Dream interpretation

Craft a three-dimensional Christmas tree made of threads.

Gulnara Akmurzinova

Dear friends! Approaching New Year, the most favorite holiday for every Russian family. It unites us with pre-holiday chores, common hopes, new plans, and anticipation of joyful changes.

On the eve of the holiday, we decorate the streets of cities and villages, institutions, houses, apartments: colorful toys, garlands, snowflakes. And the most important attribute is herringbone, which you can buy, or better make it yourself.

I present to your attention master-class on making a Christmas tree from acrylic thread.

For work I needed the following materials and tools: cardboard Green colour, green and red acrylic threads, scissors, glue gun, PVA glue, beads.

Work progress:

1. We make a cone from green cardboard.

2. We make pompoms from acrylic green thread.

3. Use a glue gun to lubricate the base of the pompom and connect it to the cone.

4. We create an air star from red thread, PVA glue, matches.

The manufacturing procedure can be found on the Internet.

Thank you for your attention!

Happy New Year 2016!

I wish you good health, happiness, love, prosperity, fulfillment of desires, creative success and victories!

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Dear colleagues, I want to offer you another version of a New Year tree made from paper folded like an accordion. For this we need paper.

Do you want to create original new Year decoration and souvenirs? There are a lot of ideas. For example, you can make beautiful ones from threads. It's easy to make such a thing. You do not need any special devices or materials. Everyone has everything they need in their home. The process of making this souvenir is very simple and exciting. Even a child will be happy to take part in this.

How to make a Christmas tree from threads

Such crafts are the simplest in terms of production. You will need the following materials:

  • whatman;
  • scissors;
  • or any other;
  • threads;
  • needle.

There are two technologies for manufacturing these objects. They are similar in the sequence of actions, but in one case a film and a needle are required, and in the other - not. Which method you choose depends on the materials you have on hand. If a child is making the Christmas tree, it is better to do without a needle (or use a plastic one).

Master class: Christmas tree made of threads

The manufacturing process consists of the following steps:

Your souvenir is ready. You can make Christmas trees with your own hands from threads of different sizes: from 5-10 cm to meter-long room decorations. The color scheme is used both traditional (green shades of one tone) and decorative (red, white, alternating circles of several colors). Don't be afraid to experiment.

How to decorate a made souvenir

When your thread tree is ready, you can leave it or decorate it with various elements. The following options are usually used:

  • an asterisk or ball on the top of the head (plastic, paper);
  • beads;
  • sequins;
  • beads;
  • bows;
  • snowflakes
  • tinsel;
  • rain.

Now you know how to make a Christmas tree from threads and how to decorate it.

It is worth showing your imagination and using any available materials for decoration. Depending on the size of the souvenir, colored cereals, beads, buttons, pine cones, and candies may be suitable. The main thing is not to overload the tree. Openwork product not intended for large quantity heavy decor.

Balloons and subject compositions

A Christmas tree made of threads can be decorated with balls made in the same way. They are used as a basis air balloons, which, after the glue has dried, are pierced with a needle and removed.

If the Christmas tree large sizes made for interior decoration, you can complement it with other similar objects: a snowman stylized by Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. The combination of different colors and textures will create a spectacular stylish decor.

How to make a souvenir lamp

Christmas trees made of threads (photos of them are presented in the review) are used to decorate the interior as lampshades for night lights. They create fancy shadows from the openwork structure and look very unusual, stylish and romantic. There is nothing difficult in creating such a thing. You just need to pick up a small lamp. Having purchased the base, calculate the required diameter of the base of the tree, take measurements and begin creating a lampshade using the technology described above.

In addition to the Christmas tree or as an addition to it, you can use other objects that are described in the previous section. Christmas tree lamps, snowmen, balls will be excellent decorations New Year's Eve or even gifts for relatives and friends.

We use weed threads

Modern possibilities for needlework are very wide. The yarn store offers a large assortment of this product, not only in terms of quality and color range, but also the texture of the future product. Try making your own Christmas trees from threads different types. The “grass” looks original, and most importantly, very natural and natural looking.

It is worth saying that in this case the threads should be wound onto the base in clear horizontal rows or in a spiral. If you do this process chaotically, the Christmas tree made from grass threads will turn out to be disheveled. However, if you want to surprise the audience, then you can experiment. For example, try to make such a souvenir from yarn that consists of several multi-colored threads. Combining them with “weed”, you can get original effects.

Christmas tree made of thread strips

In addition to the one mentioned above, other decorative yarns are also sold, for example, those made in the form of ribbons. They can resemble lace, frills, sewing. At the edges, such tapes have a thread with loops, which are used to connect the yarn into a single fabric. How to make a Christmas tree from striped threads? Yes, very simple. All you need to do is glue these strips of thread onto the base, which you won’t need to remove.

You learned how to simply and easily make Christmas trees with your own hands from threads. Such a souvenir can decorate as festive table, and the interior of a large room. Prepare yarn, decor, glue, base. And begin the exciting creative process.

