Dream interpretation

My best homemade cosmetics recipes. Natural decorative cosmetics - homemade DIY recipes (foundation, powder, eye shadow, lipstick, cosmetic pencil)

Make cosmetics at home, which consists of natural raw materials, is a fairly simple, but at the same time responsible process. Homemade cosmetics are more likely to cause allergies than store-bought cosmetics. Products that cause allergies when taken internally should not be consumed externally. Especially people with sensitive skin need to use homemade cosmetics carefully.

How to determine whether cosmetics prepared at home will cause allergies? Make a test, apply a little cosmetic product, be it a cream or lotion, on the elbow part of the skin or on the back of the hand. If no signs of allergy appear within half an hour, you can safely use and prepare the cosmetics at home. Allergy sufferers should use cosmetics homemade highly not recommended.

To get the right effect and not cause any harm with cosmetics, follow the basic rules for making cosmetics at home:

  1. Perform the sensitivity test described above.
  2. Follow the rules
  3. Thoroughly wash the ingredients: vegetables, fruits, herbs, etc.
  4. Decoctions and infusions are made in a water bath or poured with boiling water, rather than boiled.
  5. For cooking, use only clean, sterilized containers.
  6. To make a paste, grinding and beating products, it is better to use a porcelain or wooden spoon or masher.
  7. Do not use iron utensils.
  8. Prepare juice for cosmetics at home immediately before cooking.
  9. Homemade cosmetics should only be applied to clean skin and hair.
  10. Be careful with alcohol-based recipes as it can irritate your skin.
  11. Do not use concentrated juice, especially lemon juice, always dilute it.
  12. The volume of a tablespoon is 15 ml, a teaspoon is 5 ml.
  13. It should be on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Decoctions and infusions - 4 days, creams - 1 month, tonics, lotions - up to 2 weeks, masks are always freshly prepared.

At home you can make a mask for the face, body, peeling, etc. Only fresh ingredients are used. The masks are always made freshly. Homemade masks moisturize, nourish, tighten pores and do many other benefits for the skin. As a rule, the mask is done once a week.

An infusion is a cosmetic medicine made from water and plant materials. The infusion is used to cleanse and prepare the skin for receiving the cream. For infusions, plant materials are used, usually flowers, leaves, herbs of plants, most fruits and seeds in crushed form.

Decoctions are prepared for lotions, creams, emulsions. Used to cleanse, tone and relax facial skin. For decoctions, use bark, rhizomes, roots, dense leathery leaves (except those containing essential oils). Ready-made raw materials can be purchased at pharmacies or specialty stores.

You can make soap at home in 3 ways: from scratch, based on soap or baby soap. Also how to make massage tiles and bath balls. Using various molds, you can give your soap an original look. The soap can be used at home or given as a gift.

Hello everyone! Today I decided to publish a collective article about homemade cosmetics. For those who don’t already know, I’ll let you know that I’m a fan of natural self-care and practically don’t buy skincare products in stores. The exception is brands that have switched completely to natural ingredients without adding preservatives, parabens, dyes and other things.

But they usually cost a pretty penny, so I’m constantly looking for interesting and effective recipes. Often my own experiments fail, but I publish those products that receive the highest rating on the blog. Today we will talk about the best finds, in my opinion, which completely saved me from purchasing industrial products.

If you are interested in a complete list of recipes that I managed to try on myself, you can look at them in the “self-care” section.

Well, now I’ll say a few words about the main ingredients that I use in creating homemade cosmetics.

Base oils

An essential component is base oils; they are added to almost any product. Fortunately, there is a huge selection now, and the most difficult test is to choose the one that will work for your skin. My favorite is Coconut oil, I can’t do without him at all. I choose only unrefined, its smell just drives me crazy.

Shea butter and almond butter also have a very good effect. But liquid cumin oil (black cumin) perfectly treats problem skin, so very often I enrich it with nourishing creams which I apply at night. I could list for a long time the advantages of each type of this ingredient, but I won’t do that. This topic separate post. If you are interested in learning about the properties of base oils, write in the comments, I will try to collect information and publish it on the blog.

Essential oils

In some products, essential oils are necessary, in others, such as homemade soap, they are not at all necessary. But, nevertheless, you should not forget about them. If you want to learn how to replace the lion's share of your skincare products with homemade recipes, I advise you to purchase 3-4 types of essential oils. Stock up big amount It's not worth the jars. You must clearly understand the benefits of one, then try others to know exactly which ones solve the problem or work best for you.

My favorite essential oils are orange and cedar. All of them are unique in their own way and irreplaceable for me personally.

Herbal decoction

The third and very simple component for making homemade cosmetics is a decoction of herbs. Our great-grandmothers considered herbs to be a source of youth and beauty, and they were not mistaken. To this day, many cosmetic companies producing natural cosmetics use this ingredient as a basis. It not only effectively copes with many problems, but is also distinguished by its low cost. Some useful herbs and roots can be collected yourself, for example, chamomile, mint, lemon balm, sage and so on. But if you do not have this opportunity, these and other types can be purchased at the simplest pharmacy.

