
Position of the competition Dad Mom I am a talented family. Photo report on the competition “My talented family! All the children sing a song about kindergarten

Family business card

Welcome to the teamfamily (surname) "Zadorinka" We


A- artistic

D- friendly

O- optimistic

R - decisive

I - proactive

N - resourceful

K - creative


We are a cheerful family -

Dad, mommy and me.

We came to compete

We are ready to compete.

We don't sit idle -

We'll make everyone around happy.

The desire to win

And cheerful laughter

They will help us

And they guarantee success.

Our motto: We stand by each other -

Don't stand in our way!

There are two children in our family -

Not a moment of peace.

Youngest daughter Julia

Stayed at our house.

Eldest daughter Alina

Represents 2 "A" class.

I am Alinka! Good afternoon

Greetings to all of you, friends!

I am a second-grader, I am eight years old.

My beloved family is with me.

I dance and sing

I live a very fun life.

I go swimming

I'm interested in dancing.

I study well and excellently.

I will introduce my parents to you personally.

My mother Oksana

Any craftswoman!

Tender, beautiful, graceful and modest.

She cooks deliciously and sews beautifully.

With my sister Yulechka

is waiting for me from school.

My dad Roma is smart, hardworking,

Enjoys sports

He doesn't like to be sad with us.

He plays with his daughters.

My dad protects our peace -

Protects our homeland

Can he play football?
Maybe read a book
Can you heat up the soup for me?
Can he play checkers?
Maybe even wash the cups,
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
For me there is always a hero -
My best dad!

Parents stand aside, on the screen there are slides with photographs accompanied by a soundtrack.)

So that you don't get bored here

We have put together a presentation for you.

There's mom, dad, sister and me,

In a word – our friendly family!

We never lose heart

and we help each other. .
We have fun living together -

and work - and be friends

And six months ago

A stork flew into our garden.

He brought me a little sister

Little Yulechka

(After slides or in the background of slides)

My family is the most beautiful in the world.

A caring husband - he has hundreds of talents.

We have charming children.

Our home is always filled with comfort.

And if any difficulties arise,

We solve them together as a family.

Our children help us with this

And that’s why we have peace in our family.

Wife : -To have such a husband,

Luck for me

You are reliable and brave,

And strong as a wall!

I am very, very proud of my husband

And I will happily admit this to everyone again!

Husband : If you ask, who is Oksana?

I will answer you simply and without any pretense.

Oksana is a successful lady in life,

Who loves our children!

I always feel good with you

My beloved wife,

You are my golden happiness

With you the storm is not scary!

In her love she is omnipotent and simple,

You have intelligence and beauty,

It’s a wonderful skill to give our hearts,

Warm our family with a smile.

(The phonogram sounds, spouses and daughter hold hands and sing to the tune of "Songs about Bears"
Our family lives in dear, dear Transnistria,
He doesn’t know grief and troubles, he lives together
We read books together, we go to the cinema together.
On holidays we sing and dance, on weekdays we find things to do!
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-... We are a friendly family!

Mom washes clothes, daughter sweeps the floor,
Dad cooks dinner while listening to football.
Work is quick, everyone is used to work.
And we know how to relax, barbecue in the forest!
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-... We are a friendly family

In general, we think it’s clear

What an interesting life we ​​have.


We have our own secret of happiness -

There is no boredom in our house!

Rivals, rivals, we salute you!

If you want, be the first, but only after us!

As you know, judges never lose,

So let this day not be an exception.

Smile, relax, forget about business.

We will show you talents -

Don't break it to smithereens!

Hey fans! Do not be sad!
You will support the team!
Raise the posters.

We love you! Be more fun!

Stomp your feet, clap harder!

Olga Chesnokova
Scenario for the family music competition “Dad, Mom, Me - a Musical Family”


Family competition.

Spectators are sitting in the hall: children and their parents, as well as families participating in show jumping sa.

Ved: Let's celebrate the holiday! We are announcing a competition!

This competition is not easy,

This is what this competition is like!

The most unique!

The most musical!

Competition “Dad, Mom, Me – a Musical Family!”

When did the word "family" appear?

Once upon a time the Earth did not hear about him...

But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:

Now I will ask you seven questions -

Who will give birth to children for me, my Goddess?

