Dream interpretation

Memo for parents. What should a child of the older group (5–6 years old) know and be able to do? Senior group

Memo for parents

senior group

Dear parents, these are not very “scary” rules, but you still have to follow them if you want to live in peace and friendship.

1. In our kindergarten everyone respects each other, so they wish them health, that is, they say hello. Well, if you don’t want to wish health to a specific person, then you still need to be polite and at least state the time of day: good afternoon, good evening, etc. In our preschool institution, it is customary to treat each other politely, so contact the group teachers independently From their age, it is necessary to address you by name and patronymic, and teach this to your children. Their “aunts” do not work in our kindergarten.

2. You must arrive no later than 8:00 am, since children are received at 8:30 am. situational conversations with kids. 8-30 to 8-45 morning exercises, which gives your child a boost of energy for the whole day. 8-45 to 9-0 breakfast, children's duty. If you want to say something to the teacher, you need to do it before 8.00 or after 17.00. At other times, the teacher is obliged to work with a group of children, and he cannot be distracted. If you are late, quietly undress your child yourself and lead him to the group. The teacher’s short nod at this moment does not indicate his arrogance, he is simply busy with a group of children.

3. The child’s clothes should be appropriate for the season and such that he will be comfortable in. Of course, the teacher makes sure that the students do not become like them. The closet should have T-shirts (2), panties (2), spare tights, socks, and a spare set of clothes in case an “accident” occurs while eating. Be sure to check the neatness of things, don’t forget to take your pajamas to the wash, and we don’t even mention the daily change of clothes. A zippered blouse is required to get to the gym or music hall.

4. Shoes must be true to size. Leave the slippers for home. Children, of course, feel at home here, but let the shoes be “not slippers.” Sandals with clasp.

5. The parents (or persons replacing them) “hand over” the child from hand to hand to the teacher. If a child with symptoms of the disease was removed yesterday, and today you are already in kindergarten, then such a quick recovery worries us, and we suggest going to the medical center. cabinet. So, plan your morning.

6. Parents can attend classes at any time by notifying the administration and the teacher conducting it one day in advance. Change of shoes is required for the visitor.

7. On parent meetings General issues are discussed not because there is nothing to say about each, but only because of ethical considerations.

8. During children's matinee hours, the presence of parents is mandatory. Don't forget to turn off your mobile phone!!! It’s good if after the performance you thank the child and give him a flower, like a real artist. Be sure to wear replacement shoes or shoe covers, remember!

9. The kindergarten is open from 7:00 to 19:00, except Sundays and holidays.

10. In case of illness of a child, you must notify the teacher of the institution about the reason for the absence.

11. Do not forget that in a preschool institution there is a monthly payment for maintaining a child in kindergarten. We ask you to pay the invoice in deadlines, until the 15th of each month, according to the agreement.

12. Don’t forget to pay attention to the child’s handiwork (drawings, crafts) and praise the child.

13. B preschool IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED to bring sharp, piercing, cutting objects, as well as chewing gum, candies, cookies and any food products, cosmetics and computer games(like Game Boy), and any valuable toy that you feel sorry for, since the teacher is not responsible for toys, and anything can happen in the game. In addition, the kindergarten has enough good, modern games and toys.

MEMO No. 1.


My actions are not a mortal sin!

 DO NOT pamper me, you are spoiling me with this. I know very well that you don't have to give me everything I ask for. I'm just testing you!

 DO NOT be afraid to be firm with me. I prefer this approach.

 DO NOT rely on force in your relationship with me. This will teach me that only strength needs to be taken into account.

 DO NOT be inconsistent. This confuses me and forces me to insist on trying in all cases to leave the last word for myself.

 DO NOT make promises you cannot keep. This undermines my faith in you!

 DO NOT make me feel younger than I am.

 DO NOT do for me and for me what I am able to do myself.


When by no means

You cannot punish or scold children.

 When a child is sick, feels unwell or has not yet recovered from an illness. During this period, the child’s psyche is very vulnerable, the consequences are unpredictable.

 When a child eats, during play or work.

 Immediately after the child has suffered physical or mental injury. For example, he fell, got into a fight, failed, even if it was his own fault.

 When a child strives, but cannot overcome fear, inattention, etc.

 When he seems incapable, clumsy, stupid to you.

 When the child is active, which makes you nervous.

 When you are in bad mood or very angry. When you are tired or irritated by something. The anger that you bring down on children in this case is always excessive and unfair. Agree that in such circumstances we simply take it out on the children.

MEMO No. 3

How to Make Exercise a Favorite Habit

 You need to accustom your child to gymnastics from the age of 2-3 years.

 Exercise daily, no matter what the circumstances.

 Turn morning exercises into a holiday of vigor and uplifting spirit.

 Play fun and rhythmic music.

 Do exercises with your child.

 Perform charging for at least 10 minutes.

 Open windows and curtains to allow fresh air to flow.

 Notice and emphasize your child’s achievements in performing exercises.

Change exercises if your child gets bored with them.

How to Spend Wellness Minutes While Doing Homework

 A wellness minute is carried out every 15-20 minutes.

 The total duration of a minute is no more than 3 minutes.

