
Why do subscribers of the groups “KNN” and “Overheard Feminism” openly hate everything masculine and ban people for objectionable opinions? What is feminism in Russian? Can a woman be a housewife?



Hate is sacred. Hatred is the indignation of strong and powerful hearts, it is the militant contempt of those in whom mediocrity and vulgarity cause indignation. To hate is to love, it means to feel within yourself a ardent and courageous soul, to feel a deep disgust for what is shameful and stupid.

Hatred gives relief, hatred creates justice, hatred elevates.

I felt younger and bolder every time I rebelled against the vulgarity of my era. I have made hatred and pride my two mottos; I was pleased to be alone and in my solitude to hate everything that offended my sense of truth and justice. If I am worth anything today, it is because I am lonely and filled with hatred.

I hate insignificant and untalented people - they depress me. They spoiled a lot of my blood and nerves. Nothing irritates me more than these ignoramuses who act like geese, swaying from foot to foot, eyes wide and mouths agape. I couldn't take a step without bumping into three fools - that's why I'm so sad. The road of life is cluttered with fools: they grab you as you go to shower you with the saliva of their vulgarity. They move, they talk, and their whole appearance, their manners, their voice offends me so much that I, like Stendhal, prefer Elodea to a fool. How should we deal with these people? In our time of fighting and forced marches, they are simply a burden. We are leaving the old world and heading towards a new world. And they hang on our arms, throw themselves at our feet with stupid laughter and absurd teachings; because of them, our gait becomes stumbling and uncertain. We try in vain to get rid of them - they press on us, they choke us, they stick to us. Just think about it!..

The horizons expand, the light flares up, illuminating the sky. And they, of their own free will, plunge into the lukewarm mud and digest their food with languid slowness; At the same time, they squint their owl eyes, which cannot stand the light, they scream that they are not given rest, that they are woken up early in the morning and they can no longer bask in the morning in the stall of general stupidity and chew their cud, serenely grinding it with their jaws.

It’s better to deal with crazy people: at least they can be useful for something. Crazy people think; each of them is obsessed with some obsession that has crippled his mind; These are mentally ill people, people with a disordered psyche. But they are full of vitality. I listen to them willingly, because I always hope that in the chaos of their thoughts the highest truth will flash. Just, for God’s sake, destroy the fools and vulgarities, the spiritual impotents and cretins, create laws to rid us of these people who, taking advantage of their blindness, claim that darkness reigns all around. It’s time for courageous and energetic people to have their ninety-third year - the world is tired of the arrogant domination of mediocrity, it’s time to put them all under the guillotine.

I hate them.

I hate people who isolate themselves in some limited idea, who walk in a herd, staring at the ground, and do not see the shining heavens. Each such herd has its own god, its own idol, on whose altar it sacrifices the great human truth; ...they all have their own platform, and from its height they solemnly broadcast to the people. They follow their well-trodden path, proudly performing in all their insignificance, and scream heart-rendingly as soon as their childish fanaticism is disturbed. My friends, poets and prose writers, learned people and simply seekers of truth, all of you who know them and have more than once knocked on the door of these important gentlemen who lock their doors so they can cut their nails in peace! Dare to raise your voice with me and say publicly that they, like cowardly and intolerant church watchmen, threw you out... Tell me how they laughed at your inexperience, believing that experience consists in denying any truth that does not agree with their delusion. Somewhere far away, far away, above or below, there is, of course, the only and absolute truth that governs the worlds and moves us towards the future. Here... we see hundreds of truths that collide with each other, are broken into one another, hundreds of herds that bleat, refusing to move forward. Some regret the irretrievably gone past, others dream of a ghostly future; those who dream of the present speak of it as of eternity. Each religion has its priests, each priest its blind followers and eunuchs. No one cares about reality... Where, I ask, are free people, those who live loudly, without confining their thoughts within the narrow framework of dogma, and boldly step towards the light, ... who care only about justice and truth? Where are those people who are not part of the corrupt cliques and, at the sign of their leader, do not applaud whoever has to - God or man, the people or the aristocracy? Where are these people who live apart from the human herd, who welcome every noble cause, despising sectarianism and advocating for freedom of thought? As soon as these people speak, the pompous cretins fly into a rage and suppress them with their mass; then they again importantly indulge in digestion and convincingly prove to each other that they are all fools.




