New Year's crafts

Belly wrap for varicose veins. Wraps for varicose veins for weight loss. Herbal wrap

Cellulite wrap for varicose veins is a procedure that requires a separate discussion. The well-known fashionable wrapping procedure is carried out everywhere in the salons and homes of our cities by beauties of all ages. But what to do if both varicose veins and cellulite have settled on a woman’s legs? The problem is not easy, we need to understand it.

Varicose veins and wrap

Varicose veins of the lower extremities, or simply varicose veins, is a disease of the blood vessels of the legs, which is characterized by changes in the walls of the veins. Unsightly subcutaneous nodes appear, veins expand and become noticeable. In addition to a cosmetic defect, this scourge causes pain and can cause the formation of blood clots in the vessels. Thrombosis is provoked by:

  • exposure to high temperatures;
  • active physical activity;
  • excess pressure on the affected area;
  • injuries;
  • slowing down blood flow;
  • changes in blood viscosity.

As you know, wraps can be hot or cold. The principle of action of hot wraps is based on increasing blood flow and heating tissues. The procedure actively fights fat depots and brings you closer to ideal figure. But hot wraps are strictly contraindicated for people with varicose veins of the lower extremities, so such an effective procedure will have to be postponed until the problem with the disease is resolved. And then cold wraps rush to the aid of beauties. They are called cold because the temperature of the applied mixture is about 20°C. Not only are they not contraindicated for venous pathology, but they can also have a beneficial effect on the vascular wall, increasing its tone.

General contraindications to wrapping:

Cold wraps will reduce the appearance of cellulite, remove swelling of the legs, help cope with fatigue and give your skin wonderful moments of bliss.

It is quite possible to carry out such a wrap at home. The procedure is based on natural ingredients such as clay, cocoa, mud, honey, algae. Wrapping components are sold in pharmacies and cosmetic stores. Before use, do a test for a possible allergic reaction. Dissolve a small amount of the substance in water and apply to your wrist. If after 40 minutes there is no reaction on the skin, then you can safely start wrapping.

Wrap recipes

Here are some simple and effective recipes for anti-cellulite wraps for varicose veins.

We will need:

  • cling film, the bigger and wider the better;
  • bowl;
  • honey, clay, cocoa, mud or algae, herbs - whatever your heart desires;
  • various additives to taste (essential oils, plant extracts, mint, menthol, sea salt);
  • good mood.

Preparation for the wrap consists of cleansing the skin and scrubbing problem areas. But remember, there is no need to put in effort when treating areas with varicose veins.

Seaweed wrap, delicious chocolate and healthy herbal

Dry seaweed should be soaked for 15 minutes in mineral water so that they swell and become suitable for use. You can add medicinal mud or clay to the resulting slurry, sea ​​salt. Apply a sufficient amount to the thighs and wrap them with film. You should not wrap shins with damaged veins. Then you should wait 20 minutes and rinse everything off with running water. The procedure can be carried out every other day in a course of up to 15 procedures. Algae are rich in amino acids, trace elements and iodine. Application with algae stimulates the production of your own collagen, restores water balance skin, has an antioxidant effect.

“Chocolate for the body.” You will be delighted with this spa session. The basis of this wrap is cocoa. Place a few tablespoons of cocoa in a bowl, pour in milk until it reaches the consistency of sour cream, and stir. The aromatherapy effect will be enhanced by vanilla, cinnamon and citrus essential oils. The application technology is the same as for the first wrap. Cocoa perfectly tones the skin, has an antioxidant effect, and the smell of the skin will delight you throughout the day after the procedure.

Herbal wrap. It is necessary to grind dill, parsley, chamomile, and string in a coffee grinder. If the herbs are fresh, then dirt or clay can be added immediately and dilute the mixture mineral water. If the herbs are dried, you must first pour boiling water over them and let them brew. Herbal wrap perfectly reduces swelling and improves lymph flow.

Fragrant honey

ABOUT beneficial properties Enough honey has already been said. Since time immemorial, he has been guarding our beauty and health. Honey contains great amount vitamins and microelements. Honey is good for both internal and external use. It has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Perfectly stimulates regeneration processes. Course use of such a wrap not only reduces the appearance of cellulite, but also fights stretch marks and scars. It is important to note that heating honey above 37°C negatively affects its medicinal properties. Honey wrap is recommended to be used every other day. You can add milk or kefir to honey.