And Eve quietly answered: “I am.”

Who will raise them, my queen?

And Eve meekly answered: “I am.”

Who will prepare the food, O my joy?

And Eve still answered: “I.”

Whoever sews the dress, washes the clothes,

Will he caress me and decorate my home?

“I, I,” Eva said quietly, “I, I” ---

She said the famous seven “I” -

This is how a family appeared on Earth.

And the guys will now sing to you about what family is.

Song "What is family"

sl. and music E. Gomonova performed by a vocal group.

Ved: And now we invite you to our family hearth so that you can receive a charge of vivacity and good mood. So, we present the families participating in our competition. (Represents the families of the competition participants, they take places at the tables). And in order for everything to be like in a real competition, we must have a jury. We have it. Please welcome: (presentation of the jury members).

Have you noticed how beautiful it is in our hall?

And the balls hang around.

And in the balls there are those tasks

For dads, moms and kids.

We shoot the first ball

And we announce the task.

He takes off the ball and reads out the task: "Musical exercise"

I offer musical riddles for exercise (riddles are read separately for each team).

1. Which instrument

Are there strings and a pedal?

What is this? Undoubtedly

This is our glorious (grand piano).

2. I put the pipe to my lips,

A trill rose through the forest,

The instrument is very fragile

It's called... (pipe).

3. Skin on top, skin on bottom too,

The middle is empty.

Wooden girlfriends

They dance on the top of his head,

They beat him, and he thunders,

He tells everyone to keep pace. (Drum)

4. Here are metal plates.

There are a lot of them on the board.

From the records that are many,

The road runs off into the distance.

Do you hear the cheerful ringing?

What does it sound like? (Glockenspiel)

5. The box dances on its knees -

Sometimes he sings, sometimes he cries bitterly. (Accordion)

6. He looks like a brother to the button accordion,

Where there is fun, there he is.

I won't give any hints.

This is ours. (accordion).

7. On a piece of paper, on a page,

Either dots or birds,

Everyone is sitting on the ladder

Everyone is singing songs. (Notes)

8. He gets fat and then loses weight,

The whole village is amused. (Harmonic)

9. Oh, it rings, it rings,

The game makes everyone happy.

And only three strings

She needs it for music.

Who is she? Guess it.

This is ours. (balalaika).

10. Carved from wood,

And he cries in his hands. (Violin).

11. If you blow into it,

He sings very cheerfully.

You all play it

You'll guess right away.

“Doo-doo-doo, da-da-da!”

She always sings like that.

Not a stick, not a tube.

What is this? (Pipe).

12. More beautiful than an assistant

We can't find it anywhere.

Working with her is challenging

And have fun along the way. (Song).

Ved: It's time to move on to the next competition.

I'm taking off the red ball

And I read the assignment.

And the competition is very interesting:

Which family has the most wonderful orchestra?

And you can play on anything you can get your hands on, even on a frying pan and saucepan. Listen to what I played. (names the child who is reading the poem).

I was sitting on the rug

I rattled pots.

Mom and Dad came running,

Uncle Fedya with Aunt Kappa -

All the pots were taken away.

But they didn't know yet

What did I hide in the corner

A frying pan and a saw.

Ved: And our next competition will be called "Orchestra in the Kitchen".

The teams prepared for this competition at home and brought with them the instruments they made. The jury will evaluate not only the quality of performance, but also the originality of the instruments.

Competition "Orchestra in the Kitchen". Contestants sing, accompanying themselves on household items.

Ved: Thank you very much for your creativity and talent. Now let’s listen to the jury’s assessments of the two past competitions.

The jury's word.

Ved: I'm taking off the yellow ball

I announce a pantomime.

I'll ask you to guess

What will we all play on?

I'm announcing a competition "Musical pantomime". I invite the teams to choose two pictures each depicting musical instruments. You will pretend to play these instruments, and the audience will have to guess what you are playing. (After the answer, the audience is shown a picture.)

Ved: All participants did an excellent job. I think our audience also helped them with this. They were so attentive that they immediately guessed what the contestants were playing. And all because the children in our kindergarten are friendly and help each other. They will sing about this in a merry song "Kindergarten".

All the children sing a song about kindergarten

(at the choice of the music director).

