
Baby strollers are not allowed. The problem of providing places for baby strollers in children's healthcare institutions on the right bank has been resolved. Stroller regulations in a children's clinic.

Gentlemen, lawyers, I’m here at my leisure fighting arbitrariness: I’m already fed up with our clinic, where they don’t let me in with a baby stroller. A call to the health department did not help, I want to write official letters to the responsible organizations.

Can you read it and tell me if it is presented clearly?
Did I mention the correct laws?
Have you indicated the correct recipients, or are some of these organizations not dealing with this problem?

To the Ministry of Health


To the Head of the Administration
Chertanovo-Tsentralnoye district, Moscow

To the Prefecture of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow

From XXX,
living at the address:

Dear xxx,

I ask you to understand the current situation:
10/20/2010 at the City Clinic No. __, located at the address: Moscow, _____________, me with a six-month-old child in the nursery stroller The security guard refused to let me into the clinic.

In the evening of the same day, I called the hotline of the Health Administration of the Southern Administrative District, where the operator accepted my complaint and forwarded it to the management of the clinic. After which the Deputy Chief Physician of the clinic called me back, apologized and assured that the security guard would be instructed regarding the unhindered passage of citizens with baby strollers into the clinic premises.

On October 22, 2010, I again tried to enter the clinic with a baby stroller, but on the front door of the clinic there was already an illegal notice “No entry with baby strollers” (photo attached). The security guard again refused to let me into the clinic, despite my notifications about Moscow Law No. 3 of January 17, 2001 “On ensuring unimpeded access for people with disabilities to social, transport and engineering infrastructure facilities of the city of Moscow,” which refers to “low-mobility citizens » Citizens with young children are also included, including those using strollers (Article 1). According to Article 3 of this law, “Objects that must be equipped with special devices and equipment for the free movement and access of people with disabilities and people with limited mobility include: ... - objects and institutions of education and science, healthcare and social protection population";

In accordance with this, I believe that I have every right to go to the clinic with a stroller. By refusing me access to a medical institution, the administration of the clinic violated my right to receive medical care in accordance with Part 1 of Article 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and also discriminated against my child on the basis of age (Article 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), who, due to his young age, is not able to move independently ( On the territory of the clinic there is a pharmacy where I should receive medicines for the child using free prescriptions).

I ask: to sort out the management of City Clinic No. 61 regarding the elimination of prohibitions on the use of the clinic by citizens with baby strollers, to hold the management of the clinic accountable in accordance with: 1) Article 8 (“ Liability for violation of this Law”) of Moscow Law of January 17, 2001 No. 3 “On ensuring unimpeded access for people with disabilities to social, transport and engineering infrastructure facilities of the city of Moscow”, 2) Part 3 of Article 14.8 (“Failure to provide consumers with benefits and advantages established by law”) Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, 3) with Article 53 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Sincerely, _____________________________

A stroller is a fairly large means of transportation. It’s one thing when you walk with it in the yard or a nearby park, and quite another when you have to go shopping with the stroller or to the clinic for a doctor’s appointment.In such situations, the question inevitably arises: where to leave the stroller???

In today's article we will look at various situations, which parents of the baby often have to deal with.

One of the main problems that arises from the very first days of purchase children's product movement - where to store the stroller.Difficulties arise due to the overall dimensions, the required free space, and the inevitable consequences in the form of street dirt and dust after daily walks. Of course, for those who live in a private house, or whose apartment area allows them to accommodate a stroller, the question is not so relevant.

But what if you live in an apartment building and the living space is very limited? There is only one solution - leave the stroller outside the apartment, in the entrance. We will describe in detail how to do this correctly below.

Where to leave the stroller?We will tell you about situations that may arise with you when visiting a clinic or a shopping center.

Baby stroller at the entrance

Is it possible to leave a stroller in the entrance?If you carefully study the law, then according to it the entrance is a common property of the house, and under no circumstances should personal belongings be placed here. However, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation allows the use of this space if a joint decision is made at a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building.

Therefore, the only legal way to leave a stroller at the entrance is the option in which you manage to agree with the other residents on the location of the child’s vehicle.But, if among the owners there are opponents of your proposal, then the stroller will have to be stored only in your own apartment.

