
Vegetable protein in a vegan diet: where to get it and what to replace it with. Plant proteins list of products Plant protein in products

Protein is one of the main substances present in the human body, accounting for about 20% of the total body weight. The substance consists of amino acids, which are divided into non-essential (the body generates it itself) and essential (available only with food intake). Protein is the main component for cell structure and tissue growth, especially muscles. It is present in plant foods and foods of animal origin. Let's look at the difference between each type of protein and whether it is possible to compensate for the lack of essential amino acids with plant foods.

Table of products containing vegetable protein

The product's nameProtein content per 100 g of productNote
Beansup to 23 gLeader in protein content among plant products. Beans are very easy to digest and can contain up to 23 grams of the component per 100 grams of product. A wide variety of dishes are prepared from it, from soups to salads.
Lentilsup to 25 gA plant of the legume family, it contains a lot of essential amino acids. The peculiarity of lentils is their pleasant taste, high nutritional value and minimal time required for cooking.
Quinoaup to 15 gCereal crop, which is considered one of the most valuable products in terms of chemical composition in the world. The grain is similar in taste to rice and contains a lot of protein - up to 15 grams per 100 grams of unprocessed grains.
Chickpeas or chickpeasup to 30 gThe protein content is very similar to a chicken egg, which is why it is used in the vegetarian world as a substitute for meat and eggs. Today, chickpeas are used to prepare popular vegetarian dishes - falafel and hummus.
Seeds (especially pumpkin seeds)up to 30 gIt is a source of essential and non-essential amino acids for the body. Pumpkin seeds consist of one third of protein and also contain many unsaturated fatty acids.
Nuts (Brazil, walnut, peanut, almond)up to 15, 14, 26, 18 gThey have a high protein content and a low glycemic index. The richest nuts in protein are almonds and peanuts.
Sesameup to 20 gSeeds with a lot of vegetable protein.
Tempeup to 19 gA plant from the legume family. It is used to make patties for vitamin-rich veggie burgers.
Soy milkup to 3 gA substitute for cow's milk, which has a rich protein composition, enriched with additional components (calcium and B vitamins).
Green peasup to 5 gWhen fresh, it contains up to 5 grams of protein. Canned or cooked peas are less rich in protein, but contain many essential amino acids. A variety of dishes are made from peas - soups, cutlets, salads and pies.
Broccoliup to 3 gA vegetable with low calorie content and high protein content, equal to 3 grams per 100 grams of product.
Spinachup to 3 gIt has been proven that green plant protein is very similar in composition to animal protein. For this reason, spinach, lettuce and other green plants can be eaten instead of meat.
Avocadoup to 4 gContains 4 grams of protein per 100 grams of fresh fruit.
Bananaup to 1.5 gBanana has a unique balance of proteins and carbohydrates, making it a versatile food for bodybuilding athletes.
Chiaup to 23 gThe protein content is equal to 23% of the total weight of the fruit, which corresponds to the protein content of meat.
Soybeansup to 35 gThe main meat substitute. Textured or hydrolyzed soybeans are the main source of protein, which is used to reduce the cost of products such as dumplings, sausages, butter, etc.
Spirulinaup to 60 gAlgae, the protein content of which reaches 60%. Spirulina is used for the production of dietary supplements, forming tablets with a high content of complete amino acid compounds.
Cocoa powderup to 20 gRich in protein, pleasant to taste and aromatic, the product has high nutritional value.

Digestion of vegetable protein

Protein, as a biologically important component, consists of 20 amino acids. The order and quantity of a particular amino acid in the chain determines the type of protein and the degree of its absorption. The human body is better absorbed by those proteins whose structure corresponds to the amino acid structures in human tissue cells. Each product has a different quality of absorption.

  • Animal proteins are best absorbed by the body., namely protein from eggs, the percentage of absorption of which is 92-100%. Protein from fermented milk is considered to be well absorbed; fresh milk is slightly less digestible. Next, according to the amino acid ratio, comes red meat, and only then soybeans.
  • Plant protein is less digestible than animal protein, since the percentage of matches in the number of essential amino acids with human protein is much less. To compensate for the body's need for true amino acids with plant foods, it is necessary to combine several items: soybeans, vegetables, cereals and legumes.

