Dream interpretation

Peculiarities of the level of aspirations of younger adolescents in educational activities Olga Vyacheslavovna Semina. Self-esteem and aspirations of a teenager Adolescent aspirations

Graduation qualifying work

"The relationship between self-esteem and the level of aspirations of adolescents"


Adolescence is the most difficult and complex of all childhood ages, representing a period of personality development. At the same time, this is the most crucial period, since here the foundations of morality are formed, social attitudes and attitudes towards oneself, towards people, and towards society are formed. In addition, at this age, character traits and basic forms of interpersonal behavior stabilize. The main motivational lines of this age period associated with the active desire for personal self-improvement are self-knowledge, self-expression and self-affirmation. The main new feature appearing in the psychology of a teenager in comparison with a younger child school age, is a higher level of self-awareness. Self-awareness is the last and highest of all the restructurings that the psychology of an adolescent undergoes (L.S. Vygotsky).

Problems of adolescence were dealt with by D.I. Feldshtein, L.I. Bozhovich, V.S. Mukhina, L.S. Vygotsky, T.V. Dragunova, M. Kae, A. Freud. They characterize adolescence as transitional, complex, difficult, critical and is of utmost importance in the development of a person’s personality: the scope of activity expands, character changes qualitatively, the foundations of conscious behavior are laid, and moral ideas are formed.

One of the main points is that during adolescence, a person enters a qualitatively new social position, in which the consciousness and self-awareness of the individual is formed and actively develops. Gradually, there is a shift away from directly copying adults’ assessments, and there is an increasing reliance on internal criteria. The behavior of a teenager begins to be increasingly regulated by his self-esteem.

Self-esteem is a person’s assessment of his capabilities, qualities and place among people. It is an awareness of one’s own identity, regardless of changing environmental conditions, a manifestation of the individual’s self-awareness. Self-esteem significantly influences the effectiveness of activities and the formation of personality at all stages of development. The dependence of the character and productivity of all forms of external activity of the subject on his attitude towards himself has been repeatedly confirmed in psychology. Therefore, a person’s attitude towards himself is one of the fundamental properties of his personality.

The relevance of the problem of self-esteem and level of aspirations in adolescence determined by the needs of a number of social institutions directly involved in the process of formation and education of members of society. Every year, family, school, and society place ever higher moral, ethical, socio-political, and ideological demands on the younger generation.

It is difficult to imagine the number of external and internal factors that influence a growing child and each time change the world of his experiences. Not all children control their thoughts, feelings and actions.

Therefore, during this difficult period for a teenager, support and understanding from adults is important. It is necessary to rebuild the relationship with him so that he can continue to develop harmoniously. These relationships must be built on the basis of the teenager’s personality, since it will make it possible to foresee how he will act in a given situation, it will help to establish the true reasons for certain characteristics, and will tell what can be expected from him in the future. As a result of such study, adults can quite reasonably and correctly determine in which direction they should lead. educational work on the further formation of the personality of each student, what aspects and traits of the student’s personality need to be strengthened, developed, and shaped. The main task of the teacher is to direct the activity of each teenager in the right direction, towards learning about other people, towards socially useful activities, towards self-development and self-education.

Thus, a correct analysis of the level of self-esteem in adolescent schoolchildren and its connection with the level of aspirations is an important diagnostic task.

Based on this, the task of my work was to identify the level of self-esteem in teenage schoolchildren, the influence of emotional character on self-esteem and the relationship between self-esteem and the level of aspirations.

This determined the relevance of my topic.

Object: of this study – self-esteem and level of aspirations.

Subject: the relationship between self-esteem and the level of aspirations of adolescents

The purpose of this work is to identify the relationship between self-esteem and the level of aspirations of adolescents

1) Carrying out an analysis of the literature on the problem under study.

2) Selection of diagnostic techniques;

3) Conducting a diagnostic study aimed at revealing self-esteem and level of aspirations;

4) Processing and interpretation of research results.

5) Identify the connection between self-esteem and the level of aspirations of a teenager.

Hypothesis: There is a relationship between self-esteem and the level of aspirations of adolescents: in adolescents whose self-esteem is aimed at themselves, the level of aspirations is also aimed at the motive of self-esteem and assessment of their potential. And vice versa, in adolescents whose self-esteem is aimed at business, the level of aspirations is accordingly directed towards the cognitive motive and the avoidance motive.

Self-esteem in adolescents with their social position in the group was achieved. We solved the following tasks during the study: 1. We conducted a theoretical analysis on the problem of the relationship between the level of aspirations and self-esteem in adolescents and their social position in the group. This problem is really relevant in our time. This is especially important in adolescence, as...

4) Draw conclusions. The object of the study is self-esteem and the level of aspirations in adolescence, as well as the category of image. The subject of the study is the dependence of the image of the future spouse on self-esteem and level of aspirations. The subjects were: 20 students of the 10th grade of secondary school No. 15 in Yegoryevsk, Moscow region; 20 3rd year students of the Moscow State Open Pedagogical...

More tenacity. Factors influencing academic performance, according to R. Burns, include self-concept (25%), intelligence indicator, social class, and parental interest. 2.1 The influence of self-esteem and level of aspirations on the learning of students in grades I-IV. Older preschoolers rate themselves as highly as possible and consider themselves the kindest, smartest, etc. At the same time...

Features of self-esteem in children of primary school age and adolescents. Object of study: the personal sphere of children. Subject of research: features of self-esteem of primary schoolchildren and adolescents. Tasks of diagnostic work: 1. select diagnostic techniques 2. carry out diagnostics 3. process the results obtained 4. draw conclusions Composition of the studied...

In adolescence, children's self-esteem concerns mainly basic moral qualities: kindness, honor, justice, etc. Middle school students are not self-critical enough, although they often recognize many negative qualities in themselves, realize the need to get rid of them, strive for self-education of their self-esteem is unstable and not always adequate.

Judgments of younger adolescents about themselves are also expressed in the assessment of their relationships with other people. These assessments relate to the ability to make friends, sensitivity to people, one’s behavior among others, self-respect, self-esteem among classmates, which indicates a fairly high level of self-awareness, enriching the experience of social behavior.

