Make up

Odnoklassniki folk advice about treatment. folk tips and recipes

People's Councils

30 amazing tips for your irresistibility and health

1. To combat wrinkles, lubricate your face with honey.
2. It is useful to apply castor oil before going to bed.
3. For hair loss, rub burdock infusion into the scalp.
4. Lubricate your hands and elbows with the rest of the squeezed lemon.
5. If the skin on your hands is rough, rub starch into the rough areas.
6. A small amount of starch can be used as powder.
7. To dry oily hair, rub black tea into your scalp every day or every other day.
8. It is useful to exfoliate the body from coffee grounds, the required amount of which can be collected in a few days.
9. Freshly squeezed sea buckthorn juice is recommended as a mask for dry skin (1-1.5 tablespoons).
10. Hair will turn mahogany color if you add 3-4 tablespoons of cocoa to the henna package when dyeing.
11. For baldness, rub jojoba oil into the scalp every day.
12. Elderflower infusion whitens, softens and tones dry skin.
13. To moisturize dry and sensitive skin, apply jojoba oil mixed with a small amount of water to your face at night.
14. If your nails darken, regularly drink one tablespoon of cucumber pickle half an hour before meals.
15. To improve complexion, make masks from a mixture of honey and salt, which have a rejuvenating effect.
16. Lavender and tea tree essential oils are natural antiseptics that help fight acne.
17. In the morning and evening, wipe your face with tea brewed in mineral water with a lump of sugar. Suitable for any skin.
18. Regularly drinking mint tea gives your facial skin a fresh and rosy tint.
19. It is useful to lubricate eyebrows and eyelashes with castor oil or a mixture of castor oil and rum.
20. For deep cleansing of facial skin, use beaten egg yolk and lemon juice. Apply to face in layers.
21. To soften your hands, rub a mixture of equal parts vinegar and vegetable oil into them.
22. Before going to bed, lubricate your face and hands with a mixture of equal parts olive oil and lemon juice.
23. To cleanse your face, use a mixture of dry oatmeal with water and plain yogurt.
24. A mask made from grated apple and a small amount of honey helps with acne.
25. During pregnancy, lubricate your belly with cocoa butter to prevent stretch marks.
26. Dilute fresh Kalanchoe juice with water (1:3) and make lotions for allergies.
27. Iranian folk remedy for strengthening hair - a mask of colorless henna diluted with warm kefir.
28. To strengthen hair, rub boiled buckwheat.
29. For thin hair, make a mask from one beaten yolk and a tablespoon of vegetable oil.
30. In case of hair loss, an hour before washing, rub a mixture of equal amounts of castor oil and rum into the scalp.

An effective way to combat hair loss at home

So, you will need:

1 ampoule of vitamin B6;
1 ampoule of vitamin B12;
1g. vitamin C (sold in bags);
2 tbsp. l. castor or burdock oil;
2 tbsp. l. honey (heat in a water bath);
2 tbsp. l. any hair balm.

Mix everything. Apply to hair 1 hour before washing, first to the roots, and then distribute evenly over the entire length. We put a cap on the head and wrap it with a towel (we achieve the “sauna” effect).

This mask washes off very well, the oil is easily washed out due to the fact that it contains a balm.

Give it a try. Let your hair be healthy and beautiful!

Coffee decoction for shine on dark hair. Brew 3 teaspoons of ground coffee in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cool slightly. Rinse your hair after washing with a warm, unsweetened decoction.

Birch leaf decoction strengthens hair and gives it shine. To prepare the product, brew two tablespoons of finely chopped leaves in one glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain. Rinse your hair with the resulting decoction after washing 2-3 times a week.

Apple peel decoction Gives hair a luxurious shine and silkiness thanks to the content of natural wax. Bring the peels of 3-4 apples to a boil in 1 liter of water, cool. Rinse your hair every time after washing.

Cold and hot shower . This method is used by Indian beauties to maintain the shine and thickness of their hair. It is known that when washing your hair in warm or hot water, the hair follicles relax and if handled or combed carelessly, the hair easily falls out. Therefore, if after washing you hold your head under running cold water, the hair roots will become stronger, the hair scales will close along the entire length, this will give your hair a glossy shine and also accelerate its growth.

Lemon juice - the most ancient remedy for giving hair softness and shine. To prepare a lemon rinse, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to 1 liter of boiled water.

