New Year's crafts

Why peeling sheet is the best way to cleanse facial skin. Peeling roll for body and face. How to use a peeling roll. Reviews

If you are going to remove dead particles from your skin, then you will like the peeling roll. . The product was used back in the days when chemical exfoliation was not common, and held its position after the emergence of numerous alternatives. What is the specificity of the method?

Action and features of peeling ray

Unlike scrubs with hard granules, the product works thanks to fruit acids and viscous components. If cosmetic products with coffee or apricot kernels remove dead cells like sandpaper, then the rolls turn into pellets when massaged. At the same time, they remove the layer of dead skin cells from the epidermis, which makes the skin glowing and healthy.

Pros and cons of peeling rolls

Peeling roller at home has a number of advantages:

  • it is suitable for all skin types;
  • gentle action allows the product to be used even with sensitive skin;
  • if there are areas on the face with flaky epidermis, you will still do exfoliation without causing an exacerbation;
  • the product has a slight rejuvenating and toning effect.

There are few downsides to this option, since complaints usually arise from clients who were expecting an immediate transformation. Since the gel has a gentle effect, a one-time use will only partially solve the problem with blackheads and pimples. Also, girls who do not remove facial fuzz may experience discomfort: You can avoid discomfort if you buy a Korean product, but the price will hit your pocket. Otherwise, the product does not cause any complaints, if your expectations are not too high.

The effectiveness of peeling rolls

How effective is the procedure? Dermatologist Melanie Palm claims that the effect is comparable to the result of exposure to chemical exfoliators: for example, with the help of hyaluronic acid you will not achieve worst results. But women are satisfied when they see the pellets of dead tissue with their own eyes. Since the option is suitable for all skin types, the demand for it is not decreasing.

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Thanks to such means, you combine chemical and mechanical effects. After all, the roll is rubbed into the skin with light massage movements, which removes some of the cells. But mainly the cleansing occurs due to the enzymes included in the formula: they dissolve the dead layer of the epidermis. The composition also contains bromelain, which provides light rejuvenation. 1 application is enough for you to notice improvements.

Indications and contraindications

  • dull skin;
  • age-related changes;
  • the presence of blackheads and peeling;
  • excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.

There are some contraindications, because using the product is not recommended for very thin and sensitive skin. If the capillary network is located close to the surface, also look for alternatives: when massaging the integument, there is a high risk of microhemorrhages. And those who suffer from inflamed acne should first undergo the main course of treatment.

Peeling gel cannot be used together with other exfoliators, especially AHA acids.

Types of rollers and features of their use

The advantage will be the variety of funds, which will allow you to find the option that suits you. Both home remedies and store-bought products are at your disposal.

With calcium chloride

The main criterion is cheapness? Choose a roll with calcium chloride, since you can make it yourself:

  1. Apply the product to a cotton pad and spread over your face. Wait until it dries completely and treat the skin several times until the liquid in the ampoule runs out.
  2. Lather your hands with cheap baby soap and massage your face until pellets appear.

Success depends on the chosen soap, because the more gentle it is, the worse the result. If you take a cheap variety, the effect will not cause any complaints.

When you do everything correctly, when massaging it appears a large number of pellets. There is no need to be alarmed: these are not only dead layers of skin, but also flakes formed from the reaction of soap with calcium chloride.

This option is suitable for owners of dense skin with enlarged pores; with increased sensitivity, it causes irritation and redness. You should not use the recipe if you have dry skin, because aggressive action worsens the problem.

The product lightens the skin, so do not use it on tanned face: The border between areas will be obvious.

With a creamy consistency

Products with a creamy consistency are used for the face and body. You will find them among products from foreign and Russian companies, and Korean rolls have received praise. Such peeling for aging facial skin does not cause complaints of irritation or redness. Unlike the homemade calcium chloride product, it contains moisturizing and soothing agents. The action turns out to be gentle, without causing any complaints.

Bubble Cleaning Rolls

A special feature of bubble cleansing rollers is the ability to use them on sensitive surfaces. They are not as effective as the previous options, but they do not cause irritation. Since the composition is enriched with oxygen, the product begins to bubble after application. All you have to do is lightly massage the skin and rinse off the product with water.

How to choose a peeling roller

If you are going to buy a product for pore cleansing and exfoliation, the main criterion will be your skin characteristics:

  1. Home peelings are suitable for those with thick skin. They differ in depth of penetration, so they clean pores as much as possible. True, it will not be possible to completely get rid of sebaceous plugs, and beauties combine peeling with mechanical cleaning, which is carried out after a few days.
  2. Among the ready-made rolls, you will choose the option suitable for your skin type. If you are not hypersensitive, purchase products with a creamy consistency. Among them there are products for problem skin that contain antiseptic components. For those who suffer from frequent redness or irritation, bubble products are suitable.

In addition to the main function, rolling gels and foams also perform additional tasks. In this case, pay attention to the formula:

  • soothing agents include aloe vera extract;
  • moisturizing effects on the skin thanks to hyaluronic acid, which also has a rejuvenating effect;
  • nutritious contain proteins;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs prevent acne because they contain salicylic acid;
  • whitening products contain lemon extract.

The main function remains the removal of dead cells, and additional effects will have to be enhanced with the help of auxiliary means. But the cleansing of pores, smoothness and elasticity of the skin after using peelings will not cause any complaints!

