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A newborn often hiccups after breastfeeding. Is hiccups in newborns after feeding normal or a sign of illness? Why does a baby hiccup after feeding?

In the first weeks and months of a baby’s life, any trifle that disrupts his condition is perceived very alarmingly. Parents don't know what's normal for a newborn and what to worry about.

So ordinary hiccups can raise a number of questions: why do hiccups occur, how to get rid of them, is this normal.

Hiccups are a physiological phenomenon that occurs spontaneously and is expressed by spastic contraction of the diaphragm muscles. At the same time, abrupt voluntary sounds are made from the throat.

The diaphragm is a muscular septum that separates the abdominal and thoracic cavity. The diaphragm, contracting, is used during breathing and helps regulate intracavitary pressure.

In newborns, the diaphragm is very sensitive. Its nerve plexuses are still underdeveloped and are easily irritated, causing muscle contraction. That's why Hiccups in infants are quite common and are considered a normal physiological phenomenon..

It has been proven that babies hiccup even while still in the womb.

Sometimes hiccups occur in people for no reason and quickly go away spontaneously, without causing any harm. There are many reasons for hiccups.

Hiccups often occur in newborns after eating. This is due to the following factors:

  • When feeding baby swallows a large amount of air.

This may be due to an incorrect position during feeding, if the baby does not grasp the nipple correctly, when milk flows quickly, when the hole in the bottle is too large, etc.

  • If baby overate, a full stomach puts pressure on the diaphragm.

It irritates its nerve endings and causes muscle contraction;

  • The newborn's digestive system is immature.

It will go away with age.

Up to three months, the baby’s digestive system is reconstructed and developing.

Children of this age often suffer from increased gas formation and intestinal spasms - intestinal colic. Hiccups after each meal can occur due to immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract. Try to prevent it using our tips.

All causes of hiccups

Hiccups in infants can occur not only after eating. The cause of hiccups may be the following:

  • Overexcitation of the nervous system

After a long cry, fear.

  • The child is cold.

When the diaphragm freezes, the diaphragm becomes irritated and spastic contractions occur – hiccups.

  • Some diseases of the digestive system or central nervous system.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Dr. Komarovsky claims that hiccups are not caused by the child being cold. Hiccups begin because the baby’s body adapts to changes in ambient temperature. And you shouldn’t wrap up and warm the baby. Quote:

How to help your baby

If a newborn hiccups after feeding, what should you do? Methods for getting rid of hiccups in adults are unlikely to be suitable for a baby.

Do not under any circumstances try to scare the baby to stop it! To help your baby cope with this phenomenon, you can try the following:

    • If hiccups occur during feeding, you need to stop feeding.

Pat the child on the back, hold him vertically in a “column”

    • During feeding you should hold the baby at an angle of about 45 degrees.

Do not put him on his back immediately after eating. When the baby has eaten well, it is better to carry him in your arms or lay him on his side.

    • For prolonged continuous hiccups (more than 10 minutes), you can offer the baby a little something to drink
    • Feed your baby often and in small portions

Including breast milk.

    • Make sure that the baby is calm during feeding.

Didn't cry or fidget.

  • Follow the rules of feeding your baby.

When the child’s health is normal, but hiccups have arisen and nothing helps, then you just need to be patient and wait out this unpleasant phenomenon. There are no children, or even adults, who have never hiccupped.

In newborns, such an unpleasant disease as dacryocystitis occurs quite often. Read in our next article.

Hiccups are usually a completely harmless phenomenon; there are more important things. For example, do you know?


As preventive measures, the following recommendations should be followed:

    • hold the baby in a column position for some time after eating.

Wait until the swallowed air comes out.

    • It's better to feed your baby on demand

So that he does not pounce on food and does not drink milk too quickly, swallowing a large amount of air.

    • apply the baby to the breast correctly
    • When breastfeeding, feeding by the hour increases the risk of overfeeding
    • when bottle-feeding, you need to accurately measure the prescribed dose of formula for one feeding

To avoid overfeeding the baby. It is also important to ensure that the hole in the nipple is the right size, and that the baby eats leisurely, without swallowing air. When you turn the bottle over, the mixture should drip slowly, not flow.

      • If you are bloated, you can give your baby dill water.

Place a heated diaper on the baby’s tummy, massage the abdomen, do a “bicycle” exercise, press the legs to the tummy.

