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The most suitable professions for introverts. For introverts: work where you don’t have to communicate with people Technical support services, help desks

It is generally accepted that career heights are achieved by cheerful extroverts - people for whom active communication is a joy. But what about those who are by nature silent, withdrawn and self-absorbed? In densely populated offices with demanding bosses and noisy employees, introverts who prefer silence and solitude have a hard time. Planning meetings, deadlines, time pressure and lunches with colleagues do not have the best effect on the productivity of introverts. Rjob found out which job an introvert should choose so that it brings him satisfaction and not stress.

Professions for singles

According to a professor at the RANEPA Higher School of Corporate Governance Elena Yakhontova, The optimal job for introverts is one that does not involve intense interaction with people and constant value judgments on their part. The most suitable professions are those associated with intellectual and creative activities, requiring concentration, thoughtfulness and individual work.

Practicing psychologist, existential-humanistic psychotherapist at “Private Psychological Practice” Yulia Gorozhankina believes that introverts are comfortable only in calm atmosphere, for example, at home.

“Introverts “recharge” in solitude; they simply need it to replenish their energy. To be in an overly socially stimulating office environment, an introvert spends a lot of internal energy, which is not left to do his job effectively. It is possible that an introvert takes some of his work home with him after work or on weekends. Not because he doesn’t have time to do it in the office, but because in a calm environment he is more efficient and productive,– comments the psychotherapist. - The best form of work for introverts is either a separate office, or a work schedule in which you can spend only part of the time at the workplace. Introverts make excellent financiers, writers, bloggers, traders, information technology specialists, and designers.”

Psychologist Maria Efimova advises introverts to pay attention to the following areas of activity:

IT industry: programmer, web designer, site administrator.

They perform specific and precise tasks, while communication with people is kept to a minimum. You can contact clients via email and perform work remotely.

Finance: accountant, financier, economist, financial analyst.

These professions are associated with processing incoming data according to clearly defined algorithms and rules. The specialist is required to be persevering and diligent.

Introverts can also do journalism (copywriter, rewriter), design, marketing and science. In these areas they use their strengths: ability to create, creativity, good memory, analytical warehouse mind.

also suitable for an introvert. This profession guarantees minimal contact with people and requires attentiveness and concentration.

Another profession – rather unconventional – is offered to introverts Natalia Mignenko, specialist at the International Academy for the Study of Lies. This is about , which can detect lies without aids.

“Verifiers work successfully in security services and HR departments. Their skills are used during negotiations at the highest level (both in business and politics). They are scientists who conduct research, and also intelligence officers, psychologists and actors,– explains Natalya Mignenko. – The “human scanner” works with certain data: posture, gestures, vegetative manifestations, breathing, facial expressions, speech or lack thereof, a person’s position in space. The verifier is based on the experience of psychology, physiology, linguistics, and anthropology.”

Obviously, an introvert has a lot of options, and this type of character does not imply strict restrictions.

“Nowadays, with so many technological opportunities, introverts can work in almost any field and industry. Where they can provide themselves with the main thing and necessary condition- to be in a comfortable environment and alone for some time, and after recharging, “dive” into society and business activity until the next recharge,”- Yulia Gorozhankina emphasizes.

Get out of the limelight: where introverts should stay away

However, there are positions and areas of activity that are not recommended for introverts: show business, medicine, pedagogy, reception. Professor Elena Yakhontova notes that these professional areas are difficult for introverts, as they require intense interaction and deep emotional contact with different people.

“Introverts should not work in places where they need to actively “sell themselves”, constantly be in the spotlight, “keep their face”,– advises Yulia Gorozhankina.

Psychologist Maria Efimova is sure that the following professions can be emotionally draining for introverts: sales consultant, advertising agent, public figure or speaker. Most of these professions are draining both mentally and physically. This makes an introvert uncomfortable.