The self-esteem of older adolescents is very diverse, versatile, and generalized in content. The number of qualities they realize is approximately twice as large as in the younger teenage group. Elders over time evaluate not only individual character traits, but also their personality as a whole. They show a certain social maturity and recognize themselves as individuals ready for life. This is expressed in the self-assessment of qualities that characterize them as active subjects (decisiveness, endurance, courage, self-esteem, ability to defend their interests). In the process of self-assessment, a teenager demonstrates his capabilities to make decisions that are important to him and takes on certain responsibilities. It is self-esteem that is a prerequisite for his freedom of choice.

It is far from uncommon for adolescents to have inadequate self-esteem, which manifests itself in overestimating or underestimating their capabilities, which harms the development of responsibility and other important qualities. For example, high self-esteem blocks the feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself, guilt for an unworthy act, and remorse for irresponsible behavior. Lack of self-criticism prevents you from thinking about your actions, independently imagining the requirements and fulfilling them. Evidence of low self-esteem is dissatisfaction with oneself, the inability to set higher demands for oneself, because there is a lack of confidence in one’s capabilities. This hinders the development of responsibility, since such children do not show activity, avoid performing tasks, duties assigned to them.

As adolescents grow older, self-esteem becomes differentiated; it concerns not behavior in general, but behavior in individual social situations, individual actions. This contributes to the development of its objectivity. S. It is during this period that the degree of objectivity of self-esteem leads to the concentration of efforts on the formation of moral qualities and determines the direction of personality development.

The behavior of a teenager in performing duties and assignments and the attitude he expects towards himself significantly influence the behavior of a teenager. Based on self-esteem, expectations are mediated by an emotional-evaluative attitude towards group norms, requirements and values. The teenager experiences an increased need for approval and recognition from friends. Therefore, he is actively looking for an environment in which he experiences a positive attitude towards himself, his actions, and is able to make sure that he is an adult, independent person.

The level of aspirations aimed at the future activities of adolescents is closely related to self-esteem. Austrian psychologist. Friedrich. Hoppe (1899-1976) began the vision that the level of aspiration is determined by laziness by these two opposing tendencies:

1) maintaining your own. I, my self-esteem at the highest possible level, the desire to achieve success;

2) lowering one’s aspirations, the desire to avoid failure so as not to harm self-esteem

Some researchers believe that adolescence is characterized by the desire to realize only the first tendency in various ways

The level of a teenager’s aspirations is influenced by the recognition of his capabilities both by significant others and by himself. As is known, in the development of self-awareness, the adequacy of the level of aspirations to the child’s capabilities is important. According to the results of experimental studies, the degree of adequacy of claims regarding the educational status of a teenager depends on his academic performance. The better he studies, the more adequate is his understanding of his place in the class in terms of academic performance. Adequate self-esteem and the level of aspirations based on it give a teenager the opportunity to set tasks for himself and take on responsibilities that, in terms of complexity, are beyond his personal capabilities.

The formation of adequate self-esteem and level of aspirations is important for a teenager to correctly perceive the demands of others, awakens and stimulates his desire for self-education. Formation of an adequate attitude towards it. Ebe occurs due to the value judgment of significant others with whom the teenager communicates. The teacher has a very big influence on him. His objective, fair, demanding and at the same time benevolent assessment is perceived by the teenager without internal resistance and stimulates his work on himself. The goal of the teacher’s instructions is achieved, which helps children realize the positive and negative aspects of their behavior. Dinka, explain the consequences of reckless, immoral actions, provide the opportunity to correct shortcomings and achieve success. If a teenager does not accept the assessment of adults, the source of his self-esteem becomes property, not always adequate and correct judgments.

The effective development of adequate value judgments in adolescents is facilitated by an awareness of the meaning of the most significant traits and qualities for a person; mastering objective criteria for assessing the moral and volitional qualities of educational activities; conviction in the importance of adequate, stable evaluative attitudes of a person towards himself and others for normal interaction with them. Important factors in the development of correct self-esteem are position among peers, a position of positive balance in relationships, active participation in the social life of the class, group, and success. Self-education is of particular importance, therefore educational work with teenagers should be aimed at instilling in them the desire to work on themselves, self-improvement.

So, during adolescence, the child makes significant progress in understanding his personality. The process of self-knowledge is complex and very contradictory, self-esteem and level of aspirations are often inadequate and unsustainable. Teenagers do not yet have a holistic one. I am an image.

Prokhorova N.V.

ORCID: 0000-0003-3639-8842, Student, National Research University, Higher School of Economics



The article presents an analysis of the results of an empirical study psychological characteristics self-esteem and level of aspirations during the period early youth and their meaningful interpretation. The age specificity of the dynamic features of the manifestations of self-esteem and the level of aspirations of adolescents is presented. The features of the relationship between self-esteem and the level of aspirations of boys and girls are analyzed, the trends in the relationships and differences in the manifestation of self-esteem and the level of aspirations of adolescents at the lower and upper limits of age are demonstrated.

Keywords: self-awareness, self-image, self-esteem, level of aspirations, affect of inadequacy, early adolescence.

Prokhorova N.V.

ORCID: 0000-0003-3639-8842, Student, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”



The article presents the analysis of the results of an empirical study of the psychological features of self-esteem and the level of assertion in early adolescence and their meaningful interpretation. It presents the age specificity of the dynamic features of self-esteem manifestation and the level of assertion of teenagers. The main features of self-esteem ratio and the level of assertion of boys and girls are analyzed, the tendencies of interrelations and differences in the manifestation of self-esteem and the level of assertion of teenagers on the lower and upper age limits are demonstrated.

Keywords: self-awareness, self-image, self-esteem, level of assertion, affect of inadequacy, early adolescence.

Socio-economic and political changes, the complication of working and living conditions require efforts of creative activity of the individual, increasing demands on oneself and one’s activities. Very important for the formation of a comprehensively developed personality is the development of self-awareness, the definition of one’s own “I”, one’s personal characteristics for the correct organization of relationships with other people. Solving these aspects draws attention to such fundamental personality formations as self-esteem and level of aspirations.

