Useful tips

Very dry porous hair. How to care for porous hair

Due to frequent drying of hair with hot air, the use of incorrect care products, as well as exposure to unfavorable weather conditions, curls lose a lot of moisture, which causes their internal structure to change. Dry and brittle strands need additional nutrition, for which masks for porous hair, as well as other homemade products, will be indispensable. cosmetical tools.

Porous hair is very dry, fluffy, difficult to style and quickly absorbs all pollutants.

Healthy curls have a smooth appearance, bright color and rich shine; porous hair, on the contrary, becomes dull and lifeless, feels hard and brittle to the touch.

Porosity manifests itself in the literal sense of the word; such hair has open pores, through which any components are absorbed from the outside. This could be street dust, excess moisture, aromatic pollen, or residues of cosmetic products. All this leads to significant changes in internal composition curls, which is why all these negative features appear.

Important advice from the editors!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands There are substances that poison our body. The chemicals in these shampoos destroy the structure of your hair. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into your organs and can cause cancer. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store

Important advice from the editors!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Problem strands are difficult to style; they are very difficult to manage, since they curl from the slightest change in humidity, do not hold their shape in the wind, and even when using basic care products - caring balms and sprays - they remain dull and dry.

As for dyeing, it is very difficult to achieve a uniform tone on dry hair, since the open scales do not allow the hair to be dyed with the same intensity along its entire length. In addition, even the highest quality dye does not last long on porous hair and will begin to wash off after 1-2 weeks (if not earlier).

Often, porous hair is a consequence of the abuse of thermal devices: tongs, hair dryers, curling irons, hot rollers.

Usually, hair porosity is an acquired quality; it is rare that hair has such a structure from birth. The main factors for changing the internal structure of the strands are:

  • frequent drying with hot air– constant use of a hair dryer or curling iron in the process of hair care dries out the strands;
  • hard water – washing your hair in unfiltered water causes the hair scales to rise, causing the structure to become porous;
  • incorrectly selected cosmetics– using products for oily strands on dry hair will only aggravate the situation, drying out the curls even more;
  • improper care– inaccurate use of combs and hair brushes is fraught with damage to the upper protective layer of hairs, which is why the porosity effect appears;
  • regular coloring– even using high-quality dyes, you can cause considerable harm to your curls, since dyes draw moisture from the inside and damage the top protective layer of the hairstyle;
  • uncomfortable weather conditions– a long stay outside with your head uncovered under the scorching sun, in strong winds or frosty air greatly damages your hair.

The main rule for owners of porous hair is to constantly moisturize it; biolamination can also be useful

To get rid of porous hair, you must adhere to a comprehensive treatment, and in each specific case you will need to use different means and techniques.

  • First of all, you should temporarily stop using harmful devices that dry out your strands - hair dryers, straightening irons, etc. You should also replace all care products with a medicinal series of cosmetics made from natural ingredients.
  • Secondly, treatment can begin only after consultation with a cosmetologist or an experienced hairdresser; in complex advanced cases, an examination by a trichologist will be required.
  • Thirdly, during treatment it is recommended to adhere to a special diet or at least limit consumption harmful products. It's important to drink a lot clean water, at least 2 liters per day - this will help replenish the lack of moisture in the body.
  • Fourthly, after completing the treatment, you should not stop making restorative masks; their regular use as a preventive measure will prevent recurrence of damage to the hair structure.

For soon and effective recovery dry strands there are a number of hairdressing treatment procedures that allow you to achieve good results in a short time, however, all these sessions have a considerable cost, so they are not available to everyone. Another thing is treatment with home recipes, which involve the use natural ingredients and easy to prepare. The simplest and most effective of them:

  • oil mask - prepared from 2 chicken yolks, 3-4 drops of burdock oil, 0.1 liters of kefir and, if desired, a tablespoon of melted honey. The mask can be made with or without honey. The mixture is applied to the hair along the entire length for 45-60 minutes, after which it is washed off with mild shampoo;
  • home lamination– it’s easier, of course, to do this procedure in a salon, but to save money, you can perform a mask similar to it at home. To do this, you need to pour 3 tablespoons of gelatin with hot water, let the composition swell, and after 10-15 minutes mix it with regular hair balm. The mixture is applied to the hair along the entire length for half an hour, after which it is washed off with plain water and dried in the usual way;
  • mask with shampoo– you need to mix 20 g of unrefined vegetable oil and castor oil with 10 g of shampoo. The mixture is applied to the strands with a cotton swab, after which the hair should be carefully combed in different directions for 5-10 minutes. Finally, the head should be rinsed with warm water without using additional care products;
  • herbal rinses– instead of care products after washing your hair, use herbal rinses; you can make them from chamomile, burdock, sage, plantain, and hops. Solutions of lemon or apple water work well for dry hair - use a spoonful per liter of water apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

What kind of home remedies you will use is up to you, the main thing is to adhere to the proportions and use the resulting cosmetics for hair care as often as possible.

Cutting your hair with hot scissors is a very effective measure if your hair is not only dry and porous, but also constantly splits

To give porosity to dry hair vitality and attractive appearance, you can try changing your hairstyle. The solution to this situation is cascading haircuts - they remove excess thickness due to fluffy hair scales, making hair styling easier.

If you cut your hair long curls I absolutely don’t want to, during the treatment you can make braids or twist your hair with a tourniquet. In this case, it is important not to squeeze the strands too hard, since already weak and brittle hair will receive additional damage.

The best option for dry hair is cutting with hot scissors; this hairdressing service allows you to simultaneously change the length of the curls, even out damaged areas and solder split ends, preventing further deformation of the hairs. It is recommended to moisten the sealed ends for the first time after circumcision, since if there is insufficient moisture they can open again. Care products such as aromatic oils, moisturizing sprays and mild serums are used as emollients.

In principle, any type of styling can be used for porous hair, the main thing is to minimize contact with heating devices and not use too tight hoops and hair clips.

The definition of “porous hair” can be taken literally. When exposed to various aggressive factors, the hair scales “raise”, resulting in the formation of pores.

Those with porous hair should minimize hot curling, blow-drying, dyeing with aggressive dyes, and frequent styling.

Open pores can absorb dust, dirt and various harmful substances. Such components penetrate into the very depths of the hair structure, which is why it fades, dulls, loses its shine and well-groomed appearance. Healthy hair should be elastic, bouncy, smooth, and have a beautiful shine. Porous ones look expressionless and lifeless.

An unbalanced diet, in which the body experiences a protein deficiency, can provoke the formation of peculiar “holes” in the hair. Washing your hair with hard water can also be a cause.

Care for porous hair

Proper and careful care porous hair simply necessary. First of all, they require treatment. Try to avoid frequent blow-drying, curling and straightening, as exposure to hot surfaces and hot air will increase the problem, leading to excessive dryness and brittleness.

Masks made from whey will also be effective for treating porous hair.

Various balms and conditioners are suitable for treatment. They will nourish porous hair useful substances, will make its surface smoother and more elastic. If possible, use professional restorative products.

Cutting porous hair

If the hair is severely and deeply damaged and depleted by drying, curling and other procedures, you have to cut it to give it a neat look. Of course, it’s a pity to cut long strands, but it’s worth it, since from the root they will grow strong and healthy. If the owner of such hair does not want to cut it off much, you can only shorten the strands a little. In these cases, stepped haircuts are suitable, reducing excess volume and density of hair and making it easier to care for.

There is a method of cutting with hot scissors, which can be very useful for the owner of porous hair. Under the influence of different unfavorable factors The ends of the hair split and have to be cut off. A hot haircut “seals” such ends, making them oval, as they should be by nature. In addition, you can use the service

The top layer of healthy hair consists of many keratin scales closely adjacent to each other. Hair whose protective layer is damaged—delamination of scales is observed—is called “porous.” The problem of porous hair arises due to the simplest everyday situations, but is quite easily solved.