Clay and dirt

Cold clay wrap. Blue, black or white clay mix with water room temperature. Clay contains a huge amount of minerals and trace elements. Potassium, nitrogen, iron, magnesium, calcium are the main components of clay. Clay has a drying and antiseborrheic effect. Relieves inflammatory reactions and soothes the skin. Prevents premature aging skin, has a pronounced lifting effect.

Miraculous mud. Dirt is a powerful fighter against toxins. This detox therapy is effective due to organic and inorganic components. The mud used is sea, volcanic and peat. Healing mud has high medicinal properties, penetrating the skin cells, saturates it with zinc, manganese, calcium, chromium, iron, as well as organic acids.

Thus, for varicose veins, only cold wraps can be performed. The effectiveness of the procedures is noticeable after a course of use.

It is not a sector for anyone that varicose veins are a very insidious and complex disease. If you do not start treatment in time and let everything take its course, you can become disabled and even die.

In addition, the disease itself entails some restrictions. cosmetic procedures. But fortunately, there are many analogues of such procedures, among which, first of all, we can highlight wraps for varicose veins.

Is it possible to do body wraps for varicose veins?

Wrapping for varicose veins can be done exclusively cold! Because this type of procedure will not only strengthen blood vessels, but also relieve swelling, improve metabolism, relieve fatigue and tone.

What wraps can you do?

In the fight against varicose veins, cold wrap is considered effective and safe.

The following methods exist:

  • vinegar wrap;
  • honey wrap;
  • clay wrapping;
  • mud wrapping;
  • cold wrap with essential oils;
  • anti-cellulite wrap for weight loss for varicose veins

To obtain maximum effect, you must complete a course of 15 procedures. At the beginning of treatment, do the wraps daily for the first five days, then every other day.

Why shouldn't body wraps be done during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, both hot and cold wraps are contraindicated. Since the process itself may entail a number of side effects, which to the expectant mother are not needed at all.

The wrap removes fluid from the body, which is extremely dangerous during pregnancy. In addition, at this time women have an increased risk of allergic reactions. Therefore, wrapping at this time is contraindicated for women!

What wraps can you do at home?

At home, the easiest way to make wraps is based on clay, honey or mud. They are very easy to prepare and wash off afterwards.

It is important!

You need to know that “dirt” and “clay” are not the same thing! Therapeutic mud contains many microorganisms, sand and volcanic dust. In addition, muds are classified by type of origin. Mud wrap improves blood circulation and removes all possible toxins from the body. That is why, before purchasing, you need to make sure that it will suit you.

Clay, in turn, is an inorganic substance, since there are no microorganisms in it. Clay is most often used as a bactericidal agent, but besides this, it is also an excellent absorbent, just like dirt, it can remove toxins.

Wraps with blue clay (video)

What do you need for home wrap?

For any recipe you will need:

  1. The cling film you will need to use to wrap your feet.
  2. A small metal container with a spoon.
  3. Base for wrapping (clay, honey, mud, etc.).
  4. Additional ingredients, depending on the recipe.

Seaweed wrap

To do this you need:

  1. Film.
  2. Container with spoon.
  3. Mud, honey or clay - these components (one of them) will be the basis.
  4. Herbs and seaweed.

Dry seaweed must be ground in a coffee grinder. Then take 3 tbsp. l. and pour in mineral water for 10 minutes.

If your base is honey, then the seaweed will need to be squeezed out or put in powdered milk.

If it’s dirt, then you need to first add algae to it, and then add the water in which they were soaked.

If it is clay, then it needs to be diluted with mineral water, and only after that add all the other components.

Remember that the prepared mixture should be thick and not run down the skin. It is necessary to spread it on painful places, and then wrap everything thoroughly with film. Bandaging your knees is prohibited!

You need to wrap your legs exclusively in an elevated position, from bottom to top! Keep the mixture for about 15 minutes, then rinse with a shower.

Herbal wrap

What herbs can be used for wrapping? - you think. The answer is simple. For herbal wraps, the following are perfect for you:

  • Nettle.
  • Parsley.
  • Dill.
  • Chamomile.