The theses, confirmed in domestic and foreign psychology, have already become classic: an important stage in the formation of self-esteem and level of aspirations is the period of early adolescence, when responsible decisions are made that determine a person’s entire future life: the formation of a worldview and beliefs, the search for the meaning of life, professional and personal self-determination. Self-esteem and the level of aspirations of boys and girls occupy a leading place in the process of socialization of the individual, searching for his place in a future independent life. However, in the context of the weakening role of responsibility of state institutions in determining the guidelines for the professional and personal direction of the younger generation, it is possible that there may be an increase in inconsistency and contradiction in the level of aspirations and self-esteem of high school students.

All of the above allows us to state the social significance and need for systematic psychological research into self-esteem and the level of aspirations of modern adolescents, which determined the choice of the topic of the article.

The need for further study of the relationship between self-esteem and the level of aspirations is due not only to their complexity and influence (the specifics of these relationships influence the development of personality, self-awareness, processes of self-regulation of behavior and activity), but also to the fact that, in line with modern scientific views, the deepening of ideas about the development and the functioning of self-esteem and level of aspirations involves movement in the direction of dynamic and structural unification into a single whole, into a dynamic system

The purpose of the article is to summarize the data from an empirical study of the age specifics of self-esteem and the level of aspirations of adolescents. This goal was achieved by solving a number of problems: identifying the dynamic features of the formation of self-esteem and the level of a person’s aspirations during early adolescence; establishing the nature of the connection between adolescents’ self-esteem and their level of aspirations.

To clarify the age-related dynamics of the formation of self-esteem and the level of aspirations in early adolescence, an empirical study was conducted among adolescents. The diagnostic complex included valid, standardized instruments: “Scale of self-esteem and level of aspirations by T.V. Dembo, S.Ya. Rubinstein (modification by G.M. Prikhozhan), method of quantitative measurement of self-esteem (S.A. Budassi), “Motor test” by Schwartzlander. The sample consisted of 97 students in grades 10-11 of a secondary school (age 15-17 years, gender - 47 boys and 50 girls).

The lower limit of the analyzed age period (10th grade): realistic (adequate) self-esteem - 52% of the studied (average self-esteem - 30% and high - 22%), inflated self-esteem (very high) - 37%, underestimated (low) self-esteem – 11%. Upper age limit (11th grade) – realistic (adequate) self-esteem – 73% of the studied (average self-esteem – 40% and high – 33%, respectively), inflated self-esteem (very high) – 21%, underestimated (low) self-esteem – 6%. As we see, in the 11th grade the tendency towards an increase in the adequacy of self-esteem becomes more pronounced, and the polarity of its representation decreases.

Confirmation of this trend is reflected in the research results obtained using the method of quantitative measurement of self-esteem (S.A. Budassi): 10th grade: adequate self-esteem - in 35% of respondents, a tendency towards overestimation of self-esteem - 28%, inflated self-esteem - 30%, low self-esteem – 7%. Half of the 11th graders demonstrate adequate self-esteem, 30% of young men showed a tendency towards overestimation, and 17% had overestimated self-esteem; underestimated self-esteem was recorded in only 3% of respondents.

According to the method of T.V. Dembo, S.Ya. Rubinstein modified by G.M. The following indicators were identified among parishioners: the lower limit of early adolescence (10th grade) - realistic level of aspirations - 59% of those studied (accordingly - average level - 38% high - 21%), inflated level of aspirations (very high) - 28%, underestimated (low) level – 13%; upper age limit (11th grade) – realistic (adequate) level of aspirations – 79% of those studied (average level – 39% and high – 40%), inflated level of aspirations (very high) – 18%, underestimated (low) level – 3%.

Analysis of the above research results allows us to state that the majority of students in both the 10th and 11th grades demonstrate a realistic (adequate) level of aspirations, indicating an optimal understanding of their capabilities, which is an important factor personal development, however, at the upper age limit of these subjects, they are 20% more than in the 10th grade.

In the 11th grade, the number of people with an inflated (very high) level of aspirations, which are characterized by an unrealistic, uncritical attitude towards their own capabilities, decreased by 10%. The number of boys and girls is also decreasing (by 10%) who have an underestimated (low) level of aspirations, that is, they underestimate their capabilities and abilities, do not trust themselves, are not confident in their abilities, which is an indicator of unfavorable personality development.

Comparative analysis of diagnostic indicators of the level of adolescents’ aspirations for the lower and upper age limits using the method of T.V. Dembo, S.Ya. Rubinstein modified by G.M. Prikhozhan found a gradual decrease with age in the number of schoolchildren with an inflated level of aspirations and an increase in the number of students with an adequate level of aspirations. Such age-related patterns of development of the level of aspirations can be explained by the fact that the problem of becoming a subject of self-development arises precisely in adolescence, when the most important tasks of personal development are solved: the construction and integration of a holistic image of the self, the achievement of self-identity, personal, social and professional self-determination. Following the logic and patterns of personality development, boys and girls at the beginning of adulthood must determine their values, life intentions and take responsibility for their implementation.

Comparative analysis of the results of an empirical study of the level of aspirations of adolescents based on self-descriptions (subjective assessment) (methodology by T.V. Dembo, S.Ya. Rubinshtein, modified by G.M. Prikhozhan) and in the process of performing activities based on success or failure (“Motor test "Schwarzlander) revealed significant differences in the diagnosed indicators.

The most significant differences in diagnostic indicators of the level of aspirations of adolescents based on self-descriptions and in the process of performing activities were identified in the 10th grade. Student's t-test was used to prove the statistical difference between these indicators. A statistical difference in indicators was revealed at the p level<0,01 именно для нижней границы раннего юношеского возраста (10-ого класса). Для верхней границы данного возрастного периода (11-ого класса) статистически достоверной разницы между диагностическими показателями уровня притязаний подростков на основе самоописания и в процессе выполнения деятельности не было выявлено.

The results of the study can be explained by the fact that at the beginning of early adolescence, schoolchildren are not yet sufficiently developed reflexive abilities and the ability to adequately assess the structure of their own activities. Tenth graders tend to demonstrate a desire for complex, high goals, but they are not yet able to consistently implement this desire in their behavior. In the process of personal and professional self-determination, boys and girls gradually develop the ability to reflect and the assessment of the structure of their own activities at the upper limit of age (11th grade) becomes more adequate.

