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Tell me everything by gestures, or when words are unnecessary. Psychologists have proven that the way you hold hands can tell a lot about a couple’s relationship. When a man holds hands

By the way, oxytocin, the “love hormone,” is produced much more strongly during holding hands than even during a kiss!

Meanings of holding hands

Tactile sensations have a very deep impact on the human psyche. According to studies, people even get rid of various types of pain by holding hands. The functioning of the nervous system improves, and a person can recover from depression!

All this happens because of a strong feeling empathy, which arises during this intimate gesture.

The way we hold our partner's hands can tell us more about our relationship than we can imagine. Ordinary, at first glance, touches speak of familiarity or deep respect, sincere love or disdain.

Palm facing down

This gesture indicates that a person is able to take responsibility and make decisions. Has a bright, strong personality. They do not doubt their partner and love him very much, they are also leaders in relationships.

Holding one finger

This way of holding hands speaks of the love of freedom of both partners. However, they are very loyal to their partner and have a strong, deep connection.

These are self-sufficient, mature individuals who have their own interests and hobbies, but this does not affect the strength of their relationships.


This gesture speaks of a deep heartfelt connection and strong passion between people. This is a relationship that has already moved from the “infatuation” phase into a strong connection. They are honest and caring towards each other, more empathetic towards each other.

Shoulder hugs

If your loved one hugs you by the shoulders, this is a sign that he is proud of his relationship with you. By hugging your shoulders, your partner subconsciously seeks to protect you.

Your relationship is filled with intimacy and you are not afraid to show it in public.

Hand hugs a hand

This gesture also speaks of the strong sense of protection that your partner wants to give you. You have a strong emotional connection, and partners are very dependent on each other and on the relationship.

Tight squeeze

If your partner squeezes your hand tightly, this indicates that he is trying to control you. But at the same time, he is very attached to you, and strives to take responsibility.

By the wrist

Quite an ambiguous gesture. It may indicate your partner is being overly assertive, or even aggressive. But if at the same time the other partner supports this gesture and “hugs” his palm with his hand, this is a sign of strong intimacy and passion between people.

"My girl"

When partners hold hands in this way, it indicates a healthy relationship built on trust and respect for each other. This indicates your partner's serious intentions.

This situation indicates that the partner feels defenseless. He wants to establish himself in your feelings in this way.

A similar gesture, but means the opposite:

This gesture indicates that your partner has a strong attraction to you, he is literally obsessed with you.

Hand on top

Does he love it or does he despise it? The HOW he holds your hand will tell you about his true attitude towards you! updated: April 20, 2019 by: Olya Starenkova


Men don't always talk directly about their feelings and emotions. Sometimes it’s difficult to understand what’s going on in his soul and how he treats his chosen one! If this is the beginning of your acquaintance, pay attention to his gestures. Luckily, a man's body language is text that's easy to read!

Here is a list of signals that indicate his interest.

1. Pay attention to his pupils, they are enlarged. This is a typical reaction of the brain when it likes something (or someone)!

2. His eyebrows are raised, especially when you speak. He subconsciously makes this gesture to increase his field of vision.

3. He smiles, showing his teeth. Men smile this way only when they are truly happy.

4. The man smiles from ear to ear. A sincere smile causes forehead wrinkles and squinting of the eyes in men in particular. If a man smiles in this way, it means that he wants to attract female attention.

5. Focuses his gaze on your face. He is guaranteed to like you if he spends 80 percent of his attention looking at your eyes, nose and mouth.

7. He takes a deep breath when he sees you. The intake of air causes the chest to expand and the waist to narrow. This is a sign that the guy subconsciously wants to be attractive to you.

8. He leans a little towards you when you say something, even if he hears you perfectly well. This means deep interest in your words.

9. When he turns towards you, he places his hands on his hips with his elbows facing out. The man thus shows that he wants to focus your attention on himself.

10. When he picks a hair or speck off your blouse, it means he is trying to initiate physical contact to see your reaction. Wants to be closer to you.

11. Sits with legs wide apart. Thanks to this position, he shows his very sensitive “masculinity”. This is a subconscious way to show not only the openness of the personality, but also mental activity.

