
The child was born on a day of strict fasting. Conception and birth of a child during Orthodox Lent. Unplanned pregnancy and birth control

  • Nativity Fast in 2012: November 28 – January 6, 2013

DatsoPic 2.0 2009 by Andrey Datso

Great Lent, how should we understand it?

The days of many Christians entering the days of Lent are approaching. And it is in these days that we can get closer to God than ever before. It is known that before Jesus began his ministry on earth, he entered into a forty-day fast in the desert. What is it for? Not just because it is the tradition of our fathers and a church rite. Moreover, the erroneous opinion that fasting is abstaining from certain foods and entertainment .

Fasting is the humility of one’s flesh, it is the complete isolation of oneself from the world and drawing closer to God. . It is during fasting, when you are weak physically and mentally that strong temptations of the devil come. It is on these days that our friends invite us to various entertainments, it is then that we really want to eat something meat or dairy, and even more so, to be irritated. But it is precisely then that we gain strength from the Holy Spirit, when we overcome all these temptations.

Child's understanding of fasting.

And many parents are now asking themselves the question: “How to celebrate a child’s birthday if it falls during Lent?” Let's talk about this topic today. First of all, we ourselves must understand that a child’s entry into fasting must be conscious. The child needs to understand why he is doing this and he should have precisely his own desire for humility before God, and not the desire of his parents.

If this does not happen, the child will suffer from the fact that at his age he does not receive exactly what he is so accustomed to. He will not be able to resist the onslaught of his parents, and will be forced to fulfill their will. But a rebellion will grow inside his heart, which will eventually burst out during adolescence.

None of us wishes this for our child. Therefore, we, as parents, need to first of all show God to our child through our care, love, friendship and respect for him. Before a child will call God into his heart, he needs to realize that he is born in the nature of sin.

And for this we teach our children through personal communication, Sunday schools and our example of walking with Christ, Who is God the Father and what is Christ’s sacrifice for us. The child must understand that without the forgiveness of sins we cannot enter the Kingdom of God.

What do you think, can a person humble himself before the One Whom he does not know? No. Of course, he will be able to endure these forty days, but his heart will remain unchanged. God does not need such a fast. He doesn't like religious rituals where there is no real life. God desires sincere repentance and humility, and not external attributes.

When can a child fast?

So at what age can a child begin fasting? From that age when there was sincere repentance and acceptance of Jesus into your heart. This happens at different times for all people. You can see for yourself that Jesus entered into fasting for forty days only at the age of 33. Watch your children. I have also seen cases where children even at the age of 7 deliberately go on fasting and their hearts rejoice when they can observe this.

What should we do, parents, when a child is not ready to fast, but we want it? We must follow all the rules of Lent, but only in relation to ourselves. We are obliged to explain to the child why we are doing this and why he cannot take part in this yet. The child’s life should flow in the same direction as usual. Thus, we will be a clear example of what a person will have to go through during Lent.

How to celebrate a birthday so as to be in the will of God and not to offend the child?

Now let's figure it out, how to properly celebrate your child's birthday if he has accepted his salvation and considers himself a little Christian? How can you celebrate a holiday if a child has realized the necessity of fasting? Here, too, there is no need to go to extremes. Birthdays can only happen once a year. And if we don’t celebrate it, it may turn out that our baby will lose its significance here on earth for everyone, even for God.

We can't allow this to happen. Therefore, the holiday must take place. Now you can find a wide variety of Lenten dishes on the Internet. You can make more different culinary masterpieces and decorate them with bright fruits or vegetables. Be sure to hang the balloons and write a poster with a picture and congratulations.

It would be very appropriate to have candles here that can be blown out.

Don't worry what God will think about it. He will be happy, because one of the commandments is: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” With this attention and care we will show our beloved baby our love for him and the love of God. And since the same Bible says that these two commandments: love God and neighbor are the most important, our Creator will rejoice with us.

Before the feast, be sure to pray with your guests so that they can see that God occupies the main place in your home. Thank Him in prayer for the wonderful child He gave you; pray for your child, so that the Lord will be his helper in the new year of his life. And be sure to give praise to the Creator for this beautiful table.