How to Increase Productivity as an Introvert

Many introverts complain that they cannot fully realize their potential - the conditions in which they have to work interfere. The boss constantly stands above the soul, general atmosphere The office is tense. What to do?

“An introvert feels comfortable when he has a chance to concentrate on one task and go deeper into it. Such a person needs an autonomous area of ​​work; it is advisable that he does not depend on colleagues, contractors and the manager. It is important that an introverted employee receives information in advance and has the opportunity to think before acting. If a manager knows his subordinates well, he will be able to use everyone’s resources correctly,”– comments psychologist Maria Efimova.

According to Elena Yakhontova, the effectiveness of an employee in the workplace, first of all, depends on his professional and business competencies, and lastly, on the type of temperament.

“Unsociable introverts can develop better communication skills and perform much better than outgoing extroverts. Managers are required to create normal working conditions and develop the competencies of both introverts and extroverts. The type of temperament has a greater influence on teamwork. For introverts to work effectively as a team, managers must offer them appropriate team roles as an idea generator, resource explorer, and controller."– the expert advises.

Psychotherapist Yulia Gorozhankina advocates individual conditions jobs for introverts.

“It’s no coincidence that they choose quieter hours to work. For example, early in the morning, when there is still no office bustle, or vice versa, in the evening, when most employees go home.

In meetings, introverts need time to think. They are better at generating ideas alone. They need silence, a sense of personal space in the office.
And the big question is how realistic it is to observe all this in everyday office conditions,”– says Yulia Gorozhankina.

For an introvert to feel comfortable in a group, he must understand his own characteristics and be able to communicate them to others. There is nothing worse than an introvert who denies his introversion and tries to fake it. Firstly, it will be very difficult for him to carry the “social mask”, and secondly, the team will always feel this inconsistency.

Most introverts are individualists who care peace of mind and who are very sensitive to pressure. But if an introvert finds his path and a comfortable form of work, he will make every effort to realize himself. His emphasis on internal experiences will only play into his hands - because there is no need to motivate such a person from the outside.

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Of course, the ability to communicate is important in almost every profession. Simply because it is simply impossible to carry out work without interacting with other people - colleagues, partners, customers. However, there are professional areas in which work will allow a communicative employee not only to feel comfortable, but also to make the most of his potential.

1. Call center operator, telemarketer

An experienced professional may refuse this job. But for young and sociable people, this is an excellent opportunity to show their friendliness and sociability and to properly train stress resistance. It’s worth considering that working as a telemarketer provides an incredible opportunity to learn how to work with objections and literally “sell snow.”

2. Technical support services, help desks

This is an opportunity to be that friendly voice answering our calls for support and information. To work in this position, you may also need special knowledge, for example, in the field of Internet networks. This work trains remarkable patience. We advise you to refuse such a job if you cannot explain to your grandmother how to use the Internet.

3. Event manager, organizer of holidays and events

A “holiday person” must be able to communicate a lot - with clients, with suppliers of goods and services, with sites and others. Personal charm and personability will also come in handy in this job. appearance. This type of work is perfect not just for sociable people, but for those who like to be in the center of events.

4. Guide

A profession that is tied to speech. The guide must know the route well, understand which group should tell a joke and which should not, and be able to manage a group of people who are seeing it for the first time. This profession requires, in addition to a strong voice and a desire to communicate, high erudition and leadership qualities.

5. Journalist

Yes, today there are very successful bloggers who only need one gadget with Internet access to write a popular column. But this is typical for narrowly themed blogs and the ability to express only one’s opinion and expertise. In the work of a journalist, a lot of time is devoted to communication. A journalist must be able to quickly win people over, navigate the situation and ask the right questions, while remaining sensitive.

6. HR specialist, recruiter

This job requires professional education. But you can still get into junior positions if you have increased communication skills and a desire to help people. In these professions, literally everything is connected with people. The job will require the ability to recognize people's strengths and talents, to discern the human qualities of candidates and employees, and to communicate bad news.

