
Postcard for mother second youngest. Abstract of the GCD for the application on the topic: “Postcard for Mom” (junior group). Beautiful beads made from pasta

GCD for application 2 junior group

"Postcard for Mom"


Continue to generate interest in the art of appliqué. Introduce children to the concept - postcard. Make a postcard for mothers with your children for March 8th.


Educational :

Expand children's understanding of women's holiday and the traditions of congratulating all women on this spring day.
-Continue to instill interest in the application.

Learn to pre-lay out the parts in a certain sequence and stick them on.

Teach children to crumple soft paper into lumps with their fingers.


Develop skills of careful work, a sense of satisfaction from what is done.

Develop imagination.

Educational :

Cultivate love and caring attitude towards mother.

Call positive emotions when creating a gift for mom, the desire to make it.

Encourage children to work together at the same pace as their peers. -Cultivate perseverance and hard work.

Subject environment:
Group room. Magnetic board. A vase with fresh flowers - daffodils, various holiday cards for the holiday of March 8, a ready-made sample card. Handouts: cardboard blank for a card, sheets of yellow crepe paper, cut out flowers white, leaves and stems made of green paper, bow made of satin ribbon.

Oilcloth, trays for blanks, glue - paste, glue brushes, napkins.

Previous work.

1)The lesson was held as part of the project “Flower for Mom”

(all educational areas are involved).

2) Preparation for the musical festival (OO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development").

3) Reading and memorizing poems for the holiday (NGO "Speech Development").

4) Questioning parents.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Introductory part.


Guys, do you know what a postcard is? Why is it needed?

This beautiful card, which can be given as a holiday gift. The cards are festive and beautiful. It is very nice to receive them as a gift.(we look at various postcards).

Guys, a wonderful holiday for mothers is coming soon, what is it called? (March 8). And on such a holiday, mothers are given cards!

Let's do the same for our mothers Greeting Cards. I think they will be very pleased.

Secretly, prepare

You are a gift to mom.

Give a bouquet of flowers,

Just make them yourself.

Glue, paper, scissors,

The efforts of artists

And, look, the bouquet is ready!

There are no better flowers in the world!

I'll give it to you postcard for mom,

I made my gift myself! (N. Samoilova)

(show postcard)

2. Main part.


On our beautiful cards we will depict a spring flower-narcissus.

Then the teacher shows a vase with daffodils and offers to look at them, encouraging the children to talk.

Together with the teacher, children pronounce the names of the parts of the flower: stem, leaves, flower. The color of each part is specified (the stem and leaves are green, the flower is white with a yellow center).

What does it look like? (Bouquet)
- This is a small bouquet.
- Look, what is this? (leaves)
- What's here? (flower)
- What can you say about the postcard? What is she like? (beautiful, elegant, festive)
- What color is the daffodil? (white with yellow center)
- And the leaves? (green)
- And before we start making a postcard, let's practice our fingers. Let's play a finger game called "Flower".

Physical education minute

Increased tall flower in the meadow,
(join the wrists, spread the palms to the sides, slightly round the fingers)
On a spring morning I opened the petals.
(spread your fingers)
Beauty and nutrition to all petals
(move fingers rhythmically)
Together they grow roots underground.
(put your palms down, press your backs together, spread your fingers)

Then the teacher invites the children to go to the tables.

Look, you have a prepared postcard in front of everyone. And also cut out parts of our narcissus flower (flower, leaves). Let's place them correctly on our postcard. Look closely at this yellow piece of soft paper. We will try to make the middle of a flower from it. You need to crush it with your fingers to make a small lump. Like this (showing the creasing process). How do we decorate our flower? With a bow.

At the tables, children first lay out a drawing on a blank for a postcard. Then the children take and crush the middle with their fingers. While working independently, the teacher helps the children with questions:
- What did you take? How does is called?
- Did you get a flower?
- What size lump did you get? (small lump)
-Everyone got flowers for our card.

What do we need to do to attach our flowers to cards? (Stick)

And now you can glue it. Don't forget how carefully we use a brush, glue and a napkin.

Look carefully. First we glue the leaves of the flower. We put it on oilcloth, spread it with glue, stick it on and blot the remaining glue with a napkin. Now let's take a flower. We put it on oilcloth, spread it with glue, stick it on the leaves and also blot it with a napkin. Then we take a yellow lump, spread glue in the middle of the flower, apply it, press it, we get the middle. All that remains is to glue our bow. Apply glue to the place where our bow will be, apply it and press it. The postcard is ready.