To avoid hiccups not related to feeding, you need to make sure that the child is not cold and get rid of factors that excite the nervous system as much as possible.

Do not let your baby cry loudly or for a long time or get scared. If your baby does hiccup, don't worry too much. If there are no other signs of poor health, and diseases are excluded, then there is no need to worry. The hiccups will go away fairly quickly without causing any harm.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

In some cases, hiccups are not a harmless phenomenon, but a sign of a disease. In what cases should you consult a doctor about hiccups?

Prolonged and persistent hiccups, especially against the background of changes in the general condition of the baby, are a reason to consult a doctor. You should be wary if it constantly occurs after eating or active movements, if the child often burps during this.

In some cases, this phenomenon can be caused by inflammatory processes in the chest or abdominal cavity, infections, brain damage and other diseases. Therefore, it is important that the hiccups and the child’s well-being are promptly assessed by a doctor.

Young parents often pay attention to every little thing that happens to their baby. Such an ordinary phenomenon as hiccups seems unusual and even frightening if a baby hiccups. But are there any real reasons for concern?

Why do hiccups occur?

A child hiccups for the same reasons as an adult. The hiccup itself causes compression of the vagus nerve. It connects all the internal organs of a person and passes through the diaphragm. This is a flat muscle that separates the respiratory organs from the abdominal cavity. Convulsive contractions of the diaphragm release the vagus nerve and bring the body’s functioning back to normal.

Why can the diaphragm contract? There are three reasons for this:

  • pressure from a distended stomach;
  • excessive air in the intestines;
  • muscle tension.

Due to the immaturity of the body, a newborn hiccups much more often than adults. Air often gets into his digestive system when he eats.

Muscle tension can occur due to cold, loud music, or bright flashes of light. A baby also overeats more easily than an adult. Sometimes newborns can hiccup due to diseases of the stomach, liver, intestines, respiratory and other diseases.

Most mothers know that a baby can hiccup while still in the womb. Some scientists believe that in this way he trains the breathing and sucking reflexes. Another hypothesis says that the baby inside the uterus may be hiccupping due to swallowing too much amniotic fluid. Another, most dangerous cause of intrauterine hiccups is hypoxia (lack of oxygen). We can talk about it only when a fetal ultrasound reveals such abnormalities.

Hiccups after feeding

A baby hiccups after feeding for two reasons.

  1. He ate too much milk or formula. Excessive amounts of food stretches the stomach, which puts pressure on the diaphragm. Spasms of the diaphragm, as we have already found out, cause hiccups.
  2. During feeding, the baby swallowed air. This happens when milk flows from the breast too quickly and abundantly. In such a situation, you need to express some milk immediately before feeding. It is important to monitor the correct application technique.

Preventing hiccups after eating in artificial babies is a little more difficult. It often seems to the mother that the baby is still hungry, even though he has eaten all the formula. If a baby is restless, this does not always mean that he wants to eat. You need to offer him a pacifier, carry him, rock him in your arms. Replacing maternal attention with more formula is harmful.

With artificial feeding, it is important to choose a suitable pacifier. The younger the child, the smaller the hole should be and the slower the flow. By the way, it is during a leisurely “meal” that the sucking instinct will be fully satisfied. A valve will prevent harmful air ingestion (such nipples are often called anti-colic nipples).

It is useful to hold both breastfed and bottle-fed babies upright after feeding. This will allow air swallowed while eating to escape.

Hiccups due to colic

Colic (acute pain in the intestines) is caused by excess accumulation of gases. The gastrointestinal tract of a newborn is immature and does not work smoothly. Therefore, colic can occur not only due to swallowing air. Increased gas production is typical for almost all babies aged 0 - 3 months. But it is necessary to help your child by reducing the intensity and frequency of colic.

  • A breastfeeding mother should carefully consider her diet. Pickles, smoked foods, fatty, fried foods, and chemical additives are definitely harmful. It is worth limiting foods that cause increased fermentation in the intestines: cabbage, onions, lamb, grapes, apricots.
  • For artificial babies, it is important to follow a diet and not overfeed the child. If the formula suits your baby, there is no need to try to choose a new one. Experiments in nutrition will have their time.

What to do if colic has already started? Massaging the tummy and placing it on the stomach (on a warm diaper) will help. Special carminatives are effective: “SabSimplex”, “Espumizan”, “Smecta”, “BabyCalm” and others.

