New Year's crafts

Easter Egg. Ideas for crafts in the shape of eggs using different techniques. Decorating an Easter egg with sequins Decorate a foam Easter egg with sequins step by step

Wooden and foam eggs are most often used to make decorative Easter eggs. Wooden eggs are painted, and foam eggs are decorated with fabric, satin ribbons, beads and sequins. All elements are attached to the plastic egg with pins, which are fixed with white glue. The result is bright, elegant, sparkling Easter eggs. They are used to decorate the interior, holiday table, and as a souvenir. To make a decorative egg, prepare: a 7-8 cm polystyrene foam egg, a light blue satin ribbon 5-10 mm wide, silver or blue sequins and beads, pins with beautiful silver heads and nail pins, glitter glue, adhesive decorative tape with blue flowers, PVA glue, decorative elements for decorating the egg, scissors.

Using regular pins, attach the ribbon to the egg as shown in the video tutorial, dividing the egg into four equal parts vertically and then in half horizontally. Attach songs along the ribbons using pins and beads. Dip the pins into glue and secure all the elements with them. Continue filling the egg with decorative elements in the suggested order or create your own pattern.

And more works by the author Alyx Mazerov











Hello everyone, hello!! The long-awaited spring has finally arrived, although winter has not yet let go and rewards us with the final frosty days of this year. But this does not spoil my mood personally, since the sun is already truly warm and bright.

Well, lyrical digressions aside)) Let's move on to the main thing. You all know that spring spoils us not only with good weather, but also with holidays, and one of them is Easter. Everyone is looking forward to this holiday and preparing for it in a special way. And the main attributes of the Easter table are Easter cakes, Easter cakes and colored ones.

I have already told you that Easter eggs represent new life. Therefore, it is customary not only to paint them, but also to make crafts in the form of them. Today we will look at this question.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to make Easter eggs with your own hands, choose what you like!! And I tried to find great ones step by step lessons for you, so that you can study different techniques and understand in which area you should create. Well, the souvenirs made decorated yours festive tables or exhibitions, competitions.

Master class on making Easter eggs using the kanzashi technique

And the most popular method, which both children and adults like, is creating crafts from satin ribbons in the kanzashi style.

I want you to simple example show how you can make a very beautiful and delicate egg for Easter. Try it, I think you will succeed.

You will need: satin ribbons different colors (size 0.6, 2.5, 1), plastic egg (for example, from a kinder surprise), stamens, tape, scissors, glue gun, glue, CD, any decor, soldering iron.

Work process:

1. Take a plastic egg and cover it with double-sided tape.

2. Now remove the paper from the tape and start wrapping the product with 0.6 cm tape.

4. Or the disc can be covered with 2.5 cm sheets of satin ribbon.

5. Using a glue gun, glue the egg onto the stand.

6. From ribbons of a different color and yellow stamens, make flowers, such as lilies.

7. Decorate our craft with ready-made flowers and decorations (beads, sparkles, etc.)

In fact, even a child can do this kind of work, under the guidance of an adult, of course.

And here are a couple more photos of ideas for beautiful products using the kanzashi technique.

Beaded Easter eggs + weaving patterns for beginners

And now I would like to show you what kind of work can be done from beads. If you already know how to weave, then I’m sure there won’t be any difficulties, but for beginners I offer a simple version of this craft.

You will need Kinder Surprise, glue, threads, beads, scissors.

And everything is done simply, smear the egg with glue and string beads onto a thread, then glue a chain of beads around the circumference.

Well, I’m dropping off a couple of ready-made schemes, suitable for masters and beginners.

  • Rhombus mesh

  • "Diamonds"

  • But what a cute strawberry

  • Here is another very interesting ornament

  • You can weave such a beautiful flower

If you have been interested in beadwork for a long time, then you can create patterns and patterns yourself in order to prepare such a bright decoration.

We make our own eggs for Easter using the Kinusaiga technique

I learned about this type of work quite recently and decided to find a detailed description with a photo so that both you and I could understand this interesting technique, which is otherwise called patchwork without a needle.

And we will learn to make these incredibly beautiful silk Easter eggs.

You will need:

  • Styrofoam egg;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Pencil or ballpoint pen;
  • Silk or satin ribbons of different colors in golden shades;
  • PVA glue;
  • Needles with pearl heads or regular round caps;
  • Gold braid;
  • Golden sequins;
  • Beads and pearl beads;
  • Accessories for jewelry - for decoration.

Work process:

1. Take a foam egg and draw it into 6-8 parts with a pen. And with a stationery knife, make cuts along the lines, but not deep, about 0.5 cm.