Let's move on to the next competition.

I pick the blue ball

I'm announcing a new competition.

And no one can guess which one.

"Guess the melody" called.

And it will consist of two parts. First you have to guess the song by its melody. Whoever guesses first will ring the bell.

The music director performs the melodies of the songs. Contestants who guess the song ring the bells located on each table.

1. "Grasshopper".

2. "Antoshka".

3. "Kalinka".

4. “Chunga – Changa”.

5. “Tired toys are sleeping.”

6. “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden.”

7. “There was a birch tree in the field.”

8. “It’s fun to walk together.”

9. “Happy Geese.”

10. “Little Christmas tree.”

Now, in the second part of this competition, you will have to recognize the song by its brief content.

1. A song about a holiday that everyone has only once a year.

(“Song of the crocodile Gena”)

2. The song is about how if you are cheerful and friendly, everything around you will change (“Smile”).

3. A song about what children will learn when they graduate from kindergarten.

(“What they teach at school”).

4. A song about how good it is to travel in a cheerful company.

(“Merry Travellers”).

5. Song of a strange, incomprehensible animal - a toy (“Cheburashka”).

6. A song about a coniferous tree that was born and grew in the forest

("The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree").

7. A song about a blue vehicle that is rolling towards new adventures (“Blue Car”).

Ved: Now let’s ask the jury to evaluate the past two competitions.

The jury's word.

Ved: And here is our last ball.

Well, let's see what happens now.

And now the most difficult competition awaits you "Guess and answer".

Whichever one of you answers the most questions in one minute will win this competition. And the jury will keep track of time and after a minute has passed, they will ring the bell. If you don't know the answer, say: "Next." So let's begin.

1. What wildflower has a musical name? (Bell).

2. Who helped the wolf from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” change his voice? (Blacksmith)

3. About whom did Cinderella sing the song from the fairy tale film “Cinderella”? (Bug)

4. Which cartoon character sang the song “I play the harmonica...”?

(Crocodile Gena).

5. What is the name of the kindest, and most importantly, singing cat, who called for living in friendship and harmony? (Leopold).

6. How many strings does a balalaika have? (3).

7. What is the name of the song that a mother sings to her falling asleep child? (Lullaby).

8. Which cartoon character loved to sing on the beach, sunbathing under the bright sun? (Lion cub and turtle.)

9. What kind of tool can be made from a reed if you drill holes in it? (Pipe.)

11. What do you call a person who composes music? (Composer.)

12. A performance in which they speak the language of dance. (Ballet.)

13. Favorite instrument of Karabas-Barabas. (Pipe.)

14. In which cartoon do the little bear and the little bunny sing a song about clouds? (Shake, shake, hello.)

15. The person leading the orchestra. (Conductor.)

16. What kind of wood is a pipe made of? (Not of any kind. Metal.)

17. Who sang the song “If it’s long, long, long...”. (Little Red Riding Hood.)

18. What is the name of an ensemble of three performers? (Trio.)

19. What song does the rooster sing? (Crow.)

20. A musical instrument is a geometric figure. (Triangle.)

21. How many notes are there in total? (7: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si.).

22. What insect plays the violin? (Grasshopper).

23. What instrument do they eat from? (Dishes).

24. In which program does the song “Tired Toys Sleep” sound? (GOOG night kids)

25. Who wrote songs about the grasshopper, Cheburashka, the blue carriage, Antoshka? (Shainsky).

26. What key opens music? (Violinist).

27. In which cartoon is the song “If only there were no winter”? (“Winter in Prostokvashino”).

28. What is played on the violin? (Bow).

29. Every child's first noise musical instrument. (Beanbag).

30. What instrument did Grandmother-Yozhki play from the cartoon “The Flying Ship”? (Harmonic).

31. Who deprives one of their musical hearing? (Bear).

32. Where does the river begin? (From the blue stream).

33. Oh, what does Crocodile Gena regret? (Unfortunately, birthdays only come once a year).

34. Who did Winnie the Pooh turn into when he took off on the balloon? (Into a cloud).

35. How many pedals does an accordion have? (None).

Ved: This was our last competition. While the jury is summing up the final results of our competition, I invite everyone to a fun dance.