Of course, a holiday table would not be complete without joyful communication. Since the birthday falls during the period of fasting and our task is to draw closer to God, we can do this in a playful way. On the same Internet you can find a lot of children's Christian games. Think about this question a few days before the holiday so that you have time to prepare.

You can also have a very interesting time at Christian karaoke. Here you will glorify God with songs and lift everyone’s spirits, because it’s interesting to pass the microphone one by one and sing.

It’s also very interesting to show children a mini-theater or a Christian production. Here parents will have to work hard. It is precisely in such a sacrifice that God especially likes you. I don’t believe that it is impossible to find time for your child to prepare for his holiday.

Believe me, remembering such days, your little one, even at an older age, will remember these experiences with emotion and, of course, thank God for the fact that He gave them exactly such parents.

And also, with such behavior we can show the mercy and unconditional love of the Father. And your child will be grateful to you all his life for your patience and care. And Father God will be the protection for them where they can come at any moment.

Birth of Man – this is the most important event, both in the life of the parents and in the life of the child himself. If a person is not born, then no other important events in his life can happen. Therefore, when a child is born, then, in addition to the fact that a great sacrament occurs and this becomes a great joy for all relatives, every little thing matters. This event was overgrown with many signs. It is believed that at the moment a child is born, you can even find out what kind of future awaits him.

Whatever the weather is like at the time the child is born, that’s how he will live. Not all signs of the birth of a child can be observed by the mother. Usually at such a moment she is so busy that it doesn’t even occur to her to look out the window and pay attention to the weather. This sign is most likely observed by grandparents, not even by the father, because at this moment he also has his own experiences. But people say that if the sun comes out, he will devote his whole life to making his family happy. But if it rains when the child is born, it means that he will be able to achieve great success in material terms. If the baby was born during a snowfall, then his calling will be scientific activity. He might even be able to make an important scientific discovery. But children born during an unexpectedly sharp cold snap can bring great problems and destruction to the world.

Signs of a newborn help determine the character

A person's character depends on the time of day when he was born. The time of day at which a child is born very often determines his character. Of course, there are exceptions, but this happens very rarely. It is noticed that most children are born at dawn. In the future, such people will have to literally break through the wall with their heads in order to break out among the people. If he doesn’t succeed, he will be a good worker. Who do we have the most? Of course, not businessmen, but working people. Those children who are born three hours before noon and three hours after noon will show great talents in various areas of life in the future. But, unfortunately, constant changes will occur in their personal lives. The preservation of the family will largely depend on the patience of the other half. If he survives, the family will be unbreakable, but if he doesn’t, nothing can hold such a person for long. It is worth noting that if the spouse does not create any scandals, then there will be no betrayal. This means there will be no divorces. Otherwise, such a person will look for happiness elsewhere. Those born in the evening are protected by fate itself. And at night those people are born who will understand life so much that even strangers will come to them for advice.

We study signs and superstitions for a newborn

The one who was born wearing a shirt will emerge victorious from any situation. The caul is the part of the baby's place that remains on the baby's body at the time of birth. This happens very rarely. Usually the child comes out separately, and the child's seat comes out later. But if it happens that a child, let’s say in popular terms, was born wearing a shirt, then he will be able to overcome everything in this life. No bullet will take him, everything, even the most dangerous situations, will develop in such a way that there will be no harm to him. The most important, it is not enough to be born in a shirt, the mother must keep this shirt in a secluded place. If, God forbid, this shirt is destroyed, then all the person’s luck will end there. Previously, when houses were mostly wooden and there was a high risk of fires, mothers hid such shirts in the garden. It definitely won't burn there. Only this shirt was carefully packed so that it would not rot from contact with the ground.

The seventh child in the family is a great magician or a great healer. In fact, it has long been said that every seventh child born into a family has a power that an ordinary person cannot possess. In magic they say that a true sorcerer or witch is born. But in a family where everyone is far from magic, the child cannot gain knowledge that can be used to help people; usually such people become amazing doctors. All one has to do is talk to a person, hold his hand, and he immediately begins to get better. Unbelievable but true. Although, it is worth noting that sooner or later, such people come to esotericism even without mentors. Magic has no boundaries or limitations. Today, even ordinary doctors recommend that incurable patients turn to one or another person in whose abilities they are confident.

