
Eyebrow microblading procedure. The ugly truth about eyebrow microblading! This is what permanent makeup masters are hiding from us. Microblading of eyebrows, what is the danger

beautiful image builds on a well-groomed hairstyle, good makeup and styling. Another important criterion that must be taken into account is the condition of the eyebrows. They need to be looked after no less carefully, paying attention to shape and color. It is easy to care for only those who naturally have a minimum of cosmetic problems. Modern techniques care offer to correct problems associated with imperfect eyebrows. To do this, it is enough to undergo the eyebrow microblading procedure. As a result, the shape and shade will be selected ideally, taking into account the characteristics of the appearance, but it is necessary to take into account: there are contraindications for the procedure, therefore, it is not recommended to do the procedure or perform all stages at home without prior consultation.

Benefits of the procedure

The choice in favor of microblading is the ease of the procedure and the absence of complex devices and machines. Some experts call the procedure manual tattooing. The quality of the work done depends not only on the chosen paint, which is injected under the skin, but also on the experience of the master.

The microblading procedure is performed in several stages:

  • Preparation for painting;
  • Main stage;
  • Eyebrow care after coloring.

Complex manipulations and special preparation for the patient at each stage are not required. Cosmetologist using special devices, according to the existing shape of the eyebrows, gradually applies small thin hairs made of permanent pigment.

This type of technology is needed when volume needs to be improved. The peculiarity of the procedure is that when carried out correctly, there are no traces of tinting left - the eyebrows look natural. Another advantage of this coloring is its affordable cost. Also, having done a special coloring once, you can forget about cosmetics such as various pencils, shadows or eyebrow dye for a long period of time.

The following advantages of the procedure are highlighted:

  • Minimum amount of time for coloring;
  • Unpleasant sensations practically absent - the diameter of the needles used is very small;
  • Damage to the skin is minimal (the recovery process after the procedure will not take much time);
  • A good result is obtained after the first procedure (pigmenting paint takes root easily).

Naturalness and naturalness of eyebrows is achieved thanks to the shallow penetration of the needle and coloring particles under the skin. Also, after the procedure there is virtually no swelling at the site of treatment. In addition, there are no serious age restrictions, which makes the possibility of coloring accessible to a wide category of people.

Types of procedure

Despite the fact that this type of staining is considered a new procedure, several types of its implementation have been developed. Conducted:

  • European coloring;
  • Shadow technique.

The European version, or hair application, assumes that during the procedure each hair will be drawn separately after a pre-made incision on the skin. Important point– color selection, as it should be as natural as possible. Sometimes the hairs need to be drawn not only along the eyebrow growth line, but also slightly towards each other; in this case, more time is spent, but in the end the eyebrows turn out more natural.

Another option for coloring is the shadow technique. The peculiarity of the procedure is that the basic process of applying paint to the skin is similar to shading of decorative cosmetic shadows, carried out by a woman during the usual adjustment procedure at home. In this case, the specialist slowly performs the necessary actions, working with a special applicator. The basic process is that he carefully shades the paint, which should be distributed over small cuts made in advance on the skin.

Additionally, it is necessary to shape or correct the existing eyebrow line. Those whose eyebrow flaws are not in the color of the hairs or their thickness, but in the shape of the arch, should pay attention to the shadow method.

Important to consider! The method of hair coloring, application of coloring pigments, and line formation are selected individually based on diagnostic results. The cosmetologist takes into account wishes, looks at the shape of the face and eyes, the location of the wings of the nose and its shape, but the basis is medical indications, skin characteristics, since the speed of recovery and overall well-being depend on these indicators.

Disadvantages of the technique

Any technique in cosmetology has not only positive, but also negative sides. Special eyebrow tinting also has some disadvantages:

  • High cost of the procedure (regardless of the chosen option);
  • There are few experienced masters, since the technique itself is considered new;
  • Limited duration of tattooing (the paint fades after 24 months);
  • To maintain the effect, it is necessary to completely repeat the entire staining procedure.

Important to consider! The final result of the procedure cannot be seen immediately - it will take a little time for the redness to subside.

There is no clear answer to the question of whether microblading is painful, since each person’s sensitivity threshold is individual. Unpleasant sensations are present, but severe pain is not observed in 95% of people. Also, the disadvantages include the presence of restrictions and contraindications - not every person will be able to undergo this procedure, since health may be harmed. It is mandatory to follow the recommendations of specialists after the main stage of coloring and adjustment in order to prevent the possibility of complications.

