a large difference in height. In their opinion, the optimal difference is no more than ten centimeters. It turns out that men are not very pleased to walk with a much smaller companion.

According to the results of a sociological study, the ideal height for couples was found. Thus, according to respondents, the optimal height for women is 173 centimeters, and for men - 188 centimeters.

The psychological aspects of this topic were also studied as part of the study. In particular, according to the staff of the Gelappa Institute, a person’s fate directly depends on his growth. They concluded that men and women whose height is above average, that is, for a man it is above 177.8 centimeters, and for a woman above 162.6 centimeters, feel happier and luckier than those who have growth is lower.