You can learn more about colic from this video:

Hiccups due to hypertension

The causes of hiccups in newborns may lie in their physiological hypertonicity. In a child up to 3 months (sometimes longer), the muscles are tense even in a calm state. The baby reacts to all stimuli with even stronger tension, which causes contractions of the diaphragm.

A newborn may begin to hiccup while changing clothes. Usually in such a situation they wrap him up as warmly as possible. In fact, the child adapts to the environment and learns to protect his body. Short-term hypothermia is not harmful to him. If the baby begins to hiccup because the temperature has dropped, it is enough to put socks on him and hold him in your arms. You can give some water to stop hiccups.

Often muscle tension occurs due to strong (for a newborn) external stimuli. Some kids are frightened by strangers, sharp sounds (knocking, running electrical appliances and even sneezing), flashes of light. If a child begins to hiccup after visits from guests, a loud player or TV, you need to limit the effect of these sources of disturbance. In just a couple of months, the baby’s nervous system will become stronger. Reactions such as hiccups and crying will stop.

When are hiccups dangerous?

In almost all cases, hiccups are not terrible for the child and rather worry the parents. When hiccups occur irregularly and last no more than 10 to 15 minutes, there is no cause for alarm. However, in rare cases, hiccups indicate some kind of disease. Persistent hiccups can be caused by fetal hypoxia (during pregnancy, during childbirth), pathologies of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and respiratory diseases.

If your baby hiccups for a long time and several times a day, you should inform your pediatrician about this. In other cases, hiccups will be easy to stop. It is enough to calm down, warm the baby, let him nurse a little or drink water.

In this article:

Hiccups are involuntary contractions of the diaphragm. The characteristic sound that is heard occurs due to the fact that the vocal cords close sharply. Hiccups after feeding are most pronounced in a newborn baby, who is particularly sensitive.

Frequently, convulsive movements occur after feeding. Let's determine why a newborn baby may hiccup frequently after breastfeeding or eating from a bottle.

Causes of hiccups after feeding

Let's look at how and why a newborn may develop hiccups after feeding. As a rule, hiccups are a natural reaction of the baby’s body; they usually go away on their own without causing much concern.

Most often, hiccups appear in children under one year old; they are associated with the functioning of the digestive tract and are considered not a pathological, but a physiological phenomenon.

However, there are a number of reasons, the impact of which can cause prolonged, persistent hiccups in newborns after finishing feeding.

Aerophagia – accidental swallowing of air by a child along with food. When sucking, a certain amount of gas enters the baby's stomach, causing bloating. Air pressing on the diaphragm disrupts normal breathing and causes hiccups. This is the most common mechanism for the development of hiccups.

In some cases, the severity of aerophagia increases significantly:

  • when the mother's milk comes in;
  • if the breast or bottle is not applied correctly;
  • if the hole in the neck of the nipple is too large.

Overfeeding – a condition that leads to stretching of the baby’s stomach and changes in intra-abdominal pressure. The further mechanism of development is similar to that of aerophagia - pathological pressure occurs on the diaphragm and hiccups appear.

Overfeeding can be caused by several reasons:

  • Feeding is not on demand, but on a schedule. If a small portion of milk is extended over a long period of time, then at the next feeding the hungry baby will drink the milk greedily and suck too much. The excess volume will stretch the walls of the organ, and after eating the newborn will begin to hiccup.
  • Mother has too much milk. As you know, milk is divided into hind and fore milk. The portion at the back is higher in calories and nutritional content. If the mother has too much milk, then the baby drinks mainly the front portion, only receiving the more nutritious back portion at the end of feeding. By this point, he may well be full.
  • Flatulence. Up to 3 months, a baby’s intestines are still in the formative stage. Therefore, excessive accumulation of gas in the lumen of the organ leads to the appearance of hiccups, as well as the development of pain -.

To make sure that frequent hiccups in newborns after eating are due to overfeeding, you can slightly reduce the amount of milk that the baby eats at one time. The disappearance of an unpleasant symptom indicates that the diet needs to be adjusted.

Causes of hiccups not related to feeding

Other causes of hiccups include:

  • Powerful emotions. The excited state of a child (for example, due to severe fright) leads to spasms of the diaphragm due to instability of the child’s nervous system;
  • The baby is cold. Hypothermia often occurs due to the fact that the child’s body is unable to fully ensure the functioning of the thermoregulation system. In this case, it is enough to touch the baby’s hands - if they are cold, then there is probably general hypothermia, which means the baby needs to be warmed up.