Restrictions and contraindications

The eyebrow tinting procedure has a number of prohibitions, restrictions and contraindications, so the first step you need to take is to undergo a diagnostic examination by doctors: a therapist and a dermatologist. The event will be refused if the following problems exist:

  • Diagnosed diabetes(type doesn't matter);
  • There are damages to the skin in the area of ​​intended staining: cracks, abrasions, wounds (in this case, the effect is postponed until the skin has completely healed);
  • The presence of diseases whose symptoms include inflammatory processes;
  • Fever (more than 37.1 degrees);
  • Diseases whose symptoms include problems associated with poor blood clotting;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Open wounds in the affected area;
  • Suspected or diagnosed HIV;
  • Syphilis;
  • Herpetic diseases;
  • Hepatitis (in any form).

You will also have to refrain from painting if a person has an individual intolerance to a paint component or has allergic reactions. It is recommended to do a special test (allergy test) in advance to find out whether there will be an uncharacteristic reaction to the administered substances. You can also apply a little dye to the bend of your elbow; if there is no allergy, then after 10-15 minutes there will be no redness, peeling, itching or rash in this area. Before going through the stages of eyebrow microblading, contraindications must be carefully studied so as not to harm your health. You should also refuse to carry out such staining if a woman is pregnant.

How is the procedure performed?

You should read information about how eyebrow microblading is done before contacting a specialist. A woman needs to decide on the option she wants to use and determine the final result for herself. All manipulations will be carried out manually by a specialist - no complex devices or apparatus are used.

Preparing for the eyebrow tinting procedure involves going through several simple steps in succession:

  • Choosing a color or shade of paint;
  • Consultation with a doctor;
  • A conversation with a specialist who will carry out all the work on eyebrow transformation.

The choice of the color and shape of the eyebrows should be approached carefully, since the paint will not be washed off later. To make the choice easier, specialists have developed several variations of eyebrow coloring, all of which take into account the characteristics of the color pit:

  • Brown or gray tones of dye are preferred for blondes;
  • Copper, dark or brown (chocolate) shades - for red-haired people;
  • Brown or gray-black - for brunettes.

Usually the master will suggest using a shade that will be slightly darker than natural. This is explained simply - part of the injected pigment naturally disappears during the healing process skin. In addition, the color of the created eyebrows will fade over time as the dye is washed off. That is why it is recommended to choose a shade brighter than natural in order to prolong the visually achieved effect.

After the color is finally chosen, you need to prepare for the procedure itself. 2-3 days before the scheduled procedure you need:

  • Stop taking antibiotics (as they can block the penetration of coloring particles under the skin or prevent the pigment from taking root);
  • Avoid drinking any alcohol (since it thins the blood and ichor will be released during work);
  • Avoid visiting beaches;
  • Do not use solariums for tanning (the skin may become rough under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, as a result the pigment will appear worse).

It is also prohibited to perform eyebrow plucking procedures: these manipulations must be stopped 14 days before the intended coloring. Correction of shape and density is carried out directly by a specialist during the main work. Also, the presence of hairs will prevent skin damage, help the artist know the natural direction of eyebrow growth and determine their ideal thickness, length and width. On the day of the procedure, it is not recommended to drink coffee or consume products containing caffeine.

To get the maximum positive effect from eyebrow microblading before and after the procedure, you need to take special measures to care for this area:

  • Do not scrub or cosmetical tools containing these particles so as not to injure the skin;
  • Do not use 1-2 days before decorative cosmetics(so that the specialist can choose the optimal shade, and the result is as close to natural as possible);
  • Refuse to visit the bathhouse and sauna;
  • Do not visit the pool (1-2 days before the procedure and 2-3 weeks after it).

It is also not recommended to take too hot a shower or bath to allow the skin to recover faster from the injected pigment. It is recommended to adhere to a light diet: exclude spicy foods from the diet. Complete restoration of eyebrow skin occurs on average within 28 days.

The cosmetic effect of coloring with special pigments gives good results if the person does not have serious diseases. Contraindications are the basis for refusing the procedure, so consultation with a doctor is mandatory.


