
Clean your pores at home. How to clean pores on your face yourself at home. Deep pore cleansing and its types

At the moment, many different means have been developed to preserve the beauty of the face and to care for it. Experts have presented the world with a whole series of facial care products, the price of which can be either low or insanely high. Therefore, the question arises of how to cleanse the face, and with what means it is best to do this.

The right choice of funds

Pores are small openings in the skin through which the sebaceous glands secrete. Sebum protects our body from hypothermia, dehydration, wind and prevents the penetration of pathogenic bacteria. But they can protect the body only if nothing hinders their work and they are in normal condition. When pores are too open, this is an ideal place for dirt, oil and germs.

Scientists working in the field of cosmetology claim that many of the products that are currently used are very harmful and should not be used. And when cleansing your face, you need to be extremely careful so as not to damage the skin or worsen its condition.

Facial cleansing products purchased in stores or pharmacies should not contain the following substances:

  • Gluten;
  • Glycol (glycols);
  • Bentonite;
  • Animal fat (animal flat, tallow).

In order for our skin cells to work properly and regenerative processes to occur in a timely manner, it is necessary to provide them with a sufficient level of oxygen saturation. This can be done if you regularly and regularly cleanse the skin of dust, sebum and cosmetic residues.

The problem of dirty and enlarged pores most often occurs in females with combination skin type. The main reason for these troubles is the incorrect selection and irregular use of care products.

Pore ​​cleansing - comprehensive facial cleansing activities that require special attention, and they must be performed strictly following the instructions so as not to cause harm. Face masks are easy to make at home, but you can get rid of clogged pores with the help of a cosmetologist.

Main causes of clogged pores

Obviously, the sebaceous glands cannot become clogged on their own, and there must be reasons for this. There are two types of problems:

Fast food, sausage, baked, fried and fatty foods - all this unhealthy and unnecessary food leads to blockage of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, it is better to switch to a healthy diet.

Types of facial cleansing

Facial cleansing done by professionals is much different from cleansing at home and is deeper. There are a number of procedures for cleansing pores that cosmetologists use.

These include:

Cleansing the sebaceous glands at home

When the skin is problematic, The ideal solution would be to use a face mask. To clean your pores, you can use home remedies, which will save time and money.

To get the desired effect, you should know how to cleanse your face of blackheads. To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

Face cleansing masks

In order for using a mask to cleanse pores at home to give the desired effect, you must clearly know what components are needed. In addition to the fact that they should cleanse the face, they should also have drying and astringent properties. These properties have: aloe juice, lemon juice and chamomile extract.

Cleaning your skin should be done at least twice a week so that it is really deep, and its results last for a long time. A well-chosen mask can improve appearance skin and saturate it with essential microelements.

Problem: how to clean the pores on the face worries most women. Clogged pores distort even the most beautiful make-up. Deep and high-quality cleansing of the skin can help eliminate this deficiency.

Cleansing is the most important task in facial care. Many home and special remedies can remove blackheads, as well as prevent acne and give the skin healthy looking and freshness.

In addition to problems with internal organs, clogged pores can be caused by dirt on the face.

Leftovers decorative cosmetics, dirt and dead cells prevent sebum from reaching the surface, which causes enlarged pores and the occurrence of acne.

To pick up the right ways cleansing the surface of the face and methods for narrowing pores, you need to know the exact causes of this disease.

There are the following reasons why the excretory ducts become contaminated:

  1. Influence of hereditary factors.
  2. Changes in hormonal levels.
  3. Oily or combination skin type.
  4. Problems with the digestive system.
  5. Impaired functioning of the immune and nervous systems.
  6. Food high in animal fat, seasonings and carbohydrates.
  7. Violation of metabolic processes.
  8. Influence bad habits: smoking and drinking harmful drinks.
  9. Excessive use of cosmetics.
  10. Abuse of frequent exposure to the sun, which impairs the functioning of the sebaceous glands and leads to dehydration of the surface of the face.

Also common causes of pollution include constant stressful situations and long-term medication use.