 If the child is doing a written task, it is necessary to perform a hand exercise

 After sitting for a long time, it is necessary to do stretching, squats, and turns of the body.

Make sure your home has a ball, a jump rope, a hoop, and dumbbells.

Gymnastics for fingers

 Place the palms of your hands on the table; Raise the fingers of your left hand one at a time, then your right, and in reverse order.

 Press your palms firmly to the table and gradually bend first the middle, then the index, then thumb, the remaining fingers should gradually rise upward.

 Clench your fingers into a fist and rotate your hand in different directions.

 Place your hands on your elbows, open your fingers as wide as possible and, slowly bringing them together, lower your hands.

Roll a small ball on the table and turn it in different directions

Place the chopsticks evenly on the table.

Memo No. 4.

For parents of first graders

1. Only together with the school can we achieve the desired results in the upbringing and education of children. The teacher is your first ally and friend of your family. Consult with him, support his authority. Make comments about the teacher’s work; at school, at a meeting. This should not be done in the presence of children.

2. Be sure to attend all parent classes and meetings. If you cannot, please inform the teacher in person or via a note through your child.

3. Take an interest in your child’s academic progress every day (ask: “What did you learn new today?”, instead of the traditional: “What grade did you get today?”). Rejoice at your successes, do not be annoyed by every failure that befalls your son or daughter.

4. Regularly monitor the completion of homework and provide, if possible, reasonable assistance in completing it. Help and control should not be drilling, annoying moralizing, exhausting the child. The main thing is to arouse interest in learning.

5. Checking homework, aim your child to be able to prove the correctness of the completed task and give his own examples. Ask more often: “Why?”, “Prove”, “Can it be done differently?”

6. Encourage your child to participate in all classroom and school activities that concern him.

8. Be sure to provide all possible assistance to the school!

MEMO No. 5.

How to raise a bookworm?

 The child’s first books should be colorfully designed, then they will be of interest even before reading. At the same time, they should not consist of illustrations, then their meaning will be clear after a quick glance, and the desire to read will disappear.

 It is better if the book is divided into small chapters or consists of short, complete stories.

 Adults must remember how much depends on their attitude towards a child’s reading. Be sure to talk about what you read. Give them praise, even if not everything went smoothly.

 A culture of reading should be fostered. If you start, read to the end. The book should be read sequentially, without jumping from page to page or looking at the end.

 Offer to draw a picture for the most interesting passage from the book or learn it by heart.

 Children should see their parents reading. Their imitative ability will “work” in such a situation for the result.

 There must be a children's library in the house, which is periodically replenished.

 Find your favorite children's books. Tell your child about them.

Read them together. Tell us about the role they played in your life.

 Closely monitor the extracurricular reading program.

 Start a “family reading diary”, where each family member briefly (perhaps even in one sentence) writes down his impression of what he read.

 Praise your child for reading more often.


Accept your child for who he is, with all his strengths and weaknesses.

  • The “golden mean” should be observed in fulfilling the child’s wishes. Because otherwise, either a minor refusal may cause mental trauma for the child, or it will be difficult for him to talk about his needs.
  • Try not to overload your child big amount impressions (reading, cinema, computer, TV, arrival of guests, etc.) during the period of recovery after an illness.
  • You should not intimidate or punish a child by leaving him alone in a poorly lit room. As a punishment, you can force him to sit quietly on a chair, deprive him of participation in the game, etc.
  • Be patient, attentive, friendly. Do not deprive your child of anything, but encourage, do not punish and love!!!
  • Know that a child is an individual with his own problems, capabilities and shortcomings.
  • Play cooperative games with your child. This will help you get to know and understand each other better and build trusting relationships.

MEMO No. 7.

12 tips for parents of future first-graders

Back to school soon... This fall or next year, your child will cross its threshold. In an effort to help him confidently take this step, parents sometimes get overwhelmed in search of institutions and private practitioners who prepare children for the entrance interview. And is forgotten simple truth: education can make a child smart, but only sincere, intelligently organized communication with loved ones - family - makes him happy. It is in your power to create exactly the kind of environment in your family that will not only prepare your child for successful studies, but will also allow him to take a worthy place among his classmates and feel comfortable at school.

1. Share with your child memories of happy moments of your past more often.

The beginning of school life is a big test for a little person. This moment is more easily experienced by children who have previously established warm attitude for school.

This attitude is formed from contact with the past experiences of loved ones.

Look through the family photo archive with your child. This activity is extremely beneficial for all family members. Returning to the best moments of the past makes a person stronger and more confident.

Your good memories of school years, funny stories from school life and stories about childhood friends will fill the child’s soul with joyful anticipation.

2. Help your child master information that will allow him not to get lost.

As a rule, children of this age answer the question: “What is your mother’s name?” - They answer: “Mom.”

Make sure your child remembers his full name, telephone number, home address, parents' names. This will help him in an unfamiliar situation.

3. Teach your child to keep his things in order.

A child’s success at school largely depends on how he knows how to organize his workplace. You can make this boring procedure more attractive. Prepare your child’s workspace in the family in advance: let him have his own desk, his own pens and pencils (you will have to sharpen the pencils at first, dear parents). All this is the same as for adults, but it is the personal property of the child! And responsibility for order is also personal, because this is the case with adults.