These professions require good intuition and understanding of human nature. In addition, the ability to persuade - clients, management, performers. Indeed, in the field of marketing and advertising, you can often defend your decision only through personal charm and persuasiveness.

8. Purchasing managers

These are professionals who do nothing but constantly negotiate with suppliers. They must be able to find Best offer and seek discounts and special conditions for your company.

9. Sales consultants

This job requires the ability to control not only your voice, but also your facial expressions. The more charming the consultant, the easier it will be for the client to communicate with him, which increases the likelihood of a sale. It is worth noting that for this work you will have to learn everything, in general everything about the goods that are to be sold.

10. Sales Manager

One of the most interesting professions for sociable people. After all, there really is a lot of communication in it in a wide variety of forms - negotiations by phone or in person, business correspondence, " brainstorming"with colleagues, discussing tasks with performers and production. Success in this work will also require energy, ambition, resistance to stress and openness to new things.

We bring to your attention the top most disgusting professions in the world.

10. Cleaner in a pornographic cinema

Perhaps this work will appeal only to teenagers who will be able to watch adult films for free. But for adults this work will seem too disgusting and disgusting, because after each viewing the cleaner must manually wipe the upholstery of the chairs from sticky stains and pick up used condoms from the floor. This job is clearly not for white hands. In addition, lovers of perversions often come to such sessions, so there is a great chance of “running into” one of them.

9. Buckingham Palace Guard

This profession is considered by the military to be the most difficult and unlucky in the UK. And this is not just an accident. And even high-ranking military personnel are convinced that this profession is “burdensome, exhausting, monotonous, unprestigious, and fraught with severe painful sensations.” But this is not even the most unpleasant thing. The thing is, she's also incredibly boring. It all starts with the fact that within a few hours the soldiers put their uniforms in order. Before going on guard duty, they check their weapons for “combat readiness.” And this is not just a tribute to tradition - for a faulty appearance, the soldier will receive an additional outfit. According to statistics, soldiers serve such punishments for an average of two to three years of their service life.

“This service does not require any investment of intelligence, it is boring. After the first week, all attractiveness disappears from her. This is not an occupation for which men join the army, British security officials say unanimously. “It involves very high level personal discipline, but requires absolutely no intelligence, zeal, physical strength, or initiative.”

8. Animal pathogens

This is a special job among scientists. They sympathize with them and laugh at them. If scientists need sperm samples, they use a special worker who personally brings the animals to orgasm. In their work, pathogens use an electric probe to stimulate the prostate gland through the rectum, an artificial vagina, or the old-fashioned way of working with their hands. Every professional pathogen has been in danger at least once in their life, many ended up in the hospital.

7. Monkey driver.

There is a shameful position in the safari park: The driver, armed with a large stick, is obliged to drive away monkeys from the roofs of cars. The chaser must chase the monkeys and engage in battles with them, since many monkeys are in no hurry to immediately leave the chosen place. Often they even bite the mahouts or attack them in a group.

6. Malaria fighter

This terrible work also has something to do with science. The carrier of the virus, the mosquito Anopheles darlingi, does not fly into the light and does not get caught in net traps. Unfortunately, it can only be done with your own blood. This is what anti-malaria fighters do. In the evenings, when malaria mosquitoes are especially active, the fighter sits in a mosquito cloud and suffers multiple bites. When a mosquito lands on a person, he sucks the insect through a tube, the other end of which is in his mouth, and then blows the mosquito into a container.

5. Portable toilet cleaner.

Although the majority still use latrines at home, some, for certain reasons, are forced to periodically resort to the services of dry closets. Using a tank and special suction, cleaners must empty the filled tank under the toilet, collect scattered pieces of used toilet paper and wash all soiled surfaces, including walls, using a hose from which high pressure served hot water. It usually takes a few minutes to clean one toilet stall. So one professional can process from 10 to 60 cabins per day.