A guest Jul 4th, 2016 81 Never





    Thinking through, distorting the text and meaning of the post, projection and other manifestations of clairvoyance and clairaudience. We kindly ask you not to play entertaining extrasensory perception games. Even if you are a hereditary clairvoyant. Even if you have studied for seven years, seven months and seven days at the School of Might and Magic and have a valid certificate in your hands to read any other people's thoughts.

    Not reading previous comments. Before commenting on a post, please read previous comments so as not to repeat yourself and not ask questions that have already been asked and answered in previous comments.


    Petty quibbles

    Provocations, trolling







    Justification of all forms of patriarchy and sexism

    Protecting abusers

    Justification of any assholery (rudeness, provocations, and so on)

    Reproductive pressure, pro-life propaganda

    Protection, direct and indirect protection of “those” men, mentions of relationships with them, detailed touching opuses about how cute and sweet they are, phrases like “there are a lot of cruel women too ", "women are not angels or saints either", "men are also offended", "men also suffer from patriarchy", "there is no need to generalize" - sounds like a devaluation of the fact that most violence is committed according to the "male aggressor" scheme "The woman is the victim." In fact, violence by men against women is still much greater than violence by women against men. And to make sure of this, you need to look into the hardware (see the link below). Indirect protection of men is equated with phrases like “CNH is bad, I’m disgusted by the word “hushkin” and insults directed at men, and in general, good girls shouldn’t get angry, hatred is a destructive feeling, you have to be above this, don’t be like them, they beat one cheek, turn the other."

    Justification and defense of prostitution,, 2307, pornography, striptease

    and other similar things.

    Pushing patriarchal ideas, concepts and practices into feminism. For example, reinforcing the myth of “free choice” and the “for assholes” imposed by patriarchy,, /wall-36043735_81429. These also include beauty practices “for oneself”, uncomfortable and/or objectifying, sexualizing clothes “for oneself” and other “for oneself”, which mysteriously coincide with the demands of patriarchy from women. Examples of statements: “I wear makeup, wear heels, uncomfortable clothes and I’m fine, I don’t consider it adaptive and I’m not going to give it up,” “I love skirts that highlight my beautiful and sexy legs and butt,” “. Statements like “your clothes have nothing to do with your worldview”, “wear whatever you like” can be understood as “wear even what objectifies and sexualizes you - supporting the objectification of women does not interfere with feminism. Try not to write more specifically. examples of what is truly a free choice and what is not. As many clarifications as possible. This is necessary in order to be understood correctly.

    Propaganda of religions (all of which are patriarchal), traditional values ​​and other dogmas

    Claims in an unethical form for non-publication or deletion of clearly provocative posts, as well as posts not in the public format and without tags.

    Devaluation of feminist theory - hints that it is useless and even harmful.

    Talking about self-harm in a positive way (“I do this and it’s okay for me”)

    Attempts by the administration to “teach how to run a public page correctly” in the form of a demonstrative “oh, well, we’ve completely gone downhill, that’s it, I’ll sign off and won’t come here again.” From the outside it looks stupid, ridiculous and pathetic. But, alas, some do not understand this and, out of naivety, hope that in this way they will be able to “put pressure” on the admin panel and push through their “correct” ideas for running a public page. Fuck you, not a plate of tangerines. They don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own charter. If you don’t like our rules or any of our actions, no one is holding you here by force. Good riddance to any other fem public. We are not against constructive proposals. The key word is "constructive". And without manipulation, pressure, rudeness and demonstrative “oh that’s it, I’ll sign off.” Your constructive proposals can be expressed in a much more adequate form.

    Overheard Feminism Feb 13, 2016 at 4:40 pm

    Subscriptions to misogynistic public pages. Option “I read in order to laugh at them” - VK has a “bookmarks” menu, add all the cockerels there, PROFIT. At the same time, you don’t add popularity to them in the form of extra subscribers.

