
Is it possible to give breast milk at a fever? Causes of increased body temperature in a nursing mother. Possible causes of hyperthermia in a nursing mother: assessing the symptoms

A nursing mother may have a fever for several reasons; once they are identified, it is necessary to take immediate action. If a woman has recently given birth, perhaps this is an individual reaction to the formation of lactation; in these cases, low-grade values ​​​​not exceeding 37 degrees are observed. You should never forget about dangerous mastitis or various infectious processes occurring in the body. Before bringing down a high body temperature on your own, it is imperative to contact a competent specialist who will find out the main causes and prescribe competent treatment.

And every mother should remember that even at 39 degrees you cannot stop breastfeeding.

Let's take a closer look at what can affect a woman's temperature increase during breastfeeding, and what measures can be taken in specific cases, what medications are allowed to take, and how to correctly measure the temperature during lactation?

Checking the temperature correctly If a woman is breastfeeding a child, then when measuring temperature values ​​in the armpit, you may not get reliable result

. During lactation, nursing mothers usually have a thermometer reading above 37 degrees, and this is the norm.

If you feel worse, it is best to measure the temperature in the bend of the elbow joint or in the groin, this is how you can get the true value. Often in maternity hospitals, readings in the oral cavity are measured. But if a woman suspects problems with her breasts, then she needs to place a thermometer under both armpits; if the temperature rises to 38 or higher, the alarm should be sounded. Remember that you need to measure the temperature in the armpit half an hour after feeding the baby, and first wipe the skin dry.

  1. A nursing mother experiences low-grade fever that does not exceed 37-37.5 degrees, then in many cases there is no need to worry. Often this is how the body reacts to the production of breast milk. But do not forget that if the milk is too intense, and the time for feeding the baby has not yet come, then it is best to express the breast so that lactostasis or purulent mastitis does not begin. In these situations, a temperature jump to 38-39 degrees is observed.
  2. Often, immediately after the birth of a baby, the temperature of a nursing mother rises as a result of exacerbation of various chronic diseases, infections, because in postpartum period The woman's immunity is greatly reduced. If the temperature has risen above 38 degrees and deterioration is observed general well-being, you should consult a doctor immediately.
  3. One of the reasons for high temperature values ​​in the first month after childbirth may be an inflammatory process:
    • inflammation of the suture after cesarean section;
    • endometritis;
    • divergence of seams in the perineum.
  4. If the temperature rises to 39 degrees, accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, then we can talk about poisoning or the development of rotavirus infection. If you have any infection, do not quit breast-feeding child, because It is in mother's milk that there are antibodies that can protect the baby.
  5. If there is an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees or higher, a runny nose, chills, and a sore throat, then most likely it is a simple ARVI. In this case, you need to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe proper treatment with drugs approved during lactation.

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Temperature during breastfeeding is quite dangerous symptom, and any woman must remember that she cannot draw independent conclusions and self-medicate.

If you notice a sharp temperature jump above 38 degrees, you should urgently consult a doctor.

If a case of mastitis or any postpartum complication is missed, strong drug therapy may be needed, which will put an end to the continuation of breastfeeding the child.

Ways to reduce temperature

When a woman sees a mark of 39 on the thermometer, she panics and asks the question: how can I lower the temperature of a nursing mother? After all, not all medications are suitable during this period, because many of them penetrate into breast milk and accordingly enter the child’s body.

It is also worth noting the fact that until the thermometer reaches 38 degrees, the body itself fights the infection, and there is no need to use antipyretic drugs, because This is a normal situation during the development of a cold. There are two ways to reduce a temperature exceeding 38.5-39: either by taking medications or using medications traditional medicine. Let's consider both options.

