
Why is watermelon empty and fibrous? Rospotrebnadzor described life-threatening watermelons. Reasons why the flesh turns white

Don't grab the knife

As the RG correspondent was assured at the territorial center of Rospotrebnadzor in the Yaroslavl region, the current watermelon campaign does not yet have any alarming symptoms. Businessmen rushed to draw up documents for the right to trade in melons, and every day Rospotrebnadzor receives up to a dozen of their applications. To have the right to confuse passers-by with cries of “Bery watermelon is sweet, sugary!”, you have to work pretty hard.

After the entrepreneur has received permission from the district administration to locate a retail outlet, he comes to us,” says Lyudmila Smirnova, chief specialist of the department for supervision of nutrition of the population of the territorial administration of Rospotrebnadzor for the Yaroslavl region, about the procedure for issuing a “passport” for trading watermelons. - In order for us to give permission, the merchant must prove that he is not a random person, that is, provide a photocopy of the business certificate. In addition, the package of documents provided must include a certificate of conformity for the future item of trade - it confirms that the product has passed the necessary tests. Next, we definitely require a quarantine certificate, which is issued at the place of origin of the product. If it is registered on the territory of Russia, we trust it, if in the near abroad, we send the trader to our local quarantine inspection, where he must prove that the products were officially purchased under an agreement with a certain agricultural enterprise or private owner growing melons, and not collected anyhow. on an unknown field. After submitting the purchase and sale document, the entrepreneur receives our certificate. Finally, not a single retail outlet receives our approval without conducting a laboratory analysis of products for the presence of toxic chemicals, pesticides and nitrates.

To minimize the risk when purchasing a watermelon, Lyudmila Smirnova advises starting the process of purchasing a minke whale by asking to see a sanitary and epidemiological report. It is the size of a landscape sheet, consists of two leaves and has several degrees of protection, including a hologram. If you are presented with such a piece of paper, you can safely choose watermelons. But, as practice shows, not everyone likes such broad gestures, in the opinion of traders, as presenting documents for products.

“The owner has a conclusion,” the saleswoman in a dirty apron responded sternly to my legitimate request. - But the owner is not there. If you don't believe it, don't buy it.

By the way, about aprons. In addition to sanitary clothing, at least a clean apron, the watermelon seller is required to have a medical book with him, which indicates the date of the last medical examination (once every six months), and on page 28 it is written that the gentleman standing behind the counter has studied the hygienic rules of sale, which They are simply crying out about the danger of selling watermelons illegally. It is no secret that such medical books are counterfeited and bought without the slightest problem, and therefore, there cannot be complete confidence in a person weighing a multi-kilogram berry. But even if there was such a unique seller who would go to work every day in a freshly washed, starched robe, wash his hands with soap and disinfect his knife, it is still not recommended to make “hara-kiri” watermelon in a sales tent. Its peel, which has experienced the agronomic care of the manufacturer (and nothing grows without a certain dose of fertilizer), which has seen the numerous hands of loaders, dirty train cars and truck vans, is strewn with so many microbes that it simply must first undergo water procedures.

Some sanitary doctors even advise scalding the watermelon with boiling water or washing it with soap. By the way, during such a “bath” you can find out how ripe the watermelon you got: a ripe “tailed striped” one will float in the water, an unripe one will drown.

Stomachs don't hurt

Despite the abundance of striped natives of the Astrakhan region on city streets, the real watermelon season has not yet arrived. Many people traditionally associate the early appearance of these false berries on the shelves with numerous tricks of producers and traders who want to “open the hunt” ahead of nature’s deadline.

What is true is true: some stuff watermelons with saltpeter, others syringe them with potassium permanganate, and still others place in vans with unripe watermelons certain capsules or cylinders with ethylene gas, which promotes rapid reddening of the watermelon insides. The last method is the safest, since ethylene is a natural phytohormone and is released, for example, by rotten fruits, as a result of which unripe fruits placed next to rotten fruits ripen faster. But the “bouquet” of such a watermelon, of course, will still not be the same.