    Misogynistic and porn content on the page

    Likes comments that violate public rules

    Statements NOT related to the main topic of the post, an attempt to divert the conversation from the main topic, off-topic, flood

    We also ban for misogynistic, look-up, fatphobic, slut-shaming and other inappropriate language.

    Attempts to taboo a woman’s healthy anger;

    PF is a male-free (mail-free) and trans-free (trans-free) community, that is, free from the presence of men and trans people. All comments from men will be deleted, and the men themselves will be banned forever. Here we ban not only those men who comment, but also those who like other people’s comments of any content and participate in voting. If it is not clear from your nickname what biological sex you are, and there are no gender markers in your speech, then the administration has the right to ask you the appropriate question. If you refuse to answer, you will be banned.

    Overheard Feminism Feb 13, 2016 at 4:50 pm

    Disputes with the administration, ignoring warnings and demands from the administration to read the selection on feminist theory You will avoid a ban if after issuing the link you write: “Thank you, I’ll read it.” You will receive an immediate ban without warning if you write that “I read this and still don’t agree” or “I don’t want to read this, let’s tell it to me.” Or continue the discussion after the administration asks you to familiarize yourself with the selection on fem. theory.

    After banning the offender and deleting his comments, delete your response comments yourself, so that neither the author nor the readers have to feel the invisible presence of a rooster, and so that the admins do not have to delete your comments either. They will only have to remind the participants of the holivars to remove their comments.

    And it will be clean and fresh, without the stench of roosters under the posts.

    Questions, the content of which makes it clear that the author did not bother to read our selection on feminist theory Feminists are not nannies who will chew everything and put it in their mouth. If something is not clear, you need to read the entire collection yourself using the above link. And read carefully, thoughtfully, and not hastily, not diagonally. Those who claim that “I read your entire selection of “no such” men and still continue to believe in them,” clearly read not with their eyes, but with their ass. Please don't follow bad examples. To avoid a ban, we strongly recommend that you read all the materials at this link and reflect on what you have read.

    Violation of any clause is punishable by a ban. The duration of bans is at the discretion of the administration, depending on the severity of the violation.

    Overheard Feminism March 1, 2016 at 11:42 pm

    Ambiguous comments are highly discouraged.

  1. 1. “I’m wearing makeup” is an ambiguous comment, from which it is not entirely clear: 1) do you know what “adaptive choice” is (see the materials in the links above), the reasons for its occurrence and the mechanisms of its action 2) do you think Do you think that you need to fight your own adaptive preferences?

    “I wear makeup, but I consider it an adaptive choice that serves as a survival mechanism for women in patriarchy. And I believe that any adaptive preferences must be fought” - this is a good comment. Answers the questions asked above.

    2. “I like skirts” is another ambiguous comment, from which it is not entirely clear: 1) do you know what lookism and sexual objectification of women are 2) do you know that clothing for women is divided into objectifying ( which is needed, among other things, to emphasize “beautiful breasts, legs, butt”) and non-objectifying (which does not highlight any of the above “beauties”).

    “I like only those skirts that do not objectify or sexualize me. And I do not approve of those skirts that are short and tight (i.e., objectify and sexualize), because I consider them an adaptive choice” - good, succinct, a specific comment that will be clear to everyone. And most importantly - no misunderstandings, ambiguities or discrepancies.

    3. “I’m dating a guy/live with my partner (husband)” is an ambiguous comment, from which it is not entirely clear: 1) whether you believe in “that kind of” men 2. Do you agree that love is a tool of submission women, that there is forced heterosexuality 3. Do you think that women need to achieve separation from men.

    “I’m dating a guy, but I don’t believe in “that kind” of men and I agree that love is a tool for the subjugation of women, that all heterosexuality is forced, and that women need to gradually achieve separation from men” - this is a good, succinct comment from all the necessary clarifications with which you protect yourself from any misunderstandings.