  1. Medicinal method:
    • the best option for a woman while breastfeeding may be to take medications intended for infants, which usually contain paracetamol or ibuprofen; drinking such drugs is safe for both the woman and the baby;
    • It is best to purchase antipyretics in suppositories, because absorption of components into breast milk is not as intense.
  2. Traditional medicine methods.
    • if a woman does not have lactostasis, then if the temperature rises, it is recommended to drink plenty (drinking water, weak tea, fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes); if the child does not have allergies, you can add a little honey or a slice of lemon;
    • drink tea with raspberry jam (if the baby has no allergic reactions), you can also separately brew raspberry leaves, which are sold at the pharmacy;
    • it is necessary to strictly observe bed rest, only rest will help the illness;
    • Cool compresses on the forehead or rubbing with a weak solution of vinegar also work well, but there is no need to make compresses with vodka or alcohol, because alcohols penetrate the skin and are absorbed into breast milk.

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Fever and breastfeeding

Many women during illness are tormented by one question: how does temperature during breastfeeding affect the quality of milk, and is it possible to feed your baby at the moment? In most cases, it is definitely not worth giving up breastfeeding, because breast milk contains antibodies that protect the baby from diseases. However, there are exceptions, for example, purulent mastitis, pathogenic bacteria enter breast milk and can lead to infection of the baby. Until the woman recovers, natural feeding stops.

Therefore, it is very important to monitor the body temperature of a nursing woman; as soon as the level is above 37.5, you need to consult a doctor so as not to miss lactostasis or purulent mastitis. Any delay can be costly for the health of the mother and her baby.

Breast milk is the most important product for a newborn. It helps strengthen health and immunity small child. However, no one is immune from unpleasant surprises. It happens that a mother has a fever, and she does not know what to do in such a situation. Should I continue feeding or not?

In fact correct solution depends on many factors that provoked the disease. To understand whether it is possible to breastfeed at a temperature, it is important to learn how to measure it correctly and find out the reasons that led to the increase.

Causes of poor health

Before you decide to continue breastfeeding your baby, you need to find out the reasons why the mother has a fever.

  1. The temperature sometimes rises due to severe stress experienced by a woman. In this case, it does not affect the quality of breast milk.
  2. Infectious diseases accompanied by a runny nose and dry cough. If women have ARVI, it is necessary to consult a doctor about treatment and determine whether it is possible or not to continue breastfeeding the baby.
  3. The cause of a high temperature in the first few weeks after birth may be an inflammatory disease. There is a possibility that when a child is born, the mother’s chronic illnesses worsen.
  4. Mastitis. Cracks form on the nipples, and the mother has a high fever. It is not recommended to continue breastfeeding your baby.
  5. Food poisoning. A woman needs to reconsider her diet, since all the food consumed ends up in the baby’s body.

These are the most common causes of fever. Sometimes body temperature rises due to individual characteristics body. Only a doctor can find out the exact cause.

How to measure temperature correctly

If a nursing woman has a temperature of 38, you should not draw hasty conclusions. There is one interesting pattern that everyone needs to know. This is the only way to learn how to measure temperature correctly and get reliable results.

The process when milk leaves the mammary glands involves the release of heat and strong contraction of muscle tissue. It is for this reason that the temperature during breastfeeding or immediately after pumping rises to 38 degrees.

To measure it correctly and get a reliable result, you need to wait 30-35 minutes after feeding the baby.

A body temperature of 38 degrees is considered normal and does not provoke changes in the taste and composition of breast milk. However, if the fever increases to 39-40 degrees, lactation may be disrupted, and it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

The importance of lactation and breastfeeding

Mother's milk is important for the development of the newborn's immunity. Now doctors are of the opinion that if the mother’s body temperature rises, it is not recommended to stop feeding. This is due to the following reasons.

  1. Breast milk provides the baby with antibodies and nutrients, the lack of which leads to a weakened immune system.
  2. A slight increase in the mother's body temperature is sometimes beneficial because the baby develops a "protective barrier" that reduces the risk of infection.
  3. Abrupt interruption of breastfeeding can lead to the baby completely refusing breast milk.
  4. A break in breastfeeding leads to the formation of mastitis, and as a result, the milk simply burns out.