If the residents at the meeting decided that it is possible to leave the stroller in the entrance, then the question remains of how to ensure the safety of the child’s vehicle.Often parents have to deal with situations where the stroller placed in the entrance has been damaged and spoiled, and in some cases it may even be stolen.

How can this be prevented? The first thing that needs to be done is to limit access to the entrance for unauthorized persons who do not live here. This will significantly increase the chances that your property will remain safe. One more unfavorable factor are dysfunctional neighbors. You shouldn’t take the risk if among the residents in your building there are people who abuse alcohol, drugs, or have a criminal record.

Theft can be prevented by a special bicycle lock, with which you can attach the stroller to the nearest pipe or turnstile. The cover will protect you from dirt and prying eyes. Pay attention at this point so that your stroller does not interfere with your neighbors in the entrance. Do not place it in places where it may obstruct people's traffic. It is better to leave only those models that have small overall dimensions and low cost. Expensive strollers still need to be placed at home, this will help avoid major damage in case of damage.

Of course, in modern apartment buildings it is much more comfortable to move with a child’s vehicle both inside the entrance, using a freight elevator, and along the area in front of the house.Here they install a special ramp for baby strollers at the entrance.

Residents of old housing stock were much less fortunate. However, you can install a ramp in the entrance for baby strollers wherever it is technically possible. To do this, you must contact your housing company or HOA in writing. If a positive decision is made, a ramp for baby strollers must be installed at the entrance. The law is completely on your side here.

Strollers in the clinic

Parents are often forced to come to see a doctor or specialist at a children's clinic. But in our country it is still very rare to find children medical institutions, equipped with a special parking area and wheelchair ramps. Therefore, you can often see a picture when parents leave their children’s vehicles on the street. Of course, this is a risk, because your baby’s transport can be damaged, damaged or stolen.

How to leave a stroller at the clinic?The most effective thing is to come to the clinic with an assistant who can look after your vehicle while you are at the doctor's appointment. If this option is not possible, then it is necessary to take a number of measures that will help keep your stroller safe and sound. Cover your vehicle with a cover to protect it from bad weather and possible contamination. Be sure to secure your vehicle to a post or fence using a bicycle lock.

Is it possible to take a stroller to the clinic?According to the law, visitors with a stroller are classified as a low-mobility group of the population, which practically equates them to people in wheelchairs. This means that you must be given unimpeded access to move around within the medical facility.

However, in practice this is impossible to find. The fact is that clinics must be equipped for such movement, and the narrow corridors and numerous queues available today do not provide such an opportunity for visitors. Therefore, strollers continue to huddle on the street area.

All this fully applies to shopping centers. Access for parents cannot be denied. If they refuse to allow you into the territory along with a stroller, the administration must ensure the safety of your vehicle outside the shopping center and provide a type of transport that meets internal rules.

For many residents of Russia, the problem of providing places for baby strollers is quite acute, according to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 No. 390 “On the fire safety regime,” entry into health care facilities with baby strollers and sleds is prohibited, as a result, parents are forced to leave “children’s transport” on the street under open sky. With the assistance of the Head of the region, Sergei Morozov, this problem has been practically solved.

“Today, in the set of rules of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, it is recommended that children’s health care facilities provide areas with canopies or rooms for prams in front of the entrance, however, this condition is optional. The new standard for children's clinics in the Ulyanovsk region, approved this year, provides for the mandatory inclusion of special parking areas for baby strollers when designing and constructing new institutions, as well as the arrangement of storage areas for baby strollers in existing institutions. Today, all our clinics are already equipped with wheelchairs. The size of wheelchairs and the number of seats are calculated based on the number of people attached to a particular clinic. Strollers are necessarily closed, have lighting, handrails for securing strollers and video surveillance,” explained chief physician Children's City Clinical Hospital of Ulyanovsk Rashid Abdullov.