The herbs need to be chopped. The output should be at least 4 tbsp. l. mixtures.

If you use honey as the basis for the herbal wrap, then the mixture must be prepared about an hour before the start of the procedure, and before application, add a drop of sunflower or olive oil.

If your base is mud, then you need to mix everything at once and add a little mineral water.

Apply to affected areas for 15 minutes. To obtain maximum effect, you need to do 12 procedures.

Doctor's opinion!

Cold wrap is a very effective procedure in the fight against varicose veins and. Since it can increase local immunity, have a beneficial effect on tissues, increase vascular tone, and improve blood microcirculation in them. You can also use wraps to improve metabolic processes in the body, improve the contours of the figure.

Vinegar wrap

To do this you will need:

The gauze will need to be applied completely to the legs and thighs, after moistening it in vinegar. Place the film over the gauze and wrap the legs. Keep for 15 minutes.

Chocolate wrap

Chocolate wrap is one of the most common and enjoyable types of wrap. To do this you need to take 5 tbsp. l. cocoa (it is advisable to use only cocoa that does not contain milk powder). In addition, you need to take cinnamon - 1 tbsp. l. and vanillin.

If you don’t like the smell of cinnamon and vanillin, then you can omit these two components. To prepare the mixture, you need to take milk and mix with 2 tbsp. l. oil, then add honey. The consistency of the mixture should be similar to thick sour cream. Keep this mixture for 15-20 minutes.

How is chocolate wrap made? (video)

How much does it cost?

The average cost of such a procedure in Moscow salons will be from 700 to 5000 rubles. per session.

You will have access to: coffee wrap, honey, chocolate, mustard, anti-cellulite, hot and cold wrap, as well as seaweed wrap. However, remember - for varicose veins, only cold wrap is indicated!

Price of lymphatic drainage gel wrap with horse chestnut and leech extract is about 1000 rub.

With his help:

  • Venous walls are strengthened.
  • The elasticity of capillaries increases.
  • The severity of the vascular network is reduced.
  • The problems of superficial inflammation and stagnation in the veins are eliminated.
  • The appearance of stars on the legs is reduced.

There is also a type of wrap that is indicated for tired legs. The price for this procedure will be about 700 rubles.

Indicated for patients with increased load on the legs. For those who have spider veins, the lower extremities swell due to varicose veins.

Price honey wrap will be about 700-3000r. Thanks to this type of wrap you can:

  • Strengthen your immune system.
  • Stimulate metabolic processes in the body.
  • Eliminate swelling.
  • Get a lifting effect.
  • Smooth the surface of the skin.
  • Restore elasticity and youth skin.
  • With regular use, scars and stretch marks are eliminated.

You cannot engage in many sports, wear high-heeled shoes and do body wraps for varicose veins - and this is just a small list of restrictions for those who suffer from this pathology. But on the weight loss portal “Lose Weight Without Problems” you will read that not all procedures are contraindicated.

Fighting “orange peel” correctly

Is it possible to do a body wrap if you have varicose veins? In order to answer this question, you need to ask it more specifically. After all, on the one hand, a classic wrap is carried out with heating of the skin. And this is strictly prohibited for varicose veins. This can only provoke more obvious bulging of the veins.

However, there are alternative options. What wraps can be done for varicose veins? So, it is allowed to apply cold wraps to the thighs and buttocks.

The advantages of the procedure are obvious:

  • the skin is strengthened, an anti-cellulite effect is achieved,
  • it is possible to gradually cure varicose veins,
  • it turns out to strengthen the walls of blood vessels,
  • tissue swelling decreases,
  • a hardening effect occurs,
  • manages to eliminate fatigue,
  • It turns out to normalize metabolism.

Wraps for weight loss and against cellulite with varicose veins can be carried out according to different recipes.