When to stop breastfeeding

A small jump in temperature cannot harm the mother and her baby. However, there are situations in which it is better to refuse breastfeeding.

How to lower temperature during lactation

Even a slight temperature during breastfeeding provokes a deterioration in a woman’s condition and a feeling of discomfort. It needs to be knocked down, but very carefully so that it does not affect the child’s health. The tips presented will help you get rid of the symptoms of poor health.

  1. It is necessary to try to reduce the fever with the help of medications, the composition of which does not affect the taste of breast milk. Breastfeeding women can take ibuprofen or paracetamol.
  2. If a woman is afraid to take pills so as not to harm the baby, you can use antipyretic rectal suppositories, which are absolutely safe.
  3. At any temperature, you should not immediately run to the first aid kit for pills. If the thermometer shows no more than 38 degrees, wait a little and let the body fight on its own to strengthen the immune system. Perhaps this is a temporary increase in temperature due to stress, or you measured it immediately after feeding (which is not recommended).
  4. If a woman has an acute respiratory viral infection, drinking plenty of fluids will help reduce the fever. However, if there are symptoms of mastitis, this approach will be useless - it can provoke an influx of milk.

Let's sum it up

Based on the recommendations of doctors, we can conclude that stopping breastfeeding a child if high temperature it is forbidden. Mother's milk for a baby is an important building material from which immunity is formed.

You can stop breastfeeding only if the woman has been experiencing a fever for more than a day, and the temperature cannot be lowered. This can be dangerous for a child.

The main thing is not to rush to take antipyretics right away. Think about whether you measured the temperature correctly, establish the reason for its increase, and only after that can you draw any conclusions.

The benefits of breast milk for a baby are undeniable. It contains all the vital substances that ensure normal development and growth of the tiny organism. But this period is often complicated by the woman’s illnesses, which cause acute pain and fever. Can a mother with a fever continue to breastfeed, and how does this process affect milk? How can you alleviate your condition so as not to harm your baby?

Reasons for rising temperature

There are several provoking reasons due to which a nursing woman may feel unwell and notice an increase in body temperature:

  • viral diseases;
  • infectious pathologies affecting the nasopharynx and throat;
  • postpartum problems associated with dehiscence of stitches left after a caesarean section;
  • food poisoning;
  • stressful situations, worries, worries;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands associated with (many young mothers encounter this problem);
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments.

The main thing is to establish the true cause of the disorder, since treatment tactics completely depend on this. The body, weakened by childbirth, is especially susceptible to the penetration of bacteria and viruses, so 80% of women who practice breastfeeding experience an increase in body temperature.

Important! As soon as a new mother notices alarming numbers on the thermometer, she should examine the mammary glands for lumps and red spots. They signal stagnation of milk, which must be urgently expressed so as not to provoke the development of milk.

Note: More information about all the reasons for the increase in temperature during warm spells -

When can you breastfeed with a fever?

Often, experts do not advise disrupting the lactation process, insisting on its continuation when the temperature rises.

There are good reasons for this opinion:

  • a temperature of 37 C promotes the production of interferon, a human protein that, when delivered to a baby through milk, strengthens its immunity;
  • a mother’s elevated temperature is a normal reaction of the body that allows it to overcome bacteria and infections that have penetrated it. The lactation process will benefit not only the newborn, but also the woman herself;
  • Regular latching of the baby to the breast will prevent the development of congestion in the mammary glands;
  • lactation cannot be stopped at will. In any case, the patient will have to express and take milk, which entails a lot of difficulties and inconveniences. In addition, transferring a baby to formula is not a simple event that requires increased attention and control from the woman. Good rest, all these processes will not contribute in any way to treatment and comfort;
  • if a nursing mother interrupts natural feeding, temporarily transferring the baby to artificial nutrition, then one cannot be completely sure that he will want to return to normal sucking mode in the future, when she has recovered.