What are the differences from animal protein?

  1. The main difference between a protein is its nature of origin.. Plant proteins are found in plants (beans, cereals, fruits, shoots), and animal proteins are found in animal products (meat, offal, milk, eggs, fish).
  2. The second difference is the different chemical composition of amino acid compounds. The molecule of any protein consists of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. These components determine the number of amino acids in the protein chain. Among the main amino acids we can highlight: phenylalanine, glutamic acid, threonine, cystine, serine, lysine, proline, leucine, valine, tryptophan, alanine, arginine, tyrosine, glycine and others.

Some of these substances are essential, the other half are synthesized by the body independently. Animal protein is called complete protein because it contains the essential amino acids the body needs. Plant protein is incomplete because it does not contain the entire complex of non-produced amino acids. For this reason, the benefits of animal protein are significantly higher than plant protein - this is the main difference.

Daily consumption rate

The daily requirement for protein depends on a person’s age and lifestyle. Children under three years of age need the component most - the body during this period consumes a large amount of protein for the structure and development of tissues and organs. A child should consume up to 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

  • Children during the period of active growth from 4 to 13 years need less essential amino acids. They need to consume 0.95 grams of protein for every kilogram of weight.
  • Children under 18 years of age require up to 0.85 grams of protein, much the same as adults, whose protein requirement is 0.8 grams per kilogram.
  • During pregnancy, the body's need for protein food almost doubles.

Plant Protein for Athletes

An athlete's body needs protein more than the average person's body, since a large amount of amino acids is spent on muscle building. Bodybuilding athletes watch their protein intake the most. During the diet, some bodybuilders consume exclusively plant protein, since plant foods contain virtually no cholesterol and heavy fats, the breakdown of which takes a lot of energy.

Despite the inferiority of vegetable protein, athletes consume soy and lentils for weight loss and active muscle growth. Most sports nutrition programs are designed for a competent combination of plant and animal foods, which allows you to more effectively build muscle tissue. To increase the intake of protein amino acids into the body, athletes take nutritional supplements, such as soy protein hydrolysate.

Protein is one of the main building blocks for our body. When most people hear the word protein, they immediately think of eggs, cheese and beef. But did you know that all whole foods contain protein? There is a lot of it both in the bananas you eat in the morning and in the salads you prepare for dinner. As you can see, protein is very easy to find and our body can easily absorb it.

Plant foods contain virtually no cholesterol, but they are high in fiber. All animal products tend to be low in fiber, and consuming them in excess causes calcium to be leached from bones, reduces oxygen levels in the blood, and negatively affects the digestive and lymphatic systems.

Since, as already mentioned, almost all food contains protein, you have many options to make your diet balanced and eat enough protein for your body. Here are ten nutritious foods that contain protein and have many health benefits. You might be surprised to see some vegetables and nuts on this list.

1. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin is a favorite fall food for many people. The last time you cooked something with pumpkin, what did you do with the seeds? Did you know that pumpkin seeds are one third protein? 28.5 g contains 9.5 grams. And this is 2 grams more than in beef. High in protein and loaded with nutrients, pumpkin seeds are a great addition to any salad or appetizer.

What are the benefits of these seeds?

  • Tryptophan helps fight depression.
  • Glutamate helps relieve anxiety and other related disorders.
  • Zinc boosts immune function and fights osteoporosis.
  • Phytosterols lower cholesterol levels. May be effective in preventing cancer.

Pumpkin seeds also contain a lot of manganese, phosphorus, copper, vitamin K, E and B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine), potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, and much more.

2. Asparagus

Roasted asparagus with balsamic vinegar is one of the favorite dishes of vegetarian food fans. Eight stems of this plant contain 3.08 grams of protein, which is quite a lot considering its size.

Benefit for health:

  • Vitamin K prevents osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Asparagus is one of the main plant sources of this vitamin.
  • Vitamin A and folic acid have anti-aging, anti-inflammatory properties, promote heart health, and help prevent birth defects.
  • Diuretic asparagus reduces water retention in the body.
  • Aphrodisiac.

Asparagus is a good source of potassium, glutathione, vitamin C, and antioxidants.

