Dream interpretation

Happy day greetings to the chief accountant (Chief Accountant) in verse, prose, beautiful, from colleagues. What date is Accountant's Day in Russia: rules and traditions of an unofficial holiday? Celebrating Chief Accountant's Day

April 21st professional holiday chief accountants note. It is no coincidence that the date of the holiday coincides with the day the first copy of the Glavbukh magazine went on sale, which appeared on newsstands in 1994. It is known that the founder of the holiday was the editors of this printed publication, popular in narrow circles.

In any modern enterprise, the chief accountant is the financial king, without whom it is impossible for the company to prosper and make a profit. The organizers of the holiday call on the heads of organizations not to forget about their valuable employees and at least once a year to thank them for their difficult but important work.

Honor and praise to the chief accountant,
Because you are the wisest head -
Everything is counted and laid out accurately,
All the data is there if you suddenly need it urgently!

We wish you to live and swim in success,
And don’t bend to the tax office.
After all, fairness and advice are your main motto,
And you perform again for an encore!

I wish you a lot of health, and happiness to boot,
Let no task remain unsolved,
Family happiness, love and goodness,
From everyone respect, attention, warmth!

The chief accountant is not a balance sheet,
Not balances, not even reports.
And not someone's career chance,
Not seminars until you yawn.

This is a wonderful person.
And a woman. Always beautiful.
Sometimes, like the sun or the snow,
Wonderfully unpredictable!

We wish you all that
What do you want for yourself?
May it always be easy for you,
Be loved and love!

Happy Chief Accountant Day!
And I wish you strength of spirit,
I know exactly what I need
She is in your profession!

Your work is important and very complex.
Sometimes you even at night
Do you remember the report?
But let life go well!

Happy Chief Accountant Day
I congratulate you
Openwork full of business
I wish you accounting.

Arrival with expenses to make friends,
The balance was always right
So that there is no auditor
He didn't threaten to check.

A penny with a penny
So that things work out for you,
Luck and success in fate
Settled forever.

Being a chief accountant is sometimes dangerous,
Everyone knows this very well.
Anything that goes wrong is your fault,
And there is no more salary for you.

Responsibility is a heavy burden
Doesn't let you blow your mind
And keeps it normal every day,
Only the nerves are in rather bad shape.

So that these cells are preserved
And in the future they will fit together again,
Throw away the abacus, "1C"
And everything that progress has given the world.

A glass of wine, a movie, a snack -
And you are as cheerful as a wagtail.
And with new strength manage
You'll be ready again.

We wish you to increase
Only happiness, joy and prosperity,
And subtract all the problems,
Have order in all matters!

Let your work bring you
Success and positivity always!
Let all important reports
You can do it without difficulty!

In accounting, of course,
You are the main figure,
The entire financial system
The letter you is capitalized.

Happy holiday to you,
Our chief accountant,
Let your mind be cold
The only good thing is character.

Happy Chief Accountant Day
My heartfelt congratulations,
Always make friends with balance
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.

Let the debit be clear with the credit
Always goes with you
And there will be a mood
Always only the highest class.

Tax inspector
Don't be threatened with a fine
And the path to big salaries
Let it be open to you.

Responsible worker -
Without resting your hands,
In charge of affairs
Our beloved chief accountant.

Without fear and reproach,
And even without problems,
Financial flow
Rules for the benefit of everyone.

Both on holidays and on weekdays
Carrying a heavy load.
Let there be no minus,
And that will only be a plus.

More expensive than all income,
Reliable faithful friend,
Responsible worker -
Our priceless chief accountant!

Being a chief accountant is very difficult,
But you know your stuff with a bang!
I wish you career growth,
To be more successful than yesterday,
And also, so that wages rise,
To keep your millions in banks,
Let there be everything that is needed for luxury,
To live for your own pleasure!

In any modern enterprise, without a chief accountant, it is impossible for the company to prosper and make a profit, so on April 21 in Russia they celebrate the Day of the Chief Accountant (Chief Accountant Day).


Chief Accountant Day is celebrated on April 21. The date was not chosen by chance. Firstly, the end of April is just the time when the reports are submitted, and the accountant can relax a little before the long weekend in May. And secondly, it was on this day, April 21, in 1994 that the first issue of the Glavbukh magazine was published.


On this day, there is a good tradition of presenting funny and creative gifts.

- We urge everyone who encounters chief accountants in their work to put aside their affairs at least for a while, take a few minutes and congratulate them, telling them “thank you” for their hard, but so necessary work,- say the organizers of the holiday.

As the magazine staff themselves admit, they have a good tradition of giving all accountants, in particular subscribers, funny and creative gifts on this day. For example, in 2018, the editors gave all Chief Accountants a huge billboard postcard.


In Russia, this holiday is not officially established at the federal level. In practice it is noted . By a paradoxical coincidence, November 21 in Russia is celebrated as the Day of Tax Authorities of the Russian Federation.