  • Based on algae. They are sold in almost any pharmacy. The substance is soaked in water, leaving for 2-3 hours. When the algae swells, the mixture is applied to the buttocks, thighs, and then wrapped in film. If you have varicose veins, it won't get worse. You need to let it sit for thirty minutes, maybe a little longer, then rinse it off with tap water.
  • Based . Dilute the powder in cool water. Essential citrus oil is dripped into the resulting composition 2-3 times (you can take orange or lemon). You need to add kelp or fucus to the composition - they are safe, even if you have varicose veins. The procedure will last forty minutes.
  • Potato based. They take ordinary tubers, peel and grate until they become mushy. No need to squeeze the juice. On the contrary, the mass should be applied exactly juicy - on problem areas, buttocks and thighs, even if varicose veins are bothering you. The wrap not only fights cellulite, but also reduces varicose veins - the manifestations become less obvious.
  • Based on vinegar: apple or grape. mixed with water in the following proportions: 1 part essence to five parts pure liquid. Stir. Then apply a wrap to problem areas. The frequency of the procedure is once every 7 days. With each new procedure, try to increase the concentration of vinegar until you achieve 1 to 1. However, this must be done very carefully and carefully monitor the condition of the skin.

Cold wraps for varicose veins are sometimes done with herbs. For this you will need:

  • parsley,
  • chamomile,
  • nettle,
  • dill.

They need to be crushed, the site suggests using a blender or coffee grinder, or you can just finely chop them on a board. All herbs should be taken in equal proportions; the resulting mixture should be four large spoons. This ingredient will be used as an additive to the base.

You can take as a basis:

  • honey - then prepare the mixture 60 minutes before the procedure, and before applying it to problem areas drip a little essential oil;
  • mud - it is mixed with grass immediately before the session, diluted with cold mineral water, better clay First dilute with liquid, and then add the grass.

This cold wrap with herbs for varicose veins is applied to the skin, wrapped in cling film and left to act for a quarter of an hour.

Recipe based on agar-agar. This is a product made from brown and red algae, an alternative to gelatin, which vegetarians avoid. You can use it if you have varicose veins and need a cold wrap.

For the session, mix 1 large spoon of agar-agar, add 2 egg yolks, 20 drops of camphor oil. The composition is kept for up to 20 minutes.

Weight loss and elimination " orange peel» are also effective in procedures with oils.

You need to take 0.5 liters of water, add 5-10 drops of oil there. For those with varicose veins, you can:

  • mint,
  • juniper,
  • pink,
  • lavender,
  • ginseng,
  • any citrus fruit.

In the resulting composition, you need to moisten strips of natural cotton fabric or bandages and wrap them around your legs.

Weight loss “with the taste of chocolate”

For many, when they hear the word “losing weight,” they immediately think of a strict diet, when everything is prohibited. Of course, you can eat sweets in unlimited quantities and you shouldn’t eat flour, but not everything is so scary. If you use A complex approach and, in addition to changes in your diet, you will do healthy and effective procedures, then losing weight will take place without mental stress.

And if you have varicose veins, then a cold wrap with chocolate is just what the doctor ordered. An ideal option for those who adore chocolate simply because of its aroma!

For a session chocolate wrap to lose weight with varicose veins you will need:

  • 5 large spoons of cocoa (without milk powder),
  • one tbsp. cinnamon,
  • the same amount of vanilla
  • two large spoons of oil (take cold pressed),
  • A little .

The composition is applied to the skin and kept for a quarter of an hour to 20 minutes under cling film.

Excess weight, cellulite, varicose veins and other accompanying “charms”, like a snowball, will accumulate if at one point you don’t start working on yourself. Now you know what kind of wrap you can do for varicose veins, so it’s time to take care of the beauty of your own body!

Wraps for varicose veins - one of effective ways treatment of diseased veins. In the list of services modern cosmetology and there are many medicines various types such therapy. Therefore, it is important to know which types of procedures using which components for such a serious disease are effective and safe.


Cosmetic and medicinal wraps are divided into two types: hot and cold. They perform various tasks. To lose weight, hot procedures are used. This method of treatment helps very well to remove waste and toxins from the body, but it is strongly contraindicated for patients with varicose veins. Carrying out hot wrap sessions burns fat by warming up the blood vessels and dilating them. And this easily leads to the formation of blood clots in the venous system.

Important! For varicose veins, cold wraps are used. They do not cause any harm and improve the condition and structure of blood vessels and veins.

Cold wrap

In such procedures, mixtures are used whose temperature does not exceed room temperature. The substances that make up them give them an additional cooling effect. Cold wrap is a good replacement for hot wrap, which cannot be used for varicose veins.