3. Cauliflower

For years I wasn't a big fan of cauliflower. I mean, what good could there be in this colorless vegetable? But once I began to study the health benefits of cauliflower and all members of this cruciferous plant family, I gave this vegetable the respect it deserves. One cooked cup of this plant contains 2.28 grams of protein, along with enough nutrients to help reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Benefit for health:

  • Carotenoids - beta-carotene and phytonutrients - include ferulic acid, caffeic acid and cinnamic acid. These nutrients help protect the body from free radical damage.
  • Sulforaphane is a promising drug in the fight against cancer.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation.

Cauliflower is also a good source of vitamin C, manganese, glucosinolates, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, phosphorus and potassium, indole-3-carbinol (fights the first signs of cancer).

4. Peanuts

For those who grew up in America, there is nothing surprising about peanut butter sandwiches, but even people in the States are not fully aware of the benefits of this snack. Approximately 28 unsalted dry roasted beans contain 6.71 grams of protein.

Benefit for health:

  • Coenzyme Q10 - protects the heart in conditions of low oxygen levels in the air.
  • Resveratrol - improves blood flow in the brain and reduces the level of cholesterol harmful to the body.
  • Nicotinic acid - helps repair damaged cells and protects against Alzheimer's disease and other age-related cognitive problems.

Peanuts are a good source of calcium, iron, riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, copper, manganese, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, vitamin E and antioxidants.

5. Oats

Over the years, oats have gotten a bad rap. It is associated with the breakfast of prisoners or schoolchildren, but in fact it is a suitable food for kings. One cooked cup of oatmeal contains 6.08 grams of protein. Additionally, it is an excellent source of fiber. Oats are very useful for stabilizing blood sugar levels. You can add some banana and cinnamon to your oatmeal breakfast.

Benefit for health:

  • Selenium, an antioxidant, combined with vitamin E, improves immunity and improves mood, and also fights the first signs of cancer.
  • Fiber - promotes weight loss. Thanks to its high level, you feel fuller for much longer.
  • Magnesium - helps produce energy, keeps bones strong. Eases PMS.
  • Phosphorus - affects bone health, increases energy and is important for digestion.

Oatmeal is also a good source of tryptophan, iron, calcium, vitamin E and group B, zinc, copper, iron, manganese.

6. Mung beans (or mung beans)

You may have seen these little beans added to stir-fries or served fresh, but over the years they never became widespread. Most beans are excellent sources of protein and fiber that dissolve in water. And although mung beans are not at the top of the list for the amount of protein they contain, they still make a good impression. One cup of cooked beans contains 3.16 grams of protein while being very low in calories.

Health Benefits of Mung Beans:

  • Lecithin lowers blood cholesterol and reduces liver fat.
  • Zinc, along with proteins and other vitamins, helps strengthen your nails.
  • Phytoestrogens contain many components that have a rejuvenating effect on the skin. They act as estrogen receptors and stimulate the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin, which are structural components of the skin.

These beans are also a good source of vitamins A, C, D, E, K, folic acid, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

7. Almonds

This is a great snack to keep in mind for its protein and nutrient density. Almonds may be high on the list when it comes to nutrient density, meaning you'll feel fuller for much longer. 24 nuts contain 6.03 g of protein and are a great addition to any meal or snack.

Health benefits of almonds:

  • Phenylalanine is useful for the development of cognitive functions.
  • The nutrients help you feel fuller longer, which helps you lose weight.
  • Vitamin E and magnesium are beneficial for heart and muscle health.

Almonds are a source of calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, niacin, riboflavin and folic acid.

8. Spinach

Everyone knows that spinach is a special type of green. It has gained wide popularity and is used in some of the most expensive salads you will find at a restaurant. And there's a reason for this. One cup of spinach contains 5.35 grams of protein. It is also high in flavonoids, which have anti-cancer properties. Spinach is good for your skin, eyes, brain and bones.

Benefit for health:

  • Neoxanthin and violaxanthin - anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Lutein and zeaxanthin - protect the eyes from cataracts and age-related molecular degeneration.
  • Vitamin K - ensures the health of the nervous system, brain and bones.
  • Vitamin A - strengthens the immune system and promotes healthy skin.