4. Do not frighten your child with difficulties and failures at school.

Many children of this age are restless. Not everyone is brilliant at reading and arithmetic. It is difficult for many people to wake up in the morning and quickly get ready for kindergarten. In this regard, the desire of parents to warn their children about upcoming troubles is quite understandable. “They won’t take you to school...”, “They’ll give you bad grades...”, “They’ll laugh in class...”

In some cases these measures may be successful. But the long-term consequences are always disastrous.

5. Don't try to be a teacher for your child.

Strive to maintain friendly relations.

Some children have difficulty communicating with other children. They may become confused in the presence of unfamiliar adults.

You can help your child overcome these difficulties. Try to organize a game for children on the playground near your house and take part in this game. Children really enjoy playing with their parents.

Invite your child to invite his friends to his birthday party. This day will become unforgettable for him if the celebration program includes a place for children and adults to play together.

Let your child feel that he can count on your support in any situation. This cannot be achieved by studying with a child alone.

6. Teach your child to react correctly to failures

Your child ended up last in the game and pointedly refused to play with his friends any longer.

Help him deal with disappointment.

Invite the children to play again, but change the rules of the game a little.

Let only the first one be considered the winner, and all the rest be considered losers.

Celebrate everyone's success as the game progresses. Encourage chronic losers with hope.

After the game, draw your child’s attention to how the other players reacted to the loss. Let him feel the intrinsic value of the game, not the winning.

7. A child’s good manners are a mirror family relations

“Thank you,” “Sorry,” “Can I...” should be included in the child’s speech before school.

This is difficult to achieve with moral teachings and sermons.

Try to exclude orders and commands from communication between family members: “Don’t let me hear this again!”, “Take out the garbage.” Turn them into polite requests. Your child will certainly copy your style. After all, he loves you and strives to imitate you in everything.

8. Help your child gain a sense of self-confidence

A child should feel as natural in any environment as at home.

Teach your child to be attentive to his needs and communicate them to adults in a timely and natural manner.

While out for a walk, you stop somewhere to grab a bite to eat. Encourage your child to place an order for themselves. Next time let him order for the whole family.

Let him try asking at the clinic: “Where is the toilet?” or he will take his turn to see a specialist.

9. Teach your child to be independent in everyday life

How bigger baby can do it on his own, the more adult he feels.

Teach your child to undress and hang up his own clothes, fasten buttons and zippers. (Remember that small fingers can only handle large buttons and zippers.)

Tying bows on shoe laces will require special help and attention on your part. It is advisable if it is not on the eve of going outside. It is better to devote several evenings to this activity.

10. Teach your child to make decisions independently

The ability to make independent choices develops a sense of self-esteem in a person.

Talk to your child about the family Sunday lunch menu.

Let him choose his own dish for festive table and chooses clothes appropriate for the weather. Even more difficult is planning family leisure activities for the weekend.

11. Strive to make every moment of communication with your child useful.

If your child is helping you bake a birthday cake, introduce him to the basic measurements of volume and mass.

Grocery supermarkets are a very suitable place for developing a child’s attention and active listening. Ask your child to put in the basket: three packs of cookies, a pack of butter, a loaf of white bread and a loaf of black bread. State your request immediately and do not repeat it again.

The child helps you set the table. Ask him to place four deep plates on the table and place a spoon next to each plate on the right. Ask: How many spoons will you need?

The child is getting ready for bed. Invite him to wash his hands, hang the towel on his hook, and turn off the light in the bathroom.

Walking down the street or in a store, draw your child’s attention to the words and inscriptions that surround us everywhere. Explain their meaning.

Count the trees, footsteps, cars passing by

12. Teach your child to feel and be surprised, encourage his curiosity

Draw his attention to the first spring flowers and the colors of the autumn forest.

Take him to the zoo and together find the largest animal, then the tallest...

Observe the weather and cloud patterns.

Keep a handwritten journal of your kitten's growth.

Teach your child to feel. Openly experience all events with him Everyday life, and his curiosity will grow into the joy of learning.

MEMO No. 8.

Commandments for parents.


 Remember that you are people too.

Give yourself a break.

 Don’t demand the impossible from yourself.

 Don’t try to do “what’s best.”

Think about what this might lead to.

 Be generous: help your children find a common language with you.

 Love each other. Try to talk about it, learn to express your love in words.

MEMO No. 9.

Parents with one child.

 When developing a child’s abilities, one should not instill in him the consciousness of his exclusivity. This almost always leads to disappointment, dissatisfaction, and conflicts with comrades. And unfulfilled increased aspirations, defeats in disputes, and sometimes in quarrels with peers have a painful impact on such children.

 When paying attention to an only child, you need to make sure that selfish tendencies do not take root in him. Selfishness gives rise to demandingness and claims to others. Some parents, blinded by love for their only child, sometimes do not notice or do not consider it necessary to notice the inappropriateness of his actions. For others, this causes protest and hostility. Children do not like those who strive to stand out. And a child who is not accustomed to a fair assessment of his actions, most of which were assessed positively by adults (even if they were not such), ends up in new team, for a long time cannot find his place in it, in fact, he remains alone in the team.