In order to establish the nature of the relationship between the level of self-esteem of high school students and their level of aspirations using the methodology of T.V. Dembo, S.Ya. Rubinstein modified by G.M. A correlation analysis was conducted among the parishioners. This made it possible to establish the existence of a close statistically significant connection between the self-esteem of boys and girls and their level of aspirations. This gives grounds to conclude that there is a close functional connection between a person’s self-esteem and the level of aspirations. In works devoted to the study of the interaction between self-esteem and the level of aspirations, it is emphasized that personal development and the individual’s ability to self-regulate behavior and activity largely depend on their nature.

In the development and testing of a program of such correctional and developmental work and the analysis of the dynamics of the levels of self-esteem and level of aspirations of high school students after its implementation, prospects for further research on this problem are seen.

A comparative analysis of the results of a study of the lower and upper limits of early adolescence gives grounds to assert that in the process of growing up, the self-esteem of boys and girls becomes more adequate and differentiated. A study of the dynamic characteristics of the level of aspirations of adolescents revealed a gradual decrease with age in the number of schoolchildren with an inflated level of aspirations and an increase in the number of students with an adequate level of aspirations.

Correlation analysis of the results of the empirical study convincingly proved the existence of a close, statistically significant connection between the self-esteem of boys and girls and their level of aspirations, which confirms their functional connection.

The predominance of inadequate self-esteem and level of aspirations in a certain part of adolescents determines the need for special correctional and developmental work, which is based on the relationship of self-esteem, level of aspirations and the teenager’s readiness for personal and professional self-determination in order to activate the mechanisms of self-development of a growing personality.

Bibliography /References

  1. Bozhovich L.I. Problems of personality formation // Journal of practical psychologist. – 2008. – No. 5. – P. 44-65.
  2. Borozdina L.V. What is self-esteem? / L. V. Borozdina // Psychological Journal. – 1999. – T. 13. – No. 4. – pp. 99-101.
  3. Borozdina L.V. Theoretical and experimental study of self-esteem: abstract. dis. ... Dr. Psy. Sciences / L.V. Borozdina. – M., 1999
  4. Zakharova A.V. Structural-dynamic model of self-esteem / A.V. Zakharova // Questions of psychology. – 1989. – No. 1. – P. 5-15.
  5. Zinchenko V.P. Worlds of consciousness and structure of consciousness / V.P. Zinchenko // Questions of psychology. – 1991. – No. 2. – P. 15-34.
  6. Kokorenko V.L. Factors of the therapeutic environment in the educational space for children with mental disorders / V.L. Kokorenko // Medical psychology in Russia. – 2014. – No. 1 (24). – P. 6.
  7. Kon I. S. Psychology of adolescence / I. S. Kon // Problems of personality formation. – M.: Education, 1989. – P. 175.
  8. Kulakov G.S. Features of the formation of self-esteem and the level of aspirations of high school students as psychological determinants of their professional self-determination: abstract. dis. ...cand. psychol. Sciences: spec. 19.00.07 “Pedagogical and developmental psychology” / G. S. Kulakov. – Kyiv, Nat. honey. un-tet. M.P. Dragomanova, 2013. – P. 20.
  9. Mednikova G.I. Self-esteem and the level of personality aspirations as a dynamic system / G.I. Mednikova // General psychology, history of psychology. – 2002. – P. 22.
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List of references in English /References in English

  1. Bozhovich L.I. Problemy formirovanija lichnosti // Zhurnal prakticheskogo psihologa. – 2008. – No. 5. – P. 44-65.
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  5. Zinchenko V.P. Miry soznanija i struktura soznanija / V.P. Zinchenko // Questions psihologii. – 1991. – No. 2. – P. 15-34.
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  7. Kon I. S. Psihologija junosheskogo vozrasta / I. S. Kon // Problemy formirovanija lichnosti. – M.: Prosveshhenie, 1989. – P. 175.
  8. Kulakov G.S. ... of PhD in psychological sciences: spec. 19.00.07 “Educational and developmental psychology” / G. S. Kulakov. – Kiev, Nac. med. un-tet. M.P. Dragomanova, 2013. – P. 20.
  9. Mednikova G. I. Samoocenka i uroven’ pritjazanij lichnosti kak dinamicheskaja sistema / G. I. Mednikova // Obshhaja psihologija, istorija psihologii. –2002. – P. 22.
  10. Molchanova O.N. Problemy samoocenki individual’noj lichnosti / O.N. Molchanova // Mir psihologii. – 2011. – No. 1. – P. 82-95.

Adolescence is the most difficult and complex of all childhood ages, representing a period of personality development. At the same time, this is the most crucial period, since here the foundations of morality are formed, social attitudes and attitudes towards oneself, towards people, and towards society are formed. In addition, at this age, character traits and basic forms of interpersonal behavior stabilize. The main motivational lines of this age period, associated with an active desire for personal self-improvement, are self-knowledge, self-expression and self-affirmation. The main new feature that appears in the psychology of a teenager compared to a child of primary school age is a higher level of self-awareness. Self-awareness is the last and highest of all the restructurings that the psychology of an adolescent undergoes (L.S. Vygotsky).

Problems of adolescence were dealt with by D.I. Feldshtein, L.I. Bozhovich, V.S. Mukhina, L.S. Vygotsky, T.V. Dragunova, M. Kae, A. Freud. They characterize adolescence as transitional, complex, difficult, critical and is of utmost importance in the development of a person’s personality: the scope of activity expands, character changes qualitatively, the foundations of conscious behavior are laid, and moral ideas are formed.

One of the main points is that during adolescence, a person enters a qualitatively new social position, in which the consciousness and self-awareness of the individual is formed and actively develops. Gradually, there is a shift away from directly copying adults’ assessments, and there is an increasing reliance on internal criteria. The behavior of a teenager begins to be increasingly regulated by his self-esteem.