Everyone quickly stand in a circle,

Let's start dancing together.

All children perform

general dance

(at the choice of the music director).

Ved: And now - attention: the jury's word.

Summarizing. Awarding the competition participants.

Ved: Thank you all for your attention,

For enthusiasm, for ringing laughter,

For the fire of competition,

Guaranteed success.

Now the moment of farewell has come,

My speech will be short.

I tell everyone: “Goodbye!

See you happy next time!”

Larisa Sergeeva

Life in kindergarten is very active. And the more diverse events there are, the more interesting it is.

In our kindergarten it was announced contest for children and parents "My talented family The participants prepared very responsibly for competition.

We came up with numbers and selected costumes.

Conducting competitions For children it is a responsible event. Competitions They give children an excellent opportunity to discover their creative abilities, and parents - to create together with their children, getting to know each other better. They create an elevated emotional atmosphere on the eve of the holidays.

Long-awaited Mother's Day the competition took place.

There were a lot of participants! Even the youngest pupils took part and brought video numbers made at home. This families: Arina Sokolova, Nastya Kapitanova, Kamila Nabieva, Artyom Sholokhov, Lily Bakanova. They all became winners! Well done!

It was very nice to see how grandparents, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters supported the young participants and performed with them! The rooms were different and very interesting.

Pleased with the scenes families:

Parfenova Ksenia

Subbotina Artyom

Maximova Matveya

Baranova Alena

Poems read families:

Puchkova Dmitry

singer Nastya

Maysyuk Arkadia

Poberina Nikita

Silence of Arseny

Fedorova Aida

Shtanov Nikita and Ladyshkin Kirill

Maisyuk Ksenia

Dekhanova Karina

Mikheeva Marina, they had a poem of their own composition.

Songs performed families:

Yarovaya Yana

Yulia Rusakova

Suslov Dmitry

Yarovaya Polina

Received a lot of applause family Mokeeva Victoria for the dance.

After holding a competition its winners received certificates.

Dear parents, we open up limitless spaces for you and your children to express their imagination and creativity! I wish you victories!

Publications on the topic:

In the municipal preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 10 “Silver Hoof”” in the city of Alushta, a festive celebration was held on March 24, 2016.

For the purpose of patriotic education and respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, a formation and song competition was held in our city.

Goal: to show the beauty of autumn in children's crafts. AUTUMN The lingonberries are ripening, the days have become colder, and the birds' cry makes my heart sadder.

Regulations on holding a reading competition dedicated to World Mother's Day Regulations on holding a reading competition dedicated to World Mother's Day 1. General provisions. The purpose of the competition: -increase the role of domestic.

Regulations on the competition “Contribution to the development of information content of preschool educational institutions” Borisova Kristina Vitalievna Regulations on the competition “Contribution to the development of information content of preschool educational institutions” 1. General provisions 1.1. The present.

T. Buast once very accurately noted: “A person who lives alone exists only half.” After all, it is much more pleasant to rejoice in successes with your loved ones and it is much easier to endure adversity when you have someone to share them with. And if mutual understanding, respect and love reign in a family, isn’t this true happiness?

It is these families - loving and understanding - who gathered in the rural House of Culture of the agricultural town of Drachkovo to take part in the “Family Talents” competition program. The performances of the teams were evaluated by a jury, which included the chairman of the Drachkovo Village Council, Evgeniy Mikhailovich Apatsky, and a correspondent from “KS”. The jury was headed by Irina Vladimirovna Boeva, a methodologist from the Smolevichi Regional Medical Center. The competition program was led by the director of the Drachkovo House of Culture, Elena Mikhailovna Pugacheva.

Three families - Yankovets, Lyakh and Khmelnitskys - competed for the title of the most talented. In the first competition, called “Business Card,” families met the audience and told a lot of interesting things about themselves. For example, Valentina Mikhailovna and Nikolai Vladimirovich Yankovets calculated that the total height of all family members is almost seven meters, and the family weighs about 3 centners. The family of Elena Vasilievna and Igor Anatolyevich Lyakh advised them to enjoy life by following their example. And the family of Irina Petrovna and Sergei Mikhailovich Khmelnitsky promised that they would surprise everyone with their talents.