2. Now grease these areas with glue and glue tapes on them, and insert the edges into the slots.

3. When you have completely covered the egg with ribbons, cover the seams with braid and sequins. Well, then we awaken our imagination and decorate the work to our liking.

Using this technique you can create entire works of art. Just look at these crafts:

Pay attention to this technique, as children will really like this creativity.

How to make eggs for Easter from threads

Well, the following crafts are certainly familiar to you, even I remember how in childhood we made different things from threads and glue beautiful balls. So let’s take this technology as a basis and see what can come of it!!

It's so cute, it's also a bunny, it looks so symbolic.

And don’t forget that you can simply knit a craft from threads.

Here are more different options for holiday eggs for Easter.

And by the way, you can use any available materials, such as buttons, as decoration.

Now let's figure out how you can do all this with your own hands.

And we will learn to do this kind of tenderness.

You will need: foam egg, glue, threads, plastic film, needles, liquid glass, brush.

Work process:

1. Wrap the egg in plastic and arrange the needles to create a pattern.

2. Create a pattern with threads.

3. Lubricate with liquid glass and leave to dry. The first half is ready.

4. After this, use the same technology to make the other half, and connect the joints with ribbons and glue. Place the chick inside.

I’m wondering, how many people nowadays like to make things?! Or has everyone been buying everything for a long time, what do you think??

Original DIY Easter eggs for a school competition

Don’t forget that children’s institutions organize various exhibitions in honor of this bright holiday. Therefore, teachers, children, and their parents need to be prepared for creative tasks.

I will not describe the work in detail, we have already discussed the basic techniques above, you understand that children can also cope with such work. I'll just make a small selection of pictures of ready-made eggs for Easter, and you will need to select and repeat.

  • Working with quilling technique

  • Fabric options

  • Original pasta eggs

  • You can make a plasticine egg and decorate with sequins

  • Or you can take a Kinder Surprise as a basis and decorate it to your liking

  • These are ideas for the little ones (made from plasticine, fabric, paper)

  • And don’t forget about felt, you can sew anything from it!!

Well, my eyes wide open, if so, then I’m only glad about it!!

Video on how to make an egg from satin ribbons

While I was preparing this article, I came across a very interesting story; if you follow it, you will receive not only an Easter egg, but also a box. So I recommend it to everyone!!

Pasta eggs for Easter

I also want to show how you can make such products from ordinary pasta. Well, these culinary things have long been helping to create and get creative))

Let's try to make an egg from pasta and a balloon.

You will need: PVA glue, pasta, balloon, dye.

Work process:

  1. Soak the pasta in glue for 5 minutes.
  2. Inflate the balloon to the size you need, tie the tip tightly.
  3. Now glue the pasta onto the inflated ball so that there is a cavity inside.
  4. Wait for the work to dry.
  5. Poke the ball and remove it.
  6. Decorate the edges and up with another pasta shape as you wish.
  7. If desired, the egg can be painted or varnished.

If you have been making crafts from pasta for a long time, then you may end up with whole masterpieces. If you don’t believe me, I’m not joking, see for yourself. At first you won’t understand what the work is made of until you look closely.

So it's time to stock up on pasta and get creative))

Well, it’s time to summarize my writings)) I think that the question of what you can make Easter eggs with your own hands will no longer arise for you, because there are many options and materials for crafts, the main thing is to devote time and effort to creativity, and everything will work out. And yes, I found all the work on the Internet, I didn’t do it myself. Although this year my daughter and I will definitely make something, simply painting eggs will no longer be enough...)) Bye, bye!!

    The easiest way to decorate a foam egg is one that a child can do himself.

    You need to coat a foam egg with glue and dip it into a bowl with colored beads or colored sand.

    You can coat the egg with glue and wrap it with multi-colored threads. You can glue various flowers or circles.

    You can wrap the egg with silk ribbons.

    It's more the hard way, you will need a knife, you need to cut the holes in the pinoplast egg with it, then stick the fabric into them, then decorate the convoy.

    You can decorate a foam Easter egg with sequins, ribbons, sparkles, or you can even do decoupage1

    Cover a Styrofoam Easter egg with pasta. Small stars, pasta, small in size, flat, easy to glue and lay out the design. Pre-draw a simple pattern with a simple pencil on a foam egg. Coat part of the egg with glue. Glue the pasta stars. Paint with paints and after drying thoroughly, cover with varnish liquid.

