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Reiki master teacher what gives. Reiki training program and cost. We'll talk about more interesting things here

You have achieved results in individual development, in the formation of their school and the education of their students.
You are the Masters of the school that you created, you are the face of your school. Present yourself with dignity! Bring the Light! We respect you for your great contribution to healing and to the educational process in your school. But still, there are nuances that you do not pay attention to. Some of you have not attended a single seminar of your Teacher over the past period from receiving initiation to level 3-B. When we communicate with the Teacher eye to eye, we free ourselves from the labyrinths of the mind. When we don’t communicate for a long time, the mind begins to lure you and take you away from the right way and the goals you have set for the development of yourself and the school. People have every right to judge you as a school and as Masters. You must judge yourself and correct your shortcomings, awaken within yourself the virtues of a master. The students who attend your classes and school are your mirror. Thanks to them, you can see your shortcomings and, correcting them, develop.
Develop your talent to diagnose, treat and teach. Love everyone without pretensions. Looking at the shortcomings of other masters, draw conclusions and remove your shortcomings. Remember, people will be attracted to your talent and skill. If you don't have talent, you won't be respected or valued. Your complaints will be of no use.
Nobody forbids you to have your own approach when you work individually in a session, the main thing is the result. The first acquaintance of a new person with the Reiki system should begin with a diagnosis on a developed form. If you don’t understand, find out with the Teacher, he will provide individual training. Do not create within yourself a conflict of disagreement with the school. Once a week, a charity session should be held, which will give you and the school new students. When people receive constant knowledge, skills and help from the school, they feel love and support from you. They will come to you themselves, even when you do not invite them. When people don't receive enough knowledge energy and support, they stop going to class. The reason is that you are obsessed with your development. What you do, it seems to you that you are doing for others, but in fact, the mind is more cunning than you. Unconsciously, your efforts have become obsessed with the unconscious interests of your ego. Don't judge people. We recommend that all Masters personally teach Level I classes 2 times a year to update their knowledge, and Level II classes 3 times a year. Conduct individual conversations and healing practices with Level 3-A Masters once a month. Every school under your leadership should have a team that works with you. Select people working in healing, love and inspire them, even if you have complaints about them. Transform your complaints into love and trust. Write a development plan for them for the year, describe their actions and responsibilities at school. Set a personal example in the development of school and personal talent. Be worthy to receive a Grand Master of Reiki from a Grand Master of Reiki (there is such an opportunity to Initiate into a Grand Master of Reiki).
We wish you to be the most successful and talented!
For any questions, write openly.
This is a brief quote from the speech of the president of one of the Reiki associations at a closed seminar on the further promotion of Reiki. The question is: is it a commercial approach to give the title of Grand Master, or is it to promote Reiki to the masses? Healing five people takes a lot of time and responsibility from the healer. And in terms of finances it is incommensurate with carrying out one initiation to the Grand Master level

When there is a sincere desire to be a channel of Reiki, and to transmit this energy to others, to use it for the benefit of people, then the path to Reiki initiation is quite simple - even children easily learn it in a day or two. According to tradition, there are two successive stages and the stage of the Master. Then, strengthening is the expansion of channels with additional initiations.

Initiation into the Reiki system is carried out through a ritual conducted by a Reiki Master Teacher. During initiation, the student undergoes an attunement process. At the same time, the human energy system is adjusted to more high level vibrations, energy centers (chakras) open, after which a person is able to transmit Reiki energy.


Who is the Reiki Master Teacher? Master Teacher. This is usually what the Guides of Knowledge are called.
This is what they call someone initiated into the master level of the Reiki system.
Each system has its own epithets. Master, Mentor, Guru, Teacher. But it’s not so important WHAT to call it, but what’s important is WHAT stands behind it.

Knowledge is often called experience. Therefore, anyone can become a Teacher. And you need to be open to this. When this awareness of Self comes, then you correctly open to the flow of Knowledge of today. Then you don’t “reinvent the wheel,” but turn to the Guide and go through the lessons quickly and correctly.

In his instructions, the Teacher shares what he considers most important today. If this is a Master Teacher whose mission is to accompany you on the individual Path, then the Knowledge will be provided to you in accordance with your level of consciousness and the incentive to follow the straight Path.

Many people choose a Reiki Master based on recommendations from friends and acquaintances. This method is quite reliable, but it is worth remembering that the needs and beliefs of friends are not the same as yours!