    Overheard Feminism March 1, 2016 at 11:43 pm

    Some of the admins of “Overheard Feminism” smoke and at the same time agree that smoking is harmful to health, a very bad habit, and do not shout that “smoking is my voluntary choice, and since it is a voluntary choice, then there is no harm to the body There’s no reason for this, don’t you dare ban.” If we smoke at stops, we move as far away from people as possible so as not to smoke on anyone. And we don’t approach any of them, smoking in their faces, and with an angry expression we don’t ask: “How the hell did you stop banning smoking?” Quitting adaptive drugs is much more difficult than quitting smoking. Why this is so - read the articles via the links provided above, I will not spoil it. But for some reason no one is surprised by people who smoke, who fully (!) recognize all the harm of smoking. And who at the same time do not shove cigarettes under everyone’s nose and say: “here, try it, you’ll like it.” Why don't we do this? But because no one forces us to protect and promote smoking. I hope no one will argue that quitting smoking is difficult? I haven’t been able to quit for 8 years now. And I tried many times. And at the same time, I am not saying that this is impossible. Of those of my friends and acquaintances who are trying to quit, I do not dissuade anyone and wish them all good luck. And I don’t blame anyone for unsuccessful attempts.

Following feminist online discourse, It would be necessary to even write “moderator_ki”. Language issues are also the agenda of fempublics: some are fighting for femininities, others are introducing new language norms that do not discriminate against transgender and queer people. Feminist thought develops in debates on these and other topics, and this happens primarily on the Internet. A grassroots movement is also growing there, which actually reproduces the experience of feminist groups of growing self-awareness: people share their experiences of violence, discrimination and learn to defend their rights. We selected ten public pages dedicated to different manifestations of feminism, from body positivity to inspiring comics, and asked their creators to talk about their activities.

Text: Natalya Zaitseva

Body Positive

Anna Svolochova
Body Positive administrator

Body positivity is called a “fashion trend.” I don't like this definition, because everything fashionable is quickly forgotten. I think the emergence of body-positive platforms on the RuNet is a natural event. After all, the tighter the fashion industry and the media tighten the nuts, the faster the thread will break. Before this, manifestations of body positivity in mass culture could only be encountered in the work of plus-size models, but even there it was difficult to find similarities with ordinary women: looking at such models, you still don’t feel complete.

The public was created last August by Sofia Egorova and existed quietly until January 2014. I came when there were about 2 thousand subscribers, and I really liked the idea, but the organization left much to be desired. By profession, I am an HR manager, the desire for reorganization is in my blood, I could not allow such a great idea to sink into oblivion. We did not know Sonya, but she, intuitively trusting, transferred to me all the powers, formal power and rights to the future fate of the project. A new admin team was recruited and the rules were completely rewritten. The rules were written by compilation; the best was taken and borrowed from already existing communities.

The concept of a safe space and lack of moderation are incompatible things, which is why we have a strict ban policy. “My personal opinion” is not an argument when it comes to safety, a healthy atmosphere and psychological comfort within the walls of the group. At the moment, there are ten people in the administrative staff - diverse people: both with academic degrees and teenagers. A lot of work is being done with the involvement of external forces: various publications, third-party Internet resources, famous people. I hope that someday “body positivity” will sound not like something exotic, but as a matter of course.

Check Your Privilege

The SYP public was one of the first to speak the language of the new Internet generation, while remaining intellectual. Over the course of a year, the audience grew to 12 thousand subscribers. The main content is rethought translations of current foreign materials, taken both from feminist tumblrs and sites like Everyday Feminism and Feminspire, and from publications like The Guardian and The Huffington Post. СYP’s own texts are verified down to the millimeter: according to the creators, posts, including even one-line pictures, are discussed for hours in the admin chat.

Administration of the public
Check Your Privilege

Our public page appeared in August 2013 as an alternative to the stagnant second wave of feminism on the Russian-language Internet, which considers any type of discrimination other than sexism to be of little importance for the movement. Check Your Privilege is based on the concept of privilege - the advantages that a person receives depending on his membership in certain social groups. Sources of privilege include characteristics such as gender, orientation, race, class, age, and lack of disabilities. So, if you are a white cis-heterosexual man of middle age, of the titular nationality, without disabilities and from the middle class, then the possibility of facing discrimination for you tends to zero. But women also have privileges in relation to each other. As a rule, each of us is both privileged and oppressed.