Now try it yourself.

The teacher helps the children and gives suggestions.

3. Summing up

After completing the work, the teacher offers to admire their work. He notes that all the guys tried, that’s why they turned out like this beautiful cards. Addresses children with questions:
- What have we done now? (Postcards, flowers, bouquets.)
- Who did we make the card for, for ourselves or for mom?
- For what holiday will we give our mothers our cards? (March 8).

Well done boys! Everyone made beautiful cards for moms. And we will be able to give them at our holiday.

The teacher reads a poem.

One two three four five -(Clap your hands)

Let's congratulate mom!
Dear, beloved,
The most beautiful
And gifts and flowers
We give to mom: me and you. (O. Novikovskaya)

Summary of the organized educational activities on the application in the younger group on the topic: “Postcard for Mom.”

Goal: To develop children's creative imagination. Continue to teach how to lay out applique details on a sheet of paper and stick them on. Make you want to make a card as a gift for your mother on March 8th. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate accuracy and independence.

Material: templates of cut out cups, cut out flower blanks and core (circle, glue, tassels, napkins).

Equipment: multimedia projector.

Progress of educational activities:

1 slide " spring forest»

Ah, spring, spring, spring!

Everything woke up from sleep.

The birds are scurrying merrily.

What are they singing about? -

"The sun is shining so brightly!

Finally everyone is warm! "

Guys, spring has come! What holiday do people around the world celebrate at the beginning of spring?

Educator. Whom do we congratulate on this day?

Children. Moms, grandmothers.

Educator. And you and I can also congratulate our mothers and make these wonderful cards for them with our own hands (I hang a sample on a magnetic board).

What do we need for this?

Children. Glue, brush, rag.

Educator. That's right, and also inspiration and the desire to please our mothers and grandmothers with such a gift.

Educator. Guys, I have prepared these cards for you in the shape of a cup and a heart. We need to make with you, from blanks, such a beautiful flower.

The teacher tells and shows the technique of performing the application. (Remembering the sequence, glue a circle (the core) onto the large flower, and decorate the cup with a heart).

The children do the work, the teacher helps those who need help.

When the work is completed, we perform finger exercises with the children.

Slide 2 “video finger gymnastics”

Finger gymnastics"Helpers"

Rolling dough with grandma

Making pies with mom

Well, dad and I gobble it up,

Pies for two cheeks.

Educator. Well done boys. Look what wonderful postcards we made (I hang the work on a magnetic board).

Did you guys like making gifts for mommies with your own hands?


I love my mother, I will give her a gift.

I made the gift myself from different types of paper,

I will give it to my mother, hugging him tenderly.

Well done everyone today, thank you.

3rd slide slide show with photos of mothers of pupils.

Children perform a song about their mother, learned in music class.

Master class “My sunshine” (postcard for mom)

Joint activities of the teacher and children 1-2 years old with step by step instructions

Mastina Olga Valerievna, teacher of the Child Development Center - Kindergarten "Luchik" in Michurinsk
Description of material: the master class is addressed to preschool teachers, specialist teachers, teachers primary school, loving parents.
Age category 1+. Such a wide age audience is provided with varying degrees of participation in the adult’s activities - for the youngest children the teacher actively guides and provides assistance, for middle-aged children he shows a sample of actions and provides assistance in case of difficulty, for older children he invites them to independently complete and decorate the work.

Target: create a postcard for the International women's day March 8.
- create an upbeat mood of anticipation for the holiday;
- continue to introduce unconventional technology palm drawing; teach how to carefully use art materials;
- develop interest in visual arts;
- cultivate the ability to enjoy the results of one’s own activities.

Purpose: a gift for mothers, grandmothers, preschool employees.

Where does spring begin? For my little ones (this year I’m working with children 1-2 years old) it will start with mother’s holiday and the sun. And, of course, from making a gift for mom. We begin preparations from the first days of February. It is clear that my two-year-old children will not make a postcard on their own. This Team work. Performed in small subgroups and individually. We invite you, dear readers, to get creative.

A4 watercolor paper or white cardboard; yellow gouache;
PVA glue (add to the gouache so it doesn’t crumble); a disposable plate (for paint); paper napkins (or damp) foam sponge; colored eyes and inscriptions printed on a printer - congratulations; double-sided tape (to stick it all together); scissors; felt-tip pens (red and brown); simple pencil.

