
Carrying a gift with purchase. What to give to clients. For an action to be effective, it is necessary

To increase the average check, b2b companies use different ways: they sell related products, include additional options and make discounts. One of the effective tools is gifts to clients. For example, over the past year we have held three promotions using gifts and increased the average receipt by 40 and 50%.

Vadim Gorelikov,

Head of Internet projects at Radiotekhnika company

In this article you will read:

  • How to increase the average bill by 40% by spending 14 thousand rubles.
  • What is the best gift to choose for b2b clients?
  • Like for 3 thousand rubles. surprise new clients so that they continue to want to work with the company

Best article of the month

We interviewed businessmen and found out what modern tactics help increase the average bill and the frequency of purchases by regular customers. We published tips and practical cases in the article.

Also in the article you will find three tools to determine customer needs and increase the average bill. With these methods, employees always fulfill the upsell plan.

Promotion 1. iPad mini for new customers

In November 2014, the Signalelectronics company decided to hold a promotion for new wholesale customers, the average cost of their first purchase was 60 thousand rubles. To increase the average bill, the company offered a gift to those customers who increase the order amount to 100 thousand rubles.

Which product is better to choose for a promotion with a gift for a client?. B2b clients will appreciate gifts for work and life that they would not buy for themselves on purpose. Therefore, the company decided to donate tablets. To decide on the gadget model, we conducted a survey among company employees. From several tablet models (devices from Apple, Asus, Samsung and DEXP), we chose the functional iPad mini. In 2014 it cost 14 thousand rubles.

How to convince a client to increase the average bill. The “Gift with Purchase” promotion was tested on products from the line of holiday lights for home use: disco balls, LED systems, decorative light effects projectors, etc. When new customers contacted the company by phone to order products from this group, sales managers offered them a gift if the total order amount exceeded 100 thousand rubles. To make it more convenient for sellers to work, we wrote a script (sample document). When talking with customers, managers follow two rules.

First: they focus on the benefits of the products for the client. If the customer understands the benefits of cooperation and the advantages that he will receive from using the products, then it is easier to agree to increase the average bill.

Second: if customers place an order for less than 100 thousand rubles. or are reluctant to make contact, managers emphasize the limited offer with a gift. When customers hear the words “promotion” and “iPad mini as a gift,” they are more likely to make contact. Then sellers tell you that you can give the tablet to a friend, that delivery will be free and fast, etc.

How to conduct an action correctly, avoiding problems. It is important to think through the logistics in advance and deliver the gift on time. At this stage, unexpected difficulties arise. We planned to deliver the tablet directly from the city where the client lives. They wanted him to contact a local store in case of a breakdown and have the gadget repaired without delay. However, this turned out to be impossible for a number of reasons.

1. The stores did not work with legal entities, but we paid for gifts from the company’s account.

2. The goods from the store would be sent directly to the client, which means we could not control the quality and evaluate the condition of the tablet. Customers should not be allowed to receive non-functioning or damaged devices.

3. The stores considered the application within five days, which did not suit us. As a result, we purchased gifts from a Novosibirsk store and sent them by courier. For delivery within Russia we paid an average of 785 rubles. for each tablet.

Result. The promotion lasted for a month. During this period, 10% of new customers increased their average bill from 60 to 100 thousand rubles. Gifts were sent to five clients.

Promotion with a gift for buyer No. 2. iPad mini for regular customers

After we tested the promotion with a gift for a purchase on new customers, we decided to run it among regular customers. To do this, we segmented the customer base depending on the average order amount. There were three segments: clients with a check less than 100 thousand rubles. (first group), from 100 to 200 thousand rubles. (second group) and more than 200 thousand rubles. (third group).

  • Free sales training: what you need to know before you start

We did not give gifts to the first group of clients, since the promotion was intended for wealthier customers. For the second group, managers, using the same script (sample document), offered to increase the purchase amount to 200 thousand rubles. and receive an iPad mini tablet as a gift. Clients from the third group received a present if they increased their average bill by at least 10%.

Regular customers readily responded to the offer, since they have been cooperating with the company for a long time and are confident in the quality of the products. Therefore, the promotion was more effective among buyers in this category than among new clients. In addition, we already knew where and how we would order tablets, and did not encounter problems like the first time.