Privilege prevents us from realizing that we ourselves can discriminate against someone, and this prevents feminism from developing, erecting barriers of misunderstanding between us. The only way to combat this is to spread information. We publish translations of texts about sexism, xenophobia, fatphobia, racism, trans and queerphobia, classism, ageism, ableism and much more, and thus, together with our subscribers, we learn new things about other people’s experiences of oppression, and also talk about our own. We try to make our space free from discriminatory statements and triggers. A trigger is information that can cause unpleasant emotions, anxiety, or fear in a person. The Internet is full of it, even the most harmless sites sometimes literally dump stories of violence on you, and feminist resources are no exception. We want people to be able to read us calmly, so we accompany all such texts with warnings so that readers can skip them if they wish. Anti-feminists, trolls and the like are banned from the public immediately.

We are not afraid of unpopular decisions and innovations. For example, this year we began to regularly use in our translations the “gender gap”, which is unusual for the Russian-speaking audience - an underscore inserted before suffixes or endings of gender-inflected words, indicating the inclusion in the discourse of non-binary people and, in general, everyone who speaks about themselves in gender other than feminine: “reader”. CYP's audience is predominantly girls aged 18-24, but we are happy to have much younger feminists reading us as we want feminism to grow and expand rather than remain elitist. Many of our subscribers unite and create new communities, also free from discrimination, and this cannot but rejoice.

Gloomy Daria

Formally, this is an ordinary fan public for the American animated series “Daria”. In fact, it is a community of schoolgirls (and former schoolgirls) who identify themselves with the main character of the series - the independent, phlegmatic and intelligent Daria. The public ban policy prohibits devaluing and insulting individuals and social groups, as well as blaming victims of violence and school bullying. The gallery of pictures with Daria contains almost all of her epic statements and dialogues.

Nadya Plungyan
founder of the public page “Gloomy Daria”

The public is almost three years old. I created it thanks to my close friend Veta Morozova, who greatly influenced me. In general, Veta always accurately points out the most interesting things in popular culture, well, of all of us, she was the first to watch this series, and then we discussed and analyzed it, compared it in the Russian context, for example, with the series “School”. The most important thing in “Daria” is that the girls’ lives are shown subjectively: they think independently, are sincerely attached to each other and constantly discuss the situations of social interactions in which they find themselves. Such a public should have appeared to popularize not only the series, but also critical and free thinking.

I’m a feminist, so I consider the public to be feminist, and the series passes the Bechdel test. Now it has almost 49 thousand subscribers, it is incredibly popular. They are drawn to the series, and at the same time they are interested in the culture of the 20th century. It is possible to include educational content: the public policy is structured in such a way that films about the lives of teenage girls, music, books appear here, and not just screenshots with quotes; some subscribers offer their own informative posts. There are several feedback sections: a competition for photographs of the most cluttered home, a competition for trash fan art and amateur cosplay. All this allows participants to exchange information without competition and judgment, and also creates a space that is largely free of gender stereotypes. From time to time, school bullying, loneliness, relationships with teachers, and all that other stuff are discussed there.

Recently, this public page has had copies and epigones - this happens with all major projects, but here I am especially happy, because by copying, people also borrow various embedded things (it’s a shame to humiliate the weak, it’s worthy to be a nerdy girl, to engage in art and reflection about life is interesting and useful) - and it turns out that people expect something like that from public pages about Daria. At the same time, “Gloomy Daria” was and will be a mass project, not an intellectual one, there are not enough stars in the sky: information should be accessible and not presented in a snobbish manner.