1.Draw a circle gouache. This can be done quickly and easily with a piece of foam rubber. And don’t forget to add a few drops of PVA glue to the paint so that the paint sticks better and doesn’t smear when it dries. The paper for the postcard should be thick. I recommend choosing one that says "for watercolor". If you prefer cardboard, keep in mind that glossy gouache does not adhere well.

2.Draw rays with your palm.
We help the baby using the hand-in-hand technique. Carefully touch the plate where a thin layer of gouache is poured, then leave an imprint on the paper, gently pressing it with your palm. We say, we verbalize all the actions: “What is our sun missing? Rays to warm us all. Like this, let’s take yellow paint on our palm. This is how we’ll give the sun rays. We’ll turn the leaf and make a lot of rays... And now we’ll wipe our palm with a napkin and Let's admire how beautiful it turned out."

3.Cut it out.
When the work is dry and the children are asleep in their beds, I cut out the future card.

4.Add details
My little ones love to watch how we give the sun eyes so that it looks at us, we draw a mouth so that it smiles at us and a nose, because all children have one.
I don’t draw very well, but I want it to be very beautiful. So I found the eyes on the Internet and printed them out. We glue it with double-sided tape.

5.Tint the cheeks and nose
I did this with pastels, which I then shaded. Powder sharpened from a colored pencil will also work.
(Thanks for valuable advice Olga Nikolaevna Krainova, mother of my pupil Tanya).

6.Add a congratulations signature.

There may be other design options. Of course, you can come up with your own. And he will be even more beautiful.

Spring is approaching, International Women's Day is approaching. Let the days be sunny, the events bright, and the news joyful.
You are congratulated by the kindergarten "Luchik", the group "Krokha" and I, O.V.

The child’s learning process must be inextricably linked with everyday life. That is why kindergartens select the most suitable topics for creative activities. So, in the first days of spring, DIY crafts for March 8th in kindergarten, kids are actively preparing for Women's Day. They not only learn poems about grandmothers and mothers, rehearse a concert together with the teacher, but also do handicrafts.

Postcards, paintings, paper flowers and decorative little things for the home created by the hands of children carry a piece of a child’s soul, which is what is actually dear to close women. In this collection you will find interesting crafts for kindergarten by March 8, which children can make with their own hands.

Postcard “Funny Palms”

Children aged 3–4 years old do not paint well enough with a brush, but they can easily create wonderful pictures with the help of their fingers and palms. Invite your child to literally make a holiday card with his own hands. Undoubtedly, mother will also be pleased to receive such a creation, because a sheet with a child’s palm print is another valuable relic associated with the childhood of her beloved child.

To make a postcard you will need:

sheet of colored cardboard in A-4 format;
white paper measuring 13x18 cm;
blanks made of colored paper (leaves, vase);
bow made of narrow satin ribbon;
PVA glue;
Finger paint;
2 brushes (for paint and glue);
a clean cloth to remove excess PVA;
green marker.


1. Bend a sheet of cardboard in half, clearly marking the fold line.
2. Glue a white sheet onto one of the colored sides so that there is a frame around it. Gently blot off excess glue.

4. Using a brush, apply paint thickly onto the child’s palm. Place your well-painted hand on a white background.

5. The resulting print will be a “flower”. Draw a line to it from the vase with a felt-tip pen - “stem”.

For older children, the task can be complicated: ask them to draw not one, but several flowers, using both the left and right palms. Instead of blanks, the children can be given templates, which they will have to independently attach to colored paper and trace along the outline with a simple pencil and cut.

Difficulty level: for younger groups.

Many people associate touchingly delicate mimosa with its fluffy yellow balls and warm aroma with spring and the holiday of March 8th. Unfortunately, flowers tend to fade, but a painting with their image will always please the eye, especially if it was made native child with your own hands.

For the craft you need the following materials:

a sheet of brown cardboard in A-4 format;
white sheet measuring 19x27 cm;
a tube of PVA and a cloth for glue;
a little millet or corn grits;
green paint and thin brush;
a small piece of narrow tape.

Instructions on how to make a picture:

1. Before starting the lesson, the cereal must be washed and dried.
2. Glue a white sheet onto the cardboard so that it is in the center. The resulting brown fields will serve as a frame for the picture.
3. Using your finger, apply glue pointwise in 10–12 places in one corner, as if forming a mimosa inflorescence.
4. Sprinkle the leaf thickly with millet (corn). When the painting dries, shake off the remaining grain.