How to use it correctly

To use the rollers correctly, use the following instructions:

  1. Remove from your face decorative cosmetics. Apply the product with a brush or fingers, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips.
  2. Wait 5-10 minutes, then start rubbing your face in a circular motion. You should not be overzealous, otherwise you will injure the skin.
  3. Remove any residue with a soft towel or rinse with water.

The good thing about this option is that massage movements stimulate blood supply to tissues, improve metabolism and enhance the protective functions of the skin. Some compounds also affect water balance integument and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Rating of the best professional peeling rollers

On the Internet you will find more than one review of peeling products, but the richness of the assortment can be confusing. To find a suitable roller, pay attention to the top cosmetic products:

  1. Librederm offers an affordable option, as the product will cost $8. The peeling has a gel-like consistency, so it does not spread after application to the face. There is no discomfort during use, and the result appears after several uses. Separately, the brand’s clients note the rejuvenating effect: thanks to getting rid of dead cells, creases and wrinkles become less noticeable. .jpg" alt=" libriderm" width="338" height="450" srcset="" data-srcset=" 768w, 900w" sizes="(max-width: 338px) 100vw, 338px"> !}
  2. Propeller has released a product with salicylic acid that reduces breakouts. The option is pleasingly cheap, since the cost is $1.5. This ensured the popularity of the skating rink, but the quality often causes criticism. Clients of the brand note that the texture of the gel is too liquid, which is why it spreads over the skin and does not form pellets well. According to reviews, you will have to forget about deep cleansing with Propeller. .png" alt="propeller" width="450" height="239" srcset="" data-srcset=" 768w, 1347w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}
  3. The Korean brand Tony Moly, which has gained positions due to its quality, offers an apple peeling roller. Appletox Smooth Massage Peeling is rich in fruit acids, which removes dead cells from the surface and cleanses pores. The purchase will cost $10. .png" alt="tony moth" width="450" height="343" srcset="" data-srcset=" 624w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}
  4. Ciel has released a product that allows you to combine exfoliation with stimulation of collagen production. Pro-Beauty Bio can be purchased for $6, and the product contains salicylic and glycolic acids, papaya extract and taurine. Thanks to complex impact you will narrow your pores and improve appearance covers. The advantages include easy rolling, because, unlike many products, the roll does not cling to the fluff on the face. .png" alt="ciel" width="439" height="437" srcset="" data-srcset=" 150w, 120w" sizes="(max-width: 439px) 100vw, 439px"> !}
  5. Secret Key will appeal to those who want to combine exfoliation with lightening. The product, called Lemon Sparkling Peeling Gel, contains lemon extract, which helps reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands. Also in the formula are hyaluronic acid and marine collagen, promoting deep cleansing. You can buy the product for $10.5. .png" alt="lemon peeling" width="373" height="369" srcset="" data-srcset=" 300w, 120w" sizes="(max-width: 373px) 100vw, 373px"> !}

The rating of peelings shows that it is not necessary to go to significant expense to get results. Just explore the budget options and you will find the right product. And if you want to learn more about one of the popular remedies, watch the video:

Homemade rolls: simple recipes for you

In addition to purchased options, you also have a homemade product at your disposal. You can use a recipe for calcium chloride:

  1. Grate a small amount of baby soap (3-4 g) and add water. Leave for 45 minutes to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  2. Whisk the mixture until it resembles a white.
  3. Pour in 1 ampoule of calcium chloride. The mix will turn into a curdled mass, which you will use to treat your face.
  4. Massage the skin to get pellets. After 3 minutes, rinse off the residue with water.

It is also permissible to combine the effect with a mechanical one by adding ground coffee or crushed apricot kernels. But friction in this case will leave microtraumas on the skin, and exfoliation will not be gentle.

.png" alt="result" width="372" height="380" srcset="" data-srcset=" 294w" sizes="(max-width: 372px) 100vw, 372px"> !} During application, pellets should form.

The recipe is suitable for those with thick, oily skin, not prone to drying out. If your skin is sensitive, choose store-bought products that contain moisturizing ingredients.

Rules of use and life hacks

If you want to achieve results, then finding out what a facial peeling roll is and spending money on an expensive product will not be enough. Cosmetologists say that improper use can negate progress. What to consider when using rollers?

How to use the product correctly

The advantages of this option include its harmlessness: while chemical peels can cause burns, peelings, when used correctly, do not cause side effects. Just do not do the procedure if you will be exposed to the sun or cold for a long time. Do not forget to subsequently use a cream with ultraviolet protection, as the skin becomes more sensitive.

How often to peel?

When it comes to exfoliation, it's important to stick to the right schedule. Irregular use will affect the result, and excessive frequency will weaken the protective function of the skin, causing peeling and redness. How often can you use a peeling roll for your face? When choosing frequency, do not forget to adjust for the type of cover:

  • for normal people, 1-2 applications per week are enough;
  • for extreme dryness - 1 time per week;
  • for oily skin - 3 times a week.

Duration of use remains an important aspect. Although you will notice improvements after the 1st treatment, it will take several months for dramatic changes to occur. Don't expect to be transformed as if by magic, and you will like the result.

Possible complications

Since the impact on the integument will be mild, complaints of complications remain rare. The following may cause customer dissatisfaction:

  • lack of the expected effect;
  • allergic reaction;
  • the appearance of pigment spots.