"Happy" signs for newborns

The girl looks like her father - she will be happy. It is difficult to object to this sign, or to confirm it. But people have long been of the opinion that if a daughter is like her father, and a son is like his mother, then these children will certainly be happy. It was also believed that if, in the absence of the necessary children's clothing, a boy is wrapped in his mother's skirt, and a girl in his father's shirt, then this will give the child not only happiness, but also the ability to quickly resolve all emerging issues.

A child is born feet first - will be able not only to help himself, but also others. Is this true or not? Everything needs to be checked. But people say that if a baby can be born legs first, then with one touch he can cure a person who suffers from leg disease. It should not be confused with a disease of the spine, due to which a person cannot walk. Moreover, they say that the mother who gave birth to such a child can treat the same diseases. But ordinary people do not strive to become healers. And it is right. It’s too much responsibility, and you take on too much. Therefore, although this sign exists, it is not possible to verify it.

Born under a full moon - life will be happy and rich. In principle, this sign is not difficult to explain. The full moon is sometimes associated with a full cup. Therefore, it is generally accepted that someone born on a full moon will have everything they want in this life. But they think so only in some regions of Russia. But in other regions, on the contrary, they believe that the most best time to have a babyit's a new moon . All sins from past lives are forgiven, the main thing is not to flog the sides in this life. If you live your life correctly, then you can consider that a person is already in heaven. But there is no confirmation of the interpretations of these signs. Most likely, this is a superstition that is interpreted differently in each area.

A silver spoon in your mouth means wealth in your pocket.. It has long been believed that if a newly born baby is allowed to hold a silver or gold spoon in his mouth for at least a minute, then his whole life will be full and rich. It’s very difficult to say about the golden spoon. There are very few parents who have a golden spoon. And those who could afford it most often kept silent about it. But as for silver, that's a completely different matter. Even in the old days, a silver spoon could be found in almost every family. But not all the children excelled. Although there were those who went from being farm laborers to becoming scientists. But this is such a rarity that attributing this fact to silver is simply an unproven fact.

Rituals and signs for the birth of a child

Up the stairs - career up. An interesting sign. In magic there is a promotion associated with the ladder. You can bake a ladder from dough, and it will help you move up the career ladder. You can climb the stairs in the house and read the spell for each step. But here the case is somewhat different.

  • It doesn't matter if you know the spells or not.
  • You should not invite a healer for this ritual.
  • It is believed that if you carry a newborn child up the stairs in your arms, he will definitely become a big boss.
  • And you don’t need to read any conspiracies.
  • The child’s energy will do everything itself.

But the one who will carry the child up these stairs needs to know that if he stumbles, the child will reach great heights, but can be caught either for a bribe or for theft. Therefore, the one who carries the child up the stairs should be concerned with only one question: “Just so as not to stumble”.

Of course, that's not all signs for the birth of a child. There are good signs and there are bad signs. But the fate of a person depends not only on these signs. In addition to the signs of the birth of a child, there are also signs of the name and signs of the date of birth. All this together constitutes what we call fate. The main task of parents is to give their children the knowledge they have. Of course, there are cases when the words of parents do not reach their children. But most often these instructions are very helpful.

There is a lot of debate among Orthodox Christians about whether it is possible to become pregnant during Lent and whether conception during Lent will be sinful. The reason is that the ban on performing the Sacrament of Wedding coincides with those days when the Church does not bless intimate relationships between spouses, namely during fasting, on the eve of fasting days (Wednesday and Friday) and before major holidays.

But a child conceived during Lent is the same child of God as any other - beloved, long-awaited, worthy of salvation. The fact that such a child is unwanted by the Lord is a dangerous superstition that no real Christian should allow into his heart.

Priest Svyatoslav Shevchenko

One day, a neighbor in a prison cell complained to Vladyka Manuel (Metropolitan Manuel (Lemeshevsky), who spent most of his life in camps for his faith and in his old age had the gift of foresight from God) that he was sitting here innocently. - How so? - he asked. – Why did the Lord allow this to happen? – The guilt that the Soviet court presented is really not yours! – the Lord said sharply. “But you are serving a sentence for the fact that when you were a child, you broke into your neighbors’ house, broke their cabbage, and then opened the bolt on the barn and let the cow out.” Neighbors with many children who had lost their wet nurse fell into extreme poverty.