5. Make two more inflorescences in the same way.
6. Finally, use a brush to draw stems and leaves. Decorate the picture with a bow made of satin ribbon.

Working with cereals promotes development fine motor skills in a child, it has a calming effect. If children are still poorly oriented on a sheet of paper, in those places where glue will need to be applied, you can first put marks with a simple pencil. During classes with children of the younger group, the teacher finishes the greenery. The older guys design the picture themselves.

Difficulty level: for younger groups.

In the first days of spring, I really want to please my beloved mother with flowers, for example, “Tulips in an envelope.” In order for the children to be able to successfully make a craft by March 8th with their own hands, the kindergarten teacher needs to prepare properly: make shaped envelopes from sheets of colored cardboard, blanks of tulip heads from pink, orange, yellow and red paper (3 for each craft), blanks leaves (2 pcs.) and stems (1 pc.) from green paper. For this activity you will also need glue, a brush and a cloth.


1. First, children fold the right and left edges of the envelope along the marked lines.
2. In the middle part (top) they glue tulip flowers.
3. Then, focusing on the flower heads, glue the stem to the central tulip, and place the leaves on the sides of the stem.

Difficulty level: for younger groups.

Every mother is pleased to receive a bouquet of daisies from her son or daughter as a gift. And even if they only vaguely resemble real wildflowers, the child made them himself, with his own hands, with love and gave them from pure heart. You can beautifully decorate your home with such fantasy daisies, and for a child who is just beginning to master the art of modeling, this will be a sign that you appreciate his attention and work.

To make daisies, a child will need:

3 cocktail straws Green colour;
20–25 dry pumpkin seeds;
plasticine, modeling board, glass.


1. Take a small piece of yellow, pink, red or blue plasticine.
2. Warm it up in your hands and roll it into a ball, which you then slightly flatten.
3. Place the resulting disk on a cocktail straw.
4. This is the core of the flower, around the entire perimeter of which you need to insert 7-8 seeds.
5. Make two more daisies in the same way.

If desired, the teacher can supplement the resulting flowers with leaves cut from green sheet felt. Instead of plastic straws, you can use tree branches as stems for flowers, but they must be washed in water before use. soapy solution and dry well. Otherwise, the plasticine will not stick to the branches due to dust and moisture.

To make the house feel like a holiday, it needs to be decorated. Both real and paper flowers are perfect for this purpose. Amazingly beautiful tulips, lilies and lotuses are collected from colored paper using the origami technique. Children, of course, cannot make such complex designs, but even a 4-year-old child can make a flower bud.

For origami “blooming tulip” you will need:

a square sheet (preferably double-sided) of red, pink or yellow paper;
square sheet of green paper for the stem.

Perform origami according to the following scheme:

1. First, the sheet intended for the bud is folded diagonally. Then lightly mark the middle of the bottom side of the resulting triangle. Now, focusing on the middle, bend the right corner to get a petal tooth on the left.

2. Do the same with the left corner of the triangle. The acute angle at the base of the bud is bent back. Having outlined the bottom line, the flower is unfolded to hide the corner.

3. As a result, a “pocket” is obtained at the base of the bud, into which the stem is subsequently inserted.

4. The next stage is creating the lower part of the tulip. Green leaf fold diagonally, mark a line and unfold. Then the side edges of the tulip are bent so that they coincide with the center line. The resulting workpiece is folded in half lengthwise and finally a transverse fold is made.

You can make a bouquet from paper tulips or create a postcard composition. In general, origami classes develop children's accuracy and precision in performing actions. Thanks to this technique, kids get acquainted with geometric shapes, the concepts of “left”, “right”, “top”, “bottom”, “middle” and so on.

On our website you can see how to make one for schoolchildren.

By March 8, children in the middle group will be able to make such a craft with their own hands in kindergarten.

Variation on the origami theme – voluminous postcard"Flower Fan" To make it you will need white sheets of A-4 format, colored double-sided paper, felt-tip pens, scissors, PVA and a brush for applying glue.

Instructions on how to make a postcard:

1. To get the base, fold a sheet of green paper like an accordion, making fold lines every 1.5–2 cm.

5. Flowers are cut out and, lightly smeared with PVA, glued to the base. The postcard is ready.

Difficulty level: for intermediate group.