Effective cleaning at home

Particularly high-quality cleansing is required for enlarged pores, which often occur in people with fat type skin. Contamination with sebum contributes to clogging of the excretory ducts, as a result of which the surface of the face loses its attractiveness.

  • To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to cleanse the skin regularly.
  • Pores are cleaned at home using special products.
  • Cleaning mixtures should consist of drying and astringent components.

Lemon, aloe or medicinal chamomile are suitable for this. Tonics containing zinc oxide are used for basic care. After cleansing mixtures, apply moisturizer.

An important tool used in skin care is a cosmetic stick. It allows you to carefully treat the surface around the eyes.

Simple tips will help you decide how to clean the pores on your nose:

  1. Every day you need to use milk or a special gel. Such products contain extracts of iris, chamomile or cloves.
  2. For proper care It’s worth determining your own skin type. This influences the choice of the appropriate product.
  3. Do not rub your face or rub it too hard with a hard towel.
  4. Liquid in the excretory ducts prevents their rapid contamination. High-quality moisturizing is recommended for any skin type.
  5. Matte makeup cream allows you to maintain the smoothness of your face for a long time.

Once every two weeks, the skin should be cleansed of dead particles. To do this, exfoliating procedures are performed: .

A self-prepared mask will help to effectively cleanse the pores on your nose. To do this, a teaspoon of gelatin is mixed with a tablespoon of milk and left until the gelatin swells. Then the solution is heated until completely dissolved. The hot mixture should be applied to the skin with patting movements. The mixture hardens into a solid mask. After 30 minutes it can be removed with one sharp movement.

Cleansing with activated carbon helps quickly remove all blackheads. Creams and masks based on this substance have a moisturizing and smoothing effect.

You can prepare a mask with black clay and activated carbon. To do this, clay is mixed with activated carbon, warm milk and a teaspoon of gelatin and left for 15 minutes. A mask with activated carbon will help soothe irritated skin. rose water and a few drops of essential oil.

Effective masks with activated carbon will help hide many imperfections and quickly cleanse heavily contaminated excretory ducts.

Other gentle cleansing options:

  1. Soda facial scrub
  2. Oatmeal scrub recipes
  3. Recipes for masks with blue clay

A stronger cleansing effect can be achieved using peelings:

Carefully read the contraindications and techniques for performing peeling yourself!

Main stages of cleansing

When deciding how to clean the pores on your nose, you should follow a certain sequence of the cleansing procedure.

Clogged pores are cleaned in several stages:

  1. To soften the skin of the face and open the excretory ducts, steaming is performed. Herbal compresses are also used. A herbal infusion of calendula or sage will help steam the pores on your nose. It is recommended to add a few drops of essential oil to the decoction.
  2. To remove impurities, use scrubs and other homemade products. If your skin is oily, you need to cleanse it twice a week. If you have a dry face, you can cleanse your skin once a week. For oily skin surfaces, more strong remedies with abrasive properties.
  3. Pore ​​narrowing is done using certain masks. Skin pores are treated with a weak solution lemon juice or .
  4. At the end of the procedure, the skin is moisturized. To do this, choose a cream with nutritional properties or fatty oil.

Clogged pores can be deeply cleaned in the following way:

  1. After steaming the face, the index fingers are wrapped in a bandage and moistened in a peroxide solution. Without strong pressure, the largest excretory ducts are cleaned. Then the nose is wiped with peroxide.
  2. Prepare a mixture of baking soda, salt and a small amount of water. Using the solution, you can massage the skin of your nose. Then the product is washed off with water.

At regular Using the procedures, the pores in the nose area will gradually decrease. The key principle here is regularity!

Pores on the face become clogged as a result of using low-quality cosmetics. Products based on mineral oil deeply contaminate the skin. For problem skin, cosmetologists recommend using less oil-based cream. A Foundation replace with a lighter product.

If after regular procedures with by special means care, the excretory ducts are still contaminated, then you need to contact a specialist.

Modern means

When home recipes don't help, you should turn to professional ways cleansing. It is worth trying special strips for cleansing the pores of the nose and chin. They come in three types: with activated carbon, with green tea and classic.