Parsley contains useful components for shine and strengthening of hair. To rinse hair after washing, prepare the following decoction: 50 g parsley, pour 0.5 liters of water, boil for 15 minutes, cool, strain.

Burdock (burdock) - a universal remedy for rapid growth, shine and strengthening of hair. The decoction can be prepared in the following way: chop the leaves and roots of the plant, boil and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse your hair after washing in the broth for 5-10 minutes.

Tea brewing . Boil 2 tablespoons of tea leaves in one liter of water for 5 minutes. Strain and rinse your hair.

Nettle decoction . Thanks to its rich content of vitamins and microelements, nettle adds shine to hair, prevents hair loss and eliminates dandruff. There are several ways to prepare the tincture.

  1. Squeeze the juice from fresh nettles and dilute it with water. Rinse your hair after washing, and also rub the product into the hair roots;
  2. Prepare a decoction of dry or fresh nettle leaves to rinse your hair.

Rinsing your hair with sage infusion will add shine to dark hair.

Chamomile decoction for golden shine in hair. Apply one glass of chilled infusion to washed hair, hold for 30 minutes, insulating your head with a cap. It is better to rinse with acidified water. Chamomile will moisturize dry hair, smooth out the structure, and accelerate growth.

Coffee mask. Natural coffee will add shine to dark hair. Brew ground coffee (2 tablespoons per glass of boiling water, strain). When warm, apply the decoction to washed, damp hair for 30 minutes, put on a cap for warmth. Wash your hair with mild shampoo.

Carrot and beet juice . The mask will add natural shine to red-haired beauties. Mix beet and carrot juice in equal parts and apply to hair. Put on a warming cap and warm up your head a little. Then hold the mask for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Egg mask for shine. Take 4 tablespoons of rum or cognac and 1 egg, beat until smooth, rub it thoroughly into your hair, wrap your head in a warm towel. After 20-25 minutes, rinse your hair with warm water. They will acquire a natural shine.

Express shine mask: mix 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of castor oil, 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Whisk the ingredients and rub into the scalp. Cover your head with a warm towel, leave for an hour, then wash off. An important condition for the effect of this mask is warmth. Hair becomes thick, shiny, silky and easier to style.

Honey mask. You can smooth out the hair structure and add shine using the following mask: mix in equal parts: honey, olive oil, shampoo, onion juice. Apply to hair roots for 20-30 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo, add vinegar to the rinse water. Use the mask once a month. In addition to adding shine, this mask can be used to treat hair and restore its structure.

Aloe juice mask promotes shine and hair growth, and also heals the scalp, moisturizes and relieves irritation. Rub the juice into the roots hair once or twice a week.

Mayonnaise will help give natural shine to your hair. Due to its protein content, mayonnaise masks can be used to treat dry, damaged hair. To enhance the effect, we recommend adding a crushed clove of garlic to the mayonnaise (perhaps not everyone would risk applying garlic to their hair, but when it’s worth sacrificing comfort for the sake of beauty, the result is worth it!). Apply the mask to clean hair for 30 minutes, cover your head with a cellophane cap, then rinse with shampoo.

Vitamin wrap . Mask composition: vitamin D2 in oil 10 ml, a teaspoon of castor oil, 1 egg yolk, a tablespoon each: lemon juice, honey, onion juice. Mix the ingredients and heat in a water bath. Before applying to hair, add 1 tablespoon of cognac to the mask. Wrap your head and leave the mask on for one to several hours, rinse with a mild shampoo.

Oil baths. Warm one tablespoon of any vegetable oil a little and apply to your hair. Wrap your head in film or put on a special cap and leave for several hours. Wash off with shampoo. The oil effectively restores the hair structure, smoothes it, nourishes the scalp with vitamins, and stimulates growth. The most useful oils for hair are almond, peach, and castor.


If you have insomnia
The best treatment for insomnia is a diet of raw fruits, raw vegetables and fresh juices; Eat onions before bed - they help you fall asleep soundly.
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If you have a headache
If you are overtired, you can recommend taking a warm bath or at least immersing your feet up to your ankles in hot water for 10-15 minutes.
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If your throat hurts
If a person often suffers from a sore throat, then the following composition should always be ready. Fill half a bottle or jar with finely chopped aloe leaves and fill to the top with sugar. Leave in a dark place for 3 days, then add vodka and leave for another 3 days. Strain. Take the resulting liqueur 1 tablespoon several times a day. Keep the container with liqueur in the refrigerator.