4. Intestinal gas taster.

This nasty profession was mastered by US gastroenterologist Michael Levitt. It is not clear why the Americans needed gas samples, but science is science: sixteen volunteers released gases through a tube into special containers. One hundred samples were collected. Then the samples found to be the most smelly were subjected to chemical analysis and it was found that the reason for this was hydrogen sulfide.

3. Cat food taster

Before going on sale, cat food undergoes consumer control. But the role of the consumer is not a cat, but a person. The taster's responsibilities include three consecutive tests. First, he must bring his face close to the bowl and inhale the smell to understand how fresh it is. The second test is to determine the number of bone fragments in the feed. To do this, you need to feel the slimy mass with your hands. And finally, the third test involves a taste test. To do this, a small amount of food needs to be chewed thoroughly for some time, determining the shades of taste.

2. Killer of downed animals

Everything is simple with these workers - they walk along the highway with containers and tear off the carcasses of downed animals from the asphalt. The work is, to put it mildly, not pleasant.

1. Drain Cleaner in Kolkata

Workers like 27-year-old Rakesh Sahu wallow in human excrement all the time. Instead of a uniform, Rakesh wears long purple briefs. To work he uses a hoe and a bucket. Rakesh's responsibilities include cleaning the blockages that occur in the sewer. Rakesh has been in this constant stench and unsanitary environment for ten years, earning $100 a month.

A sociable person is a person who knows how to communicate. This skill is important for building both personal and business relations. There are professions in which communication skills are almost the most important quality of a specialist. These are, first of all, the so-called client-oriented areas of activity, which involve active communication with clients.

The Dictionary of Social Sciences interprets sociability as a person’s ability to communicate, establish contacts and connections. From this definition it follows that it is not limited to sociability alone, but means the ability to build a constructive dialogue, both written and oral, with almost any person.

What is included in the concept of “communication skills”?

Communication skills are one of the main personal qualities needed by almost any person to achieve success in the modern world.

However, sociability does not just mean talkativeness and certainly not talkativeness. This concept includes the ability to connect and network, as well as the ability to listen. These skills are especially important for various kinds managers: customer service manager, sales manager, public relations manager. Their success depends on the ability to win over the interlocutor, as well as literacy. The ability to find a common language, quickly change behavior and tune in to the same wavelength with completely different people is part of the professional competencies of these specialists.

Communication skills are also important for professions related to medical care, training and education, consumer services, trade, and legal protection. Unsociable and reserved people are unlikely to find it easy to work as teachers, medical and social workers, sellers, realtors, sales representatives, representatives of some creative professions (actors, singers, animators, presenters).

Communication skills can be oral and written.

Written communication skills presupposes the ability to conduct business correspondence competently and appropriately for the occasion. When applying for a job, as a rule, written communication skills are checked by how the applicant’s resume and cover letter are written. HR employees primarily pay attention to grammatical and stylistic errors, especially if a candidate is required for a responsible position. An illiterate but communicative employee is of little interest to the employer.

Oral communication skills

Its presence in the candidate is checked during a personal interview and partly during a psycholinguistic analysis of his speech, during a telephone interview. There are several criteria by which HR employees evaluate this type of communication skills.

  • Ability to clearly express your thoughts.

Logical and structured speech is what primarily characterizes a person with oral communication skills. In order to check this quality, questions are often asked that require a detailed answer, but in no case “spread over the tree.” “Being sociable” does not mean “talking nonstop.” On the contrary, it is best to be guided by the principle “brevity is the sister of talent.” A candidate who has been asked, for example, to tell about himself, should not indulge in a lengthy discussion, retelling all the information contained in the resume. The highest value is given to a short (2-4 minutes), logically structured story about yourself as a professional in a certain field.

  • Adequacy.

According to HR consultants, main indicator when assessing a candidate’s personality - his adequate, to some extent critical attitude towards himself and others. Familiarity and the transition from the first minutes of conversation to “you” do not at all indicate your sociability, but rather reflect a lack of professional communication skills.