  • B2B customer acquisition channels: a win-win solution

Result. A promotion with a gift for a purchase valid for one month was launched in June 2015. The average bill of customers from the second group increased by 50% on average, and by 10% for customers from the third group. Gifts were sent to 14 clients (5% of the customer base).

Promotion 3. Surprise gift for new customers

In the fall of 2015, we held a third promotion with gifts to customers, changing the rules. Managers, talking about the advantages of the products and the benefits of the products for their partners’ businesses, convinced new customers to increase the average bill to 100 thousand rubles, but did not talk about the “Gift with Purchase” promotion. We wanted to surprise customers who increased the amount of delivery. It was planned that this promotion would increase the loyalty of new partners to the company and that subsequently they would more easily agree to order goods for a larger amount.

The gift itself was chosen painstakingly. This time we wanted to give not only a useful, but also a memorable gift that will evoke a lot of positive emotions, which clients will tell their friends about. So we stopped at board game. First we thought about hockey. But managers at toy stores explained that these games have a high percentage of defects and incomplete sets, and that the game itself is fragile and will not withstand shipping. In the end we preferred chess. In a local store we found a set that is not a shame to give to clients or friends (picture). The gift (chess and courier delivery) cost the company 3 thousand rubles.

Result. We managed to carry out the action correctly. The clients were delighted and surprised by the gift. We attached to it thank you letter, in which they noted that we strive to meet customer expectations, value partnerships and the willingness of customers to meet us halfway. The gift did not help increase the average check: 14 customers increased the order amount by an average of 30%, not knowing about the gift. But the buyers to whom we sent the chess pieces subsequently called and said that they were ready to continue working with the company.

Information about the author and company

Vadim Gorelikov Graduated from the Siberian State Transport University in 2000. He was one of the founders of the High Finishing Technologies company. Since 2009 he has been working at the Radiotekhnika company. She has been promoting websites on the Internet for more than six years. Among the clients: “Modamarket”, TC “SibTroy”, “Express-Kinetics”, “Signalelectronics”. Business consultant on internet marketing.

"Radio engineering" founded in 1992. Field of activity - sale of radio equipment and technical means. The chain has 14 stores. Official website - www.radio-tech.ru

How does a buyer choose a product in a store, which products from the group does he prefer, what is he guided by when making a purchase? Which promotions are the most effective for increasing product sales? How can you get away from the traditional mechanics of a promotion while significantly reducing the costs of running a campaign?

We give - we stimulate sales

Today the market is oversaturated with similar products, which means there is fierce competition between manufacturers. Therefore, the most effective tools for advertising influence on consumers have become those that allow a unique selling proposition to be conveyed to the buyer in a personalized manner.
One of these tools is the “Gift with Purchase” promotion. Such events, as well as promotions with prize draws, are held when it is impossible or does not make sense to let the buyer try the product. The main goal of the "Gift with Purchase" is to increase sales and earn as much as possible on the product.

How does a buyer choose a product?

More than 80% of buyers make the decision to purchase a particular product directly in the store: they try the product, study the packaging, talk with sellers, read leaflets on the shelves, posters on the walls, etc. On average, a buyer spends 20-25 minutes in the store. During this time, he needs to make a decision about purchasing this or that product. The choice is made not from the entire shelf (otherwise the buyer would only have 30 minutes for 1 category), but from 2-3 familiar brands. These are either brands that the buyer already uses, or those for which he saw advertisements shortly (1-2 days) before visiting the store. At the same time, at least 40% of buyers make their final choice of goods in the store thanks to the information posted inside the premises.

The number of people making the final decision in a store is steadily growing, therefore, the “Gift with Purchase” promotion is becoming more and more relevant and in demand.

A gift, not a discount.

According to surveys, no more than 25% of buyers purchase goods because of discounts. The choice of a discount or gift depends on the size of the purchase, frequency of consumption and target audience. Of course, a discount on a product allows you to increase sales volume in a certain period, but the main disadvantage of such a promotion is a decrease in the quality of the product perceived by the consumer. Moreover, a discount can cause irreparable damage to the image of a new product on the market. Buyers with a large purchase amount do not need a discount at all: they will not notice a difference of a few rubles.

Any manufacturer wants to win as many loyal customers as possible who will purchase its product without paying attention, first of all, to the price of the product. And gifts in this case are much more interesting. You will say that it is difficult for me to draw such conclusions, since the middle middle and upper middle, which we are talking about in this case, are no longer the audience of Pyaterochka. This is not so: currently Pyaterochka is positioned as a store close to home and is visited by customers of different incomes. What determines the specifics of the “Gift with Purchase”.