How to help a newborn?

Let's consider what needs to be done if hiccups appear in newborns after feeding. If you notice that the child has started to hiccup, you need to stop feeding for a while, place him in an upright position, hug him and calm him down. You can massage your baby's tummy - this will help get rid of gas in the stomach faster.

Another effective way is to induce belching in a newborn using specially developed techniques. After the unpleasant symptom disappears, you can continue feeding.

If your newborn baby constantly hiccups after each breastfeeding or bottle feeding, it is immediately clear what needs to be done: you should feed him more often, but in smaller portions.

A prolonged bout of hiccups can be eliminated by giving your newborn a bottle of warm water.

It is also important to establish why a newborn baby often hiccups - due to feeding with milk or after drinking formula. Perhaps he has an intolerance to the components of the mixture, which is why hiccups appear.

It is also necessary to avoid hypothermia of the baby, because this is the cause of hiccups. If during a walk the child begins to hiccup, then you need to immediately return home and wrap him in warm clothes. Great importance should be attached to hiccups in stressful situations. In this case, you need to calm the newborn, hug him, and pat him on the head.

In what cases should you contact specialists?

If a baby hiccups during feeding and begins to behave restlessly, it means that this process causes him pain. Another sign indicating the complexity of the pathological process is the long duration of attacks.

If these signs are present, you should immediately consult a doctor, as persistent painful hiccups can be a symptom of serious pathologies. You need to be examined by a pediatrician and take several tests. Timely diagnosis of diseases in newborns is very important, since they tolerate all unpleasant symptoms much more difficult than adults.

Prevention of hiccups

To prevent hiccups, you need to follow simple rules:

  • when feeding a newborn, place it vertically or with a slight tilt;
  • do not place the baby on his back immediately after eating;
  • do not overfeed the baby;
  • avoid noise during feeding - this can distract the newborn;
  • make sure that the hole in the nipple is not too large;
  • adjust your diet - if the mother eats a lot of legumes, citrus fruits, cabbage, this can cause active gas formation in the child’s intestines;
  • achieve belching after eating, as well as if there is causeless restlessness and mobility of the newborn during feeding - immediately after the baby has eaten, take him upright and hold him in this position for several minutes.

Hiccups in babies during feeding can be caused by many different reasons. In most cases, it occurs due to air entering the stomach or active gas formation in the intestines. However, painful hiccups can be a sign of illness, so it is important to promptly recognize such a disorder and consult a doctor.

Video about why hiccups occur and how to help a hiccupping baby

Hiccups are a reflex reaction of the body that occurs on a subconscious level, manifested when the diaphragm is irritated. Hiccups in newborns after feeding can occur for several reasons. In addition, in some cases it can be considered a manifestation of pathologies. Many parents are concerned about the question: if hiccups appear in newborns after feeding, then what to do?

Appearance mechanism

The occurrence of hiccups in newborns is that the muscles of the diaphragm begin to contract convulsively. This process causes a change in the size of the chest and abdominal cavity, which provokes the appearance of intermittent breathing.

Such contractions of the diaphragm occur under the influence of various stimuli. Thus, the diaphragm can be affected by mechanical factors, as well as innervation. It is worth noting the fact that the diaphragm is innervated by the vagus nerve, the stimulation of which leads to the appearance of hiccups.

Scientists have been studying the factors that can cause it in infants for a long time, and have identified among them:

  • Eating disorder. Overeating, improper latching, or bottle sucking can cause your baby to swallow air. Because of this, the stomach stretches, enlarges, and also puts pressure on the diaphragmatic dome with the cardiac part.
  • Flatulence. If a child hiccups after eating, then perhaps the cause is hidden in intestinal bloating. Distended intestinal loops will press the stomach against the dome of the diaphragm, which will lead to irritation.
  • Hypothermia. When feeding artificial milk formulas, parents must adhere to the temperature regime for the formulas. If the baby receives cool food, it will cause hiccups.

Some scientists also highlight psycho-emotional arousal as one of the reasons. Due to the excitation of the central nervous system, the parasympathetic division of the central nervous system, part of which is the vagus nerve, is activated, which provokes the appearance of hiccups.

If a child hiccups after each feeding, then this should be regarded as an alarming sign. Perhaps he has a pathology of the pyloric sphincter. It is necessary to contact a medical facility, especially if regurgitation is noted against the background of hiccups.