There are several signs that allow you to identify the “chemist” in a watermelon, not in a laboratory setting, but right at the counter or, at worst, at home. A berry full of nitrates spoils faster, and dark, soft areas quickly appear on its peel. This watermelon’s “inside” is bright red, even with a purple tint, and the seeds are surprisingly white. The fibers that permeate the pulp are white or pink in a natural watermelon, but yellow in a “chemical” one. In the red pulp, yellowish lumps may be visible - it is in them that nitrates are concentrated in particularly large quantities. The pulp of a pure watermelon, dropped into a glass of water, causes the liquid to become cloudy, and the “chemist” will color the water red or pink.

And yet, it is, of course, impossible to say that the minke whales sold today are all entirely worm-eaten.

Now there are a lot of early ripening varieties,” explains Lyudmila Smirnova. “Neither last year, nor the year before, nor this season, although it is just beginning, we did not find any pesticides or nitrates in the batches of products provided for analysis. It is possible, of course, that they provide one product for analysis and sell another, but we received the same result as a result of our raids on retail outlets, which we regularly conduct during the melon and melon trading season. And in such cases, you will agree, the element of surprise plays a big role. In the 25 years that I worked in sanitary and epidemiological inspection, I remember only a few cases of detection of nitrates in watermelons. This was about seven or eight years ago.

Of course, Lyudmila Smirnova agrees, much still remains on the conscience of entrepreneurs and sellers. If you try really hard, you can deceive anyone. But regional statistics on intestinal diseases do not support the version of the dominance of striped “chemists” on the shelves: the numbers, according to Lyudmila Valentinovna, are quite moderate, and this is the first sign of relative nutritional well-being.

In short, the devil is not as scary as he is painted to be. And yet, experts do not advise running headlong for a watermelon in early August - the taste of the early-ripening melon natives is unlikely to please. The “bouquet” of an Astrakhan resident who has lain in the sun for 80-90 days is incomparable with the empty taste of his early relative, who has been sunbathing for only 50 days.

Savages on the side of the road

However, the above-mentioned well-being concerns only the so-called organized traders, who according to all the rules issue permits and pass watermelon tests. In parallel with them, a large army of “underground workers” earns their ruble, or rather, dollar, spitting on everything and everyone and luring buyers with lower prices. They are chased away and fined by the police, but, having left one gateway, they soon settle down in another. Here, on trays as early as the watermelons themselves, you can buy anything, including “chemist”.

A law-abiding watermelon merchant sells at stationary sites, often arranged in the form of a metal cage, while an illegal trader sells, most often from cars, at the entrance to cities, near highways. If your mouth waters at the sight of Astrakhan residents being sold on the road, it’s better to be patient and get to some trusted retail outlet.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows that watermelon is somewhat similar to a mushroom - it absorbs all the nastiness that is in the air in the same way. Even if the minke whale was brought from the melon plant completely clean and innocent, after lying for a long time near a busy highway, it will certainly become dangerous to health.

It is better to give preference to dark specimens with lighter stripes. The more contrast the colors, the better. There should be no plaque on the peel.

A ripe watermelon buzzes loudly when tapped, while a green one “keeps silent.” If you squeeze a watermelon with your hands, the ripe one will begin to crack slightly, while the green one will again remain dull and mute.

It’s good if the watermelon has rested on its side, that is, it has a small yellow spot - the place where the berry came into contact with the ground. This means that the minke whale matured, lying on the bed, without outside help. But a spot that is too large, on the contrary, promises poor taste - such spots are formed when there is a lack of heat and sun.

Many are sure that the drier the tail, the sweeter the watermelon. The tail should be dried, but not resemble a specimen from a herbarium, because this means that the watermelon was taken away from its native melon patch a long time ago and it has been waiting too long for a buyer.

As a rule, “girls” are especially sweet - watermelons with a wider circle on the “pole” opposite the tail.