Many find a Teacher with the help of some kind of synchronicity, which leads them to to the right person V right moment. As with other spiritual paths, “coincidences like these” often occur in Reiki when you have right time the necessary meeting takes place.

If you are looking for a Reiki Teacher, consider the various existing approaches to this system and choose an option that “likes” you. Be sure to communicate with the Teacher before undergoing initiation.

You should feel comfortable and safe with this Teacher on the path that you are about to embark on.

Therefore, you should not choose a teacher based solely on the fact that he was recommended to you as the best available. There is an ideal Teacher just for you and you will find him!

The division of the Reiki system into stages occurs in order to gradually raise the student’s energy level, as well as to provide him with the opportunity to get used to this level and acquire practical skills in working with Reiki at this level. Agree, it is impossible to learn anything, such as playing the musical instrument, painting, or achieve records in sports without going through certain stages of training, practice and experience.


There are no selection criteria for the 1st degree, since any person who wishes to receive Reiki can be initiated into the first degree.

During the process of initiation into the 1st stage, the student is introduced to the Reiki system. The Reiki teacher connects him with the universal vital energy, reveals it as a Reiki channel. He gains the ability to conduct this energy through himself and transmit it through his hands until the end of his life. The vibrational frequency of the initiate's energy system increases. In addition, the Student receives all the necessary knowledge to use Reiki.

Initiation to the first stage makes it possible to directly transfer the energy of Light through one’s own hands to oneself, another person, animals, plants and any other forms of being.


You work with Reiki in the first stage for several months and gain experience. If you feel strong and want to expand your capabilities, deepen the effect of Reiki when conducting health courses, then you have the opportunity to receive the second level.

When initiated into the 2nd stage, the initiate receives symbols for further work with Reiki. These symbols enhance Reiki energy, with an intense beam of energy emanating from the palm chakra. The initiate makes a huge energetic leap. There comes a feeling of growing strength.

The 2nd stage makes it possible to transmit Reiki outside of time and space and, in addition, the ability to work on the mental level.

You go through the initiation ceremony again and are given three more options:

a means by which the effects of Reiki can be made more intense;

method of healing at the mental level (at the level of consciousness);

the ability to conduct a healing course at a distance (without direct contact).

The second level of Reiki gives more variety and at the same time significantly enhances the effect of healing. For this, special symbols are used to help focus Reiki so that it works regardless of space and time.


A student who already has the 2nd level and has worked actively with it for at least a year can be initiated into the 3rd stage.

When initiated into the 3rd stage, the student connects with his inner Master. The connection with the power of Light deepens and intensifies even more. Further, the student must realize that with the receipt of the 3rd stage he assumes responsibility for his life and his actions. Working with the 3rd stage creates the preconditions for great internal growth.

The rule here is also true that our energy carrying capacity increases in accordance with the accumulation of practical experience with Reiki.

The third stage is the development of the energy body and the chakra of Wisdom, or the “vertical third eye - the eye of Wisdom.” This is the disclosure and improvement of the more subtle energy field (field of Wisdom) of the initiate, the creation of harmony of the Mind ( Mental body, Central chakra and chakra of Mind), Will ( Karmic body, Vishuddha chakra) and Love (Nirvana body, Anahata chakra). During the third initiation, the student receives his individual symbol - the Sign of the Master, through which he can communicate with the Cosmos, the universal life energy of Reiki, and conduct initiations.

The third initiation is the initiation into a Reiki Master.

  • Dates: 07/10-07/22/2019 KUNDALINI REIKI 2025 course is specially designed for all beginners, as well as for practitioners with energies who have been initiated into the traditional system...

If you are interested in Reiki energy, its healing capabilities for healing your soul and body, then most likely these questions have arisen in front of you. There are many offers and opportunities now. Which one should you choose? Which one will be best for you?
The Reiki master living in Japan, Frank Arjava Petter, answered these questions very well in his book “Reiki Fire”:

On a subtle level, all Reiki teachers are the same, for the Reiki Master symbol destroys all differences.
Technically, it doesn't matter where or from whom you learn Reiki.
You will undoubtedly find a teacher who will meet your requirements. If you feel uncomfortable with the one you are studying with now, you can turn to another teacher to study the next level. It seems to me that your relationship with your teacher should be built on trust. When the heart is open, everything falls into place.

It is better, of course, not to change your Reiki teacher unless you feel an urgent need to do so. Often, student-teacher relationships develop into deep friendships, so if you can, let them grow!
But, if after initiation into the First Degree of Reiki, you do not have a clear feeling that energy is flowing through you, immediately tell your teacher about it. If this does not help, it may be better to reconsider the First Step and get the Second Step from another teacher.