The coziest public space for feminist comics. First of all, the cute whales, dinosaurs and unicorns of the artist Emm Roy (positivedoodles project) are captivating, as they assure you that everything is fine with you, even if you are sad, can’t figure something out or are taking medication. In general, pure empowerment. The project also includes various feminist comics, body-positive pictures, infographics and videos. The creator of the public translates them and places them on the page, indicating the authorship (if it can be determined).

creator of the Femics public page

Femics is from "feminist comics". It all started with comics. My hobby is translating so-called graphic novels, and I know that a comic can explain complex things much more clearly than a long article. At some point, I realized that Russian-speaking femme culture, which is often demonized due to a banal misunderstanding, desperately lacks such images. At the same time, in the West, where the women's movement is older, this culture is more developed. I'm not very good at drawing, but I'm good at adapting English-language materials. And I decided to make my contribution to the common cause. At first it was a simple selection of individual strips on the Author's Comics, but it soon became clear that I was able to do much more. To do this, it was necessary to move to a social network, to a wider platform and to a wider audience. This is how the public Femics appeared. This seems surprising, but in three months, without any promotion, more than 4,000 people signed up for it. Approximately half of the audience are girls under 21 years old. There are also young people, about 20%.

Comments in the public are closed, and I am regularly reproached for this: they say, what about freedom of speech, you are just afraid that someone will express an opinion that does not coincide with yours. But it’s not about my fear or my rejection of another opinion. People often forget (and especially on the Internet) that the right to freedom of speech does not mean the right to insult those who disagree. There is probably no need to explain to what extent feminists suffer from this - just remember the sensational situation with Anita Sarkisyan, who faced widespread harassment and threats for her criticism of sexism in the world of video games. I am running a project alone and cannot always spend time and mental energy cleaning up after someone else.
My main goal is to create a place where girls can find not only education in difficult issues, but also moral support, a sense of sisterhood and care. In general, it seems to me that this is one of the important tasks of feminism - uniting women and giving them strength.

Yes, our grandmothers achieved a certain equalization of rights for us, but we still live in a world where every hour we are faced with neglect, aggression and violence, and disgust for women. With strict rules: how a woman should behave, how she should look, how she should think. Somehow it turns out that society, having given women a certain set of freedoms, in return presents them with unattainable standards, and then abandons its victims, stigmatizes and isolates them, exacerbating the harm caused - and only feminism cares what these victims feel and how they will live with it.

Give Lyuba a chance!

A public post about the fact that “no one can be a commodity.” The creators provide facts about human trafficking, analyze the discriminatory nature of sexual exploitation and quote stories of real women who managed to break away from prostitution. These heroines openly talk about rape, economic coercion, drug addiction and other aspects of the “most ancient profession.” The reason for prostitution is demand creating supply. It is male demand that is the catalyst and goal of the entire industry. Men are largely responsible for women’s traumatic sexual experiences, which result in dissociation with their own bodies in those who “freely” choose sex work.

L. Simpson
administrator “Give Lyuba a chance!”

Shut your sexist mouth up

The elegant solution to publishing short, anonymous stories about everyday sexism quickly gained popularity in the community. The second name of the public is “Shut your sexist mouth up.” The idea - and the authors do not hide this - was adopted from foreign feminists: for example, they were guided by “I once had a guy tell me...” and “The Everyay Sexism Project”. Most of the stories are retellings of how relatives, teachers, friends and girlfriends convey gender stereotypes. The result is an unobtrusive deconstruction of everyday sexist statements. The texts retain the tone, speech characteristics and everyday details that turn the public into a documentary series that is impossible to tear yourself away from.

Daria L.
founder of Feminist Unicorn

A ban occurs for several reasons: if someone actively and obscenely disagrees with the administrators (writes numerous messages with insults, expresses dissatisfaction with the fact that the post was not published). If someone reposts, attributing offensive comments, the subscribers themselves often send links to such reposts, for which we thank them very much. We try to publish only very specific stories, without rambling on the topic and one per post.

For victims of domestic violence, we have a topic with lists of telephone numbers and support addresses. Secondly, there is a topic where anyone can contact those they want to help. I personally don’t provide personal assistance, because the psychological stress is already quite strong, and I wouldn’t be able to cope with that. In addition to me, there are currently three moderators: there is a girl from Moscow, a girl from Belarus and a girl from Kirov. I'm from St. Petersburg. They periodically write thanks, yes: for work, for support. It's very nice in such cases. I understand that it’s not in vain that I’m doing something useful. Warms the soul, pushes forward. I still can’t believe it: the public was created on February 11 of this year - and there are already more than ten thousand people. When one of the subscribers sent a screenshot about 10,000, I almost screamed (: And, of course, I noted (:

Olga Zhukova
administrator of the public page “FACTS_ANTISEXISM_ANTICHAUVINISM” and related “Gender Equality”, “In Defense of Women”, “Women in Science”

Our group emerged in early 2012 as a counterbalance to widespread sexism and mockery of women. We (me and my relative) came across chauvinistic public pages and were horrified and decided to call people to anti-sexism, adequacy, and humanism. At first the group grew slowly, we were threatened and insulted, but gradually the situation began to change, more and more people began to come, and we began to grow, both numerically and in terms of gender theory. Subscribers offer us materials, make translations, and we ourselves often offer materials.

By the way, the “Facts” group includes several more public pages and groups that emerged, so to speak, from the main group :) If you don’t mind, I would mention them. We especially felt the need for a positive group about great and breakthrough women who, despite patriarchy, have achieved a lot - this is the public “ Women's history", one of our favorites. The group “ In defense of a woman", where we collect information about violence and crisis centers. And another group appeared thanks to “Facts” - this is “ Gender equality ».

We have admins from different cities (Voronezh, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Bryansk, most of the subsidiary publics and the main group were created by girls from Norilsk), there are constant favorite followers and followers. The “Facts” group was created when there were still few femme groups on VKontakte, and its focus was chosen later: more theoretical materials, more information about the past, about the history of feminism, we try to post femfilms and books. We have come to a certain frequency and periodicity of posts quite a long time ago; the group operates as an online publication, which publishes at least five posts a day at a certain time.

public administrator
"Women's History"

The public appeared a few months after the creation of “Facts”, since we decided to write about famous and not so famous women in a separate group, and not within the general one. There is actually a lot of material, dig a little deeper and you will learn about wonderful women whose works have been forgotten or stolen. Many names are ignored, although their achievements are colossal. We have a separate group "

To be honest, we thought that everyone had already known the rules of communication on Internet forums for a long time, and that there was no point in posting the rules here precisely because of this. However, now we realized how much we were mistaken.

So, you will be banned forever in case of rudeness, rudeness, provocations to fight and other incorrect forms of communication with each other. Or is this the first time you've heard that feminism is a sisterhood in which we should all support each other? That we are strong precisely because of our unity. Before commenting, read the post carefully (!!!) so as not to misunderstand the author. Or, if you are not 100% sure whether you understood it correctly, be so kind as to ask a clarifying question to avoid discrepancies. The girls here pour out their souls on painful topics, and you spit on these souls with your rudeness and swinish attitude. Well, some girl writes about her problems and experiences - and instead of supporting her, saying a kind word, you start throwing sneakers at her because of all sorts of far-fetched bullshit. Is it possible to treat sisters in the movement this way? Is it really so difficult to be polite to each other? Well, for those who find this unbearably difficult, there is a bathhouse. We don't need boorish, rude and provocateurs here.


- rudeness
- depreciation
- rudeness
- flood
- distortion
- petty quibbles
- provocations, trolling

- misogyny
- homophobia
- ageism
- nationalism
- victimblaming
- lookism
- fatphobia
- slut-shaming
- justification of any forms of patriarchy and sexism
- protection of abusers
- justification for any assholery (rudeness, provocations, etc.)
- reproductive pressure, pro-life propaganda
- defense of “not that kind of” men, phrases like “there are also many cruel women”, “women are not angels or saints either”, “men are also offended”, “there is no need to generalize” - sounds like a devaluation of the fact that most violence is committed by scheme “man is the aggressor, woman is the victim.” In fact, violence by men against women is still much greater than violence by women against men. And to make sure of this, you need to look into the materiel (see link below in the text)
- tranny protection
- unethical claims for non-publication or deletion of clearly provocative posts, as well as posts not in the public format and without tags.

Here you will not get a ban for swearing “in space”, or against obvious assholes - sexists, misogynists and other trash. Because it is not only possible, but necessary to swear at them. Let them at least find out from us who they really are.