In the music competition, participating families performed given compositions. Perhaps the performance was not always pure, and the singers were sometimes out of tune, but it was very pleasant to listen to them. The cheerful and soulful family singing was appreciated by both the jury and the audience.

The following competition helped determine the best helpers for moms and dads. Pasha, Nikita and Alina - the youngest representatives of the families - collected candy wrappers scattered across the stage. The most thrifty participant was determined by the amount of garbage collected. And so that the audience would not get bored while the jury deliberated and awarded points, modern popular songs, as well as dance numbers, were performed on the stage of the House of Culture.

To give families the opportunity to fully express themselves and demonstrate all their talents, the organizers of the family competition asked the participants to prepare their homework - an amateur performance number. The families turned out to be very musical and delighted the audience with song numbers.

Since childhood, each of us has been familiar with the smells of our favorite dishes, filling the house and whetting our appetite. What is a family without mom’s delicious delicacies? To test which mother is the best cook, families presented their signature dishes. But the jury members, having been the first to taste and evaluate the taste of the dishes, were unable to choose the most delicious: each of them was unique in its own way. Viewers of the competition were also able to try cakes, cookies and salty balls.

It's time to take stock. And despite the fact that the event was called a competition, there were no losers. Therefore, in all the certificates presented to the families by the chairman of the jury, Irina Vladimirovna Boeva, there was one entry: “Winner of the competitive game program “Family Talents.” In addition, the families received valuable gifts. Irina Mikhailovna congratulated the participants on their victory and wished not to lose the same warm relationship. A good continuation of the evening was the disco of the 90s.

A good family holiday will remain in the memory of the participants for a long time. They showed by their own example what a happy family should be like. Family life, of course, is not always a continuous holiday. But having overcome all the troubles and problems, the family becomes even stronger and more friendly.


Target: creating conditions for unification and cohesion of the class team, for cooperation between family and school.


  • Development of family creativity;
  • Increasing the role of the family in the minds of children and in society;
  • Instilling norms of cultural communication with peers and with adults.


  • Festive decoration of the audience.
  • Genealogical trees of families.
  • Exhibition of family hobbies.
  • Photo exhibition from the life of the class.
  • Musical accompaniment.
  • Costumes of the participants.

The progress of the holiday

(To the music, the guests pass and are seated at the festively laid tables.)

Teacher: Dear parents, dear children! It’s so good that today, on the eve of Mother’s Day, we gathered for our family holiday “Dad, Mom, I am a talented, friendly family!”


Do you know how the word family appeared?
Once upon a time the earth had not heard of him!
But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:
“Now I will ask you seven questions.
Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?

Mother: And Eve meekly answered: “I am!”

Father:“Who will raise them, my queen?”

Mother: And Eve meekly answered: “I am!”


“Whoever sews a dress, washes the linen,
Will he caress me and decorate my home?
Answer the questions, my friend."


“I,” Eva said quietly, “I!”
She said the famous seven I.
This is how a family appeared on earth.

Did you know that back in Ancient Rome there was a custom to celebrate the family holiday of Matronalia. This holiday got its name from the word “matrona”. The Romans respectfully called them respectable women, mothers of families. On such a day, men gave gifts to their spouses and, undoubtedly, were more kind to them than usual. Women dressed in festive clothes and put on the most beautiful jewelry. Sacrifices were made and prayers were offered in honor of Juno, the goddess of marriage and motherhood. We dedicate our family holiday to the Father and Mother - the basis of human earthly existence.

Teacher: Every person should know their family history. Believe me, this is no less interesting than the genealogy of Russian tsars or Egyptian pharaohs. There is even a special historical science - geneology, which studies the origin, history and family ties of families. Think about how many of your relatives you can name on your own, without the help of your parents or grandparents? Probably less than it actually is. Today the Kislitsyn and Luknov families will introduce us to their pedigree.

Teacher: You understand that we owe our lives to many generations of our family. You are not alone in this world and you must remember this, cherish and take care of your family.

(“The Baby Mammoth’s Song” is performed by the children of the class, Veronika Chebotareva is the soloist).

The musical screensaver sounds (I. Allegrova “9x12”). Parents hold a “Photography for Memory” competition (to find out from children’s photographs those whom they depict).


