Fashion 2013

Long-term planning senior group. Classes in the senior group lesson plan on the topic Planning. Work plans - Self-education plan “Development of fine motor skills in preschool children through non-traditional drawing techniques”

Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten

General developmental type “Crane” with priority implementation of the artistic and aesthetic development of children in the village of Bizhbulyak municipal district

Bizhbulyaksky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Agreed Agreed

Senior teacher of MBDOU Head of MBDOU

Kindergarten No. 1 "Crane" Kindergarten No. 1 "Crane"

S.K.Mironova ______________R.Z.Zaripova

Synopsis of direct educational activities V senior group. Types of transport:

land, water, air. Application " Balloon».

Teacher of the first qualification category

Bikmetova Iraida Vitalievna

Types of children's activities: Gaming



Cognitive and research. (Cognition)

Goals : consolidate knowledge about the driver’s profession. Develop oral speech, generalize and clarify children’s knowledge about types of transport, enrich vocabulary, (communication)

Strengthen the ability to work with paper and glue, create a holistic composition from elements. (art TV)

Develop curiosity, thinking, fine motor skills, (cognition)

Planned results:knows how to carry on a conversation various types transport, express their point of view, reason and explain objects and their actions, actively and friendly interact with the teacher and peers during games.

Preliminary work:transport surveillance. Consideration of subject and story pictures on the topic "Transport"

Coloring pictures - coloring books with images of vehicles.

Conversation, didactic game about traffic rules.

Materials and equipment:Pictures different types transport. Equipment for application.

  1. Organizing time.

My years are getting older

It will be seventeen.

Where should I work then?

What to do?

  1. Conversation about the driver's profession

Man has invented many different professions. Each of you, when you grow up a little, will choose what to do and what profession to choose.

Today we will talk about people who help us get from one place to another, whose task is to transport people and cargo over different distances.

Listen to the riddle:

All roads are familiar to me,

I feel like I'm at home in the cabin.

The traffic light is flashing for me

He knows that I am (Chauffeur)

Yes, this is the driver. Chauffeur or, as they are also called, driver

What qualities do you think a good driver or driver should have?

What should he know and be able to do?

(attentive, polite, must know traffic rules, hardworking, conscientious).

The most important thing is that the driver must know the traffic rules, because the safety of both passengers and pedestrians on the roads depends on this. And it is very important to always comply with these rules!

3. Consideration of modes of transport:

See which of these types of transport can you use to get home?

(A bus, a car, a passenger train, a bicycle are passenger transport.)

Why are dump trucks and trucks classified as freight transport?

(Trucks carry various loads: small and large, liquid and solid; the shape of the body and the size of the vehicle depend on this.)

Looking at pictures of special transport.

If you are sick, then you dial 03 and an ambulance comes to you.

And if there is a fire, then you dial 01 and a fire truck comes to you.

And if strangers have gotten into your place or want to get in, we call 02 and a police car will come to us.

4. Physical training

Any transport: passenger, cargo, special - moves by water, land, air. If it moves through the air, it is air transport, if it moves by

water - water transport, and if by land - land transport.

I name the type of transport, you swim, fly, turn the steering wheel.

5.Game: “Who controls this type of transport?”

No machine can move without human assistance.

Look at the picture of transport and name the people who drive this type of transport.

Bus driver

Motorcycle rider

Bicycle - cyclist

Ambulance-Ambulance Driver

Airplane pilot, pilot

Tractor-tractor driver

Crane operator

Train driver

6.Game (with ball)

"Finish the sentence"

The plane flies high and the rocket (higher)

The plane is big, but the rocket is (bigger)

The bike goes fast, but the car (faster)

The car is heavy, but the tractor is (heavier)

The car goes fast, but the train (faster)

The helicopter flies high, and the plane (higher)

Application "Balloon"

Children paste the image details - a ball, a basket - onto a blue sheet of paper. Then the sling threads are glued. From crumpled napkins white clouds do. Draw children's attention to the fact that the clouds can be located below the balloon. The balloon can rise above the clouds.


What kind of transport were we talking about?

What game did you play?

What application did we make?

Craft made from natural material “Owl”


Let's glue together an owl from two main cones of different sizes. The larger cone is the body of the owl, the smaller cone is the head. Make eyes, beak, paws from plasticine.


What did you like?

What was made from natural materials?

Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

State budgetary educational institution

additional professional education



on the theme "Autumn time"


“Development of a fragment of a plan for one working day”




Shirokova Elena Vladimirovna,

teacher at MBDOU D/S 132, Dzerzhinsk

Nizhny Novgorod


Topic: “Autumn time”

Form: Direct educational activities.

Common goal: Formation complete picture peace, expanding the horizons of children.

Specific goal:Expand children's knowledge about the signs of autumn, migratory birds, develop the ability to use their knowledge in subject-based practical and play activities.

Motivation: Conducting conversations about autumn, getting to know its main features, conducting excursions and observing changes in nature with the arrival of autumn, reading fiction on the topic “Autumn”

Ways and means:Pictures with signs of the seasons, pictures of birds, listening to music on an autumn theme.

Reflection: I think the plan of one day spent with the children will achieve the goal. Children received knowledge about autumn and its signs and consolidated it in practical and play activities.