If some words are unclear, look for them on Google. If you weren't banned there, of course. Study the materiel



Hate is sacred. Hatred is the indignation of strong and powerful hearts, it is the militant contempt of those in whom mediocrity and vulgarity cause indignation. To hate is to love, it means to feel within yourself a ardent and courageous soul, to feel a deep disgust for what is shameful and stupid.

Hatred gives relief, hatred creates justice, hatred elevates.

I felt younger and bolder every time I rebelled against the vulgarity of my era. I have made hatred and pride my two mottos; I was pleased to be alone and in my solitude to hate everything that offended my sense of truth and justice. If I am worth anything today, it is because I am lonely and filled with hatred.

I hate insignificant and untalented people - they depress me. They spoiled a lot of my blood and nerves. Nothing irritates me more than these ignoramuses who act like geese, swaying from foot to foot, eyes wide and mouths agape. I couldn't take a step without bumping into three fools - that's why I'm so sad. The road of life is cluttered with fools: they grab you as you go to shower you with the saliva of their vulgarity. They move, they talk, and their whole appearance, their manners, their voice offends me so much that I, like Stendhal, prefer Elodea to a fool. How should we deal with these people? In our time of fighting and forced marches, they are simply a burden. We are leaving the old world and heading towards a new world. And they hang on our arms, throw themselves at our feet with stupid laughter and absurd teachings; because of them, our gait becomes stumbling and uncertain. We try in vain to get rid of them - they press on us, they choke us, they stick to us. Just think about it!..

The horizons expand, the light flares up, illuminating the sky. And they, of their own free will, plunge into the lukewarm mud and digest their food with languid slowness; At the same time, they squint their owl eyes, which cannot stand the light, they scream that they are not given rest, that they are woken up early in the morning and they can no longer bask in the morning in the stall of general stupidity and chew their cud, serenely grinding it with their jaws.

It’s better to deal with crazy people: at least they can be useful for something. Crazy people think; each of them is obsessed with some obsession that has crippled his mind; These are mentally ill people, people with a disordered psyche. But they are full of vitality. I listen to them willingly, because I always hope that in the chaos of their thoughts the highest truth will flash. Just, for God’s sake, destroy the fools and vulgarities, the spiritual impotents and cretins, create laws to rid us of these people who, taking advantage of their blindness, claim that darkness reigns all around. It’s time for courageous and energetic people to have their ninety-third year - the world is tired of the arrogant domination of mediocrity, it’s time to put them all under the guillotine.

I hate them.

I hate people who isolate themselves in some limited idea, who walk in a herd, staring at the ground, and do not see the shining heavens. Each such herd has its own god, its own idol, on whose altar it sacrifices the great human truth; ...they all have their own platform, and from its height they solemnly broadcast to the people. They follow their well-trodden path, proudly performing in all their insignificance, and scream heart-rendingly as soon as their childish fanaticism is disturbed. My friends, poets and prose writers, learned people and simply seekers of truth, all of you who know them and have more than once knocked on the door of these important gentlemen who lock their doors so they can cut their nails in peace! Dare to raise your voice with me and say publicly that they, like cowardly and intolerant church watchmen, threw you out... Tell me how they laughed at your inexperience, believing that experience consists in denying any truth that does not agree with their delusion. Somewhere far away, far away, above or below, there is, of course, the only and absolute truth that governs the worlds and moves us towards the future. Here... we see hundreds of truths that collide with each other, are broken into one another, hundreds of herds that bleat, refusing to move forward. Some regret the irretrievably gone past, others dream of a ghostly future; those who dream of the present speak of it as of eternity. Each religion has its priests, each priest its blind followers and eunuchs. No one cares about reality... Where, I ask, are free people, those who live loudly, without confining their thoughts within the narrow framework of dogma, and boldly step towards the light, ... who care only about justice and truth? Where are those people who are not part of the corrupt cliques and, at the sign of their leader, do not applaud whoever has to - God or man, the people or the aristocracy? Where are these people who live apart from the human herd, who welcome every noble cause, despising sectarianism and advocating for freedom of thought? As soon as these people speak, the pompous cretins fly into a rage and suppress them with their mass; then they again importantly indulge in digestion and convincingly prove to each other that they are all fools.