Dream interpretation

Masha's nutrition program. New menu for kindergartens. Preparing for kindergarten


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Automated menu creation system.

Using a computer program


Every day in the preschool institution a menu is drawn up - a requirement for the daily (daily) diet, which is approved by the head.

Within the limits of their competence, the manager, storekeeper, chef and medical worker participate in drawing up the menu requirements.

In the age of modern technology, no one is probably surprised by the emergence of new computer programs that make our lives easier. And a person with a pencil in his hands, diligently counting calories, kilograms and amounts on a calculator, brings a smile.

The program allowed us to automate the daily process of creating menus. Previously, this took a lot of time - half a day had to be calculated, for example, how many kilograms of meat the storekeeper received, how many servings could be prepared from this product, and not to forget about the number of children whom parents brought to the garden on a particular day. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Today, thanks to the program with the good name MASHA, the menu is compiled quickly. At the same time, you no longer need to keep a huge amount of information in your head. It is enough to enter the necessary data, and the program itself will calculate how much a child’s food costs per day, will not forget to take into account all natural norms, and will also recalculate if necessary.

If previously you could spend a full day working on calculating the food menu and keeping logs, now it can be done in 15 minutes.In fact, the information is entered into the system once, and further calculations are automated. This significantly increases the accuracy of calculations.

Key Features

"MASHA" programs -

provides modularity of the entire application:

Module "Dish recipes"

WITH will receive cards according to the "Collection of recipes for children of early and preschool age 2003". Allows you to add and edit your own recipes. It also allows you to take into account the percentage of waste, portioning losses, and conversion factors.

Module "Creating a 10-day menu"

Designed to create an approximate 2-week menu, which is a template for creating a main menu.

Formation of daily menu requirements based on guideline No. 11-14-1-2000 “Organization of rational nutrition for children in preschool institutions.” It is also possible to create a separate me for children on a diet.

In addition to directly compiling and calculating menus, the section allows you to upload information in the form of PDF files
- product bookmark control (replaces the bookmark control log)
- menu requirement for submission to the education department
- menu and special menu for parents, which is given to each group

Module "Calculation of one day"

Displays the result form to confirm the calculation of one day. It also allows you to add or remove products based on the arrival or absence of children. Additionally, the system displays information about cash expenses for the day in question, as well as the balance of funds for the current month. After checking, the calculation can be completed (close the day). After this, no changes to the menu or calculations are allowed.

Allows you to generate and print a calculation sheet for a given day, which reflects the cost of products for the day, as well as comparison of these costs with the planned consumption based on the current price of the day.

Module "Meeting natural standards"

Allows you to monitor the fulfillment of natural standards for a month, with the calculation of intermediate sections for 10 and 20 days. It also allows you to print a cumulative table in 10 days

Another control parameter is the implementation of the 10-day menu. The system automatically generates and allows you to print a table of compliance with natural standards and standards for chemical composition for 10 and 20 days.

Module "Pantry"

This module helps you keep track of food products. Products are divided into groups for subsequent monitoring of compliance with natural standards. Each product has an approved technology code. In addition, information about invoice numbers and the cost of imported products is entered into the system.

Module "Products"

The system already contains a completed directory of products necessary to create a menu according to the recipe collection. The product directory allows you to edit various product properties, as well as add new products. For each product, you can indicate its chemical and mineral composition. In addition, you can specify a type (category) with your own individual code. For example, the product “Juice” can be “apple”, “orange”, etc.

Module "Reports and Statistics"

The module automatically generates and prints reports on the receipt and consumption of each product, as well as the cost of products for each day and for the selected month as a whole.

Module "Children"

This module helps to mark children present and absent. An attendance sheet is automatically generated.

Scenario of a theatrical play program for junior high school graduates

"The Adventures of Masha and the Bear"

Festive music sounds, Masha enters

Masha: Hey, where is everyone?! (sees spectators) Oh, who are you? AAA, you came to us.... Bear, look, we have guests!

Mishka comes out and waves his paw at everyone.