Nature can give you perfect eyebrows, but if you are unlucky, you can achieve them by resorting to a modern and practical method - tattooing. Moreover, contraindications to eyebrow microblading are extremely rare, and even temporary. So, let’s look at both cases when a visit to a microblading master is not advisable.

When is it better to postpone microblading for a couple of days?

  • The day before we had a good time at a party and consumed an impressive dose alcoholic drinks. In this case, you need to postpone the procedure, at least for a day, since alcohol in the blood is a contraindication for any type of tattoo or permanent makeup.
  • We took vasodilating medications before going to the salon. Such medications increase blood flow, and during the procedure, blood can ooze out quite strongly, which will prevent the artist from accurately applying pigment to the skin, and may affect the quality of the tattoo.

Cases when microblading needs to be postponed for a certain time.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are perhaps the sweetest reasons when you should wait to improve your beauty. In such a situation, this is more of a recommendation than a strict contraindication.

There are only two real contraindications for microblading.

  • Diabetes mellitus is quite a serious contraindication for most cosmetic procedures, including this one.
  • Poor blood clotting is, unfortunately, another diagnosis in which it is better to refuse such a procedure.

This is the small list that you should listen to when deciding on long-lasting makeup. There are simply no other restrictions or precautions. Skin color, pigment of your own eyebrows, eye shape and face shape do not matter. A skilled master will select the required shape and shade of paint, and thanks to the special microblading technology, make perfect eyebrows just for you. After all, even absolute blondes with blond hair and pale skin, it will look natural and natural. Since with this technology each eyebrow hair is drawn with the finest lines, which is the absolute advantage of this technique. Which, moreover, is practically painless and in which complete healing occurs within a couple of days.

I recommend reading this article to those who want to know the truth about eyebrow microblading. The author, a master from Germany, Maria Galaburda, emotionally but truthfully reveals the essence of this procedure. At the end - a video from Elena Nechaeva, owner of a chain of salons permanent makeup, which talks about the pros and cons of microblading.

I was silent for a long time, observing the principles professional ethics and democratic freedom of action. However, the sense of responsibility towards clients and beginners, as well as their obvious need for protection from mistakes, compels me to speak and act.

Since the end of 2014, Germany has been experiencing a real boom in eyebrow tattooing. MICROBLADING is advertised on every corner: “the most natural, modern, innovative way” to wonderfully transform your face. This new way tattooing “guarantees an excellent result with the finest, naturally styled eyebrow hairs.”

The hairs created in this way are supposedly impossible to distinguish from one’s own. And the procedure itself is absolutely painless and non-traumatic, and therefore MICROBLADING is strikingly different from the hitherto used “conventional hardware method,” which adherents of MICROBLADING call barbaric and antediluvian. After all, only with the help of MICROBLADING is it possible to achieve ideal results and get perfect and natural eyebrows, which then simply fade and completely disappear in 8-12 months.

IN Lately MICROBLADING has new names: eyebrows using the 3D or 6D technique. (No one has ever been able to explain to me what this means...)

This is marketing. And now - the facts:


The “new and modern” method is nothing other than the ancient Chinese technique of eyebrow tattooing. From time immemorial it was used mainly in poor Chinese neighborhoods, until required material can be purchased quite cheaply. Thus, the poor could also afford to get a tattoo. This is such an innovation...

We must also not forget that the skin of Asian women is strikingly different from our Northern European skin. Asians have elastic skin with a yellowish tint and a small amount of red pigment. Our skin is loose, vascular, often with weak connective tissue. For this reason, the skin of European women reacts completely differently to the application of pigments and heals differently.


What does the word MICROBLADING mean? That's right, translated from English these are “mini-cuts”. And this is exactly what happens during the procedure. A special blade attached to a holder is dipped into the pigment, after which it cuts the skin. Then pigment is applied and rubbed into the surface of the eyebrows treated in this way (the so-called “mask”). This procedure is presented as non-traumatic and painless.

Now the facts:

With permanent makeup (and microblading is nothing more than permanent makeup, that is, introducing pigment into the skin on long time) pigments are implanted into the middle layer of the skin, the dermis. The dermis is located between the top layer of skin (epidermis) and subcutaneous fat. To get into the dermis, you need to overcome the epidermis.

When working with a permanent makeup machine, the following happens: The needle pierces the skin (several thousand times per minute), enters and exits it, thus creating great amount mini-punctures and every time giving no a large number of pigment into the skin. In other words, we get the effect of perforated leather.