    Approximately the same applies to sticking a picture of a chicken on a foam egg. It is not customary to paste pictures of saints on eggs. And cover the rest of the egg with Foramian flowers. Step-by-step instruction and photos of the step-by-step manufacturing process here.

    I made these New Year's balls made of polystyrene foam. I think this idea would be suitable for Easter eggs too. Take foam eggs, beads and pins with a bead on the end. String a bead onto a pin and stick it into the foam base. everything is simple! You can try making a pattern using beads of different colors. Or you can replace the beads with sequins. You can first wrap the base tightly with foil, then the spaces between the beads will look prettier.

    Paint the egg with acrylic. Stretch or glue the ribbon. And draw any image.

    First, you need to decide what technique you will use to decorate - now great amount technicians and methods. Which one to use is up to you to decide based on the child’s age, free time and the amount you can spend on materials. And then type in the search engine the section you are interested in and go create!

On the Internet you can find a lot of options for decorating handmade Easter eggs. But you won’t find anything like this, decorated with ordinary clubs and sequins, which I suggest you make in this master class. And manufacturing is not difficult and manufacturing does not require a lot of materials.

So, are you ready to start making this handicraft? easter egg decorated with sequins?

Then go ahead, let's get to work!

To make and decorate an Easter egg you will need:

polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam; scissors; universal glue; sew-on palettes with light pink flowers; pins with colored heads (white, purple); pliers

For the Easter egg stand you will also need:

  • sew-on sequins
  • green flowers

For such an egg, 6 cm high, it will take about 120 pins. Before you start, prepare your pins. These pins have long needles, so you need to use pliers to bite off these needles by 1/3 of their total size.

After all the pins are ready, thread a sew-on sequin flower onto each pin.

Take a piece of foam plastic (expanded polystyrene) 6 cm long and with a diameter. Cut it so that you get an egg. Cut with scissors, feel free to chop it at the beginning. It is at the end that you will correct it, cutting it off a little and a little.

And now, begin to pierce the foam egg with prepared needles and sequins. It will probably be easier to start from the middle of the top of the egg.

When threading pins with white and purple heads, alternate so that they are mixed.

If you are planning to make an egg on a stand, then you should not bottom part Cover the eggs with pins with sequins.

And the same plastic box of pins can ideally serve as a stand. The only thing is that it needs to be decorated a little.

And for this, the same sew-on sequins with flowers only in green will help. Apply universal glue along the outermost rim and lay the pajekti. Leave the stand for a while, and when the glue has completely dried, you can move on to the final stage.

The final stage is the most enjoyable, because in a few minutes you will see the result of your work. And he won't disappoint you.

Apply universal glue to the part of the Easter egg that was left and not covered with palette pins. And place it exactly in the middle of the stand. Press and hold for a while.

And here is the result - an Easter egg in all its glory!

With the arrival of the sunny spring season, our mood and desire to create something new blossoms. Spring comes to us with many holidays for which we prepare gifts, so why not make them yourself? Let them be unique!

One of the brightest holidays of the spring season is Easter, the attribute of which is the Easter egg, as a symbol of rebirth and resurrection. In folklore all over the world, an egg is a good sign, symbolizing good luck, wealth and health. An egg painted in the color of the Sun symbolizes the spring of Life, the victory of spring and the sun over winter and night. In everything Ancient World in various interpretations there is a version of the birth of the World from an egg. One way or another, in any version, the egg has always been considered the beginning, the birth of all things, a symbol of life.

Video master class on creating an Easter souvenir using the artichoke technique:

Decorating Easter eggs - important point in preparation for the holiday. The process is very fascinating, which in the old days had a certain magical connotation. We prepared for the holiday with respect, a bright, joyful mood and only with positive emotions. An Easter souvenir made with kindness became a talisman and a symbol of longevity.

How to decorate Easter eggs?

If you want to decorate your Easter table in an original way, then the following video tutorial will easily help you with this. A cozy Easter composition in the form of a wreath of birch twigs with decor from live willow branches, feathers, and skeleton leaves will be a wonderful decoration for Easter cake or a bowl of Easter eggs.

A unique video tutorial on how to weave a nest from birch branches and then decorate it with Easter decor.

Topiary "Bird's Nest". Super creative"

There are many options for decorating Easter eggs. For example, braiding eggs with beads and bugles. This process is very painstaking, but interesting. The result can be a real masterpiece, for example, beaded egg like in this photo:

There are a lot of options and patterns for braiding eggs with beads. To begin with, it is important to pay attention to the blanks themselves. They are different, so the materials must be selected taking into account the size and shape of the workpiece.