Self-esteem is a person’s assessment of his capabilities, qualities and place among people. It is an awareness of one’s own identity, regardless of changing environmental conditions, a manifestation of the individual’s self-awareness. Self-esteem significantly influences the effectiveness of activities and the formation of personality at all stages of development. The dependence of the character and productivity of all forms of external activity of the subject on his attitude towards himself has been repeatedly confirmed in psychology. Therefore, a person’s attitude towards himself is one of the fundamental properties of his personality.

The relevance of the problem of self-esteem and level of aspirations in adolescence is determined by the needs of a number of social institutions directly involved in the process of formation and education of members of society. Every year, family, school, and society place ever higher moral, ethical, socio-political, and ideological demands on the younger generation.

It is difficult to imagine the number of external and internal factors that influence a growing child and each time change the world of his experiences. Not all children control their thoughts, feelings and actions.

Therefore, during this difficult period for a teenager, support and understanding from adults is important. It is necessary to rebuild the relationship with him so that he can continue to develop harmoniously. These relationships must be built on the basis of the teenager’s personality, since it will make it possible to foresee how he will act in a given situation, it will help to establish the true reasons for certain characteristics, and will tell what can be expected from him in the future. As a result of such a study, adults can quite reasonably and correctly determine in which direction educational work should be carried out to further form the personality of each schoolchild, which aspects and traits of the student’s personality need to be strengthened, developed, and shaped. The main task of the teacher is to direct the activity of each teenager in the right direction, towards learning about other people, towards socially useful activities, towards self-development and self-education.

Thus, a correct analysis of the level of self-esteem in adolescent schoolchildren and its connection with the level of aspirations is an important diagnostic task.

Based on this, the task of my work was to identify the level of self-esteem in teenage schoolchildren, the influence of emotional character on self-esteem and the relationship between self-esteem and the level of aspirations.

This determined the relevance of my topic.

An object: of this study – self-esteem and level of aspirations.

Item: the relationship between self-esteem and the level of aspirations of adolescents

Purpose This work is to identify the relationship between self-esteem and the level of aspirations of adolescents


1) Carrying out an analysis of the literature on the problem under study.

2) Selection of diagnostic techniques;

3) Conducting a diagnostic study aimed at revealing self-esteem and level of aspirations;

4) Processing and interpretation of research results.

5) Identify the connection between self-esteem and the level of aspirations of a teenager.

Hypothesis: There is a relationship between self-esteem and the level of aspirations of adolescents: in adolescents whose self-esteem is aimed at themselves, the level of aspirations is also aimed at the motive of self-esteem and assessment of their potential. And vice versa, in adolescents whose self-esteem is aimed at business, the level of aspirations is accordingly directed towards the cognitive motive and the avoidance motive.

1.1 Psychological characteristics of adolescence:

The transition to adolescence is characterized by profound changes in the conditions affecting the child's personal development. They relate to the physiology of the body, the relationships that adolescents develop with adults and peers, the level of development of cognitive processes, intelligence and abilities. In all this, a transition from childhood to adulthood is outlined. The child’s body begins to quickly rebuild and transform into the body of an adult. At the present stage, the boundaries of adolescence approximately coincide with the education of children in middle school from 11–12 years old to 15–16 years old. But it should be noted that the main criterion for periods of life is not calendar age, but anatomical and physiological changes in the body. The center of the child’s physical and spiritual life moves from home to the outside world, moving into the environment of peers and adults. Relationships in peer groups are built on activities that are more serious than recreational games together, covering a wide range of activities, from working together on something to personal communication on vital topics. A teenager enters into all these new relationships with people already being an intellectually sufficiently developed person and having abilities that allow him to take a certain place in the system of relationships with peers.

A system of personal values ​​is being formed that determine the content of the teenager’s activities, the sphere of his communication, the selectivity of his attitude towards people, the assessments of these people and self-esteem. Older teenagers begin to become interested in different professions, they have professionally oriented dreams, i.e. the process of professional self-determination begins. However, this positive age trend is not typical for all adolescents. Many of them do not think seriously about their future profession even at a later age.

At the beginning of adolescence, the child develops and intensifies the desire to be like elders, children and adults, and such a desire becomes so strong that, forcing events, the teenager sometimes prematurely begins to consider himself an adult, demanding that he be treated accordingly as an adult. At the same time, he still does not meet the requirements of adulthood in everything. The feeling of adulthood is a central and specific new formation of this age (L.S. Vygotsky). All teenagers without exception strive to acquire the qualities of adulthood. Seeing manifestations of these qualities in older people, a teenager often uncritically imitates them. Teenagers’ own desire for adulthood is strengthened by the fact that adults themselves begin to treat teenagers no longer as children, but more seriously and demandingly.

The result of these processes is the teenager’s strengthening internal desire to quickly become an adult, which will create a completely new external and internal situation of personal psychological development. It requires and generates a change in the entire system of relationships between a teenager and the people around him and with himself.

During adolescence, the content and role of imitation in personality development change. Imitation becomes manageable and begins to serve the numerous needs of the child’s intellectual and personal self-improvement. A new stage in the development of this form of learning in adolescents begins with imitation of the external attributes of adulthood. For girls, this includes fashion in clothing, hairstyles, jewelry, cosmetics, special vocabulary, behavior, ways of relaxing, hobbies, etc. For teenage boys, the object of imitation often becomes the person who has willpower, endurance, courage, courage, endurance, and loyalty to friendship. In addition to adults, adolescents' role models can be their older peers. The tendency among adolescents to resemble them rather than adults increases with age.

During adolescence, the process of formation and development of the child’s self-awareness continues. Unlike previous age stages, he, just like imitation, changes his orientation and becomes a person focused on the consciousness of his personal characteristics. Improving self-awareness in adolescence is characterized by the child’s special attention to his own shortcomings. The desired image of “I” in adolescents consists of the merits of other people they value and leads to the use of volitional effort aimed at self-development.

In late adolescence, many boys begin to engage in self-development of the necessary volitional personality traits. For them, older comrades—young men and adult men—become role models for them. In companies with them, the teenager takes part in matters that require the manifestation of will.