12. Moves (gently) a little closer if you are sitting next to each other. This means that he is hunting you.

13. Involuntarily points the toe of the shoe in your direction. However, if you touch his shoulder and you notice that his legs are moving away from you, it means that he has lost interest.

14. Swinging your legs is an attempt to attract attention. If a man crosses his legs or stretches them out, it indicates a lack of interest on his part. If he shifts from foot to foot, but the rest of his body is facing you, this means shyness.

15. Approaches you when you say something. This is a sign of interest.

16. If he doesn't focus his gaze on you during a conversation, it means he's looking out for someone else. However, if he asks a lot of questions and looks for common features, and his eyes wander, this may indicate simple shyness.

17. Touches his own neck. This may indicate not only interest, but also fear about your relationship. It depends on the context.

18. When he holds your hand and intertwines his fingers around yours, it means that he wants to get to know you better.

19. Touches you with his hand when he speaks. This means that he wants your attention, wants to be heard. There is a desire to make an impression.

20. Casually touches your leg, but quickly removes his hand. This means that the man is interested in having sex with you. If he removes his hand slowly and smiles at the same time, this means that he loves you very much.

21. Walks next to you, but does not notice the road ahead of him. However, if he walks a few steps ahead of you, he is more focused on himself.


You may be excited about touching a girl's hand, whether your friend wants to continue the tactile contact, or whether you want to make a move to get closer. Regardless of the purpose of your desire to hold a girl's hand, the first thing you need to do is relax. After this, you need to sit next to her and gently hold her hand. Holding hands is a great way to show your love and it's not as difficult or scary as it may sound. If you want to start preparing now, see step 1.


Part 1

Make your approach

    Help her feel special. When you see a girl, say hi, make eye contact, give her a wave and start talking to her. If this is the first time your hands have made contact, you may both be a little nervous, so it's important for both of you to relax first. Although this is an innocent gesture, it really comes at a level of intimacy, so you need to feel like the girl loves you before you take this step. Even a hug or your hand on her knee may be considered less intimate than you holding hands, so try to initiate other innocent physical contact before you take her hand.

    Get closer. If you are sitting, simply place your hand about 2cm away from it. This can help you get a feel for how willing she is to hold hands—if she's getting closer to your hand, then she's probably ready for more. If you're standing or walking nearby, try to move closer to her until your hands are just a few inches apart.

    Get in touch. You should make some physical contact before you decide to take her hand. If you're standing, place your hand near her shoulder or forearm and gradually move toward her palm, or continue to gently touch your hand until taking her palm in yours feels natural. When you're ready to make contact, you can choose from a variety of ways to hold her hand.

    • Try to be as relaxed as possible before making contact. If you're nervous, you'll likely have sweaty hands! Of course, it's not the worst thing in the world, but if you can avoid it, great.
  1. Don't be upset if she pulls away. Contrary to what you may think, not all girls love holding hands. If she pulls away because she's not interested in you, you'll feel it pretty quickly because she'll pull away with her whole body and generally look awkward. But there's a good chance that she just doesn't want to hold hands because she thinks it's corny, or because she's nervous, or has sweaty hands, or some other reason. So don't worry too much; you will understand it eventually.

    Part 2

    Mastering hand holding techniques
    1. Slide your hand under hers. This is a bold and effective maneuver. If you are nervous, just let the edges of your hands touch for a moment before you decide to make a desperate move. Just slowly and gently slide your hand under hers so that her hand is on top of yours. You can move your hand in a circle a little to gently play with her fingers. This works great when you are sitting.

      Place your hand on the back of her hand. This is another intimate technique. Just move your hand so that it touches her hand and stroke gently. If you feel more comfortable, you can even do some gentle compressions or even a massage. This can be a great hand holding technique if you are sitting in a restaurant or even watching a movie. It won't be as tiring as holding hands while walking because you can just relax and calmly rest your hand on top of hers.

      Palm-to-palm method. This is a common way to hold a girl's hand. Simply move your hand so that your palms are facing each other. You can even gently caress her palm if you're sitting and feeling more playful. You can use gentler hand touches first before clasping your palms tightly.