In some regions of Russia, in addition to the national date of celebration, there is their own day of celebration of Accountant's Day. So, in St. Petersburg, November 15 is considered accountant’s day. The next day – November 16 – is celebrated in Moscow. In Yaroslavl, the celebration takes place on the first Sunday in April. And accountants of Tatarstan celebrate on the last Friday of November. IN Volgograd region- Nov. 1. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory - November 12, and in the Krasnodar Territory it is the first Sunday in December.

From excitement, delight
It's breathtaking -
Today is Accountant's Day.
Congratulations, chief accountant!

We wish you debit, credit
It's always correct to count
Live positively all the time
Never lose heart!

Let it be in the family and at work
Everything will be great for you.
Do not be sick! Love and happiness!
You are an amazing accountant!

Happy Chief Accountant Day
I congratulate you
Queen of numbers
I wish you happiness.

I wish there were no problems
At work you didn’t know
So that between reports
You managed to live.

The debit matched the credit,
The balance was positive
Be proud that we are the main
Your accountant.

Congratulations on the Day of the Chief Accountant and I would like to wish you not to experience fatigue and hassle, to successfully complete tasks and carry out reports bravely, to manage a responsible accounting process and achieve high results, to never lose skill and professionalism, to believe in your strength and not to lose your happiness.

Happy Chief Accountant's Day
Congratulations to the Chief Accountant,
His work is so important
And everyone knows this
We wish him joy,
Let him live without grief,
Let your health be strong,
And there will be a sea of ​​happiness!

Chief Accountant,
Congratulations to you.
Happiness, health,
We wish you.

So that everything works out
Always with you.
Let the calculations be accurate,
There will always be.

Today we congratulate
Chief accountant.
You are a difficult person
Of an important nature.

On your holiday we wish that
All the reports agreed.
To bring joy
Working with numbers.

To always be in the black
Only the balance is your personal.
And payment for work -
Meaningful, excellent.

Happy Accountant's Day
I want to congratulate you
Not simple, but most important,
I am not silent about this.

Let the team love it
The management respects
For every corporate event
He invites everyone first.

Everything fits together for you,
It was always in order
Every hour was happy
The bills crunched in the wallet.

Our chief accountant is a holy man.
Paper and numbers do not tolerate mistakes.
Everything is clear and precise, everything is calculated,
And, no matter what happens, you have everything at your fingertips.

We wish you health and happiness on your day,
Don't let the documentation let you down.
Always let everything come together, as if according to notes,
So that work always brings joy.

The work will be full of openwork,
Perfect order and glamour,
Let the shortcomings be corrected,
And let all the reports come together easily,
Reports are only a small part
All the accountant's affairs, he only dreams of peace,
So let his superiors respect him,
And he raises his salary on time.

Our chief accountant is our soul and heart.
Crazy team
Working with you gives us
Just a lot of positive things.

Stacks of urgent documents
Manages to sign
Bring out the balance and the joke,
By the way, tell me.

Today we congratulate you,
We wish you to smile often,
And everyone is in a cheerful mood
Occasions of life remain!

Happy Chief Accountant Day from the bottom of my heart
I send you congratulations!
In the brilliance of happiness and love
Let every moment shine.

Let the balance in all accounts
Complied with, of course.
Let success await you in everything,
Let life be serene.

Few specialists can boast of the existence of a periodical with the same name as their profession. But chief accountants are not one of them. The Glavbukh magazine, the first issue of which was published on April 21, 1994, is the flagship in covering taxation and accounting. The publication enjoys authority among economists, is an assistant in the routine work of accountants, and the solemn date of Chief Accountant Day in Russia was chosen in its honor.

The organizers of the holiday call for gratitude for the hard work of the chief accountants. After all, the type of activity of these specialists is really not simple. There are sociological data according to which the profession of accountants in general and chief accountants in particular is placed on a par with pilots, law enforcement officers and firefighters in terms of danger. Although economists do not have to contend with the elements, open criminal behavior, or withstand large physical exercise, their field of activity and big money attract adventurers, swindlers and robbers. And it is accountants, sadly enough, who are most often accused without reason of forgery, theft and participation in fraudulent schemes.

With all this, the bulk of the chief accountants are ladies. According to statistics, over 80% of chief accountants are women. They accept all the dangers of the profession, are collected, methodical, responsible, attentive, organized and precise. It is for these qualities that workers in such a difficult field should be thanked on Chief Accountant Day.

Among the famous people who became famous in other fields of activity, there are those who began working as accountants and clerks. The name of Karl Marx in this regard is not surprising; he was a famous economist. But Herbert Wells, O. Henry and Mikhail Zoshchenko are not perceived as anything other than accomplished writers. However, their biography contains episodes of making a living in the field of accounting.

The profession is ancient. The need to take into account the movement of material assets, be it a coin, a head of livestock or a bag of grain, arose along with natural exchange. The amount of resources was recorded according to time - on clay tablets, birch bark, paper.