Depending on the cause, hiccups after feeding may vary in duration. So, when air is swallowed, it goes away after a few minutes, and with nervous excitement or hypothermia it can disturb the child for several hours.

Why a baby hiccups after feeding may be due to the introduction of complementary foods. Products used as complementary foods are much heavier food than mother's milk, which causes an unpleasant reflex.

Physiological features

The body of infants is not yet fully formed. First of all, this applies to the digestive tract. He is not yet able to digest food and is adapted exclusively to breast milk. Even milk is not completely digested, since the work of the digestive glands is still insufficient.

Also, the baby hiccups after feeding in situations where he sucks too quickly. This causes air within the esophagus to be pushed toward the stomach rather than expelled.

In addition, an important role is played by the lack of bifidum and lactobacilli, which are responsible for the absorption of simple substances by the intestines. Such features of the digestive system make possible the frequent occurrence of hiccups.

What can be done

If a newborn has hiccups, what should parents do?

You should not go to the hospital right away. The vast majority of cases are considered normal, with the exception of those that last more than a day or occur very often.

In order to eliminate hiccups, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence. To do this, the mother must carefully monitor in what cases it appears. If an infant hiccups after feeding, then you should pay attention to how he grasps the nipple or the tip of the bottle.

If during sucking there are folds on the lips, then air can enter the oral cavity through them, and the child will swallow it. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the child grasps the nipple along with the aureole.

It is important to choose the right bottle if the baby is fed not with breast milk, but with formula. A large hole in the tip will allow you to suck in not only the mixture from the bottle, but also the air contained there.

A baby’s hiccups after feeding will go away faster if you hold him upright in your arms, “in a column.” With this position of the body, gases will rise upward according to the laws of physics, which will end in belching. In addition, maternal warmth will promote relaxation of smooth muscles, which will facilitate the opening of the cardiac sphincter.

Children who are fed formula should be especially carefully monitored. If a newborn hiccups after feeding, then the provoking factor may be a violation of the temperature regime of the mixture. Low temperature has a tonic effect on the walls of the stomach, which can lead to hiccups.

If the hiccups do not go away for a long time, then you can put the baby to the breast again or give a bottle of plain water. Due to the entry of a new portion of liquid into the stomach, the air should come out faster.

Don't worry if your child hiccups. Usually the cause is not terrible, and no special means are required to eliminate the symptom. But if the newborn hiccups after each feeding, then the best option would be to see a doctor to examine the baby. Perhaps the cause of hiccups is quite serious and will require treatment.

Mothers of newborn children are worried about the hiccups that occur in the baby. After feeding, the baby hiccups for three minutes, sometimes it lasts a quarter of an hour. Hiccups are not a deviation; they are a natural phenomenon that occurs in infants and bottle-fed babies. The article will help you understand the reasons for its occurrence and decide whether it needs to be treated. Parents need to know about the occurrence of hiccups, how to stop them and help their baby.

Hiccups often occur after feeding

How does hiccups occur?

In order to understand why hiccups occur in newborns after feeding, you need to know the elements of the internal structure of the body. The diaphragm is the muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. Infant hiccups are contractions of the diaphragm that occur involuntarily. In babies, the diaphragm is so sensitive that even small irritating factors lead to its mobility. The person involuntarily makes short breathing movements. After the vocal cords close, a specific sound appears.

Hiccups, in essence, are a reflex designed to remove air from the stomach that the baby has swallowed along with food, or due to excessive formation of gases.

Reasons why a baby hiccups

Moms ask how harmless it is. It is a common belief that children hiccup only from hypothermia. At the same time, parents try to dress their child warmer. But there are several reasons for infants to hiccup:

  • overeating, food too fatty;
  • the baby is cold;
  • intestinal colic due to gases;
  • the baby is thirsty;
  • stress;
  • deviations in the development of the nervous system;
  • pathology of the digestive system.

Pathologies of the nervous and digestive systems can only be determined by a pediatrician after examining the child. Parents can determine factors such as overeating, hypothermia, stress and the baby’s needs themselves to help him.

What does Komarovsky say? When hypothermia occurs, the baby’s muscles become more toned and tension in the abdominal muscles occurs. The stomach puts pressure on the diaphragm and hiccups occur. According to the doctor, the child is not cold, he does not freeze.?