Without a Christmas tree, of course main attribute the most luxurious holiday. Therefore, not a single real New Year can do without it. The house should have, if not a Christmas tree, then at least a spruce branch or faux Christmas tree, created with your own hands. Variants of coniferous symbol New Year's holiday There are many, but today the article will describe several options for souvenirs, created step by step with your own hands from threads and yarn.

Since not everyone can afford a real one due to various circumstances, don’t be upset, there is a way out. You can make a tabletop Christmas tree with your own hands, which you can use to decorate your holiday. New Year's table or shelf. The Christmas tree will bring you a lot pleasant moments and decorate the interior of your home. After spending an hour creating a decorative item, the interior will correspond to the New Year of the Rooster.

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree made of threads or rope step by step photo tutorial

Prepare to create a thread tree:

  • cardboard or A3 or A2 paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • dense cotton threads;
  • cling film.

How to make a Christmas tree from string or thread?

  1. The tree can be not only green, but also golden, silver, white, in general, even two-color, as your heart desires. Any tree looks spectacular.
  2. Make a cone out of cardboard that will act as the frame of the Christmas tree. After making sure that the cone is level and does not fall, you can wrap it in cling film, popularly called mica.
  3. You need to pour glue into a plate and put a thread in it so that it is saturated. Then you can start wrapping the cone with thread. By twisting the thread tightly, you will get an even tree. At the end of wrapping, the thread needs to be cut and glued to the product.
  4. Leave the craft to dry overnight, remove the cardboard and film in the morning, just do everything slowly and carefully.
  5. Finally, you can decorate the handmade Christmas tree to your liking, for example, hang beads of different colors, homemade snowflakes, buttons and bows. If you prefer natural eco and Provence styles, then you can make circles, stars from tangerine skins, make holes in them and thread them, then hang the finished dry crafts on the Christmas tree.
  6. You can, of course, decorate the tree along its axis with an LED strip or an electric garland from the inside and it will glow.

Photos of Christmas trees made of rope and threads

Homemade Christmas tree made from yarn Grass or tinsel

For a Christmas tree made from Grass yarn, prepare:

  • tinsel or yarn;
  • wire;
  • cardboard sheets;
  • scissors;
  • a simple pencil;
  • glue Super moment;
  • scotch;
  • ruler;
  • as decoration - satin ribbons, paper snowflakes, pebbles, bows, beads, cones, beads, small Christmas balls made of plastic.

How to make a lush Christmas tree from tinsel and yarn

  1. Make a cone out of cardboard paper and cut off the top;
  2. Attach the wire to the cone and twist it along the axis;
  3. Then you need to wind the yarn onto the wire;
  4. Now you need to coat the wire and yarn frame with glue and wrap it with “grass” on top so that it sticks;
  5. All that remains is to decorate the yarn Christmas tree with bows, balls, paper figures or beads.

Master class with step-by-step photos “Making a Christmas tree from multi-colored threads”

Pavlova Galina Vladimirovna, teacher of MBDOU No. 20, Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk region.
Description of the material. For many people, the main symbol of the New Year is Christmas tree. In this master class, everyone will be able to get acquainted with the technique of making an elegant Christmas tree from threads. The master class will be of interest to teachers of middle and senior groups kindergarten, teachers of extended day groups at school, teachers additional education, leaders of applied arts clubs, parents and simply creative people who love to create something unusual.
Target: creating a craft-souvenir “New Year tree” from threads and paste.
- introduce the history of the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year;
- develop the ability to create volumetric figures from threads and paste;
- develop accuracy when preparing work;
- create joyful festive mood thanks to the making of New Year's crafts.

Today it is impossible to imagine the New Year without an elegant Christmas tree, decorated with various toys and rain. However, there were times in Rus' when there was no tradition of decorating the Christmas tree, and the New Year itself was celebrated not on January 1, but first in the spring, as a symbol of the awakening of nature, and a little later on September 1. Only after the decree of Peter I, in 1700, did they begin to celebrate the New Year in Russia on January 1 and decorate coniferous trees for the holiday.

The tsar brought this custom to Russia from Europe. There, the evergreen spruce symbolized unfading youth, longevity and immortality, and the cones of this tree symbolized the fire of life and restoration of health. Residents European countries they tried to appease the spirits living in coniferous trees, and therefore they decorated these trees with fruits, nuts, cookies and candies. These were the first decorations on New Year's trees in Russia.

Modern New Year's firs and pines are decorated with a wide variety of toys, tinsel, and garlands of lights. The abundance of decorations on the festive tree fills the entire house where the New Year's beauty stands with fun and joy - after all, all this speaks of magical holiday, which comes to every home and gives absolutely everyone hope for a miracle!
Each of you can create a miracle for your family and friends by doing Christmas tree– a souvenir with your own hands and as a gift holidays or decorate the interior of your home with it.

Materials required for work: threads (preferably knitting) green, red, orange, light green, blue, starch, water, PVA glue, container for preparing paste (enamel bowl), scissors, corner folder, rain, beads, Moment glue gel, tape, white cardboard, openwork fabric white.

Step by step description making a Christmas tree.

1. Prepare a thick paste. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of starch, dilute it in 0.5 cup cold water until the lumps are completely dissolved, then pour the resulting solution into 1 liter of boiling water. Stir until the paste becomes transparent and thickens. Let it cool. For strength, you can add 1 tablespoon of PVA glue to the cooled solution.

2. From a corner folder we make a cone, as shown in the photo. To do this we cut bottom part, roll up the material and secure with tape. The size of the cone depends on the desired height of the Christmas tree. My cone height is 25 cm

3. Dip the green thread into the paste and, securing it to the top, begin to wrap the cone blank, as shown in the photo. We do this in several layers until the thickness of the Christmas tree is approximately 2-3 mm and no gaps are visible.

4. From colored threads, also treated with paste, we form a vertical rain hanging from the Christmas tree, alternating the available colors.

5. Leave the workpiece to dry for about 8-10 hours in a dry, warm place. After this, remove the Christmas tree from the cylinder.

6. We make a stand for our Christmas tree. To do this, cut out a circle from white cardboard, having previously drawn it using a saucer with a diameter of 14 cm.

7. Using paste, glue a Christmas tree onto the center of the cardboard circle, around which we glue cotton wool and openwork fabric. We pre-treat the fabric with paste for elasticity and dry it until completely dry. We cut the bottom edge of the fabric, as shown in the photo, to make it easier to glue to the stand. After gluing the starched openwork fabric, we again glue cotton wool along the edge.

8. Glue red shiny self-adhesive paper onto the cardboard and cut out 2 stars. At the top of the Christmas tree we attach a shiny multi-colored rain and attach a star on top, gluing it in two parts.

9. Using glue - Moment gel, we attach pre-cut beads of different colors to the rain.

P.S. The decorations for your Christmas tree can be as varied as you can think of: buttons with sparkles, small lollipops, bows made of thin ribbons, pine cones and much more.
And now we have our elegant New Year tree ready - a souvenir!

I wish everyone creative success in the new year!!!

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Do you want to make your New Year's decor special this year? The editors of the online magazine site suggest making small Christmas trees that will not be cold in winter, because they will be born under caring hands right in the house. So, the simplest and most wonderful craft is a DIY Christmas tree made from threads and glue.

A garland on the wall, consisting of a Christmas tree made from a skein of thread and glue, looks original.

What do we need

No drawings are required to make your own Christmas tree from threads and glue. Let's use any cardboard we have on hand. It is better to take thick cardboard left over from the boxes, then the product will be more impressive in thickness. You also need scissors, PVA glue, thick threads. Iris, woolen threads, and any crochet yarn are suitable. The only thing left to do is choose the decor. Various sizes of beads and lace are good for decoration.

The process of making a flat Christmas tree

If your drawing skills are very, very sad, then we offer diagrams or templates for a Christmas tree that will be made from thread and glue with your own hands.

Now we wrap threads around the trunk of the tree several times and tie a knot. Lubricate the cardboard with glue and begin to wrap the thread around the workpiece. Let's not skimp - the cardboard should not show through the threads. If you take two threads of different colors at once, you get completely unusual products. When the entire workpiece is properly wrapped, the thread is threaded and secured with glue.

The decor is glued with hot glue or, if possible, sewn directly to the threads.

Related article:

Master class: let's create a three-dimensional Christmas tree with our own hands from threads and glue

There are two options for creating voluminous filament trees. The first involves the use of a paper cone, which is subsequently removed, and the second method involves the use of a permanent base cone. These trees make excellent New Year's topiaries.

What to prepare from materials and tools

Here's everything you need:

Let's get to work and take a look step by step photo creating a Christmas tree from threads and glue with your own hands.

IllustrationDescription of action
We'll prepare everything at once so you don't get distracted and run around the house looking for the right thing.
Roll a bag out of a sheet of paper.
We straighten it, glue the joint with tape, cut off the excess.
Wrapping the cone cling film, one layer is enough.
Let's cut a small slot at the bottom of a tube of cream or paint and pour PVA into the bottom. We pull the thread from the ball through this slot; it will itself be lubricated with the required amount of glue.
We wrap the cone in one direction, gradually filling almost the entire space. We cut the thread and wait about three hours for our beauty to dry completely. It will dry faster in a warm place, but you should not place it close to heating areas to avoid deformation.
Carefully crumple the paper and remove the cone. Since we initially wrapped it with cling film, this will be easy to do.

Now let's start coloring the craft, if desired color there was no thread. Spray paint will help with this.

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Ideas for decorating a Christmas tree using thread and glue

A cone made of threads just won’t look stunning, so don’t skimp on decorations!