In the process of a minor illness (for example, with ARVI, cough, runny nose, which do not require antibacterial treatment), the amount of milk decreases. But feeding is not stopped. This milk is filled with antibodies that allow the baby not to get sick while being close to a mother who has a cold. In the future, everything will return to normal, the main thing is to put the baby to the breast as often as possible and drink enough liquid.

Prohibition on breastfeeding

Despite the benefits of breast milk, breastfeeding at elevated temperatures may be strictly contraindicated. Doctors do not advise continuing it if:

  • pathologies associated with the acute course of chronic ailments, for example, diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, respiratory organs;
  • temperature exceeding 39 C. Breast milk in such cases may change its taste, to which the baby will respond with a categorical refusal. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to lower the temperature and only then offer the breast to the baby;
  • undergoing treatment with antibiotics and other drugs contraindicated for nursing women.

If chronic illnesses worsen during lactation, only a doctor can say whether it is advisable to continue it. For example, for sinusitis, pyelonephritis or bronchitis, specialists do not interfere with breastfeeding and prescribe medications that can be used by nursing mothers. Among the most dangerous infections that are an undeniable obstacle to continuing natural feeding, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, syphilis, HIV are noted.

How to reduce the temperature of a nursing mother

To continue breastfeeding safely, it is important to stabilize your body temperature as early as possible. A nursing woman can solve this problem without harming the newborn:

  1. If the mother's temperature is 38 C, it is necessary to take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug based on or. It is these substances that are allowed to be used during lactation. To relieve pain and fever, you should not use Aspirin - it is considered harmful and dangerous for newborns: it causes developmental pathologies and disrupts the composition of the blood.
  2. To avoid significant penetration of harmful ingredients into breast milk, antipyretic medications are used in the form of rectal suppositories. They must be based on approved medicinal substances, since some of them still penetrate into the blood and milk, and therefore into the baby.
  3. At temperatures below 38 C, antibodies are intensively synthesized, so there is no need to rush to bring it down.
  4. The thermometer is used after feeding. This will allow you to correctly assess the woman’s condition. It should be remembered that lactating breasts always have an elevated temperature, which means that measurement in the armpit will be incorrect. Even in a healthy state, a woman can see 37-37.1 C on the thermometer, which is quite natural. The indicators will be most accurate if the thermometer is placed in the bend of the elbow or in the groin fold for seven to eight minutes.
  5. If an infection with viruses or bacteria occurs, it is necessary to remain in bed, drink plenty of fluids (mainly herbal teas with chamomile, calendula, sage and berry compotes), and ensure rest. Drinking should only be limited if you have mastitis.

You can wipe your body with vinegar diluted with water 1:4, or apply a vinegar compress to your forehead and feet, drink raspberry tea or linden blossom infusion. When milk stagnates problematic breasts put cabbage leaf.

If the mother’s condition is within the acceptable norm, the temperature does not go off scale, then breastfeeding the baby is the most the best way to recovery. But it should be remembered that even such a simple illness as a cold requires medical supervision. In case of illness associated with damage to the body by bacteria, it is advisable to use gauze bandage upon contact with the baby. Food poisoning should be monitored by a doctor, since it is dangerous to continue breastfeeding due to severe intoxication of the mother's body.

Important! Only a specialist can prescribe antibacterial medications to nursing mothers after diagnosis and diagnosis.

Hepatitis B at high temperatures should not be stopped, but in order to avoid serious consequences, it is necessary to establish the cause of the disorder and eliminate it as quickly as possible.

Video: Mother's illnesses during breastfeeding

What else to study

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to breastfeed at a fever? After all, breastfeeding improves the quality of the child’s immune system and improves his health. Then what to do, what to do in this situation? Is it permissible to continue feeding, and how can this affect the baby’s health?