What happens with microblading?

The skin is cut with a blade down to the dermis layer, like a scalpel. Pigment is then injected into these cuts. What is an incision? This is damage to the top layer of skin, accompanied by bleeding and scarring. If the surgeon does not suture the skin after the operation, it will heal roughly, widely and unsightly, since a large amount of connective tissue forms at the site of the cut in order to quickly eliminate the injury, “fill it with rescue paste.” But while we are dealing with MICROblading, in our case we are, of course, talking about MICROscars...

I often read in microblading advertisements that the procedure is painless and the skin does not bleed. This is wrong! Of course, it hurts, because the skin is cut: try cutting your skin with a razor, how can it be painless? And naturally, it bleeds, since there are blood vessels in the dermis. If no blood appears during the procedure, this can only mean one thing: the work is carried out too superficially and the pigments are introduced into the epidermis. And this layer of skin is renewed every 28 days. Together with the dying epithelial cells, the pigments will come out of the skin and after a month there will be nothing left there.

Naturally, I tried MICROBLADING myself. Some of my friends and relatives selflessly provided me with a “field for experimentation.” So I have a great understanding of this method and its implications. Fortunately, I carried out my experiments not on faces, but on other parts of the body with similar skin and subsequently removed the traces of my experiments with a laser.


The result is supposedly very natural. This is the strongest argument used in advertising microblading. “The hairs are arranged in a very natural way and are almost impossible to distinguish from your own eyebrow hairs.”

Naturally, photographs of fresh, just completed work are used in advertising. And I must admit that they look very, very beautiful and natural. And this is where the catch lies! Because only by the healed result (3-4 weeks after the procedure) can one judge the procedure performed. Immediately after the procedure, the damaged skin tightens and shrinks (a natural reaction to injury) and the lines applied look very thin and beautiful. However, the following happens afterwards:

The wounds (incisions) are healing. Microscars appear (they are very clearly visible under a lamp and magnifying glass). The introduced pigment migrates into the dermis and settles. Because of this, the lines become thicker and partially blurred. Since the skin was bleeding during the procedure, the added pigment is partially mixed with hemosiderin (iron-containing pigment formed during the breakdown of blood) and is placed in the skin on for a long time. This is the reason why hairs applied using microblading so often acquire a bluish-gray tint.

In order to apply evenly, beautiful lines at the same skin depth, the master must have enormous experience and a calm, steady hand. And this is a rare case in microblading (I will explain below). As a result, we have restless, often dotted lines, since the pigment is introduced partly into the dermis, partly into the epidermis. And sometimes, alas, it goes deeper... In this case, the master suggests carrying out a correction procedure to “finish” the hairs. Unfortunately, such corrections often only aggravate the situation, since it is extremely difficult to hit the same hair with a thin blade. And then new parallel lines of similar quality are formed.


Permanent makeup is the introduction of pigments into the middle layers of the skin (dermis) for a long time. And it doesn’t matter at all how these pigments are introduced, with a device or a blade on a holder. Once the pigment is in the dermis, it remains there for a certain time.

Pigment fading is a highly individual process and depends on many different factors. Metabolism, sun exposure, peelings, nutrition, smoking, hormones, medications... All this plays a role in removing pigments from the skin. On average, we can say that a tattoo lasts from 1 to 5 years.

If you introduce pigments too superficially, they will come out of the skin within a month, along with dead epidermal cells. If they are implanted too deeply, they will remain in the skin for a very long time, perhaps forever. That's all.


Most microblading adherents measure and draw a sketch of their eyebrows according to the “golden ratio” principle, using a special compass. In this way they allegedly create perfect shape eyebrows

Beautiful words with ugly consequences... Because: you can’t just draw eyebrows for a client, guided by geometric formulas! Each person is unique and requires an individual approach. A professional is obliged to consider each client as a whole, taking into account his style, figure, height, facial expressions, habit of applying makeup, etc., etc. I will not tire of repeating: you need to draw a sketch for permanent makeup only by hand and without any measurements or, especially, templates. I allow my beginning students to take only one measurement: when checking the length of their eyebrows. The rest is drawn only “by eye”.