Some of our students, before coming to us for training, tested us in advance using numerology, kinesthetics, astrology or the pendulum - the possibilities are endless. If you are unfamiliar with any of these methods, trust your intuition, which is often simply the first impression a person makes on you.
Most Reiki schools or independent teachers may contact you by mail or speak with you in person before scheduling an appointment with you. Listen to your heart!

Some of us enjoy learning Reiki in a large group setting, while others prefer to do it individually. Both paths are perfectly acceptable, but in my experience as a Reiki student and teacher, the second path is preferable. The soulful vibrations of personal initiation are more difficult to reconcile in a large group (but that is what I personally prefer). In addition, neither the cost nor the location of the Reiki initiation should be a deciding factor. It happens that you have to travel a little further and pay a little more or, conversely, a little less.
In any case, remember:
A Reiki teacher who declares “MY” Reiki is better than “anyone else’s” Reiki has not yet understood Reiki and cannot convey the spirit of Reiki to the student.
Reiki teachers who promise that after initiation such serious diseases as AIDS, cancer or mental disorders, it is better to avoid. I have heard of such irresponsible people making such statements.
Some Reiki schools do not accept students who have received initiation in another school, and offer to start again from scratch (that is, from the First Degree). Others, like us, don't think much of it and simply test the earlier steps to eliminate the differences.
I sincerely wish you success and pleasure!

I completely agree with the views of Frank Arjava Petter on the issue of choosing your master. I would like to add on my own that when choosing a Reiki master teacher, and indeed the person with whom you are going to communicate, it will still be useful to pay attention to what this person looks like, to his achievements and successes in life, to the state of his physical body, on state of mind. The way he looks, how he lives, what he thinks will inevitably reflect on you. It is very wise to turn to a Reiki master teacher who has been able to help himself and is himself an example of the effectiveness and efficiency of the system he teaches.

Also important point When choosing the right master teacher for you, the level of his professionalism is important. It’s very good if:

  • the master has deep knowledge of the theory and practice of Reiki, this can be determined by the structure and clarity of the information presented on the site, reviews, and you can also ask the master any questions you are interested in;
  • methodological training materials are provided, preferably written by the master himself, which again indicates his professionalism and, in addition, will allow you to quickly refresh the necessary information;
  • a certificate of dedication is issued, which also confirms the master’s responsibility for the quality of training;
  • they talk about information support after training, because initiation is only the beginning of the journey, the main changes will follow later and here the support of an experienced traveler will come in handy, and often the very knowledge that there is support already gives strength and confidence.

Who can become a Reiki master teacher?

Being a Reiki master teacher is a recognition that not everyone is given. It requires much more than just knowing how to carry out the initiation process.

Can you convey without distortion the knowledge that you received from your Teacher? Can you methodically correctly convey knowledge and help students develop the necessary skills?

Think about what is at the core of your desire to become a master teacher? Do you want to bring knowledge, healing, help, or do you want to rise above others? Try to answer this question honestly.

So, you have firmly decided to obtain the Master Teacher level. This means that you have sufficient experience in using Reiki for treating patients, self-healing, using Reiki in the most different situations. This means that you have very well mastered all the Reiki manuals available to you. Then with God!

To become a master teacher, you must undergo initiation to the fourth level of Reiki from a master teacher who already has this level of Reiki.

At the fourth stage, all the symbols already known to the specialist of the third stage are used and the last main symbol of Ra-Ku is added.

The beginning master teacher repeats all the theoretical information and practical techniques of the first, second and third stages of Reiki, since he himself will have to initiate these levels and train specialists of these levels. The most important thing that a master teacher learns is the technology of conducting the process of initiation, or initiation.

It should be noted that how Mikao Wu Sui carried out the initiation process is not known for certain. By the way, according to the latest research by Reiki historians, Mikao Wusui trained not one, but about two dozen Reiki masters.

Even among traditional Reiki masters, the initiation process differed in many ways from the outside. A Reiki master could sit a student in front of him and conduct a joint meditation with him, during which he would send a Reiki flow through himself, opening the student’s energy channel, and mentally send the Reshen symbol to the student’s chakras. Or the Reiki master performed attunements by holding his hands on/above the student’s chakras and blowing the Reiki symbol into the student’s chakras, and there was no strict technology. Some symbols were blown into a certain chakra, others were blown into another, or not blown into them at all.