If your teeth are bothering you
Place a plantain root in the ear, on the side of the cheek where the tooth hurts, and hold until the pain disappears. It usually goes away within half an hour.

If you have the flu
An effective remedy is lingonberry juice with honey. Half a glass of juice is mixed with honey and consumed a tablespoon three times a day.

If you have a runny nose
Boil two or three potatoes in their skins, mash with a fork, wrap in a cotton bag and, placing on the bridge of the nose, warm the nose for 20 minutes. You can simply breathe in the same jacket-boiled potatoes in a napkin.
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If you are constipated
As a laxative, drink 4 glasses of cucumber pickle per day, and the cucumbers should be kept in salt water for at least 1 month without spices and seasonings.
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When coughing
The problem can be aggravated by consumption of cold, fried foods. Instead, eat vegetables like cucumber, carrots, cabbage, spinach, guava and tomato. It is very useful in treating cough and also increases the immunity of the body.
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For rheumatism
Pour 20 g of spreading quinoa herb with a glass of boiling water. Drink a glass 3 times a day. Use as a tonic for rheumatism.
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For allergies
Infusion of chamomile inflorescences for the treatment of allergies: pour 1 tablespoon of inflorescences with a glass of boiling water, steam for 20-30 minutes, traditional medicine recommends taking this infusion 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.
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For hypertension
Brew a tablespoon of dried blood-red hawthorn fruits with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a warm place (in the oven, on the stove). Strain. Take the infusion 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals for hypertension.
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For tuberculosis
Pour 2 cups of boiled milk (or water) into 1 tablespoon of pine buds (male inflorescences only), add 1 tablespoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of butter, 2 raw eggs and mix everything thoroughly. Take the entire composition 3 times a day.
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For chronic gastritis
Eat 1 teaspoon of grated horseradish with sugar or honey 15 minutes before meals. Fresh horseradish juice increases the secretion of gastric juice.
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For kidney disease
A decoction of rosehip seeds actively promotes the removal of stones from the kidneys and bladder. Take 1 tsp. crushed rosehip seeds, pour 1 cup of boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Then leave for 2 hours, strain and drink a quarter glass 3 times a day before meals.
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For burns
An old Russian recipe for blisters and burn wounds: boil 2 parts vegetable oil and 1 part pure wax. Cool and lubricate a soft cloth with this mixture, apply to the burn site and bandage it.
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For lower back pain
Mix pine turpentine with Vaseline. Rub the resulting ointment onto the painful area.
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For radiculitis
For radiculitis, rheumatism, pleurisy, neuritis and colds, mustard plasters and mustard baths help: stir 200-400 grams of mustard powder in a bowl and pour into a full bath. The duration of the bath is 15 minutes, the temperature is up to 39°C for women and up to 43°C for men. If you have a weak heart, you can stay in a mustard bath for no more than 3-5 minutes at a temperature of 38-39°C.
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If you have prostatitis
Tincture from aspen bark (100 g of aspen bark is poured with 200 g of vodka). Infuse the solution for two weeks, then strain and take 20 drops twice a day, diluting with water.
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Skin diseases
Peel the ripe persimmon fruit, mash it with a fork, add a tablespoon of sour cream and olive or almond oil. Mix thoroughly. Apply to face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
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Dandelion root infusion. Pour 2 teaspoons of crushed dandelion root into 1 glass of cold boiled water and leave for 8 hours. Take the resulting infusion 1/4 cup 4 times a day before meals.
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Swelling. How to get rid of swelling
A mixture of three lemons with peel and 125 grams of horseradish, minced through a meat grinder. The mixture is taken in the morning and evening, a teaspoon 10-15 minutes before meals (with honey possible) for 2-3 weeks.
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Stomach ulcer
The most chronic stomach diseases are cured by sauerkraut brine. To do this, mix 1 tbsp. l. brine with 6-8 tablespoons of water and take 1 tbsp every hour. l. For external use, gastric patients are recommended to apply a compress on the stomach for 1.5 hours from a sheet folded 2-4 times, soaked in a decoction of hay dust, horsetail and pine branches.