Most of the unpleasant phenomena are associated with violation of the rules of use. If you do a test for the presence of individual intolerance, and subsequently apply a cream with SPF +25 or more, the result will not cause any complaints. Please note that products with UV protection should be used even on cloudy days, as enough rays penetrate through the clouds to cause hyperpigmentation.

As for effectiveness, it depends on the initial state of the integument. If the pores are dirty and there is an abundance of dead cells, do not expect an immediate and dramatic transformation. Regular use of the product will smooth out the skin, get rid of superficial wrinkles and blackheads, so be patient.

Complaints of peeling and redness of the skin often occur after using home remedies based on calcium chloride.


Owners sensitive skin Those who are contraindicated from aggressive influences will undergo exfoliation using rollers. The products will not give immediate results, but they will provide a gentle cleansing. With regular use, you will notice improvements within a couple of months.

Facial peeling was popular even before Russian women tried the “rejuvenating apples” of Western cosmetology. This procedure has become famous due to its simplicity, affordable cost and the ability to be performed at home even by beginners. The effect of peeling a roller done by yourself is no less than that of salon exfoliation. And the cost of one home session is 8 times less and is approximately 100 rubles. Let's find out recipes and proven manufacturers of facial peeling rolls.

Why do stars love peeling roller?

Peeling in the form of a roll is one of the first aesthetic procedures, o beneficial effect which became known in Korea even before cosmetology became a separate area of ​​the beauty industry. The composition for peeling the skating ray, prepared in the kitchen, was also the main tool for instant transformation for Soviet women. Since the 70s of the last century, the recipe for the classic rolling has remained unchanged. Today it is still recommended as an effective and quick means of deep cleansing the facial skin. Stars write about it in blogs (for example, Victoria Bonya), it forms the basis of factory complexes for exfoliation.

In order to understand what rolling peelings are and why lovers value them professional care, let us remember the peculiarity of this exfoliation. In terms of its method of application, rolling peeling resembles a scrub - it is also applied to dry and cleansed facial skin using circular massage movements. But unlike scrubbing compositions, the roll does not contain small abrasive particles (crumbs or crystals). Included in the peeling fruit acids and viscous plant components gently dissolve dead particles of the epidermis and roll them into lumps. This is where the name sticky exfoliation comes from.

Peeling roll works exclusively on the keratinized epidermis without affecting the dermal layer. Therefore, rolls are classified as superficial exfoliation, safe and non-traumatic. Unlike scrubbing compositions based on sea ​​salt, fruit seeds or coffee beans, rolling peels gently remove dead cells without stretching or damaging the skin. Cosmetologists even recommend them for sensitive and acne-prone skin.

In addition to chemical components in a minimum concentration, ready-made peeling rolls contain moisturizing complexes and plant extracts. Such multifunctional products are suitable for daily use. In addition to cleansing the face of impurities, universal rollers nourish and tone the skin.

Types of rollers and rules of use

There are three types of rolling peels. The first can be done at home using a solution of calcium chloride and baby bar soap. The other two are ready-made cosmetics in the form of a cream and a bubbling clay-based gel. Both drugs are manufactured in Korea under trademarks"Tony Moly" and "Holika Holika".

Roll with calcium chloride

The legendary peeling sheet is easy and cheap to prepare at home. For the classic recipe you will need:

  • 1 ampoule of calcium chloride;
  • a bar of soap for children without additives or fragrances;
  • cotton pads;
  • moisturizing cream.
  1. Using a gel or foam cleanser, we remove any remaining cosmetics and impurities from the face;
  2. wipe your face dry with a soft towel;
  3. moisten a cotton pad in a solution of calcium chloride and wipe the skin with it;
  4. let the first layer dry completely for 3-5 minutes;
  5. repeat the application of calcium chloride 6-8 times, drying each layer;
  6. place a bar of soap in warm water and lather the cotton pad;
  7. wipe your face with a soapy cotton pad over the film of calcium chloride;
  8. massage the skin with a cotton pad or fingers until white pellets form;
  9. massage the face for 3 minutes until the pellets turn gray;
  10. wash off the remaining peeling composition with warm water;
  11. moisturize your face with cream or mask.

White pellets during peeling are evidence that soap solution He joined chemical reaction with calcium chloride. The pellets do not injure the skin, but they remove dirt, residual sebum and dead epidermal cells.

Ready-made peelings with creamy consistency

The cleansing components in such a cosmetic product are already balanced and supplemented with moisturizing plant extracts or micronutrients. You should use Korean or Russian peeling rolls in the same way as the classic composition: apply the mixture in a circular motion to cleansed skin and massage your face until pellets form.

Cleansing bubble foams

Some girls do not yet know how to use bubble foams for exfoliation. Such products, in addition to cleansing components, contain oxygen molecules, which are released when peeling is applied to the face. After the foam peeling begins to bubble, you can gently massage your face and roll off the remaining composition with your fingertips.

Indications and prohibitions for peeling rolls

Rolling peels are so safe that they become products in the “ must have"for almost every woman. Even those with thin and dry skin can use them with caution. Especially the facial peeling roll is recommended as a weekly treatment for:

  • oily and problem skin;
  • clogged and enlarged pores;
  • the presence of inflammatory rashes, acne and acne on the skin;
  • increased greasiness of the face, especially the T-zone;
  • hyperkeratosis - thickening of the upper layer of skin due to keratinized scales;
  • peeling of facial skin.