 In families where an only child is growing up, it is advisable to encourage and even organize his communication with peers: invite them to visit, go to the theater with several families, on excursions, etc. Meeting with children only in the classroom to satisfy the child’s need for communication not enough. At home, in the family, in the circle of close people, new features and qualities are revealed in him. Here he is the host, receiving guests. The laws of hospitality force one to be more compliant, friendly, and caring.

MEMO No. 10.

 Smile more often! Even when you don't want to. Children should not see us angry and gloomy, without a smile addressed to them.

 Cherish every minute you live with your child! Watch, listen, study it, “be saturated with it,” get to know it. Look at your children often when they are sleeping.

 Look into the child’s eyes more often and praise the child more often: “you are beautiful, well done, smart, good.”

 Don't fight with children. Know how to forgive children and ask for their forgiveness. Be the first to reconcile.

 Say the word “maybe” more often. Before your eyes, with your help, so that all this is possible, why do something on the sly and looking back, if you can openly and honestly.

 Sometimes (rarely) spoil your child.

 Don’t rush your children to grow up.

 Treat your child as an equal, respect his motives - children have the right to be who they are.

 Trust your child.

 Don’t sort out your relationship in front of your child.

 Moral purity echoes the cleanliness of the room where the child lives.

 You can order not only with a stick, but also with a request and a gentle look.

The most important thing: Your own behavior remains the most in a powerful way impact on the child - will be an example in everything! Wishing you family happiness.

MEMO No. 11.

Excellent student complex

“Be the best and the first in everything” - this is a subconscious attitude that is often given to the firstborn. After all, there are usually so many adults around him: mom and dad, two sets of grandparents... However, if this is the child of a single mother, expectations will not decrease at all. They can even be intensified by the mother’s hyper-protection - after all, we are “together against such a dangerous world.”

The child develops the conviction that it is not he who is valuable, but his successes. If they don’t exist, there is no love from loved ones. School only strengthens this confidence, especially if studying is easy, and as a result, an excellent student complex is formed - an extreme degree of obsessive desire to be better and more successful than others. The student becomes overly punctual and anxious, does not know how to get along with his peers, and his heightened sense of duty borders on neurosis.

 Stop communicating with your child as an equal, love him because he is still small and yours.

 The father should also soften his image of a superman a little, allow himself the right to make mistakes. The child must see that dad sometimes fails, and the world does not collapse because of this.

 Help your child establish contact with peers, hold house parties, encourage his participation in extracurricular activities.
Limit a little parental control. Apparently, he is too noticeable, since your child is not accepted in companies.

 Don’t be intimidated by life, but share your hopes. Everything should be common - both joy and tears. Shared experiences and dreams unite and strengthen the family.

MEMO No. 12.

Ten tips for fathers and mothers

1. Accept your child for who he is.

2. Never order on a whim. No need for complete orders.

Not interfering in a child’s life is just as dangerous as interfering constantly.

3. Never make decisions alone. Golden Rule family life– diarchy. When father and mother contradict each other, it is an entertaining sight for a child.

4. Maintain trust in those who contradict you.

5. As for gifts - no frills. We have forgotten how to refuse children. Refusal brings more benefits, because it teaches you to distinguish what is necessary from what is unnecessary.

6. Lead by example in everything. You can only achieve what you do yourself.

7. Talk about everything without fear. Speech is gold and silence is lead.

8. Unite with your own. The family is a private republic. Everything should be done together: household crafts, washing dishes, shopping, cleaning, choosing entertainment, travel routes.

9. Keep the door open. Sooner or later you will not keep children, teenagers, young people in the house. It's never too early to learn freedom.

10. Leave at the right time! This commandment invariably brings sadness. Sooner or later, parents will be left alone. There's nothing you can do: any parenting career involves this sacrifice.

(From the book “What I Believe” by the French writer Herey Bazin)

MEMO No. 13.

Behavior of parents with conflicting children

 Restrain your child’s desire to provoke quarrels with friends. You need to pay attention to unfriendly glances at each other or muttering something under your breath with resentment. Of course, all parents have moments when they have no time or no strength to control their children. And then most often “storms” break out.

 Do not try to stop the quarrel by blaming the other child for its occurrence and defending your own. Try to objectively understand the reasons for its occurrence.

 After the conflict, discuss with the child the reasons for its occurrence, determine the wrong actions of your child that led to the conflict. Try to find others possible ways way out of a conflict situation.

 Do not discuss behavior problems in front of your child. He may become convinced that conflicts are inevitable and will continue to provoke them.

 You should not always interfere in children's quarrels. For example, when two boys did not share something during the game and began to quarrel, it is better to observe this conflict, but not interfere with it, since the children themselves will be able to find a common language, and at the same time they learn to communicate with each other. If, during quarrels, one of them always wins, and the other acts as a “victim,” such a game should be interrupted in order to prevent the loser from developing timidity.

MEMO No. 14.

For parents of withdrawn children

 Expand your child’s social circle, take him to new places and introduce him to new people.

 Emphasize the benefits and usefulness of communication, tell your child what new and interesting things you learned, as well as what pleasure you got while communicating with this or that person.

 Strive to become an effective example for your child
communicating person.

 If you notice that, despite your efforts, the child is becoming increasingly withdrawn and distant, seek advice from a psychologist who will professionally help you solve this problem.