MICROBLADING is now being done on every corner. Anyone who does not offer MICROBLADING is behind the times. Eyebrows are cut by all and sundry. Why? It's simple:

A solid, professional education to become a permanent makeup artist takes quite a long time, is expensive and involves considerable investment in equipment and working materials. But training to become a MICROBLADING master lasts 2 days, costs 1000-1500 euros, and you can buy a set for work for 300-400 euros. Let's face it: what can you learn in a two-day group seminar? Just yesterday a man was doing a pedicure and manicure, and today, after a two-day seminar, he is cutting the skin on his face with a blade...

Just for comparison: in order to give vitamin injections in Germany, for example, you must have at least a naturopathic diploma (2-3 years of study and successfully passed the exam at the health department).
And to cut eyebrows, a two-day workshop is enough...
Irresponsible and beyond all understanding...


I have been observing the development of the “MICROBLADING” phenomenon in Germany for 1.5 years. During all this time I have not seen ANY BEAUTIFUL LIVED WORK. None. There is no naturalness, no ideal fine lines. Occasionally, I saw more or less successfully healed works presented for viewing 1-2 months after the procedure. However, in the following months, these more or less successful lines still turn into incomprehensible blurry spots.

“Microblading victims” constantly come to us to have terrible results removed. Desperate, disappointed girls and women who fell for beautiful pictures fresh work and now walk around with a disfigured face. We are constantly removing this “beauty”. It hurts. It costs money and takes a long time. It gets on your nerves. These clients first paid for MICROBLADING, then for its removal, and then they will pay for a new tattoo (if they ever decide to entrust their face to someone again).

I am often accused of lacking objectivity. They say that the hardware method of tattooing also produces quite ugly results. Yes it's true. We often remove the terrible results of hardware PM. There are enough crooked masters in any method. BUT: This in no way justifies further facial disfigurement, no matter what method: with a machine, a blade or a fish bone!


Dear clients, lovely girls and women!
Don't let yourself be fooled beautiful pictures. Think very carefully whether you are ready to give a lot of money, time and nerves to conduct this experiment on yourself.

Go for permanent makeup only to experienced and talented artists and - PLEASE! - always ask to show you photographs of the master’s LIVED works. They are VERY different from the photographs of recent results. I perform approximately 1000 PM procedures per year, I know what I'm talking about...

In Germany there are very good craftsmen on permanent makeup. Experienced, serious colleagues who adore their work and do it with love and great dedication. As a rule, such masters do not engage in aggressive advertising; they readily show photographs of healed work and honestly and openly talk about the possible risks and consequences of a particular procedure. These are the kind of masters you should trust with your faces; their hands will not harm you.

Many girls want to have microblading, but not everyone can have eyebrow microblading due to contraindications. Eyebrow care is also an important part of the procedure that needs to be taken into account after the service is performed.

Contraindications for eyebrow microblading

There are fewer contraindications for microblading than for regular tattooing, since it damages only the outer layers of the skin, and the procedure is performed by a master manually, thereby slightly injuring the skin.

  1. Diabetes mellitus or hepatitis of any stage. Metabolic disorders in the body occur in the presence of a small percentage of the disease, so microblading with this problem can lead to negative consequences.
  2. Inflammation of organs or infection, which is accompanied elevated temperature bodies. Tissue regeneration and immunity deteriorate because of this, which interferes with normal course skin rehabilitation.
  3. There are skin lesions in the area where the cosmetologist works. They can be in the form of scars, scars, pimples, scratches on the eyebrows. But if they are present, it will be difficult for a specialist to do high-quality work that will satisfy you, since skin unevenness interferes with him. Because of the problem, you will have negative consequences in the end: uneven color, shades different from those chosen before the session, blurred drawing. In this case, it is not the cosmetologist’s fault, but yours, because you went for microblading if there were contraindications.

Do not ignore contraindications, but correct/cure them in order to get biotattoo done without additional doctor’s contraindications. The restrictions listed above apply to microblading eyebrow correction, since the essence of the correction is the same: pigment is injected under the skin in a certain amount, in the selected pattern.

There are no possible reasons for menstruation or pregnancy that could prevent you from having the procedure, since microblading is safe for these factors.

Eyebrow care rules

It is important to follow not only contraindications, but also the care prescribed by your cosmetologist. It indicates necessary medications and the actions you need to take in situations. This leaflet also contains contraindications for care.

First hours

At first the eyebrow color is bright and unnatural, but don't worry as it will fade after a recovery period. Sometimes specialists specifically select more dark color than the chosen one, so that the result lasts longer, so you should not immediately remove the shade using home methods - this is a contraindication.