Effective cleaning can be done in salons that offer the following cleaning methods:

  1. Vacuum facial cleansing is popular. This involves using an instrument called a drainage tube, which is suctioned to the skin and helps open and clear the excretory ducts. The procedure is recommended for oily skin and redness.
  2. Ultrasonic facial cleansing helps to clean the pores well, which allows you to open the pores. This method has a rejuvenating effect.
  3. You can do high-quality cleaning using the skin. This method allows you to deeply cleanse the pores and eliminate the causes of inflammation.
  4. is a hardware method that gently exfoliates and stimulates the skin. Such a tool activates the growth of new cells.

Clogged pores significantly worsen the appearance of the face and cause dull skin color. But, most importantly, they create favorable conditions for the occurrence and development of inflammatory processes. Cleaning the pores on the face can prevent the appearance of unwanted defects and restore the skin to ideal cleanliness and freshness.

Pores are the smallest openings in skin, through which the secretion of the sebaceous glands is released. With the help of sebum, the body naturally protects itself from extreme cold, wind, dehydration, and even from the penetration of harmful pathogenic bacteria.

But the body remains protected only when the work of the sebaceous glands is not hampered in any way, and the pores are in normal condition. When the pores are too enlarged, they become an ideal place for dirt to accumulate, fat to accumulate, and germs to multiply.

Clogged pores cause unsightly oily shine, the formation of acne, blackheads, and other blemishes. The most problematic areas are usually the forehead, nose and chin.

Technology for cleaning facial pores at home

Large enlarged pores on the face cause a lot of concern for those with oily skin. The problem is often aggravated by incorrectly selected cosmetics.

See how the pore cleaning process happens and hear some useful tips, you can by watching the video.

Every day, the pores on your face become clogged with fat and dead cells; dirt and debris gets on your skin every time you step outside. If clogged pores are not treated, they will turn into blackheads or pimples, so they need to be cleaned promptly. Try one of the following: steam, exfoliation, face mask, pore decongestant.


Steam cleaning

    Wash your face. Start the cleansing process by simply washing your face. Do it gently, wash your face completely, try not to cause irritation - it causes pores to become larger:

    • Remove makeup with an appropriate product and cotton pads using gentle, careful movements. Remove all traces of makeup around the eyes, wash off foundation and other products you use.
    • Rinse your face with warm water. Hot water will inflame your face and then dry it out, so stick to warm or cold water. Rinse your face with water several times to remove any remaining makeup remover.
    • Use a facial cleanser. If you have dry skin, this is not necessary. If you choose to use a cleaning product, make sure it is non-abrasive and does not contain chemical substances that will dry out your face.
    • Pat your face dry with a soft towel. Don't rub or scrub your face. The skin on your face is thinner and more fragile than the rest of your body, so it's important to treat it gently.
  1. Fill the pan with water and place it on the stove. Turn the heat up to medium-high, cover the pot and let the water heat up. When the water is hot enough and steaming, remove the pan from the heat.

    • You can pour the water into a large bowl for your steam treatments, or you can leave everything in the pan.
    • You can add green tea, mint or chamomile tea, or any other herbs or extracts that will be beneficial for your facial skin. Tea tree oil will help you deal with acne.
  2. Place a towel on your head and lean over the steam. Make a canopy out of the towel by draping one end over your shoulders and the other over the pan so that the steam is directed directly at your face. Steam your face for 10 minutes.

    Rinse your face with cold water. Rinse off all the particles that have come out of the pores with cold water - this will tighten your skin again. Apply moisturizer to prevent skin from drying out.

You can clean the pores on your face yourself at home. If you follow the main rule - sterility - the procedure will be successful and will not lead to unpleasant consequences. Although it does not replace a consultation with a professional cosmetologist, it is suitable for those women who, apart from comedones, do not have other skin problems.

Before cleaning your face, you need to wash off all makeup and pre-steam your skin.

Mechanical cleaning at home

Cleaning clogged pores at home requires careful preparation. It should not be carried out in a dusty room or near pets.

  • Before starting the procedure, your facial skin needs to be cleansed. For this we use:
  • Makeup remover milk.
  • Foam for washing.