"We are attached to the new clinic N 9 Children's City Clinical Hospital of Ulyanovsk on General Melnikov Street. We have a wonderful stroller and today I can’t imagine how we could ever get by without it. I know that strollers are now available in all other children’s clinics on the right bank of the city, all thanks to the introduction of the New Standard of Clinics in the region. It is important that this Standard provides for the presence of a wheelchair as a mandatory element in the design of a medical facility. The stroller saves strollers not only from bad weather, but also from “thieves.” It’s very convenient for mothers to come to the hospital, put the stroller in a safe place and calmly enter the building, knowing that the stroller will stand in the same place where she left it, dry, not in the snow, and most importantly, safe and sound,” explains mother of two Yulia Malyshkina

“For every mother, the issue of preserving and saving the lives of their babies is fixed at the level of instincts. Thanks to the presence of strollers in healthcare institutions, the level of fire safety has also increased. After all, now strollers do not get in the way in the aisle or on the porch. I remember my childhood, and those clinics in where we were treated, where everything was without amenities. I remember strollers abandoned in the middle of the street, strollers right at the door. Now, in the clinics, a lot is provided: in the institutions of the Ulyanovsk Children's City Clinical Hospital, which I visit, everything is done for patients and parents: these are also recreation areas. , and coolers with drinking water, and dispensers with antiseptics in the corridors, and soft sofas, and the most equipped bathrooms, and playgrounds near the clinic, and just a different attitude towards people,” explains mother of two children Elena Imangullova.

Surely any mother, having brought her baby to the clinic, has encountered the problem of where to leave the stroller. As a rule, “parking” occurs at the entrance to the building next to the stairs; some people leave strollers on the porch. Much less often - indoors in the so-called stroller room. By the way, there should be wheelchairs in clinics - according to the norms of the technical code of practice of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture . Do you have them at your clinic?

Until recently, Minsk resident Oksana, going with her child to the clinic at her place of residence, went up to the doctor with a stroller. When suddenly a sign appeared on the doors at the entrance "entrance with strollers, bicycles and other children's vehicles is prohibited" with reference to fire safety requirements from 2005. The ad advised mothers to purchase locks and chains to secure strollers to porch railings.

- In our country they like to talk about how much the authorities are doing to ensure that there are more children. I see what this means in practice,
- Oksana is indignant. - Before you prohibit bringing a stroller to the clinic, make a place to store it!

Surely many will agree that walking around the clinic with a stroller is at least strange: it is both unsanitary and unsafe, and how will others be able to move around the building in such conditions? But the question is different:

Where to leave the stroller when you come to the clinic?

On Tuesdays, clinics have Children's Day - on average, the number of strollers on this day exceeds fifty. Where should I put them? In most cases - at the entrance to the building. No one monitors the safety of strollers there, which means every mother runs the risk of being robbed .

Once they even took out a chocolate bar and wet wipes from us,” Marina recalls.

Unfortunately, not only the contents are stolen, but also the strollers themselves. The latter, however, can be fastened, for example, to a railing. But even then - not always

- Special devices there are no wheelchairs near our 23rd clinic, and there are not enough stairs for everyone - on a child's day, strollers stand in several rows, - says one of the mothers. - We have to take risks...

For practicality, Inna bought a stroller with a removable cradle.

- We unfasten the cradle before entering, we don’t use any locks, who needs only wheels,
- she reasons. - But I often see that mothers park expensive strollers without fastening them - there’s simply nowhere!

The option with a cradle is good for babies who cannot sit yet. You can't hold an older child in a cradle.

- There is someone to take us to the clinic, and there we go in a sling,
- Yana shares. - Otherwise, we would have had to leave the stroller at the entrance.

There should be wheelchairs in clinics!

While mothers are racking their brains and worrying about the safety of property left on the street, back in 2005 the Ministry of Construction and Architecture approved the norms of the technical code for them.

- Clinics must have wheelchairs, this is stipulated in TKP 45-3.02-18-2005 “Buildings and premises of medical and preventive organizations. Clinics, outpatient clinics. Design rules”,
- speaks Tatiana Bakunovich, head of the anti-epidemic department of the State Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology" of the Presidential Administration. - Clause 5.3 of this TCP states that there must be strollers in the lobby of children's clinics.Telling patients to leave their strollers outside is a departure from technical regulations.

The interlocutor notes that the stroller is a closed room, and not a separate section of the street.