The first side effect is redness and swelling of the damaged skin of the eyebrows. It goes away on its own, but you can help it with ice compresses.

Constantly smear your lips with an antiseptic and healing ointment, the names of which are written in the instructions with contraindications. Thanks to this, the healing of damaged skin and its regeneration will occur faster.

Aftercare after eyebrow microblading

The first point of care, prescribed in the leaflet with contraindications, is to smear your lips with an antiseptic and healing ointment to speed up the recovery period, so it will go faster.

You cannot wash your face until a crust appears, since an infection can enter the body through the damaged epidermis, which will lead to consequences. Wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in water, avoiding the microblading area.

Apply your eyebrows before going out in the sun sunscreen. A contraindication at this time is sudden temperature changes, so going to baths and saunas is not recommended.

Care for the formed crust

On the third or fourth day, a protective layer is formed that protects the body from infections. You cannot peel off the crust, otherwise the recovery period will be prolonged, and you will have consequences on the result (usually the color becomes uneven).

Be careful with the protective layer on the first day and night, as you may accidentally touch it when you roll over your pillow in your sleep. Such damage is dangerous because you will not feel it and will not be able to take protective measures.

If it turns out that the crust was accidentally torn off prematurely, generously anoint it with an antiseptic, then a thick layer of healing ointment, as prescribed in the instructions with contraindications.

The crust on the eyebrows itself lasts only 4 days. At the same time, on the 3rd day itching begins, which is caused by the natural process of its removal. On day 4, the itching intensifies, but you need to endure it. If you find it difficult to do this, scratch the skin around your eyebrows or apply a cotton pad to your eyebrows, pressing slightly on it. This will reduce itching, making it easier for you to suffer during skin rehabilitation.

How to properly wash your face after eyebrow microblading

Washing during the recovery period after eyebrow microblading must be approached carefully, since improper handling of this aspect leads to negative consequences that affect the result of microblading, as well as the woman’s health.

For the first three days, washing is prohibited; during this time, wipe your face with a damp cotton pad. Then you cannot use ordinary running tap water, since it contains harmful components that disrupt the composition of the blood.

Use for washing boiled water, since boiling water is purified under high temperature from harmful substances. Judge the water until room temperature, then use it.

You cannot wash your face with gels and soap lotions; at most, use gentle lotions for personal hygiene. They usually do not contain anything prohibited.


Contraindications for microblading are dangerous for girls, since non-compliance leads to the removal of the effect. Follow the master's restrictions and his advice on care after sessions. In this case good result and preserved health is ensured.

Nature can give you perfect eyebrows, but if you are unlucky, you can achieve them by resorting to a modern and practical method - tattooing. Moreover, contraindications are extremely rare, if not temporary. So, let’s look at both cases when a visit to a microblading master is not advisable.

When is it better to postpone microblading for a couple of days?

  • The day before we had a good time at a party and consumed an impressive dose of alcoholic beverages. In this case, you need to postpone the procedure, at least for a day, since alcohol in the blood is a contraindication for any type of tattoo or permanent makeup.
  • We took vasodilating medications before going to the salon. Such medications increase blood flow, and during the procedure, blood can ooze out quite strongly, which will prevent the artist from accurately applying pigment to the skin, and may affect the quality of the tattoo.

Cases when microblading needs to be postponed for a certain time.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are perhaps the sweetest reasons when you should wait to improve your beauty. In such a situation, this is more of a recommendation than a strict contraindication.

There are only two real contraindications for microblading.

  • Diabetes mellitus is quite a serious contraindication for most cosmetic procedures, including this one.
  • Poor blood clotting is, unfortunately, another diagnosis in which it is better to refuse such a procedure.

This is the small list that you should listen to when deciding on long-lasting makeup. There are simply no other restrictions or precautions. Skin color, pigment of your own eyebrows, eye shape and face shape do not matter. A skilled artist will select the required shape and shade of paint, and thanks to a special microblading technology, will create the perfect eyebrows just for you. After all, even for absolute blondes with blond hair and pale skin, it will look natural and natural. Since with this technology each eyebrow hair is drawn with the finest lines, which is the absolute advantage of this technique. Which, moreover, is practically painless and in which complete healing occurs within a couple of days.

Works of our masters - eyebrows

The works of our masters - lips