  • Listening skills.

Interlocutors who do not hear or listen to each other will not be able to have a constructive conversation. Incessantly talking man A person who does not listen to the opponent’s comments and requests is not able to come to an understanding with his interlocutor. As a result, the effectiveness of such dialogue confidently tends to zero.

  • The ability to win over your interlocutor.

A sociable person, as a rule, has the ability to win over his interlocutor during the communication process and has good control over himself and his voice. Using various psychological techniques he is able to hold his opponent’s attention and recognize his reaction to certain questions by intonation, and change his line of behavior in time to be on the same wavelength with him.

Communication test

This test provides an opportunity to determine a person’s level of sociability and assess the level of his sociability and communication skills.

Instructions: We present you with 16 simple questions. Answer quickly, unambiguously: “yes”, “no”, “sometimes”.

Evaluation of answers: for each “yes” answer – 2 points; “sometimes” – 1 point; “no” – 0 points.

The points received are summed up, and the classifier determines which category the subject belongs to.

  1. You have an important business meeting ahead. Does her anticipation unsettle you?
  2. Do you put off visiting the doctor until it becomes absolutely unbearable?
  3. Do you feel confused and displeased by the need to present a report, message, information at a meeting, meeting or conference?
  4. You are offered to go on a business trip to a place where you have never been. Will you make every effort to avoid this business trip?
  5. Do you like to share your experiences?
  6. Do you get irritated when stranger asks you to show him something, to answer some question?
  7. Do you believe that there is a problem of mutual understanding between people of different generations?
  8. Would you be embarrassed to remind a friend that he owes you money that he borrowed a few days ago?
  9. Will you remain silent if you are served a clearly poor-quality dish in the dining room?
  10. When you find yourself face-to-face with a stranger, are you usually the first to engage in conversation?
  11. Are you horrified by any long line, no matter where it is: at a bank, in a store, at a cinema box office? To avoid this, are you ready to give up your intention so as not to languish in anticipation?
  12. Are you afraid to participate in any commission for considering conflict situations?
  13. Do you have individual criteria for evaluating works of art, literature, etc.? Do you usually not accept other people's opinions?
  14. Having heard somewhere a clearly erroneous statement on an issue that is well known to you, would you prefer to enter into an argument?
  15. Do you feel annoyed when someone asks you to understand a particular issue or educational topic?
  16. Are you more willing to express your point of view on paper than orally?

Calculate the total points you scored when answering the questions.

30-32 points. You are clearly uncommunicative, and this is your problem, since you yourself suffer the most from this. Even your loved ones find it very difficult to communicate with you. It is difficult to rely on you in a matter that requires joint efforts.

Advice: try to develop communication skills, learn to be sociable.

25-29 points. You are taciturn, reserved, prefer solitude, so you probably have few friends. New job and the need for contact with strangers If it doesn’t throw you into panic, it certainly throws you off balance. You know the peculiarity of your character, for which you are often dissatisfied with yourself.

Advice: Don’t despair, work on yourself as much as possible.

24-20 points. You are sociable and feel quite confident in an unknown environment. New problems don't scare you. But still, you approach strangers with caution, you rarely and reluctantly enter into arguments and discussions, and if you do have to argue, there is a lot of sarcasm in your statements.

Advice: These shortcomings are completely correctable, think about your conclusions, analyze similar situations.

14-19 points. You are a sociable person. You are inquisitive, ready to listen to your interlocutor, tolerant in communicating with other people, and defend your point of view without temper. You go to meet new people without any unpleasant worries. At the same time you don't love noisy companies, extravagant antics and verbosity, it irritates you.

Advice: look in people's behavior positive sides, be more lenient, because every person is an extraordinary person.