The effect of a properly performed peeling roll is noticeable immediately after the procedure. The skin becomes lighter, the pores narrow and are cleared of dirt and sebum residues, inflammation and comedones disappear, the face takes on a healthy and radiant appearance.

Like any cosmetic procedure, the peeling roll has limitations. Exfoliation should not be used if the skin has wounds, fresh scratches, abrasions, boils, foci of the herpes virus and symptoms of dermatological diseases (for example, psoriasis or eczema). Also, rollers are not recommended for regular cleansing of dry or ultraviolet-damaged skin.

Before the peeling procedure, make sure you are not allergic to the components of the product. To do this, apply a small amount of the composition to the inner bend of the elbow, behind the ear or under the knee and leave the drug for 15 minutes. If the peeling does not cause any redness or itching within a quarter of an hour, it is suitable for you.

Lifehack for peeling rolls

If this is your first time performing the rolling procedure, take into account simple tips, which will help make peeling more enjoyable and its results more noticeable.

  • At the end of the rolling session, do not wipe your face with a towel, even if it is made of soft terry. Blot your skin paper napkin or let it dry on its own. This will protect the epidermis disturbed by peeling from unnecessary mechanical impact;
  • Before the peeling session, prepare a container of warm water to wash your face. If there is discomfort, you can immediately rinse the composition;
  • burning, itching or pain during a sense peeling is an abnormal reaction of the skin to its constituent ingredients. Do not tolerate unpleasant sensations, this may result in a slight burn or redness of the skin;
  • When applying the peeling product, avoid the delicate skin around the eyes and lips. Pre-lubricate these areas with Vaseline or greasy cream. The barrier will prevent accidental contact of the rayon with sensitive skin;
  • do not neglect the instructions for ready-made peeling complexes. Do not exceed the specified time for procedures, otherwise side effects cannot be avoided;
  • in the first two days after peeling, protect your face from the influence of the roller ultraviolet rays: Apply to skin sunscreen with an SPF level of at least 25, wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat in the summer.

Peeling roll is a simple, but no less effective superficial exfoliation. The beauty of such aesthetic procedures is that the components for a home peeling composition are within walking distance for every woman. You can prepare a peeling roll at home from pharmaceutical preparations in just 5 minutes. And for those who do not like to perform several manipulations at once or simply do not want to take risks, manufacturers of cosmetics produce ready-made formulations based on natural ingredients. Both peels will please a woman with results after the first peeling session.

Greetings, my dear readers. I think you won’t deny that skin needs constant care. This is the only way it will look smooth and silky. This type of care involves exfoliating dead skin cells. A facial roller can help with this, and today I’ll tell you about this product.

Essentially, this is a type of peeling. This cleaning method is gentle on the skin. Therefore, it is suitable even for sensitive epidermis types. This peeling easily removes from the surface skin cells. But at the same time it does not injure him at all.

This cosmetic product has the following effects on the skin:

  • removes the stratum corneum;
  • opens pores and cleanses them;
  • evens out the relief of the epidermis and its tone;
  • tones skin cells;
  • smoothes wrinkles and activates regenerative processes.

Although this cosmetic product works real miracles on the skin, it is not suitable for everyone. If you decide to experience the effects of such peeling, make sure that there are no scratches on your face. Also, the presence of wounds and pustules is not allowed. In addition, a contraindication to the use of the product is individual intolerance to the components that are present in the gel. Therefore, before purchasing, carefully study the composition.

How to make a roll at home

I will describe a recipe that is posted on the Internet. You need to take the following components:

  • 10% solution of calcium chloride (you can buy it at the pharmacy);
  • warm water;
  • baby soap(no flavorings);
  • cotton pad.

The soap should be grated on a coarse grater and filled with warm water. Moreover, the liquid should only cover the chips. Then this mixture is left for 10-12 hours at room temperature. Afterwards, it must be whipped until smooth. If desired, you can also make it with chamomile juice.

Using a cotton pad, apply calcium chloride to the surface of the skin. The area around the eyes and mouth should be avoided. Wait about 2-3 minutes until the solution dries completely. Then another layer of calcium chloride is applied and allowed to dry again. This procedure is carried out several times.

Next, generously cover your face with soap foam. As a result of the interaction of the solution with the soap mass, flakes will appear on the surface of the skin. By the way, it is also recommended to apply several layers of foam. Afterwards, you need to cover your hands with a solution of calcium chloride and roll the flakes. When the soap balls stop rolling, you need to wash your face with warm water.

Peeling with calcium chloride - benefit or harm

It turns out that the skate has been known for decades. This product was actively used in Soviet times by cosmetologists of the old school. It was made as follows: calcium chloride was added to soap cream or foam soap for washing. For this miracle remedy, a 10% solution of calcium chloride was used in an amount of 30 ml.

This composition was applied to the face and left for about 5 minutes. Then we moistened our hands with calcium chloride and rolled up the mask with stroking movements. Movements were made along massage lines for 4-5 minutes.