A very common way among modern teenagers to develop strong-willed personality traits is to engage in sports that involve great physical activity and risk, those that require extraordinary strength and courage. The general logic of the development of all volitional qualities can be expressed as follows: from the ability to manage oneself, concentrate efforts, withstand and endure heavy loads to the ability to manage activities and achieve high results in them. According to this logic, methods for developing volitional qualities are replaced and improved. At first, the teenager simply admires them in other people and is jealous of those who have these qualities (10–11 years old). Then the teenager declares a desire to have such qualities in himself (11–12 years old) and, finally, begins to self-educate them (12–13 years old). The most active period of volitional self-education in adolescents is considered to be the age from 13 to 14 years.

During adolescence, significant processes occur related to the choice of a future profession, with the development of appropriate skills and abilities, and the necessary business qualities of an individual. Therefore, children of this age are characterized by increased cognitive and creative activity; they always strive to learn something new, learn something, and do everything truly, professionally, like adults. This encourages teenagers to go beyond the regular school curriculum in developing their knowledge, skills and abilities. The teenager satisfies the need for everything that is necessary for this himself, through self-education and self-service, often with the help of his friends who are passionate about the same business as he is. Many teenagers themselves try to master various professional skills, and the professionally oriented hobby of children of this age can take on the character of a real passion, when everything else fades into the background for the child and he devotes all his free time to his favorite activity.

The choice of a future profession contributes to the emergence of new motives for learning related to the expansion of knowledge, the formation of the necessary skills and abilities that allow one to engage in interesting work and independent creative work. The teaching is complemented by self-education, acquiring a deeper personal meaning. At this age, knowledge, abilities and skills become a criterion of value for a teenager of the people around him, as well as the basis for showing interest and imitating them. This becomes possible thanks to the manifestations of volitional effort.

During adolescence, all cognitive processes without exception reach a very high level of development.

It becomes possible to teach a teenager a wide variety of practical and mental activities.

The teenager begins to peer into himself, as if discovering his “I”, strives to know the strengths and weaknesses of his personality. He develops an interest in himself, in the qualities of his own personality, a need to compare himself with other people, a need for self-esteem. The ideas on the basis of which adolescents form self-esteem criteria are acquired in the course of a special activity - self-knowledge. The main form of self-knowledge of adolescents, according to L.M. Fridman and I.Yu. Kulagina, is comparing oneself with other people: adults, peers.

A teenager’s behavior is regulated by his self-esteem, and self-esteem is formed in the course of communication with people around him, and, above all, with his peers. Peer orientation is associated with the need to be accepted and recognized in a group, team, with the need to have a friend, in addition, with the perception of a peer as a model who is closer, clearer, and more accessible compared to an adult. Thus, the development of a teenager’s self-esteem is influenced by relationships with peers and the class team.

As a rule, the public assessment of the class team means more to a teenager than the opinion of teachers or parents, and he usually reacts very sensitively to the influence of the group of comrades. The acquired experience of collective relationships directly affects the development of his personality, which means presenting demands through the team is one of the ways to form a teenager’s personality.

At this age, good conditions are created for the formation of organizational abilities, efficiency, enterprise, and many other useful personal qualities associated with the manifestations of the emotional and volitional sphere. These personal qualities can develop in almost all areas of activity in which a teenager is involved and which can be organized on a group basis: learning, work, play.

Great opportunities for the accelerated development of the business qualities of teenage children are opened up by work activity when children participate in it on an equal basis with adults. This could be school work, participation in children's cooperatives, small school enterprises, etc. It is important that in all these cases children are given maximum independence, so that adults notice and support any manifestations of children’s initiative, efficiency, enterprise, and practical acumen.

Along with learning and work, play at this age still carries rich opportunities for the personal development of children. However, here we are no longer talking about entertainment games, but about business games, modeled on those in which adults learn the art of management. At this age, there is a clearly expressed need to correctly evaluate and use existing opportunities, to form and develop abilities, bringing them to the level at which they are found in adults. At this age, children become especially sensitive to the opinions of peers and adults; for the first time, they are faced with acute problems of a moral and ethical nature, associated, in particular, with intimate human relationships.

New criteria for assessing the personality and activities of other people are also being formed. This, on the one hand, creates the opportunity for a more accurate and correct assessment of people by comparing them with each other, and on the other hand, it gives rise to certain difficulties due to the inability of adolescents to correctly perceive an adult and give him a correct assessment.

At this age, positive changes occur in self-perception, in particular, self-esteem grows and self-esteem as an individual increases.

As adolescents grow older, initially global negative self-esteem becomes more differentiated, characterizing behavior in individual social situations, and then private actions.

Assessing the level of aspirations using the method of A.I. Lipkina

Let us turn to the results of a study of schoolchildren obtained using the methodology for determining the level of aspirations. Let us now try to establish whether one of the samples can surpass the other in terms of the level of claims

All subjects are numbered from 1 to 8 each class separately.

Assessing the level of aspirations using the method of A.I. Lipkina made it possible to clarify the level of aspirations found in prognostic or a priori self-esteem, in which a result that has not yet been obtained is assessed.

Our study proposed tasks for solving test tests on life safety.

From the results of the study it is clear (Table 1 and Table 2) that 8th grade students have a much higher level of aspirations than 9th grade students in terms of self-esteem and assessment of their potential.

Table 1. 8th grade

p/p 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 General Show.
1 Internal motive -3 4 4 1 1 3 0 2 1,5
2 Cognitive motive 5 4 6 4 4 5 5 3 4,5
3 Avoidance motive 5 4 -1 6 -2 3 4 0 2,375
4 Competitive motive 5 2 -2 7 6 4 5 7 4,25
5 Motive for changing activities 5 1 -1 -5 3 2 7 0 1,5
6 Self-esteem motive 7 7 2 2 4 6 7 5 5
7 Significance of the results -1 -6 -1 -4 -2 -5 0 2 -2,125
8 Difficulty of the task -2 -1 -2 1 2 -1 -1 0 -0,5
9 Volitional effort -1 -1 4 2 3 -1 3 1 1,25
10 Assessing the level of results achieved 0 1 5 2 1 3 1 6 2,375
11 Assessing your potential 1 9 6 4 7 5 3 5 5
12 Target level of mobilization of efforts 3 8 4 3 1 0 5 7 3,875
13 Expected level of results 0 4 2 1 -1 2 1 4 1,625
14 Pattern of results 0 3 7 5 3 1 0 5 3
15 Initiative 1 3 -1 1 3 4 5 1 2,125