With the development of civilizations, the science of accounting also developed. The most significant contribution to the development of accounting is considered to be the contribution of Venetian merchants, who introduced the rule of double entry in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. This method turned out to be so successful that it is still used today, having undergone significant improvements, but remaining fundamentally the same. The well-known mathematician Luca Pacioli streamlined the double accounting system, structured it and thereby facilitated the work of economists of his time. It's a rare accountant who doesn't know this name.

There are not many who have not heard the song of the group “Combination”, which tells about an accountant as a simple bookkeeper and not a prestigious employee. The days in which this respected profession was emasculated are over. Now the chief accountant is a valuable employee, right hand general director, owner of confidential information and a decently paid specialist.

In Russia, Chief Accountant Day in 2018 is celebrated on April 21. Chief accountants, auditors, teachers, students and graduates of specialized educational institutions participate in the festive events.

history of the holiday

history of the holiday

The purpose of this holiday is to remind the management and employees of companies that financial flows and financial statements are not formed by themselves. They are monitored responsibly by chief accountants. “We urge everyone who encounters chief accountants in their work to put aside their affairs at least for a while, find a few minutes and congratulate them, telling them “thank you” for their hard, but so necessary work,” say the organizers of the holiday.

IN Russian Federation The holiday was established in 2002. The initiative was taken by employees of the highly specialized magazine “Glavbukh”, well known in the professional financial community. The date is the release of its first issue into mass circulation. The term “accountant” itself appeared in 1498. Its author is Christopher Stecher, who served in the Innsbruck Court of Auditors.

Before this, all people who dealt with finances were called scribes. In Russia, the word “accountant” began to be used during the reign of Peter the Great. The development of world accounting was greatly influenced by the work “Summa of Arithmetic, Geometry, Doctrine of Proportions and Relations,” written at the end of the 15th century by Luca Pacioli. The mathematician was the founder of “double” accounting, which prescribes the division of monetary amounts into debit and credit.

Holiday traditions

On the eve of Chief Accountant Day, advanced training courses are organized. On April 21, company managers congratulate chief accountants on their professional holiday, thank them for their work, and present them with diplomas and certificates of honor. Seminars are held on the topics of record keeping and documentation. Employees of the Glavbukh magazine organize quizzes and competitions for readers and give subscribers gifts interesting gifts. The media publishes materials about the profession of the chief accountant, about the problems and successes of accounting.

Ceremonial events

On the eve of the holiday, advanced training courses for young people, seminars, thematic meetings, and lectures are held. Reviews of events are often covered by the media. At some large enterprises, by decision of management, employees who are worth emulating are awarded certificates and incentive awards.

Companies with friendly staff organize corporate events with competitions and games. Congratulations and comic poetic alterations are heard at the table. As on any holiday, flowers and sweets will be a good gift for Accountant’s Day, especially since, as statistics say, more than 85% of representatives of the profession are women. However, a person who pores over boring numbers day after day really wants to surprise him with a surprise!

Facts about Accounting

So, if you are an accountant or are just planning to become one, know that:

This profession is one of the most risky. Accountants, more often than any other specialists, are unreasonably accused of forgery or theft of other people's property. It is accountants who most often become victims of fraudulent schemes created by company managers. Scared? Hardly. Go ahead.

Many famous people and world celebrities were accountants, but later became famous in other fields of activity. Among them: G. Schliemann, K. Marx, O. Henry, G. Wells, E. Arden, A. Vertinsky and even M. Zoshchenko!

In the first films based on K. Doyle's novels about Sherlock Holmes, the actor was an accountant by profession, not an actor.

National accounting schools exist in many countries around the world.

Moscow accountants have their own professional holiday. They celebrate this holiday on November 28th.

According to statistics, the share of women in this profession is 86%. Men, we miss you!

Congratulations on Accountant's Day

The accounting department is rejoicing in the morning,
Leaving a report until tomorrow!
And in this festive extravaganza
The people are in a hurry to congratulate you!

Let us, and we wish,
Be patient and good to you!
Today comes for you
It's time for flowers and smiles!

Things won't be normal without you,
Without you, what awaits us is a complete mess:
Reports, summaries - not in form,
And there are piles of papers everywhere!

We won’t sing beautiful odes to you,
Let's be honest, as always:
You are an irreplaceable person,
Without you, Accountant, we are in trouble!

Happy Accountant's Day
I want you today.
Let balances and reports
Everything will be within your reach.

Let your personal income grow,
Don't let an inspection threaten you.
The world of financial spaces
Let it be open for you.

Happy Accountant Day in Russia
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
You are always irresistible
And damn good.

Even if debit-credit
It didn't work out for the hundredth time.
Eliminate all errors
You are, after all, an ace accountant!

No balance sheets, no reports
They will never scare you.
You clearly know the matter
And always responsible.

I wish you good luck in your work
Avoid various fines.
And unscheduled inspections
In practice, you don’t know.