And then Victoria Bonya began to promote this method of cleansing with calcium chloride. It was immediately picked up and called a Hollywood peel. Here is her video where she explains how she uses it:

I just want to draw your attention to the fact that the cosmetologists did not use soap, but a special soap cream with additives. It also included organic acids and other components. Therefore, the skating ray had a slightly different composition - not the same as the modern product. But in Soviet times, there was no trace of peelings with acids, which are used today. Therefore, in the absence of fish, calcium chloride was a completely working tool.

Today, this peeling option has been somewhat simplified. And instead of soap cream, it is recommended to use regular baby soap. According to cosmetologists, a modern version of this peeling roller can give a good visual effect.

The tandem of calcium chloride + soap is very harmful for the skin. This is an aggressive alkaline treatment that leads to skin dehydration

The composition creates on the epidermis ideal conditions for the development of pathogenic microflora. Because when calcium chloride interacts with an aqueous solution, an acid reaction is observed. CaCl2 + H2O = (CaOH)Cl + HCl – that is, hydrochloric acid is formed. It is she who provides deep cleansing. The soap solution neutralizes hydrochloric acid.

But did the person who came up with this recipe really not go to school or did he skip chemistry? Calcium chloride (from ampoules) and sodium carbonate - soda present in soap - react. As a result, an insoluble calcium salt is formed. It is also called calcium carbonate. This salt can easily injure your skin. Honestly, doing this kind of peeling is the same as cleaning your face with a metal frying pan brush. This is terrible and stupid!

Reviews of peeling with calcium chloride

I didn’t bother to give you rave reviews about this peeling. They exist, but then they somehow subside. I watched videos of several girls who tried this product. For some reason, they then do not answer the main question of readers: “What does it feel like after several procedures?” Or it’s a shame to say that it didn’t fit or there’s another reason. It’s not clear 🙁

The conclusion is this: when you make a cleansing mixture yourself, there is a high risk of harming the skin

Grandma’s recipes later become oh so expensive. Due to dehydration of the epidermis, wrinkles appear more intensely. Some substances in such recipes are generally incompatible, which then results in a huge “bouquet” of skin problems.

Here are the promised reviews, read them carefully.

Lolita 27: I will never forgive myself for using this homemade peeling recipe. She ruined her skin. This mask caused a terrible problem. Blue-red blood vessels began to clearly appear on the face. A nightmare!

Nadia: If you don't mind your skin, make yourself masks for your health. But I would never use this product for anything in my life. I strictly adhered to the recipe. Apply – roll up – wash – cover your face nourishing cream. The skin seemed to become clean and smooth. I went to bed, and in the morning I looked in the mirror and was stunned. Extensive burn on cheeks and nose. no words (((

Lisa : This is some kind of extreme peeling! the same effect as if the face was sanded with coarse sandpaper. It's painful and unpleasant. And it is still unclear what will happen to the skin in the future

Nina : I did it - itching began, my face turned red and became covered with some kind of terrible red rash. I wish I had ever done such a peeling on my own - never in my life.

Lucy : You should have thought of actually smearing your face with hydrochloric acid. So not far from scars!

Rating of ready-made face rolls

My dears, over the past 30 years, cosmetology has come a long way from such home remedies. Now there is no point in using homemade products. The beauty industry offers customers a wide variety of peelings for salon and home use.

Tell me, what's the point of working magic in your own kitchen if you can buy good peeling? It was done in sterile conditions, and not in the kitchen between the sink and the stove. The product purchased is tested and approved by dermatologists. If you figure out how to use it, there is less chance of developing an allergic reaction.

Well, I don’t understand why experiment with your face. This is, at the very least, stupid and irresponsible. No one will give you a second skin. Unless the plastic surgeon will welcome you with open arms.

I selected four options for peeling rolls. The manufacturers of these products took a responsible approach to the development of recipes. Risks when using such products are minimized.

Peeling from Libriderm

This a budget option, is even sold in the pharmacy. The product contains lactic acid. It exfoliates dead cells, restores skin regeneration and increases its elasticity, reduces pores, etc. Chamomile extract has a restorative, soothing and antibacterial effect. Librederm peeling with chamomile can be used to cleanse any skin type.

Roll up is a translucent gel. It has a pleasant aroma of sour fruits. The product applies easily and quickly begins to roll off.

Ksyukha : After the first use, the result is visible. The pores are cleaned and the skin becomes softer. But the effect does not last long. However, for 300 rubles it’s ok.

Inna: I had high hopes for this gel. A friend said that this is the best skate. But it didn’t work out - it doesn’t clean well.

Emily 33 : I'm not happy with this gel. Could have rolled better. Yes, and it takes a long time to wash off. Plus, the skin becomes somewhat tight after using it. I will buy Korean products again

Peeling roll Novosvit (Novosvit)

This cleanser is based on hyaluronic acid and collagen. This duet has a beneficial effect on the skin - cleanses it, evens out its texture and restores the water-lipid balance.

The peeling has a delicate gel-like texture. There are no abrasive particles here. In addition, the product does not contain dyes, alcohol or parabens. The aroma is unobtrusive, slightly soapy.

Veronica : I'm not thrilled. The gel is too liquid - it’s inconvenient to apply, everything spreads

Lina : This product does not clean at all. It just moisturizes well - at least the skin is not dry anymore.

Lisa : Light touches are not enough. To roll off the stratum corneum, you need to press and stretch the skin. But this is still not very useful. After washing my face, I didn’t notice any difference: before and after.