Wooden blank "Egg on a stand"

If for a large egg preparation it is better to use larger size beads, for example, No. 8 or No. 5, then for smaller ones, microbeads No. 10 or No. 11 are suitable. You can braid an egg with various materials: wire, thread, spandex, fishing line. Wire weaving is stronger because the thread can fray over time. Thus, having chosen the blank itself, the braiding material, beads, glass beads, you can begin the decorating process. You can visually familiarize yourself with the materials and choose a souvenir Easter egg blank in our store.

You can decorate Easter eggs in an original way using fresh leaves and flowers. It's quite simple and fast. You need to put leaves or petals on the not yet colored eggs and dip them into the dye.

In order for the eggs to be painted with the imprint of the design from the attached stencil, they need to be tightly wrapped in a stocking, tied and painted. After coloring we get original patterns.

You can apply ornaments to already painted eggs using colored paper. For this work you will need shaped hole punches used in scrapbooking, shaped scissors and glue. If you choose a self-adhesive material, you will not need glue. When starting work, think over the pattern in advance and mark with a pencil the locations of the cuttings.

A more labor-intensive process of decorating eggs is using veneer and straw. Using this technique, you can create real masterpieces that delight the eye with their festive decorations! Look how beautiful it is!

“Caryopsis” eggs will be an excellent accessory for Easter table decor. To create them, everything that the housewife has on hand in the kitchen will be useful: cereals, noodles, coffee beans, black peppercorns. All that remains is to arm yourself with glue (PVA is possible) or paste, a glue gun and, having lubricated the surface of the egg blank, tightly paste it with buckwheat, dried grape seeds or roll in semolina. When the glue dries, apply paint. As a result we get the following:

A great way to decorate Easter eggs for needlewomen who know how to knit is to tie them with colored threads with the addition of beads and rhinestones.

But even here there is a simpler and quick option creating beautiful holiday “shirts” for eggs. Decorating with braid, ribbons, lace, beads, buttons, we create “openwork” eggs. It is enough to wrap a decorative ribbon or braid no more than 1 cm wide around the workpiece. Apply glue to the edges and ends of the braid to fix it, and then glue or sew beads, decorative buttons, and suitable pendants onto the tape. To prevent the Easter egg from rolling, you can make a stand from a strip of cardboard, previously decorated with braid.

Eggs entwined with soutache cord or jute look original and stylish. We tightly wrap the wooden egg blank with a cord, which is attached to the base with a glue gun. And then we decorate with a bow, half beads, glue drops, embroider the letters XB and do everything that your creative imagination suggests.

Egg using quilling technique

One cannot help but recall decorating eggs with paper curls made using the quilling technique. That's very beautiful! Making such beauty is not as difficult as it might seem.

Whether you choose a simple or more elaborate option, it doesn’t matter, as a result of the work you will get a wonderful, original, “airy” decoration.

To work, take strips of quilling paper, glue, tweezers and a fork for curling the strips. You can cut strips of paper yourself, but there are ready-made sets of different colors and densities on sale, which is very convenient. If you still decide to cut the paper yourself, use special paper cutters and a cutting mat (self-healing mat) with markings that make it convenient to measure the required width of the strips. The surface of such a rug has the property of self-healing, which makes it possible to use knives and other tools without damaging the surface of the furniture. Once you have decided on the design, chosen the appropriate paper and cut it into strips, start twisting the curls, tightly wrapping the paper around the fork. Secure the tip of the strip with glue. Then remove the roll and use your hands to shape it right size and shape. When the required number of pieces is ready, carefully decorate your Easter souvenirs with them using tweezers and glue. An elegant Easter decoration is ready!

How to decorate eggs - other ways

Using the dry felting method, you can make these elegant Easter souvenirs.

To work, you will need a base made of thick foam rubber, cut in the shape of an egg or a foam blank, wool, felting needles, a marker and decorative elements: rhinestones, ribbons, beads, sequins. The base is covered with small strands of wool, starting from the top of the head and gradually pressed down with needles. We decorate the egg with thin strands of wool of contrasting colors, rolling them with a thin needle.

You can also decorate an Easter souvenir with floss threads, winding them from the top of the egg down, moving along halftones to color scheme. It turns out very tender and beautiful.

The festive table can be decorated with an Easter composition. For example, place painted, decorated eggs in a sisal nest. Sisal is amazing natural material, it is a pleasure to work with it, and a nest made from it looks very natural. So, we twist the sisal “nest”, we can reinforce the bottom with cardboard on the reverse side. We decorate the composition with artificial flowers, leaves and place eggs in the nest. You can make small nests for each egg separately and place them on the Easter table. Holiday mood guaranteed!