Porous hair: reasons

1. Regular heat styling.

2. Regular coloring.

3. Using low-quality combs and brushes. For example, metal combs practically “tear off” the top layer of hair.

4. Wrong choice of care products (shampoo for oily hair used for dry, etc.).

5. Hard water (poorly filtered, hard water provokes the detachment of keratin scales).

6. Weather (strong wind, direct sunlight, frost).

Porous hair: symptoms

1. Dull color.

2. Hair that is hard to the touch.

3. Split ends, fragility.

4. After regular blow-drying, the hair becomes very frizzy.

5. Problematic styling, the shape of the hairstyle (haircut) does not hold well.

6. Problematic coloring (it is impossible to obtain a uniform shade along the entire length of the hair).

7. The color of the paint is quickly washed out (the effect after painting is lost after one or maximum two weeks).

Porous hair: what to do

Daily care

1. Refusal of heat styling during hair treatment will bring you closer to the desired result faster.

pharmacy. So you definitely won’t make a mistake - all cosmetics approved for sale in pharmacies have been clinically tested for quality and naturalness.

3. Avoid diets with an unbalanced diet. Hair needs B vitamins and vitamin A is required (all these are “hair growth” vitamins), as well as E and C, which improve blood circulation in the head.

4. Fight dry hair from the inside - drink water.

“If you have porous hair, drinking two liters of clean water a day is a must.”

Going to the salon

1. Try the “hot scissors” procedure.

2. A cascading haircut with thinning will save you from frizzy, hard ends.

3. If the problem of porous hair has not become critical, try the hair lamination procedure immediately after cutting the ends.

Homemade hair masks

1. Yolk mask. Ingredients: two yolks, 100 ml of kefir, three drops of burdock oil. An additional ingredient can be liquid honey in the amount of one tbsp. spoons. When all the ingredients are well mixed, the mask is applied over the entire length of the hair and left for 45 minutes (maximum - an hour). It is advisable to wash off such a mask with a mild shampoo.

2. Homemade mouthwash. You can take apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. Proportion: for 1 liter of warm water, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. The rinse is used after shampoo and conditioner. You literally need to rinse your hair in it for a couple of minutes (to do this, take a basin and a ladle). The maximum that can be done after using the rinse is to rinse your hair with cool water. You need to use the rinse aid once a week (maximum twice).

3. Lamination. This mask is an affordable alternative to hair lamination in the salon. You will need all three tablespoons of gelatin, which must be poured with warm water in the amount of nine tablespoons and left for about 20 minutes. After which the swollen gelatin must be mixed with hair balm. The mask is applied along the entire length, but with a 1 cm indentation from the roots. After half an hour, wash off with plain water.

To enhance the lamination effect, you can heat the mask on your hair for 5-10 minutes using a hairdryer (only in this case you will need to put a plastic cap on your head or wrap your hair with cling film).

If after a comprehensive home care For porous hair, the problem remains unresolved, you need to consult a trichologist.

Healthy hair is characterized by an attractive appearance, expressed in rich shine, radiant natural color and natural elasticity. Those who have excessively dry, porous hair are much less fortunate. What it is, and what effective measures of assistance exist for this problem - this article talks about it.

Porous hair structure

The definition of “porous hair” refers to negative changes in the normal smooth texture of each of them and the appearance of large quantity raised scales. Enlarged healthy hair resembles a tiled covering on the roof of a house, having elements tightly adjacent to the base, while porous ones are more like an open pine cone, covered with protruding elements.

Let's name the factors that directly affect the hair and contribute to an increase in its porosity:

  • a congenital feature of the hair structure - which is extremely rare;
  • thermal procedures - constant exposure to too hot a stream of air from a hair dryer or curling with a curling iron contributes to overdrying;
  • hair dyeing - the use of the highest quality dyes does not guarantee the safety of the hair due to the extraction of valuable moisture and damage to the protective layer;
  • poor-quality water - increased hardness of unfiltered tap water promotes peeling of tightly fitting scales of each hair, which causes an increase in porosity;
  • aggressive external factors- these include unfavorable weather conditions; unprotected hair is negatively affected by intense solar activity, gusty winds and severe frost;
  • harmful cosmetics - there may be an incorrect selection of drugs, for example, the use of products intended for oily hair for dry hair;
  • careless handling - over time it spoils the hair, we are talking about careless combing, causing damage to the top layer and raising the scales.
Porous hair: can be brought into the best condition by proper care, implying thorough strengthening, constant hydration and intensive nutrition

Restoration of porous hair

So, we understand the concept of porous hair. What it is and what causes of this trouble may exist are discussed in detail above. It remains to highlight the most effective and fast-acting methods of care to restore hair health and significantly improve its appearance. Here is a set of measures, the use of which allows you to improve your hair health.