The first thing to do is stop worrying. Excessive anxiety can only lead to problems with breast milk, or rather its presence in the breast. When initial symptoms of the disease appear, a woman should call a doctor at home and get advice.

Causes of temperature

The reason for the appearance of temperature above normal can be various reasons. Before interrupting breastfeeding at elevated body temperature, it is necessary to establish the original source of unfavorable health.

A low body temperature is often caused by a stressful situation or ovulation. Both reasons do not have even the slightest effect on the lactation process. The cause of an increase in body temperature can be an acute respiratory disease or viral infection.

With these ailments, in combination with fever, a woman is tormented by a cough and mucous discharge from the nose, although it is quite difficult for female housewives to contract such an infection.

Often, an increase in body temperature occurs in the first month after childbirth. This may indicate possible problems associated with the inflammatory process.

Following the birth of a baby, an exacerbation of previous chronic diseases may also occur. Among the numerous postpartum ailments that lead to fever, mastitis is the most common. This is a disease of the mammary glands that occurs due to the proliferation of bacteria. The causes of mastitis can be cracked nipples, thyroid dysfunction, dermatological and other diseases.

After one month after the baby is born, fever can cause common food poisoning. If the mother's temperature is less than 38° C, there can be no danger either for herself or for the baby. If the fever rises to 40° C, the likelihood of changes in breast milk increases. To prevent the child from refusing to eat, it is necessary to bring down the rising temperature or call a doctor at home.

The need for breastfeeding

Today, many experts admit the possibility of feeding a child with breast milk and at high temperatures. They give the following rationale for this.

Improving the functioning of the baby’s immune system occurs with the consumption of the necessary nutrients and antibodies. And the baby absorbs them along with the mother’s breast milk, even when there is a viral infection in her body. At the same time, the nutritional composition of milk remains practically unchanged. In this regard, in case of acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, doctors advise not to stop breastfeeding the child. This way he will be more protected against the virus.

In other words, an increase in body temperature is the body’s immune defense against disease. Therefore, a slight excess of the norm is useful in the sense that the mother’s body produces the most useful substances, which she can later pass on to her baby. A sudden interruption of lactation can negatively affect the mammary glands of the fair sex, namely lead to mastitis or lactostasis.

It should be noted that any increase in body temperature, and especially during lactation, indicates some health problems. This could be ordinary poisoning, or even worse, an inflammatory process occurring in the body. If the reading on the thermometer is elevated, the nursing mother should establish a reliable cause for this phenomenon, and only then make a decision about continuing lactation.

If the body temperature persists for several days in a row, and along with it there are other unpleasant symptoms, such as a cough or runny nose, you should consult a doctor about the necessary treatment and a list of approved medications. With timely treatment, any acute respiratory infection or acute respiratory viral infection will quickly stop its development, and the mother will be able to fully feed her baby.

When to stop breastfeeding

As mentioned above, body temperature does not harm lactation and the health of the nurse herself. But there are situations in which you need to stop breastfeeding due to fever. When mother's milk loses nutritional value and useful material which are passed on to the baby.

So, the temperature does not harm the feeding of the baby and the health of the mother herself.

However, there are situations in which you should stop breastfeeding due to fever:

  • at a temperature of 38° C and above;
  • if the mother has serious illnesses;
  • in case of use of strong antibiotics.

Breastfeeding at temperatures above 38° C is prohibited by specialists. In this condition female body The taste and quality of breast milk can change. To prevent your baby from completely abandoning the breast, it is better to stop feeding until he recovers.

When body heat is caused by a dangerous illness of the mother, it is also better to refuse lactation. Such ailments mainly include diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart and other important human organs.

Antibacterial therapy is often used for recovery through the use of special medications. Is it possible to feed a child when the mother is being treated with antibiotics that have a strong effect on the body? Any specialist will answer no, since feeding can lead to a deterioration in the health of the baby and mother.