And finally, it is imperative to check the integrity of the peel, whether there are any rotten spots, cuts or dents on it. A small soft spot with a dot in the center may indicate that the minke whale has been given injections.

Characteristics of watermelon

Watermelon is a valuable, low-calorie and tasty berry, a natural source of chemical elements such as magnesium and potassium. The form on sale is:

  • cylindrical;
  • spherical;
  • oval;
  • flattened;
  • square.

It has different peel colors (white, yellow, dark green with a mesh-like pattern, spots, stripes) and a specific color of the pulp (pink, yellow, red, crimson, orange).

Has unique properties. Used as an antipyretic, diuretic, choleretic, laxative and anti-inflammatory agent.

Watermelon should be consumed as often as possible in canned form, fresh, in the form of jam, preserves or candied fruits. This delicacy can rightfully be called dietary.

Watermelon is an excellent medicine for genitourinary diseases, liver and kidney problems. It is able to cleanse the body of toxins, dissolve salts, crush kidney stones, relieve constipation, and quench thirst.

Composition of watermelon

The main component of watermelon is water (92%). The pulp contains an average of 10-13% soluble sugars (including fructose, sucrose and glucose), which can be quickly absorbed in the body.

The watermelon fruit contains pectic alkaline substances, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, organic acids, mono- and disaccharides, dietary fiber, water, ash, and also a negligible amount of vitamins (beta-carotene, A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C , E, PP), macro- (sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium) and microelements (iron).

It also contains lycopene (a carotenoid pigment that gives it a dark red color). Its content in fruits is very high compared to other fruits and vegetables. Lycopene is a powerful natural antioxidant that can prevent cancer in both sexes.

Watermelon seeds contain fatty oils containing palmitic, linoleic, and linolenic acids.

Ripe watermelon is rich in fructose, which does not cause insulin tension in diabetics. It follows from this that in moderate quantities it is not only possible, but also necessary to be added to the diet of people suffering.

The benefits of watermelon

Watermelon is good for patients:

  • stomach ulcers;
  • heart defects;
  • arthritis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • gout;
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • gastritis;
  • hepatitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • frequent uncontrolled bleeding;
  • having excess weight.

Also, certain benefits of watermelons are observed in:

  • female and male infertility;
  • rapid aging of the body;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • cervical erosions;
  • prostate diseases;
  • diseases of the esophagus.

The benefits of watermelon juice will be:

  • for sagging skin (makes the skin soft, smooth, evens out its color);
  • in vitamin masks;
  • as an energy tonic.

Watermelon pulp (especially its core) is simply necessary for pregnant women. Thanks to the folic acid it contains, it has a beneficial effect on the proper growth and development of the fetus, and the risk of prematurity is greatly reduced.

Also, the core of watermelon is an anti-atherosclerotic agent and successfully treats gout. This is explained by the fact that these diseases cause an increased amount of uric acid in a person’s body, and watermelon will come in handy when removing its excess and establishing normal kidney function.

What else are watermelons good for?

The usefulness of watermelon as a berry lies in its unique biochemical composition. The pulp of this berry is extremely rich in mineral salts Ni, Fe, Mn, K, Mg and contains a huge amount of pectin and alkaline components.

Lycopene, which is part of ripe watermelons, stops the development of inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, protecting the skin from sunburn and oxidative damage. In huge quantities it is completely useless, because... may lead to allergic skin rashes. But there is not such a huge amount of it in watermelons, so even if you eat a lot of watermelon, there will be no harm from lycopene.

Pectin and plant fiber contained in watermelon fruits improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, enhance peristalsis, and cleanse the blood of toxins formed as a result of the vital processes of the human body and toxic substances.

Research conducted at the University of California has confirmed the beneficial effects of lycopene on improving vision.

Although watermelon is not a product of a whole complex of vitamins, they are still present in it in negligible quantities. Watermelon is also considered the best of laxatives, since it is not addictive, quickly helps to cope with constipation, improves digestion, and easily cleanses the blood of chemical compounds unnecessary for the body.