For those who love bright, unusual colors in decoration, marbling is a suitable option. The dyeing technology is simple. All you need is marbling paints or nail polish various colors, bowl filled 2/3 with water room temperature and the egg preparations themselves. We drop all shades of paint into the water and spread it with a thin stick to form fancy patterns on the surface. Gently dip the egg into the water and turn until the color covers the entire surface. Then take out the egg and lay it out to dry. To do this, it is advisable to prepare in advance a foam base with toothpicks inserted into it in a checkerboard pattern. By laying eggs on them, we reduce the contact area of ​​the surfaces and preserve the painted surface without defects.

You can also decorate eggs for Easter using regular colored paper. This is a very simple way of decorating and an excellent game for mother’s little helpers, which will allow them to show their imagination and feel like adult housewives.

You will need: glue and scissors. Cut out flowers and a strip of green paper for the grass. For flowers, it is most convenient to use shaped hole punches, for example this Flower Hole Punch. The length of the base (grass) is about 13 cm. We cut out all the flowers of different diameters, twist the leaves with them (you can use scissors) and, placing one on top of the other, glue them together by the middle so as to obtain multi-layered petals and volume. Glue the ribbon with grass into a ring - the stand is ready. Place an egg on it and attach a flower to it with a drop of glue.

Also, a scattering of small flowers made of foil or fabric on an Easter egg will look light and festive in the spring. Using a template, or using a shaped composter that suits your taste, we cut out the flowers and “plant” them on a drop of glue.

Can be done mosaic egg. This Easter egg decor idea is from Stephanie Hung. The technique is simple: color the eggs with food coloring and let them dry. We break the shells into mosaic fragments and glue them with white glue to a whole unpainted egg, leaving small gaps between them. It looks very interesting.

The mosaic technique can be complicated by using pieces of fine porcelain and any unnecessary decorations - crystal beads, artificial pearls, vintage buttons, pendants, rhinestones.

You can try something unusual in decorating Easter souvenirs with thin multi-colored foil, varnish markers and 3D contours. We tear the foil sheets in half and wrap the eggs. Using the back of a teaspoon, smooth out the foil. Then we apply a design with a varnish marker and decorate it with sequins, which we place on a small amount of 3D contour of a suitable color.

An Easter souvenir decorated with polymer clay looks original. This material molds like plasticine, and after baking in the oven it becomes hard. Polymer clay You can decorate various surfaces. It is better to choose two or three different colors to work with to get a more colorful result. You will also need a blade, an ordinary stationery blade, and a device for rolling out layers (a simple rolling pin will do). The clay must be kneaded in your hands, first cutting it into small pieces. It should become soft. Afterwards we roll it out into thin plates, no more than 1-2 mm thick. As a result, we get several plates of different colors, equalize them, put one on top of the other and roll them out with a rolling pin. It is important that there is no air left between the layers. Then we tightly roll the plates into a “roll” and cut them into thin slices, which we use to decorate the surface of the Easter egg. To prevent fingerprints from leaving on the product, it is better to wear gloves. When the workpiece is completely covered, it needs to be rolled in your palms to erase the boundaries between the fragments and baked in the oven at 110 degrees for 20 minutes. When the product has completely cooled, you need to apply varnish to it.

Decoupage Easter eggs

In custody, Special attention I would like to focus on decorating Easter eggs using the decoupage technique. To work you need napkins with various designs, paste or glue, scissors, a brush and acrylic paints. PVA glue can be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Sometimes whipped cream is used as an adhesive. egg white. We cover the egg blanks with light acrylic - white, cream, salad or yellow. Then we cut out individual fragments from the napkin or use it entirely, making only a few cuts along the edge. Carefully separate the excess layers so that only one, thinnest top layer remains. Lubricate the surface of the egg with glue and gradually wrap it, starting from the top. It is more convenient to decorate in small fragments, as they lie more evenly on the round surface of the egg.

Thus, we paste over the egg, carefully smoothing the edges of the napkin. The top can be coated again with glue or decoupage varnish and let the product dry. When the glue dries, we apply decorative leaves, curls, and ornaments using a stained glass painting outline. Unusual and colorful Easter eggs are ready!

In this review, we did not talk about all the ways to decorate Easter eggs. Perhaps you will use one of them or invent a new one! Unleash your creative imagination! Happy holiday to you!

Where to buy egg blanks for decoration

In the Delki online store you can purchase:
  • plastic eggs, very similar to natural ones