Any little fashionista will appreciate a bright, lightweight cardboard handbag. To make it, you need to take a sheet of multi-colored cardboard in A-4 format and two sheets of orange paper of the same size. In addition, you will need cardboard for handles and PVA glue.

First of all, the handles are glued to the base. Then the inside of the multi-colored cardboard is covered with orange paper so that the inside of the bag looks beautiful. The remaining orange leaf is cut in half and each part is folded like an accordion. These are the sides of the bag. Their edges need to be coated with glue and connected to the base. That's all - the bag is ready!

Beautiful beads made from pasta

Difficulty level: for intermediate group.

Both women and girls love to wear jewelry, especially those made with love by loved ones. Beads and bracelets made from painted pasta will be just such a pleasant gift for your mother or sister. During the lesson, in addition to pasta, you will need wool threads, gouache, and nail polishes.

Instructions on how to make jewelry with your own hands:

1. First, gouache is diluted in containers with water. Pasta is immersed there for a short time. There is no need to overcook them, otherwise they will get soggy.
2. Then take out the pasta and place it on paper. When the products are dry, they are varnished for shine.

3. Next, you need to secure the pasta on a thread. To do this, the “tubes” are strung, and the “bows” in the center are wrapped several times with thread and tied. In the “wheels” the thread is pulled through two opposite holes.

4. To make the beads bright and unusual, it is advisable to alternate the pasta in color and shape. The ends of the thread are already finished decoration connect with each other.

5. If desired, you can decorate headbands and hairpins with multi-colored pasta. It turns out very original!

Difficulty level: for intermediate group.

A charming paper basket in white and pink tones will undoubtedly find a place in the ladies' room. You can fold the same delicate paper flowers from napkins into it and, as a result, get an interesting spring composition.

What materials and tools are needed to make such a basket?

A large square of thick sheet of white paper.
PVA or glue stick.
: a handle made of white paper (its length should be the same as the side of the square), a pink strip for finishing the handle (slightly narrower and shorter than the handle itself), two side elements made of pink paper (pentahedrons with smaller sides than the basket), pink flower and white core.

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Preparatory stage. A square white sheet needs to be divided into 9 equal parts. To do this, each side is divided into three equal segments. Through the marked points draw barely noticeable lines with a pencil.

2. During the lesson, children first fold the sheet along the top horizontal line. Then you need to bend bottom part square and make cuts at the top and bottom to the resulting fold lines.

4. It turns out to be a box. To fix it, carefully glue the sides.

Use in making crafts non-standard materials develops children's creativity and creative thinking. During class non-traditional techniques Appliques include scraps of fabric, torn pieces of paper, napkins, dried plants, pasta, and cereals. You can make an original painting from cotton wool, foil, thread and coffee. It's hard to imagine, but from cotton pads and the sticks turn out beautiful, similar to real calla lilies.

To create a painting with flowers you need:

paper plate;
a sheet of double-sided green paper;
glue, brush and cloth;
3 green cocktail straws;
felt-tip pen or yellow marker;
3 cotton pads and the same amount ear sticks;
narrow ribbon.

To make an applique with calla lilies, you need:

1. Use a marker to color the edge of a cotton swab.
2. Then insert it into the straw so as to hide the uncolored part.
3. Place the tube with the edge where the stick is inserted on the cotton pad.
4. Lightly coat the edges of the disk with glue and connect them, forming a flower bud. Carefully remove excess glue with a cloth.
5. Make two more calla lilies in the same way.
6. Cut out a leaf for a flower from colored paper and wrap it around the callas. Secure the bouquet with a ribbon.
7. Glue the composition to the plate.

These calla lilies can not only decorate a plate, but also complement a postcard in the form of a vase or basket. Another option is to arrange flowers in a bouquet using decorative paper or mesh. Not only calla lilies are made from cotton pads, but also roses, daisies, dandelions, and carnations.

Difficulty level: for senior group.

The originality of the card lies in the fact that it looks like a cup, inside of which there are words of congratulations and paper flowers. There are a lot of ideas for decorating such a craft: colored cardboard can be decorated with ribbons, buttons, pieces of lace and fabric, voluminous flowers and ready-made felt elements. The cup postcard can open in different directions. Inside there can be both flowers and a folding book.

To make such a craft for March 8, you need to print (or draw) a template, take a sheet of white paper, colored cardboard, glue, a brush and scissors.

1. First of all, you need to cut out all the elements necessary for the applique: a folding base in the form of a cup, a piece of white paper that will decorate the front side of the card, buds, petals, cores, stems and leaves.