Watermelon pulp is considered a strong diuretic product and will therefore be effective for swelling, kidney disease, and dieting. Eating 1-2 watermelons per day can remove kidney stones from a person, as well as relieve nephritis and cystitis. It can be consumed as an independent dessert, as a natural juice, in ice cream, sorbets (a cold dessert), fresh juices, cocktails, or as a sweet dish with bread.

Regular consumption of watermelons:

  • enhances metabolic processes;
  • helps improve intestinal motility;
  • replenishes the body with potassium without washing it away like other diuretics;
  • removes waste and toxins;
  • crushes stones in the kidneys and ureters;
  • removes excess fluid from the body.

The benefits of watermelon are not only for health, but they can also be highlighted in cooking. Small watermelons 3-4 cm long are good for cooking:

  • salads;
  • snacks;
  • sherbet.

Watermelon juice, compared to other drinks, does not dehydrate the body, but on the contrary, saturates it, reduces the need for additional fluid, the risk of colon cancer, and is also very useful for asthma, arthritis, prostate cancer, and cardiovascular diseases.

It is much healthier than carrots. The only negative is that it can only be eaten in summer and autumn, while carrots can be eaten all year round.

The usefulness of watermelon also lies in the fact that it helps eliminate excess blood, strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, preventing the sudden occurrence of such common diseases as stroke and myocardial infarction.

It is useful for cystitis, anemia, excess weight, diseases of the liver, gall bladder, and kidneys. For people with chronic gastritis, stomach ulcers, and atherosclerosis, prolonged consumption of watermelons is advisable. The results of studies conducted in the best clinics in the UK confirmed a direct relationship between the watermelon diet and the restoration of vision, the loss of which was caused by age-related changes.

Separately, I would like to highlight that the benefits of watermelons will be great for people suffering from autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus). Most of them are forced to live on hormonal (steroid) drugs for a long time or their entire lives. Watermelons help cleanse and thereby heal the kidneys after the damage caused by these drugs and the antibodies themselves that attack the organs (in the case of SLE). But to produce the desired effect, their use must last the entire season and you need to eat a lot of them. I also want to note that this is not based on medical facts, but on real-life examples. If anyone is interested in details, write about it in the comments.

The benefits of watermelon rind and seeds

It is believed that with the help of watermelon seeds you can easily get rid of some types of worms and improve your health. You can also make a very unusual and nutritious jam from watermelon rind.

The peel and decoctions prepared from it are good to use as a diuretic. Long-term storage and use of the crust requires pre-drying it.

Candied watermelon rind produces healthy candied fruits, and freshly squeezed watermelon juice produces sweet nectar.

Thick watermelon peel is also widely used. It is good to apply to the temples for colds, migraines and persistent headaches.

Also, high-quality watermelon oil is made from the seeds, which is suitable for the prevention and treatment of urolithiasis and prostatitis.

Popular watermelon diet

For those who constantly monitor their figure, watermelons are also suitable. The watermelon diet is now very popular. It is recommended for all those who want to lose excess weight, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanse the kidneys of stones and the body of toxins. By consuming watermelons for several days, you can easily and without harm to your health get rid of excess fluid, fat deposits, unnecessary accumulations, while maintaining an elegant figure.

A diet for a period of 1 day allows you not to feel hungry and remove 1-2 extra kg, replenishing your stomach with a minimum of calories. Its principle is to eat 2-2.5 kg of watermelon berries per day, without combining this process with eating other foods.

What can you cook with watermelon?

Watermelon can be used in the preparation of nutritious dietary and healthy juices, salads, candied fruits, sorbets, honey, cocktails, gazpacho, jams and even ice for drinks.

How to choose watermelons correctly?

The benefits of watermelon are greater, of course, when it is ripe. In a ripe watermelon you can sometimes notice a cloying “sweetish” taste. This is its special distinguishing feature from low-quality unripe watermelon.