I grew up curious as a child,
This passion is not hidden,
I once asked: “Mom,
Where did you get me?”
Mom answered: “Darling,
My beloved shoot.
Where did you get it? Plucked from the oak tree
You were hanging there like an acorn.”
Without hiding surprise,
I thought: “Wow!
It's good that it's not a stranger
My aunt found me there.
What would happen to me then:
Without regret, without loving,
Maybe she didn’t lose her stomach
In a person would I?
Well, I was found, happy,
Well, since I was an acorn.
Brother, I heard, from nettles
The stork brought it to my mother.
Such an interesting case
But I just can't understand
How could he in stinging nettle
Sit down and not yell?
I marveled at his strength
I was never rude to him.
Sit on the nettles
This brother is not your dude...
Well, I’ll say it straight away,
No matter how things go there:
When mothers find us -
This is very good! (G. Vieru).

Teacher: Who, if not mothers, knows us best? We will now see confirmation of this.

  • 1 competition “Recognize your child by his voice.” Do children know us that well?
  • 2nd competition “Get to know your mother”. (The “Oriental Dance” is performed for mothers - Sasha Gorelova.) Children give their parents a seven-flowered flower, a symbol of the family, on the petals of which they wrote words that define their understanding of the family.

Teacher: The role of the mother in our destiny is enormous and incomparable, for the mother not only gives birth, but also gives birth. Gives birth to our being, spiritualizes a living bundle of life with the spirit of its people, native word, thought, love and independence, devotion and intransigence. But what would we, mothers, do without the strong half of our humanity: kind and unyielding, charming and independent, gentle and affectionate, loving and so loved. Without our Men! Father is the dearest, dearest man to all of us, mother’s best friend. The appearance of a father expresses human responsibility for the birth of a child, for his every step and deed, for the entire path of life - from birth to death. To be worthy of a father is a personal honor for everyone.


Let not everyone have the scope of life,
Not everything sticks together as it should.
But if necessary - not for fear
Father will rescue us from hell.
Comforts her daughter in her arms,
He will light the fire, cook our fish soup,
And will take away random fear,
He will take his son in the bathhouse himself.
He will move mountains for love,
He will judge all the boys' disputes,
Will teach you not to grieve in grief,
Live a hassle-free life. (T. Katus).

(Song “Dad can do anything” by V. Shainsky).

Mother: We'll see what our dads can do now.

  • 1 competition “My home is my fortress”. (Fathers and sons build houses from construction kit parts).
  • 2nd competition “Braid your daughter’s hair.”

And now we will all take part together in the competition “Through the Mouth of a Baby”. So let's begin.

  1. This is the most precious thing in a family; it is treasured and passed on from generation to generation. (Family heirloom).
  2. The most reliable, kind, beloved person for everyone on earth. (Mother).
  3. A place where we are all together. (House).
  4. Happens once a year, he is very much awaited and loved, when you get older, you wait for him less. (Birthday).
  5. This is a small, beloved creature, although it causes a lot of trouble. (Child)
  6. She knits socks for everyone and bakes the most wonderful pies and buns. (Grandmother)
  7. This is not a person, but a full member of the family. (Pet).
  8. This is when everyone is together: dad, mom, grandma, grandpa and me. (Family)

Teacher: Bravo, we completed the task perfectly! And now let's give the floor to our most charming, beloved participants of our holiday - children. They will present to your attention the hobbies of their parents.

Teacher: You can appreciate all the talents and creativity of our fathers and mothers by viewing the exhibition prepared by the hands of our parents.

(View an exhibition prepared by the hands of parents and children.)

Father: I would like to recall the words of the medieval poet Sebastian Brant.

A child learns from what he sees in his home,
His parents are an example to him.
Who is rude in front of his wife and children,
Who loves the language of debauchery,
Let him remember that he will receive more than
Everything is from them, what it teaches them.
If children see us and hear us,
We are responsible for our words
And to work; easy to push
Children on a bad path.
Keep your house tidy
So as not to repent later.

Teacher: Concluding today's holiday, I would like to say words of gratitude to everyone present for their concern, for their interest, for mutual understanding and unity. I would like to hope that the family holiday helped us all get to know each other even better, and made us want to meet more often.

Everyone sings together the song “Smile” by V. Shainsky.