Spinach is a good source of vitamin C and other antioxidants, flavonoids, beta-carotene, manganese, zinc and selenium.

9. Broccoli

Broccoli has all the same amazing health benefits as cauliflower. And this is not surprising, because both plants belong to the cruciferous family. One cup of broccoli contains 5.7 grams of protein.

Benefit for health:

  • Glucoraphanin - promotes skin detoxification and self-healing, rids the body of Helicobacter and reduces the risk of stomach cancer.
  • Beta-carotene, zinc, selenium - strengthen the immune system.
  • Indole-3-carbinol is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the development of breast, cervical, and prostate cancer, and also promotes normal liver function.

Broccoli also contains folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, lutein, zeaxanthin, and vitamin B6.

10. Quinoa

It has the highest percentage of protein content. ¼ cup of dry quinoa contains 6 grams of protein. And if you cook it with asparagus, cauliflower or broccoli, you will have 30 grams of protein in one serving.

Benefit for health:

  • Magnesium - relaxes muscles and blood vessels, which helps control blood pressure.
  • Manganese and copper - work as antioxidants and protect the body from free radicals.
  • Lignans - reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, as well as some types of cancer.

Quinoa is also a good source of iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin E, selenium, phosphorus and other elements.

Whether you've decided to follow a vegetarian diet or are trying to eat extremely healthy foods that don't contain excess fat, there are many different types of plant-based proteins. You can get the proteins your body needs from plant foods without using animal products. There are pros and cons to consuming plant-based proteins. When switching to such a diet, you need to ensure that the diet is balanced and, in addition to plant origin, contains a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.

Protein is needed in our body for muscles to form tissues, in addition, protein is necessary for our skin and bones. About 10 to 35 percent of your total daily caloric intake should come from protein. Plant-based protein contains approximately 4 calories per gram. If you choose an 1800 calorie diet plan, you need to consume 45 to 157 grams of plant-based protein daily, which will contain between 180 and 628 calories.

Vegetable protein in products

The main sources of vegetable protein in foods are legumes - beans, lentils, as well as nuts and seeds.

Legumes contain a relatively low amount of the amino acid methionine, which is essential in the human body, but they are rich in lysine. Some vegetarians compensate for the lack of methionine by mixing legumes with grains, which are high in methionine and low in lysine. A good example is the Indians who eat beans with corn tortillas, or the Japanese who mix tofu with rice.

You can buy it canned, but it is best to buy fresh grains. Before cooking fresh beans, they need to be soaked for several hours. Half a cup of black beans contains 17.5 grams of plant-based protein. The same amount of Turkish beans or kidney beans contains 23 grams of vegetable protein. And a serving of pinto beans (light brown beans with darker specks that are very popular in the Americas) contains 17g of protein.

Another source of vegetable protein in foods is hummus. It is a mixture of chickpeas (another name is chickpeas), Parmesan cheese, garlic and olive oil. 2 tbsp. Hummus contains approximately 2g of plant-based protein.

Don't forget about another source of plant protein in your foods, colorful legumes - brown, green and yellow lentils. Each serving of these seeds contains up to 7g of plant-based protein. and seeds are also sources of protein, but this protein is high in fat and calories. It is better to reduce your nut consumption to 30g per day to avoid consuming extra calories. For example, 30g of peanuts contains 8g of protein, while sunflower seeds and almond seeds contain 6g per ounce.

Soybeans can also be sources of vegetable protein in products. In addition to being rich in protein, soy is also low in fat and calories. Tofu is a soy-based cottage cheese with a soft, creamy consistency - an effective substitute for meat. A 120 gram serving contains about 7 g of protein. Many varieties of veggie burgers are made with tempeh, a fermented soy product. A 150g veggie burger has approximately 20g of protein. Another product rich in plant protein is soy milk. It contains 6.5g of protein per 250ml.

Are fruits sources of plant protein?

It may seem surprising, but dried fruits and fruits are also good sources of vegetable protein:

  • a glass of dried apricots contains 5g of protein;

  • a glass of prunes - 4.5 g of protein;

  • one cup of cherries - 3g of protein;

  • exotic fruits: one banana contains 2.5g, one papaya contains 2.3g, and one kiwi contains 2.1g of protein.