- The number of places in the wheelchair depends on the capacity of visits per shift,
- she clarifies. - If there are 600 visits, then the stroller room should occupy24 square meters, 450 visits - 18 square meters, 300 visits - 12, 200 visits - 9.

Where are the strollers located in your clinic?
Whether there is astroller? Share your observations on the news forum!

After the show on Channel One, the Tatarstan Ministry of Health closed paid “stroller parking” and reprimanded the head doctor

The joke of showman Ivan Urgant on the air of his program had far-reaching consequences for Chelny doctors. The symbolic fee for storing strollers was canceled, and the management was punished. However, the head physician claims that he already planned to abolish the 10-ruble tax after installing video surveillance. “BUSINESS Online” remembered what other incidents in the motor city came to the attention of the famous comedian.


The fee of 10 rubles for wheelchair services at children's clinic No. 4 in Naberezhnye Chelny was canceled, and the head of the institution was reprimanded. This information was confirmed to BUSINESS Online by the press service of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan. Such measures were taken after the TV presenter Ivan Urgant in his show “Evening Urgant” he drew attention to paid parking for strollers YouTube channel.

“In children's clinic No. 4 in Naberezhnye Chelny they opened a paid stroller. To park a baby stroller indoors, a visitor had to pay 10 rubles,” Urgant read out the news. He joked that people have already come up with a way to park a stroller for free: "They cover the baby's face with a CD!"

Let us remind you that the information appeared in the media after a complaint from a local resident. Aigul F. on the People's Control portal. She said that in clinic No. 4 you have to pay 10 rubles for storing a stroller, attaching a receipt as confirmation, while “the same stroller in children's city clinic No. 5 is free.” The shuttle's statement, published on March 13, was supported by 8 people. A week later, an official comment from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan appeared on the portal. “At the State Autonomous Institution “Children's City Clinic No. 4 named after. Akhmerova" the project provides for a stroller room with a separate entrance. Upon completion of the repair work, the protection of strollers for children and other means for their transportation was organized on a paid basis in accordance with the statutory activities of the institution,” the department’s response says. They also noted that a video surveillance system is currently being installed, with the help of which the safety of “strollers for children and other means for transporting them” will be ensured.

The sensational story is being vigorously discussed by Chelny residents on social networks. Moreover, users are divided into two camps - those who believe that “no one will become poorer or richer with 10 rubles,” and those who consider this to be a “corruption component.” “What kind of enterprising people live here. My heart just rejoices,” some write. “They always charged for strollers without a receipt, but here everything is official with a receipt, which means it’s harder to put it in your pocket, but you still have to scream about corruption. Soon, almost all services will become paid,” others say. User Rinat Khamidullin answers those who consider 10 rubles a trifle: “Yes, 300 mothers will be paid per day - that’s already 3000, per month that’s 90,000, per year that’s 1,100,000, and all this will end up in the pocket of the head physician - not a shabby bonus.” He is echoed Maxim Fedotov: “It is because of this attitude that corruption appears, because people get away with everything: first, 10 rubles for strollers, then 10 rubles for storing clothes in the wardrobe, and then 10 rubles for using a changing table. This is how our country is being plundered because of the disregard of the people.”

The information appeared in the media after a complaint from a local resident on the People's Control portal (click to enlarge)


Children's Clinic No. 4 named after. Akhmerova is located in a typical 2-story building built in 1982. It is designed for 300 visits per shift and serves about 20 thousand people. “BUSINESS Online” visited an institution that became famous throughout the country. The stroller is located inside the building where there used to be a feeding area. There they fenced off a special corner for these purposes. As our correspondent was able to personally verify, now they really don’t charge for stroller storage services. However, there is no way for regulars of the institution to know about this - there are no announcements or warnings on site. Therefore, some visitors still think that a fee is charged and still leave strollers and sleds on the street. But the most interesting thing happened at the moment when a photojournalist for our publication tried to capture on camera the object of universal outrage - the stroller itself. The security guard who issued coupons and numbers, calling the BUSINESS Online employee “unscrupulous” and sending curses at him, immediately began calling management, citing the fact that nothing could be photographed without permission from management.