“Grandfather,” another criminal cellmate asked from above. – Why have I been hanging around prisons all my life? Others don’t steal so much, but are free... “You were conceived on Good Friday,” the bishop answered. “You will die in prison.” (Konyaev N.M. Clad in the weapon of light. - M.: Trifonov Pechenga Monastery, “Ark”, 2002, P. 36.)

“When a couple with a sick child approached John of Kronstadt and asked to pray for the healing of their child, he sharply refused, saying: “You better remember on what day you conceived him!” As it turned out, the conception took place on Holy Week.” (“Meeting”, issue No. 2 – February 2009).

Archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye Vincent: “The overwhelming number of marriages that take place during the period of Orthodox Lent do not bring happiness. Modern scientists say that up to 90% of marriages concluded during Lent or other fasts throughout the year are destroyed. And children who are conceived these days will most likely be sick.” Here is what priest Sergius Nikolaev writes: “According to the testimony of a doctor who has been practicing for more than 40 years, children conceived during fasting are very difficult to treat. I have heard opinions that “senior” children are more difficult to raise. The sin of intemperate parents can serve as the basis for sin or misfortune in children. There are modern scientific studies on why children are born sick. Studies have shown that 95% of sick children were conceived on fasting days, and from a scientific point of view, medical scientists advise: if spouses want to have healthy offspring, they should refrain from intimacy on fasting days.” - “Penza Orthodox Interlocutor” No. 11 (52), November 2006, P. 3.

The important role of Christian piety in married life was pointed out by St. Seraphim of Sarov. This is the advice he gave to one young man getting married: “Keep clean, keep Wednesdays and Fridays (fasts), and holidays, and Sundays. For failure to maintain cleanliness, for failure to observe Wednesday and Friday by spouses, children will be born dead, and if holidays and Sundays are not observed, wives die in childbirth” - Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov). World lamp / M., “Pilgrim”, Orthodox St. Tikhon’s Theological Institute. 1996, p. 191.

The Monk Ambrose of Optina wrote the same thing in one of his letters to the laity: “Your wife’s illness may have been your own fault: either you did not honor holidays in your marital relationship, or you did not observe marital fidelity, for which you are punished by your wife’s illness.” Or another example. One couple had a son who showed some deformity of soul. Reverend Leonid Optinsky said that this was a punishment from his parents for their failure to observe church holidays in their family life. - About Orthodox marriage. St. Petersburg, “Society of St. Basil the Great.” 2001, p. 96.

The Orthodox Church calls on its children, according to pious tradition, to abstain by mutual consent from marital relations through fasting and on the days of great holidays. However, situations are very different. It happens that an unbelieving spouse insists on marital intimacy, and refusal of it will lead to the breakup of the family. It happens that a sailor husband returns from a long journey during the period of fasting, and then goes to sea again. Therefore, this issue is resolved individually with the confessor for each family.

The Lord sends a child to the spouses; without His will, conception will not take place. Therefore, I would advise you to refrain from intimacy during the period of fasting and strictly pray at this time for the gift of a child after fasting. It’s one thing if one of the spouses is an unbeliever or, let’s say, unchurched. Everything is clear here: a person does not know what fasting is. And to demand that he observe marital fasting forcibly means subjecting him (and along with him, oneself) to tests, the consequences of which can be very disastrous. The Apostle writes: “Do not deviate from one another except by agreement” (1 Cor. 7:5). And with an unbelieving spouse, agreement on the issue of observing the marital fast is not easy to achieve.

But there is another side to the question: what if both spouses are believers and churchgoers, if both live a Christian spiritual life, confess and receive communion? And if they are already close to that “unanimity of souls and bodies” for which the Church prays in the Sacrament of Marriage, but one of them wanted to break the marital fast? The fact is that here agreement already exists in advance: both spouses agree that fasting must be observed in all respects. Against this background, the desire of one of them to break the fast looks like a whim, or a temptation. In this case, is it necessary to go after him? Ideally, no. In my opinion, if both spouses are already living a church life, the refusal of one of them to enter into a marital relationship during Lent will serve the common good, and the other half will subsequently only be grateful for this.