Mizon with apple (Korean cosmetics)

This exfoliating agent contains a whole complex of acids. There are hyaluronic and glycolic acids, as well as BHA and AHA acids. They provide a peeling effect. However, this product not only exfoliates dead cells. It also brightens the skin, relieves redness, gives elasticity to the epidermis and evens out its tone.

U This peeling has a delicate creamy texture. The aroma is light, apple.

Mila : This is the first time in my life I’ve used a rolling pin. The effect is super, I recommend!!!

Alla : After I tried this peeling, I threw away all my scrubs. This skate is something. Every girl should have it.

Nyra : And sometimes I apply this roll as a mask. I keep it for about 15 minutes - during this time it dries well. So I wet my fingertips and the mask starts to roll off well))

Peeling gel Apieu

This is a gentle cleanser that contains AHA and lactic acids. In addition, the product contains extracts of grapefruit, lemon, kiwi and other benefits. The roller cleanses the skin well, evens out its texture and tone. The texture is delicate.

By the way, Apieu Naked has a whole series of exfoliating gels in its arsenal. Among them are a mild action product and enhanced peeling.

Without thorough cleansing and removal of keratinized particles, a beautiful and healthy skin you can forget. But mechanical scrubs are not for everyone. Those with dry and sensitive skin, for example, often face the problem of redness and irritation after using a scrub. But with peeling rolls you don’t have to be afraid of this. Moreover, the effect from them is no worse, but, on the contrary, often even better than from many classic exfoliants. Like many good things that are now on the cosmetic market, peeling rolls came to us from South Korea. They got their name because after applying the product, the stratum corneum of the skin seems to gather into “pellets” - very delicately and absolutely painlessly, of course. If you don’t already have this miracle product on your dressing table, we advise you to rectify the situation. We tell you what means to pay attention to.

Chamomile extract included in the peeling has soothing and antibacterial properties. So the product is suitable even for those with sensitive skin. You can safely apply peeling to your face and not be afraid of redness. It is enough to use the product once a week.

Facial peeling roller Librederm (278 RUR)

Citrus greetings from Korea - a facial peeling roller that removes dead skin cells, evens out skin tone and texture. A loading dose of vitamin C, as well as citric, ascorbic and malic acids, promotes maximum thoroughness, but at the same time delicate cleansing. The product is used sparingly, and on top of that it also delights with its crazy tangerine aroma.

Peeling roller The Yeon Jeju Hallabong Energy Peeling Gel (RUB 1,720)

Pineapple peeling roller from the Korean brand Skin Food copes with clogged pores and peeling with a bang. And at the same time it brightens dark spots and evens out skin tone. It contains a powerful cocktail of apple, pineapple, aloe vera and purslane extracts, due to which the product not only gets rid of dead skin cells, but also nourishes, tones the skin, and also helps strengthen its natural protection.

Peeling roller Pineapple Peeling Gel Skin Food (995 RUR)

A good option for dry skin. The product will gently cleanse your face of dead cells and leave behind a pleasant feeling of moisture. Suitable even for sensitive skin, it helps relieve mild irritation and redness. It contains green tea extract, which strengthens the structure of the epidermis from the inside and promotes the formation of collagen. The packaging of the product is large - 500 grams, so it will last for a really long time, considering the cost-effectiveness of use.

Secret Pure Skinship Peeling Touch Gel Elizavecca (RUB 1,150)

The Escargot peeling gel has one advantage – it contains snail mucin. This component is a real " philosopher's Stone"in the world of cosmetics, he has so much beneficial properties. Of course, it doesn’t turn everything around into gold, but it fills the skin with collagen, elastin, vitamins A, C and E, moisturizes very well and slows down the aging process.

Peeling roller Noblesse Intensive Peeling Gel Escargot (RUB 849)

Deoproce green tea product is hypoallergenic. It may not be as active as other products in our review, but it does not cause any irritation or redness even on the most sensitive skin. Cleans as gently but effectively as possible. In order for those same “pellets” to appear on your face, you will have to massage the skin with a cream-like product applied to it for a couple of minutes. But this is just a joy: the aroma of the product is light and unobtrusive, and the texture is soft and delicate. After use, the skin is so smooth that you want to touch it and touch it.

Green Tea Peeling Vegetal Deoproce (RUB 620)

This peeling roller is suitable for all skin types, but will especially appeal to those with problematic and oily skin. In addition to the fact that the product delicately removes dead skin particles, it helps regulate the production of sebum and mattifies well, removing treacherous shine.

Peeling roller Aroma Soft Peeling Gel Lioele (560 RUR)

The peeling roll does an excellent job of cleansing the skin of all kinds of impurities and exfoliating dead skin cells. This is a wonderful skin care product that additionally cleanses the skin of dead cells that are not removed during regular bathing.

Peeling roll (action, features)

The expected effect of peeling the ray is comparable to the effect of any chemical peeling , just keep in mind that it will be less pronounced:

  • slight skin lightening;
  • removal of comedones;
  • rejuvenation and freshness;
  • skin renewal - it begins to glow;
  • skin smoothing;
  • cleansing and tightening pores.

Types of peeling rolls

Baby soap and calcium chloride. Such simple components give a complex effect. It is noticeable immediately, all thanks to its rather aggressive effect. Because of this, it is not recommended to carry out the procedure too often. It is optimal to take a break between sessions of 10–15 days.