9-13 points. You are very sociable, sometimes even beyond measure. Curious, talkative, love to express their point of view on various issues, which sometimes causes irritation among others. You willingly get to know other people, love to be the center of attention, and do not refuse anyone’s requests, although you cannot always fulfill them. Sometimes quick-tempered, but quickly move away.

Advice: Work on perseverance, patience and courage when faced with serious problems. A little effort on yourself and you will force yourself not to retreat.

4-8 points. You are a “slash guy.” Sociability flows out of you. You are always aware of everything, you like to take part in disputes and discussions, although ordinary topics can make you blue. You willingly speak out on any issue, even if you have a superficial understanding of it. You get down to business, although you can’t always finish what you start.

Advice: fight this illness, think about every word or decision, because for this reason, managers and colleagues treat you with some caution and doubt.

0-3 points. Your communication skills are painful. You are talkative, verbose, and interfere in matters that have nothing to do with you. Willingly or unwittingly, you become the cause of various conflicts in your environment. You are quick-tempered, touchy, and often biased. Serious work is not for you! Both at work and at home, people have a hard time with you.

Advice: Cultivate tolerance, restraint, and respect for others. Be careful not to judge problems in which you are completely incompetent.

How to develop communication skills

  • Learn to enjoy communication.

This is one of the main rules for acquiring communication skills. We always prepare ourselves for how the planned conversation with this or that person will go. For example, a meeting with an old friend seems uninteresting and very boring to you, because you know that your interlocutor is a typical bore. An upcoming conversation with your boss always involves some stiffness and nervousness. Before a conversation that seems unpleasant to you, you should tune in for the best: remember that you can always change the situation, change roles with your interlocutor. For example, you don’t really want to listen to your friend’s childhood memories. Don’t listen, start telling the story yourself, take control of the situation. Or turn the conversation to another topic that will be interesting to both of you. Turn the upcoming unpleasant conversation into a pleasant one. Learn to benefit from your conversations with different people, and communication will become a more enjoyable experience for you.

  • Don't avoid communication. Try to initiate the conversation.

Living in a big city, it’s easy to pretend that you don’t see an old friend with whom you are traveling in the same subway car, or to pretend that you don’t recognize him. As a rule, downcast eyes indicate your reluctance to make contact, and this works - they don’t want to communicate with you either. But similar adult game hide and seek makes you experience much more negative emotions than a conversation with even the most undesirable interlocutor. When you are hiding from your acquaintance, you are in a state of anticipation, fear: “What if he recognized me? Or maybe he wants to talk? In order not to ask such questions and not wait for someone to come up to you and start talking, it is best to act as the initiator of the dialogue, and you will feel that it is quite easy. These are the basics of communicative communication.

  • When coming into contact with people, do not be overly formal in communicating with them.

If they ask you: “How are you?” or “How are you?” It would be right to talk a little about your life and your affairs. The dryness of your answers and reluctance to engage in conversation will be regarded by your interlocutor as disrespect and ill will towards him.

  • Work on your artistry.

The sociability of people characterizes them as representatives of society, who are characterized by a wealth of gestures and intonations. A sociable person is an unrivaled storyteller and imitator. He has a taste for details, details, he wants to live a varied, full life, so it is easy for such a person to transform into different social roles and easily adapt. These people know how to please.

  • “Kill” pessimistic moods in yourself.

A mandatory quality of any sociable person is optimism. If you strive to become a master of communicative communication, develop sociability, but at the same time you are possessed by pessimistic moods, it’s time to think about how to become an optimist. Pessimism, as a rule, does not lead to anything good, and certainly does not contribute to the development of sociability. Smile! People respond much better to a smile than to a sullen face.

Not all people are born sociable. In the process of acquiring life and professional experience, a person learns to communicate, contact people, and effectively build the necessary connections. But there are people who do not have sufficient communication skills. Nowadays, you can learn everything, if only you have the desire. To be a “master of communications” will be helped by specialized literature, participation in professional trainings on technology effective communication and daily training in communicating with others.