However, in real life, not everything is as simple as we would like. Therefore, there are no and cannot be universal rules about observing or breaking marital fasting. And if the issue of marital relations during Lent concerns you, discuss it with an experienced confessor whose opinion you trust - I think he will give you good advice on what to do in your particular situation.

Priest Mikhail Nemnonov

With the birth of a child, Orthodox parents are concerned about the issue of his baptism. Sometimes situations arise when the ceremony needs to be carried out during Lent before Easter or on Easter itself.

There have been debates on this topic for a long time, and often this question remains open for many parents. To deal with this problem, it is necessary to study all the pros and cons. We asked an Orthodox priest about this.

The essence of the sacrament of baptism

Baptism is one of the seven great sacraments of Christianity. His the essence is to cleanse a person from sins, rebirth to a new life and initiation into faith.

The history of the baptismal ritual suggests that after the resurrection of Jesus Christ there were very few people who accepted the Christian faith. Basically, only adults were baptized, having made this decision consciously.

As a rule, the ceremony was carried out in secret, since Orthodox Christians were persecuted for their faith and even executed. When there were few Christians, the sacrament was performed mainly on major church holidays.

Gradually, the Christian faith spread more and more, and not only adults, but also infants were baptized.

When is the best time to baptize a child?

There are no strict time limits in Orthodoxy. Previously, a baby was brought to the temple no earlier than the eighth day of life, but traditionally on the fortieth. This is mainly due to the fact that a woman after giving birth is allowed to enter the temple only on the 40th day. The priest reads special prayers over the mother of the baby, after which the woman can attend the baptism of her child.

This does not mean at all that the ceremony must be performed on this particular day, especially if it falls on Lent or a major church holiday. Nothing bad will happen if you do it a little later.

However There are situations when postponing baptism is unacceptable. If a child is seriously ill, it does not matter whether it is fasting or a great holiday. It is necessary to carry out the ceremony as early as possible so that the baby has his own guardian angel. In this case, he can be baptized even in a maternity hospital or intensive care unit.

Dates of baptism

According to Orthodox canons, there are no prohibitions on the day of the sacrament, regardless of the fast or holiday on which it falls. It is believed that the Lord rejoices at anyone who comes to faith and does not put any obstacles in his way. In addition, if we focus on church holidays, days of remembrance and numerous fasts, then choosing a day for baptism would be difficult in principle. Therefore, there are no restrictions for carrying out the ceremony before or after Easter.

The only problem that may arise during this period is the banal busyness of the priest, because during Lent and Easter week services are held almost daily.

Each temple has its own rules, so it is advisable to worry in advance and agree with the priest on the day of the sacrament.

Is the sacrament of baptism performed during Lent?

Sometimes circumstances are such that the baptism ceremony falls during Lent. And here many parents doubt: is it possible to baptize a child during Lent? There is no direct ban on holding the sacrament during this period, despite the objections of some clergy.

However, it is worth noting: at baptism it is customary to organize noisy feasts and fun, which are accompanied by the consumption of meat and other dishes made from animal products, as well as alcohol. This is inappropriate during fasting. But, if, nevertheless, you decide to baptize your baby during the period of fasting, you can set the table with lean dishes and refuse to drink alcohol.

It is believed that the best day to baptize a child during Lent is Maundy Thursday. On this day, a person cleanses his home and body. Carrying out the sacrament on Maundy Thursday symbolizes the liberation of a person from original sin, the soul is cleansed and he can meet Easter renewed.

Is baptism performed on Easter?

Many people associate Easter with the revival of the world and people to a better life. There are no direct prohibitions on holding the sacrament on Easter Day. Baptism can be performed at the end of the festive liturgy.

But it is unlikely that there will be a priest who will agree to perform the ceremony, unless, of course, baptism is required for a seriously ill child. The reason for this is simple fatigue.

The evening service smoothly transitions into the morning liturgy. For any clergyman, Easter is a great holiday that you want to celebrate with your family. Therefore, parents should think not only about their own desires, but also take care of those around them. Priests, due to their workload, appoint certain days for the sacrament in order to streamline the rhythm of work.