With the management of the clinic - and. O. head physician Klara Fattakhova— nevertheless, the publication also talked, albeit by phone. The manager explained that a paid wheelchair service was organized at the clinic a long time ago - more than 10 years ago. Moreover, this service was initiated by the parents themselves - due to repeated thefts. “Not only strollers, but also bicycles and sleds were left there and stolen. There was no video surveillance then. And the parents themselves asked us to organize security for a nominal fee. This was done only for this purpose, and not as it is now presented - as if we wanted to profit from it. And as soon as the overhaul began, and we did it last year, we immediately decided that we would install video surveillance and make the stroller free. While the repairs were underway, we were forced to give up guarding the strollers, and at this time three thefts occurred again - two sleds and one stroller were stolen. Therefore, we returned to the previous scheme. This week we are completing the installation of the video surveillance system, and therefore, from March 20, we will not charge a fee,” Fattakhova said.

A paid wheelchair service was organized at the clinic a long time ago - more than 10 years ago. Moreover, this service was initiated by the parents themselves - due to repeated thefts
Photo: Oleg Spiridonov

By the way, the clinic is an autonomous institution, and, according to the head physician, this type of paid activity is prescribed in the charter and agreed with the relevant authorities. “But now an order has been issued, and we will remove this type of activity as unnecessary, since we can ensure the safety of citizens’ property in another way. Video surveillance is installed throughout the facility. The video from the cameras will be on the TV screen in the security room. The recording will be kept within a month,” the head physician reassured. True, the head physician was unable to announce the amount that was annually collected into the clinic’s income from the paid wheelchair service.

Let us remind you that the clinic recently completed a major overhaul, for which 123 million rubles were allocated under the presidential program. The head physician reported that this amount was used to overhaul water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation systems, renovate offices, partially remodel, diagnostic services were transferred to the first floor, and a mother and child room was opened. In addition, under the accessible environment program, for 1.1 million rubles, the entrance lobby was reconstructed, a ramp was installed, a toilet for people with limited mobility, signs for the visually impaired and an information board for citizens with disabilities.

The stroller is located inside the building where there used to be a feeding area. There was a special corner fenced off for this purpose.
Photo: Oleg Spiridonov

Literally 10 days ago, the 4th clinic was solemnly celebrated after a major overhaul new minister healthcare of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Sadykov together with the mayor of the city Nail Magdeev . Moreover, at a meeting with the team, Sadykov made it clear that now the response is up to the doctors.

“At a meeting with the medical community, which took place last Monday, Rustam Nurgalievich [Minnikhanov] said Nice words: “We are seriously investing. Beautiful, warm, cozy. We are improving the material and technical base of clinics. But I would like there to be changes inside too. It all starts with kind words, with a smile. Mothers who come here are in different moods. And it is necessary that your attitude towards them always be the warmest,” the minister expressed his wish.

Literally 10 days ago, the 4th clinic was solemnly opened after major renovations by Marat Sadykov together with Nail Magdeev Photo: Oleg Spiridonov


Urgant devoted only 15 seconds of airtime to a joke about paid wheelchairs. But more recently, in the comedian’s show, the motor city received much more attention. Let us remember that in October 2017 the showman invited the Chelny poetess to the studio Aigel Gaisin and advertised her disc.

“One of the most interesting video works in Lately We saw the video “Tatar” by the Russian duo “Aigel”. The group’s music is unique and leaves no one indifferent,” Ugrant said in the program and announced the shuttle’s performances in Moscow and St. Petersburg. It is interesting that this time there were no humorous comments in the spirit of Urgant.

In 2011, the showman mentioned Chelny in the SpotlightParisHilton program. In May 2011, at a meeting of the City Council, the mayor of Chelnov, whose post was then held Vasil Shaykhraziev, offered to auction off the names of the city's stops. The mayor explained that he receives many proposals from companies to name stops their brands. This gave Shaikhraziev the idea to organize an auction of bus stops, the money from which would go to the city treasury. The idea, of course, was not realized, but the showmen liked the news.

Urgant's colleague Sergey Svetlakov, anticipating problems, suggested: “Previously, grandma was driving to social security, but now: “Give me a lift to the Irkutsk diamonds, son!” She may not get there!” Urgant saw benefit in Shaikhraziev’s proposal: “If the stop is called PricewaterCooperhouse, then the grandmothers will learn English.”