The target audience.

An accurate definition of the target audience is necessary in order to decide which specific buyers we will address and choose the mechanics of the promotion. Please note that it is quite difficult to switch stable consumers of one brand or another to another, but the percentage of such in the FMCG sector is quite low. Of course, there are exceptions, for example, cigarettes, the adherence to which is higher than for other product categories of goods of frequently renewed demand.

Planning stages.

Implementation of the action. The very first thing you need to plan an action is to answer the questions:

  • Why are we carrying out this action (goals and objectives of the action)?
  • What result (qualitative and quantitative) do we want to get?
  • What are we ready to do for this?

As a rule, a promotional campaign pursues the following goals:

  • Increase in sales. Especially in a situation where it is necessary to locally very quickly increase the volume of sales, freeing up counters, warehouses, and increasing the turnover of goods (a “burning stock” situation).
  • “Tail pulling” is an increase in sales growth at the beginning of a seasonal increase in demand and stabilization of the sales level at the beginning of a seasonal decline.
  • Switching from a competitive product.
  • Protect yourself from competitive activity by launching a mechanism that maintains balance.
  • Launching a new product, the ability to initiate the first purchase, creating primary demand for the product.

Increasing product loyalty.
Loyalty program (loyalty to a retail outlet - dealer, wholesaler, etc. or loyalty to the end consumer.
- The promotion mechanism should be simple, understandable and easy to remember. Example: "Buy 2 packs of coffee - get a mug as a gift." It is necessary to attract the buyer's attention to the promotion at the same moment when the buyer first sees the advertising message. During this moment, we must give the buyer an idea of ​​the category of the advertised product, make it clear that this product category is interesting to him, give him the opportunity to evaluate the attractiveness of the offer and, most importantly, make him feel the desire to take part in the promotion.

  • The purchase price required to receive the prize. Buyers are unlikely to purchase your product at the expense of the rest of the product range. They will purchase it instead of a similar product.
  • Product shelf life. The larger it is, the greater the possibility of purchasing a larger purchase volume at a time.
  • Product group. It is necessary to take into account the frequency of consumption of the product.
  • Purchase weight. A little more than 20% of buyers constantly use a car when making a purchase. Therefore, for example, if, when holding a promotion in stores near your home, where customers come almost every day, you set the purchase volume required to receive a prize, 3 packs of goods with the usual purchase of one pack, the promotion is unlikely to be successful: it will simply be difficult for customers to carry home shopping.
  • The average bill of a retail outlet or the purchasing power of the target audience.

Of course, it is necessary to pay attention to the information support of the promotion: you can announce the promotion through radio advertising in retail outlets, placing information in print media, placing POS, etc. Thus, we attract more buyers to participate in the promotion.

Alternative: check program.

Nowadays, the number of "Gift with Purchase" promotions has increased so much that the presence of promoters of several companies in one store at the same time is by no means uncommon. In the Pyaterochka network, the number 3 is considered critical, and the presence of a fourth company conducting promotions is not allowed. Moreover, the simultaneous presence of competing companies is prohibited. The priority time for the promotion is mainly the hours of maximum traffic. Accordingly, it is logical to assume that the presence of several groups of promoters causes negativity in the buyer, caused by excessive fuss, crush, oversaturation of advertising information and often (unfortunately) the unprofessionalism of the promoters. As a result, the effectiveness of the promotion may decline sharply.

In this regard, it is relevant to develop alternative mechanics for the “Gift with Purchase” promotion. Therefore, we have developed and have been successfully running a check program for more than 3 years now, the main thing of which is that the cashier gives the buyer a gift at the checkout at the time of payment for the goods.

This mechanic helps avoid the following problems:

  • expenses associated with paying promoters and remunerating the agency;
  • insufficient preparedness and unprofessionalism of promoters;
  • customer negativity towards the brand due to overcrowding on the sales floor

In addition, there are a number of guaranteed advantages:

  • Simultaneous coverage of customers in 170 stores in one city (more than half a million people per day). The promotion runs for four weeks simultaneously in all Pyaterochka or Karusel stores in St. Petersburg or Moscow.
  • Promotional day - 8 cashiers x 13 hours (the promotion is carried out during all store opening hours, i.e. 13 hours a day in Pyaterochka stores and around the clock in Karusel hypermarkets.)
  • Extensive information support: during the promotion period, a radio commercial is broadcast every 15 minutes, POS materials are placed in the checkout area and at the place where products are displayed, and when purchasing the desired product, the company’s advertising appears on the front side of the receipt.
  • The cashiers are well trained and additionally motivated to successfully complete the promotion.
  • The costs of a promotional day are significantly lower than when conducting a “Gift with Purchase” promotion using promoters.