If the procedure is carried out in accordance with the rules, then the use of this type of peeling sheet is absolutely safe.

Creamy peeling roll. This is the so-called traditional peeling. The composition usually already includes caring and moisturizing components, which reduces the aggressiveness of the peeling and reduces the interval between use to 7 days, but everything is individual. Lumps form during the procedure. However, it is still recommended to apply cream after the procedure.

Gel peeling. The effect is even softer, but does not mean that it is less effective. During use, a reaction occurs - the composition begins to foam. Contains additional cleansing, moisturizing and antibacterial components. You don't have to apply the cream.

Peeling roll: pros and cons

Peeling rays have a rather gentle effect– this is their main advantage, from which the advantages flow:

  • fits for sensitive, oily and dry skin;
  • for use no special skills or knowledge required;
  • does not contain abrasives, which means it does not have a traumatic effect on the skin;
  • can buy in most stores selling cosmetics and at an affordable price.

However, in some cases, an advantage turns into a big disadvantage. In the presence of serious problems peeling the roll simply won't do the job. In such cases, it is recommended to use other types of peeling.

How to use a peeling roll (for body, for face)

Regardless of where the peeling is carried out - on the face or on the body - the sequence of actions and application rules will be the same. If you are not familiar with the action of the product and have never seen how to use it correctly, it is recommended to carry out the first procedure in a salon and ask a cosmetologist how to apply the product correctly and what kind would be better suited for your skin.

There is nothing complicated in using peeling sheets, but you can do it not often: once a month if the skin is dry, and twice if it is oily.

Note! The tingling sensations that appear during the procedure are normal, but if they become unbearable, you should immediately wash the composition off the skin, as continuing the procedure risks burns and other damage. In this case, when using a new product for the first time, keep clean water nearby.

After the procedure, use sunscreen, as the skin becomes susceptible to sunlight, burns and pigmentation are possible.

Peeling a roll at home - how to do it

It is important to know! Peeling roll is applied to dry and clean skin. It works better this way.

All that is required is to apply the peeling to the prepared skin with massaging movements, wait a couple of minutes for it to dry. If the composition is applied to the face, avoid the area around the eyes and mouth.

If everything goes well, after a while, rolling movements remove the composition along with dead skin cells and impurities. After this, the remaining product is washed off with cool water.

Note! Do not wipe the skin with a towel after peeling, this will injure it. If you don't have time to let the skin dry naturally, blot it lightly, lightly touching it.

Immediately after the procedure, apply a moisturizer.

If you decide to use calcium chloride and baby soap to peel the ray, the procedure will be similar, but there are nuances. One of the options is when calcium chloride is first applied, and then the face is lathered with soap, the other is when they do the opposite: first soap, then calcium chloride.

Read the popular site article:

In the first case, the solution is applied to the face in 3 layers, allowing each layer to absorb for two minutes. Then they wash their face, using as little water as possible. A reaction will occur during which the soap will curdle on the skin.

When the interaction of the components is over, the composition can be washed off with water and a moisturizing cream can be applied. In the second case, first soap the face, then use a cotton pad to apply calcium chloride. Next I proceed as in the first option.

Peeling roll – where to buy, how much it costs

Rolling peelings are sold both offline and online stores and pharmacies. You can buy them at an affordable price, but some professional formulations will cost a decent amount.

Peeling roll: contraindications

Like all peelings, the sheet cannot be used if you are hypersensitive, i.e. in case of allergic reactions to the product, in the presence of herpetic eruptions, injuries and skin diseases.

Note! Before use, a simple allergy test is carried out: a small amount of the product is applied to the bend of the elbow and the skin reaction is monitored.

The best gel peeling rolls

Below is a description of popular skates. After reading the reviews, you can choose the right product.

Missha peeling roll (Korea)

This peeling contains tropical fruit extracts and fruit acids.

After use, the skin is moisturized and restored. Those who have used the roll note that the skin glows after peeling.

Other advantages:

  • pleasant aroma;
  • convenient packaging;
  • economical;
  • good consistency;
  • large volume;
  • makes the skin smooth, as if polishing.

Among the disadvantages, some mention insufficient exfoliating effect.

Average price: 1250 rubles. Volume: 100 ml.

Apple peeling roll Mizon (mizon)

Like many Korean-made cosmetic products, it has many positive reviews. The cleansing effect occurs thanks to the malic and hyaluronic acid contained in the composition.

In addition, the skating ray contains extracts of citrus fruits, papaya, sugar cane, and enzymes. Suitable for use on thin sensitive skin. The texture of the product is gel, dense enough so as not to drip when applied.

After using peeling:

  • the skin is smoothed out, as if glowing from within;
  • Excessive oily skin is removed, but no drying is observed;
  • Decorative cosmetics apply very smoothly;
  • peeling is eliminated.

It makes blackheads less noticeable, but does not remove them completely. Average price: 1000 rubles. Volume: 120 ml.

Peeling roll The saem

The peeling has a pleasant aroma and rolls off very well. It has a gentle effect. Girls who use this product say that it can be used up to 4 times a week.

According to the manufacturer, the peeling contains plant stem cells and pine bark extract - these components have a rejuvenating effect on the skin, tone, strengthen and moisturize. A smoothing, brightening and exfoliating effect is observed.