Considering all of the above, the answer to the question: is it possible to baptize a child on Easter will be positive, but whether to do it or not is up to the child’s parents to decide. It may be more appropriate to postpone this date for a few weeks, when the holidays are over and the life of the church returns to its usual course.

Arguments for and against holding the sacrament during Lent and Easter

Before deciding to hold a ceremony during Lent or Easter, parents need to study all the pros and cons of such a step.

Arguments for"

A person is freed from original sin during the period of general Christian cleansing of soul and body;

The perfect sacrament on Easter is another reason to gather the whole family at the table and celebrate the birth of a new Christian;

Perhaps the special state of mind that every Christian experiences during this period will be passed on to the baby, and this will help him endure the ceremony without worry and tears.

Arguments against"

Finding a clergyman who agrees to perform the sacrament of baptism during the period of Lent and on Easter is quite difficult. At this time, priests are heavily loaded with long services. In addition, during Lent, the priest tries to devote maximum attention and time to the sick. Communions and unctions are performed. Therefore, most priests ask to postpone the ceremony to a later date, unless, of course, this is an emergency, as described above;

Before Easter, and especially on Easter Day, churches are crowded with parishioners. A baby may be frightened by so many people, be capricious and nervous during the sacrament;

Noisy feasts are inappropriate during the period of Lent, and a meal consisting of Lenten dishes may not be to the liking of some guests.

How to avoid unpleasant surprises

To avoid problems, having decided to conduct the ceremony during Lent or Easter, parents need to:

Considering the priest’s workload during this period, agree with him in advance about conducting the ceremony;

If baptism occurs during Lent, you need to carefully consider the holiday menu, taking into account all the restrictions;

The priest will definitely set a day and time for a conversation with future godparents. They must be prepared for this;

If possible, not only godparents, but also parents should confess and receive communion before the sacrament.

It is believed that a child born on Easter will later become famous. Moreover, a person born at noon on Christ's Bright Sunday will become great, and will even be able to influence the course of history. A Children born on Easter week are characterized by good health.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude: baptism can be performed on any day. However, if you are fasting and time is running out, it is better to postpone the ceremony for a couple of weeks in order to celebrate this event when the fast is completed. And of course, you need to think not only about yourself, but also about the priests, who are very busy during this period, and there are people who need his help more.

With the birth of a child, Orthodox parents are concerned about the issue of his baptism. Sometimes situations arise when the ceremony needs to be carried out during Lent before Easter or on Easter itself.

There have been debates on this topic for a long time, and often this question remains open for many parents. To deal with this problem, it is necessary to study all the pros and cons. We asked an Orthodox priest about this.

The essence of the sacrament of baptism

Baptism is one of the seven great sacraments of Christianity. His the essence is to cleanse a person from sins, rebirth to a new life and initiation into faith.

The history of the baptismal ritual suggests that after the resurrection of Jesus Christ there were very few people who accepted the Christian faith. Basically, only adults were baptized, having made this decision consciously.

As a rule, the ceremony was carried out in secret, since Orthodox Christians were persecuted for their faith and even executed. When there were few Christians, the sacrament was performed mainly on major church holidays.

Gradually, the Christian faith spread more and more, and not only adults, but also infants were baptized.

When is the best time to baptize a child?

There are no strict time limits in Orthodoxy. Previously, a baby was brought to the temple no earlier than the eighth day of life, but traditionally on the fortieth. This is mainly due to the fact that a woman after giving birth is allowed to enter the temple only on the 40th day. The priest reads special prayers over the mother of the baby, after which the woman can attend the baptism of her child.

This does not mean at all that the ceremony must be performed on this particular day, especially if it falls on Lent or a major church holiday. Nothing bad will happen if you do it a little later.

However There are situations when postponing baptism is unacceptable. If a child is seriously ill, it does not matter whether it is fasting or a great holiday. It is necessary to carry out the ceremony as early as possible so that the baby has his own guardian angel. In this case, he can be baptized even in a maternity hospital or intensive care unit.