Of course, these are not all the ingredients that a novice home cosmetologist will need. My arsenal also includes abrasive substances from which I make scrubs (salt, ground coffee), hydrogen peroxide, dry herbs, clay, and so on. But various extracts, concentrated fruit acids and other substances that are sold in specialized stores, I do not yet use. Although I had the idea to try it, I apparently haven’t gotten around to it yet.

Anything with them home remedy it would be a level more effective, especially for creams, masks and lotions, all those products that are not washed off from the skin and hair.

But as for homemade shampoos, hygiene products, soaps, and so on, I believe that their purpose is only to wash away dirt and cleanse hair or skin of oil. Complex recipes are of no use here. The active components are simply not able to be absorbed in such a short contact and useful material They will simply be translated in vain. So I even add essential oils there solely for the smell.

So, now let's move on to the best recipes for homemade cosmetics, which I use myself and can already say enough about their effectiveness.

There are several ways to make it to choose from. Each of them is effective in removing odors.

A product suitable for body skin care. I use it during self-massage.

Simple but very effective. Copes very well with problem skin, restores acid-base balance.

An excellent alternative to store-bought salt with dyes and flavors.

Even such a remedy can be prepared independently at home from gelatin.

I love it, but it's only suitable for those who wear minimal makeup.

Well, if you want to know more, then go to the section. There you will learn about salon procedures for beauty, homemade masks, massage and much more.

Well, the last thing I want to talk about today is choosing quality ingredients. Special attention Pay attention to the choice of base oils. It is best to trust reputable sellers. And never buy essential oils in pharmacies. I can wholeheartedly recommend one of the best sellers of natural cosmetics and components for them: SPIVAK. I am delighted with the quality of the products and constantly place orders myself. You can read reviews, ask questions, place an order both on the official website and in group in contact e, where, by the way, you will find a lot useful information about self-care.

That's all! See you again! Bye!

Do-it-yourself natural cosmetics at home are easy to prepare. However, the preparation process is very responsible, because in addition to the benefits, home remedies can cause harm. Before starting production, carefully study all recommendations.

How to make cosmetics at home?

Used to prepare home remedies natural ingredients, which are purchased at pharmacies or specialty stores. Herbs and medicinal raw materials must be stored correctly so as not to cause an undesirable reaction from the body.

Homemade cosmetics consist only of natural products

Basic rules for preparing cosmetics at home:

  • be sure to test for an allergic reaction;
  • disinfect equipment, containers and hands before work;
  • rinse under hot water all the vegetables and fruits you will use;
  • beat or grind the ingredients only in a porcelain bowl with a wooden whisk or mortar;
  • make juices and decoctions before work;
  • dilute concentrated juices;
  • Follow the recipe and add ingredients carefully.

Also remember that alcohol-based cosmetics dry out the skin, so add it in moderation. Apply home remedies only to clean skin.

What does homemade cosmetics consist of?

Homemade cosmetics should not contain animal products, oil refining waste, or genetically modified ingredients.

It is allowed to use natural preservatives, otherwise the products will spoil in 1-2 days. These may be essential oils:

  • calendula;
  • tea tree;
  • eucalyptus;
  • cinnamon;
  • lemon;
  • roses or sandalwood.

Beekeeping products also have the same effect: honey, propolis or wax, as well as alcoholic extracts of plants. Vitamins A, E and C have a powerful antibacterial effect. Ordinary sugar will help kill fungi, but it is used only for making scrubs.

Homemade cosmetics: cream, lotion, tonic or shampoo must contain emulsifiers that will bind water and oil components into a single whole.

Antioxidants, fruit acids, vitamins and some essential oils are most often used as active ingredients.

The presence of chemical components and ingredients of artificial origin in modern cosmetics plays a role. The result of using “fake” cosmetics is allergies, rashes, irritation... How about using time-tested traditions? The recipes for natural cosmetics presented on this page will help you achieve your goals without overpaying!

DIY face creams and tonics: what do you need to know?

Natural cosmetics for the face do not require unjustified costs. At the same time, using proven recipes for natural facial cosmetics, you know exactly what is included in the product.

One of the main roles in natural cosmetics prepared with your own hands for facial skin care is played by base oils, which:

  • provide food skin;
  • Promotes hydration and recovery water balance;
  • soften and smooth the skin;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • provide protection from aggressive external factors.

For example, homemade natural cosmetics, the recipes of which include apricot and almond oil, are suitable for skin prone to dryness. Oily skin“loves” also substances such as oil grape seeds or black cumin. Great solution For sensitive skin will become crambe butter and peach kernel oil.

How to make natural lip balm?