For atherosclerosis with headaches, pour 1 tablespoon of crushed dill seeds with 1 glass of boiling water. Take 1 - 2 tablespoons 4 times a day.
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Usually, heartburn is eliminated by taking alkaline mineral water, 0.5-1 teaspoon of baking soda per 0.5 cup of boiled water, burnt magnesia. It is also recommended to drink potato juice (for high acidity) 0.5 cups 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals, chamomile juice 2 tablespoons 2 times a day 1 hour after meals.
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Fungus on feet
An old but true remedy using tar soap and salt. The scheme is very simple: the affected area is thoroughly soaped and then “rolled” in salt, after which it is urgently bandaged. The bandage should be worn for about 6-7 days. Afterwards, the nails are well treated with soapy water and blotted with a paper towel.

OATS - ELIXIR OF LIFE The famous French doctor Catherine remained young, energetic and cheerful until she was 120 years old. The elixir of life is this doctor’s recipe! According to the doctor himself, the whole secret of his longevity is that he drank the so-called “elixir of life” 3 times a year - in spring, summer and autumn - for two weeks. It is prepared like this: thoroughly wash 400 g of oats, pour in 6 liters of boiling water and cook until three liters of liquid remains. Then the decoction is filtered through a cotton cloth, 100 g of natural honey is added, tightly closed with a lid, allowed to boil again, cooled, poured into clean bottles, closed tightly and put in the refrigerator. Before drinking, squeeze lemon juice into a glass (to taste). Drink 100 g of the decoction half an hour before meals in very small sips, this is important! Oatmeal broth perfectly cleanses the body, promotes weight loss and rejuvenation, and saturates it with valuable nutrients and vitamins. You can also simply drink oats as tea: 1 tbsp. spoon of oats in 2 glasses of water, simmer for about an hour over low heat, covered. One of the best recipes for recovery. - One glass of oat grains (in extreme cases, “Hercules”) for five glasses of water, boil by half, until the thickness of liquid jelly. - Strain and pour an equal amount of milk into the broth (about two glasses), boil again. - Add 4 teaspoons of honey (to taste) to the liquid thus obtained and boil again. - The resulting pleasant drink should be consumed not cooled or heated throughout the day in two or three doses. This drink will bring the dying man back to his feet!


Classes 15

Healthy ice cream The recipe is very simple, and the ice cream is incredibly tasty. And it costs pennies! 1. Take a few bananas. Peel them and put them in the freezer (overnight or half a day) 2. Take them out of the freezer, divide them into three parts and put them in a blender. 3. Add any fruit or berries you like (Mango, strawberries, raspberries...etc.). I put two small sweet plums and 1 banana. 4. Shake and place in a glass. It turned out exactly the same - creamy ice cream that we once ate as children!