Necessary treatment

In order not to suspend lactation, you need to try to bring down the elevated body temperature in a short period of time. Medicines that do not affect the quality of mother's milk will help restore good health. Often these are drugs that include paracetamol and ibuprofen. Thanks to their action, the fever subsides within 30 minutes.

If the temperature is elevated, suppositories based on antipyretic components will help. They do not contain substances that can cause by-effect. Therefore, they cannot be classified as harmful.

The body can control temperature on its own, without the help of special medications. When the thermometer shows no more than 38° C, you should wait a short period of time until the antibodies enter into an active battle with the virus.

For acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, it is necessary to provide the nursing mother with plenty of fluids. Lemon tea, fruit juice or plain water will help. But, if a woman is diagnosed with mastitis, it is better not to abuse the liquid, because it promotes milk production.

Thus, women can breastfeed their children even at elevated body temperatures. However, first it is necessary to establish the true cause of its occurrence. Exceptions include dangerous diseases in which the temperature remains above normal for several days. You can hope for accurate thermometer readings if you measure the temperature immediately after feeding or half an hour after it.

The composition of the milk consumed by the baby should be without certain changes. Therefore, if you feel unwell, you should not take harmful drugs, but use simple drugs containing paracetamol.

If the tablets do not help, lactation should be stopped until the mother's condition improves. As experts point out, at elevated temperatures, the mother produces less milk, since the body is greatly weakened. Therefore, you should not panic ahead of time, but rather start treatment.

Human health is his main weapon in the fight against unfavorable factors environment. The issue is especially acute if we are talking about the health of an infant. Our article today will tell you whether it is possible to breastfeed at a fever. As you know, in such a delicate matter as feeding a child, it is better to consult a specialist. Well, we will offer you only common cases that you may encounter in everyday life. So:

Breastfeeding at fever. Is it possible?

Of course it is possible. But how correct and safe is this? That is the question. We give you a succinct and precise answer: you can breastfeed your baby at a fever! According to research, and indeed general medical knowledge, the mother's fever while feeding the child does not have a detrimental effect on the child. Under no circumstances should you interrupt feeding during illness. If the child’s mother is sick with ARVI, then along with the milk, the baby will receive antigens and nutrients, which, on the contrary, will give his immunity even more strength. Also, feeding is very important for the mother. The fact is that during the period after childbirth, the mother's breasts should give milk, and not keep it inside. As a result of interruption of feeding, a young mother can develop such unpleasant diseases as lactostasis or mastitis. Another danger of interrupting breastfeeding is that after a long break in breastfeeding, the child may completely abandon this method of feeding. In this case, you will have to switch to nutritional formulas, and the mother will have to express milk to avoid stagnation in the breast cavity. Is it possible to breastfeed if you have a fever caused by a cold? Yes, you can.

Another important point, which should never be forgotten. If the mother's body temperature does not exceed 38 degrees and is caused by various stressful psychological factors or ovulation, then feeding is allowed. However, if the temperature is above 39, then it is imperative to bring it down. The fact is that when feeding, the taste of milk changes with temperature, which can cause the child to refuse this method of feeding. In addition, feeding at high temperatures poses serious threat for the baby's mother. Before feeding, try to reduce the temperature with paracetamol containing products. Do not use aspirin-based medications under any circumstances.

Another important point is what is causing the temperature. As a rule, those diseases for which antibiotics are used can pose a serious danger not only to the mother, but also to the child. In this case, it is recommended to seek advice from your attending physician, who will suggest the correct algorithm of action in this difficult situation. Usually, with a mild course of the disease, the doctor selects those antibiotics that will not interfere with the feeding process. And in some cases of serious illnesses it is necessary to interrupt the feeding process completely. Diseases that are associated with renal failure, cardiovascular system, liver and lungs. In all these cases, feeding is not recommended, and sometimes completely prohibited. It is worth noting that in such a situation The best decision- this is a consultation with your doctor and pediatrician. Now you know, dear readers, in what cases you can breastfeed at a fever.