New wave master Diana Stein conducts the initiation process by holding the breath for a long time, holding a special pose.

Of the traditional and new processes of initiation, known to us, we present the most (in our opinion) rational one.

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Third Level in the Master - Reiki Teacher Part (Level 3-B and 3-C)

Collective Reiki. Individual unity

My understanding of how I teach others is this:

The teacher always strives for the student to surpass him.

Therefore, what is required from the student is: 99% sweating and 1% wanting.

Only this way, but not otherwise.

The first virtues of a student who wants to take the Path of the Master are:
- respect for the Teacher who agreed to bless the student on the Path of the Master and pass on the Knowledge;
- understanding what common sense is and the ability to demonstrate it. If you cannot give up your Conceit, if you want to argue and prove something and your ego constantly whispers to you that “I myself,” “I am great,” “I saw,” “I believe,” I..I. ..I..., then it will be difficult for the student to take Knowledge and you will not hear your teacher, neither internal nor external.

Master is not a status that can be achieved. Master is the path. A path where the techniques you learn become your way of life. You have to realize that you will have to learn throughout your life. A master is a person who understands that his destiny, his path on this planet has a certain direction. And his task is to follow it and make this path useful for others. In an attempt to achieve this, you will constantly stumble and stumble - learn new things. But over time, you will learn to accept both success and failure as something positive. You will stop being uncontrollably and insanely happy when everything works out as planned, or becoming depressed if something doesn’t work out. Because the understanding will come that both success and failure are just parts of something larger.
A Master is someone who has become the Master of his life.

“Can I apply for the Master Teacher Path and teach others if I have not yet solved all my problems?”

There is a feeling that we will never solve all our problems. Moreover, we need these problems, because... they make us move forward, seek...
There are no perfect people on Earth. We learn all our lives. And if you wait for the masters to become perfect, they will never begin their work.

Moreover. Everything you teach others, you will learn yourself. From my own experience. Again and again.
Therefore, this is the Path for the strong in Spirit. With a weak or undermined spirit, this step will simply not be taken. The force will simply crush you.
However, here a fuse is triggered (aka Leg the Guardian): the weak in spirit does not even think about the Path of the Teacher.

Temple guard. A traveler was walking through a rocky desert. And suddenly on his way he began to come across smooth, as if sharpened stones: one, another, a third... The traveler stopped and thought that it would be nice to build something significant from these stones - a temple, for example.

“But I’ve never built temples before.” Only small huts.
- Do you see anyone around who could build a temple from these smooth stones?
- No, but this means not only that there is no one else but me, but also that I will have no one to ask for advice.
The voice did not answer, and the man began to collect even stones and lay the foundation of the temple from them. And he was so carried away by this work that he did not notice how low walls had grown above the foundation. And people began to come who, from nowhere, had heard about the temple being built.
- Who are these people, God?
- These are the parishioners of the temple you are building.
- What should I do with them, God?
- Nothing. Finish building the temple.
Some people themselves began to bring stones for the temple. Some stones were ideal for construction, while others were uneven or weak.
- God, what should I do with those stones that, in my opinion, are not suitable for the temple?

- Reject them.
- But people carry them away pure heart; my refusal may offend them.
- They will not be offended: you are a master.
- I am a master?
- Yes, that's what they call you.
- But I don’t consider myself that way.
- But you were able to see among the many stones that were smooth and strong. You decided to build a temple alone. People are not blind, they understand that this requires something more than what an ordinary person has.
- But it wasn’t difficult for me, and even interesting. I myself enjoyed it.
And again there was no answer.
Time passed, and the man completed the temple.
- What should I do in this temple, God?
- Go inside and do what the others do.
- Should I conduct services in this temple?
- No, behave like an ordinary parishioner.
- God, everyone started looking at me, everyone is waiting for my words, they call me wise...
- Leave the temple, put on the guard's clothes and guard it. And when everyone leaves, put things in order, keep it clean.
- God, they will choose their shepherds...
- They won't choose. They are watching you, they consider you the owner of the temple. They are waiting for you to start preaching.
- I must do it?
- No. When they don't wait for you, they will hear me.
- God, I don’t want to guard the temple, I want to try to build something completely different, like a hospital.
- Try.
- God, why didn’t I succeed?
- Because people prayed for it. They wanted you to be near the temple you built.
- God, they keep bringing me stones. What should I do with them?
- Expand the temple, continue to little by little build it bigger and bigger.
- God, the temple has become so big that I don’t have time to build or maintain cleanliness in it.
- Raise your hand and you will see how many people are following your work and are ready to help you. Teach them everything you know yourself.
- Should I tell them about you, about what I learned during this time?
- No. Teach them only what you know how to do: maintain cleanliness in the temple and distinguish suitable stones, but don't talk about what you know. They must find their own knowledge.
- God, I will soon leave this world. What will happen to the temple?
- The same as it was before - it will grow.
- Should I appoint a watchman in my place?
- No. The one who will be the watchman already knows about this, and no one else will argue with him.
- And those whom I taught will become shepherds in this temple?
- No. They know that their place is outside the temple while people are praying there. You have created such an order.
- God, is this a new religion born?
- No, this temple was born without religion.