Classes 5

Products containing estrogen - the hormone of female youth. A woman always wants to look attractive and be beautiful. But beauty comes from the inside and this is, first of all, health. And women’s health is greatly influenced by hormonal levels – the content of hormones in the body. One group of these female hormones is called “estrogens.” In principle, they are also present in the male body, but in much smaller quantities and affect the appearance and health of a man only in a situation of their obvious excess. The main effect of estrogens is aimed at ensuring the reproductive function of women. Estrogen is a word that consists of two parts: “oistros” - irrepressible desire, passion; "genes" – calling. Or another more literal translation – liveliness (brightness) + gender. If I can say so, it is a hormone of sexuality. And it is precisely rounded shapes, breasts and even women’s “giggling” that, from the point of view of doctors, are ensured by these hormones. Therefore, naturally, estrogen deficiency manifests itself in: - depression and sudden mood swings; - weight gain; - tides; - fast fatiguability; - low self-esteem and inattention to one’s appearance; - decreased sexual desire and sensitivity. That is why it is also called the hormone of youth. As long as a woman feels feminine and attractive, age does not matter. But simply based on these signs it is impossible to diagnose yourself with a reduced amount of estrogen. Both depression and fatigue can be the result of a host of other diseases. Hormonal levels can only be determined by taking tests. And it is doctors who, after tests, prescribe replacement or therapeutic hormone therapy. But it has already been confirmed and proven by everyone that artificial hormones act much harsher and stronger than phytoestrogens - plant hormones. The main problem of hormone therapy is that with prolonged intake of artificial hormones into the body, a woman’s own body actually stops producing them (even though they were so in short supply). And it is no longer possible to restore this process afterwards. Phytoestrogens act much more gently and not so aggressively. Therefore, if you find yourself with low estrogen levels, it is better to maintain their level by consuming foods and herbs that contain plant hormones. By the way, this is also a good way to level out hormonal levels after childbirth, when a sharp drop in the amount of estrogen produced leads to postpartum depression and severe hair loss. There are 3 types of plant hormones with estrogenic activity: isoflavonoids, lignans and coumestans. Estrogens in food: - flax seeds. This is product No. 1 in terms of the amount of plant hormones (a group of lignans with estrogenic activity). In addition to the hormonal effect, flax seed has many other beneficial properties for the female body (antitumor, body cleansing, antioxidant properties...). Ground flax seed is used with a large amount of liquid (like bran). It is added to porridge or eaten with honey. Therapeutic (maximum) dose is 2 tablespoons per day. The plant hormone lignan is also found in sesame and sunflower seeds. - legumes (green peas, beans, chickpeas) and primarily soybeans, as they contain isoflavonoids - a type of phytoestrogens. But doctors are increasingly saying that large amounts of soy are not good for the body. Moreover, according to the latest data, 90% of soybeans are genetically modified. And therefore, I especially want to highlight and add a type of leguminous crop - lentils. This is simply a unique product for women: lentils contain the maximum amount of protein for a plant product; cooks for only 15-20 minutes; Lentils also contain tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin, which relieves depression. bran. - coffee. A study that was conducted with women who drank up to 500 ml of coffee per day showed that in 90% of those examined, estrogen levels were increased by 70%. Please pay attention to this, because... It is the increased level of estrogen that prevents women from losing excess weight in the lower abdomen and hips. Therefore, for coffee lovers who want to lose weight, quit drinking coffee; apricots are your number one task. Of all fruits, it has the highest content of the hormone lignan. Can be eaten fresh or dried (dried apricots). By the way, among the famous Hunza people, who are famous for their health and longevity, apricots are the main food throughout the year. This plant hormone is also found in products of animal origin, but at the moment all doctors clearly agree that it is undesirable to use them to increase hormone levels. This is due to the fact that all modern meat and milk comes with added hormones and contains various chemicals that promote the rapid growth of animals. Estrogens are also present in the following herbs: - sage; - hops; - ginseng root; - arnica; - chamomile; - Linden; - liquorice root.

Comments 2

Classes 6

Are cotton swabs dangerous for your ears? Most people use cosmetic sticks to remove wax from their ears, to “clean” them. However, in reality, by doing this they not only do not achieve any better results compared to washing their ears every day, but also create conditions for the development of many diseases. What is this connected with? Using cotton swabs to “clean” the external auditory canals, the patient not only removes wax from the areas adjacent to the eardrum, but also “clogs” it there, creating wax plugs for himself. Earwax, secreted by the glandular cells of the skin of the external auditory canal, has a protective function. It has antimicrobial and antifungal effects and is a natural mechanism for removing dust and foreign bodies from the external passage. The skin of the external auditory canal is extremely thin and delicate. The use of even such a seemingly delicate instrument as cotton swabs leads to the formation of scratches and abrasions on the skin. As a result of points 2 and 3, the patient independently creates very powerful preconditions for the colonization of the skin with microbes, and, first of all (including due to the widespread and uncontrolled use of antibiotics), fungi. It should also be taken into account that in the external auditory canal, especially in its deep parts, even under normal conditions, conditions are extremely favorable for the development of fungi and microbes: warm, dark and humid. Thus, “cleanliness lovers” very often develop external otitis, both fungal (otherwise known as otomycosis) and microbial, and sulfur plugs form. And in those who are especially diligent, an injury to the eardrum may occur. _________________________________________ It’s not for nothing that ENT doctors have a joke: it’s not without reason that nature has made it so that you can put a finger in your nose, but not in your ear. And, as you know, in every joke there is only a grain of joke. _________________________________________ Many people who care about the aesthetic side of the issue will probably angrily object, saying, how can we walk around with dirty ears now?! Of course not. Their doubts will be dispelled by the fact that, due to the anatomical structure, only the outer parts of the external auditory canal are accessible to visual inspection, especially at a distance (and rarely does anyone, except an ENT doctor, look very carefully into your ears) with the tip of your little finger during normal showering. If symptoms of hearing loss, ear congestion, or tinnitus appear, there is no need to wait for complications to develop; consult an ENT doctor.