MEMO No. 15.

For parents of shy children

 Expand your child’s circle of acquaintances, invite friends over more often, take him to visit familiar people, expand walking routes, teach your child to be calm about new places.

 You shouldn’t constantly worry about your child, try to completely protect him from all sorts of dangers, mostly invented by you, don’t try to do everything for the child yourself, prevent any difficulties, give him a certain amount of freedom and open actions.

 Constantly strengthen your child’s self-confidence and self-confidence.

 Involve your child in performing various tasks related to communication, create situations in which shy child I would have to come into contact with “strange” adults.

For example: “We need to find out what this is about. interesting book with wonderful pictures. Let’s ask the librarian or the seller and ask him to let us look at it.” Usually in such a situation of “forced” communication, for example, at a doctor’s appointment, in a children’s library, or visiting a neighbor, the child is initially so constrained that he greets only in a whisper, averting his eyes, and not looking up from his mother’s hand. But when leaving, he says goodbye loudly and clearly, sometimes even smiling.

MEMO 16.

For parents of restless children

 Avoid extremes: you cannot allow a child to do whatever he pleases, but you cannot prohibit everything; clearly decide for yourself what is allowed and what is not allowed, and agree on this with all family members.

 Set an example for your child with your behavior: restrain your emotions, because he imitates you in his behavior.

 Give your child enough attention, let him never feel forgotten, but at the same time explain to your child that there are times when you have other concerns, you need to understand and accept this.

 Remember that hysterical attacks are most often associated with a desire to attract attention or arouse pity and sympathy. There is no need to indulge the child, there is no need to change your requirements; it is better, when the child calms down, to explain to him why you did this and not otherwise.

MEMO No. 17.


 If a child lives in criticism, he learns to condemn.

 If a child lives in hostility, he learns to fight.

 If a child grows up in fear, he learns to anticipate evil.

 If a child grows up in pity, he learns to feel sorry for himself.

 If a child grows up surrounded by ridicule, he learns to be withdrawn.

 If a child grows up jealous, he learns to envy.

 If a child grows up with a feeling of shame, he learns to be guilty.

 If a child grows up in a supportive atmosphere, he learns to be reliable.

 If a child grows up in an environment of tolerance, he learns to be patient.

 If a child grows up with praise, he learns to be grateful.

 If a child grows up in an atmosphere of approval, he learns to like himself.

 If a child grows up with empathy, he learns to be generous.

 If a child grows up in honesty and justice, he learns to distinguish between good and evil.

 If a child lives in faith, he learns to believe in himself and in others.

 If a child is surrounded by friendliness, he knows that the world is a wonderful place.

MEMO No. 18.

ABC of education

1. Tomorrow, when your child wakes up, tell him: “ Good morning! and... don't wait for an answer. Start the day cheerfully, and not with comments and quarrels.

2. When you scold a child, do not use the words “you are always...”, “you are always...”, “you are always...”. Your child is generally always good. He just did something wrong today. Tell him about this.

3. Do not part with your child in a quarrel, first make peace, and then go about your business.

4. Usually, when a child returns from school, they ask him: “Did they call you? What grade did you get? It’s better to ask him: “What was interesting today?”

5. Try to keep the child attached to the house, to the four walls in which the family lives. When returning home, don’t forget to say: “But it’s still so good at home!”

6. When you want to tell your child “Don’t lie, don’t lie, don’t deceive,” say better: “Don’t deceive.” Better yet, smile: “It seems that someone is telling a lie.”

7. When a child leaves the house, be sure to accompany him to the door and tell him on the way: “Take your time, be careful.”

8. When your son or daughter returns home, meet them at the door. The child should know that you are happy about his arrival, even if he has done something wrong.

9. Instill in your child a long-known formula mental health: “You are good, but not better than others.”

10. Tell your child: “Don’t be neat - they don’t like neat people in the class, don’t be dirty - they don’t like dirty people in the class.” Just be careful."

11. It happens like this: dad leaves in the morning - the boy is still sleeping, comes - the boy is already asleep, and on Sunday dad is fishing. But at least after fishing ask your son: “How are you?”

12. When a child is enthusiastically playing alone, try not to disturb him, not even meet his gaze, so as not to destroy the world that he created in the game.

13. Never reproach a child with his age: “You’re already big,” or with his gender: “And he’s also a boy,” or with a piece of bread: “We feed you.”

14. Try not to criticize anyone in front of your children. Today you will say bad things about your neighbor, and tomorrow your children will talk bad things about you.

15. Remember how long ago you heard children's laughter in your home. The more often children laugh, the better their upbringing goes.

MEMO No. 19.

For parents of a first grader

 Be sure to agree with the teacher and school doctor on the basic requirements of the daily routine;

 Together with your child, create his daily routine, agree on regular work activities. Achieve complete unity in making demands on the child from all adult family members regarding the implementation of the daily routine;

 For the first 2-3 weeks, help your baby get used to the routine, teach him to control himself while walking (not to spend too much time). Remind about work responsibilities;

 Do not forgive any non-compliance with the daily routine unjustified by emergency events. Achieve high-quality performance of work duties. Make sure to redo poorly and carelessly done work;

 Evaluate the child’s work, encourage (verbally) his effort, diligence, perseverance;

 Show your dissatisfaction with disruption and non-compliance with the daily routine;

 Be an example to your child in everything. Personal example is a great educational force. Let the child see that you also have a daily routine, that you get up and go to bed on time, know how to save time, that everyone in the family has work assignments and carries them out without question, etc.