Soft scrub. The scrubbing agent should not scratch the skin; the best option is small granules. At home, use 1 tbsp as a scrub. l. natural ground coffee mixed with 1 tbsp. l. full fat sour cream

or yogurt. Coffee can slightly stain the face, so fair-skinned girls are advised to use baking soda . It needs to be mixed with a small amount mineral water

, thoroughly massage problem areas and rinse with water. The second stage is preparing the steam bath.

  • To do this, the following herbs are brewed:
  • chamomile and horsetail - for oily skin;
  • wormwood - for dry;

rosemary and yarrow - for combination.

After this, you can begin deep cleaning.

  1. Sequencing: 1. Place the bowl of hot broth on the table, sit comfortably with your face tilted over it, and throw a towel over your head so that the outside air does not cool the liquid. Don't lean too low into the bath to avoid getting burned. Average acceptance time steam bath
  2. - 15 minutes.
  3. 3. At the third stage, you need to narrow the pores. To do this, wash your face with cold water and pieces of ice. A chilled decoction of parsley or chamomile has a calming effect on the skin. Then you need to wipe your face with an alcohol-containing toner and apply a moisturizer.

To quickly remove blackheads on the nose, you need to press your finger on the edge of the wing of the nose, lifting it up. After such manipulations, the blackheads come out on their own.

Removing blackheads from the surface of the nose

This is the most effective technique cleansing of pores, but due to the high risk of skin injury, it cannot be performed more than twice a month. Cleansing masks and scrubs are suitable for regular use.

Home mechanical cleaning can be replaced with procedures in the salon, which have a more pronounced effect.

Salon treatments

The best salon skin cleansing techniques are described below.

A chemical peel is a controlled chemical burn. With its help, you can make scars less noticeable, rejuvenate and even out skin tone.

Skin healing after chemical peeling

Gas-liquid peeling is a rejuvenating procedure that evens out the skin texture, but does not help get rid of deep impurities.

Ultrasonic cleaning improves blood flow, removes dead particles and improves metabolism in cells. This is a mild type of peel that does not eliminate acne.

Vacuum cleaning helps speed up the resorption of capillary networks and post-acne marks, increase cellular metabolism and improve blood flow.


Used to cleanse pores at home various masks homemade. They are not aggressive, so they are absolutely safe. However, before using any of the methods, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the recipe.

Traditional methods of cleansing pores at home:

Name Cooking method Effect
Mask with bodyagaBodyaga powder is mixed with a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide to form a porridge. The mixture is applied to the face and left for 15 minutes, then washed off with water.Exfoliates and smoothes fine wrinkles. Cannot be used for sensitive skin and for inflammation
Soda mask-scrubA mixture of baking soda and fine powder is applied to the face. sea ​​salt. The components are mixed in equal proportions and applied to a damp, cleansed face. It needs to be gently massaged for 3-5 minutes, then leave the mask on the skin. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm waterGives a noticeable effect after the first use. Makes the skin smooth and matte in two to three treatments
Oatmeal mask1 tablespoon of oatmeal is poured with boiling water to brew thick porridge. When the mixture has cooled slightly, apply it to the face and rub the skin. After finishing the massage, leave the oatmeal on the face for another 5-10 minutes, then wash it offExfoliates skin, eliminates greasy shine, refreshes the complexion and cleanses comedones
Cosmetic black clayThe clay is diluted with water until it becomes thick sour cream. It shouldn't leak. It is applied to the skin for about 10 minutes. When the clay begins to dry out, you need to wet your fingers in water and begin to massage the skin, as if scrubbing. After 3-5 minutes of massage, the remaining clay is washed offDraws out toxins, clears blackheads
Activated carbon cleaningMix 1 crushed tablet activated carbon, 1 tsp. gelatin and 2 tsp. cold milk. The mixture is stirred and heated in the microwave for 15 seconds. Then the composition is cooled a little and applied to the face. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes, then a film forms on the surface of the skin, which must be carefully removed, starting from the chinExfoliates, eliminates deep acne

When using the above natural compositions Various rashes and redness are possible, caused by the extraction of toxins from skin cells. They go away on their own within a few days.