The effectiveness of the promotion is assessed by the results of sales, the growth of which on average ranges from 30 to 700% (on average 200%).

Moreover, checks with a prize inscription can be used as coupons/lottery tickets, which are subsequently used to draw large prizes.

There is another option for a check program - to purposefully influence the audience of your potential consumers, i.e. those buyers who purchase a similar product from competitors. When conducting such a program, the buyer is given a gift at the checkout when purchasing a competitor's product.

To promote product categories whose target audience is young people, the mechanics associated with sending an SMS message are effective: when purchasing a promoted product, a number appears on the receipt to which you need to send a message and thus register to become a participant in the promotion. Subscribers of MTS, MegaFon, Beeline can participate. The prize draw takes place at the end of the promotion in one of the stores.

Thus, we are now carrying out several options for alternative mechanics of the “Gift with Purchase” promotion, promoting both the products of suppliers and the products and services of non-suppliers (insurance, travel companies, clothing stores, etc.)

I would like to note that the customers of our network are confident that the prizes (whatever they may be) are completely real and not shared among the staff. After the end of the promotion, posters with photographs of the lucky winners are placed in stores, thereby helping to build trust.

A gift is your gratitude to the buyer for his commitment to the product.

The most interesting is a functional gift - one that the buyer will use quite often and which will always be in sight. Moreover, it is better if the promotion uses several different prizes for the same purchase amount - the buyer will have the opportunity to choose a gift or buy the product several times to collect the entire collection of gifts. Let the buyer purchase the product several times during the promotion period, let more buyers take part in the promotion than there will be several buyers who purchase the product once during the promotion period.

The mechanism works well when, along with small guaranteed gifts, buyers have the opportunity to win the main, or better yet, several main prizes at the end of the promotion. Moreover, by posting a “win report,” for example, a photo of the winner with the prize in the newspaper, we will increase confidence in the promotion and the product.

What should the gift be?

  • Corresponding to the needs of the target audience (beer consumers - glasses, tea or coffee buyers - cups, cup stands, teapots, etc.).
  • Functional.
  • Original (a pen, for example, is certainly a functional gift and can significantly reduce the budget item for gifts, but at the moment the buyer is already quite spoiled big amount promotions and a variety of gifts, an original gift will attract more buyers).
  • Fashionable.
  • High-quality: if your company’s logo is erased on the prize or the gift itself loses its functional qualities, breaks, etc. after a short time of use, then this does not contribute to maintaining a positive attitude towards the brand.

There must be a sufficient number of gifts: saving on the prize fund is unacceptable. It is necessary to remember that not all gifts can be additionally made for short term. If gifts run out in the middle of the promotion, they can, of course, be replaced with others, but buyers will be upset that they will not be able to receive the announced gift. It’s even worse if the gifts run out in the middle of the promotional day.

The cost of the gift should be about 10-15% of the purchase price required to receive it.

Agreement with retail outlets.

When reaching agreements with retail outlets to hold a promotion, it is especially necessary to monitor the following:

  • availability of products at the outlet in the required range and quantity for the promotion;
  • the absence of a competitor’s promotion in the promotional schedule of this outlet during the same period (not only on the day, but also on the week);
  • display of goods.

Availability of products in full range and required quantities at the point is the most important factor when carrying out the promotion. This issue is within the full competence of the customer company. To attract the attention of buyers to a product and promotion and not allow this product to be purchased - this makes all the work on developing, preparing a promotion, preparing promoters, etc. pointless. Moreover, it causes negativity among buyers and has a negative impact on the image of the product. Promoters should also pay attention to the display of goods on the sales floor during the promotion. You cannot allow a situation where the ordered product was not shipped by the time the promotion starts.

Evaluating the effectiveness of the action.