Masha: Oh, that’s right, you need to say hello...

Runs to clap everyone's hand, Mishka

pulls back and waves his head negatively

Masha: How? (The bear curtsies) Oh, and what kind of medieval ceremonies... I’m better off in my own way!

Greeting game:

Turn to the neighbor on your right, say “hello” and smile!

And to avoid a repeat, say “hi” to your neighbor on the left!

Masha: And you, as I see, students, yes7 (sings) “So we have become a year older, so we have become a year older...”. I also want to study like everyone else... So what if it’s already the holidays... Bear, make me a school!!!

Mishka sighs and sits Masha down on a chair.

Masha: I'm ready, teach me!

The bear shows a poster that says

“Arithmetic”, puts 5 candies in front of Masha, shows the “4+1” card and turns to Masha.

And there are only 4 candies, she hides one, then he shows “3+1”, etc.

When there are only two left, he sees Masha hiding and taking everything from her.

Masha: That’s not fair. I am a growing organism, I need glucose... I want to go to a chocolate factory...

The music plays and Willy Wonka comes out.

Willy: Dear guests, hello! Welcome to the factory, I am happy to shake your hands... (he wants to extend it, but then, seeing a large number of people, he changes his mind). My name is Willy Wonka. Let's go, children!

Masha: Mr. Wonka, it’s a little hot here...

Willie: Oh yes, I keep it warm here because my workers are used to hot climates. They cannot stand the cold at all. Let's start the excursion. Workshop one: everything in it is edible, even the grass! There is a river here. Every drop of this river is hot chocolate of the highest quality! And these pipes suck in the chocolate and spread it throughout the factory. Thousands of liters per hour, yes! Would you like to take a ride?

Masha: We wish, right?!

Game "Chocolate pipes". Two teams take turns crawling through tunnels

Willie: It's time for us to move on. You can get to the next workshop only by sailing along the chocolate river... And since this river should not be touched by human hands, we will sail on boats. Please come on board...

Game "Boats". Two teams of 8 people are recruited,

The captain gets into the foam boat first, followed by everyone else.

The team's task is to swim to another

side and come back without falling

and without touching the “chocolate river” with your hand

Willy: Before you is the most important workshop in the chocolate factory. Attention, please look, but do not touch anything.

Masha: What do they produce here?

Willie: For example, everlasting candy. Eat, even for a whole year, it will not get smaller!

Masha: Great! What else?

Willie: These are hairy toffees. Once you eat one of these candies, in exactly half an hour your thick, luxurious hair will begin to grow on your head. Or a lush mustache and beard.

Masha: I want hair like Rapunzel’s! Can I have one of these candies...

Willy: First, try to cope with such hair... For example, learn to braid your hair.

Game "Braids". Two poles are brought out with ribbons attached to them.

Two teams of three people are formed, and each is given a ribbon.

The players’ task is to “braid the braid”, passing under the ribbons in turn.

Willy: Apparently it’s too early for you to still eat these sweets. And here is the unit for the production of the most amazing and sensational chewing gum in the entire Universe. Do you know why? This is a bubblegum - a three-course meal in one plate: tomato soup, roast beef and blueberry pie. And you don't have to cook lunch! Do you want to participate in its creation?

Game "Conveyor".

Two teams of 6-8 people are recruited and lined up in a zigzag.

They are given a conveyor belt, and a basket of food is placed next to the first participant, and an empty one next to the last.

On command, the first participant takes a product from the basket,

puts it on the belt and lowers or raises,

Willy: Let's go to the next workshop.

Masha: Wow, nuts... Bear loves nuts!

Willie: That's right, there are squirrels working here who are specially trained to shell nuts. They are the ones who can remove the shell without splitting the kernel. They tap each nut with their paws to make sure it is not spoiled. It's so funny.

Game "Nuts". A canvas with slits is hung.

Players stand behind him with “nuts” in their hands.

Their task is to push through very quickly

nut into the slot and quickly remove it.

6-8 people each, they are given soft bats.”