MEMO No. 20.

For parents of a first grader

 First of all, it is worth remembering the old and reliable ways maintaining the health of a first grader. This is adherence to a daily routine: sleep at least 10 hours a day, good nutrition, physical exercise. It would be justified to limit viewing of television programs to 30 minutes a day. Long (up to two hours) walks in the air - not a walk to the shops, but a walk in the park - are good for restoring a child’s emotional well-being. From early morning, set your child up for a good attitude towards everything. Tell him "Good morning!" – and get ready for school without fuss.

 When you come to school with your child, try to do without moral teaching, since they do not give anything other than morning fatigue. But it is necessary to explain the safe way to school to the child. The safest route is not necessarily the shortest, so it is better to leave home early.

 When you meet your child at school after school, rejoice with him that he managed to work on his own, without you, for three whole hours. Listen patiently to him, praise him, support him and do not scold him in any way - because there is nothing to do yet.

 What to do if the first difficulties arise? Be generous with your praise; this is very important for a first-grader now. The comment should be specific and not relate to the child’s personality. He's not a slob, his notebooks are just a little messy right now. Do not make several comments to your child at once.

Never compare your child with other children. This leads either to embitterment or to the formation of self-doubt.

MEMO No. 21.

Development creativity child

If a child is drawn to creativity, he should not be limited to standard formats of sheets of paper, pencils and felt-tip pens. A child’s creativity should not suffer from the lack of any materials. Even if parents do not know how to draw or fantasize, they can still contribute to the development of the child’s creative abilities - create conditions, support, and cultivate in him a love and desire for beauty. Adults must clearly grasp the interests of children and develop their creative imagination.

1. Be surprised, worry, rejoice with your child.

2. The child should have maximum freedom to show initiative and the space necessary for this.

3. The child should not lack varied material for creativity.

4. Give your child the opportunity to experiment.

5. The child’s work should not be criticized.

6. The works selected by the child should be hung in a convenient place.

7. Help him make his own plans and decisions.

8. Take your child on trips to interesting places.

9. Help your child communicate with peers from different cultural backgrounds.

10. Teach your child to prepare his own workplace and clean it up after finishing work.

MEMO No. 22.

Child draws a family

Dear parents, if you want to know how your child feels in the family or how he relates to relatives, offer him the task: “Draw your family”

 If the child draws himself in the center, do not worry - he draws from the position of his vision. This is his world, in which he is the main sorcerer.

 If he only draws himself, he will feel lonely.

 Usually, after himself, the child draws someone whom he considers to be the main one in the family. If he drew the pet second, then the child was alone.

 If he didn’t draw someone, he might be offended by him.

 And if a child draws all his relatives holding hands together, then in your family he is surrounded by the love and attention of loved ones.

 If there is little communication in the family, then the child draws mom and dad far from each other, with a barrier.

 If someone is depicted with no mouth, no hands, or very long arms, then the baby experiences fear of this person due to the fact that they shout at him and severely punish him.

 If someone is drawn with big fingers (like a “scarecrow”), the world seems uncomfortable to the child.

 Legs are disproportionately thick – there is a tense atmosphere in the family; very long legs - a desire for independence.

 For a loved one, the child will take the same paints with which he painted himself.

 A very contrasting image is a sign of an unresolved conflict for the child.

 If the child is assertive and active, he will choose warm colors.

 Cool colors – the child’s character is characterized by dreaminess and thoughtfulness.

 Love of freedom, independence - if, while coloring, the pencil jumps out of the outline.

 Neat shading, but in the presence of unpainted stripes, speaks of uncertainty and defenselessness.

MEMO No. 23.

Letter to parents of junior schoolchildren

Your children learn the basic rules of health during their school lessons. Students are taught to take care of public property, maintain cleanliness and order in in public places, in your yard, house. Please:

Talk to your child about why it is very important to maintain cleanliness and order in public places.

Draw your child's attention to the condition of your yard, your street.

Teach your child:

Maintain cleanliness and order in public places, in your yard, home;

Do not litter in public places or in the yard;

Do not write, do not draw on the walls of houses, entrances, do not stain them;

Make sure that younger children do not perform these actions;

Does your child meet these requirements?

Organize general cleaning near the house. Plant shrubs, trees, flowers.

By personal example, teach your child not to litter in the forest when walking for mushrooms and berries, and not to throw wrappers, cans, and bottles.

To ensure your child always looks neat, teach him:

brush your teeth daily at least 2 times a day;

take a shower every day;

take care of your clothes and shoes;

change underwear, stockings, socks daily;

wash your socks and handkerchiefs daily;

always have a clean handkerchief, mirror, and comb with you;

wash your hair at least once a week;

We thank you and ask you to continue teaching your child the basic rules of personal and public hygiene.

MEMO No. 23.

Dominant hand test

 Open several matchboxes in search of a hidden bead. Observe carefully which hand does the active action: opens, closes boxes?