Well-thought-out power system

It is necessary to observe the correct drinking regime, do not overeat or starve, eat enough vegetables, nuts, fruits, fish, meat, cereals and others. healthy products; give preference to steamed, stewed or baked dishes, refuse junk food and periodically take courses of vitamin preparations under the supervision of a doctor.

Attention to the scalp

Strengthening measures for the roots should be carried out twice a year using special cosmetic preparations, such as tonics, serums and other products designed to reduce hair loss. Exfoliate the scalp using salt once a week. This procedure is aimed at high-quality cleansing skin, improving nutrition and breathing of each follicle. It is permissible to wash your hair twice a month using an alkaline deep-penetrating cleansing shampoo; this will completely remove dirt particles, cosmetic residues and silicone - you will definitely notice an increase in the effectiveness of treatment masks after such care.

For regular use, neutral shampoos designed to care for hair damaged in any way are more suitable. In order to smooth out the scales, when washing, you need to pay more attention to the effect on the scalp and root zone, rather than lathering the bulk of the hair, in the process of rinsing with water detergents the entire length is already in contact with the shampoo. Cannot be used hot water, setting comfortable temperature, and at the end of the bath procedures, rinse your hair with cool water. It's actually not easy to choose suitable shampoo, try to do this on the advice of a specialist or by experience.

Cosmetics and natural hair oils

First, start a tradition of using special leave-in hair preparations, produced in abundance by modern reputable manufacturers, these include crystals, masks, fluids, balms, sprays, creams, serums. Focus on products that contain beneficial amino acids, proteins and keratin.

Secondly, use high quality products frequently vegetable oils, namely first cold pressed products. Note that these are mostly expensive goods. Oil masks quickly revive dry and rough hair. Before the procedure, you need to slightly warm the oils using a water bath, then generously lubricate your hair with the mixture, insulate your head for one or several hours, then rinse using shampoo and a light balm.

In carrying out regenerative therapy, these most popular and highly effective oils, which penetrate to a significant depth, will certainly help you:

  • Coconut oil;
  • olive oil;
  • avocado oil;
  • jojoba oil;
  • almond oil;
  • wheat germ oil;
  • argan oil;
  • macadamia oil;
  • hemp oil;
  • linseed oil;
  • broccoli oil;
  • Peach oil;
  • corn oil;
  • Shea Butter;
  • Camellia oil.

These products will serve as useful additives to oil masks:

  • liquid vitamins;
  • natural honey;
  • essential oils;
  • raw egg yolk.

If you wish, you can quickly restore porous hair at home - what it is and how many aesthetic problems this trouble causes, you will forget over time, getting used to silky, manageable, smooth and beautiful curls. It is important, even when achieving impeccable hair condition, to treat it with care and not neglect uninterrupted preventive care.

You don't have to have the best to look good expensive clothes from famous brands and incredibly expensive cosmetics, especially for a young girl. The main rule to be beautiful is constant self-care; our whole body needs it: skin, nails, figure, and, of course, hair. It is the latter that will be discussed in our article: we will tell you what to do if your curls have long lost their natural shine and shine? What care is needed for unruly, dry and porous hair? Is it possible to rehabilitate them? We will discuss these and other questions in detail below, and also give some tips on how girls can become even more beautiful!

Features of hair type

We all know what well-groomed and healthy hair: They are smooth, strong, have rich color (even if it is completely natural) and natural shine. Now let's figure it out: what is the reason that your curls, according to the above parameters, cannot be called healthy?

Any type of hair has an absolutely natural ability, with the help of the cuticle layer, to absorb and accumulate moisture, it is called porosity.

This property has several degrees, and porous hair is traditionally called hair whose cuticle layer is very damaged and open.

Such hair very quickly absorbs moisture and any treatment products (mousses, foams, maxis, etc.). Note!

High porosity of hair makes it thin, fragile and very brittle.

Causes A certain degree of hair porosity is characteristic of every person immediately at birth.

Some nations are characterized by low porosity: for example, Asian appearance is characterized by very thick, strong and shiny hair with a completely closed cuticle (it does not absorb moisture well and is less susceptible to any chemical treatment than other types).