When purchasing, it is important to carefully inspect the watermelon from all sides. If by external signs it looks ripe, but for some reason does not want to crack when squeezed, this indicates that it was “prevented” from ripening naturally using chemical treatment. Therefore, it is better to put this watermelon aside.

At home, you should cut off a small piece of watermelon and place it in a container with plain water. If after 20-30 minutes the water turns red or pink, it means it contains a lot of nitrates and chemicals and should not be consumed. If the water is not colored or has become slightly cloudy, everything is fine, this watermelon is safe for consumption and can be safely eaten.

Which watermelons should you not buy?

Poor-quality, spoiled watermelons, and especially those containing nitrates, can cause considerable harm to health. Especially accidents from watermelon poisoning occur at the beginning of the season for their consumption.

Therefore, you should not buy watermelons under any circumstances:

  • ripened earlier than mid-August;
  • incised;
  • rotten;
  • cracked;
  • staying in the sun for a long time;
  • sluggish;
  • soft;
  • sold in tents and kiosks.

How to determine the presence of nitrates in watermelon at home?

To prevent the harm of watermelons from affecting you, you should check them for nitrate content; to do this, just follow the following tips:

  1. Half an hour before use, it is recommended to place a piece of watermelon core in a glass container with plain water. If after this time the water changes color to red or pink, the product contains a large amount of nitrates; if it becomes slightly cloudy, the product is of high quality.
  2. The presence of nitrates in watermelon is also indicated by a smooth glossy surface, a very red appearance of the pulp with a purple tint, and the presence of a smooth cut without sugary tubercles.
  3. The presence of yellow fibers instead of white ones in the watermelon pulp is a sign of high nitrate content.
  4. The easiest way to check the “nitrate content” of watermelons at home is with a nitrate meter, designed to determine the amount of nitrates in domestic conditions (it is important to take into account that it costs more than $250) or by applying a few drops of diphenylamine solution (sold in stores with chemical reagents) to the cut part of the fruit , previously purchased at the pharmacy. If spots of a bluish tint are observed on the cut, the watermelon under study is stuffed with nitrates.

How to protect yourself from poisoning?

  1. You should not eat the watermelon pulp down to the rind or stalk due to the high accumulation of nitrates in these places.
  2. To ensure that the risk of nitrate poisoning is minimal, do not buy watermelons until mid-August, since at this time fruits that were grown without the use of a large amount of chemicals are already ripe.

Who are watermelons contraindicated for?

Since watermelon fruits quickly accumulate nitrates, this threatens.

Ripe watermelon pulp is red, juicy and tasty. In unusual varieties it may have a hint of butter. But why does a watermelon turn white both outside and inside? This fruit is unripe and contains chemicals. Manufacturers of agricultural products, using compounds harmful to the human body, sell goods that have artificially gained weight before others. To protect yourself from low-quality products, you need to carefully check them.

How to distinguish an unsuitable watermelon?

Fruits that are unevenly colored, have spots and cracks should be discarded. If there are no external signs, then small cracks may appear inside, separating the pulp, and seeds covered with mucus.
The problem with buying low-quality watermelon is that it can be detected before serving. You should never eat berries - there are several reasons for this.

Yellow-white veins with a rough texture

If you find them inside a watermelon, you know that the melon was poisoned with saltpeter. The veins are formed under the influence of the chemical, since the fruit and vine develop at an accelerated rate. Unripe vessels feed the berry, which grows quickly due to nitrates. During a rapid growing season, watermelons turn yellow or brownish. When nitrogen compounds enter the human body, they disrupt metabolism, depress the central and autonomic nervous systems, and lower immunity.

Flaccid, crumbly interior

Nitrates speed up cellular processes in watermelons. Moreover, this happens even after the harvest. If you purchased a watermelon and discovered that it is loose in combination with white, low-juicy pulp, there is every risk of poisoning.