The long-term influence of cool substances (for example, menthol, mint) helps to narrow and increase the tone of blood vessels. With the help of wraps, blood flow begins in the veins. The consequence is a reduction in swelling, that is, relieving the load on the veins. At the same time, blood flow is normalized and proper nutrition limb tissues.

Cold wraps can and should be used for varicose veins. But such treatment is not indicated for everyone. Like any therapy, it has some contraindications:

  • problems with blood clotting;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • urinary tract diseases;
  • gastrointestinal diseases.

There is no need to carry out procedures for open wounds and even minor injuries to the skin, as well as for allergic reactions to the ingredients of the mixtures.

Cold wraps are prohibited if the patient has cystitis or other diseases that can be found out after a mandatory visit to a gynecologist for such treatment.

Rules for carrying out the procedure

To achieve the desired effect, cold wraps for varicose veins must be done correctly:

  1. You should not use any ingredients that have a warming effect.
  2. It is necessary to carry out a cold wrap very carefully, carefully listening to your body.
  3. If you decide to do the procedure at home, then all masks and mixtures must be freshly prepared. There is no need to leave unused material, even for a short time.

Important! Before starting the wrap, do an allergen test to avoid any serious problems with health.

Cold wrap technique

To properly conduct a treatment session at home, you need to prepare special items. With their help it will be convenient to carry out a cold wrap. This includes cling film, a plastic bowl, a base, a cotton cloth, and a brush for combining ingredients and covering your feet with a mask.

You should always start a wrap session for varicose veins by taking a cool shower, which will have a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis and improve vascular tone. The next procedure is as follows:

  1. Apply a mask prepared independently or purchased at a specialty store or pharmacy to dry skin.
  2. After this, wrap the treated areas with plastic wrap. There is no need to wrap yourself in warm clothes or a blanket.
  3. Spend in this state from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. Then take a cool shower and use foot cream.


There are various components that can be used to perform effective cold wraps at home. But the most famous and proven are:

  • Apple vinegar;
  • dirt and clay;
  • seaweed;
  • herbs;
  • chocolate.

Honey wrap

Sessions using this bee product are very healing. Honey has a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare the medicinal mixture you will need honey, lemon juice, and olive oil.

The preparation of the composition and the technique for performing the procedure are simple:

  1. Mix these ingredients until a fairly thick mixture is formed. It should not drain when applied to the desired areas of the body.
  2. If the composition turns out to be liquid, you can add a little flour.
  3. Apply the mixture to the diseased veins with gentle movements. Then secure everything with cling film. Treatment duration is 10 minutes.

Apple vinegar

Procedures using this product give very good result treatment:

  1. Keep the apple cider vinegar out of the refrigerator to bring it to room temperature.
  2. Soak a piece of gauze in it, place it on the diseased veins and wrap it with polyethylene. Treatment time is 15 - 20 minutes.

Mud and clay wraps

Choose muds that improve blood circulation and draw out toxins. They can be recommended to you by a pharmacist at a pharmacy or a phlebologist. Conduct mud wraps It’s very simple: you need to generously smear the problem areas of your legs and wrap them with polyethylene. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Wrapping varicose veins from blue clay diluted with warm water has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels. During the procedure, it is better to add cooling essential oils and algae to the mixture.

Important! You can use clay of any color. The optimal solution is raw materials independently extracted in the region of residence.

Herbal wraps

To prepare the mixture, chop nettle, parsley, dill, and chamomile in equal parts. Need 4 tbsp. l. these herbs. Further:

  1. Add the same amount of healing mud (clay).
  2. Mix the ingredients and dilute with mineral water until smooth. It should be like sour cream. If it is too thick, add water.
  3. Apply the mixture to the diseased veins and wrap with film for 15 minutes.

Seaweed wrap

Buy kelp or fucus, which are sold in pharmacy chains. Then soak them in room temperature water for at least 3 hours.

Wrap them around your legs in areas affected by varicose veins and secure with plastic wrap. Keep this for 15 – 20 minutes.


Take 5 tbsp. l. cocoa, 1 tbsp. l. cinnamon, the same amount of vanilla and milk. Stir everything thoroughly. Achieve the consistency of thick sour cream. You can add just a little, a few drops, of citrus essential oil. Apply to painful areas of the legs and wrap with film. After 20 minutes, take a contrast shower.