Regime moments

Types of activities and cultural practices, NGOs

Joint activity between an adult and a child

Organization of RPPS

Supporting the child's individuality

Interaction with parents





Examination of the drawings “Trees in autumn.”

Target: Clarify children's knowledge about trees, structure, name, distinguish trees, distinctive features autumn trees. Learn to write short descriptions of plants, answering questions, and develop coherent speech.

What trees do you know? How are trees different from shrubs? Give examples of shrubs?

Have a conversation with parents about the importance of preventive vaccination against influenza.


Plot - role-playing game“Family”: the plot “Let’s go to visit friends.”

Target: To develop children’s ability to create game situations, develop a plot, and perform game actions in accordance with the rules and general plan. Fasten polite address and polite communication with each other.


Work assignments: putting away toys.

Target: Improve children's abilities to carry out collective and individual assignments. Encourage initiative in helping comrades and adults.

Morning exercises


Set of exercises No. 1

Target: “Wake up” the child’s body, set it up in an effective way, promote the formation correct posture, good gait, prevent the occurrence of flat feet.

Preparation for breakfast, breakfast


Target: Strengthen the habit of children sitting correctly at the table. Eat carefully and use a napkin if necessary.




The world around us “Evolution of household items.”

Target: Form ideas about how household items have changed over time, how technology has improved. Develop children's thinking and broaden their horizons.

Place the album “Evolution of Tools” in the corner.

How did the ancient man live, what did he do? How did a person change and how did he change the life around him?




Drawing “How do people dress in autumn?”

Target: Strengthen children's ability to draw a human figure, showing the structure, shape and proportions of body parts. Learn to portray characteristics autumn clothes. Strengthen the ability to draw a contour with a simple pencil and paint over the drawing with pencils or paints. Encourage children to draw in their free time.

What time of year is it? How has the weather changed in autumn? How did it influence people's behavior?



Physical training (according to the plan of the physical education worker)



Deductive observation "Air temperature and people's clothing."

Target: Strengthen children’s ability to understand the purpose of observation, perform individual tasks, and draw general conclusions. To lead to an understanding of the relationships in inanimate nature, to learn to characterize the connection between how the sun warms, air temperature and people’s clothing.

Let's observe how people are dressed, what they are wearing and why? What time of year is it? How does the sun heat, what is the air temperature?



D/i “Who’s the odd one out?” on the topic "Birds"

Target: To form the prerequisites for the ability to identify the basis of classification, to identify a bird that does not belong to this category. Activate in speech the names of birds and the groups into which they are usually divided.


Labor assignments: sweeping the asphalt path.

Target: Strengthen the ability to sweep a path with a broom, observing safety and personal hygiene rules, and develop appropriate work skills. Learn to talk about the progress and results of work. Encourage the desire to help adults and maintain order.


Outdoor game – relay race “Who can reach the flag the fastest”

Target: Train children to act on cues and perform movements according to instructions. Practice jumping on two legs, on one leg, from one to the other, while walking and running different styles. Learn to follow the rules of the relay race, promote emotional release.


Target: Strengthen children's ability to negotiate and adhere to the rules of the game. Develop the ability to listen and hear each other.

Returning from a walk.


Target: Strengthen children's ability to maintain order in the closet. Wash cleanly, keep towels clean.

Organization of nutrition and sleep.


Canteen duty.

Target: Strengthen children's skills in setting the table correctly and arranging cutlery correctly (the knife always lies on the right).

Climb. Motor gymnastics


Gymnastics after sleep. Prevention of flat feet (gymnastics on massage paths).

Preparing for afternoon tea.

Afternoon snack


Dining duty: setting the table for afternoon tea.

Target: To develop children’s ability to put into practice various table setting rules, to find original solutions in its design. Encourage activity and independence.

Group work


D/i "Evolution". Target:To consolidate children's knowledge about the evolution of human household items.


Puzzle "Fold the pattern." Target:Develop the ability to think and solve problems. Cultivate perseverance and perseverance.

Preparing for a walk. Walk


Discriminating bird watching.

Topic: Crow.

Target: To form the prerequisites for the ability to observe the behavior of birds and identify features appearance, behavior in the autumn, the ability to recognize by voice, talk about the character and habits of a crow.



Labor order. We collect natural materials for crafts. Competition for the best autumn bouquet.

Target: Remind children of the collection rules natural materials, to form the prerequisites for the ability to organize interactions in the process of work. Organize a competition. Invite the children to talk about their bouquets.


Sports game "Towns": competition "Best Team".

Target: Exercise children in building figures, making throws with their right and left hands at the target. To develop children’s ability to coordinate actions in a team, to act as a judge, player, or assistant player. Develop coordination of movements and eye.

Going home



Independent play activity. Games with building materials.

Target: To form the prerequisites for the ability to carry out structures of varying complexity, implement their plans with the help of building materials, and play with buildings.

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Planning. Work plans - Self-education plan “Development of fine motor skills in preschool children through non-traditional drawing techniques”

Self-education plan Topic: “Development of fine motor skills in preschool children through unconventional technology drawing." Goal: - Expand the understanding of the variety of non-traditional drawing techniques; - Improve technical and drawing skills in your own...