Uneven color of the pulp

When cut, you can see that inside the berry there are various spots - white, pink, deep red and purple. Areas with a diameter of 2-50 mm are compacted, and thin yellow veins run through them. Eating the fruit will lead to diarrhea, vomiting and metabolic disorders.
When signs of nitrate damage on and inside a watermelon are not noticeable, you should pay attention to the thick skin. If it is uncharacteristic of the variety, refuse to purchase. The reason to throw away the berries will be the lack of sweetness of taste and the taste of a fermented product.

Reasons why the flesh turns white

Expert recommendations will help you find out why the crop is harvested early and sold quickly. Experienced agronomists divide methods for accelerating the growth of watermelons into safe and unsafe.

  1. Organization of film shelters. Under agrofibre or polyethylene film, the growth of planting material is accelerated. There is no sunspot on the surface of the berry.
  2. Use of nitrogen growth stimulants. Due to additives, nitrates accumulate in the core of the fruit. Melon cultivators increase the dose of additives in random order, speeding up the growing season by a month. The product turns out to be of poor quality, but it can be quickly sold.
  3. Fetal injections. To give an unripe watermelon a marketable appearance, injections of a solution of manganese or nitrate are made inside. Despite the beauty of the surface, the pulp can cause poisoning.

To avoid the negative consequences of eating early fruits, it is better to buy them in August or September. Melons are not recommended to be stored open at room temperature.

Watermelon Diseases Causing White Spots

In addition to the impact of the human factor, watermelons are affected by diseases. White areas on the surface of the fruit indicate fungal bacteria or infection.


A fungus that causes plaque to appear on the surface of the berry. The disease occurs in conditions of waterlogging or cold weather. Due to white rot, not only the fruits, but also the stems and leaves become unusable.


Angular spotting is a consequence of insect attack on watermelons. At first, the leaves become whitish with a grayish tint, then the branches and stems fall off. During bacteriosis, fruit growth stops, they become soft and transparent. The last stage is when the watermelon becomes completely white inside. It is recommended to eliminate the entire bush, since there is a risk of seed damage.

Powdery mildew

Fungal pathology affects leaves and berries. The structure of the specks resembles flour. If the leaves are diseased, they will fall off as the disease develops. Watermelon fruits are deformed, subsequently rot and lose their sugar content.
Diseases are combated by digging up the soil, removing and burning affected melons.

Risks of nitrate poisoning

Crop products containing nitrates are dangerous to human health. If 3.5 g of potassium nitrate enters the digestive system, death is possible. Nitrogen compounds disrupt blood and tissue metabolism, which is detrimental to the heart and blood vessels. Due to the ability of nitrates to expand the walls of arteries, capillaries and veins, pressure drops and hypoxia occurs.

Signs of melon poisoning

Food poisoning is accompanied by a headache with an increased amount of nitrates. A person experiences fever, vomiting and diarrhea, lips, nails and mucous membranes turn blue. In complex cases, there are risks of allergies or skin rashes, disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system. A person feels pain in the back of the head, dizziness, he experiences unreasonable drowsiness, coordination of movements is upset, and convulsions occur.
The patient is hospitalized, but before the doctor arrives it is recommended to take potassium permanganate, sorbents, and perform a gastric lavage.

Testing watermelon for nitrates at home

The following techniques will help you find out the difference between a berry containing nitrates and an edible watermelon:

  1. When you tap on a ripe, high-quality fruit, a ringing sound is heard. A nitrate berry will make a dull sound, similar to a deflated ball.
  2. A healthy and good watermelon cracks a little when squeezed; this does not happen with nitrate watermelon.
  3. The surface of a culture that has not been exposed to nitrates has a bright color and a clear pattern.
  4. The injection sites for stimulants are several rotten points.
  5. A good tasty fruit has a sugar textured red pulp, and the nitrate pink pulp has a glossy tint.
  6. A piece of nitrate berry colors the water. If you place a slice of healthy watermelon in a glass of water, the water will become cloudy.