The results of the action can be assessed by the following indicators:

  1. Volume of sales. As a retail representative, I believe that this is perhaps the main indicator for assessing the effectiveness of a promotion. How? Measure sales volume before, during and after the promotion on the same days, weeks, hours; compare with sales volume in the same period in previous periods;
  2. take into account changes in demand, which may be caused by: seasonality, specifics of the product and other factors; take into account the sales volume of competing products available on the market. Knowledge trademark
  3. - conducting surveys at retail outlets before, during and after the promotion. Surveys during the campaign also allow you to evaluate the attractiveness of the campaign idea.

Brand loyalty - the degree of customer satisfaction with the product, the degree of commitment to the brand, the desire to consume your product in the future

  • In order for the action to be effective, it is necessary:
  • take into account the USP of the brand: what is the uniqueness of the brand for the audience, what is its main difference from competitors?
  • formulate who your buyer is, with what tools you can influence him?
  • identify possible promotion mechanisms and choose the optimal one; when choosing the optimal option, take into account the unit cost of delivering an advertising message to the buyer, efficiency and coverage of the target audience;
  • develop a mechanism for coordinating and monitoring the promotion: manufacturer ® agency ® retail outlet (pay special attention to the coordination of the work of promotional teams and retail outlets, the professionalism of promoters, the availability of goods in the required quantity at the retail outlet);
  • determine how we will evaluate the effectiveness of the action; criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the action.
So, summarizing all of the above, I will repeat that the “Gift with Purchase” promotion is an effective element of Sales Promotion. The development of alternative mechanics helps to add variety, interest the buyer, and also avoid negativity and additional expenses. Moreover, when holding a promotion, it is not enough to attract new customers; it is necessary that they become regular consumers of the product. Therefore, promotions should not be carried out occasionally, but should be clearly planned.

There are many factors that influence success. The purpose of this article was to show how important it is to take into account even minor factors when developing and conducting a promotion. Without paying due attention to just one aspect of the organization, you can undo almost all the efforts made during the preparation of the action.

Advertology.Ru based on materials from the Advertising Laboratory

add. to 269411. The organization conducts sweepstakes and gives gifts to customers in the retail network. The question is how to formalize a transaction for a product that is used for gifts and giveaways: through sale (revenue) or simply written off to account 91.02 (at the expense of net profit). The organization is engaged in retail, that is, it does not maintain account 62 of the Chart of Accounts, but writes off revenue from the 50th to the 90th account. Thus, the bonus product cannot be written off through account 62. the account will not be closed. The question is how to reflect the issuance of bonus goods to customers in retail without account 62? how to write it off? to what account?

In your case, several accounting options are possible:

Debit 50 Credit 90/1,700 rub. – bra

Debit 50 Credit 90/1 – 300 rub. – capsule

Debit 90/2 Credit 41 – capsule written off

2. In another case, you can sell a bust + capsule set or indicate in the documents that the price of the bust includes a capsule:

Debit 50 Credit 90/1 – 1000 rub. – set bust + capsule

Debit 90/2 Credit 41 – set written off

Debit 50 credit 90/1 1000 rub. – bust

Debit 90/2 Credit 41 – bust written off

Debit 44 Credit 41 – capsule written off as part of sales expenses

However, this method may cause disagreements with inspectors. And it should be taken into account that in tax accounting such expenses are standardized.

4. If your organization does not have documents confirming that gifts are given to customers for fulfilling certain conditions, then the issuance of capsules cannot be classified as an activity aimed at generating income. In this case, the write-off of capsules should be taken into account in the Debit of account 91 and the Credit of account 41 of the Chart of Accounts.

The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of the Glavbukh System

Elena Leonova, Lodeynoye Pole

The buyer's right to receive a gift when purchasing goods for a given amount is exercised as part of the promotion. By order of the manager, determine the period and conditions of the promotion that stimulates demand for the product. But at the same time, the order should make a reservation that the cost of the main product indicated on the price tag also includes the cost of the gift. Then the bonus will not be transferred free of charge, but realized. In this case, you can legally reduce taxable profit by its value in accordance with Article 268 of the Tax Code.*

– quantity, price per unit (unit cost) and total cost of gifts and souvenirs distributed.

The total amount of expenses under this act is debited to account 44 “Sale expenses”, and souvenirs and gifts transferred are written off to the credit of account 41 “Goods”. Let's consider a specific situation.