      Hands in the lock. After your palms touch, you can interlace your fingers, clasping your hands completely. This can work while sitting or standing, although it is probably more common for couples who are standing or walking. You can hold her hand passively by simply squeezing it, or caress it a little with your fingers. If you're walking holding hands and you're feeling playful, you can even rock your arms back and forth a little.

      Little fingers touching. This is another flirty and fun way to hold hands. Just move your little finger towards her little finger and close your fingers. It's fun because you can move your fingers back and forth closer together. You can also try this while walking, it can be fun if you swing your arms back and forth a little. You should probably wait until simply holding hands becomes natural to you before taking this step.

    Part 3

    Become a pro

      Know that it is natural to take a break. Once you start holding hands, you don't have to spend the rest of the evening, walk, or movie without letting go. It's okay to rest because your hands may be sweaty, tired, or because you just feel like the girl wants to rest. Just gently let go of her hand instead of suddenly throwing her, and everything will be fine.

      Mixing methods. You shouldn't hold her hand the entire time, clasp your little fingers together, or place your hand on the top of her hand. Mix these methods so that the girl does not feel like she is holding a limp fish in her hand. Constantly stimulating your hand may make her nervous, but holding your hand for a long time without initiative can be as romantic as studying for a geometry exam. So, find a balance between caressing her hand, calm contact, and alternating between different hand-holding techniques.

      Kiss her hand. If hand holding works well and both you and the girl are really happy with it, bring her hand to your mouth and kiss the back of her hand. You can even make eye contact while kissing for a more intimate connection. This is a very romantic gesture and you should use it sparingly. But if you do it at the right time, like at the end of a good hand-holding session, it will really impress her!

    • Let go of your hands if they become too sweaty. Nobody likes holding a sweaty hand. Using some antiperspirants on your hands can be surprisingly effective.
    • Talk to her. The ritual of holding hands is an everyday thing.
    • Squeeze your hand a little to give it a boost.
    • With your other hand, you can hug her around the waist and stroke her shoulder (near the elbow).

Of course, no one claims that one can draw conclusions solely on one factor. You should always take into account other features, including where the couple is located. So the site will tell you about this, but it’s up to you to decide what conclusions to draw.

Weak interlacing of fingers - respect

Such relationships are stable on all sides. The primary love has already passed, respect for personal space has already appeared. However, there is an emotional connection too. This type of contact indicates the couple’s maturity and awareness of actions.

Palm to palm - responsibility

Complete and mutual trust, as well as determination of who will guide the couple. As a rule, the one with the palm on top is the one who dominates. Feelings are mature and seasoned, but some emotional misunderstanding may occur. Plus, such couples tend to adhere to stereotypes in relationships.

Intertwined fingers - care

Complete mutual understanding on all fronts. A clear understanding of the partner’s shortcomings and methods to compensate for them. The partners complement each other perfectly.

Grabbing one finger - flirting

I want physical intimacy, but it’s still not clear how to behave. This is observed at the very beginning of a relationship and is typical for the phase of falling in love. At later stages, it may mean frivolity of one of the partners.

Random touches - hidden sympathy

People are not meeting yet, but they are already interacting quite closely. I want physical contact, but it’s still unclear which side to approach from. However, this is a clear indicator that someone is clearly hungry for intimacy.

Holding fingers - trust

It is very easy to free yourself from such a grip, but since the partner does not do this, then he does not need it. But physical contact and a feeling of freedom are very necessary. Freedom, respect for personal space and other important factors.

Grabbing the wrist - attraction

A unique way to hold hands. It can mean both significant physical attraction and the desire of one of the partners to dominate, and in a rather harsh form.

Holding your waist is passion

Just hand contact is no longer enough - you want more. And what is typical is that this gesture may not be reciprocal, which also says a lot. The site team and journalist Artyom Kostin strongly hint to pay special attention to this point - perhaps one of the partners somehow misunderstands what is happening between them.

Holding hands - security

Although this way of holding hands is somewhat formal, it can also denote a fully established relationship. Relationships based on respect and mutual trust.

We also think that you might be interested to know what psychologists think about such a widespread modern phenomenon as. However, it is worth considering that there is still no consensus on this matter.