Another source of plant protein is avocado. It is often misclassified as a vegetable, but it is a very rich vegetable protein fruit, containing about 4.5g of protein per cup. Other fruits that are sources of plant protein include watermelon, peaches and coconuts.

Where there are fruits, there are vegetables. They can also be considered as alternative sources of vegetable protein. For example, a cup of pressed spinach contains 5g of vegetable protein, the same serving of asparagus contains 4.2g, broccoli - 4g, cauliflower 3.8g, potatoes with skin 3.8g, celery 1.5g of vegetable protein. Other sources of plant protein include cabbage, celery and carrots. The benefit of plant-based proteins derived from vegetables is that they are low in fat and high in dietary fiber, which can reduce the risk of heart attacks and atherosclerosis.

Harm of vegetable protein

When deciding what products your diet will consist of, it is important to remember the dangers of plant protein, because it has both pros and cons. Both animal and plant proteins have approximately the same impact on human health. The difference lies in the amount and type of fat the foods contain. Vegetable proteins contain minimal amounts of fat. This will help you reduce your calorie intake. Animal proteins tend to be high in saturated fat, which can clog your arteries. On the other hand, the harm of plant protein is that it does not provide the body with enough iron and vitamin B. These nutrients are found mainly in animal products.

Proteins are the basis for building the cells of any organism; their number can reach up to 20% of the total body weight. Products containing protein come in two types: animal and plant origin. The latter do not contain cholesterol and saturated fats, which means they are more healthy.

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Why is it useful?

Scientific studies have confirmed the harm from introducing a large number of animal products into the menu. For example, men's excessive consumption of meat and dairy products may increase the risk of prostate cancer. While people who prefer plant-based foods are less likely to suffer from all kinds of diseases. This type of protein is not saturated with harmful cholesterol, thereby positively affecting the quality and length of life.

Plant protein is important for the following functions:

  • building new cells and protecting them;
  • reproduction;
  • normalization of vital processes.

In addition, proteins of plant origin are absorbed faster and easier by the body, which improves the functioning of the digestive system, and also reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis and blood clots. By choosing vegetarian foods, you will get a lot of fiber, which helps fight excess weight.

Plant proteins are a good option for those who have given up animal foods due to allergies or personal beliefs. Delicious foods contain many vitamins, minerals and other substances for the full development of body cells and good health.

Proteins of plant origin have a poorer amino acid composition compared to protein of animal origin, for this reason their rate should be increased from 1 to 1.5 g per kilogram of body weight. For children and athletes, this figure reaches 2.2 grams.

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Ever since I was a child, I was a rather plump girl; at school I was teased all the time, even the teachers called me a little fluffy... this was especially terrible. When I entered the university, they stopped paying attention to me completely, I turned into a quiet, notorious, fat crammer. I tried everything to lose weight... Diets and all sorts of green coffee, liquid chestnuts, chocolate slimms. Now I don’t even remember, but how much money I spent on all this useless garbage...

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Construction material is especially necessary for pregnant women, people engaged in heavy physical labor and during the recovery period after surgery.

Where is it contained?

Vegetable protein is included in many products; you can find them in any supermarket. A list of foods recommended for vegetarians is presented in the table below.

Product type Beneficial features What should you eat?
Nuts and seeds In addition to protein, nuts and seeds contain natural antioxidants, minerals, and healthy fats. It is advisable to include raw walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds and other similar foods in your diet.
Dried fruits Sources of energy, as well as vitamins and fiber. Dried apricots, prunes, and dried cherries are especially useful for humans.
Vegetables and fruits Fresh fruits, rich in dietary fiber and valuable microelements, are suitable for preparing many dishes and contain enough protein. Vegetable protein is present in spinach, asparagus, and cabbage. Young potatoes are also healthy, and you should also add radishes and sweet peppers to the menu.
Legumes and grains These products contain maximum protein, with a good amino acid composition. The nutritional value of dishes made from beans and grains is quite high. Protein sources for vegetarians are lentils, soybeans, peas, and beans. Oats and rice are also a must.
Mushrooms The gifts of the forest contain everything necessary to ensure human life processes. Their pulp contains no less protein than meat food. The most vegetable protein is found in porcini mushrooms, champignons and boletus mushrooms. It is recommended to prepare the bottom part of the cap.