Table 2. 9th grade

Motivational Structure Component 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 General Show.
1 Internal motive -7 7 7 8 7 3 0 6 3,875
2 Cognitive motive -1 6 7 8 4 6 7 5 5,25
3 Avoidance motive -1 7 3 8 6 8 4 2 4,625
4 Competitive motive -4 7 7 4 3 -1 1 0 2,125
5 Motive for changing activities 5 3 1 -7 1 2 5 0 1,25
6 Self-esteem motive -5 4 7 5 -2 4 4 1 2,25
7 Significance of the results 3 1 -7 -7 4 7 1 6 1
8 Difficulty of the task 1 -1 5 -4 -1 3 2 1 0,75
9 Volitional effort Determination of personality orientation

Using the methodology, the following areas are identified:

1. Self-orientation (I) – focus on direct reward and satisfaction regardless of work and employees, aggressiveness in achieving status, power, competitiveness, irritability, anxiety, introversion.

2. Orientation to communication (O) - the desire to maintain relationships with people under any conditions, an orientation towards joint activities, but often to the detriment of performing specific tasks or providing sincere help to people, an orientation towards social approval, dependence on the group, the need for affection and emotional relationships with people.

3. Focus on business (D) - interest in solving business problems, doing the job as best as possible, orientation towards business cooperation, the ability to defend one’s own opinion in the interests of the business, which is useful for achieving a common goal.

Class 9th grade
1 12 6 9 1 7 15 4
2 13 9 5 2 3 10 14
3 7 5 15 3 10 5 12
4 11 9 7 4 9 6 12
5 7 8 12 5 11 9 7
6 13 6 8 6 7 7 13
7 6 13 8 7 8 11 8
8 14 5 8 8 4 13 10
Average 10,375 7,625 9 Average 7,375 9,5 10

In the 8th grade, the highest number of points was Self-Orientation (I) - focus on direct reward and satisfaction regardless of work and employees, aggressiveness in achieving status, authority, a tendency to compete, irritability, anxiety, introversion. Which indicates inflated self-esteem. The 9th grade is focused on business, which indicates that they are interested in solving business problems, doing the job as best as possible and lowering their personal self-esteem.


The discovery of oneself as a uniquely individual personality is inextricably linked with the discovery of the social world in which this person will live. To understand the psychological mechanisms of interaction between the formation of a personality and its position in the group, it is necessary not only to have objective data about this position, but also to imagine the person’s internal position, i.e. to know how the person himself experiences his situation, how he relates to it. Thus, such an important personality property as self-esteem, formed in adolescence, develops in accordance with the internal properties of the individual and his sphere of socialization, mediating people’s attitude towards the individual and at the same time being a consequence of their attitude towards this individual.

Functioning and rotating in a small group, each person usually occupies a different position in the various systems of relationships characteristic of it. To more accurately characterize the place of each person in the system of internal relations, psychologists use the concepts of “position”, “status”, “internal attitude” and “role”. The concept of “sociometric status” was introduced by Ya. Moreno, understanding by it the position of a person in a social group, and distinguishing the system of interpersonal relations itself from the emotional, business and intellectual connections of members of this group. Status is a person’s position in the system of internal relations, which determines the degree of his authority in the eyes of other group members.

Mutual attraction or mutual repulsion may arise between group members; it is possible that a person is attractive to some and unpleasant to others; it may be attractive or unpleasant to some or indifferent to others; mutual indifference is also possible.

Summarizing the research, we can conclude that the stronger the emotional level of a teenager, the higher his self-esteem of himself and his abilities, and the higher the self-esteem, the higher the level of aspirations.

After analyzing the experimental and theoretical data, the following main conclusions can be drawn: In adolescents whose self-esteem is aimed at themselves, the level of aspirations is also aimed at the motive of self-esteem and assessment of their potential. And vice versa, in adolescents whose self-esteem is aimed at business, the level of aspirations is accordingly directed towards the cognitive motive and the avoidance motive. Which confirms my hypothesis of the relationship between self-esteem and the level of aspirations of adolescents.

Therefore, teachers and parents should pay special attention to the process of raising adolescents.

It is necessary to create the following conditions: organization of socially useful activities for adolescents, organization of interpersonal communication among adolescents, recognition from adults. It is also necessary to work with parents so that the education process takes place not only at school, but also at home.

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CHAPTER 1. Theoretical aspects of the study of the problem of the relationship between the level of aspirations and self-esteem in adolescents and their social position in the group

1.1 Level of aspiration and self-esteem as socio-psychological phenomena

1.2 Psychological aspects of the formation of self-esteem in adolescents

1.3 Correlation between self-esteem characteristics and level of aspirations

CHAPTER 2. Empirical study of the relationship between the level of aspirations and self-esteem in adolescents and their social position in the group

2.1 Methodology for studying the relationship between the level of aspirations and self-esteem in adolescents

2.2 Methodology for studying the relationship between the level of aspirations and self-esteem in adolescents and their social position in the group

2.3 Results of studying the relationship between the level of aspirations and self-esteem in adolescents and their social position in the group





Today, the problem of the relationship between the level of aspirations and self-esteem has become perhaps the most popular in psychology. A huge number of books and articles are dedicated to her. It is the problem of the relationship between the level of aspirations and self-esteem that is becoming increasingly relevant in our time. It is widely discussed in psychology, but many problems arise with the study of these phenomena. One of the problems is what the level of aspiration and self-esteem is.

Scientists such as K. Levin, J. Frank, F. Hoppe and others studied the level of aspirations. And the study of self-esteem was carried out by such scientists as W. James, K. Levin, A.V. Zakharova, G.K. Valickas and others.

Thus, the term “level of aspiration” was introduced in the school of the German psychologist K. Lewin. J. Frank understood it as the level of difficulty in a familiar task that an individual definitely undertakes to achieve, knowing the level of his previous performance in this task.

For E.A. The silver level of aspiration is the need for a certain self-esteem accepted and approved by a person.