Dates of baptism

According to Orthodox canons, there are no prohibitions on the day of the sacrament, regardless of the fast or holiday on which it falls. It is believed that the Lord rejoices at anyone who comes to faith and does not put any obstacles in his way. In addition, if we focus on church holidays, days of remembrance and numerous fasts, then choosing a day for baptism would be difficult in principle. Therefore, there are no restrictions for carrying out the ceremony before or after Easter.

The only problem that may arise during this period is the banal busyness of the priest, because during Lent and Easter week services are held almost daily.

Each temple has its own rules, so it is advisable to worry in advance and agree with the priest on the day of the sacrament.

Is the sacrament of baptism performed during Lent?

Sometimes circumstances are such that the baptism ceremony falls during Lent. And here many parents doubt: is it possible to baptize a child during Lent? There is no direct ban on holding the sacrament during this period, despite the objections of some clergy.

However, it is worth noting: at baptism it is customary to organize noisy feasts and fun, which are accompanied by the consumption of meat and other dishes made from animal products, as well as alcohol. This is inappropriate during fasting. But, if, nevertheless, you decide to baptize your baby during the period of fasting, you can set the table with lean dishes and refuse to drink alcohol.

It is believed that the best day to baptize a child during Lent is Maundy Thursday. On this day, a person cleanses his home and body. Carrying out the sacrament on Maundy Thursday symbolizes the liberation of a person from original sin, the soul is cleansed and he can meet Easter renewed.

Is baptism performed on Easter?

Many people associate Easter with the revival of the world and people to a better life. There are no direct prohibitions on holding the sacrament on Easter Day. Baptism can be performed at the end of the festive liturgy.

But it is unlikely that there will be a priest who will agree to perform the ceremony, unless, of course, baptism is required for a seriously ill child. The reason for this is simple fatigue.

The evening service smoothly transitions into the morning liturgy. For any clergyman, Easter is a great holiday that you want to celebrate with your family. Therefore, parents should think not only about their own desires, but also take care of those around them. Priests, due to their workload, appoint certain days for the sacrament in order to streamline the rhythm of work.

Considering all of the above, the answer to the question: is it possible to baptize a child on Easter will be positive, but whether to do it or not is up to the child’s parents to decide. It may be more appropriate to postpone this date for a few weeks, when the holidays are over and the life of the church returns to its usual course.

Arguments for and against holding the sacrament during Lent and Easter

Before deciding to hold a ceremony during Lent or Easter, parents need to study all the pros and cons of such a step.

Arguments for"

A person is freed from original sin during the period of general Christian cleansing of soul and body;

The perfect sacrament on Easter is another reason to gather the whole family at the table and celebrate the birth of a new Christian;

Perhaps the special state of mind that every Christian experiences during this period will be passed on to the baby, and this will help him endure the ceremony without worry and tears.

Arguments against"

Finding a clergyman who agrees to perform the sacrament of baptism during the period of Lent and on Easter is quite difficult. At this time, priests are heavily loaded with long services. In addition, during Lent, the priest tries to devote maximum attention and time to the sick. Communions and unctions are performed. Therefore, most priests ask to postpone the ceremony to a later date, unless, of course, this is an emergency, as described above;

Before Easter, and especially on Easter Day, churches are crowded with parishioners. A baby may be frightened by so many people, be capricious and nervous during the sacrament;

Noisy feasts are inappropriate during the period of Lent, and a meal consisting of Lenten dishes may not be to the liking of some guests.

How to avoid unpleasant surprises

To avoid problems, having decided to conduct the ceremony during Lent or Easter, parents need to:

Considering the priest’s workload during this period, agree with him in advance about conducting the ceremony;

If baptism occurs during Lent, you need to carefully consider the holiday menu, taking into account all the restrictions;

The priest will definitely set a day and time for a conversation with future godparents. They must be prepared for this;

If possible, not only godparents, but also parents should confess and receive communion before the sacrament.

It is believed that a child born on Easter will later become famous. Moreover, a person born at noon on Christ's Bright Sunday will become great, and will even be able to influence the course of history. A Children born on Easter week are characterized by good health.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude: baptism can be performed on any day. However, if you are fasting and time is running out, it is better to postpone the ceremony for a couple of weeks in order to celebrate this event when the fast is completed. And of course, you need to think not only about yourself, but also about the priests, who are very busy during this period, and there are people who need his help more.