Building a Reiki School (and this is exactly what any Master Teacher will do), this is CONSTRUCTION OF A TEMPLE, ... without any religions ... And if the Practicing Master is ready for this, then you can read further:

- How is the training going?

The training is not easy. After the recording, events will begin to arise, in fact, thanks to which you become the Master of your life and... accordingly, the Master Teacher for other people. It's not that you paid money and that's it - you were given a rite of passage- and you are already a Teacher. No, everything is very wise there. Life itself becomes your teacher.

To be honest, not everyone in our school was able to complete this training to the end... (out of ambitious thoughts, pride and something else they longed to become a Master, but then the training began and mostly then people realized that they didn’t need it and they have a completely different Path). And this is simply wonderful, because the Path of the Master Teacher is not a path for everyone, it is a mission. Moreover, we do not have the goal of training “soldier Master Teachers.”

The Master-Teacher level is divided into two parts. The first one is Master Teacher with the ability to teach the first and second stages of Reiki , second - Master Teacher with the ability to teach the third level of Reiki .

- How is training carried out?

Training at the Master-Teacher level begins with registration for training. This very intention and the meeting of the Teacher and the Student in themselves already form the necessary space, which creates the condition for the acquisition of Mastery.

The training opens the training to become a Master Teacher, which, according to experience, lasts about a year (considering that time has sped up now, for many people the training is going much faster). The student receives the certification requirements that a Master Teacher must meet and subsequently, gradually, passes this certification and receives certification as a Master Teacher.

I think that everyone understands that the Master Teacher is a Mission. The mission can be imposed on a Person, or it can be taken upon by him. In this case, the Student himself takes on an additional mission: to help people using Reiki and to bring this system and Knowledge to humanity. Certification helps to correctly build not only the worldview of the future Master-Teacher, but also his WORLD-PERCEPTION. Certification tasks help the correct formation of this part of the life of the future Master-Teacher.

One day the master who makes pencils put one pencil aside and said to him:

“Before I send you on your journey, there are 5 things you need to know. Always remember them and never forget them, and you will become the best pencil in the world."

“First of all, you will have the opportunity to do a lot of good deeds, but only if you allow yourself to be taken into the hands of another person.”

“Secondly, you will experience terrible pain from time to time when you are sharpened, but it is necessary so that you can become a better pencil.”

“Thirdly, you will be able to correct any mistake you make.”

“Fourth: the most important thing about you is what is inside you.”

“And fifth: no matter what surface you are used on, you must leave your mark everywhere. You must continue to write in absolutely any conditions.”

Pencil understood everything and promised to remember these wise words all his life.

And with this deep meaning in his heart, he was sent into the box to begin his interesting journey around the world.

Fourth: The most important thing about you is always what is inside you.

And fifth: Whatever surface you walk on, you must leave your mark (but not leave a mark!). Regardless of life situations and circumstances, you must continue to do what you have committed to do.

And let this parable about a not so simple pencil help you realize that you are a person in this world who is capable of accomplishing what he was born for.

Never allow yourself to become discouraged. You can change everything.

The most important:

A Reiki Master practitioner is one who knows how to seek answers to his questions.
A Reiki Master Teacher is the one who answers his own questions...
This is the only way to become a Practicing Master and Master Teacher.

Training to become a Master Teacher is individual and begins, as always, with an appointment. To register for training (for those who have completed the Third Level training in the Practicing Reiki Master section at Our Reiki School), you must write me a letter and provide your full name, phone number contact phone number, city, region to the address: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

The training takes place both remotely (the student learns himself) and face-to-face (attendance at face-to-face seminars in Moscow or other cities).

23. Graduates
Children who have completed school: You might think
That everything is finally behind you / But there is no endTraining.