 Draw a house, a tree, a man, first with your left hand, then with your right.
Which drawing turned out better?

 Place a tennis ball in front of the child, not under the left or right hand, but in the middle. Which hand will he throw the ball to you with?

 Build a house or a square, a triangle from matches, first with one hand, then with the other. What turned out neater?

 Undo a few loosely tied knots on the cord. The main hand is the one that ties the knot, not the one that holds it.

 Unscrew and tighten the nut of the children's construction set.

 Fasten or unbutton buttons.

 Place the buttons in a box.

 Lay out the LOTTO cards. The main, leading hand lays out the cards, the other holds.

 Remove a few beads from the box with a spoon. Which hand is easier to do this?

For each task, give a plus to your right or left hand. Find out if there are left-handed people in your family, and if so, then another plus in the “left hand” column.

MEMO No. 24.


Make it a rule: to help your child in such a way as to promote the development of his abilities and independence. The following tips are listed in such order that each one provides more support than the previous one.

© Explain to your child that you consider him capable of doing everything on his own. But warn me: “If it doesn’t work out at all, you can ask me.”

© Offer to check the assignments: “If you want, I’ll look at your solution later.”

© Praise your child for intermediate results. This motivates and gives confidence.

© First of all, try to find out why the matter has stalled by asking questions: “How did you calculate this?” or “Where did you get that number?”

© Do not offer other solutions if the child cannot figure it out.

© Give specific instructions if the child makes a mistake: “You got the result: 15, but you wrote a completely different number.” Or solve those examples in several stages.

© Do not prompt your child if you feel that now he can confidently finish everything alone.

© Talk to the teacher about gaps in your child’s knowledge and seek advice. If you explain decisions to your child the same way they are explained at school, you will avoid the risk of confusing your child.

© Limit homework help to exceptional cases: long illness or too difficult material. If you are working with a child, try not to interfere and stay out of the way as much as possible, allowing the child to think, decide, count and formulate independently as best he can.

MEMO No. 25.

 Show your children more often how much you love them, don’t hide it.

 Spend as much time as possible with the whole family, discussing your day, sharing problems, and consulting with each other.

 Don't be afraid to ask your child for advice - this will only bring you closer.

 Try to ensure that your child’s friends visit your home - you should know them well.

 Discuss the problem that has arisen calmly, without shouting or irritation, then your child will not hide anything from you.

 Do not force your child to trust your secrets: “We should know everything about you” - this will not achieve anything.

 They will trust you if you are not just parents, but friends who are able to understand and empathize.

 Be an example for your child: after all, how you treat your parents now is how you will be treated in old age.

 Remember that a child is a guest in your home who will eventually leave his native nest. And we must raise him so that he never forgets his family and the warmth of his home.

 Visit school more often.

Do not forget the words of the famous teacher V. Sukhomlinsky: “The most complete education, as we know, is school-family.”




Instructions for parents “Rules for parents.”

Dear parents!

1 . You must bring your child before 08.00 am. The time sheet and menu are filled out before 08.30, which means that meals for the child on the day of delay are not issued. If you are still late, you MUST notify the teacher by phone.

2 . When you come in the morning, say hello to the kindergarten workers, especially the teachers, because every day they replace your children’s mothers and fathers. Group teachers, regardless of their age, must be addressed by name and patronymic.

3 . Pay the fee for maintaining a child in a preschool educational institution no later than the 10th day of each month. Submit your payment receipt on time. If the child does not attend kindergarten due to illness, vacation, etc.., parents must pick up the receipt and pay it on time. Respond appropriately to questions about payments not made on time.

4. We pay great attention the issue of the safety of life and health of your child, from which several more points follow: - ONLY the parent brings and picks up the child and(or) an authorized representative with written permission from the parent; -children under 18 years of age do not have the right to pick up a child from kindergarten.

5. On the eve of the child’s expected absence from kindergarten due to family reasons (vacation, summer period, sanatorium-resort treatment, etc.) inform the teacher!

6. Do not bring any medications to the kindergarten, because neither the teachers nor even the nurse have the right to give medications to children in the kindergarten.

7 . If your child suffers from established allergic reactions (food, flowers, pollen, wool, medications, insect bites, etc.), be sure to indicate this fact in a conversation with the nurse and teacher of your group.

8. If during the day the child shows the first signs of illness (fever, vomiting, rashes, diarrhea), parentswill be notified immediately and will have to pick up the child from the kindergarten’s medical isolation ward as soon as possible.

9 . It is not allowed to bring pistols, sabers, swords, nail polish, lipsticks, perfumes, etc., chewing gum, or candy to treat your friends. If we want to give a treat, we bring it to all the children, or we don’t bring it. We bring toys from home if we let others play with them.

10. Be sure to have spare things in the locker; there must be panties, a T-shirt, socks, tights, and trousers. Girls need to bring a comb.

11. It is necessary to promptly inform about a change in address of residence, change of number contact phone number educators.

12 . We ask parents to take part in the life of the group.and kindergarten in the design of the site, group. Participate in competitions and events dedicated to holidays.

Thank you for following the rules!

Abdrakhmanova Lyaysan Ramilevna, teacher of MADOU d/s No. 106 “Zabava”, Naberezhnye Chelny, RT

Nothing convinces better than an example.