Most people at birth are characterized by healthy hair with normal (average) porosity: before the curls are constantly exposed to thermal and chemical influences, their cuticle layer is slightly loose, which allows it to accumulate and retain the required amount of moisture. There are also those who are unlucky enough to be born with high porosity hair. As a rule, this property is typical for very curly and thin hair. In most cases, a high degree of porosity is a consequence of numerous damages and constant harmful effects on the internal structure. Let's get a look,

  • what affects the change in the cuticle layer for the worse:
  • thermal effects of curling irons and flat irons (the structure deteriorates especially quickly if not used by special means thermal protection);
  • damage to the top layer of hair due to the use of an incorrectly selected comb;
  • using the wrong care products (if you purchase cosmetics that are not suitable for your hair type, the effect of its use will be exactly the opposite);
  • chemical treatment (permanent dyeing with aggressive dyes, perms and other procedures that change the structure of the hair have their consequences);
  • washing your hair in hard water.

Basic rules of care

Do you have dry, brittle and porous hair? Let's take a closer look at how to properly care for them to improve their structure! Below we will give detailed recommendations for all stages of care that will help you make your curls healthier, smoother and stronger.

Washing head

Not only the cleanliness, but also the health of your hair directly depends on how you wash your hair! To ensure that this frequent procedure does not harm in any way, but only has a good effect on the hair structure, You must adhere to several rules:

  1. The water should not be too hot. Use a slightly warm temperature that is pleasant to the skin, and do not change it during the entire process (sudden temperature changes are harmful). Constant exposure to hard water on your hair is bad for your health, so try to use filtered water. It will be useful to regularly rinse your hair with chamomile decoction after cleansing.
  2. When cleaning the strands, do not allow them to constantly rub against each other, make sudden movements or tug. The best option is a gentle scalp massage with shampoo, which will not only thoroughly cleanse, but also disperse blood through the vessels of the head, which is very beneficial for hair health.
  3. The choice of cleansing cosmetics must be approached with all responsibility! You should not trust low prices and loud advertising slogans when purchasing shampoos and conditioners with aggressive ingredients. Best choice will become organic cosmetics, created entirely from natural ingredients- it will only bring benefits to your hair, even if it costs a little more than advertised products with added chemicals.
  4. Be sure to use balms and conditioners - they will strengthen and smooth the strands, which will help not damage them during combing.

Drying and styling rules

What girl doesn't use a hairdryer? As a rule, we are all in a hurry to get somewhere and try to dry our hair as quickly as possible, without thinking about the aggressive effects of hot air. In addition, many girls constantly style their strands using a curling iron or iron, which also negatively affects the structure of their hair.

  1. It will be useful to completely abandon thermal effects on the strands, at least during their treatment. However, if this is not possible, then you need to properly stock up on protective equipment: do not start any drying and styling procedures without first applying a protective spray!
  2. If you are constantly limited in time, and you can’t refuse blow-drying, then The best decision- this is not to allow too much high temperatures. Opt for a warm or cool air mode - it will take longer, but will do less damage to your curls.
  3. Styling products, when used regularly, have a negative impact on your curls. You should not resort to mousses, foams and gels unless absolutely necessary.
  4. Try to heat-style your hair as little as possible. It is better to replace the hot curling iron with curlers - they will curl your hair just as well, but will cause much less damage. It is better to use irons only when absolutely necessary, and do not set temperatures above 130 degrees. Don't forget about thermal protection!

Advice. If you use a straightening iron, pay attention to what the plates are made of. If it’s metal, feel free to throw the device on the far shelf, or better yet, straight into the trash can. Relatively safe plates on the iron are tourmaline or ionic ceramic.

Proper care

Above we talked about how you can reduce the harmful effects on your strands. Now let's talk about how to properly care for them so that the hair structure begins to recover. We have put together several recommendations for daily care that will help you get one step closer to healthy and strong curls:

  • Try to avoid exposing your hair to bad weather conditions. Protect your locks from the scorching sun, wind and rain with hats.
  • Make homemade hair masks (by preparing the composition yourself, you will be sure that it contains only natural ingredients). An excellent option is a fruit mask with banana and avocado (one small fruit should be crushed to a puree, add a few tablespoons olive oil, mix and apply to strands along the entire length).
  • Comb your strands correctly: you need to start from the middle, smoothly moving to the ends, and only then along the entire length. Don't let the teeth of the comb pull the hair out of the follicles! It is strictly not recommended to comb your hair when your head is still wet.
  • Proper coloring is the key to not only a beautiful and lasting color, but also the health of your curls. It is best to completely avoid changing the color during recovery, but if you can’t bear to see regrown roots or a washed-out shade, opt for non-aggressive, ammonia-free dyes with the addition of keratin.