The course of treatment using almost all types of cold wraps is 10–12 days. Before performing such sessions, it is necessary to consult with a phlebologist.

Today, many women suffer from varicose veins. This diagnosis entails many restrictions and inconveniences, including cosmetic wrapping.

However, as with any rule there are exceptions, there are some exceptions here. And fortunately, there are some wrap options for varicose veins.

Every second girl suffers from cellulite, but according to statistics, every second girl suffers from varicose veins.

Today, one of the most popular procedures for getting rid of the unsightly “orange peel” is cosmetic wrap.

There are different types of wraps: , and , and , and , and , and pepper and many others, but not every one is suitable for varicose veins.

Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Wrap options

For varicose veins, you can choose a wrap that not only helps to absorb subcutaneous fat and smooth out the skin, but also strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Know! In general, all wraps are divided into hot and cold.

Hot wrap

Important! For weight loss, hot wraps are considered to be the most effective, but they should absolutely not be used for varicose veins.

The whole procedure is based on the procedure of burning fat by heating and dilating blood vessels. And this is very dangerous, so when varicose veins a blood clot may form.

Cold wrap

But you can make it cold for varicose veins and it not only burns fat, but also has a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

Cold wraps at home can be done using many ingredients, but the most popular are clay, honey and mud.

Our saviors for varicose veins

Mud wrap

Muds are also different and are mainly divided by place of origin, for example, Dead Sea mud, and contain many microorganisms.

When wrapped, mud improves blood circulation and very actively draws out toxins.

Clay wrap

In turn, it is an inorganic compound, so it does not contain microorganisms, but it contains many useful microelements and acids.

When wrapped, it has an antiseptic effect, cleanses the skin of impurities and toxins, and also improves metabolic processes in cells.

Honey wrap

- This is generally a unique product that has been used in cosmetology for a long time. When wrapped, it nourishes the skin with vitamins and useful substances, resolves subcutaneous fat, cleanses and rejuvenates well.

Wrap recipes for varicose veins

Before we begin to consider recipes for anti-cellulite wraps for varicose veins, we should familiarize ourselves with what we will definitely need, regardless of the recipe.


  • So, the first and one of the most necessary is cling film. It is not at all difficult to get it; it is sold in rolls in any supermarket.
  • Then you will need a bowl (not metal) and a spoon or brush to prepare and apply the mask.
  • Next comes the actual base of the wrap, namely what you are going to use to make the procedure (mud, clay, honey, etc.).
  • As well as additional means, for example, essential or vegetable oils, sugar, pepper, etc. However, they can be used as desired.

Seaweed wrap

To prepare the mask, we need dry ones, which you can buy at the pharmacy. They should be crushed using a coffee grinder or blender in such a quantity that it would be about three tablespoons.

Then we pour our algae powder with mineral water and let it brew and swell for 10 minutes. Now you should mix the seaweed with two to three tablespoons of clay (or honey, or mud).

Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas of the body and wrap with cling film.

It is important to know! Be careful if you wrap your legs - the knee area should remain unwrapped.

After 15 minutes, wash off with warm water.

Herbal wrap

To prepare the mask, you need to grind parsley, nettle, chamomile and dill in equal proportions in a blender (or coffee grinder). You should end up with about 4 tablespoons of herbal powder.

Now add approximately the same amount of dirt, mix and dilute with mineral water to obtain a homogeneous mass similar to sour cream.

Chocolate wrap

You need to take four or five tablespoons of cocoa, which does not contain milk powder, a tablespoon of cinnamon and the same amount of vanilla, milk.

Now dilute the cocoa with milk, add cinnamon and vanilla and mix thoroughly. The result should be a mixture similar to sour cream.

If desired, you can add a few drops of lemon or orange oil. Next, as always, we apply it to problem areas and wrap ourselves in film. After 15-20 minutes we take a contrast shower.

On average, a full course of wrapping according to any recipe is 10-12 procedures, with a frequency of every other day or every two days.

Remember! Cold wrap that can be done to women suffering varicose veins veins improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolic processes, strengthens blood vessels and immunity, and also helps get rid of cellulite and uneven skin.