French proverb

Dear parents!

Teach your children how to behave safely on the road by example! The situation on the roads is tense and dangerous. It is necessary to remember that your behavior on the road, conversations, just mentions of safe behavior on the road should not be occasional, but constant.

It is important to teach them to observe, navigate the situation on the road, assess and anticipate danger. The development of observation and orientation skills in traffic situations depends on adults. While on the road with your children, constantly use some methods that will help you and your child develop skills. safe behavior.

In senior preschool age the child must learn:

Who is a road user and his responsibilities;

Basic terms and concepts of rules (bicycle, road, traffic, railway crossing, route vehicle, motor vehicle, moped, motorcycle, intersection, pedestrian crossing, sidewalk line, roadway, dividing strip, traffic controller, vehicle, give way);

Responsibilities of pedestrians;

Responsibilities of passengers;

Traffic regulation;

Traffic lights and traffic controller signals;

Warning signals;

Movement across railway tracks;

Traffic in residential areas;

Transportation of people;

Features of cycling.

In your own words, systematically and unobtrusively introduce the rules that the child should know.

In traffic situations, teach how to navigate and assess the traffic situation;

Explain the need to be attentive, careful and circumspect on the road;

Foster in your child the need to be disciplined, develop positive habits for safe behavior on the road;

Explain the need to be constantly vigilant on the road, but do not intimidate the traffic situation;

Point out mistakes made by pedestrians and drivers;

Explain what traffic accidents are (road accident) and their reasons;

Consolidate knowledge of safe behavior with the help of games, filmstrips, read books, poems, riddles using road traffic situations;

Use walks to reinforce and explain the rules of traffic lights, show road signs and road markings, and if the traffic controller is regulating traffic, then explain his signals, contact your child more often with questions about the road situation.


The child learns the laws of safe behavior on the road from parents and adults.

Take the time to teach your children how to behave on the road.

Take care of your child!

Try to do everything possible to protect him from accidents on the road!

Now your child, who until recently was so small and in complete need of your care and care, has reached the age of five and has moved to the senior group of kindergarten. This means that he is already independent in some ways and can cope with feasible tasks. Of course, he also needs your support, dear moms and dads. And if you know what expectations apply to children in the older group of kindergarten, you can better prepare your child and help him fit into his first social group– because this is where it all begins. The senior group of kindergarten, considered the third age group in kindergarten, children from 5 to 6 years old are recruited there.

The leading need at this age is the need for communication; creative activity.

The leading activity is a role-playing game.

At 5–6 years old, the child’s senses develop intensively.

Intellectual feelings include:

· Curiosity;

· Curiosity;

· Sense of humor;

· Astonishment.

Aesthetic feelings include:

· sense of beauty;

· sense of heroism.

Moral feelings include:

· feeling of pride;

· feeling of shame;

· feeling of friendship.

It is during this period that many personal aspects are formed in the child, the main character traits of the child are formed, and the “I” position is formed. You can already understand what a person will be like in the future. At 5-6 years old, a child absorbs all cognitive information like a sponge. It has been scientifically proven that at this age a person remembers as much material as he will never remember later in life. At this age, a child is interested in everything related to the world around him, and his horizons expand. The best way obtaining scientific information is reading a children's encyclopedia, where any information about the world around them is described in a clear, scientific, language accessible to a child.

We should also not forget that play remains the leading activity of a child. Today we will look at games for memory development.

Game "Word for word".

Goal: development of memory and increase in memory capacity, expansion and activation of the dictionary

The adult starts the game and says:

“Flowers grow in the clearing:...” (“In the forest they live...”, “In the garden they grow on trees...” “In the zoo you can see...”, etc.)

The child repeats what was said and adds the name of the flower (“daisy”), the third player (or again an adult) repeats the entire phrase and adds the name of the flower (“dandelion”). And so on. This will expand lexicon in a child and stimulates memory development.

Game "Two objects".

Goal: activation visual memory, the child’s concentration on individual properties of objects. Developing the ability to describe properties to determine which objects these properties belong to.

Name two objects that have three characteristics at once:

Smooth black solid...

Dark heavy noisy...

Light light shiny...

White soft edible...

Game “Which toy is missing?”

Goal: development of visual memory.

Progress of the game: Place 4-5 toys in front of the child for 1 minute, then ask the child to turn away and remove one toy.

Question to the child: “What toy is missing?”

The game can be made more difficult:

a) increase the number of toys;

b) do not remove anything, but only change the toys.

You can play 2-3 times a week (toys are changed).

Turn the page

When reading a fairy tale to your child or looking at pictures with him, ask him to remember the picture, and then turn it over and ask a few questions about the picture.

How many balls were there in the room?

How many windows?

Did the dolls sit or stand?

Were there flowers on the windows?

How many children were in the room, etc.

Learning poems, retelling fairy tales, and performing memory tasks will also help in developing memory:

Draw 3 squares, 1 circle and cross out the first shape;

Draw 4 triangles, 2 ovals, color 2 and 3 shapes with a red pencil, etc.


MBDOU No. 6 “Alyonushka”

We play games

We develop memory!

Compiled by: teacher - psychologist

Okhotnikova A.S.

Mendeleevsk 2014