The Milady company accountant will make the following accounting entries:

Credit 60

– 300,000 rub. – the acquisition of goods intended for distribution as gifts is reflected;

Credit 41 subaccount “Goods in stores”

– 300,000 rub. – reflects the transfer of gifts to be distributed to store visitors and employees carrying out the distribution;

Debit 41 subaccount “Goods in stores”


3. Article: Providing a product bonus to the buyer

According to the terms of the contract with the buyer, upon fulfillment of a number of conditions (aimed at increasing sales volume), he is provided with a bonus (in the form of goods). How to document and reflect transactions to provide a product bonus to a buyer in accounting?


A. Z. Ostrovskaya,

Leading tax consultant LLC

"Consulting group "Tax Optima""

The operation of shipping bonus goods is issued with an invoice, in which a zero price is indicated. In accounting, the cost of such goods can be included in commercial expenses or expenses for ordinary activities (clauses 5, 7, 9 of PBU 10/99). Accordingly, they will be reflected in the debit of account 44 or account 91. There will be no proceeds from sales on account 90, since the seller gives away his goods for free.

Upon transfer, the supplier is required to charge VAT and draw up an invoice in one copy. Accrued VAT is reflected either as a business expense on account 44, or as other expenses on account 91*.

When calculating income tax, the seller can take into account the cost of bonus goods as another expense (subclause 49, clause 1, article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 31, 2009 No. 03-03-06/1/555, dated August 4 2009 No. 03-03-06/1/513). The provisions of paragraph 16 of Article 270 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which prohibit taking into account the cost of gratuitously transferred property as expenses, do not apply here. After all, the bonus product was not given as a gift, but for fulfilling a number of conditions aimed at increasing sales.*

Note that, according to financiers, the seller cannot take into account in the “profitable” expenses VAT, which was accrued upon the free transfer of goods (letters dated March 11, 2010 No. 03-03-06/1/123, dated December 8, 2009 . No. 03-03-06/1/792). Although some companies manage to prove the opposite (resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North Caucasus District dated August 13, 2010 No. A32-2525/2009-70/36).

Upon learning that the apartment was transferred to the seller by right of gift, buyers often refuse the transaction. It is considered that the gifted property belongs to the recipient conditionally; the donor reserves the right to change his mind and demand the return of the gift. For the most part, fears are unfounded; the law recognizes a gift transaction as equivalent to a purchase and sale, so the recipient acquires ownership. But in order to be absolutely sure that the purchase will not be demanded back, you need to find out a number of points before the process, and we will look into which ones in more detail.

A gift often becomes a substitute for a will. In this case, the donor can be sure that the property will go to a certain person. However, relatives can challenge the deed of gift in court, declaring the order invalid.

Sometimes it happens that the donor changes his decision and demands that the apartment be returned to ownership. The following facts may be grounds for canceling a donation:

  • the donor’s incapacity at the time of conclusion of the contract is confirmed;
  • the donor did not realize the significance of the actions when signing the deed of gift;
  • the citizen was not familiar with the nature of the transaction and assumed that he was signing documents of a different order;
  • fraudulent way of registering a gift.

It is difficult to cancel a gift in court; it will require the presentation of strong evidence on any point. But sometimes the transaction is canceled and the fact of donation is declared invalid. What should the buyer do in this case?

The legislation provides for several cases of confiscation of acquired real estate from the buyer if the act of donation is declared invalid.

Buyer's dishonesty

The buyer knew or could not help but know that the seller obtained the apartment fraudulently. And here there are several signs by which the buyer is recognized as dishonest:

  1. The citizen did not check the documents before purchasing. This is important in order to confirm the absence of a mark about the claim of third parties on the object; such a mark is mandatory in the register.
  2. The property has repeatedly been subject to donation and purchase/sale transactions in a short period of time. The purchase price was determined to be underestimated.

Illegality of the gift transaction

The buyer acquired the apartment legally, but the property left the donor’s possession against the will of the previous owner. This is possible when the following situations occur:

  • registration of property in favor of the donee in a fraudulent manner;
  • signing an agreement under coercion or threats;
  • the donor's inability to realize the significance of the actions when concluding a transaction.

In this case, the buyer has the right to demand a refund from the seller, but judicial practice confirms the complexity of the procedure.

Purchasing an apartment with a permanent resident

It is very important to clarify the fact of the donor’s right of permanent residence when concluding the deed of donation. It turns out that the buyer gives money for real estate in which the donor, a complete stranger, can live (permanently). It will be impossible to evict such a tenant; the law is always on the side of the donors and prohibits eviction if the owner of the property changes.