When we try to take someone's hand, we are invading their personal space, we must always remember this. This zone can be thought of as an air bubble, which each of us inflates and contracts depending on the circumstances. And we would rather agree to narrow its boundaries in a crowded subway car than, say, in an office.

Define the boundaries of personal space

The dimensions of personal space depend on a person’s background, his social status, personal preferences, culture, as well as the degree of acquaintance with those who approach him. According to the American anthropologist Edward T. Hall, on average up to 0.5 m is occupied by the intimate zone, intended for those closest to you; from 0.5 m to 1.2 m - a personal area for communicating with close friends, from 1.2 m to 3.7 m - a social area, suitable for business communication. Violation of these boundaries by strangers makes us feel uncomfortable.

For this reason, it is right to keep your distance at the beginning of a relationship. And touching another person's hand - even if it is not a romantic gesture at all - is preferable at the appropriate time and in the appropriate situation. Your attempt to touch someone you just met may irritate the other person, although he will smile sweetly back, not wanting to offend you. As the relationship develops, we allow the other closer to our intimate zone.

Find out the interlocutor's intentions

There is an easy way to find out whether the other person is ready to let you into his personal space - move your personal belongings (for example, a purse, a notebook, cigarettes) closer to him. Such objects are perceived by others as an extension of our body. When you sit with someone else at the same table, you follow the unspoken rule that half the table is yours and half is the other person's space.

A stranger will most likely perceive the “invasion” of your items into their territory with irritation, and you will notice their discomfort. Only close friends, family members and lovers are oblivious to these movements. If a woman moves her bag closer to a man, this may be a sign that she likes him and would like a closer relationship.

Consider cultural differences

Like all nonverbal gestures, tactile contact is perceived differently in different cultures. In the West, holding hands is a romantic gesture. When we see two people joining their palms, we can easily assume that they have a close relationship. Therefore, if you do not want to be misunderstood, do not hold hands with people you are not interested in, even if they are the first to make contact.

Many Western men do not hold each other's hands for fear of being mistaken for homosexuals. But in Arab culture, this is a friendly gesture that has nothing to do with sexual orientation.

What does this gesture mean? When a man takes a woman's hand, it can also mean several things:

  • romantic affection and deep connection;
  • uncertainty or fear of losing it;
  • trying to calm her down when she's upset;
  • superiority - he is the one who plays the main role in the relationship;
  • an attempt to show the whole world that she belongs to him and only him;
  • showing off;
  • he is proud to be seen next to this woman, but this does not mean that he values ​​​​his relationship with her.

Taller or stronger?

Most books on body language will tell you that when partners hold hands, the leader's hand is always on top. However, a study by psychologists at Temple University (Philadelphia), conducted back in 1998, showed that there may be other factors that influence the way we hold hands:

Floor: The man's hand in a heterosexual couple is much more likely to be over the woman's hand (regardless of their relationship).

Height: in a couple where the man is taller or the same height as the partner, his hand is on top more often than in a couple where the man is shorter than the woman.

What to do if your lover doesn't want to take your hand?

Walking hand in hand through the streets is not a pleasure for everyone. Many people do not consider it necessary to publicly demonstrate their feelings, no matter how deep they may be. If your husband or wife avoids such poetic settings, this does not mean that he (she) does not love you. Most likely, he finds it difficult to relax in public places. Perhaps he (she) is afraid that, having discovered his love for you, he will look weak, vulnerable, infantile. Changing this belief is not easy, but you can try the following:

  1. Before you grab your companion's hand in public, conduct the experiment described above to understand whether he is in the mood for tactile contact with you in principle. If he keeps his distance, don't take it personally. Instead of being offended, gently explain that the touch of loved ones is calming and helps you feel better.
  2. Work on your relationship as a whole: if you don't have the desire to hug and touch each other when you're alone, then it's hard to expect that desire to appear in public.
  3. Be honest with yourself: do you want to hold your partner's hand in public because you love him or because you want to show others that this is your boyfriend/girlfriend? Or to prove that you have power over him? If your intentions are not pure, your partner may feel hurt.