The first participant runs and reaches the canvas

and with the first blow must hit the “nut”,

then comes back and

passes the “bat” to the next player.

Willy: This is the workshop where tests are taking place on my latest greatest invention - television lollipops. One day I thought, hey, if television breaks an image into millions of tiny particles and transmits them through the airwaves, and then puts them back together, why can't they do the same with candy? Why can’t you broadcast real candy on TV that you can then eat?!

Masha: Is this possible?

Willy: Let's try now. Together. This requires large lollipops, because on television they film a normal person, but on the screen he looks so tiny. It's the same principle here. You just need to wear glasses, you can go blind from the transplant rays...

Game "Lollipops".

2 teams of 5-6 people are recruited,

They are given large “lollipops” of various shapes.

Opposite the teams is a “TV”

in which there is a box with reduced copies of candies.

The players' task is to put on glasses, run to the TV,

put your hand in the slot and take it out

from there a small lollipop of the same shape.

3 seconds are given for “probing”.

The team with the most matching candies wins.

Willy: The last workshop is the finished chocolate workshop! The best in the world!

Game "Chocolate". Gold and silver chocolates. With your eyes closed, you need to find chocolates of a given color.

Willy: Our tour has come to an end, I will be glad to see you again at my factory. See you later!

Charlie leaves. Masha finds the game, rolls the dice and reads the task.

"It's not good to come out of the jungle,

The one who started this game..."

Disturbing music sounds and Alan appears.

Alan: Finally, I'm back, I'm home, thank you, thank you!...And you...are you my little sister?

Masha: No, I’m Masha, I rolled the dice and then you appeared...Who are you?

Alan: I'm Alan, I played it too, and it sent me to the jungle for 26 years until someone managed to bring me back... And now I'm back...

Masha: This is so great!

Alan: I don't think so...

Masha: Let's play some more...

Alan: Well, no! I've played enough!

At this time, Mishka takes the cubes and examines them.

Masha: Mishkin's move!

Masha hits Mishka on the paws, the cubes fly out.

Alan: Nooo!

Masha: It’s too late...

"They fly, piercing the night,

Run away from them quickly!”

Game "Bats"

Gather throughout the hall

glued bats. By command.

Masha: Now we’ll definitely have to continue the game to stop all this outrage. Your move, Alan.

Alan: No, we started this game with my friend, Sarah, and she went first.

Masha: So you need to call her... Mishka, you can handle it, right?

The bear runs away and drags Sarah with it

Sarah: What's going on, who are you?

Alan: Sarah, it's me, Alan! Sarah, we need to finish playing this game and everything will be as before...

Sarah stands dumbfounded, while Masha places the cubes in her hands, Sarah turns her gaze to them and throws them away from her in horror...

Sarah: No! Don't want!

Masha: However, the move has been made and we have a task...

"Just one bite of him

He will taste your blood."

Game "Mosquitoes".

There is a rope tied to the high posts,

on which various insects are hung:

mosquitoes, mosquitoes, wasps...Two teams

“shells” and bits are issued, using

which need to fight off the “invasion” of insects,

those. hit the ball with the bat and hit the mosquito.

The task is performed in turn,

the team that wins

hits the most times.

Alan: Now it's my turn!

“You are facing a difficult path,

Monkeys are not allowed.”

Game "Monkeys"

Each team is given a large

gymnastic ball. Player's task

escape from the monkeys, get over one

side of the ravine to the other. get over

you need to sit on the ball and hold on

hands for “vines2” - ropes that

located above the ravine.

Masha: Now me!

"They grow faster than bamboo,

But beware of their tenacious hands."

Game "Stalks"

Two teams line up

The first participants have ribbons wrapped around their belts.

On command, these tapes begin

rewind the second participants, then the third, etc.

Masha: Be brave, I’m with you... Bear, throw it!

Teddy bear throws dice


"From the thicket from the forest

The hunter will come for you!

The bear grabs his head and gets ready

run...Masha can barely hold him back.

Alan: Oh no! He's coming for me! We need to learn to shoot like him in order to defend ourselves!