To avoid poisoning, do not purchase cut fruits, especially if you can see that the watermelon on the counter has white, ugly flesh. Avoid cracked berries with white areas.


Watermelons and melons should not be purchased at un-equipped “disruptions” along highways, as the fruits can absorb heavy metals contained in exhaust gases, warns Rospotrebnadzor. In addition, watermelons and melons that have not passed a sanitary examination are sold at such stalls, RBC reports.

The department notes that the seller is required to have a personal medical record and a full package of accompanying documents confirming the quality and safety of the product (certificate or declaration of conformity, quality certificate issued by the organization that grew the watermelons).

Particular attention is paid to the rules for choosing the watermelons themselves. First of all, it is worth keeping in mind that good watermelons are often medium in size.

“A good, ripe watermelon is large, has a complete cover, the color of the rind is bright and contrasting, the light spot on the side where the watermelon rested should be as yellow as possible, even orange. A ripe watermelon is necessarily covered with a hard, shiny rind; if a nail easily pierces the watermelon skin, it means the watermelon is unripe. The tendril and stem of a ripe watermelon are dry. When struck with the palm of your hand, a ripe watermelon vibrates, when struck with a bent finger it makes a moderately ringing sound, and when squeezed along the longitudinal axis it produces a weak crunch,” says Rospotrebnadzor.

The flesh of a good watermelon is juicy, without mucus, and at the same time moderately red. Its intensely bright red color or even with a purple tint may indicate the presence of nitrates. Rospotrebnadzor also lists the yellow color of the fibers going from the core to the crust (should be white) and the smooth, glossy cut surface (should sparkle with grains) as alarming signs.

At the same time, the message emphasizes that cutting a piece of watermelon for testing or cutting it into pieces before selling is strictly prohibited, since harmful microorganisms multiply very quickly at the cut site, and the presence or absence of nitrates in a watermelon can only be reliably determined only in the laboratory.

“Before cutting the fruits, do not forget to wash them thoroughly with warm water and soap, since particles of soil, dust, and microorganisms located on the peel, once inside the fruit, can lead to an intestinal infection. If, after making a cut, it turns out that the watermelon you bought has a sour smell, then under no circumstances should you eat it - you could get food poisoning,” says Rospotrebnadzor.

It is recommended to follow similar rules when choosing melons. However, it is worth keeping in mind that for ripe fruits, the side opposite the tail should be slightly soft, and when you click on the peel, the sound should be dull. And finally, a good melon should smell delicious. If there is no smell, it is better not to buy it.

It is difficult to resist the temptation to buy the earliest fruits and berries, but the appearance of such a fruit can be very strange and the taste suspicious. Sometimes we see cuttingwatermelon white veins what is it? Naturally, farmers want to start harvesting earlier.

Aggressive agricultural technology is a common way to accelerate crop ripening, and primarily nitrogen fertilizers are used to increase yields. There is no point in disputing the need to use fertilizing, but there is a measure for everything.

Causes of white veins in watermelon

Excess nitrogen fertilizers when growing plants negatively affects the health of people who eat their fruits. Basically, excess mineral fertilizers accumulate in the crust. A What are white veins on a watermelon?? These, one might say, fibers , initially have a light shade and provide the fruit with nutrients. But under the influence of nitrates they thicken, their color changes, and then they appearwatermelon has yellow veins or white.

Why does watermelon have loose flesh?

The fruit that looks most appetizing is the one whose pulp has a dense and granular (sugar) appearance. But everyone had to buy strong-looking fruits whose texture was disappointing. Ifwatermelon has loose flesh, this may be due to several reasons: In overripe berries, the inside changes greatly. Near the crust, the pulp retains its density and sugary appearance, and closer to the center it softens.

But this is a completely normal, natural maturation process. If the pulp is not easy loose , but is easily crushed by fingers, became soft , then it is not advisable to eat such a fruit. Improper storage also leads to changes in structure. Many sellers store crops in open areas not protected from sunlight. You buy such a watermelon, cut it - and it soft inside, lethargic.