F. Hoppe defined the level of aspirations as a model of the situation of choosing an action.

W. James identified two forms of self-esteem: self-satisfaction and dissatisfaction with oneself. He understood self-esteem as a complex formation, which is a derivative element of the development of self-awareness that is formed in ontogenesis (occurs at a certain stage).

K. Lewin's research recognizes the connection between self-evaluation and the level of aspirations.

According to A.V. Zakharova’s self-esteem is a projection of perceived qualities onto an internal standard, a comparison of one’s characteristics with value scales. On the other hand, self-esteem is pride, self-confidence, a positive or negative attitude towards oneself.

G.K. Valickas proposed a working definition of this construct: Self-esteem is a product of the subject’s reflection of information about himself in relation to certain values ​​and standards, existing in the unity of conscious and unconscious, affective and cognitive, general and private, real and demonstrable components.

Especially the level of aspirations and self-esteem play an important role in the formation of a teenager as a person and are associated with the formation of relationships with other people. How do they influence the social position of adolescents in the group? How are the level of aspirations and self-esteem interconnected?

We have to study these and other questions, and therefore the purpose of our research is to study the relationship between the level of aspirations and self-esteem in adolescents and their social position in the group.

1) Conduct a theoretical analysis of the literature on the problem of studying the relationship between the level of aspirations and self-esteem in adolescents.

2) Research methods for the level of aspirations and self-esteem in adolescents.

3) Correlate the level of aspirations with the level of self-esteem with the social status of the student in the class.

Object: Level of aspirations and self-esteem of adolescents.

Subject: The relationship between the level of aspirations and self-esteem and their social status.

Hypothesis: There is a relationship between the level of aspirations and self-esteem in adolescents, but the level of aspirations and self-esteem do not always depend on the social status of the student.

1) Method of theoretical analysis of literature.

2) Survey method (research of self-esteem using the Dembo-Rubinstein method modified by A.M. Prikhozhan).

3) Sociometry.

4) Methods of qualitative and quantitative data processing.

Structure of the work: The course work consists of an introduction, theoretical and practical chapters with conclusions. The main results of the study are reflected in the conclusion. The following is a list of sources used, an appendix.

CHAPTER 1. Theoretical aspects of the study of the relationship between the level of aspirations and self-esteem in adolescents and their social position in the group.

1.1 Level of aspirations and self-esteem as socio-psychological phenomena.

Level of aspiration

Currently, in domestic and foreign literature, more and more attention is paid to considering the problem of the level of aspirations, which has a significant impact on the formation of a person as an individual.

The term “level of aspiration” was introduced in the school of the German psychologist K. Lewin. The appearance of this phenomenon was associated with the experiments of T. Dembo. If the set goal was too difficult for the subject, then he set himself an easier task, closer to the original goal that the person wants to achieve in stages. This intermediate chain was called the level of claims.

There are many definitions of this phenomenon. Thus, J. Frank understood by it the level of difficulty in a sign task, which an individual definitely undertakes to achieve, knowing the previous level of his previous performance in this task.

For E.A. The silver level of aspiration is the need for a certain self-esteem accepted and approved by a person.

The level of aspirations is based on such an assessment of one’s capabilities, the preservation of which has become a necessity for a person. Accordingly, there is a more modern definition of this concept.

The level of aspiration is the desire to achieve goals of the degree of complexity that a person considers himself capable of.

The level of aspiration can be private when it is based on self-esteem in a relevant area, for example, achievements in sports or taking a certain place in family relationships.

But it can also be of a general nature, that is, it primarily relates to those areas in which his mental and moral qualities are manifested. It is based on a holistic assessment of oneself as an individual.

The level of aspirations is influenced by the dynamics of failures and successes along the path of life, the dynamics of success and failure in specific activities. The level of aspirations can be adequate (a person chooses goals that he can actually achieve) or inadequately inflated or underestimated.

A low level of aspirations, when a person chooses too simple, easy goals, is possible with low self-esteem, but also with high self-esteem.

An inflated level of aspirations, when a person sets too complex, unrealistic goals for himself, can lead to frequent failures, disappointment, and frustration.

The formation of the level of aspirations is determined by an assessment of past successes and failures. The formation of the level of aspirations is clearly visible in educational activities. Repeated failures, as a rule, lead to a decrease in the level of aspirations and a general decrease in the level of self-esteem.

There is a dependence of the level of aspirations on emotional stability and the strength of nervous processes. Lowering the level of aspirations is typical for those who are less emotionally stable.

The level of aspirations should be taken into account in the process of education, since its compliance with the student’s capabilities is one of the conditions for perfect personal development.

The study of the level of aspirations is of great importance in medical psychology, pedagogy and educational psychology, social psychology and management psychology and in other fields.

So, it was found that the level of aspiration has many meanings. One of the meanings is the desire to achieve goals of the degree of complexity that a person considers himself capable of. The level of claims can be both private and general. The level of aspirations is influenced by successes and failures along the path of life. The level of aspiration is closely related to self-esteem.

In accordance with this, it may be overestimated or underestimated, adequate or inadequate. Can be used in various fields of knowledge, for example, in pedagogy, social psychology and other fields of knowledge.


Self-esteem plays an important role in the development of a person’s personality, which implies an assessment of oneself, one’s activities, one’s position in the group and one’s attitude towards other members of the group. Self-esteem is associated with one of the central needs of a person - the need for self-affirmation, with a person’s desire to find his place in life, to establish himself as a member of society in his own eyes and in the eyes of others. It is adequate self-esteem that contributes to the internal consistency of the individual.

Understanding yourself, your relationships with others, and correctly assessing yourself is a very difficult task. That is why it is necessary to understand what self-esteem is and what impact it has on a person. Today, there are many definitions of this concept. Thus, W. James was one of the first researchers to study self-esteem. He identified two forms of self-esteem: self-satisfaction and self-dissatisfaction. By self-esteem he understood a complex formation that is a derivative element of the development of self-awareness, which is formed in ontogenesis (occurs at a certain stage).

G.K. Valickas proposed the following definition of self-esteem: Self-esteem is a product of the subject’s reflection of information about himself in relation to certain values ​​and standards, existing in the unity of conscious and unconscious, affective and cognitive, general and private, real and demonstrable components.