Do-it-yourself natural cosmetics in the form of lip balm are much cheaper and more effective than store-bought analogues. Please note the following:

  • Use wax as a base for the balm. Melt it in a water bath, without using a microwave.
  • Combine solid ingredients with liquid ingredients. After the wax has softened, add liquid vegetable oils and ethers. Use food coloring if necessary.
  • If you want to add a scent to the balm, use cinnamon, vanillin or other substances of natural origin.

Please note that lip cosmetics prepared with your own hands at home should include nourishing oils and a base such as food-grade glycerin. This way the balm will protect your lips. In addition to beeswax, oil vitamins, essential and base oils can be used as ingredients for the balm.

Preparing body cosmetics at home

Natural cosmetics prepared with your own hands for body care - this is for real big choice recipes, ranging from homemade gels to scrubs and wraps. The types and quantities of ingredients in such cosmetics directly depend on the type of product:

  • The basis for natural deodorants is starch with essential and base oils.
  • Shower gels are made using a soap base, essential oils and natural flavors.
  • For homemade scrubs, natural “abrasives” are used, starting with coffee grounds and ending with ground sea salt.

You can choose all the necessary ingredients in our online store or buy natural cosmetics at a competitive price without the need to prepare the product yourself.

Hello, my dear friends, readers and guests!

When I created this blog (more than one year ago), I really wanted to share in it recipes for natural homemade cosmetics, not only hair, but also recipes for creams, gels, lipsticks, shampoos that you can prepare at home with your own hands. I always wanted to have.

But when it came down to it, I realized that my personal knowledge in this area is very little, that writing theoretical posts with recipes collected on the Internet is not interesting and no one needs it, and to bring this idea to life, a lot more will be needed learn, practice, try and test everything from your own experience.

Therefore, I decided to put this idea aside for the future and get busy filling in all the gaps in my knowledge. Throughout this period, I diligently collected information, attended lectures, master classes, turned over all my old institute notes...

God, if I only knew how much useful theory we were taught about this topic at the institute (we were taught how to make soap, make emulsions, creams, oils), I would have saved everything, but then few people were involved in making homemade cosmetics, especially since there were no such opportunities to purchase components, there was not all that tempting the beauty of homemade soap, which now inspires more and more people who want to learn how to make it.

We made boring emulsions and creams from three ordinary ingredients, rolled suppositories from cocoa butter, and made tar soap.

Only 9 years have passed...

And making homemade cosmetics and soap making have become one of the new hobbies of modern women.

Online stores have appeared filled with exotic and essential oils, emulsifiers, stabilizers, natural preservatives, all kinds of bottles and jars, packaging, tools, everything that we had never even dreamed of before.

And most importantly, information appeared, reliable sources of information: books, videos of famous experts, master classes by Western professionals in the field of homemade soap and cream making.

Study, buy, take and do... If only you have desire and imagination.

And I have more than enough desires and fantasies :) Besides, now I understand exactly why I spent five years of my life at the institute, on the knowledge that was used only 10-20% during my work in a pharmacy.

And I got carried away, completely carried away by the study of making homemade cosmetics in theory and practice. A lot of knowledge has been accumulated, a little less experience, but for it to come, what is needed? That's right, try, experiment and practice.

Moreover, I now have all the opportunities for this!

1) Firstly, during this entire period I spontaneously formed my own “home beauty laboratory” :) In the process of my experiments, I discovered new stores, bought and studied various interesting components and now I have almost everything to make home cosmetics.

(and this is only part 10)

2) Secondly, I bought and studied wonderful books, recognized and authoritative professionals in the field of home cosmetics, who answered many incomprehensible and unknown questions for me, and also suggested where to get the most reliable information (online resources, seminars with well-known manufacturers of home cosmetics ).

Now I know exactly how long homemade cosmetics can be stored, why there are no cosmetics without preservatives and which of them are not dangerous, what is most important when making homemade cosmetics, and much, much more.

I am especially inspired by Karen Gilbert, the world's leading expert in creating homemade cosmetics and perfumes.

Among domestic specialists, Anna Margolina is a candidate of biological sciences, former scientific editor of the magazine “Cosmetics and Medicine”, author of the book “New Cosmetology”. It is their experience and knowledge that I take as the basis and main source of information.

Basics of cosmetic chemistry. Basic provisions and modern ingredients.

3) Thirdly, today I know for sure that this topic is interesting to many readers of my blog, which means that I can happily share all this information with you and maybe inspire someone to try to start preparing homemade cosmetics on their own and receive from this not only benefit, but also extraordinary joy and pleasure.

To do this, I opened a new section on my blog and called it

"Academy of Home Cosmetics for Beginners"

Everything that is sold in stores, but only from natural ingredients.

I will prepare them myself in my home “mini-lab”, guided by the knowledge of world-renowned experts in this field. We'll see how it turns out later.

Therefore, if anyone is interested, join us, let's learn together!

I will be very glad to see all your feedback and suggestions on this matter!

Alena Yasneva was with you, until new builds Ech!!!