Hiccups mean that the baby’s body is adapting to temperature fluctuations in the room.

A more common cause of hiccups in newborns is air in the stomach or intestinal gases. They move the stomach upward, put pressure on the diaphragm and hiccups appear.

What causes hiccups in a baby

Caring parents note that the newborn begins to hiccup during or immediately after feeding. The stomach fills with milk or formula, stretches and puts pressure on the diaphragm, then the baby hiccups. The intestines act on the diaphragm in the same way if gases have accumulated there. The baby's swollen tummy will indicate the cause of hiccups. Formula-fed babies often hiccup, as formula is more difficult to digest than natural breast milk.

Why do hiccups occur?

Watch carefully how the baby attaches to the breast. He should take with his mouth not only the nipple, but also the isola. Then he will not swallow air with the milk. The baby may hiccup from overeating. The stomach overfilled with milk puts pressure on the diaphragm, and it contracts. Prolonged breastfeeding, 30 minutes or more, also causes hiccups. Fifteen minutes is enough to satiate a newborn. Prolonged feeding can lead to disturbances in the digestive system. Gases in the intestines press on the stomach. As a result, it moves upward, puts pressure on the diaphragm and the baby hiccups.

Remedy for hiccups in newborns

Hiccups in newborn babies after feeding are normal and are determined by the characteristics of the body. In most cases, this goes away on its own and does not cause any inconvenience to the baby. However, if the attacks last a long time, parents worry and ask: what to do, what to do if the baby hiccups for a long time. To prevent your baby from having long bouts of hiccups, they can be prevented by feeding them correctly and performing other simple activities. Below are two cases in which babies need help: 1) the baby is bottle-fed; 2) the baby is breastfed.

Artificial feeding

When a mother feeds her baby formula milk, it can be difficult to tell whether the baby is full or still hungry. The mixture is usually prepared according to a recipe. This portion is enough for one newborn; another baby needs a smaller portion. However, mothers try to give him the whole bottle. The result is overfeeding. He swallows air along with the milk.

Pediatricians advise feeding small portions of formula, but doing it more often. The baby will not have time to get hungry and will begin to eat more calmly and slowly, and will not swallow air. Small portions of food are digested better and more efficiently.

Artificial feeding causes hiccups due to swallowing air

Artificial babies can also be fed on demand, just like those babies who are breastfed.

After feeding, when the baby's bottle is taken away, you need to hold him in a horizontal position, put his head on your shoulder. Then it will be easier for the excess air that has entered his stomach to escape. Then you can massage his abdomen with very light circular movements clockwise. Two minutes is enough for this. The final stage of feeding a baby is burping. Thus, the stomach is freed from air; this prevents hiccups. If the newborn is restless while eating, moves and begins to cry, it is necessary to stop feeding for a while and let him burp.

Give your baby something to drink to stop hiccups

If the baby's tummy is swollen, gases have accumulated there and are bothering him, the mother needs to put the baby's tummy to her stomach and carry him until he calms down. This will make it easier for gases to leave the intestines, they will stop putting pressure on the diaphragm and as a result the baby will stop hiccupping. The pediatrician will select suitable formulas for the baby that will not cause gas formation.

☝Before feeding, you need to put the baby on his stomach, this way it will help him get rid of accumulated gases in the intestines. After feeding, babies are not placed on their backs. The child needs to be held in an upright position for fifteen minutes. Then the air will come out of the stomach, and the baby will not be bothered by hiccups.☝

A bottle nipple opening that is too large allows your baby to drink more formula than necessary. Therefore, it is necessary to buy nipples with a small hole. When food enters the baby's mouth slowly, during this time he will satisfy the sucking reflex and will not overeat.

Upright position after feeding


A nursing mother needs to follow a certain diet, eating only those foods that will not cause bloating in the baby.

There are two reasons why a baby may overeat. Firstly, there is severe hunger. The baby should be put to the breast on demand, and not according to a certain regimen. That way he won't get too hungry to overeat. Proper latching will prevent air from being swallowed. It is necessary for the baby to grasp the nipple and areola with his mouth.

How to help if a child hiccups

Experienced mothers advise putting the baby to the breast again if he begins to hiccup after eating. This technique helps get rid of this.

You need to know this. Sometimes babies experience bouts of prolonged hiccups that cannot be calmed by anything. Then you need to seek medical help from a pediatrician. The doctor will examine the baby and prescribe treatment.