Sold in two volumes: 40 ml and 160 ml. Price: 490 and 1850 rubles.

Peeling sheet Shiseido

Vitaminized peeling with green tea extract. The consistency is a translucent gel. Reviews for this peeling are contradictory.

From positive points The following should be noted:

From the negative:

  • it is unclear where it is produced;
  • sticky pellets that cause irritation when removed from sensitive skin.

Price: from 200 rubles. Volume: 60 ml.

Limoni peeling ray

Korean made roller. Good hermetically sealed packaging. The tube itself with a dispenser. The consistency, like the above peelings, is gel-like. The peeling itself is apple, but, according to consumer reviews, it smells not of apple, but of citrus.

The result speaks for itself:

  • the face shines with purity;
  • sebaceous plugs are removed;
  • acne marks are lightened;
  • exfoliates dead cells;
  • skin texture is evened out;
  • does not cause irritation;
  • washes off easily.

Volume: 150 ml. It costs around 900 rubles.

Korean peeling roller Holika Holika

This is not quite a regular peeling roll, because it is not a gel, but a liquid. Correctly called mist tonic. The composition is placed in a bottle with a spray. It is based on fruit acids, namely lemon extract. It works very softly.

As customers note:

  • copes with peeling and inflammation;
  • the skin after it is noticeably fresher;
  • blackheads lighten;
  • there is no reaction even in allergy-prone skin;
  • the skin is brightened, smoothed, moisturized;
  • there is a feeling of absolutely clear skin, lightness.

Note! It is recommended to use this tonic on steamed skin, so the result is more noticeable, and to apply it not to dry, but to damp skin.

Volume: 150 ml. Price: about 800 rubles.

Librederm (libriderm) peeling roll with chamomile for the face

Product made in Russia. The consistency is a cloudy gel, not very dense. The cosmetics do not contain parabens, fragrances or dyes, but there is a barely noticeable odor. Not very strong, but suitable even for sensitive skin with rosacea. Not an express product.


  • Rolls well, leaving behind renewed skin;
  • the skin is evened out;
  • a slight blush appears;
  • moisturizes and eliminates flaking very well.

Price: approximately 350 rubles. Volume: 75 ml.

Peeling roller Tony Moly (Tony Moly)

Tony Moli produces several peeling rolls, including those in apple-shaped packaging. Has many admirers among lovers of Korean cosmetics and not only. This is what we will talk about. The consistency of the product resembles a cream.

After use:

  • the skin is softened and moisturized;
  • the complexion is evened out and improved;
  • inflammation disappears and acne spots lighten;
  • pores are cleaned and closed.

There is, however, a fly in the ointment. Some women note that the peeling had no effect on their skin and was difficult to wash off.

Volume: 80 ml. Price: 700-800 rubles.

Peeling roll Tiande

This Chinese manufacturer has a lot of rolls. With different smells: grapes, peach, pomegranate. The action is the same for everyone. They note that the pellets stick to the skin and can only be washed off with a scrub or sponge; the smell is chemical.

Others like the peeling, but they also note that the pellets cling to the hairs. It is weak, as it does not have a serious effect. In general, not a very good option for the face. More suitable for exfoliating hands.

It is important to know! The manufacturer states that couperose and rosacea are contraindications.

Volume: 120 ml. Price: about 400 rubles

Novosvit (novosvit) – hyaluronic peeling roll 100 ml

It’s a budget product, but as buyers note, the result is more than mediocre. The consistency is poorly chosen; when applied, the gel drips off the face. Contaminants do not roll off with the gel. There are also positive reviews, but they are lost in the mass of negative ones, and even in them the above comments are found.

The result that the manufacturer claims cannot be achieved with this roller. Price: 150 rubles.

Belita peeling ray

This is mesopeeling with lactic acid. The consistency is gel-like and grainy, which is not typical for other gels. But these particles are not solid, but soluble. Sometimes there is a slight tingling and redness.

After using the roller:

  • the effect of polished leather is noted;
  • peeling is eliminated;
  • pores are narrowed, oily shine is removed;
  • inflammatory processes are reduced.

Overall, this is a good peel for the price. Suitable for many. Volume: 100 ml. Price: about 200 rubles.

Salicylic peeling roller propeller

This budget peeling has earned a lot of positive reviews. This is perhaps the most affordable peeling roller presented. It is suitable for maintaining well-groomed skin, but it is unlikely to cope with serious problems.

In particular, it is noted that peeling:

  • gentle and does not cause irritation;
  • removes dirt;
  • makes the skin matte;
  • removes peeling.

From negative reviews:

  • a bit runny;
  • doesn't roll well.

It is difficult to expect an amazing effect from an inexpensive peeling, but overall the product is not bad. Price: 100 rubles. Volume: 100 ml.

The action of the peeling ray is based on the action of acids, which can remove inflammation, peeling and generally improve the condition of the skin. However, not all skate manufacturers produce decent products. Even among expensive products there are failed products.

And inexpensive skates sometimes surprise you with their good quality. The ideal bed needs to be selected based on reviews and trial and error.

Peeling roll for face and body. For reviews on how to use the peeling roll, watch this video:

For a review of Secret Key Lemon D-Tox Peeling Gel, see this video review: