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Merry Christmas gifts. What is customary to give for Christmas and how to congratulate you in a Christian way on this great holiday. Chocolate compliment “Merry Christmas!”

A collection of the 50 best toasts and congratulations on February 23 to men (colleagues, husbands, boyfriends, dads, friends, loved ones) in poetry and prose. The selection for Defender of the Fatherland Day (the second name is the Day of Military Glory of Russia) contains both official toasts (suitable for superiors and work colleagues) and funny expressions for an informal setting. Many texts fit into a standard telephone SMS.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland! And first of all, we wish that you never have to defend anything. May the sky above your head always be peaceful, and may there be a place for exploits in ordinary life. Conquer the peaks in your work and arrange your personal front so that the rear is reliable and happy!
To my beloved
You are the best warrior in the world
Like musketeers - all four!
You are incapable of deception
You are noble, like Athos,
And, like the brave d’Artagnan,
Any cross you can overcome.
You can, like Aramis,
To captivate any of the marquises,
And, like Porthos, you are reliable.
You are a dream come true!

Happy holiday, my only Defender!

For honor, for valor, for hard work and for a wide, reliable back! For real men! Happy February 23 guys!

Men are the embodiment of strength,
And the path of a man is the path of victories,
We wish that fate gives
They are filled with joy and happiness!

Undoubtedly, February 23 is a holiday of courage and strength. On this day it is customary to wish for strength and patience. But I want to raise a glass, dear men, so that you never lose your optimism and sense of humor. After all, this is the real medicine in the most difficult times!

There is a common rank - soldier.
Both general and private
It is solemnly kept
They are always ready to fight.
Forever imprinted in granite
Heroes names.
He who is ready for battle keeps peace
We don't need war!

Men are born, they become defenders! So let's drink to our men, for the fact that they were not only born like them, but also constantly prove that they correspond to the status of a defender! Let them protect us not only from enemies, but also from bad mood, and sometimes from ourselves. Defenders for you!

Stand guard over peace and humanity
Worthy defenders of the Fatherland.
They protect honor, family and shelter.
My main toast is to you -
For the men!
A family union is a house in which each spouse plays his or her own important role. A woman is inner part: setting, atmosphere, comfort. And a man is a frame made of strong walls, a solid foundation and a reliable roof. It’s true, without a reliable frame there is no need to create comfort and warmth! Let's drink to our defenders, they are our walls, our roof, and everything else. Happy February 23, dear men!
No, not for titles and awards
In battle, the hero was the soldier.
He defended his country
Children, mother and wife,
Spring through canopy
Birch trees and linden trees…
We congratulate you on this day
Your defenders!
The words of one wise man in life say: “maintain your army today, so that you do not have to support someone else’s army tomorrow.” So let's drink so that we can always maintain our army, and our army can always protect us!

Our great-grandparents
Fought until Victory -
For a peaceful bright sky,
For the taste of milk and bread,
For small children
For your dear home,
Beyond the region where you and I live today.
Our defenders -
Their heirs
Let's thank them
And let's drink to them!

February 23 is a special date. This holiday has changed many names. But, without a doubt, it is a celebration of men. Their strength and reliability, their courage and resilience. Not just masculine, but masculine in purpose. For our defenders, and may our skies always be peaceful!

The grandfathers went into battle,
Great-grandfathers went to battle...
But let soldiers never die!
Military exercises will remain
And - in memory of wars - military parades.
Let the ancient thunder of Victory
Reminds me of the past
And we will congratulate you in a peaceful hour
All those who protect us!

Pour something stronger, everyone, because today we drink to the health of real men - strong, strong and courageous defenders of the Motherland. And I wish you love pure and transparent, like water, happiness, intoxicating, like wine, and the strongest health, like alcohol. Let the degree of your life increase, like the drinks I listed. Happy February 23rd!

The trumpet is singing again,
But he’s not calling for a hike, but for a parade.
To be a warrior is a worthy destiny,
Men's title is higher than all awards.
There are many glorious milestones on the army man’s journey,
Let's drink a hundred grams - after all, the battle is over
We congratulate everyone on this holiday,
Who protects the peace of his native country.

The woman keeps the hearth, and the man protects it. And even if not all men wear military uniform, each of them cares about the safety of their home and family. Let's raise our glasses to the defenders of the Fatherland, through whose efforts peace reigns in our homes and the hearth burns!

To my beloved
Always walk through life firmly, boldly,
Be ahead, dream, create and feel.
Victory and success are a man's business!
Being a man is a special art!

For you, beloved!

Let's drink to be strong man's hands found application not on the fields of brutal wars, but in everyday work in their native land.
So that no mother or wife knows any worries, and children always feel the warmth of their father’s caring hands.
For our defenders!

There is so much honor in any rank,
Simple courage and valor,
Even if the feat is unknown,
Each of the defenders is a hero.
So that there is love and friendship,
So that the world is happy for everyone
Let me serve you every day
There will be both luck and success.

When a saber-toothed tiger approached the cave on Earth, it was we who went out with a club to meet!
When nomads approached the gates, it was we who took up swords and axes!
When the French were rushing to Moscow, it was we who clutched sabers in our hands!
When Hitler threw tank armadas into Rus', it was we who stood in their way!
So let's drink to us today, men who surrender only to women!

Good luck, bold plans and ideas!
Remain successful in every endeavor!
Strive for your dreams, because you are one of those people
Who can achieve their cherished goal!

We always want to be on top,
And winning in everything is easy, impromptu!
At each latitude and longitude −
Only new plans! New horizons!

Happy holiday of courage, glory and strength!
We honor you, dear men!
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you with love,
May you have good health.

Clear skies, only peaceful battles,
Career growth and achievements.
May life be generous with all the blessings.
Joy, happiness, love, goodness to you.

On this day we wish all men
A sea of ​​smiles, joy, warmth.
We wish our defenders strength
And an endless cup of goodness.

Let all adversity become trifles,
And on this day everyone is proud of you.
Let your family be close to you,
Saving you from melancholy and all sorts of troubles.

We wish bright blessings to our heroes.
You are the best shining example of courage!
I wish you health, success and fearlessness,
Victories in any of all possible areas.

Congratulations on the day, which praises courage, honor, patriotism, loyalty to military duty, the ability to create a peaceful environment, ensure the security of the country’s borders and people’s lives. Let honor be according to your deserts, let respect accompany you, let your health not fail you, let your shoulder be strong and your word firm.

Feel free to set goals for yourself
Believe, any wishes can come true,
Let any plan come true,
And the dream will come true!

Good luck and joy! Happy holiday!
Energy, strength, achievements in everything!
Lead, be, as always, ahead!
Follow the planned course to victory!

Happy Defender's Day!
At this glorious, special hour -
We wish with great respect,
So that everyone can look up to you only.

Will be implemented
Plans, beginnings!
Happy Defender of the Country Day!
Peace! Prosperity!

May there always be a place for feat,
Let courage and strength not fail you,
So that life is bright and interesting,
And it certainly brought joy!

Let's drink to the most stylish guys dressing at the military registration and enlistment office!

The shortest army toast: “Bottom! One, two...!”

We are comfortable and calm,
Because you are nearby
On a winter day and sultry summer,
Like the shadows of sentries.

We wish you today
So that everyone is happy.
So that you always know that you are home
A reliable rear awaits him.

Let nothing ever distract us from important men's affairs - fishing, garage get-togethers, friendly bachelor parties with strippers. And we will give a powerful and decisive rebuff to all the machinations of external aggressors who dare to encroach on these sacred things! So let's drink to that!

May it be on Defender of the Fatherland Day
The stars smile brightly at you,
And your strength, honor and courage,
In spite of adversity, they become stronger.

There will be no enemies and no envious people,
Let the best friends surround you.
Let capitals grow larger
And be always lucky.

Good luck in every endeavor.
The native fatherland is strong,
Big, glorious, great,
Victorious, stable.

Happy holiday, dear men! On this truly masculine day, I would like to wish you a lot of energy and strength to achieve your goals, wisdom and patience, both in work and in your personal life. Let nothing threaten your family, and let the butts of guns not touch your hands. Let tanks appear only in parades, and let only peaceful planes fly. Let the volleys of cannons be heard in honor of the holidays, and let mothers cry only for joy. Live with faith in the future and do not regret the past.

What words to congratulate men,
And what should I wish them on the February date?
Let there be no reason for alarm,
Let them be rich in women's attention.

May peaceful skies always be above the earth,
Let the peaceful sun shine over the house.
And let everyone you meet, acquaintance, dear
He will wish you well with a warm smile.

We love you, we appreciate you, we are always waiting for you to come home,
When you leave a serious job.
We protect the hearth, we take care of the family
And we surround you with kindness and care.

For us, you are protection, support and honor.
We always wish only the best for you.
Thank you, men, for being you.
And we congratulate you on your holiday!

Congratulations to our colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Let there be a place in life for real exploits and great goals, let our life activities consist not only of work, life and family, let our hearts rejoice with loud victories, let there be many holidays and bright events for souls. Let respect and real honor be won by the honest and worthy actions of each of the real men.

For a real man
Can handle all tasks!
Happy holiday to the cool and strong
I want to congratulate you again.

Let your colleagues respect you
Let the wife not drink it,
Money will not melt during a crisis!
Happy February 23rd!

A soldier from the army came and spoke to the assembled friends:
- Yes, guys, the service is not sugar. I had to spin twenty-five hours a day!
“But there are twenty-four hours in a day,” one of the friends remarked.
- This is “in civilian life” for you. And in our army they get up an hour earlier.
Let's drink to the army routine!

Paratroopers are jumping. Everyone jumped. Issuer:
- Ivanov, you jumped out first, right?
- Yes, comrade captain, the parachute did not open - we had to return!
Let's drink so that, in case of any failure, we can go back and start all over again!

The French philosopher La Rochefoucauld said:
“In war, most people risk their lives no more than is necessary in order not to tarnish their honor; but only a few are always ready to take risks as required by the goal for which they take the risk.” I propose to drink to these few!

Let's drink to the Airborne Forces - faith, valor, luck!

For the health of the wounded,
For the freedom of prisoners,
Behind beautiful girls
And for us, the military!

The scout has a sharp eye, a cunning mind, excellent hearing, and a hunting sense of smell. Here's to you, scouts!

I haven't been in the barracks for a long time,
The foot is not in the boot,
But my native army,
As before, the road!
So not for revelry,
And the discipline in it is
I drink to our army,
There is nothing stronger in the world!

Real courage lies not only in finding and winning your happiness, putting in both strength and talents, but also in not losing it, not allowing it to fade over the years and become commonplace... On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I propose a toast to the present , hot and eternal like the sun, happiness!

We do not curse our fate
And raise a fiery glass
For those who now rule the military service
And who once “plowed” it!
So let it gurgle and splash in the glass
When the rear is securely secured!
For the valiant defenders of the Fatherland
On this glorious Armed Forces Day!

During a biology lesson, the teacher asks the son of a naval officer:
- Tell me the name of the creatures that feel equally at home on land and at sea.
“Sailors,” the guy answers without hesitation.
I propose to drink to people who, being on land, miss the sea, and being at sea, miss land! For the sailors!

The tank commander conducts classes with his subordinates:
- What is the main thing in a tank?
“A weapon,” one answers.
“Armor,” answers the other.
“Caterpillars,” says the third.
- All this is true, but the main thing is not to drift.
Let's drink to the most important thing!

I raise my glass to those
Who took the courage to become a soldier,
Leaving others with carefree laughter,
I stepped from childhood straight into adulthood.
Who has descended into the world of other worries,
Sometimes difficult and sometimes harsh,
So that our peaceful firmament never
I didn’t see it in the crimson reflections!

Aunt has an uncle, mom has a dad,
Grandma has a grandfather in an old hat,
A little girl has a boy friend,
An older girl has an older boy.

Everyone has their own half in life,
And a man should be next to a woman!
Hope, support for fragile shoulders,
Who does the job without unnecessary speeches.

On this holiday we confess to you honestly,
It’s very flattering to be your ladies!
We are calm with you, we are safe with you,
It is impossible to imagine my life without you!

Dear men! Our defenders!
It’s so easy for us to live under your protection!
Eastern wisdom says: “Separation is never divided equally. The one who leaves takes with him only one third of the separation, two thirds remain for those who wait for his return.” I propose a toast to those who are waiting for the soldier's return: to faithful friends, to his beloved girlfriend and to parents!
We congratulate you warmly,
Happy Army and Navy Day,
Let there be joy in
What someone remembers, honors and loves.
And let a smile flash
And let the wrinkles smooth out,
And let spring sing in the soul,
Today is your holiday, men.
February, the last step of winter,
She's reaching for the end
But let the heart continue
As in youth, to fight.

Honor and courage, as we know, lie primarily in the heart. And on Defender of the Fatherland Day, let's drink so that the owners of these hearts will always be happy! Let courage always warm their hearts with a hot fire, and let their souls be calm and light!

In 1995, a decree was issued establishing a holiday on February 23 with a new name. Officially, it sounded like this: Day of the Red Army's victory over the Kaiser's troops of Germany in 1918 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And today’s name appeared only in 2002. Starting this year, the holiday received the status of an official day off and became not only the professional day of those liable for military service, but also of all those who defend, have defended or will defend Russia.

Congratulations on February 23 in verse

We sincerely congratulate you
Happy Twenty-third of February!
And on Defender's Day we wish
Always be the pride of the country.

We want to be an example for everyone,
We wish you good luck in your business,
Be the first at work
And be picky about your friends.

Let worries not touch you,
Everything is smooth in the family, laughter in the house.
We wish you good health,
May success accompany you.

The strongest, the bravest,
Smart, sensitive, kind, loyal...
We simply cannot count all your qualities!
We are very glad to have you.

Today we congratulate you together,
We wish you success, good luck and prosperity.
Your February day has now arrived,
May it give you health and strength!

Happy holiday of courage, glory and strength!
We honor you, dear men!
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you with love,
May you have good health.

Clear skies, only peaceful battles,
Career growth and achievements.
May life be generous with all the blessings.
Joy, happiness, love, goodness to you.

Health, peace, light, happiness,
Days of bright, light, without bad weather,
Cloudless love, big,
Always happy to be fate!

So that everything comes true, succeeds,
Only joy happened in life.
Fun, endless laughter
On the day of February 23!

You men are our pride,
Our strength, power and become.
On Defender's Day we want
I sincerely wish you
Strategic decisions
And the most reliable rear,
Only victories without defeats,
At home so that love awaits,
The spirit was strong, the body was strong,
The friend was faithful for centuries.
Peace over your beloved country,
There is a spark of happiness in the heart.

Defender of the Fatherland Day -
Not just a calendar day.
Day of valiant people and honor,
And lives given not in vain!

Congratulations to the men today,
We wish you happiness and victories,
And peace in life, and good luck,
Know neither sorrows nor misfortunes!

Let luck accompany you,
And let your friends be nearby.
And may the holiday be calm -
Day February 23rd!

Brave, honest, even courageous,
Smart, kind, fearless at heart.
With a woman - gentle, in business - serious,
All the tasks are difficult for you.

We congratulate you on the holiday of courage,
Roy kind words let it swirl above you:
Happiness, health, love and patience,
Faith, good luck, hope, luck!

Be a reliable defender
Admire the strength of spirit.
Even what is impossible
It was imagined, make it happen.

Be strong and noble
Choose your right path.
And out of many, many hundreds
Be the best, be the first.

Greetings to the defenders of the Fatherland!
You are a stronghold of peace. And today humanity
Thank you all for my peace
Yes, respect for you is carefully preserved.
Let us resolutely repel the enemy,
And when necessary, stand up for the country.
You, only you alone, are our protection.
Today we will openly say about you:
Cool guys and handsome men everywhere.
Be equal, everyone calm down! Regardless of the years,
May you be successful today and always.

Poems: site "Congratulations"

What is there to say?
You must love your homeland.
If necessary, protect
You can't stand on the sidelines.
And we are happy that you
Made my dreams come true
And became worthy of a medal,
We all knew that this would happen!
And today, on your day
We give our poem,
And we wish that the country
She gave what she deserved.

I'll tell you a poem now,
There's still snow lying there,
And today is February 23rd -
Great men's holiday.

If you served in the army,
So you deserve a holiday.
You stand behind us like a wall,
Therefore, there is peace in my soul.

If you weren't there,
We would have been gone a long time ago!
We are very proud of you
After all, you are fighting enemies!

Only a real, true man
Capable of feats of combat,
And there is a reason for congratulations -
My husband, he can do these things.

Defender of the Fatherland today
I congratulate you with all my heart and soul,
Be as merry as New Year's Eve,
I sincerely wish with all my heart!

This day is not only a military day,
This is a holiday for ALL men!
Oddly enough, for some reason on the planet
There is only one such day a year.
Dear men, dear halves,
Brothers, grandfathers, fathers, friends!
Happiness to you, health without hesitation,
After all, it is impossible to live in the world without you!

Our dear defenders,
Our brothers, friends and fathers,
Congratulations on your holiday,
Be well done every time.

Be strong, brave, smart,
And strive forward all the time,
Let your deeds be reasonable,
And may you be lucky in your affairs.

Be persistent, faithful, honest,
To always rely on you,
And live an interesting destiny,
The one that is your dream.

Beloved and brave,
Handsome men!
We are so different,
Beautiful girls

Happy twenty-third of February!
Happiness to you forever!
We wish you to live
You have love forever!

A poem for you alone
Let's rhyme for the holiday.
You, the men of our relatives,
We kiss hard!

Twenty third of February,
A holiday for all men.
And today we congratulate them
There are many reasons.

Defend your homeland
Take care of our sleep.
And for this dear
Low bow to you.

Be happy and healthy
And laugh more often
Relax at the resorts
And bask in the sun.

It's time to congratulate you
Happy February 23rd!
Your courage to glorify
I wish from the bottom of my heart!

You remain the same
A great example to everyone around!
Achieve your goals
And all will be well!

Today is a holiday for men,
Reliable, smart, loyal!
Women have many reasons
First of all, congratulate them
Who will protect them best?
Of course husband, father or son!
Who always idolizes them?
Again husband, father and son!
Who would rather remain silent in a dispute?
Still the same husband, father and son!
Let's congratulate them
All our dear men!

There is a reason to congratulate you
On a February day, in the middle of winter,
Just because you are a man:
We are proud of the Defender!
Cover it with your chest if necessary,
Girlfriends, children, sister and mother
And you won't miss the enemy's herd
In our house - beat, rob, kill!
You will pay for freedom with blood.
And - with life... The enemy will be defeated!
All the Fatherland with great love
Thank you for that!!!

Today we sincerely congratulate you,
And we speak tender words.
To men, brothers, grandfathers and fathers -
For their beautiful and good deeds.

And we say thank you to our sons,
For everything they do for us.
After all, life without you would be so dull.
We are women, we adore you!

Let all sorrows and worries go away,
From the heart and from home forever
May the paths and roads be bright,
The best health for all years!

May all these warm words
They will bring tenderness to your heart.
On February 23, relatives and loved ones,

Congratulating the defenders of the country
We remember heroes.
Health to those who are brave in spirit
An example to those who give courage.
With a strong hand they will protect you from troubles,
And there is simply no cowardice in their hearts.
In matters of luck, joy, warmth
So that you have a special destiny
Strong family
So that love is nearby,
Success, blood warming!

Our wonderful men,
Our joy, pride and support
We hasten to congratulate you on the holiday,
Accept the mountain of wishes!

May you always be lucky in everything,
May good luck accompany you in every endeavor.
May fate give you only the best,
Problems are solved with ease.

You give us confidence, success,
We are support, affection and care.
You, men, are the best among us,
It's a pleasure to work with you!

Longevity to our men
We wish on this day.
After all, on the threshold - Twenty-third!
Lilacs bloom in the souls of men.

They are congratulated and kissed,
They wish you happiness and love.
Men are spoiled with gifts
And all the remaining days:

They prepare a very tasty dinner,
Children are born expensive.
Everything so that you don’t feel sad,
I wouldn’t trade it for others!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day to you
My boyfriend, congratulations today,
And loving you with all my heart,
I wish only the best in life.

You should never be discouraged
Sometimes there's no need to rush
You need to meet life with a smile,
May every dream come true soon!

You are a man, which means so much,
You are strong and beautiful in everything!
May life have a straight path
He will lead you in your happiness.

I wish for green light
In beginnings, accomplishments, deeds.
So that life is warmed with affection,
So that joy sparkles in your eyes!

May today, in your name,
Twenty third of February
All words of congratulations sound,
As night approaches, fireworks go off.
You are a man, even if not a warrior,
Today worthy of congratulations:
You will stand up to defend the Fatherland
In times of need, you can’t escape from trouble.
You are a protector in spirit, in your blood
Echoes of all your ancestors:
They defended the Fatherland,
They won and preserved peace.
Without war you can live everyday life,
But he is always able to protect
Not a country, but at least a family -
Old people, and children, and wives.
February twenty third
We congratulate the man for good reason:
So reliable is a man's shoulder.
We warmly congratulate you!

We praise those who did not cry
From my pain,
But I didn’t hide my tears
On the graves of friends
Those who were men
Not in words
I didn't celebrate the coward
Sitting in the bushes
Those best
Sons of humanity
Those who guard the Fatherland!

We are happy to congratulate you on February 23
We are all the valiant defenders of the country,
And even though your military work is sometimes difficult,
We know for sure that you are faithful to your oath,
For courage and honor - low bow to you
And heartfelt words of gratitude,
We sincerely wish happiness to your loved ones,
And success in all your endeavors – to you personally!

This is not only a day of honoring the fighters and soldiers who served and defended the Soviet Union during various adversities and war - this significant date turned into a long time ago unofficial holiday"All Men's Day" Even after the collapse of the USSR, this holiday did not disappear anywhere - it is still quite popular, and is still celebrated in almost all countries of the former Soviet Union. On this day it was accepted congratulate all men and give.

Congratulations on February 23

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day,
This day must be celebrated
They defend our Motherland from infancy,
And they often receive rewards for their deeds.
Is it possible for us to ignore
Our absolutely brave men?
They really need your understanding -
Then he will be ready for anything.
By the way, we are going to congratulate everyone
Are we just dealing with poetry?
Then we will immediately head to you.

Defending the Motherland is the privilege and responsibility of real men!
Family is a small piece of the Motherland that you have to defend! Know that behind your back we feel calm and confident in tomorrow and today!
Happy holiday to you!

Congratulations to dad
Happy Men's Day:
In my youth, I know
He served in the army.
That means he’s also a warrior,
At least not a commander.
Worthy of celebration
Protected the whole world!
For me you are the main one.
You won't let me fall:
I am the glorious Fatherland
Small part.

Let the sun shine in a peaceful sky
And the trumpet does not call for a hike.
So that only during training soldiers
He went forward to attack.
Let there be spring thunder instead of explosions
Nature awakens from sleep,
And our children sleep peacefully
Today, tomorrow and always!
Good health and happiness
To all those who defended our world.
And who is guarding him today?
And who repaid their debt to the Motherland in full!

February is the harshest month of the year! Maybe that's why the biggest and most severe men's holiday appeared in February?! By protecting our Motherland, you protect us - all those who need your strength and support.
Congratulations to you - soldiers of our happiness and safety!
We love you!

For two years "citizen"
What did you wear so stylishly?
You changed it to a uniform,
Boots and earflaps.

But it’s a man’s duty
You decided to fulfill
Didn't swerve, didn't "mow"
Writing reasons.

And now you are a soldier.
From military science
The mind and hands become stronger,
There are no barriers for you.

You will return as a fighter
Mature and brave,
And a skilled man,
Not a beardless youth.

And you will celebrate the holiday.
Defender's Day is yours!
We are proud of you,
Our former classmate.

And now in your honor
We want to sit down together
Write you a message
That we are waiting for you here.

Let there be new achievements
Victory, true friends,
And the course is towards achievements!
Happy February 23rd!

Dear men! Today is a real holiday for you - we are ready to fulfill your wishes, little whims and whims once a year on this day. After all, it doesn’t cost anything to bring your loved one a cup of coffee in bed in the morning, carry bags from the store, cook a delicious dinner, and praise them all day long. dear man, to cherish and cherish. But do not forget that from tomorrow our time will come when throughout the year until next February 23 we will expect your attention, help, understanding and support. After all, you are so strong, smart and brave. Happy holiday!

We warmly congratulate you,
Happy Army and Navy Day,
Let there be joy in
What someone remembers, honors and loves.

And let a smile flash
And let the wrinkles smooth out,
And let spring sing in the soul,
Today is your holiday, men.

Happy Defender's Day,
I won’t leave him without attention.
Grandpa is always my hero,
Although he is no longer young.

During the war he was still a boy.
I didn’t fight, but I experienced a lot.
Let there be no military awards and medals,
The boys defended the country with their hard work.

I'm proud of my old grandpa.
He is number one defender!
He is both a friend and a commander for me -
Loved, necessary, irreplaceable.

Dear men!
With or without shoulder straps.
There's a reason in February
Congratulations to you, country.

And from an army of women,
Please accept our congratulations,
On this festive evening,
You are like the sun at its zenith!

You are brave and courageous,
Smart and beautiful!
But we will talk about something important:
You are the defense of Russia!

And may the sky be peaceful
Turns blue over you.
Which of you, wherever you are,
We are always there for you!

I lived my entire childhood without sadness,
The boys always protected me.
Many years have passed since then,
Now a defender my favorite husband.

Today my congratulations
They will go to you, and not to others -
You can't find a more precious person,
My protector on the path of life!

You won’t abandon me in trouble, you won’t betray me in grief,
And for children, you will give your life.
Although there is a holiday in February for all men,
You alone are worthy of my love!

Happy holiday to you!
We wish you happiness and joy,
So that luck smiles,
And the currency took root,
Don't lose weight or gain weight
Have slim shapes.
So that friends idolize
And my relatives didn’t scold me,
Relax in the Canary Islands
Eat pineapples.
You can taste hazel grouse
And wash it down with wine...
For a house, a car, a dacha
Were an easy task
And they decided without difficulty
With the power of only magic words.

The whole team is rushing around in anger in the locker room,
Even the head coach disappeared quickly:
Why happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
Are goalkeepers never congratulated?
Why did they forget the attackers again?
What can we say about the double then...
In general, this is unforgivable, comrades!
In general, the whole team needs to be encouraged!
Look for good words in yourself
And while the fields are snowy and white,
Be sure to congratulate all defenders
Happy holiday to them - happy twenty-third of February!

In February I congratulate
Strong, dear men,
And I lovingly note:
There is no reason not to congratulate.
I have enough courage in my soul
Protect your home,
After all, courage allows
Hardened by fire for a reason.
And let me give it now,
Though exhausted in battle,
Having served the country not in vain,
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.

IN last week February
I want to congratulate you on Defender’s Day!
And wish you to walk your path easily,
Without encountering betrayal on the path of life!
You won’t encounter trouble when suddenly it’s brother against brother!
So that you don't have to worry about losses!
Let your courage, your ability to be a man
They will manifest themselves in everyday life – peaceful and happy!

The holiday in February is for all men!
But only one will hear my congratulations.
In the world you cannot find a person dearer to everyone,
My only protector is you!
You won’t leave me in trouble and you won’t betray me in grief,
And you will even give your life for our children!
May the Lord God always protect you!
Be strong and healthy, like a granite rock!

Darling, congratulations,
You are my protector.
I melt from tenderness
Under a gentle hand.

But I know its strength
How can it protect?
It's safe with you, darling,
Walk the streets.

Today is a men's holiday,
There's no reason to argue
No matter how the maidens grow stronger,
There are no more reliable men.

You are heroes in spirit,
And if suddenly there is trouble,
She will protect you from any troubles
Defender's hand.

My beloved, I know
You are a wall for me!
I congratulate you with hope,
May you always be with me!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day!
On my own behalf I would like to wish YOU:
Be calm and self-possessed
To protect the motherland and women.
May courage always ring in your hearts,
Let a bold sparkle shine in your eyes,
Let the song help YOU in your soul,

Dear men! Congratulations on Defenders of the Fatherland Day! You are our pride, our support. You provide support and come to the rescue in difficult times. We love, appreciate and respect you. We will try to decorate your life, make it brighter and lighter. We wish you optimism, vigor, Have a good mood. Good luck and success to you.