Cosmetical tools

All girls often use shampoos, conditioners and other hair cosmetics. We have put together a selection for you best options from famous manufacturers, these products can have a really good effect on the health of your hair:


  • Shampoo Pantene Intensive recovery. Helps eliminate damage and restore curls to their natural radiance, price: RUR 193. (0.25 l), 267 rub. (0.4 l).

  • Nourishing shampoo L’Oreal Paris Elseve Complete restoration. With the help of pro-keratin and ceramides, it restores the hair structure from the inside, there are options for different colored tones, price: 300 rub. (0.4 l).


  • Balm-conditioner Pantene Airy foam Intensive recovery. It has a light structure, nourishes and moisturizes hair, price: 288 rub. (0.4 l).

  • Light balm L’Oreal Paris Elseve Complete restoration. At the cellular level, it restores the structure and cuticle layer of hair, price: 300 rub. (0.4 l).


  • Dr Sea mask with ginger and pomegranate. Contains only natural ingredients, intensively restores strands and promotes their recovery, price: 728 rub. (0.35 l).

  • L’Oreal Paris Elseve mask Complete restoration. Returns dry and unruly strands to their natural smoothness and shine, price: RUR 429. (0.3 l).

Care products:

  • Pantene Aqua Light Spray for instant nutrition. “Revitalizes” strands with the help of useful components in the composition, restores their natural shine, price: 251 RUR (0.15 l).

  • Dove cream serum against split ends. Restores hair ends so that there is no need to cut them, nourishes and moisturizes, price: 520 rub. (0.125 l).

Permanent styling:

  • Wellaflex foam Styling and restoration. The foam provides strong hold, and the jojoba oil in the composition has a beneficial effect on the hair, nourishes and restores it, price: 279 rubles (0.2 l).

  • Wellaflex hairspray Styling and restoration. The varnish will reliably fix any hairstyle, and will also restore shine and radiance to dull, “tired” strands, price: 212 RUR. (0.2 l).

It is important to know! The main rule of daily care is that no matter how useful the cosmetic products you use are, they need to be changed! If you constantly use the same ruler, the strands adapt to it, and the beneficial effect of use disappears.

Homemade cosmetics

One of the best ways Taking care of your hair means creating homemade care products. We invite you to familiarize yourself with several recipes that are very useful and easy to follow:

Kefir mask with cocoa. The mask has a tonic and strengthening effect, which is so necessary for weak and brittle hair. To prepare, add cocoa powder, a teaspoon of lemon juice and the same amount of burdock oil to kefir (take the amount that is enough to apply to your length). Mix the composition thoroughly and apply to hair along the entire length. Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Yeast mask. Nourishes and saturates strands useful components, making them thick and strong. In one warm glass boiled water you need to dilute one tablespoon of nutritional yeast, add whipped egg white. Distribute the resulting mixture evenly over the strands, especially paying attention to the roots - thoroughly rub in the mask. Leave the mixture until completely dry, then rinse off.

Onion rinse. Excellent product, which, with regular use, will noticeably strengthen the hair and make it stronger. Place the peels from several (5-10) onions in two liters of boiling water, cover with a towel and leave for 20 minutes. Strain the broth and rinse your hair with it after washing.

We tried to tell you in detail about all aspects of the care and restoration of porous hair, but there is more in stock some useful tips:

  • Include highly digestible protein in your diet. You need not only to eat meat and fish, but also to monitor the combination of foods - only the correct distribution of BJU in the diet will help all nutrients to be properly absorbed in the body. And don’t forget about taking extra vitamins!
  • Regular haircut. In order for your hair to have the opportunity to grow healthy and strong, you need to get rid of split ends every few months.
  • Avoid stress! The more positive emotions and the joy you experience, the better it will affect not only your curls, but also your overall health.

Useful videos

Taming fluffy hair or tips for caring for this type of curls.

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