100 g of peas contains 5.4 g of well-balanced protein. During Lent you won't find fresh, but you can use frozen or canned - it contains 3.6 g of protein.

Add peas to salads, cook pea soup, or make pea cutlets or pancakes.


In Russia you can mainly find quinoa grains. It is used to prepare porridge or side dishes. Homemade bread is baked from quinoa ground into flour and homemade pasta is made.

Quinoa can replace rice in any dish and add a new twist of flavor. 100 g of dry grain contains about 14 g of protein - more than in buckwheat; quinoa is rightly called the “protein factory”.

Pictured: cooked quinoa
Photo: besthomechef.com.au

In addition, it does not contain gluten, which means that quinoa baking can replace bread for people with gluten intolerance.


Nuts are best consumed as a snack or added to salads and yogurt. Nuts are very high in calories and contain a lot of fat (though healthy unsaturated fats) - in 100 g of hazelnuts, for example, 15 g of protein and 50 g of fat, and in 100 g of walnuts - 20 g of protein and more than 60 g of fat. Therefore, you can consume them only in very small quantities - several pieces per day.

Nuts have a low glycemic index and lower blood cholesterol levels, which means they are useful for people with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases to include in their diet.


Bean seeds contain 24 g of protein per 100 g of product. Dry beans take a long time to cook and must first be soaked overnight, but canned beans are no worse in nutritional value.

Bean soup, bean salad, beans with stewed vegetables - there are many recipes. Green beans can be consumed as a main dish.


100 g of chickpeas contain 20-30 g of protein and more than eighty other useful substances. Chickpeas are added to salads and soups, used as a side dish, flatbreads are made from chickpea flour, boiled and chopped chickpeas with the addition of seasonings will be an excellent sauce for vegetables, sprouted chickpeas are very healthy.


Like other soy products, tofu is very rich in protein: 100 g of firm tofu contains 10 g of protein, and soft tofu contains 5 g.

Soy protein contains all the essential amino acids for humans, so soy must be included in the diet during fasting.

Tofu has a neutral taste, so it absorbs the flavors of other ingredients. It is added to soups and salads, sauces are made from it, tofu is stewed with vegetables, served with noodles, fruits, and used as a filling for pies.

Green vegetables

Of course, they do not contain as much protein as legumes or nuts, but they still contain quite a lot of it with a very low calorie content.

Pictured: broccoli and spinach
Photo: shutterstock.com

For example, 100 g of broccoli contains 3 g of protein and only 32 kcal. And 100 g of spinach with the same amount of protein contains only 23 kcal. These foods can be eaten in almost unlimited quantities.


Pumpkin seeds are one-third protein. 100 g of sunflower seeds contain 20 g of protein. Like nuts, they are very fatty and high in calories, but it is worth including them in your diet in small quantities.

Add seeds to salads, porridge, snacks, or use as a snack. You can include bread with seeds in your diet.


100 g of sesame contains almost 20 g of protein. Don't forget to add it to noodle dishes, Asian soups, desserts, baked goods and salads.

In addition to a large number of vitamins, sesame contains two strong antioxidants - sesamin and sesamolin, which protect cells from the effects of free radicals.


A wheat protein product, essentially gluten. It tastes like poultry, replaces chicken meat in all recipes with it and is called “vegetarian meat”. Its homeland is East Asia, where it is widely used in cooking. You can buy it in canned form in specialized stores.

In the photo: seitan cutlets
Photo: flickr.com

100 g of seitan contains 25 g of protein. Any dish with it tastes like chicken, but is lean.

Soy milk

100 ml of soy milk contains about 3 g of protein, so while fasting, do not exclude milk from your diet, just replace it with soy milk. Give preference to soy milk, additionally fortified with calcium and vitamin B12.

There are also other types of plant milk: rice, almond, oat, but they are more difficult to find in stores.

Cocoa powder

This cocoa product is very rich in protein. 100 g of cocoa powder contains 24 g of protein. 1 teaspoon contains 1 g. During fasting, prepare cocoa based on soy milk, add cocoa to baked goods.