2. First, glue all the details of the flowers.

3. While the products are drying, decorate the cup itself: carefully glue a white paper cutout to the front. Excess glue is removed with a cloth.

4. Now the blank cup is opened. Flowers are glued to the left side, making a bouquet of them.

5. When the card is completely dry, you can move on to the last step - write your congratulations.

Difficulty level: for older group.

Preschool children enjoy working with different materials: with foam chips, matches, shells and, of course, fabric. Working with colorful scraps develops color skills in children. Creative activities with soft and hard textiles are also necessary for the development of tactile perception. Since it is too early to pick up a needle at the age of 5–6 years, you can start creating with fabric using the papier-mâché technique.

A bright bowl made from pieces of fabric will not only be pleasant, but also a useful gift by March 8th. You can store threads, sweets, business cards and other small items in it. To make a gift for your mother or grandmother, you will need the following materials:
pieces of cotton fabric left over after sewing;
disposable deep plate;
hard brush;
PVA glue.

At the stage of preparation for the lesson, you need to cut all the existing fabric into strips 2-3 cm wide. It is advisable to cut strips that are too long into pieces. The result should be small scraps that will be convenient and easy for children to work with. The glue is pre-diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3.

Already during the work, strips of fabric are immersed in an adhesive solution, taken out, slightly wrung out and glued to the upside down disposable plate in a chaotic manner. After the bowl is covered with outside all, you need to apply two more such layers. Next, the product is left to dry on the windowsill. After a day, when the fabric becomes dry, carefully remove the plastic plate from it. The resulting bowl is trimmed and, if desired, pasted around the edge with a textile strip.

Bouquet “Spring”

Difficulty level: for older group.

Bright flowers, lush greenery and fluttering butterflies - this paper bouquet definitely puts you in a spring mood and lifts your spirits. To create a holiday craft, you will need scissors, a sheet of green double-sided paper in A-4 format, colored paper, PVA glue, a simple pencil, a ruler, felt-tip pens and a stapler.

How to make a bouquet - instructions:
1. Fold a sheet of paper in half lengthwise. Place a ruler along the fold line and mark points with a pencil every two centimeters. Do the same on the opposite side. Use a pencil (barely noticeable) to line the sheet, not reaching 2 cm to the edge.

2. Make cuts along the marked lines. Then roll the sheet into a tube so that there are a couple of turns. Secure the edge with a stapler.

3. Fold sheets of colored paper in half. From the wrong side, draw flowers, butterflies, and core circles with a pencil. This must be done on the fold so that the resulting elements are symmetrical.

4. Cut out the parts. Glue the cores to the petals, and use a felt-tip pen to draw small details on the butterflies.

And finally, advice to parents. Remember that your grade matters the most to your child. When he sees that close people show interest and careful attitude to his crafts, his desire to create even more beauty with his own hands, both in kindergarten and at home, strengthens. In order not to kill your child’s faith in his own abilities, do not ridicule or criticize him under any circumstances for the flaws inherent in his age.

Lesson notes for the second junior group Topic: “Postcard for Mom”

Lesson notes for the second junior group

Topic: “Postcard for Mom”

Technique: Applique

Goal: To develop children's creative imagination. Continue to teach how to lay out applique details on a sheet of paper and stick them on. Strengthen neatness skills. Cultivate interest in the content of the application.

Materials: sheets with vases, figures cut out in the form of a circle, glue, brushes, napkins.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher asks:

What's your mood? (good)

Let's look at each other and smile to wish each other a good mood.

The children sit down at the table.

That's right, March 8th is the day of our mothers, grandmothers, aunts and girls! Let's make some gifts with our own hands for our dear mothers. Guys, look at the postcards I have, but it seems to me that they are missing something... Please tell me what is missing on these postcards (flowers)

That's right, flower. Let's try to make a beautiful flower, shall we? Look what I have (sheets in the form of circles).

The teacher tells and shows the technique of performing the application.

(Remember the sequence - put the figure on the oilcloth with the back side, grease it with glue, apply it to the card with the front side, place it, smooth it with a napkin). Now we need to let our flower dry.

Thank you very much guys, I think our mothers will really like our cards!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Lesson summary "Postcard for MOTHER"...

Master class for parents and children of the senior group "Postcard for Mom."

This event is intended for parents and children of the senior group for consultations and master classes. For this work, the presence of the pupils' fathers is more appropriate. Ma...