It's nice to enjoy pieces of chilled watermelon. But if you forgot about them and kept them in the cold for a long time, the frozen pulp can also become cotton wool

Watermelon tastes bitter

Sweet and juicy are the most common characteristics of the most popular melon crop. And if the pulp acquires it bitter aftertaste, it comes as an unpleasant surprise. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Too long storage can lead to changes in the taste and structure of the melon pulp (it becomes soft);
  • in Thailand and Turkey, fruits can be treated with a special gas - ethylene. This way the crop is better preserved during transportation. Most often, under the influence of a substance, the structure of the pulp becomes fibrous , it acquires a bitter taste;
  • violation of storage rules, which lead to damage to the crust. Through small cracks, bacteria enter the pulp, and from this it bitter.
You shouldn't buy watermelon slices. Even if the halves are neatly covered with film, it is not known how long ago they were cut, where and under what conditions they were stored.

Uneven flesh color

Different varieties have different shades of flesh. Typically, the rich red flesh is more sugary, but raspberry varieties are juicier, but not very sweet. Even small ones yellow areas of pulp mean a high content of chemicals, and it is better to get rid of such fruits.

Reasons why the flesh turns white

More and more often, when purchasing a watermelon, customers ask for it to be cut. Because there are often cases when a seemingly ripe fruit turns out to be white inside.

Sometimes the pulp may have an uneven color - separate light areas. If this watermelon was not picked completely unripe, then the main reason for the unnatural color is excess nitrates. Yellowish fibers, loose structure - all these signs confirm the large presence of chemicals. Naturally, the appearance of the fruit is not appetizing, and eating it is very dangerous for health.

How to choose a good watermelon

At the end of summer, watermelons fill the shelves of shops and markets. Each buyer has his own selection tricks. But in general, attention is paid to the shape, weight, and shade of the peel.

By the appearance of the bark

A ripe watermelon has an intact rind, without damage, soft areas, or cracks. Often there are fruits with a small crack on the counter. Such damage is an excellent environment for bacteria, so even a large discount cannot be a convincing reason to buy.

Judging ripeness by the shade of the bark is very doubtful. After all, stores sell a variety of varieties, each of which has its own color. But the appearance of the peel may well indicate the maturity of the fruit. If it is ripe, the surface is hard and shiny, but it is easy to scratch even with a fingernail.

According to the size and color of the earthen spot

The crust always shows the place where it came into contact with the ground. The ripeness of the fruit can be judged by the shade of this rounded area. If the spot has a pale yellow tint (even, rather, whitish) or is not there at all, this means that the crop was harvested early and is not ripe. In ready-to-eat specimens, the soil spots have a dark yellow or even orange tint. The diameter of the spot depends on the size of the watermelon and ranges from 5–10 cm.

On a dry stalk

Usually buyers look closely at the stalk. There is an opinion that a dried tail is a sign of maturity. You shouldn’t trust this, because the watermelon could have been picked green, after a while it “ripened” and the tail dried out.

It must be borne in mind that a completely dry stalk or even its absence may be signs of overripeness, and the pulp will turn out to be sluggish and not at all juicy.If the tail is green, it means the watermelon was literally just popped in.

By weight

This sign can be considered objective and subjective at the same time, since buyers have different preferences: some love exclusively large fruits, while some prefer small specimens. Ripe fruits weigh differently in individual varieties. The famous Astrakhan varieties grow no less than 8–10 kg, but the popular “light” gains weight of about 2 kg. Although there are record holders in each variety.

By sound

This is a popular technique that most buyers use. According to popular belief, a ripe watermelon will ring if you pat it with your palm. In reality, the sound is determined by the condition of the pulp. And it is the unripe fruit that rings, but the ripe one will make a dull sound when tapped.

Of course, nitrates cannot be considered the only reason for the strange taste or unusual appearance of watermelons. Sudden changes in temperature, periods of drought or rain, soil composition - all these factors affect the quality of the fruit.